PREKURE Beginners Guide To Fasting
PREKURE Beginners Guide To Fasting
PREKURE Beginners Guide To Fasting
Guide to
Unlock your body’s potential with
Unlike most tests, where 6 out of 12 or 50% is a pass, in this test 1 out of
12 is a pass. That’s because answering YES to just one of these questions
means that you can benefit from fasting in some way.
When Shouldn’t
You Fast?
Pregnant or breastfeeding If you find that this is not having any
negative impact, you can carry on.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, Fasting might actually help improve your
fasting is not for you right now. It’s relationship with food, but if you find it
unlikely to be harmful (because – let’s having the opposite effect, then it’s just
face it – the morning sickness you often not for you. Of course, this requires that
get in pregnancy means that you end up you be mindful and honest with yourself
fasting some of the time), but the goal in and others. You might need to seek
this phase of your life is to optimise professional help to figure this out. The
calories and nutrients for your baby. last thing we want is to cause harm to
Fasting might very well be for you at a you and your loved ones. This aim of this
later date, so put it on hold and come book is to help you achieve optimal
back to this later. health and wellbeing.
Disordered eating
If you know you are a stress-bunny in
If you have a history of eating disorders
general, be extra-careful if you decide to
or have an extremely volatile relationship
pursue fasting. The reason is that when
with food (in that thinking about it
you fast, your stress hormone cortisol
causes you a serious amount of distress,
increases. While this is no problem for
beyond that which is considered
those who don’t suffer from anxiety, if
normal), be wary of fasting. It could
you do then fasting has the potential to
work for you or against you, so you need
make things worse. So it might be that
to make sure that you’re doing it for the
fasting is not for you, or that you need to
right reasons. If you do try it, make sure
take smaller steps than what we’re
you keep close tabs on whether and
suggesting in our Monday/Tuesday
how your emotions/state of mind are
Super-Fasting method. Either way, the
affected. If you feel confident about
bottom line is to pay attention to how
giving fasting a try, the best way to keep
you feel, as you will soon work out
things in check is to ‘start low and go
whether fasting is or isn’t beneficial for
slow’. By this I mean getting your
you and your health, physical or mental.
fastingfeet wet first by selecting an easy
protocol to start with (i.e. missing one
meal, like breakfast) and going from
Under 18
If you are a growing child (under 18
years of age), just focus on growing and Fasting is an exciting new
enjoying eating a whole-food diet,
keeping regularly active and enjoying area of metabolic health
life. If you miss a meal unintentionally, as and may be a useful tool
kids often do, that’s fine – but leave
purposeful fasting for later on. for you, your friends and
family or your clients/
Type 2 diabetes patients.
TRE has been shown in human studies to reduce body weight and fat
mass, improve glucose tolerance, and reduce blood pressure. Many of
these benefits are particularly notable in people with overweight,
obesity and with insulin resistance [3].
Isn’t that great news? By simply skipping breakfast and eating your first
meal at midday you can experience some of the positive effects of
1 Compressed
eating windows
In its easiest form, you simply fast for 16 hours – say 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. the next day –
and eat whatever you want over the next 8 hours. This is the same as time restricted
eating (TRE). The window could be compressed further to lengthen the fast and
shorten the eating window. You can also choose when you do/don’t eat based on
personal preference and lifestyle. Some evidence suggests that skipping dinner may
be more beneficial, but you need to weigh this up against the social friction it may
create in your home environment as dinner is typically quite a social meal.
Pros Cons
It’s just missing breakfast and is Uncontrolled eating in the eating
pretty easy to do. window could result in excessive
It’s a good starting point for a lot
of people who haven’t yet Without restriction on carbs and
dabbled with fasting. a plan to eat whole food, it’s
likely still to be a poor-quality
You can play around with the diet.
window depending on how you
feel, your goals and your desire to
self-experiment. We like this method. It’s the easiest
gateway to learning about fasting and
Fasts of more than around 16 overcoming the belief that you must
hours are likely to get insulin eat otherwise you won’t be able to
levels well down and autophagy function. The opposite is true, of
is stimulated course. This is the basis of Super-
Fasting, but we believe a bit more
It’s sustainable. structure around this is essential.
This is where you eat whatever you want, or at least your usual diet, on 5 days of the
week but restrict your calories down to 500 kcal (females) or 600 kcal (males) on 2
days of the week. Meal timing is not discussed, and neither is the composition of the
Pros Cons
People eating this way do eat Without attention to meal timing
more on ‘normal’ days, but they and composition, including the
will most likely still be in net composition of meals in the
calorie deficit over the week remainder of the week, it’s
compared with the ‘normal’ unlikely that you’d develop your
eating. fat-burning abilities optimally.
It’s a good basis on which to build some better ideas to make this sustainable and
do-able. That’s what we have tried to do with Super-Fasting.
3 Alternate day
This is where you fast every second day (there’s also a modified version where you
can have around 500 kcal on these days). Eat whatever you want on other days.
Pros Cons
People eating this way do tend to This will likely hurt.
eat more on ‘normal days’ but
less overall. If your off-days are junk, then the
majority of your diet is still junk.
There are good improvements in
weight and other metabolic
This can be pretty hard after a while. Socially, it’s hard. We doubt whether it’s
sustainable in the long term, although some trials have had people maintain this for 6
4 Super-fasting
You eat once a day, an evening meal, with no snacks and no alcohol, on 2
consecutive days. The evening Super-Meal is simple, filling and nutritious, and low in
carbs. You don’t overeat. The remaining days you ideally stick to a mainly LCHF plan
based on whole foods (low HI factor). For a maximum of 3 meals per week, eating is
allowed to deviate in some way (e.g. more carbs or a treat).
Pros Cons
You get all the biological You need to be organised enough
advantages of the body’s natural to have the Super-Meals
repair and cleaning process prepared.
If you use the 3-meal rule (3 treat
You maintain metabolic signalling meals a week) then you might not
through ketones, but are able to lose weight; you’ll likely need to
cycle back out of this to the be stricter than that to succeed
natural anabolic process with the with weight loss.
3-meal rule.
Overeating when not fasting may
On the fasting days you eat a be an issue for some people.
filling, nutrient-dense Super-Meal
when you are naturally most
hungry, i.e. in the evening.
Of course, we like this one! The devil, as in all of life, is in the detail. Structure around
this is essential.