Trojans and Backdoors
Trojans and Backdoors
Trojans and Backdoors
Answer: b
Explanation: Using backdoors hackers can breach computer security mechanism
for accessing the computer or its information. This type of code usually comes
attached with Trojans.
Answer: c
Explanation: A backdoor may be a hidden part of a program, a separate infected
program a Trojan in disguise of an executable or code in the firmware of any
system’s hardware.
Answer: d
Explanation: Cyber-criminals use backdoors as a means through which they can
bypassed security postures untraceable. They may be a hidden part of a program,
a separate infected program a Trojan in disguise of an executable or code in the
firmware of any system’s hardware.
Answer: b
Explanation: Backdoor trojans can cause huge damage as this is a method used
by hackers to breach computer security mechanism. These types of code usually
come attached with Trojans programs and can steal your personal data.
Answer: b
Explanation: Hackers take the help of backdoor to breach security mechanism &
bypassed for stealing different types of information from the target system. The
threat of backdoors started when multiuser & networked OS became widely
Answer: d
Explanation: Trapdoors popularly known as backdoors are used my cyber-criminals
as a method in which a system’s security methods can be bypassed untraceable.
Answer: c
Explanation: Beast is a powerful RAT build using the language Delphi 7. One
special feature of Beast is that it can help attackers to create all types of Trojans &
it has capabilities of multiple Trojan types.
Answer: a
Explanation: Trojan is a small malicious program that runs hidden on the infected
system. They are created with the intent and they infected the system by
misleading the user. Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.