Bba Sem 6 Final Report

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Cer=fied that this project report "The impact of
training and development on employee
reten=on is the bonafide work of Shivangi
Kumari (19GSOB1030059) and Shreya Shah
(19GSOB1010167) who carried out the
project work under my supervision.


This thesis en=tled "The impact of training and
development on employee reten=on" prepared and
submiAed by Shivangi Kumari and Shreya Shah.
Impar=al fulfilment of the requirement in research for
the degree of Bachelor of Business Administra=on has
been examined and is recommended for the approval
and acceptance.


1. Thesis Etled: "The impact of training and
development on employee reten=on"
2. Degree for which the report is submiVed:
Bachelor of Business Administra=on (BBA)
3. Project supervisor was referred to for
preparing the report.
4. SpecificaEon regarding thesis format have been
closely followed
5. The content of the thesis have been organised
based on the guidelines
6. The report has been prepared without resorEng to
7. All sources used have been cited appropriately.
8. The report has not been submiVed elsewhere for a

OrganisaEon's primary focus aAer recruiEng talent employees is to

retain them. But in today's compeEEve environment, organisaEon
is struggling hard to design a suitable strategy that could improve
the retenEon rate and pulls the turnover rate downward. One
such suitable strategy an organisaEon could be considered of
improving employee's skills by providing training. The purpose of
this paper is to examine the relaEonship between the training and
development on employee retenEon and ascertain the extent of
influence of training and development on employee retenEon.
The study was carried out by using descripEve research design
and adopted straEfied random sampling method to collect data.
Results suggest that there is a relaEonship between training and
development on employee retenEon and training has an impact
on employee retenEon.
Serial No. iTitle Page No.
1 Introduction
2 IObjectives of study I
3 Significance of the
4 Literature review
4.a a. Training and
4.b b. Coaching
4.c c. Employee retention

5 Conclusion of
literature review
6 Methodology
7 Data analysis
8 Learning, T & D,
retention and

9 Requirement and
need of learning, T &
10 Practical implication
and recommendation

11 Questionnaire
12 Conclusion
13 Bibliography

Organization, and how great is the effect of training and

development, which is a human resource practice that could have
on employees’ commitment and retention as compared to other

This research could provide better understanding in the

relationship of effectiveness of Human resource practices on
employee retention in an organization, but the main focus would be
on the impact of training and development on employees’ retention.
It will provide useful information regarding the impact that the
employee training has on employee retention. This study will help
readers to better understand and will serve as a guide to many
organizations regarding the employee retention. It will also provide
asolution using training and development practice to retain
employees in organizations.This study has been initiated with an
introduction, which includes the background of order to understand
the other authors’ point of view about the impact of training on
employees’retention. Hypothesis will be tested in some ways that
could prove or disapproves it. Methodology for conducting the
study and analysis techniques used to analyze the collected data
has been discussed. At the end of the study results and conclusion
has been discuss. Most researchers use these variables like
working environment, training and development, and
compensation to observe their effect separately, on how working
environment affect employee turnover, how employee can be
retained through training and development, and what are the
impacts of compensation (Deckop et al.,2006; Acton and Golden
2003; Bhattacharyya et al.,2008). Few researchers also relate
training and wages, in which they observe the effect of training on
wage expectations (Renger, 2002; Hocquet, 1999; Dearden etal.,
2005; Meer and Ringdal, 2009; Scheme, 2001 ;Renaud, 2009). No
one focused on how employee can be retained after training, if they
are not properly compensated. However, the effect of what will
happen, if an employee is not properly compensated after his
training, and whether he is satisfied or not and does not want to
stay with the company, because after training his skills improved,
is seen in this paper. As a consequence ,he has more opportunities
of switching.

The main objective of the study is to critically examine the impact of

training and development and development on employee retention in an
organization. Specific objectives of the study are:
1. To identify the factors affecting high employee turnover in an


2. To identify the effect of training and development, its type and

duration on employee retention in an organization.

3. To identify the extent by which management support and rewards

affect employee retention.


The study will help firms understand the importance of training and
development programs. It will also enable them structure their training
and development programs to make them more effective in terms of
helping to improve the efficiency of the workforce and lead to less
employee turnover. This also ensures the existence of a pool of skilled
workforce who could be utilized for national development. Labour is a
major input to the success of the company. If labour is efficient it will help
improve the performance of the company. As companies perform better
they are able to increase output and contribute more to the economy.
They are also able to grow and hire more people thus helping to
decrease the level of unemployment. As companies perform better, they
are also able to compete better enabling the economy to remain vibrant.

The study will also be of great benefit to student researchers who wish to
explore more into the impact training and development has had on the
overall performance of employees in various organizations. The study
will serve as a guide to these students who may further get more insights
into the recommendations and findings from the study thereby, forming
an empirical literature for them

Literature Review

Employee retention can be defined as the policies and practices

organizations use to avoid precious employees from quitting their jobs.
However, Ben-Bakr, Al-Shammari, Jefri and Prasad (1994) argued that
organizations can avoid business instability when talented employees
are retain. Retention can be seen as the ability to hold onto those
employees you want to keep, for longer than your competitors (Johnson,
2002, cited in Shaibu, Noor, Tirmizi & Bashir, 2009). Again, Denton
(2000) puts forward the view about employee retention that employees
who are contented and satisfied with theirjobs are more devoted towards
their job always put their effort to progress their organizational
customers' satisfaction. Researchers such as Taplin, Winterton, and
Winterton (2005), Amadasu (2003) and Gberebie (2003) have
established in their studies that, employees will surely stay and work for
the flourishing and accomplishment of organizational goals if suitable
employee retention strategies are adopted and implemented by
organizations. In addition, Action and Golden (2003) state that retention
of employees is not only important but retention of valued skills is more
important. According to the researchers, human resource department
plays the dynamic role for retention of employees.

Freyermuth (2007) commented that retention starts with the recruiting of

correct individuals and continues with practicing program to keep them
engaged and committed to the organization. According to him, it is
considered as multifaceted component of an organization resource
policies. Baker (2006) said that employee retention is very important as
because of the fact that hiring new employees are far complicated as
well as costlier than to remain with the present employees in the

However, Olowu and Adamolekum (2005) stated that because of the

need for effective and efficient delivery of goods and services by
organizations in public or private sector, it is becoming more essential to
secure and manage competent human resource as the most valuable
resource of any organization. Gberebie (2008) has assured that
employee retention implementation strategies is very important. In
today’s competitive environment there is a great need of employees’
commitment and an appropriate strategy that pulls the retention rate
downward. Companies consider retention of employees as a challenge
due to the increased flexibility of jobs.

Various studies have been conducted that popular HR practices are not
the only ways to enhance commitment and reduce retention. Scott Brum
(2007) highlighted that when the employees are introduced to more
trainings, they show higher level of commitment as compared to others.
Roya Anvari et al (2010) revealed that it is possible only with the help of
planning training programs that are totally based on needs valuation to
achieve commitment and retention. Training is considered important in
developing a feeling of belongings among employees. Eva Kyndt et al
(2009) revealed that training has a potential to change the turnover
thoughts and is an important factor that helps in originating the intentions
of turnover. Those employees that are highly committed to the
organization have lower turnover thoughts. Trainings basically bring
association between commitment and retention. Danlami Sani Abdul
kadir et al (2012) has considered training as an investment, organization
bears the whole expenditures of training employees which eventually act
as an investor and expect a return in the form of commitment and
retention from employees. Trainings elevate commitment and retention
rate, when employees consider it as investment and force them to offer a
return to the organization. Alexandras G. Sahinidis and John Bouris
(2007) Training is a long term investment in the skills of employees.
Training is not a tool to polish current skills of employees but to prepare
employees for future impacts from competitive forces. This kind of
training boosts the commitment and employees think that organization is
opening doors to our success. This sense eliminates the thoughts of
intentions to quit from employees mind and force them to retain.
Mohammad I. Fheili (2007) has stated that employee turnover is a major
human capital risk for an organization, which needs to be catered.
Organizations that provide trainings which are specific in nature applied
only to the specific work within the organization that makes the
employees specialists not generalists. By doing this Organization limits
the employment opportunities and leads to the development of
committed employees and will eventually affect retention rate.

The review of the literature will explore facts that have to do with
coaching on employee
retention. The review based on training, coaching, and retention, to
identify other factors
that influence retention. The chapter will focus mainly on the following:
• Training and Development
• Coaching
• Employee Retention
• Turnover
The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of training and
development on
employee retention in retail sector, an examination of the role of
coaching and the impact it.

Training and Development

In any organisation especially the retail sector, training and development

of employees play a significant role in achieving the organisational goals.
The qualities of these trained employees will determine how far an
organisation will go among its counterparts.

Rosti and Shipper (1998) outlines that training and development of the
employees ensure good performance and this enables the organisation
to achieve its objectives, to attract, train and develop talent employee
that will exploit all the obtainable resources to bring about expansion in
the company. Armstrong (2003) summarize training as an appropriate
and orderly modification of behaviour through learning, development,
which happen as result of teaching, coaching, development and
designed experience. He sees training as a process to equip the
employee's with the necessary skills, knowledge to handle their
professional tasks. According to Armstrong (2003), employee's
development helps to enhance staff ability for future requirements and
adaptability prospect. Beardwell and Hidden (1997) consider training and
development as an intended process to modify the attitude, knowledge
through coaching experience to achieve effective performance in their
roles. Many organisations offer different training programmes to improve
the employee’s skills especially in the area of technology development
and business practice, such as supervisor training, exclusive
development and interpersonal skills (Beardwell and Hidden, 1997.

The Importance of Training and Development

Lorette (2006) suggested training and development as an ability

designed to encourage both new and old employees to improve and
enhance the performance of qualified employees and the managers. As
well as to be more effective in performing their tasks in the workplace,
this highlights needs for more systematic approach to assess the training
needs of individual employees, such as reviewing individual capability in
the workforce. Training is an instrument to enhance the performance and
it is one of the possible solutions to progress in business (Lorette, 2006).
In today’s business, training and development does not only link with
work-related development, but it linked to influence option, sentiment and
performance. Therefore, it is a pathway for employees to learn new skills
and creating an advancement towards employee satisfaction (Armstrong,
2009). Training strengthens employees to be more active towards their
career development, which leads to retention. Choo and Bowley (2007)
supported that training have impact on career development, improving
employer brand and employee's retention. Jehanzeb and Bashir (2013)
suggested that training and development aims is to improve employee’s
skills and helping them to understand the organisational culture. In
addition, understanding the necessary level of career choice.

The Impact of Training and Development

Kraimer, Seibert Wayne, Liden and Bravo (2011) highlight that many
employers in the past was not investing in training of employees due to
cost, the recent development in technology has increase job
opportunities, that has led to the needs of training and development in
the workplace. Yates (2006) outlines the benefit of training and
development as way of developing the employees to be active in their
roles. Although training of employees is quite expenses which involves
money. MacLeod and Clarke (2009) highlights that many organisations
especially the leading retailers are investing on training their skilled
employees. The well skilled employees are like an asset to the
organisation, training enable employees to display positively in their
roles. Jehanzeb and Bashir (2013) also suggested training as way of
improving the skills and products, and reduce turnover.

Coaching Besson (2012) defined coaching as a way of collaborating with

employees in a stimulating and innovative development that will motivate
the employees to exploit in their personal and professional prospective.
Any organisation that invest on coaching increases their outputs; it
strengthens the success to develop working relationships, work
gratification and teamwork, which can be used to develop employee’s
inspiration. Coaching can enhance the talent and shape the capabilities
of the employees (Besson, 2012). However, coaching is considered as a
vigorous appraisal, used in developing the employees to be more
successful in their career and improve their performance as a leader.
Some organisation coaches some of its employees who are with high
potential for advancement, because coaching has a significant impact on
employee’s job performance. It adds value to the organisation, to
maximise their own potential to create an opportunity for change in
employee’s career, which increases organisational competence to retain
its employees (Besson, 2012). Coaching can add value to organisational
development; it retains and motivate employees to perform well in their
roles. It improves executive learning, performance and leadership
efficiency with working relationship with supervisors and customers.

The Impact of Coaching

Eggers and Clark (2000) define coaching as the most effective

instrument for inducing positive change, ensuring a better chance for
achieving good management, and stick to longterm goal in the retail
store. Coaching is a clearance instrument for the managers to develop
the activities by the core specialists or the HR executives in the coaching
role, as to manage the employees, in order for the employee to be active
in their role. However, Franckeiss(2010) describes two types of
customers served by coaches, which is the individual and organisations.
The two approaches suggest permission of individual or group of
employees to find its own solution. The other group of employees need
the coach to shove them towards action. However, finding the right
approach and balance in a retail store, coaching has an impact on
employee’s retention as well as to adapt to the changing needs of the

Importance of Coaching

Coaching help to discover solutions for the growth of business, coaching

is use as a means of correcting some issues within the organisations. In
many organisations, it perceives to be a positive instrument to help
employees to explore and achieve their professional development
(Whitmore, 2010). However, coaching is for the advantage of the
individual down to the focus of organisational growth, there might be
individual feature whereby results assessed with the performance
requirements of the organisation for the person being coach. Coaching is
incessant rehearsal used in the organisations to institute and maintain
professional relations on employee's recital level. Coaching identified the
growth of an employee, and help in planning and developing their
effectual skill, with the help of their coach to measure the needs for
development (Whitmore, 2010). Whitmore (2010) review that companies
believe that when their value and ethics are falling in some cases, it
weakening the assessment of their employees as well as their
customers. The use of coaching is extremely effectual for revealing true
values, to create position for the employees. Without this, business
performance cannot function. Coaching is to keep up with the
psychological development, it is an important viaduct in measuring from
hierarchy to self-responsibility by creating condition for learning and
growing (Whitmore, 2010). However, the result of coaching is not reliant
on how old; it depends on more experienced, whereby a person is
passing down his knowledge to another person, which requires an
expertise person.

How to Improve Retention in the Organisation

The best approach to manage employee retention is for managers to

know the reason. What is causing problems, why they employees are
leaving the organisation (Taylor, 2002). The organisation can use the
best practices to evaluate various aspect of its competitor. It is very
important to know and have the ability to understand the issues of what
is happening internally within the members and the managers, work-life
balance and career development is significant. Once the management
recognise these specific issues, it can easily reduce the turnover, and
increase the retention (Taylor, 2002). Gunnigle, Morley, Clifford, Turner
Heraty and Crowley (2011) outlines that employee retention is often
related with a boundless package; high pay and benefits, which many
researchers have tried to review, to know what aspect does retention
embrace; solution is yet to be discover, which will be appropriate to all
organisations. It is unpredictable from sector, culture, groups etc.
However, higher pay and attractive benefit normally encourage
employees not to leave the organisation. Although when an employee
develops its career, it will definitely lead to higher payment. Based on
this, career development, opportunities recognition and responsibilities
are hidden factors behind the idea of higher payment. It is very
necessary for organisation to recognise the issues that causes turnover
(Taylor, 2002).
However, many mangers and human resource managers have been
challenge on the issues of retention, which have affected organisations
until the present days. Therefore, losing well skilled employees in any
specific area within the business environment will be an issue for the
organisation (McCarthy, Tyrrell and Lehan, 2003)

Impact of Employee Retention

Employee retention relate to impact of training on the tendency for

workers to stay, it is important to invest on the coaching appraisal to
encourage employees to remain within the organisation. Lack of training
and coaching of employees can leads employee seeking for an
alternative employer who will be willing to provide training (Taylor, 2014).
However, he argued that training and coaching of the employees could
give room for other competitor or employers to start attracting them with
better offer that might lead to their leaving (Taylor, 2014).Greenhalgh and
Mavrontas (1996) cited in Taylor (2014) recommended from the research
conducted, that younger men had a higher tendency to quit than women
after receiving training which was observe in public sector, where
mobility remain low regardless of the high-level of training. High turnover
found in smaller organisations than in big organisations. Research
conducted based on the effect of training, higher percentage response
that training was more likely to make them look for another job. While
less percentage of the employee’s response that training make no
difference to their interest if they decided to leave the organisation. 'The
key findings was that the training pays by employer appear to reduce the
desire to quit, training paid for by government or the employees
themselves tends to raise job mobility, Firm-specific training is
associated with relatively low of turnover' (Taylor 2014, p.302). Allen and
Bryan cited in Taylor (2014) highlights on most recent research that it is
important to provide training and development opportunities and career


The literature review uncovered the need for training and coaching in the
organisations cope with the increment in technological development in
the organisations has call for career development. This modify the
development of prospective employee as well as to upgrade those
previously employed as to develop the organisational image. The
literature review has identified some gaps and the challenges facing
organisations to retain competent employees, while indicating the needs
for continuous development in the sector. Using training, coaching, and
good human resource management to structure the strategy and using
other factors that will encourage retention in the organisations especially
in the retail sector. In summary, the researcher has learned about lots of
information to show the impact of training and coaching on employee
retention. The researcher is going to discuss about the of training and
coaching and focus more on how important it is to use training and
coaching in developing the employees in their different roles. However,
there is obvious gap of knowledge around how coaching helps in
retention. Based on the review conducted by the researcher, the retail
sector has the highest employee turnover rate; this was due to some
characteristics of competitiveness in the sector. The next section will
underline the aims and objectives of the study.


The focus of this research was aimed at clarifying the impact of training
on employee retention. Questionnaire was developed to collect data for
determining the effect of independent variable (training) on dependent
variable (retention). Quantitative data was collected through
questionnaires using non probability sampling. The questionnaire
consists of 16 questions, which includes eight questions on independent
variable (training) and nine questions on dependent variable (retention).
Questions asked from employees were based on 5-points likert scale.
The collected data has been analyzed through excel data analysis tool


The study relates to previous studies on the impact of training and

development on employee retention, an examination of the role of
coaching on employee retention. The two source of data collection were
the primary and secondary, which stands as a source for comparison as
the primary data provide evidence of facts that may disagree or agree
with the existing fiction.
Primary Data

This involved the pilot and initial work of the researcher, which is the
foundation of the current study including the aim of creating data through
the sentiments of the participants in relation to employee retention
among other independent variable of the study. In view of this,
questionnaires adopted as the primary source of data collection.

Secondary Data

This is to assess the literature and to understand what done previously in

relation to the present study. The secondary data collection method
gathered and using the previous works of other researchers; Books,
Google scholar, Journal article, management documents and other
useful information from magazine and business bulletins were the
secondary source used in collecting data.

Questionnaire Structure

Brace (2008) defined questionnaire as multiple-choice questions

carefully designated for review and a target designed questions to create
information from participants. Johnson and Turner (2003) outlines simple
and open-ended questions to improve participation and to allow
participants to express their sentiments. Therefore, the questionnaire
was structure as both open-ended questions and close-ended questions.

The close-ended question will allow the participants choose from the
options available while the open-ended questions allows the participants
state their opinions and views of the questions asked (Sekaran, 2003).
This will help to get a deeper knowledge of the participant’s view towards
answering the research question. The questionnaire subdivided into five
sections. Using Questionnaires will enable participants give feedback on
the exact question that was ask. This will help to get a precise answer for
the research work. Section one of the questionnaire comprises of the
demographic information of the respondents.

Sample Technique

A non-probability sampling technique was use for this study. According to

Saunders et al (2009), a non-probability technique permits subjective
judgement. This based on the opinions, feelings and views of the
participants of the study, the subjective judgement of the participants will
help in answering the research question. The non-probability technique
involved the use of a Purposive, Snowball, self-selection and
Convenience Sampling (Saunder et al., 2012). The purposive sampling
was select because of the group of people; the researcher seeks to find
information from the employees.
Sample Size and details

The sample of this study are employees of Marks and Spencer Dublin,
Republic of Ireland. The total sample size is 150 full time and part time
male and female employees; the age is between 25 years or under to 51
years and above, working in Mark and Spencer, Dublin 1 and 2. The two
Mark and Spencer stores selected because it would help acquire the
required sample size needed. A probability simple random sampling
technique used to ensure that all employees of Mark and Spencer have a
chance to participate. This is because every employee in Mark and
Spencer would have in one way or another get the chance to be involved
in training and coaching. This technique would help to achieve the
research aim. Participants will randomly select, and every participant
given an opportunity to participate voluntarily in line with the ethical
circumstances. The questionnaire printed and hand administered to the
participants. In conclusion, the chapter proposed to address the practical
and proper methodological approach, the justification for excellent and
sample sizes, data collection method and other significant area mention
Three analysis techniques have been used to examine the relationship and
significance between independent variable (training) and dependent variable
1. Descriptive statistics

2. Correlation

3. Regression



The purpose of the research is to examine the effect of training

opportunities on employee retention. Training is considered as an
independent variable while employee retention is considered as a
dependent variable.
Organizational equilibrium theory by March and Simon’s states that
employees who value acquiring new skills and polishing the existing one
for their career growth maybe more willing to work for an organization
who equips them with well-run knowledge. In organizations skills can be
polished or developed through trainings, this theory clearly shows that
there could be direct or indirect effect on training on employee retention.
In indirect relationship, commitment could act as a bridge between
training and employee retention.
Results and Discussion

Descriptive Statistics
Mean 3.79 3.51
Median 3.8 3.5
Standard DeviaEon 0.4414 0.4746
Minimum 2.5 2.41
Maximum 4.6 4.41
Count 100 100
Table 1.1

The calculated mean for independent variable (training) is 3.79, which

means that average people from sample of 100 are somewhat satisfied.
Since the value of 3.79 rounds off to 4, which is equal to somewhat
agree. For dependent variable (retention) the calculated mean is 3.51,
which means that average people from sample of 100 are somewhat
satisfied. Since the value of 3.51 rounds off to 4, which is equal to
somewhat agree. The median for the independent variable (training) is
3.8, and the value of median for the dependent variable is 3.5. The
median suggests the option four of the questionnaire which is somewhat
agree and option three for retention which is average.
The standard deviation for independent variable (training) is 0.44, and
the standard deviation for dependent variable (retention) is 0.47. This
shows that the data of training is spread out at 0.44 and for retention it is
at 0.47
In the sample size of 100, the minimum value of independent variable
(training) is 2.5. This minimum value of 2.5 means that minimum option
selected by the respondents for provision of training is somewhat
disagree. The maximum option selected by the respondents for
independent variable (training) is 4.6, which rounds to strongly agree.
The minimum value of dependent variable (retention) is 2.41. This
minimum value of 2.5 means that minimum option selected by the
respondents for retention is somewhat disagree. The maximum option
selected by the respondents for dependent variable (retention) is 4.41,
which rounds to somewhat agree. CORELATION

Training Reten=on
Training 1
Reten=on 0.5289 1
Table 1.2

The correlation test has been conducted to express the strength of

relationship between training and retention on a scale from -1 to 1. The
value of 1 has been considered as a perfect correlation between
variables. The value of correlation between training and retention is
0.5289, this value is deviated more towards perfect correlation. This
value indicates a positive relationship in which change in training will
produce a change in retention.

Coefficient t-stat
Intercept 1.3583 3.862
Training 0.5668 6.1703
R-square 0.2708
F-stat 38.0737
Table 1.3

The regression test is conducted to determine whether there is an evidence of

a linear relationship between provision of trainings to employees and their
return in the form of retention. The regression equation for the data is
y=1.3583+0.5688x. This means that for every single training opportunity, the
retention rate has been
increased by about 0.5688. The constant term in this equation is 1.3583. This
is the y intercept, and it means that if the independent variable i.e. training is 0,
the value of the retention would be 1.3583. The R Square value is 0.2798;
variation in the values of the retention that can be clarified by the change in the
independent variable which is training has been measured. The R Square
values vary between 0 to 1. A value of 0.2798 means that 27.98% of the
variation in the retention rate is due to provision of training to employees in
organizations. The remaining 72.02% of the variation has been supposed to
be due to other human resource practices like compensation, performance
management system and working environment. The F ratio is 30.0737,
indicates that the regression is statistically significant. The p value is displayed
in the next column and equals 1.536E-08. This p value is less than 0.05, the
regression is statistically significant. The analysis shows that there is a
significant impact of training on employee retention so, we reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. T-stat is 3.8620 which is
greater than 1.96 with significance less than 0.05 indicates that there is
significant relationship exist between provision of trainings to employees and
their retention. This t-stat value of 3.8620 also shows that the independent

Learning, T & D, retention and compensation

As commented by Srimannarayana (2011), training and development play an

important role in retaining the employees. If proper training is not given to them
then they can't develop. Compensating them in correct terms and giving them
feedbacks will encourage them. The work environment is also an essential
attribute that is required for retaining employees. It is considered as one of the
most important aspects in context to employee retention. Work environment is
subjected important in this case as it the driving force behind a successful
organization. For example, if the work environment is not suitable or
uncomfortable for the employees, the productivity and the quality of the work
will be affected. An effective organization is not only responsible for human
capital but also to retain experienced and knowledgeable employees. Work
environment is entailed effective as if the worker remains satisfied with his
work environment, then he or she will continue to work in the present space
positively. Having a positive perception in context to the organization is very
important and it can be adhered by appreciation of the employees. It will
encourage and enhance the worker to perform better in every condition. The
HR practices need to be in high terms so that the employees stay longer and
provide effective work. HR sources are good sources in context to
development of an organization and retaining employees.

Requirement and Need of Learning, Training and


Evaluating these elements can be done by the higher level authority if the
organization. They can monitor the work of their workers and give them
feedback. Development and learning is not an instant process it can avail
through experience. In this time of development, where innovation changes
once in a while, training turns essential for each organization to stay in the
worldwide market. Organizations can't depend just on regular specialisms,
however, to contend, later on, they should build up their worker abilities, since
it is a time of efficiency and quality. As commented by Lundmark et al. (2017),
training is described as the orchestrated mediation that is planned to improve
the determinants of individual work execution. The organization suffers in
quality and use in light of nonappearance of training.

In a general sense, training began from changes grabbed by learning,

notwithstanding the way that change is critical for human improvement. In this
promising authoritative reality for survival, an organization must be furnished
with properties of flexibility, versatility, and unending quality. With these
qualities, the survival of an organization can be practiced through training and
advancement of their workers. It is generally related to the present spot of
work and the nonstop situation. Of course, advancement is the path toward
creating for future businesses. Training must be need-based; appropriately,
the firm needs to, first, do the assessment on account of training is required or
not. Consequently, comprehensive training needs performed assessment, that
exhibits why and where the preparation is required, and besides observe
which worker needs training and who should be set up for improvement
reason. Now and again, training isn't incredible, the firm gives unequivocal
training to the workers since these capacities were not totally traded to them.
Along these lines, it is neither productive for the specialist nor for the

enjoin me nt Employee
Figure 1 retenEon

Training and compansaEon

Employee Retention

Practical implications and recommendations

The results of this research will be useful for organizations to understand

that training practice could be shaped into a retention strategy. Research
explores the perception of employees about training practice of
organization, when employees are interested to stay with an
organization. There could be a possibility that if organization fulfils the
employees needs regarding polishing existing skills and preparing them
for upcoming challenges, retention rate will be boosted. This research
can help the organization to build a reputation of a learning organization;
it will become a avorite organization for people who are employed. The
future recommendation is that researchers can study the impact of
training on employee retention, but try to explore other factors that can
affect retention along with training. Researchers can compare the results
of training against other human resource practices that can retain
Data Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

Q1. What is your gender?

• Males
# Females

Respondents Variables Percentage

Male 35 35
Female 65 65

The higher side than those of the males who constitute only
35% of the total respondents. The female
respondent's percentage has emerged to be of 65 %. It can
be understood in a better way by the diagrammatic
representation of the data chart in the form of a pie diagram.
In which it shows that the first quarter reflects
the total percentage of the female respondents whereas the
second quarter represents the male respondent's percentage.

Q2. What is your educational qualification ?

Respondents Variables Percentage
MatriculaEon 20 20
Under 10 10
Graduate 40 40
Post - 20 20
Doctorate 10 10

Figure 3

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this study.

g Variables
MatriculaEonUnder - Graduate Graduate Post Graduate Doctorate ■ Percentage
The respondents were chosen so that the data obtained can
help the ongoing results of the research. To ensure that the
results obtained are correct the reality of the data has been
checked and then presented in the below format. In this
above-mentioned chart the researcher shows a total of 100
respondents on which the study has been conducted under
the question based on education qualification. It is very much
evident from the above table that matriculation respondents
resemble 20%, undergraduate resembles 10%, graduate
resembles 40%, post-graduate resembles 20% and doctorate
resembles 10%. It can be understood in an efficient way
through the representation of bar diagram.

Q3. What is your monthly income ?

Monthly Salary Number of Percentage
(Rupees) Respondents
Below $2000 30 30
$2000 - $5000 20 20
$5000 - $7000 25 25
Above $7000 25 25

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this study.

The respondents were chosen so that the data obtained can
help the ongoing results of the research. To ensure that the
results obtained are correct the reality of the data has been
checked and then presented in the below format. In this
above-mentioned chart the researcher shows a total of 100
respondents on which the study has been conducted under
the question based on the monthly income of the population.
It is quite evident from the chart that the monthly income the
respondents with below $2000 is 30. The respondents with
$2000-$5000 is 20. The respondents with monthly income
$5000-$7000 is 25. The respondents above $7000 is 25. The
percentage of the respondents in context toO the monthly
salary is 30%, 20%, followed by 25% and then 25%.
What is your monthly income ?

Q4. Does training program enable the employees to be

accountable and authorative in making decision ?

Respondent Variables Percentage

Strongly agree 11 11
Agree 55 55
Neutral 29 29
Disagree 2 2
3 3
The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this study.
The respondents were chosen so that the data obtained can
help the ongoing results of the research. To ensure that the
results obtained are correct the reality of the data has been
checked and then presented in the below format. In this
above-mentioned chart the researcher shows a total of 100
respondents on which the study has been conducted under
the question based on that do training programs enables
employees to be accountable and authoritative in making
decision. It has been seen that 55% of respondents agree to
this fact and 2% of respondents disagreed to this fact. The
respondents who strongly agreed to this fact were 11 %
whereas the respondents who were neutral were 29%. The
respondents who strongly disagreed to this fact were 3%.
Decision making is a very important attribute that every
employee needs to adhere. So training programs can
definitely be subjected to induce the performance rate of the
employees. However, it can be seen that 55 percentage of
the respondents have agreed to the fact that training
programs are imparted to make them, better and work
Does training program
enable the employees to
be accountable and
authorative in making
decision ?
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

Q5. Does your organisation emphasizes and provides for the

required training and development of its employees for better
employee retention ?
Highly DissEsfied DissaEsfied Neutral SaEsfied Highly SaEsfied

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this

study. The respondents were chosen so that the data
obtained can help the ongoing results of the research. To
ensure that the results obtained are correct the reality of
the data has been checked and then presented in the
below format. In this case the respondents were asked if
the organization emphasizes and provides for the
required training and development of its 6. employees for
better employee retention. The reaction of the
respondents related that the percentage of satisfied
respondents were 40% whereas 10% Oof the
respondents were highly dissatisfied. 25% of the
respondents were highly satisfied whereas 15% of the
respondents were dissatisfied. 10% of the population.
Q6. Does your employees finds the training provided to
them relevant to their job ?

Respondent Variable Percentage

Highly SaEsfied 10 10
SaEsfied 30 30
Neutral 40 40
DissaEsfied 10 10

Highly dissaEsfied 10 10

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this

study. The respondents were chosen so that the data
obtained can help the ongoing results of the research. To
ensure that the results obtained are correct the reality of
the data has been checked and then presented in the
below format. In this case the respondents were asked if
the employees find the training provided to them is
relevant to their job. The reaction of the respondents
related that the percentage of satisfied respondents were
30% whereas 10% of the
respondents were highly dissatisfied. 10% of the
respondents were highly satisfied whereas 10% of the
respondents were dissatisfied. 40% of the population
were neutral in this case.

Highly SaEsfied SaEsfied Neutral DissaEsfied Highly dissaEsfied

Q7. Do frequent training and development programs help

retain the employees ?

Highly 3 3

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this study.

The respondents were chosen so that the data obtained can
help the ongoing results of the research. To ensure that the
results obtained are correct the reality of the data has been
checked and then presented in the below format. In this
case the respondents were asked if Do Frequent Training
and Development programs help retain the employees. The
reaction of the respondents related that the percentage of
satisfied respondents were 55% whereas 3% of the
respondents were highly dissatisfied. 11 % of the
respondents were highly satisfied whereas 7% of the
respondents were dissatisfied. 29% of the population were
neutral in this case. In this context it has been evident that
55% of respondents had been satisfied with the fact that
training and development adhered by the organization
motivates them to work effectively.
Q8. Do you think Training and development program

increase the efficiency in retaining the employees ?

Respondent Variable Percentage

Yes 80 80
No 20 20

The researcher took 100 respondents to impart in this study.

The respondents were chosen so that the data obtained can
help the ongoing results of the research. To ensure that the
results obtained are correct the reality of the data has been
checked and then presented in the below format. In this
case the respondents were asked if the training and
development program increase the efficiency in employees.
The reaction of the respondents related that the percentage
imparted that 80% of the respondents believed in the fact
that training and development increases the efficiency in
retaining the employees. If the employees are given proper
training then they can conduct their given work in an
effective manner, this will alsohelp to increases the
productivity ad effectivity of the organization. 20% of the
respondents thought that training and development does not

increase the efficiency of the organization.

Do you think Training and development program

increase the efficiency in retaining

« Yes
• No

Figure 6

As the research has shown, there is a significant impact of training on

employees’ retention. The research provides empirical evidence that
supports the cause of training and its effect on employee retention.
Researchers who examined the relationship between training and
employee retention, agree that the relationship exist between these two
variables. The research has proved that employees’ decision to stay for a
longer period of time can be influenced by trainings.

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