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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: VEXAS (Vacuoles, E1 Enzyme, X-linked, Autoinflammatory, Somatic) syndrome is a recently described
Accepted 10 January 2024 autoinflammatory syndrome, mostly affecting men older than 50 years, caused by somatic mutation in
Available online 1 February 2024 the UBA1 gene, a X-linked gene involved in the activation of ubiquitin system. Patients present a broad
spectrum of inflammatory manifestations (fever, neutrophilic dermatosis, chondritis, pulmonary infil-
Keywords: trates, ocular inflammation, venous thrombosis) and hematological involvement (macrocytic anemia,
VEXAS syndrome thrombocytopenia, vacuoles in myeloid and erythroid precursor cells, dysplastic bone marrow) that are
responsible for a significant morbidity and mortality. The therapeutic management is currently poorly
Autoinflammatory diseases
Myelodysplastic syndrome
codified but is based on two main approaches: controlling inflammatory symptoms (by using corticos-
teroids, JAK inhibitor or tocilizumab) or targeting the UBA1-mutated hematopoietic population (by using
azacitidine or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation). Supportive care is also important and
includes red blood cell or platelet transfusions, erythropoiesis stimulating agents, thromboprophylaxis
and anti-infectious prophylaxis. The aim of this review is to provide a current overview of the VEXAS
syndrome, particularly focusing on its pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.
© 2024 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Société française de rhumatologie.
1297-319X/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Société française de rhumatologie.
M.-Y. Khitri, J. Hadjadj, A. Mekinian et al. Joint Bone Spine 91 (2024) 105700
Fig. 1. The ubiquitin-proteasome system. The ubiquitin-proteasome system operates in two primary steps. The initial step involves the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, a
small protein consisting of 76 amino acids, to a protein substrate, a process called ubiquitination that is orchestrated by a series of enzymes categorized into three groups,
namely E1, E2, and E3. The second step encompasses the recognition and degradation of the tagged substrate by the proteasome. Ub: ubiquitin; E1: enzyme 1; E2: enzyme
2; E3: enzyme 3.
in peripheral blood. Additional non-M41 UBA1 variants have been 3. Clinical and biological presentation: from Beck’s
more recently identified (including splice mutations, p.Ser56Phe, inaugural series to an increasingly diverse phenotype
p.Tyr55His, p.Gly477Ala, p.Ala478Ser, p.Asp506Gly, p. Asp506Asn,
and p.Ser621Cys. . .) and associated with typical or atypical VEXAS All 25 patients in the Beck’s series were male, with a median age
phenotype [3–7]. at disease onset of 64 years. Most of them experienced recurrent
Intracellular proteolysis is a crucial cellular function that facili- episodes of fever (92%), skin involvement (88%, often presenting
tates the degradation of abnormal or excess proteins, controlling as neutrophilic dermatoses and cutaneous vasculitis), pulmonary
processes such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and infiltrate (72%), ear and nose chondritis (64%) and venous throm-
response to extracellular stimuli [8]. It involves a multi-enzymatic boembolism (VTE) (44%). They also exhibited macrocytic anemia
system known as the ubiquitin-proteasome system that is com- (96%), dysmyelopoiesis and vacuoles in bone marrow (BM) progen-
posed of a series of enzymes categorized into three groups, namely itors (100%), primarily affecting myeloid and erythroid precursors.
E1, E2, and E3 (Fig. 1). In humans, there are two E1 enzymes, with Significant increase in acute phase reactants was observed, includ-
UBA1 being predominant, capable of interacting with the majority ing elevated levels of CRP, TNF␣, IL-6 and interferon-␥. Among
of E2 enzymes. UBA1 is expressed as two isoforms differing in trans- the 25 participants, 10 (40%) died from disease-related causes
lation start site: nuclear UBA1a (initiated at Met1) and cytoplasmic or complications associated with treatment. Most of the patients
UBA1b (initiated at Met41) (Fig. 2). In the Met41 variants respon- previously met clinical criteria for another inflammatory disorder
sible for VEXAS syndrome, protein translation does not initiate at (relapsing polychondritis (RP) in 60%, Sweet syndrome in 32%, pol-
Met41 codon as anticipated but instead, it initiates from Met67 yarteritis nodosa, or giant-cell arteritis) or a hematologic condition
codon, giving rise to the synthesis of a pathological isoform UBA1c (myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in 24%, multiple myeloma or
presenting a catalytic deficiency. The absence of the cytoplasmic monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) in 20%).
isoform UBA1b disrupts the protein ubiquitination mechanism, The largest cohort of VEXAS patients reported to date is the
leading to an accumulation of proteins, triggering cellular stress French one with n = 116 patients. The majority were males (96%)
and ultimately resulting in uncontrolled inflammation. with a median age at symptom onset of 67 years and at VEXAS
Kosmider et al. found that VEXAS syndrome involves inflam- diagnosis of 71 years [11]. The main clinical characteristics included
masome pathway activation and monocyte dysfunction in both skin lesions (83%), noninfectious fever (64%), weight loss (62%), lung
blood and tissues [9]. Monocytes in individuals with UBA1 muta- engagement (50%), ocular manifestations (39%), recurrent chondri-
tions are impaired and show exhaustion along with abnormal tis (36%), venous clotting (35%), lymph node abnormalities (34%),
chemokine receptor expression. Pathological skin biopsies from and joint pain (27%). More detailed clinical features are summarized
VEXAS patients indicate an abundance of specific monocytes near in Table 1. MDS was present in 50% (mostly MDS with multilineage
blood vessels and M1 macrophages, potentially contributing to dysplasia) and MGUS in 10% of patients. Somatic UBA1 mutations
local inflammation through STAT3 activation. Peripheral blood in included p.Met41Thr (45%), p.Met41Val (30%), p.Met41Leu (18%)
VEXAS patients has elevated proinflammatory cytokines levels and splice mutations (7%). Screening for somatic mutations asso-
(such as IL-1 and IL-18) reflecting inflammasome activation and ciated with myeloid neoplasms using next-generation sequencing
myeloid cell dysregulation. Gene expression analysis reveals upreg- (NGS) was performed in 75 patients, revealing additional muta-
ulation of TNF-␣ and NFB signaling pathways, possibly mediating tions in 24% of cases, mostly in DNMT3A (9%) and TET2 (5%). Over
cell death and inflammation. a median follow-up period of 3 years since the onset of VEXAS-
Wu et al. demonstrated that both inflammation and myeloid related symptoms, 18 patients (16%) died, from infectious origin
dominance originate in hematopoietic stem cells in VEXAS (n = 9), MDS progression (n = 3), cardiovascular events (n = 2) or
syndrome [10]. By using transcriptome sequencing of single- another cause (n = 4). The presence of gastrointestinal involvement
bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic cells, they demonstrated that (OR 3.7), lung infiltrates (OR 3.3) and mediastinal lymph node (OR
UBA1-mutated (mtUBA1) myeloid cells upregulate inflammatory 7.7) were the factors associated with mortality, but the presence
pathways compared to wild-type cells, exhibit biased granulo- of MDS did not significantly impact mortality. With an unsuper-
cytic differentiation and increased proliferation, and contribute to vised hierarchical analysis, patients with VEXAS syndrome were
impaired lymphocytopoiesis through apoptosis of mtUBA1 lym- categorized into three distinct clinical phenotypes: cluster 1 (47%;
phoid progenitors. mild-to-moderate disease, fewer clinical and biological inflam-
M.-Y. Khitri, J. Hadjadj, A. Mekinian et al. Joint Bone Spine 91 (2024) 105700
Fig. 2. Isoforms of UBA1. M1: methionine 1; M41: methionine 41; M67: methionine 67; UTR: untranslated transcribed region.
Table 1 ear chondritis was associated with increased survival, while trans-
Clinical characteristics and laboratory data of VEXAS syndrome.
fusion dependence and the p.Met41Val variant were independently
n = 116 associated with mortality. In addition, this cohort also provides
Clinical characteristics novel insights into pathogenesis of VEXAS: by using in vitro mod-
Skin lesions 84% els and patient-derived cells, Ferrada et al. demonstrated that
Neutrophilic dermatosis 40% p.Met41Val variant supports less UBA1b translation than either
Cutaneous vasculitis 26% p.Met41Leu or p.Met41Thr, providing a molecular rationale for
Erythematosus papules 22%
decreased survival.
Injection-site reactions 8%
Fever 65% Of note, in a Spanish cohort, analysis of mosaicism distri-
Weight loss 55% bution revealed the presence of postzygotic UBA1 variants in
Myelodysplastic syndrome 50% non-hematopoietic tissue (nails, a non-blood contaminated tissue),
Lung involvement 49%
leading the authors to question the previous notion of myeloid-
Pulmonary infiltrates 41%
Pleural effusion 10% restricted mosaicism in VEXAS and to suggest that the mutational
Ocular inflammation 41% event causing VEXAS could possibly occur during embryonic devel-
Episcleritis 12% opment [13]. Indeed, a Mexican team recently reported a diagnosis
Uveitis 10% of VEXAS syndrome in a young man aged 23 when the symptoms
Scleritis 9%
started [14].
Periorbital oedema 3%
Chondritis 36% Finally, VEXAS syndrome has also been documented in around
Unprovoked thrombosis 35% ten women, with the majority of them exhibiting X-acquired mono-
Lymph node enlargement 35% somy or Turner syndrome [2,15–19]. Their clinical presentation is
Arthralgias 28%
comparable to that seen in men.
Peripheral nervous system involvement 15%
Gastrointestinal involvement 14%
Abdominal pain 9%
Chronic diarrhea 7% 4. A focus on a few key inflammatory manifestations
Laboratory data
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 10.1 [9,11.5] Skin involvement seems to be one of the most common symp-
Mean corpuscular volume (fL) 101 [94,107]
Platelets (G/L) 204 [138,260]
toms, and may be the first manifestation of VEXAS syndrome. In
Leucocytes (G/L) 4.4 [3,6.2] a case series study of 8 men by Zakine et al., all patients had neu-
Neutrophils (G/L) 2.6 [1.6, 4.2] trophilic dermatosis skin lesions, including tender red or violaceous
C-reactive protein (mg/L) 61 [30,128] papules, sometimes edematous, recurrence of pathergy, inflam-
Data from the French VEXAS cohort [11]. matory edematous papules on the neck and trunk (sometimes
umbilicated), and firm erythematous purpuric or pigmented infil-
trated plaques and nodules; 3 patients had livedo racemosa [20].
mation, fewer treatment, significant association with the UBA1 Histologic findings identified that infiltrates were perivascular and
p.Met41Leu); cluster 2 (16%; higher prevalence of relapsing chon- consisted of mature neutrophils with leukocytoclasia, which were
dritis, gastrointestinal, lung and cardiac involvement, infections, admixed with myeloperoxidase-positive CD163-positive myeloid
with more frequent MGUS and MDS, and higher mortality rates); cells with indented nuclei and lymphoid cells in all cases. A
and cluster 3 (37%; constitutional manifestations, higher CRP levels sequencing analysis of paired BM samples and skin lesion biopsies
and less frequent chondritis). Analysis of overall survival based on identified the same loss-of-function UBA1 variation in both sam-
these three clusters showed an increased mortality rate in cluster 2 ples for all patients, suggesting that the dermal infiltrates seen in
with a 5-year survival probability of 63% compared to 87% in cluster VEXAS skin lesions are derived from the pathological myeloid clone.
1 and 93% in cluster 3. In another centralized review of photographs and biopsies from
The USA/UK cohort is the second largest cohort with 83 VEXAS 59 VEXAS patients in the French cohort, Zakine et al. emphasized
patients (all male, median age 66 at symptom onset) with the 3 the heterogeneous nature of skin lesions, their initial occurrence in
canonical VEXAS variants and also emphasizes the high mortality two-thirds of patients and the presence of arcuate-shaped lesions
rate and substantial clinical heterogeneity [12]. The clinical pre- in a third of patients [21]. Regarding pathology, they noted that the
sentation closely resembled that observed in the French cohort, characteristic infiltrates typically consisted of superficial perivas-
except for the reported occurrence of hearing loss in 29% of cular and periadnexal lymphohistiocytic infiltrates with immature
patients. 97% of patients had macrocytic anemia, 83% had throm- myeloid cells and signs of dysplasia in most cases, along with fre-
bocytopenia and 31% a diagnosis of MDS. Patients with the quent reports of vasculitis (25–70%), although it is likely that this
p.Met41Val genotype were most likely to have an undifferenti- rate was overestimated due to the absence of vasculitis in central-
ated inflammatory syndrome. Multivariate analysis showed that ized review despite a high prevalence of leukocytoclasia.
M.-Y. Khitri, J. Hadjadj, A. Mekinian et al. Joint Bone Spine 91 (2024) 105700
Pulmonary manifestations are prevalent in VEXAS syndrome, follow-up of 37 months, whereas no deaths occurred in I-RP group
although they are not the main clinical problem. Borie et al. docu- over a median follow-up of 92 months.
mented pleuro-pulmonary involvement in 45 VEXAS patients, with Ocular involvement is common in VEXAS syndrome, observed
44% reporting dyspnea, 40% reporting cough, but only 7% requir- in 40 to 57% in key studies. The most frequent manifestations
ing oxygen [22]. All patients displayed lung opacities on chest CT include episcleritis, scleritis, and uveitis, while orbital and peri-
scans, including ground-glass opacities (87%), consolidations (49%), orbital inflammation is less frequent. Periorbital edema is the
reticulations (38%), and septal lines (51%). Furthermore, pleural predominant ocular adnexal finding, with additional manifesta-
effusion was observed in 53% and mediastinal adenomegaly in 58% tions such as orbital inflammation or cellulitis, orbital myositis,
of the patients. Importantly, the initial prognosis with prednisone dacryoadenitis, optic perineuritis, or oculomotor nerve paresis
treatment appeared to be favorable, and there was no evolution to [27–29]. Notably, the p.Met41Thr mutation is consistently asso-
pulmonary fibrosis. ciated with ocular involvement in a majority of patients.
Thrombotic events were reported in 35 to 45% in the main series, Serious infections are frequently associated with VEXAS syn-
encompassing both deep and superficial thromboses, recurrent drome. In a French retrospective study including 74 patients with
thromboses and even recurrences occurring despite anticoagula- 133 serious infections, the most common sites of infections were
tion. A literature review showed a higher incidence of VTE (36.4%) lung (59%), skin (10%), and urinary tract (9%). Microbiological
than arterial thrombosis (1.6%), with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) confirmation was obtained in 76%: 52% bacterial, 30% viral, 15%
being more common than pulmonary embolism [23]. Khider et al. fungal and 3% mycobacterial. The high incidence of atypical infec-
screened UBA1 mutations in 97 men over 50 years old with a first tions such as legionellosis and invasive fungal infections, occurring
VTE (50.5% of unprovoked VTE), and no mutations were detected despite anti-infective prophylaxis or in patients without immuno-
[24]. Consequently, there is currently no evidence supporting sys- suppressive treatment may indicate an intrinsic immunodeficiency
tematic screening for UBA1 mutations in men aged over 50 years of the disease. In multivariate analysis, risk factors identified were
with a first unprovoked VTE in the absence of other manifestations age > 75 years at VEXAS onset, arthralgia, p.Met41Val mutation and
of VEXAS syndrome. use of JAK inhibitor [30].
Ferrada et al. demonstrated in a cohort of 92 RP patients that
somatic mutations in UBA1 were present in 7.6% of cases [25]. 5. A focus on a few key hematologic manifestations
Patients with VEXAS-RP (n = 13) were all male, ≥ 45 years at disease
onset, and commonly had fever, ear chondritis, skin involvement, Obiorah et al. reported 16 VEXAS patients with benign and
deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary infiltrates. No patient with malignant hematologic manifestations including MDS (6/16),
VEXAS-RP had chondritis of the airways or costochondritis. Mor- multiple myeloma (2/16), MGUS (2/16), and monoclonal B-cell
tality was greater in VEXAS-RP than in Idiopathic-RP (I-RP) (27 vs. lymphocytosis (MBL) (2/16), and a few of them with 2 co-existing
2%), a finding confirmed by a Japanese study [19]. We reported clonal processes [31].
the largest VEXAS-RP cohort (n = 55), and compared them to 40 The presence of vacuoles in myeloid and erythroid progenitor
patients with I-RP [26] : the key distinctions between VEXAS-RP cells in BM aspirates is a key feature of VEXAS syndrome. They
and I-RP are illustrated in Fig. 3. VEXAS-RP patients demonstrated are found in over 80% of cases but lack specificity to VEXAS, as
a lower likelihood of remission and a higher risk of relapse. Fur- they can also be observed in conditions such as copper deficiency,
thermore, VEXAS-RP was associated with an increased mortality, zinc toxicity, liver disease/alcoholism, acute myeloid leukemia,
with 6 patients (11%) died in the VEXAS-RP group during a median lymphoproliferative disorders, multiple myeloma, myeloprolifer-
M.-Y. Khitri, J. Hadjadj, A. Mekinian et al. Joint Bone Spine 91 (2024) 105700
M.-Y. Khitri, J. Hadjadj, A. Mekinian et al. Joint Bone Spine 91 (2024) 105700
Fig. 4. VEXAS-proposed treatment algorithm. alloHSCT: allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant; AZA: azacitidine; DAC: decitabine; DNMTI: DNA methyltransferase
inhibitors; ESA: erytrhopoietin stimulating agents; JAKi: Janus kinase inhibitors; MDS: myelodysplastic syndrome; PLT: platelet; RBC: red blood cell.
response, even in those with no demonstrated underlying MDS, will notably help define therapeutic goals and propose response
albeit with a significant infectious risk [48]. criteria across various components of the disease (inflammatory,
Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is hematological, and molecular) to facilitate the implementation of
currently the only curative treatment for VEXAS, sometimes with large-scale clinical trials.
considerable morbidity and mortality. Only small case reports [49]
and series of AHSCT in VEXAS are available. In a French case series
Disclosure of interest
of six patients who underwent AHSCT for severe inflammatory
syndrome (n = 4) or MDS (n = 2), three were in durable complete
The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
remission 32, 38, and 37 months after AHSCT, two others were
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