Biology O Level Notes
Biology O Level Notes
Biology O Level Notes
Kareem Mokhtar
Growth: The permanent increase in size and dry mass
by an increase in number of cells, cell size, or both.
Kareem Mokhtar
Chapter 2: Lab Skills And Separating
This unit deals with lab equipment and methods of separating solutions.
The following is a list of commonly used lab equipment:
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Element, Compounds and Mixtures:
Speaking about the chemistry of matter, we have only 3 types of matter.
These are elements, mixtures and compounds. Long ago, scientists
found out that the smallest unit of a matter is called an atom. An
elements is extremely pure because it is made up of only one type of
atoms. For example a pure gold ring has only the element Gold (Au) in it.
Compounds are very pure too, a compound is made up of one type of a
particle called molecule. A molecule consists of two or more atoms
chemically bonded together. Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) gas is a compound. A
mixture however is not pure at all. A mixture is just two or more
elements or compounds mixed together, but not chemically bonded. For
example if you dissolve some table salt, which is a compound called
sodium chloride (NaCl) in some water, which is also another compound
(H 2 O), you will get a mixture of Sodium Chloride in water, but there are
absolutely no bonds between the Sodium Chloride molecules and water
molecules. Air is another good example of mixtures. Air is just a mixture
of gases floating around each other like Nitrogen and Oxygen, which are
pure elements. Air also contains compounds such is Carbon Dioxide.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Elements: Elements are substances that consist of only one kind of
atoms and cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical
Atoms of an
element Diatomic
(Mono atomic) molecules of an Molecules of a
element Compound
A Mixture of atoms
and molecules
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Diatomic Molecules are molecules made of two atoms of the same
element, such as Chlorine molecules (Cl2 ) and Oxygen molecules (O 2 ).
By Sublimation:
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have a mixture of two solids, one of them undergoes sublimation
we can easily separate them by heating the mixture using a Bunsen
burner. One solid might melt while the other one will directly sublime
into a gas. This process must be done in a fume cupboard in order to
collect the gas.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Separating Solid/Liquid Mixtures:
A solution is formed when a solute is dissolved in a solvent.
Solute: This is a substance that dissolves in a solvent forming a solution
Solvent: This is a substance in which a solute dissolves forming a solution
Solution: A uniform mixture which is formed when a solute is dissolved
in a solvent.
If you leave a hot saturated solution to cool, crystals of the solute will
form. This is because as the temperature decreases the solvent can hold
less solute so excess will form in the form of crystals.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
want to find the solubility of table salt (sodium chloride) at 30oC,
we do the follow these steps:
• Use a balance to measure 100g of water accurately.
• Pour the 100g of water into a beaker
• Heat the water to 30oC using a Bunsen burner and a thermometer
• Using a spatula, add a considerable mass of the table salt into the
water and stir
• If the mass of salt dissolves completely, add the same amount
again and stir, repeat this if the mass keeps dissolving completely
until you start seeing excess of the salt not dissolving at the
bottom of the beaker.
• You have to record the masses of salt you are adding each time
and when you start seeing the excess stop adding salt and sum up
the amount of salt you added. Call this Mass1.
• Filter the solution. The excess of salt will be the residue, dry it
and weigh it. Call this Mass2.
• The amount of table salt that was dissolved in water is
• This is the solubility of table salt at 30oC.
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By Evaporation (For Soluble Solid/Liquid Solutions):
• Put solution in a beaker
• Set the apparatus (Tripod with a gauze above it and a Bunsen
burner below it)
• Put the beaker on the gauze
• Start heating the solution slowly
The liquid will evaporate completely leaving the solute behind in
powder form.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
By Simple Distillation (For Soluble Solid/Liquid Solutions):
• Set the apparatus as shown in the diagram below
• Turn on the Bunsen burner
• The solvent will evaporate and rise as vapor into the condenser
• The cold water surrounding the tube where the water is in the
condenser will make the vapor condense into liquid
• The solvent is collected in the tube or beaker on the other side of
the condenser, its called the distillate.
• The solute is collected in the flask as powder.
• The thermometer must be where the vapor passes the measure the
boiling point of the solvent.
This method is perfect for distilling sea water.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Filtration (For Insoluble Solid/Liquid Mixtures):
• Set the apparatus as shown in the diagram below
• Pour the mixture into the filter funnel
• The solvent will go through and be collected in the beaker as the
• The insoluble solid will be collected from the funnel as the residue.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Centrifugation (For Insoluble Solid/Liquid Mixtures):
• Put the mixture in a test tube
• Place the test tube in the centrifugation machine
• Start the machine
The centrifugation force will make the mixture separate into two layers,
the liquid at the top, and solid at the bottom. They are then separated
by decantation.
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Fractional Distillation (For Miscible Liquids):
Fractional distillation is a method of separating a mixture of two or more
liquids provided that they have different boiling points.
• The apparatus is set as in the diagram below
• When the heat is turned on the vapor of all the liquids rises
• The liquid with the lowest boiling point goes all the way through
the glass beads and into the condenser and out on the other side as
liquid. The temperature is constant during this.
• The liquids with the higher boiling points condense on the glass
beads. When all of the liquid with the lowest boiling point have
evaporated and collected, the temperature starts rising again. The
liquid with the second lowest boiling point evaporates now, and
gets collected on the other side. And so on.
The glass beads are to provide a cool large surface area for
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil:
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is the major source of fuel. It is
refined and separated into several very useful fractions by fractional
distillation in a fractionating tower. The higher the fraction is obtained in
the fractionating tower the lower its boiling point.
Fuel is a substance that releases energy (Eg: Coal, Natural gas, Ethanol)
Lubricant is a substance that reduces friction between two surfaces.
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen
Different hydrocarbons are collected at different levels according to
their boiling points. The higher they are collected the lower their boiling
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Chromatography is a process used to separate and identify two
or more substances from a mixture. This method depends on the
solubility of the tested substances. Chromatography is also used
to find out the number of components in a drink for example.
Kareem Mokhtar ©
apparatus should look like this.
Sometimes, the sample is separated into colourless spots. In this case the
chromatography paper is sprayed with a locating agent to that locates
the spots. The number of spots indicates the number of components in
the sample.
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To identify the substances which were formed when the sample was
separated, we measure what’s called the Rf Value. The Rf Value is the
rate of the distance travelled by the solute (the spot) to the distance
travelled by the solvent line. Its calculated by measuring the distance
travelled by the spot (Distance1 ) from the base line, measuring the
distance from the base line to the solvent front (Distance2 ), and dividing
distance 1 by distance 2 .
𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 𝒃𝒃𝒃𝒃 𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔
𝑹𝑹𝒇𝒇 𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗 =
𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 𝒃𝒃𝒃𝒃 𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔
This value is always less than one because the distance travelled by the
solvent is always larger than the distance travelled by the spot. Each
substance has a different Rf Value.
If two spots have the same Rf value they are made of the same
Kareem Mokhtar ©
Chapter Three: Cell Structure
and Organisation
A cell is the smallest unit that can carry on all the
processes of life.
All organisms are made of cells, organisms are made
of several organ systems, each organ system contains
several organs, each organ contains several tissues,
each tissue is made of cells. Cells are very tiny they
could be seen only through a microscope. We have
two types of cells:
Kareem Mokhtar
you can see from the diagram, there are some
features found in plant cells but not in animal cells.
Features found in both plant and animal cells:
Kareem Mokhtar
• Vacuole: This is a large room in the center of the
cell, it stores sugars and salts and controls
movement of water in and out of the cell.
Specialised Cells:
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They are adapted by four ways:
• They have a biconcave disc shape that gives it a
large surface area to carry more oxygen.
• They contain a chemical called hemoglobin that
combines with oxygen and carbon dioxide.
• They have no nuclease to carry more oxygen and
• They are tiny enough to squeeze through capillaries.
Muscle Cells:
They are cells found in muscles in
animals, they contract and relax
together to move the organisms.
Their function is to contract to
Support and move the body.
Ciliated Cells:
Ciliated cells are present in the trachea and bronchi of
out respiratory system.
Kareem Mokhtar
Their function is to use their cilia to move the mucus
up the trachea to the throat. The mucus traps bacteria
and dust particles. When it reaches the throat, mucus
is swallowed to the stomach where the acid kills the
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More active. Three a concentrated
Vacuole to help absorbing water by osmosis.
Xylem Vessels:
These are dead lignified cells that exist in the stem of
a plant.
Kareem Mokhtar
Chapter Four: Movement In And
Out Of Cells
Substance move in and out of cells by three ways:
Diffusion is the process by which oxygen enters the
blood from the lungs, and by which carbon dioxide
enters the leaf from the atmosphere. There are many
more examples of diffusion in biology.
Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules. When we
speak about osmosis, we don’t say water
concentration, instead we use the term water
potential. A dilute solution means it has lots of water
Kareem Mokhat
potential. Osmosis has to take place through a
partially permeable membrane (or Semipermeable)
this means that the Water molecules move from a
place of their high concentration to a place of their
low concentration through a membrane with pores in
it that lets some molecules through but not others.
Kareem Mokhat
If we do the opposite, and place a red blood cell in a
concentrated salt solution, the water in the cell has a
higher water potential that the concentrated salt
solution. Water molecules will move from the cell to
the salt solution causing the cell to become shrunken
and shrivel as in the diagram.
Kareem Mokhat
Active Transport:
Active transport occurs in cells, it is basically the
movement of molecules or ions from a region of their
low concentration to a region of their high
concentration (against the concentration gradient)
using energy of respiration. Active transport occurs in
living, active cells only because it needs energy,
these cells usually have a structure called
mitochondria which respires producing energy to be
used in active transport.
Kareem Mokhat
Chapter Five: Enzymes
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are proteins that function as a biological
They are proteins in nature.
Kareem Mokhtar
Enzymes have a structure that is called active site.
Only one substance can fit into the active site to be
digested, and it is the only substrate that this
particular enzyme works with.
Kareem Mokhtar
Enzymes are two types, Builders and Breakers.
Builder enzymes do the opposite of breaker enzymes.
Breakers break large molecules into smaller simpler
ones, builders combine smaller ones to make large
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Affect of temperature on the enzyme’s activity:
Each enzyme has an optimum temperature, this is the
temperature at which the enzyme is most active,
below this temperature the activity of the enzyme
decreases until it becomes inactive at low
temperatures, above this optimum temperature the
enzyme becomes denatured and can no longer work.
Kareem Mokhtar
around 40 degrees. Plants have enzymes with
optimum temperature of about 25 degrees.
Kareem Mokhtar
Uses Of Enzymes In Seeds Germination:
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Uses Of Enzymes In Biological Washing Powders:
Washing powders contain detergents that
Help in cleaning clothes by dissolving
Stains in water. Some stains are made of
Insoluble substance, these cannot be
Removed by normal washing powders,
Instead, a biological washing powder is
Kareem Mokhtar
Use Of Enzymes In Food Industry:
Enzymes are often used in the manufacturing of
different foods.
Making Juices:
In fruits such as apples or oranges, a substance called
pectin holds the cells together making it
hard to squeeze them. An enzyme called
pectinase digests pectin making it much
easier to squeeze the fruit and to make
Kareem Mokhtar
It is hard for new born babies to digest food such as
high protein foods. That is why foods like that are
treated with proteases to break down protein to
amino acids, making it easier for newborns to absorb
and assimilate them.
Making Sugar:
Sugar producing companies get sugar from starch by
using the amylase enzyme to digest starch into
maltose. For dieters a sugar called fructose is very
useful because it provides a sweater taste than other
sugars from a less quantity. Fructose can be obtained
by using the isomerase enzyme to convert glucose to
Kareem Mokhtar
Enzymes Extraction:
The Enzymes used in the industries are taken from
either fungi or bacteria. This takes place in a
Fermenter, this is a large sterilized container with a
stirrer, a pipe to add feedstock and air pipes.
The following steps take place:
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Antibiotics have no effect on human cells because
human cells have no cell walls and the structures
involved in protein production are different than that
of bacteria.
Steps of production:
1- The Fermenting tank in filled with nutrient solution
of sugar (lactose) or corn liquor which contain
sugars and amino acids
2- Minerals are added
3- pH is adjusted around 5 or 6
4- Temperature is adjusted about 26 degrees
5- The liquid is stirred and air is blown through it
6- The micro-organisms are added and allowed to
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7- When the nutrient supply is decreased, micro-
organisms secrete their antibiotics
8- The fluid containing the antibiotic is filtered off and
the antibiotic is extracted,
Kareem Mokhtar
Chapter 6: Nutrition
Nutrition is Taking in nutrients which are organic
substances and mineral ions, containing raw
materials and energy for growth and tissue repair,
absorbing and assimilating them. Nutrition is one of
the characteristics of living organisms. All organisms
do it, they do it to obtain energy for vital activities and
raw materials needed for growth and repair.
Kareem Mokhtar
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins are all
organic substances. This means that they are made
by living organisms (plants) and contain carbon atoms
in their structures. Plants make organic substances
from inorganic materials like carbon dioxide, water
and inorganic minerals. Animals are unable to do this.
* Carbohydrates:
This nutrient is an organic compound composed of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
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Disaccharides: * Each molecule consists of two
monosaccharide joined together
* Water soluble
* Examples: Lactose-Sucrose-Maltose
* Sources: Table sugar- Milk
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*Lipids (Fats):
These are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
But their ratios are different than that of
carbohydrates. One fat molecule is made of a glycerol
unit and three molecules of fatty acids.
Types OF Lipids
Saturated Unsaturated
Lipids Lipids
They are Solid They are liquid
{eg: Butter} {eg: Oil}
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• Forming a layer of fats around organs to
protect them from damage
• Storing energy (better than glycogen)
These are also organic compounds, they contain the
elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and
sometimes Phosphorus or Sulfur.
A molecule of protein is a long chain of simpler units
called amino acids.
Protein molecule
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Types Of Protein
Needs of proteins:
• Making and new body cells
• Growth and repair
• Making enzymes (they are proteins in nature)
• Build up hormones
• Making antibodies
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These are organic, soluble substances that should be
present in small amount in our diets, they are very
important though.
Most of the amount of vitamins in our bodies was
taken in as nutrients, the body its self can only make
few Vitamins, so we have to have to get them from
organisms that make them, such as plants.
Each type of Vitamin helps in chemical reactions that
take place in our cells.
Kareem Mokhtar
Types OF Vitamins
Vitamin C Vitamin D
This is present in most This is present in fish
fruits and vegetables oils, egg yolk, milk and
specially citrus fruits liver. Unlike Vitamin C,
like lemon and Vitamin D is made by
oranges, however, it is animals as well as
damaged by heating so plants, this occurs
it these foods have no when the skin is
value of Vitamin C if exposed to the Ultra
they are eaten cooked. Violet Rays of the sun.
Vitamin C is essential Vitamin D plays a big
for the formation of role in absorbing
Collagen, a protein Calcium from the small
that functions as intestine and
cementing layer depositing it in bones.
between cells, Vitamin So it is responsible for
C also increases having healthy bones.
Kareem Mokhtar
*Minerals (Inorganic Ions):
These are a lot of types, each needed in small
quantities. Iron and Calcium are the most important
minerals, and they are needed in higher amounts.
Types Of Minerals
Calcium Iron
This mineral is This mineral is
needed for the needed for the
formation of bones formation of the red
and teeth as they are pigment haemoglobin
made of calcium which is essential for
salts, it also helps in the transport of
blood clotting and oxygen around the
transmission of nerve body in red blood
impulses. Good cells. Good sources of
sources of the mineral Iron include red meat
Calcium are milk, specially liver and
dairy products and green leafy
hard water. vegetables.
Kareem Mokhtar
*Roughages (Fibre):
Although roughages are not even absorbed by the
body, they are a very important nutrient in our diet.
Roughages are mostly cellulose, which is the
substance that makes up the cell walls of plants we
eat. We humans, have no enzyme that could digest
cellulose, that means that roughages enter the body
from the mouth, go through the digestive system, and
out through the anus unchanged. But as it goes
through the digestive system, roughages take space
in the gut to give the gut muscles something to push
against, this process of pushing the food through the
gut is called peristalsis, without roughages peristalsis
is very slow and weak. Quick and strong peristalsis
means that food stays in the alimentary canal for a
shorter period, this prevents harmful chemicals of
certain foods from changing the DNA of cells of the
alimentary canal causing cancer, so roughages also
helps stay away from cancer. Roughages are found in
leafy vegetables.
Kareem Mokhtar
About 70% of your weight is water. Water is perhaps a
very essential nutrient we should take in. The
functions of water include:
• As a solvent which reactants of metabolic
reactions are dissolved in.
• It makes up most of the blood plasma which red
blood cells, nutrients, hormones and other
materials are carried in.
• It helps in lowering the body temperature in hot
conditions by secreting it as sweat on the skin,
the sweat evaporates using heat energy from the
body, thus lowering the temperature.
Kareem Mokhtar
Balanced Diet
A perfect diet contains all of the nutrients in
reasonable proportions, not too much and not to little.
The perfect diet should also contain energy as much
as the total energy used by the individual.
Kareem Mokhtar
Starvation is an effect of malnutrition. In case of
starvation the body tends to feed on its own self.
When the glucose level is decreased in the body, the
liver breaks down fats to respire for energy, when the
body is out of fats, it starts respiring proteins from the
muscles to release energy, eventually the body ends
up looking like a skeleton. Starvation is usually
present in countries with famines, which is caused by
poverty, large population, low amounts of food,
unsuitable climates and lack of money.
Kareem Mokhtar
Another consequence of malnutrition is deficiency
diseases. These are results of a certain nutrient in the
Special Needs:
There are certain types of people whose diets need to
be different to normal ones. Such as pregnant women,
breast-feeding women or children going through
Kareem Mokhtar
Pregnant Women:
The diet of a pregnant woman needs to be very rich of
certain nutrients because she is not only feeding her
self, she is feeding her baby as well. In order for the
fetus to develop well, it needs extra Protein, Iron,
Calcium and Vitamin D. Proteins are to develop the
tissues of the fetus, Iron is to make haemoglobin and
to store in the liver, while Calcium and Vitamin D are
to develop the baby’s bones.
Kareem Mokhtar
Food Additives:
These are chemical compounded added to foods by
the manufacturer because they have some benefits
such as increasing the lifespan, prevent rotting etc.
Most food additives are good, such as ones that add
colours or flavours to foods. But there are others
which have been proven hazardous to humans.
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Food Additives
Advantages disadvantages
• Prevents rotting • Allergic reactions
• Improve colour • Cause hyperactivity
• Improve flavour • Damages liver/kidney
• Keeps texture • Carcinogenic
• Increases lifespan • Makes bad food look
• Prevents poisoning good
Kareem Mokhtar
Advantages of mycoproteins are that it is cheaper
than any source of protein but equal in value, and that
it contains much less fats and more roughages and
Production OF Yoghurt:
• Milk is sterilised by boiling
• Certain types Bacteria are added to the milk
• The milk is kept warm to provide best conditions
for bacteria growing
• Bacteria respire producing lactic acid, thickening
the milk and giving it the pleasant flavour
• Yoghurt is cooled and flavours or fruits could be
Food Tests:
Starch Test:
• Put sample in a test tube
• Add water to make it a solution
• Add iodine solution
• Is starch is present the solution changes colour
from yellowish brown to Blue Black.
• If starch is not present the solution remains
yellowish brown.
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Reducing sugars (carbohydrates) test:
Note: This test is only applicable on all sugars
(monosaccharide and disaccharide) EXCEPT FOR
Proteins Test:
• Put sample in a test tube
• Add water to make a solution
• Add Buiret Reagent
• If proteins are present in the solution turns Purple
• If proteins are not present the solution remains
Note: Biuret Reagent is blue in colour and made of
copper sulphate and a small amount of sodium
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Fats Test:
• Add sample to a test tube
• Add ethanol
• Add water and shake well
• If fats are present the solution becomes unclear
• If fats are not present the solution remains clear
General Table:
Nutrient Test Colour Positive Negative
Kareem Mokhtar
Chapter 7: Animal Nutrition
Animals eat to grow, repair etc. They simply eat to
live. In this unit we will study how animals make use
of what they eat. The journey of the food from the
mouth to the anus through the alimentary canal
includes 5 steps:
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The alimentary canal (gut or digestive tract) is made
up of several organs working together to perform all
the processes mentioned above. Starting with the
mouth and ending with the anus.
The Mouth:
The mouth performs several functions.
Mechanical Digestion: The action of
The teeth biting a small piece of food
From a large one is considered
Mechanical digestion, the teeth also tear and grind
the food into a bolus to give it larger surface area for
faster chemical digestion.
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Chemical Digestion: beneath the tongue lies a salivary
gland which secrets saliva into the mouth, this saliva
contains water and mucus to lubricate the food bolus
and amylase enzyme that breaks down starch in the
food into maltose.
After this the tongue pushes the food bolus into the
The Oesophagus:
This is a tube that transports the food from the mouth
deep into the body to the stomach.
The food is pushed downwards by
The muscles in the walls of the
Oesophagus, this process is called
Peristalsis. Muscles contract And
relax creating a wavy motion to push the food down.
The Stomach:
Here the food stays for a while. The stomach is a
flexible bag that performs both mechanical and
chemical digestion.
Mechanical digestion: The walls of the stomach
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mixing the food with the content of the stomach and
turning it into liquid chyme, this process is called
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Bile Juice: it comes from the liver, stored in the gall
bladder. It is squirted along the bile duct in the
duodenum. The bile works on fats only, fats are very
difficult to digest because they are very insoluble, the
bile contains bile salts that breaks fats into tiny
droplets that float in the content of the small
intestine, making it easier for the lipase to digest fats
into fatty acids and glycerol, this process is called
For Fats:
• Lipase to digest fats into fatty acids and glycerol
For proteins:
• Protease for further digestion of polypeptides to
amino acids.
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Each villi has a branch of blood
Capillaries in it as well as a lacteal
Which is a lymph vessel, the
Lacteal absorbs fats and lipids
With vitamins dissolved in them
Into The lymphatic system.
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alimentary canal are stored in the rectum then
excreted through the anus (egestion).
Assimilation Of The Absorbed Food Molecules:
After the food molecules are
Absorbed from the alimentary canal,
It is transported to the liver by a
Special blood vessel called
The Hepatic Portal Vein. The liver is an organ that is
considered a gland too. It carries out several jobs to
“sort out” the food molecules it receives. Each type of
nutrient has its own fate in the liver.
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Amino Acids: some amino acids will be used by the
liver cells to make proteins, the rest will be allowed
into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body cells
which also convert it to proteins. If the body contains
enough amino acids, the excess will undergo a
process called Deamination, this involves the break
down of amino acids into carbohydrates and amino
group, which is then converted to ammonia then
converted into urea, which is part of the waste
product of the body, urine.
• Detoxification:
The liver breaks down toxic materials such as
alcohol which damages cells to fats. Alcoholics
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• Helps in generating heat:
The liver contains a very large number of cells,
which means a lot of metabolic reactions take
place in it producing lots of energy to warm the
• Making fibrinogen:
This is a plasma protein which helps in blood
clotting when the skin is cut.
Teeth are made of calcium salts.
Their job is to cut, tear and grind food
To give it more surface area for faster
Digestion, they do mechanical digestion.
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• Canines: they are two in each jaw.
They are very pointed, in humans
They are used for the same purpose
As incisors. However in carnivores
They are longer and sharper and
Used to kill the prey.
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The tooth is divided into two parts, the crown and the
Parts of the tooth:
Enamel: made of calcium
Salts, it is very strong.
Dentine: it is covered by
The enamel and surrounds
The pulp cavity.
Advantages Disadvantages
Decayed Teeth
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Chapter 8: Transport In Humans:
The human transport system is a system of tubes with
a pump and valves to ensure one way blood flow. We
need a transport system to deliver oxygen, nutrients
and other substances to all our body cells, and take
away waste products from them.
How It Works:
Pulmonary Vein
A Plan Of
The Human
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Oxygenated Blood red colour, high oxygen low
carbon dioxide
Deoxygenated Blood blue colour, low oxygen high
carbon dioxide
The Blood:
The blood is a fluid consisting of several
types of cells floating in a liquid called
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because they are much bigger, with a nucleus, and
present in fewer amounts.
Types OF White Blood Cells
Phagocytes Lymphocytes
by a certain type of
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The Platelets:
Platelets are tiny cell fragments that prevent bleeding
when the skin is cut, and stops bacteria from entering
our systems through the wound. This works by blood
clotting, when the skin is cut, some reactions take
place that results in platelets producing a protein, this
protein will change the fibrinogen (another soluble
protein in the plasma) to insoluble fibrin. The fibrin
forms long fibres that clot together blocking the cut,
thus preventing any bleeding, this is called blood
Blood Plasma:
This makes up most of the blood. It is mostly water
with some substances dissolved in it, these include
carbon dioxide, hormones, food nutrients, urea and
other waste products. The blood plasma transports
substances from one place to another.
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Functions of the blood:
• Transportation of R.B.C’s, W.B.C’s, oxygen, food
nutrients, hormones, and waste products.
• Defence against disease, by white blood cells
phagocytosis and production of antibodies.
• Supplying cells with glucose to respire and keep a
constant temperature.
Their function is to transport
Blood away from the heart to the
Lungs or other body organs.
Their function is to
Transport blood to
The heart from the
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They have a simple structure. Because they have a
low pressure, they don’t need strong, thick walls like
the artery, instead they have thin less elastic walls.
Their lumen is much wider too. Veins have a unique
feature, that is valves. Because blood in veins flows
slowly with a low pressure, there is a risk of a
backflow, specially in veins that move blood upwards
against gravity, like the ones in the leg. The valves
ensure that the blood is always flowing in the
direction of the heart. When the muscles squeeze the
blood, the valves are open the let blood through, when
muscles relax, valves close to prevent a backflow.
Table that
arteries and
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Blood Capillaries:
Blood capillaries are the smallest
Blood vessels in our systems. Their
Function is to get blood from the
Arteries as close as possible to the tissues in order to
exchange materials with the cells, and to link arteries
with veins.
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The Heart:
The heart is a pumping organ that is
Responsible for the movement of blood
Around the body. The function of the
Heart is to give the blood a push,
Keeping it flowing around the body all
The time. That is why the heart is
A Real Human Heart
Constantly working, if it stops for a
Minute, the other organs will not receive any oxygen
or nutrients, thus the body fails and the person dies.
The heart is located in the chest, the thoriac cavity
between both lungs.
The heart is hollow, it
has 4 chambers. Two of
them are atria and two
are ventricles. One of
each of these on each
side. When looking at the
diagram of a heart, notice
that your right is the left
side of the heart, and
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Mechanism of the heart:
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If you listen to your heartbeat, you will hear two
sounds, one low and one high. These are results of the
systole and diastole. They are the sounds of the
cardiac valves opening and shutting.
is extremely fatal.
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The causes of CHD are mostly in
the diet. A diet with lots of fats,
increases the chance of
cholesterol building up on the
walls of the artery, causing CHD,
Same thing with salts. Smoking
also increases the rate of fat deposition. It was also
said that Causes Of CHD are:
• Diet full of fats increases the fats level in blood
• Diet full of salts, salts can be deposited in the
artery leading to CHD, same as fats or cholesterol
• Smoking, carbon monoxides increases fat
• Stress was also said to contribute to CHD by
raising blood pressure
• Lack of exercise, regular workouts improve the
blood flow wearing layers of fats or salts deposited
on the walls of arteries away.
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Tissue Fluid And Lymph:
Tissue fluid is a fluid surrounding the cells of a tissue.
It supplies them with all their needs of oxygen and
nutrients, and takes away all their waste products
including carbon dioxide. Tissue fluid plays a very big
role in substance exchange between blood and cells.
one case, this is when the donor and the recipient are
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identical twins, because the antigens of their cells
perfectly match. In other cases the recipient is given
immunosuppressant drugs to actually weaken their
immune system to prevent tissue rejection.
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Chapter 9: Plant Nutrition
Plants are living organisms, they need food in order to
keep living. The way they obtain their nutrients
however, is completely different than that of ours.
Plant make most of their nutrients by them selves,
they just need 2 raw materials, these water and
carbon dioxide.
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Upper Epidermis: it is a layer of cells that cover the
leaf and protect it, it is covered by a layer of wax
called cuticle.
Mesophyll Layer:
• Palisade Mesophyll: a layer of palisade cells which
carry out most of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis means “making with light”. It is the
process by which plants make useful glucose out of
the raw materials water and
carbon dioxide, using light
energy from the sun.
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Once carbon dioxide and water are present in the leaf,
one condition for photosynthesis is needed, that is
light. The two cells in the
diagrams are called palisade
cells (the rectangular one)
and spongy mesophyl cell
(the circular one), these are
the cells where
photosynthesis take
Spongy cell - Palisade cell
place. They a
structure called
chloroplasts, these
structures contain a
green pigment named
chlorophyll, this is to
trap sunlight to be
used in energy, a large number of chloroplasts is
required for photosynthesis.
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The oxygen is excreted outside the leaf to the
atmosphere as a waste product
• The hydrogen reacts with carbon dioxide forming
The Balanced And Word Equations Of Photosynthesis
𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔𝑶𝑶𝟐𝟐 + 𝟔𝟔𝑯𝑯𝟐𝟐 𝑶𝑶 𝑪𝑪𝟔𝟔 𝑯𝑯𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝑶𝑶𝟔𝟔 + 𝟔𝟔𝑶𝑶𝟐𝟐
Light Energy
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Water Supply:
The water is absorbed by the roots of the plants, then
they are transported upwards through a hollow tube
called the xylem vessel, till it reaches the leaf where
photosynthesis takes place, it enters the leaf through
holes in the xylem. Excess water leaves the cell
through the stomata, this is called “transpiration”
Sunlight Supply:
The leaves are always exposed to sunlight at daytime.
The sun penetrates the transparent layers on the leaf
till it reaches the mesophyll layer, where
photosynthesis take place. Palisade cells are nearer
to the surface of the leaf than the spongy cells, so
they receive more of the light and make more
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Factors Affecting The Rate Of Photosynthesis:
• Amount of water: the rate increases as it increases
• Concentration of carbon dioxide: the rate increases
as it increases
• Light intensity: the rate increases as it increases
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Mechanism of Guard Cells:
At daytime, the guard cells open the stomata to allow
gaseous exchange, this occurs according to the
following steps:
• Sunlight increases the potassium concentration in
the vacuoles of the guard cells, the water potential
decreases making a gradient between the guard
cells and the surround epidermal cells.
• Water moves by osmosis into the guard cells from
the epidermal cells
• The water raises the pressure inside the guard
• The cell wall adjacent to the stomata is thicker
and less stretchable then the cell wall on the other
• The pressure expand the whole cell except for the
inner cell wall (adjacent to the stomata) creating a
curve and a pore between the two guard cells.
• The stoma opens.
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At night however, the mechanism is opposite:
• Potassium level decreases in the vacuole of the
guard cells.
• Water potential increases in the cell and water
diffuses out of it
• The guard cells straighten up because of low
pressure closing the stoma.
Mineral Requirements:
The plant is also in need for mineral ions to control
chemical activities, grow, and produce materials. The
most important minerals are:
• Mg+2 (Magnesium ions): they are important for the
production of the green pigment chlorophyll. Lack
of it results in lack of photosynthesis and wilting of
the leaves
• Nitrates: these are the sources of nitrogen, they
are required to make amino acids and proteins by
combining with glucose. Lack of it results in
deformation of the plant structure making it small
and weak.
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Sometimes the soil is lacking of the mineral ions
needed, this problem can be solved by adding
fertilisers to the soil. Fertilisers are chemical
compounds rich in the mineral ions needed by the
plants. They help the plants grow faster, increase in
size and become greener, they simply make them
healthier and increase the crop yield. But there are
disadvantages of fertilisers, such as:
• Excess minerals and chemical can enter a nearby
river polluting it and creating a layer of green
algae on the surface of it, causing lack of light in
the river, thus preventing the aqua plants
• When living organisms in the river or lake die,
decomposers such as bacteria multiply and decay,
respire using oxygen. Eutrophication takes place
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Green House:
A green house is a placed covered by
transparent polythene. In green
houses, the limiting factors of
photosynthesis are eliminated, and
the plants are provided the most
suitable conditions for a healthy, rapid growth.
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Chapter 10: Transport In Plants
Just like humans, plants have a transport system of
vessels and cells that transports water, minerals and
other nutrients around the plant.
Structure Of Plants:
A plant is divided into two
section, whatever is above the
soil, is called the shoot, and
whatever is below the soil is
called the root. The root is
simple, it is usually a main root
with extensions of thinner
ones. The shoot however, is
made of several parts. The
roots have the specialised cell,
root hair cell, which we looked closely before, the root
hair cells absorbs water from the soil and fixes the
plant into the ground. In the root also, starts the
transports system of the plant which extends all the
way from the root up to the tip of the stem.
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diagram shows a section
through the root. The root hairs of
the root hair cells are visible. In
the centre of the root, is the
beginning of the transport system
of the plant, which is made of two
main transport tissues, the xylem
tissue and the phloem tissue.
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Together they are called the vascular bundle, which is
surrounded by what is called the cortex.
transported upwards.
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Structure Of The Phloem Tissue:
This is a long tube that runs
alongside the xylem tissue. They
are made of long narrow tubes with
perforated sieve plates along the
thin length. The function of the
phloem tissue is to transport food
nutrients such as glucose and
amino acids from the leaves and to
all other cells of the plant, this is
called translocation. Unlike the xylem, the phloem
tissue is made of living cells, because as we will se
later, there are several forces causing the transport of
water in the xylem, but there are no forces causing
the translocation, so substances need to be moved
along using active uptake, which needs energy. The
cells of the phloem vessels contains a cytoplasm but
no nucleus, and its activities are controlled by a
companion cell next to it which has a nucleus, but
companion cells have no function in translocation. 4
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Mechanism Of Water Transport:
The water reaches the leaves
from the soil by several steps,
starting at the root:
• The root hair cells have a
concentrated cell sap
vacuole which means that the
water potential is low in it
and high in the soil, osmosis
takes place and water enters the cell.
• Minerals are also present in the soil but in low
concentration, using active up take, the root hair
cells takes the mineral ions in.
• The mixture of mineral and water moves from the
root hair cells through the other cells by osmosis
active uptake till it reaches the xylem vessel in the
root, it enters the xylem through pits.
• The xylem vessel transports the water from the
root to the stem (forming the vascular bundle with
the phloem) and upwards to the leaves.
• The water and dissolved minerals leave the xylem
and get absorbed by the cells in the leaves.
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How Water Moves Through The Xylem:
There are three factors affecting the movement of
• In root hair cells, the mineral concentration is
high, it helps pushing the water towards the xylem
and the stem.
• Capillarity is a factor that helps in the movement
of water in the xylem vessels. The water
molecules are attracted to each other, as one
moves upwards it pulls its neighbouring molecule
with it. The molecules are also attracted to the
walls of the xylem, the narrower the xylem the
easier it is for water to move.
• Transpiration force is the most effective force that
causes water movement. In the leaf, the water
evaporates and leaves the plant through the
stomata, one molecule escapes pulling the other
with it, and so on, creating a suction force. You
can think of it as using a straw to drink.
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Factors Affecting The Transpiration Rate:
• Humidity: humidity means more water vapour in
the air, which means water vapour has a higher
concentration in the atmosphere than inside the
leaf, so transpiration will be much slower because
the diffusion of water vapour outside the leaf will
be slow. The higher the humidity the slower the
• Temperature: when the temperature is high,
molecules move faster and evaporate faster, so
transpiration rate increases. The higher the
temperature the faster the transpiration.
• Wind speed: when the wind is fast, it takes humid
air away from around the leaf, making the diffusion
rate faster, so the faster the wind the faster the
• Light: when light intensity is high, the stomata will
open to let Carbon dioxide in for photosynthesis,
the water vapour has an easier chance to escape.
In the dark the stomata are closed, the
transpiration rate is very slow.
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Wilting occurs when the transpiration rate is faster
than the rate of water absorption. The amount of
water in the plant keeps on decreasing. The water
content of cells decreases and cells turn from turgid
to flaccid. The leaves shrink and the plant will
eventually die.
This is the transport of organic food such as sucrose
and amino acids in the plant through the phloem
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Adaptation Of Special Plants:
Desert Cactus:
• Leafs are needle like spines to
reduce water loss by
transpiration. They are covered
with a thick cuticle to insulate
heat and prevent water
escaping. The stomata of the leaves are sunken into
the epidermis to be away from external features that
increase transpiration.
• The stem is short to prevent wind from blowing it
away. It is round to decrease surface area and
transpiration rate. Photosynthesis takes place in the
• Roots are very long and deep into the soil to have
access to underground water and rain water. Root
hair cells have a very concentrated cell vacuole to
increase osmosis rate.
Pond Plants:
• Wide, broad leaves on surface of
water to exchange gases. Stomata
on upper side of the leaf to be in
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Chapter 11: Air & Water:
Water is perhaps the most known substance. This is perhaps because of
its abundance and numerous uses. Water is, H 2O, is the most popular
solvent for chemical reaction.
There are chemical reactions which could be applied to test for water.
For example if you add water to anhydrous copper sulphate powder
which is white in colour, it forms a blue solution and may give heat out.
If you crystallise the solution you will obtain blue crystals of hydrated
copper sulphate.
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Another test for water is adding it to anhydrous cobalt chloride which is
blue in colour, if water is added to it the anhydrous salt forms a pink
solution. If you crystallise the solution of cobalt chloride you will obtain
pink hydrated cobalt chloride crystals.
Uses of Water:
Water has many uses in both the industry and in homes.
Industry: Homes:
• Generating electricity in • Drinking
Hydroelectric power stations • Cooking
• Cooling machinery • Washing
• Washing and cleaning Uses • Bathrooms
• Processing food
• Used as solvent for
chemicals Water
• To make electrolytes of
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Water that exists naturally in earth is never pure. There are always
impurities in it ,sometimes in large amounts. In fact water could very
well be contaminated with diseases and bacteria. This is why water has
to be purified before it is put to use. Water purification involves two
processes (Filtration & Chlorination) done in several steps:
1. Water is taken from reservoirs or any other source to the water
treatment plant
2. Water is passed through filters to remove large, floating objects such
as pieces of rocks or mud
3. Smaller particles are removed by adding aluminum sulfate which
makes them stick together in large pieces and settle down
4. Water is passed through sand and gravel filters which filter off small
particles and may kill some bacteria (filtration is done)
5. Chlorine gas is bubbled through the water to kill all bacteria living in
the water making the water sterile
6. The water may end to be slightly acidic, small amounts of sodium
hydroxide are added to treat this. Fluoride might be added to because
it helps in preventing tooth decay.
7. Water is then delivered to homes.
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Air is a mixture of gases that makes up the atmosphere of earth.
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Steps of Fraction Distillation of Liquid Air:
• Clean air is cooled till -80oC, Carbon dioxide sublimes into solid and is
collected, water vapour condenses than freezes into ice and is
collected too.
• The cold air is now put into a compressor which increases its pressure
to 100 atm. This causes the air to warm up so it has to be cooled down
• The recooled, compressed air is then allowed to expand and lose its
pressure, this causes it cool further.
• The air is now recompressed then expanded again to keep cooling it.
This stage is repeated until all gases liquefy, this is at a temperature
below -200oC.
• Then the cold liquid air brought in a fractionating column and left to
warm slowly.
• Gases separate one after another according to their boiling points. The
gas with the lowest boiling point evaporates first, followed by the gas
of the second lowest boiling point and so on.
• The three main gases of air (nitrogen, oxygen and argon) evaporate in
the following order: 1- Nitrogen (-196 oC)
2-Argon (-186 oC)
3- Oxygen (-183 oC)
• Gases are collected and stored separately.
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Air Pollution:
Pollution is the presence of harmful substances. Air pollution is the
presence of pollutant gases in the air. A pollutant is a substance that
causes pollution. Pollutants are:
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limestone which is a neutralisation reaction. This process is called
SO 2 + CaCO3 → CaSO 3 + CO2
Oxides of Nitrogen (NO & NO2 ): Nitrogen oxides are formed at high
temperatures as a result of nitrogen and oxygen reacting. In cars,
engines have a very high temperature, this creates a chance for nitrogen
and oxygen present in air in the engine to react forming nitrogen
N 2 + O 2 → 2NO
The produced carbon monoxide is released through the exhaust with
other waste fumes. Nitrogen monoxide reacts with more oxygen from
air producing nitrogen dioxide.
2NO + O2 → 2NO2
respiratory problems to humans and animals. To treat this issue, cars are
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fitted with devices called catalytic converters which eliminate
nitrogen oxides.
Catalytic Converters:
Car fuels contain carbon. So carbon monoxide gas is released by cars as
waste fumes, as well as nitrogen oxides. These are pollutant gases. To
prevent these gases from polluting air, a device called catalytic converter
is fitted at the end of the exhaust. This device contains a catalyst which
catalyses the reaction between these two gases producing two harmless
gases, nitrogen and carbon dioxide:
2NO + 2CO → 2CO 2 + N2
2NO 2 + 4CO → 4CO2 + N 2
The catalyst of the device works best at temperature around 200oC.
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• The carbon is now stored in plants as glucose. One of two things
happen, either the plants get eaten by animals or humans, or the
plant dies and decays.
• If the plant is eaten by animals or humans, glucose in the plant is used
by them in a process called respiration to release energy for their
body. This is also a combustion reaction.
C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H 2 O
Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is one
of the products of it, which is released by the humans through
breathing into the air. Thus carbon dioxide returns to the
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House Gases:
The sun sends energy to the earth in two forms, light and heat. Some of
the heat energy reflects back to the space, some however are trapped
inside the Earth. This is caused by some gases and it is called the green
house effect. The main green house gases are carbon dioxide and
The green house effect posses a threat to the world now a days. This is
because green house gases, specially carbon dioxide, have increased in
amounts in the atmosphere due to activity of humans. Lots of fuel
combustion is taking place around the world, increasing the levels of
CO 2 , while trees are being chopped of to made use of instead of leaving
to replace CO2 with oxygen. These activities cause an increase of the
levels of CO 2 in the atmosphere, which leads to more heat trapping in
earth. This rises the global temperature of the earth causing what’s
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Global warming is the increase of the temperature of the earth due to
the increase of levels of green house gases. Global warming has effects
on the earth. To start with, it north and south poles, which are made of
ice, will start to melt raising sea levels. The sea temperature will also rise
causing death to marine lives. This is also accompanied by other natural
disasters such as hurricanes and heavy rains.
Rusting is the corrosion of iron as a result of reaction with oxygen from
air and water. If iron objects are left uncovered and exposed to air &
water, iron will react with oxygen forming hydrated iron oxide (also
known as rust). Rust is a reddish brown flaky solid which will fall of the
object making it thinner and loses it its shape. Iron must come in contact
with air and water in order for rusting to happen. The formula of rust is
Fe 2 O 3 . xH 2 O. Steel can also rust since it is made up of mostly iron.
Rusting can become very dangerous in some cases. For example, bridges
that cross rivers stand on columns that are made of iron. The conditions
of rusting are present in this case (Water from the river and oxygen from
the air). There is a risk that the columns will rust and collapse with the
whole bridge. In another case, ships are made of iron. Again, the
conditions of rusting are present (water from the sea and oxygen from
the air). In fact, this situation is more critical because sea water contains
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There some available methods to prevent rusting. These methods are
based on covering the iron object with another substance to create a
barrier between iron and oxygen and water so that rusting does not take
Painting: The iron or steel object is painted all over. The paint creates
the desired barrier to prevent iron or steel coming in contact with air
and water. This method is used in car bodies and bridges.
Sacrificial Protection: This method is based on the idea that metals that
are higher than iron in the reactivity series will react in preference to it
and thus that metal is corroded and the iron is protected. Metals usually
used as protectors in this method are zinc and magnesium since they are
higher than iron in the reactivity series. In ships for example, zinc or
magnesium bars are attached to the iron base of the ship which is in
contact with water and oxygen from air. But rusting doesn’t take place
since zinc or magnesium is the one that gets corroded. These bars must
be replaced from time to time because once they all get corroded, iron
becomes unprotected and rusts. This method is usually used in ships or
bridge columns. The zinc or magnesium bars do not have to completely
cover the iron or steel because as long as they are attached to each
other the zinc or magnesium bars get corroded and not the iron.
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Galvanisation: Galvanisation is a very reliable method for preventing
rusting. It is basically covering the whole object by a protective layer of
zinc. This can be done either by electroplating the object with zinc or
dipping it into molten zinc. The zinc layer provides a barrier that
prevents iron or steel from coming in contact with air and water. The
zinc gets corroded instead iron thus protecting it. If the a part of the zinc
coat falls off and the iron or steel gets exposed to air and water, the bare
part still doesn’t get corroded since it is protected by sacrificial
protection now.
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Chapter 11: Respiratory System
And Respiration
Respiration is a chemical reaction that breaks down
food molecules in living cells to release energy. We
always need to respire to perform lots of activities.
These include:
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Human Respiratory System:
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food, to prevent it from entering the respiratory
Alveoli (air sacs): these are tiny bags full of gas, they
are present in the lungs in large amounts (several
million alveolus in each lung). They give the lungs a
much larger surface area (about 70 m2) for faster
diffusion of gases between them and the blood.
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Rib Cage: the lungs are protected
by this cage of bones. It surrounds
all the thoracic cavity. They are
12 pairs of ribs, one pair extends
from one of the first 12 vertebrae
of the vertebral column. All of the
ribs except for the last two pairs
are connected to the sternum, the chest bone. Each
pair of ribs is connected to the pairs above it and
below it by muscle fibres called inter costal muscles.
The rib cage and the lungs are separated by an elastic
layer called pleural membrane, or pleura for short. It
protects the lungs from damage caused by friction
with the rib cage during breathing.
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fresh air in is called inhaling, the action of breathing
waste gases out is called exhaling.
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• The inter costal muscles and diaphragm relax
squeezing the waste gases out of the lungs, this is
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Adaptations Of Alveoli:
Gas exchange happens because of several factors in
the alveolus and the blood capillaries that control the
rate of gas exchange:
• Very thin wall of both the alveolus and the
capillary, they are one cell thick which makes the
diffusion distance shorter, increasing the rate.
• The difference in concentration of gases between
the alveolus and the capillary is very large,
increasing the diffusion rate of gases.
• The alveolus are balloon shaped which gives it a
very large surface area for faster diffusion.
• The walls of the alveolus are lined by a thin film of
water in which gases dissolve in during diffusion,
this makes it faster.
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Lung Capacity:
When lungs of an adult are fully inflated they have a
volume of about 5 litres.
Aerobic Respiration:
A chemical, metabolic reaction that burns down
glucose with oxygen producing carbon dioxide, water
vapour and lots of energy
.𝑪𝑪𝟔𝟔 𝑯𝑯𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝑶𝑶𝟔𝟔 + 𝟔𝟔𝑶𝑶𝟐𝟐 → 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔𝑶𝑶𝟐𝟐 + 𝟔𝟔𝑯𝑯𝟐𝟐 𝑶𝑶
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Aerobic Respiration: the release of relatively large
amounts of energy in cells by the breakdown of food
substances in the presence of oxygen.
Anaerobic Respiration:
Some organisms are able to respire and release
energy when oxygen is lacking. This is anaerobic
respiration. These are like yeast, bacteria and other
organisms. Humans can also respire anaerobically for
a short period of time. The amount of energy produce
is much smaller than that produced during aerobic
respiration though.
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Anaerobic Respiration In Humans:
When the amount of oxygen received by the muscle
cells of the body is not enough to carry out all
respiration aerobically, the cells respire anaerobically.
But they cannot go like that for a long time. The
anaerobic respiration in humans is different than than
of yeast. Lactic acid is produced instead of ethanol,
and no carbon dioxide is produced.
𝑪𝑪𝟔𝟔 𝑯𝑯𝟏𝟏𝟐𝟐 𝑶𝑶𝟔𝟔 → 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟑𝟑 𝑯𝑯𝟔𝟔 𝑶𝑶𝟑𝟑
The lactic acid produced is very toxic and harmful to
the body. That is why it has to be broken down with
oxygen as soon as possible. This is called oxygen
debt. Breaking down lactic acid releases energy too, if
you add up the amount of energy produced during
breaking down lactic acid and anaerobic respiration,
you will find that it is the same as the amount
produced during aerobic respiration.
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Effects Of Smoking:
Short Term Effects:
• Cilia can’t vibrate anymore, the air inhaled isn’t
clean. Goblet cells release more mucus which
makes the trachea narrower.
• Nicotine increases heart beat rate and blood
• Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin
instead of oxygen combining with it.
Carboxyhaemoglobin is formed which is stable.
Less oxygen transported to cells.
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• The excess mucus lining the alveoli irritates it,
causing strong coughs which damage the alveoli.
• The alveoli lose its shape and surface area making
gas exchange much slower.
• This causes short breathes and sounds while
Lung Cancer:
• When tar reaches the lungs, it is absorbed by cells
of the bronchi, bronchioles and the lungs.
• The tar causes excessive division and
reproduction of these cells which develops into
• The cancer can be spread to other organs too.
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Chapter 12: Excretion In Humans
Excretion is the removal of toxic materials, the waste
products of metabolism and substance in excess of
requirements from organisms. Metabolism is chemical
reactions taking place inside cells, including
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kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored until it is
excreted out of the body through the urethra.
Formation Of Urea:
• When you eat a food high in protein, it is digested in
the small intestine into amino acids.
• The villi on the walls of the small intestine absorb the
amino acids into the hepatic portal vein.
• Hepatic portal vein is a special vein that transports
digested material from the small intestine to the
• The liver plays a big role in maintaining the level of
protein in our body. It absorbs all amino acids from
the hepatic portal vein. If the body needs proteins,
they will pass through the liver into the blood stream
to be used by the body cells to make protein.
• If the body does not need proteins. The liver will
absorb excess amino acids and break them down into
carbohydrates and nitrogen. The formula of amino
acids is CHON, here we remove the nitrogen from the
molecule, to get a carbohydrate. This is called
deamination. Nitrogen is made into urea which is a
nitrogenous waste product.
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Kidneys Structure:
A kidney consists of two main
• Cortex (outer layer)
• Medulla
Between the cortex and the
Medulla, there is a structure
Called the nephrone.
The nephrone is the
Where filtration of toxic
Materials from the blood takes place. We have many of
them in each kidney. In the centre of the kidney there
is a cavity called the pelvis which leads to the ureter.
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Structure Of Nephrone:
The nephrone
starts with a cup
shaped structure
called bowman’s
capsule. Inside
the bowman’s
capsule there is
a very dense
network of blood capillaries entering as capillaries
from the renal artery and exiting as capillaries from
the renal vein. This dense network of capillaries is
called Glomerulus. The rest of the nephrone is a long
coiled tube where materials filtered from the blood
flow in. At some point the coiled tube becomes
straight and is bent in a U shape tube, this part is
called loop of Henle and it is surrounded by a network
of capillaries from the renal vein, it is where
reabsorption takes place. All nephrones end at a large
tube called the Collecting duct where content of the
nephrones are transported to the pelvis, to be secreted
in the ureter.
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Mechanism of The Kidneys:
The blood in the renal artery contains large amounts of
urea, glucose, water, mineral ions and some amino
acids. When it reaches the glomerulus, the high
pressure of the blood and the concentration gradient
of these materials between the blood and the
nephrone cause most of these substances to diffuse
from the blood to the bowman’s capsule and become
content of the nephrone, which is called glomerular
filtrate (glomerular filtrate is a mixture of urea, water,
glucose and mineral ions that diffused from the blood
to the nephrone).
The glomerular filtrate moves in the nephrone till it
reaches the loop of henle, which is surrounded by a
dense network of blood capillaries of the renal vein.
Here there is a concentration gradient of the content
of the content of nephrone between the nephrone and
blood. Both diffusion and active transport occur to
ensure the complete reabsorption of valuable
substances from the glomerular filtrate back to the
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Some water also move by osmosis to the blood, as
well as minerals.
If a person gets a kidney failure, which means his
kidneys cannot function anymore, they have to wash
their blood on regular basis with a machine that is an
alternative to the damaged kidneys. This process is
called dialysis. During this process, a tube is attached
to the patient’s vein, the tube is attached to the
dialysis machine on the other end. There is another
tube coming out of the machine to the patient’s vein.
the blood is sucked from the patient’s vein, it goes
through the machine, and out from the other side back
to the patient’s vein.
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the blood. The clean blood is then returned to the
patient’s vein.
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Chapter 13: Homeostasis:
The human body has the ability to maintain a constant
internal environment so that every organ and cell is
provided the perfect conditions to perform its
functions. This is called homeostasis. There is no
organ system for this function. However, every organ
plays a role in maintaining a constant internal
environment. For example the lungs are responsible for
the supply of oxygen to cells. The liver is to maintain a
constant level of glucose and amino acids, and so on.
Temperature Regulation:
A healthy human should have a body temperature of
37oC. If the body temperature drops below 37oC,
metabolic reactions become slower because
molecules move slower and have less kinetic energy.
If the temperature rises above 37oC, the enzymes of
the body begin to get denatured and metabolic
reactions will be much slower.
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temperature. This is why the body has the ability to
control its body temperature. Our skin is responsible
for this process.
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body temperature. Blood vessels transport oxygen and
nutrients to the cells of the skin.
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surface of the skin to reduce the distance heat has to
travel to escape.
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Heating Up the Body:
When the body temperatures drop, the body takes
several actions to regulate its temperature by
insulation to prevent heat loss and producing heat
1. Vasoconstriction: this causes the blood vessels to
become narrower to reduce heat loss. They also sink
deep into the skin to increase the distance heat has
to travel to escape thus reducing heat loss.
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Regulating Blood Glucose Level:
For blood glucose level however, the pancreas is the
organ which monitors its level not the hypothalamus.
When the blood flows through the pancreas, the
pancreas detects the level of glucose in it. If it is
higher than normal, the pancreas secretes a hormone
called insulin. Insulin flows in the blood till it reaches
the liver. When it reaches the liver, insulin hormone
will make it convert excess glucose in the blood into
glycogen and store it in the liver cells. When the blood
glucose level becomes normal, the pancreas will stop
secreting insulin so that the liver stops converting
glucose. If the blood glucose level decreases below
normal, the pancreas secretes another hormone called
glucagon. When glucagon reaches the liver, it makes
the liver convert the glycogen it made from excess
glucose back into glucose and secrete it into the blood
stream so that the blood glucose level goes back to
normal. When this happens the pancreas stops
secreting glucagon.
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Chapter 14: Co-ordination and
You have previously learned that one of the 7
characteristics of living organism is irritability or
sensitivity. And this is the ability to detect a change in
the outer environment and respond to it. A change in
the environment is also called a stimulus (plural
stimuli). Actions taken by the body in order to co-
operate with a stimuli are called responses. The body
detects a stimulus by parts in the body called
receptors and is able to respond to it through other
parts called effectors. Two organ systems are
continuously working to detect and respond to stimuli,
these organ system are called the nervous system and
the endocrine system.
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Neurones have features that are common between
most animal cells like a nucleus, cytoplasm and cell
surface membrane, but they also have some exclusive
features like the axon. The axon is an extended
cytoplasm thread along which electrical impulses
travel. Some motor neurones have axons of length 1
metre. Axons are coated by a layer of myelin called
myelin sheath, this is an electrically insulating layer
which is essential for the proper functioning of the
nervous system.
But this is the general idea only. Light rays enter the
eye from every direction. If they are not focused on
the fovea, they will most probably not hit it and we
won’t see. Here comes the role of the front part of the
eye. When the light ray hits the eye at an angle, it first
has to penetrate the cornea which refracts (bends) the
light ray inwards. The cornea acts as a converging
(convex) lens. Then the light penetrates the lens
which refracts the ray a little
more inwards focusing the
The angle at which the light ray hits the hits the eye
depends on the distance of the object. Every light ray
that hits the eye needs a certain amount of refraction
in order to be directed to the fovea. This is why the
lens has the ability to widen and narrow according to
the distant of the object you’re looking at in order to
make the light ray hit the retina at the right spot. This
is called accommodation. Light rays refracted from
close objects are diverging (spreading out), they need
to be refracted inwards to be focused on the fovea.
When you look at a close object, it takes some time till
the vision becomes clear. This is because at first, the
light ray is not correctly refracted, so it hits the retina
away from the fovea. The electrical impulses are
generated and sent to the brain which realises that
the image is not clear. The brain then sends electrical
impulses to the ciliary muscles making them contract.
When the ciliary muscles contract the suspensory
If you walk into a dark room, the rods and cones sense
the little amount of light. They start another reflex arc
and send electrical impulses to the brain which
responds by sending electrical impulses the muscles
of the iris. The radial muscles contract and the
circular muscles relax widening the pupil to let more
light in.
When you want to bend your arm the brain send two
electrical impulses, one to the bi making it contract
and one to the tri telling it to relax. When the bi
contracts, it becomes shorter pulling the bones to
which it is attached close and bending the arm. This
causes the fibres of the tri to stretch while they are
Alcohol is a depressant drug. This
means that it reduces the activity
of the brain and slows down the
nervous system and reflex
actions. Alcohol can be extremely
dangerous when the user is in a
situation in which they need fast reflex actions.
Alcohol is addictive. The more you drink it the more
you need it. The user may reach a point where they
cannot do without alcohol, this is when they become
alcoholics. Alcohol is broken down into fats by the
When you get a fright you feel some changes in your
body like a sudden increase in heart beat rate, blood
flowing quickly in veins and your breath becomes
deeper and faster. This is because the fright you got
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Phototropism: the response in which a plant grows
towards or away from the direction from which light is
Asexual Reproduction:
Asexual means not sexual. This means that this kind
of reproduction does not involve sex. Asexual
reproduction is the production of genetically identical
offspring from one parent. It is simply a single
organism growing a new organism from itself.
Methods of Pollination:
Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the
male part of a flower to the female part of a flower.
There are two methods of pollination, insect
pollination and wind pollination. Some flowers
pollinate by insects while others pollinate by wind.
Seed Dispersal:
Seed dispersal is the scattering of the seeds all over
the place to colonise he area. It always the plants to
grow in new places and contribute to variation of
species. A plant can use any of two methods of seed
dispersal. These methods are wind dispersal and
animal dispersal.
Sperm Egg
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The Male Reproductive System:
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The blood circulation of the fetus includes the
placenta. When the blood reaches the blood capillaries
of the fetus in the placenta, waste substances like
carbon dioxide and urea diffuse from it to the maternal
(mother’s) blood. The mother then gets rid of these
waste materials. Useful substances also diffuse from
the maternal blood to the fetus’s blood. These include
oxygen, amino acids, glucose, vitamins, water,
minerals, fatty acids & glycerol. These nutrients are
used in building the body of the fetus. Some useful
substances also diffuse from the maternal blood to the
fetal (fetus’s) blood like antibodies and antibiotics.
Increasing Fertility:
Some couples are unable to have babies. This could be
due to lack of egg production in the woman. If this is
the case, the problem could be solved by prescribing
the woman hormones called fertility drugs which
contain a hormone called FSH. Those drugs make her
ovulate to make her produce healthy eggs which can
be fertilized.
eggs. These eggs are then taken out of the woman and
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replaced in a sterile dish. Then, the man’s sperms are
added to the dish. After fertilization happens, one of
the fertilized eggs is taken from the dish in put back in
the woman’s uterus. If this is correctly done, the
zygote will develop and the woman will get pregnant.
Birth Control:
Birth control is controlling the number of children and
the time to have them. A couple may use birth control
if they are not ready to have a baby yet. There are
several types and methods of birth control. Types of
birth control are natural, chemical, mechanical and