TORNO HBM - Manual de La Pantalla

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. Contents 4.1 Entering the SDM Zero P0s1tJon •• o·1rectly..................................... .22
4.2 Zero Clearing in Place.................................................................... 23
Chapter I Monitor are briefly introduced............. •.... .
•••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••······ I Chapter V Special Functions...................................................................... 25
1.1 Display Key Description........ :.................................... 5.1 Holes along a line........................................................................... 25
I .2 Display Interface Description.............. :...................... ••••••••••••••••••••• 3 5.2 Making holes along a circle............................................................28
Chapter II System Parameter Setting............................................................ 5 5.3 Obligue plane (slope) processing................................................... 31
• 1e are processmg
5.4 Simp • .................................................................... 34
.2. I Enter/Quit System Parameter Setting............................................... 5 5.5 The Function ofmeasure for taper................................................. ~9
2.2 Setting the Number Axis Type......................................................... 5 5.6 200 tool storeroom......................................................................... ·9
2.3 Setting the Number of Encoder Lines.............................................. 6 Chapter VI Calculator Function................................................................. 42
2.4 Setting the Grating Ruler Resolution ............................................... 6
2.5 Setting the Counting Direction......................................................... 7 6.1 Interface introduction.................................................................... 42
2.6 Setting the Compensation Mode ........................... - .................. - ... 7 6.2 Calculation examples ................................................................. •·..43
2.7 Setting the Number ofDisplay Axes ............................................ .-... 8 6.3 Calculation result transfer.............................................................. 43
2.8 Setting the Display Type (Meter Type) ............................................ 9 Chapter VII Error Compensat10n• Functlon • .......... ,..................................... .·44
2.9 Setting the Combined Axis Display................................................. 9
7. 1 Linear error compensation .............................................................. 44
2.10 Setting the Display of Dithering Elimination.............................. 10
7.2 Non-linear error compensation..................................................... .45
2.11 Setting the Angle Display Type................................................... 11
2. 12 Setting the Angle Display Range ................................................. 12 Chapter VIII Trouble Shooting................................................................... 48
2.13 Setting the Number Setting Direction for the SDM Coordinate
System......................................................................................... 12
• Operat10n
Chapter III Baste • I nstruct1ons • .................................... :.............. . 14

• 3.1 Startup............................................................................................. 14
3.2 Zeroing.................................................................... :....................... 14
3 .3 Preset Value for an Axis ............................................... •••••••••·•••••••· 14
3.4 Metric/British System Switching................................................... 15
3.5 Automatic Middling................................................................. •. •••• 16
3.6 Absolute/Relative/209 Group User Coordinate Systems............... 17
3.7 Radius/Diameter Conversiorí (R/0)............................................... 18
. ser parameter·stt·
·3su ·
e 1ng.............................. .................................... ,. 18
3.8.1 Setting the Sleep Function...................................................... 18
3.8.2 Setting the LCD Brightness.................................................... 19
3.8.3 Setting D~te/fime................................................................... 19
3 •8•4 Settmg •
• the Display •
Language................................................. 20

3.8.5 Setting the Buzzer Prompt.. .............................. ...................... 20
Chapter IV Auxiliary Zero Position Function of the 200 Group User
Coordinate System•..........................:...........................................................21


® (® Axis selecti on key

~-1¡ ¡ 'w=·- ~- •]1

........ _
0® ® Numb erkcys
-•--•·" b

Data displ ay area :=J) ©@®

] CD@@
Functi on multip lcx kcy Dircct ion kcy
~ -'í
O@® rcckon er N

reset key
(~) '@, 11 = 111 1 Opera tion
F1 t'O l (i)) &'
'éonfir mation key

[1~ ) (~ @ = ,.
® © )~ @.
Metric /Britis h
system switch ing

Slecp switch

Are Circle
proccs smg Obligue Taper Too!
holing line holing measuremcnt magazine
proces sin





1.1 Display Key Description 1.2 Display Interface Description
Key symbol Function Description No. Interface type Interface diagram Pin Signal
1/3/5 Null
[C] ~umber axis zeroing key
6 9 2 ov
@@@® Number axis selection key and preset number 4
Wrong signal

Number keys

Decimal point enter key

Symbol enter key

1 9 core TTL interface

- 6
2 ov
[I INCH/MM J Metrie/imperial system switching key 3 -B
6 9
'[ ENTER l Operation eonfirmation key 9 core EIA-422-A
4 Wrong signal

w Calculation function key (for entering or guiting the

calculator state)
signa( interface

- 7
0 Calculator zeroing key
8 B
@ Circle holing key (for egually divided hole pocessing on an
are) 6 9 1/4/5/
Oblique line holing key (for equally divided hole poeessing
on an oblique line) 3 EDM signa! interface 2 Common
3 Nonnally off
@ Are processing key (for processing the flat surface of a
workpiece into an are surface)
Nonnally off
@ Obligue processing key (for processing the surface of a -- i 2 A
workpiece into an obligue surface) o 3 B
,<® 4 6 core signa! iliterface o 4 R
@~ Up, down, left and right (direction) selection key o 5 +5 V
PE ground
@ Taper n_ieasurement key (]athe meter)
l ov
6 2 Null
© Tool magazine function key (lathe meter)
3 A

e Alternate key
5 7 core signal interface o
o o
., 7
1 F1 1, J F5 1 Function multiplex key 7
PE ground -

3 4
Chapter 11 System Parameter Setting 2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the type of axis z to the •
angle mode.
Based on grating rule installation and actual needs, set various 3) Press the "Save" function key to s~ve the modification.
parameters to achieve the goal of nonnal operation. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
setting. -
System Parameter Settings
. '' 1 ' m!Jll!l!I~.""'.•.•IIIW!III
. 2.3 Setting the Number ofEncoder Lines
X 5 11 o 11 LinB o 11 MC 11 NC
1vi LINI! 11 5 11 o 11 Linl! o 1~ NC 11 NC The display supports the rotary encoder with any number of lines,
1zl UNE 11 5 11 o' 11 Linl! o 11 NC 11 NC which is set based on actual situation. After rotary encoder installation, if the
WI LINB 11 5 11 o 11 LinB o 11 11
NC NC number of Hn~s are different from the current value, the-number of lines for
o AngTyp: DECJMA the encoder must be set in the display, otherwise the reading would be
incorrect. This parameter must be set by the installation personnel and must
• º"'360
Tip:Press F3/F4 to choose Type. not be modified by the user.
Factory default: 9,000 lines
DEFT SAVE + EXIT For example: The resolution on axi.s Z
(Figure 2.1) is set to 180,000 lines.

2.1 Enter/Quit System Parameter Setting 1) On the interface of system

parameter settin~
. I I
In the time frame of startup screen, Press the EJtTER key to enter the
Press the l.Q_Jor{]]key until the
cursor moves to the resolution option
mterface of system parameter setting, as shown in Figure 6.1.
field for axis Z.
After parameter setting, press the "Save" function key to save system
parameter ·setting and the "Quit" key to quit the interface of system • ' 2) Press number keys to enter 180,000 for the resolution on axis Z.
parameter setting. Note: Toe value ofnumber oflines can be entered only w~en the type
is switched to angle.
2.2 Setting the Number Axis Type
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
Each axis of the display can be connected with a grating rule to show
the distance or a rotary encoder to show the angle. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
Factory default: A grating ruler is mounted. •

For example: Set axis Z to mount a

rotary encoder. 2.4 Setting the Grating Ruler Resolution
1) On the interface of system The display can be connected with a grating ruler with resolution 0.05
parameter settin~ µm, 0.1 µm, 0.2 µm, 0.5 µm, 1 µm, 2 µm, 5 µm, 1Oµm, 20 µm or 50 µm, 1O
Press the i) or@]icey until the different types in all. After grating rule installation, if the resolution is
cursor moves to e type option field different from current value, thé resolution of the grating ruler must be set in
for axis Z. + EXIT
the display, otherwise the reading would be incorrect.

5 6
Note: This parameter must be set by the installation personnel
and must not be modified by the 2.6 Setting the Compensation Mode
Factory default: 5 µm X u Tenn
y ~CDo::::J Llnl o Linear and non-linear error:
For example, the resolution on axis X z 11180000 1o::::J~u:::J~~
is l µm. • Lllll 5 O Llal O CT:J There is an error between the measured value and standard value of the
• o An!il'YP: CEOMA grating rule. If the two measurement curves are in an identical shape within
1) On the interface of system the grating ruler' s range of travel but not in coincidence, this is called a
parameter setting, DEFT SAVE - + EXIT linear error. If the two measurement curves are in different shapes, this is
Press the(Q] m@Jkey úntil the cursor moves to the resolution option called a non-linear error.
field for axis X. Linear correction: to compensate for the linear error so that the displayed
value is equal to the standard value.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the resolution on axis X to Note: The linear error correction value is set by the installation
1 µm. personnel, and must not be modified by the user at will, which otherwise
would affect measurement accuracy.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
. Error correction has two setting types: 1. Linear compensation; 2. non-linear
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter compensation.
setting. a.siolu. •. Dt~t. .. SDMDIR. NC
For example: Set the compensation mode 1 c:::cJallllCD 11:
2.5 Setting the Counting Direction on axis X to non-linear error correction. •

Operation steps: J-!!-ll~:d..b¡;¡;¡'a;;;;;;;;/,1~ºa;a!,\aa~L!=;¡;.;;;a/..~=.!../a~

Afte; the user mounts the grating ruler or encoder, actuaÍ countin~ 1) On the interface of system ~..L..!.J...~~i;;~=i.-'=LM~=.i..::::::.:..i...:c::::...J...a:L'.="'--"'=.:;:.¡

direction may be just opposite to what the user expects. This user.need can parameter Setting, Tlp:Pmo P3/Pf to d>ooff C-...•tion !lodo.
be met in system parameter setting. Press the @J or@} key until the DEFI' SAVE +
Toe counting direction ofthe grating rule is set by the installation cursor moves to the option field for compensation mode on axis X.
personnel and must not be modified by the user.
Factory default: O 2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the compensation mode
For example: Toe counting direction on on axis X to non-linear compensation.
X N:
axis X is set to l. v~CTICD~u:::JCD~
IIClll 1 3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
1) On the interface of system parameter
setting, 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
Press the @) or @J key until the
, setting.
cursor moves to the direction option field
for axis X. 2.7 Setting the Number ofDisplay Axes
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the direction of axis X to The display is capable of setting the number of display axes on the
l. coordinate interface based on user needs, from 2 to 4.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification. Factory default: 2
. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter For example: Set the number of axes to 4.

7 8
1) On the interface of system 2.9 Setting the Combined Axis Display
parameter setting, ... X uie
y UE
Press the [Q) or (!} key until the z~~CC] During machine tool design, the case that two grating rulers are
cursor moves to the option field for
a o installed in the same axis direction may occur, requiring to display the
number of axes. positions of actually processed contact points, and the counting values of
two grating rulers need to be displayed in combination. The combination
setting can meet this requirement.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key
to switch the number of axes _to 4. •
The combination has the followíng modes:
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification. • 1) No combination: The value on each axis is displayed separately.
2) X=X+Y: The displayed value on axis X is equal to the value on axis
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter X and the value on axis Y.
setting. 3) X=X+Z: The displayed value on axis X is equal to the value on axis
X and the value on axis Z.
2.8 Setting the Display Type (Meter Type) • 4) Y=Y+Z: Toe displayed value on axis Y is equal to the value on axis
Y and the value on axis Z.
The display is capable of switching the meter type based on the type of
used machine tool. After meter type switching, the corresponding Factory default: no combination
processing function ofthe display changes accordingly. For example: Set the combination mode to Y=Y+Z
Factory default: milling machine
1) On the interface of system
For example: Set the meter type to NC NC
parameter setting,
Press the (Q] [fil
or key until the
1) On the interface of system •cursor moves to the option field of
parameter setting, combination.
Press the[fil or key until the
+ EXIT 2) Press the "+" or "-" function key
cursor moves to the option field for to switch the combination mode to Y=Y+Z.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the meter type to lathe. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.

. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
settmg. 2.10 Setting the Display of Dithering Elimination
During grinding, the vibration of the grinder makes what's on the display
change repeatedly and quickly, discornforting the operator visually. The display
has a dithering elimination function which prevents what's on the display from
changing quickly and causing visual confusion when the grinder vibrates.
Factory default: O(disabled) •
For example: Set dithering elimination to 1 (enabled).

9 10
l) On the interface of system parameter 2.12 Setting the Angle Display Range
setting, Tr,- IHol11.., Dlr.ct. ..

X In order for the operator to meet the rotation axis' display requirement,
Press the [M [Q]
or key until the
lJl,l 1
c:::::c:J~~ •
"' CLl a parameter of angle display range is set hereby specially, which can be
cursor moves to the option field of dithering modified by the operator as required.
elimination. Angle range:
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to 1) O- 360: The angle display value is between O- 360 degrees.
switch the dithering elimination mode to 1. 2) -360- 360: The angle display value is between -360- 360 degrees.
3) -180 - 180: The angle display value is between -180 - 180 degrees.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the_ modification.
Factory default: o~360
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
For example: Set the angle range to X Ull! o::] 1 - O
setting. y ~CI::JITJ~D=i
-180- 180. z

2.11 Setting the Angle Display Type 1) On the interface of system

parameter setting,
The angle display mode has two types: degree and degree, minute and + EXIT
second. After the angle type is switched, the display mode of each angle axis Press the [fil
orn key until the
is based on this parameter. ' cursor moves to the option field of angle range.
Factory default: decimal system
For example: Set the angle type to 2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the angle range to -1'80-
degree, minute and second. 180.
1) On the interface of system parameter 3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
Press the (filor[!J key until the setting.
cursor moves to the option field o~ angle type.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the angle type to degree, 2.13 Setting the Number Setting Direction for the
minute and second.
SDM Coordinate System
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
. 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter In the SDM coordinate system, there are two two number setting modes:
settmg. Mode O: normal number setting mode, in which the displayed value is
equal to the entered value.
Mode 1: special number setting mode, in which the displayed valt1:e is
equal to the opposite number ofthe entered number. This mode
is suitable for directly following the drawing to mark the
dimension presetting coordinate in the SDM coordinate
Factory default: O
For example: Set the SDMDIR on axis X to 1.

11 12
1) On the interface of system parameter setting, Chapter 111 Basic Operation lnstructions
Press the [QJ [!] key until the cursor moves to option field of
SDMDIR on axis X. 3.1 Startup
2) Press the "+" or "-" function
Function lntroduction
key to switch SDMDIR to l.
Power on and the display enters the normal display state.
3) Press the "Save" function key. to During startup, press the key to access the interna! settings.
save the modification. This display has an outage memory function which can memorize the
current coordinate position, ABS/INC/SDM coordinate mode, and
4) Press the "Quit" function key to metric/British system measureinent mode when an outage occurs. When the
quit the interface of system parameter display starts up next time, the above three pieces of infonnation can be
setting. '. restored to the state before outage, so that the user does not have to set
parameters again.
Note: The number setting direction of the SDM coordinate system
must be in accordance with the type of each axis. Therefore, you need to
only modify the parameter of one axis, and the parameters of other
3.2 Zeroing
axes change accordingly. Function Introduction
When the display is in normal display state, press the number axis
zeroing key at any point to zero the displayed value on the coordinate axis.
Note: If the modification of system parameter • ABS zeroing does not affect the displayed INC value.
setting is in confusion, you can use the "Factory • INC zeroing does not affect either the displayed ABS or SDM
Value" function key to restore to factory defaults. • If the grating ruler does not move after zeroing, press the zeroing
key for the same axis again to cancel previous zeroing operation
and restore to _the value before zeroing.

3.3 Preset Value for an Axis

Function Introduction
to set the displayed value on an axis at current position when the
display is in normal display state.



Example: Process two boles A and B in the axis X direction.

Operating steps:

I. As shown in the figure above, the workpiece position is moved after hole
3.5 Automatic Middling
A processing.
2. Hole B needs to be processed now. After aiming the tool atñole A, press Function introduction: to find the middle position between two points.
rxl + + 0 ~! to enter a value. (If a wrong value is entered during Example: On the rectangular workpiece as shown in the figure, find the
'va1ue entry, you can press the "CA" key to cancel the wrong value.) middle position between
3. Move the tool to the position with a displayed value of27 to process point points A and B.
Note: In the SDM coordinate system,
When the SDM number setting direction is set to "O", the displayed Function Introduction:
value is equal to the entered value. 1. Move the tool and aim it at point A, and press the X0 and YO keys to
• When the SDM number setting direction is set to "l ", the displayed zero the count values on both axis X and axis Y.
value is equal to the opposite number of the entered value.
You can set the SDM number setting direction in "System Parameter
Setting". Jf----i7L
2. Move the tool and aim it at point B. 15, 56 X 18.000
3.4 Metric/British System Switching 12.000 Xo
Function Introduction . . 25.400 ::
to switch the displayed unit of size between ,,\ (metric system) and 25.400º
SDll 1/2 R/D Sl!T
"inch" (British system), so that parts in both metric and British systems can
be processed. 3. Press the "1/2" function keys on both 9.000
axis X and axis Y to middle the count 6.000 x.
Example: As shown in the figure, the original display is in metric system,
values on the two number axes 25.400 Yo
but now the_ display in British system is required (1 inch = 25.4 mm).
respectively. 25.400º Zo
Operating stys:! . •
A/I SDII 1/2 R/D Sl!T
Press the 1W key to switch between metric and British systems.
15, 34, 56 X 25.400 1s. 34, 56 X 1.00000 4. Move the tool and find the point with valve O displayed on both axis
25.400 Xo 1.00000 Xo X and ~xis Y, which is the middle position between points A and B.

Z 25.400 Yo e> Z -1.00000 Yo
W 25.400º 2o W 25.400 º :
SDII 1/2 R/D Sl!T SDII 1/2 R/D SBT

• . If the number axis is in encoder state, when you press the f •:~· key, the
switching does not work. .

15 16
3.6 Absolute/Relative/20~ Group User Coordinate 3.7 Radius/Diameter Conversion (R/D)
Systems Function introduction: to switch the axis X display between workpiece
radius and diameter modes (effective only on the lathe).
Function lntroduction • Example: As shown in the figure, the benchmark of axis X is in the center,
The display provides three coordinate display modes: ab~olute and the too! is at the position of point A. Press the "R/D"
coordinate system (ABS), relative coordinate system (INC), and 200 group function key to switch between radius and diameter
user coordinate system (SDM 001 - SPM 200). display.
..------.-------:--:-:--=-- ::ar.i B
1: Toe zero point of a workpiece is set at -the origin of the ABS X 5.0001 "· X 10.000 á
1s. S6
JU,6. O! 11 z 34, 56

2: When the ABS origin is changed, the relative distance between SDM
11 tj ~:~: •
and ABS origins remains. the same. SDJI 1/2 R/D SET L....:.::..:.......L.....:S.;...;Dll_._...;..1/_2_.__R/D~_s_er~

(Radius) '(Diameter)
I : Switch Between ABS/INC/SDM Coord.inate Systems
Toe coordinate system can be switched only in normal display
state. 3.8 User Parameter
Press the "A/1" function key to switch between ABS and INC. Setting .
• Toe coordinate system prompt bar displays INC: in INC Based on user needs, set Time: 15 H 39 M 26 S

state. related parameters to achieve Lange: ENG

Beep: 0N
• Toe coordinate system prompt bar displays ABS: in ABS the goal of proper operation.
. state. · 3.8.1 Setting the Sleep
Press the "SDM" function key to switch to the SDM coordinate state. Function Tips:&\1' or POIER key eater slHP. any ker Hit.


11: In the SDM Coord.inate System, Entera New SDM Group When the operator takes
Number Value. a rest during workpiece processing, to avoid failure of machine movement
Operating steps: data corresponding after the display is powered off, this function can be used
l. Press the "SDM" function key to enter the SDM for coordinate to only prevent the display from displaying.
selection, as shown in the figure below. "SDM" flashing Factory default: ENT
meaos a new SDM group number can be entered now. Example: Enable the sleep function.

1) On the user setting interface,
2: Entera group number, e.g. 86. Press the (fil or [B key until the cursor moves to
to the option field of sleep.
. 3: Press the :(3 k~y for c~nfimiation, and the SDM group
number of the coordinate system becomes 86.
2) Press the 8 key to enable the sleep function. (The LCD screen is
ill: Coordinate Selection
3) Press any key to quit the sleep function. (Toe LCD screen restores).
Press the (ru or ffi key to enter any coordinate.

·17 18

3.8.2 Setting the LCD Brightness 3.8.4 Setting the Display Language
The user can adjust the brightness of the display based on field Based on nationality, the user can switch the display language by
environment. himself/herself.
Factory default: 100%º_ Factory default: Chinese.
Example: Adjust the display brightness to Example: Set the display language to
50% ENG (English). i=s.º='__._=----------- ----1

l) On the user setting interface, 1) On the user setting interface, ...- - - - - - - i


Press the [Q) or [fil key until'the Press the@ or key until • L...-DE_FT_L...-SA_YE_·L-----'-_+_,__EX_I_T__,
cursor moves to the option field of DEFT SAVE + EXIT the cursor moves to the option field of language.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the language to ENG .
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to adjust the brightness to 50%.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter setting.
3.8.5 Setting the Buzzer Prompt
3.8.3 Setting Date/Time
Toe operator can enable or disable the buzzer prompt tone as required.
Conduct setting based on current After enabled, the buzzer prompt tone sounds.with key pressing and
date and time. After setting, the processing. After di.sabled the buzzer prompt tone does not sound.
modified values will be displayed on Factory default: enabled.
the coordinate interface. Example: Set the buzzer to the disabled
Example: Set the year to 2016. state.
1) On the user setting interface,
1) On the user setting interface, press the
cursor moves to the option field of date.
rn· or 1<H key until the ~r~ss the (Q] or rn key until the

cursor moves to the option field of buzzer. DEFT SAVE + EXIT

2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the year to 2016.
2) Press the "+" or "-" function key to switch the buzzer to the disabled
3)Press the "Save" function to save, the modification. state.

. 4)Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system paramete_r 3) Press the "Save" function key to save the modification.
Note: How to set the month, day, hour, minute or second is the . . 4) Press the "Quit" function key to quit the interface of system parameter
same as how to set the year. You can follow the above steps for
N?te: If the modificatiQn of system parameter setting is in
confusmn, you can use the "Defaults" function key to restore to
factory defaults.
19 20
Chapter IV Auxiliary Zero Position The auxiliary zero position can be set in two ways:
1) Coordinate entering;
Function of the 200 Group User 2) Zero clearing in place.
Coordinate System
4.1 Entering the SDM Zero Position Directly
The display provides three coordinate systems: a'bsolute coordinate
•Without moving the machine, follow the dime~sions on the _user .
system (ABS), relative coordinate system (INC) and 200 group user
·processing drawing to directly p~eset the user coor?mate zero ~omt, In th1s
coordinate system (SDM 001 - SDM 200). The 200 group user coordinate
way, the user coordinate zero pomt can be set p~ec1sely and qmckly.
system can be used as the auxfüary zero point during processing.
In the user coordinate system (SDM coord1Date system)'. enter the
ABS is the absolute coordinate system which is established at the
coordinate of an auxiliary zero position at the absolute_ coordmate z~ro .
beginning of workpiece processing. The 200 group user coordinate system
position, and the coordinate posi~on o~ ab_solute coor?mate ~ero (pomt_ O) ID
is defined relative to the absolute coordinate system. When the user's ABS the auxiliary zero position coordmate 1s d1spl~yed. V1ewed m the r~lat1ve
coordinate changes, the SDM zero position changes along for an according coordinate system, point O is at (25,-20) of po1Dt A, (-30,-25) _of pomt B,
distance. (-30,30) ofpoint e, and (25,20) of point D, _exactly the oppos1te numbers of
During workpiece processing, one benchmark zero position is often not position of each point in the absolute coordmate system. lf Y?U enter the
enough to meet user needs, but currently added SDM coordinate system can relative zero position ata point outside of the absolute coordmate system,
provide multiple benchmark zero points for users. Each auxiliary zero point the position of tlús point in this user coordinate is d_isplayed. 1~ you enter the
is equivalent to a coordinate system origin defined by the user. Every point auxiliary zero position of point B in the user coordinate a~ pomt A,_ the
in this coordinate system takes the auxiliary zero position in current SDM displayed value of Bis (-55,-5). Therefore, when a value is_ preset ID the
coordioate system as the benchmark. In such a relatively independent SDM coordinate system, a minus is added to get the oppos1te num~er
coordinate system, the processing for ali kinds of special funct!ons can be automatically. Hence, the coordinate value. of the processed workp1ece can
carried out. be directly used for entry.
To process the workpiece shown in the figure, ALE origin is set at point
Oof the workpiece center, and the rest four auxiliary zero positions are Operating steps:
points A, B, C and D, as shown in the figure. l. In the absolute coordinate system (ABS), move the machine and·aim.
1 the tool at the center point Oas shown in Figure 3.1.
1 Press keys XO and YO for zero clearing for data on X and axis Y
1 4 '12
-2520 • and to determine the zero position of the absolute coordinate. •

n--r-e- 1
1 0(0,0)
2. Press the "SDM" function key to
enter the user coordinate system.
15, 34, 56

°'· 22
~20.000 Xo
Enter the SDM 1 coordinate, set the
position of point A, and enter its
z Yo
25.400 lo
4 3 coordinate value (-25,20). If you
IPIB;! w 25.400º .Wo
find that the entry is wrong, A/1 SDll i 1/2 i R/D i SET

,. press the axis key to cancel the entry.


21 22
3. Press the key to enter the SDM 2
coordinate system, set the position
15, 31, 56 X -30.000 . 'J w.ay, follow Step 3 to set auxiliary zero positions for points C
of point B, and enter its coordinate
201,. 04. 2Z
lMT y -25.000 Xo andD. .
value (30,25). ucs
z 25.400 Yo
6. After the processing is completed, press the "A/1" function key to qmt e
Mlll.ER w 25.400º SDM coordinate system.
A/1 SDM 1 1/2 1 R/D J SET
• are rocessed as long as the set ABS zero
7. When workpieces_ofthe same s1ze point is se; automatically. As shown in
point is behind pomt O, the lSMD dz~rotp system move to a position where the
4. In a similar way, follow Step 2 to set auxiliary zero positions for • 3 1 t r the SDM coor ma e , .
points C and D. . ed ~:~:s on both axis X and axis y are O, and this position is the
5. After setting the auxiliary zero positions, you can process the isp y • fthe SDM I coordinate system. The user can process
workpiece in the coordinate system of corresponding auxiliary zero :n this. In mass processing, with these user coordinates, the
position. As shown iri the figure, you can process equally divided time !'pent in setting the coordinate zero point can be saved greatly, so that the
holes for an are in point B 's coordinate system of auxiliary zero processing efficiency is improved.
position. _ . •
6. After the processing is completed, press the "A/1" function key +,, quit Attention: d' ·
the SDM coordinate system. • When the user coordinate is used, zero clearing in correspon. ~ng user
coordinate system is actually resetting the auxiliary zero pos1t1on. _The
4.2· Zero Clearing in Place position at which zero clearing is cond~~ted is _the new user coordmate
origin, and the coordinate origin set ongmally 1s replaced by the new
l .Move the tool to the absolute coordinate. coordinate origin.
2. In the absolute coordinate system (ALE), as shown in Figure 3.1,.move • When the user coordinate is used, middling in corresponding user
the fooi to point O, press keys XO and YO for zero clearing for the data on coordinate system is also resetting the auxiliary zero position. The new
axis X and axis Y, and determine the zero position ofthe absolute coordinate origin is at its middle point, and the coordinate origin set
coordinate. (lf reprocessing the workpiece, the user can clear ali of the originally is replaced by the new coordinate origin.
SDM coordinate system and then conduct setting again.) • Press the "REF" key for ten times to olear ali of the SDM coordinate
system. After clearing, the 200 group coordinate is the same as the ABS
3. Press the "SDM" function key to enter the X coordinate.
is, ,
34 56 -25.000
SDM 1 coordinate, set the position of • When resetting the SDM coordinate, you must conduct zero clearing
20.000 x.
point A, and move the tool to point A. The z 25.400:
for the data on axis X and axis Y in the ABS coordinate system, and set
display shows the absolute coordinate .zero position. Otherwise, the set SDM
25.400º coordinate is w.rong.
A/I SD11 l/2 R/D SET

Press keys XO and YO, and the SDM coordinate ofpoint A is set

4. Press the(fil key to eoter SDM 2, set th~ IS, 34, SI X 30.000
position ofpoint B, and move the tool to point 25.000 Xo
B. The display shows Z 0
25.400 Y,Zo
Press keys XO and YO, and the SDM W 25.400º
coordinate of point Bis set successfully. j-.!:!!!:!:5!!....~sD11--,r-:-11-:::-2T"".R1D:--;:---r:s;;l!T;:-i

Cbapter V Special Functións h0 le to that of the last hole) . . d th
UNE ANG: The angle (the angle between the obhque hne an e
-.. B~sides t~e function~ of dete~tion and positioning, ~t the display, the positive direction of X axis) ll b
followmg spec1al processmg functtons are also provided: making hol HOLE NUM: The number.ofholes (the oumber ofholes sha e
~long a l~e (~tan equal inte~al), making hales along a circle (atan =~ual Jarger than 1) · 11 1 1 t the
mterval), mchned plane machmmg, and are machining. After the parameters are input, the display automattca Y ca e~ e tñi
The functions make the existing equipment of the users be more d,
positions of tbe boles along the oblique line. The operator press the o~.
effectively utilized. Before using the special functions of the display key to select the hole number. And then the lathe tool moves_ to ~he pos1tton
acquaint yourself with the coordinates system first. '
the displayed values at X axis and Y axis are both 0.000, wh1ch 1s the
position of the hole.
XY plane Example: For the work piece as shown in the figure, the parameters are set
as follows:
Line distance (UNE DIS): 45m.qi
Line angle (UNE ANG): 30 ¡íi
Hole number OLE NUM : 4

XZ plane YZ plane .

As shown in the figure, in the horizontal plane, the direction parallel

with the operator is X axis, and in the horizontal plane, the direction vertical , Operation steps:
to the X axis is Y axis, and that vertical to the horizontal plane is Z axis. The l. In the status ofnormal display, metric system is selected (in the
direction to which the arrow is pointed is the positive direction of the metric system/British system option). •
coordinate. Users can also change the positive direction for counting in the . Move the machine tool, the peak of the lathe tool is aligned to the
intemal parameter setting according to ~eir own use habits. cir~le center ofthe first hole. Zero clearing is carried out for X axis and y
5.1 Boles along a line
~- Press ~-_The function of making boles along a line (atan equal
Function introduction: At the display, the function of making boles along ª mterval) 1s d1splayed.
line at an equal interval is provided. lt is used for making boles whi~h ar~
equally distributed and whose circle centers are along the same stra1ght lme
lf there is no need to change the
parameters input previously,
tAnal•• I 30,0000

..... p
of 1 o-· ..
in the XY plane. The operator only needs to input the following parameters: press the function key PoTot, 4000
1 º---+

LINE DIS: The length (the distance from the circle centers of the first "Coordinate" or "Figure". The 1 "' o.,,.,·
pro~ess~g ofholes along the L ...
11 - : I - • t
•obhque hne (atan equal interval) tia. Une


25 26
is directly started. 5.2 Making boles along a circle
3. Input the length of the obligue line. Function introduction: The function of making boles along a circle (atan
Press EJ+0+ a in sequence. equal interval) is provided at the display. With this function, boles equally
distributed along a are (or circle) in the XY plan~ can be processed
4. Input the angle ofthe.oblique line.
Preg~ r;,+ 0+ El
m· sequence •

s. Input the number of boles to be made along the obligue line (atan
equal interval). •
Press E}+ El in sequence.
After the interface ofthe function of making holes along a circle (atan equal
6. The interface of "Coordinates" is 0.000 interval) is displayed, the parameters that the user has to defined _are shown
displayed. 0.000 in the infonnation window.
Press [fil or@] to switch over 0.000 RADIUS: The radius of the are (the radius of the are to be eq~ally
between the numbers of the processing divided)
HOLE NUM: number of points (number to which the are is to be
Move the machine tool to the equally divided) (the number of points shall be larger than 1).
position where is displayed in both the X window and Y window. ST ANGLE: Starting angle (the angle ofthe center ofthe first circle)
ENDANGLE: End angle (the angle of the center ofthe last circle)
Punching can be started at that point.
DIRECT: Processing direction
7. The interface of"Figure" is displayed (Note: Whert the starting angle is the end angle, it is indicated that the

Press {fil or
to switch over between the numbers of the processing boles are distributed equally along the whole circle.)

Move the machine tool to the position XV 0.000

. ~llh n:- o:; 1, fl 1 º'

where is displayed in both the X window z
0.000 +' o

and Y window.
Punching can be started at that point.
a.n.t Potntr 1 1
. o
,,,.---+ A


9. After processing is completed, press DiagramA
to return to the nonnal display status.
In any of the XY, ZX, and YZ planes, the directions include the
anti-clockwise direction and clockwise direction. Input the angle directio~
when processing is required.
When the direction is set to be "O", it is indicated that the direction from the
starting angle to the end angle is the anti-clockwise direction, as the are shown
in Figure A. Toe angle from point A to point B is 225° at anti-clockwise
direction. .
When the direction is set to be "1 ", it is indicated that the direction from

27 28
the starting angle to the end angle is the clockwise direction. As the are 3. Input the radius of the circle •
shown in Figure B. The angle from point A to point B is 135º at clockwise
Press [IJ+II)+II]+ E] in sequence.

After the preceding parameters are input, the positions of the 4. Input the number of points (number to which the circle is to be equally
equally-distributed holes are automátically calculated out at the displayed, divided)
r.:"'1+1;;i;i1 .
and the positions ofthe holes are set to O. The user only has to press xx or xx Press t.::.J m sequence.
key to select the position of the hole to be process and move the cutting tool 5. Input the starting angle
Pa) ~ -
to the position of which the displayed values at X axis and Y axis are both O. Press EJ+B in sequence. 15, 34. 56 X -100.000
Then the processing is started. 2016 04. 22

lñTiiñoo y 0.000
6. Input the end angle HOl 1

Example: Processing the boles along the circle at the spare part as Press 0+0J+0+B in sequence.
z 0.000
shown in Fi re E TYPE
MlllfR w
7. Input the processing direction
[D+i;:;,.m sequence.

8. The interface of "Coordinates" is displayed.

Press (fil or@l to switch over. between the numbers of the processing

Are radius (RADIUS): 100mm .
Move the machine tool to the position where is displayed in both the
X window and Y window.
Number of equally-distributed points (HOLE NCM): 8 (the number of Punching can be started at that point. X -100.000

y 0.000
holes to be processed shall be larger than 1) z 0.000
Starting angle (ST_ANGLE): 0¡a 9. The interface of"Figure" is displayed Poiat,
1CmTMrt: 1
End angle (ENDANGLE): 315¡a Press [fil or@J to switch over between

Processing direction (DIRECT): anti-clockwise direction (O) the numbers of the processing points. L-------+'

Operation steps:
1. In the normal display status, select metric system for the display size
ºMove the machine tool to the position PARAM I COORD I
where is displayed in both the X window and Y window.
Punching can be started at that point.

Move the machine tool. Set the origin of coordinates to be at the O
point. 10.After the processing is completed, press -[¡} to return to the normal
display status.
2. Press ~- The interface ofthe fuµction of making boles along a circle
(atan equal interval) is displayed.
If there is no need to change the llaw,
- .J
hlo.t Tot1
parameters input previously, press the
function key of "Coordinate" or
S\ar\ -..,

IIMll D1Nil,
1 1
1 1
"Figure". The processing ofholes L

along the obligue line (at ;m equal •-: 1-t. ,.,. , of the PCD.

interval) is directly started. PARAlf C00RD I GRAPH I PYIEW I BACK

29 30
5.3 Oblique plane (slope) 6. Adjust the angle ofthe work piece, so that the work piece contact the
processing measurement too\. And continue until zero is displayed.

for example: Calibrate the angle of the work piece to 45 º , as shown in Figure
When an oblique plane of relatively large
slant angle is to be processed, it is the most easy (b).
and simple to use the function of oblique plane 1) Put [ij] the work piece on· the workbe~ch at approximately 45 º
processing. push

l. Oblique plane calibration:

2) Select the plane to be processed.
Press IT) to select the XY plane.
,1-.. . O(XYJ

. •'
JnrlrnE" •ldr-h,nrn~ Pt1.rt1.rt••ter

When processing the spare part as shown in

Figure (a) in the XY plane, before processing
push B Surt L
Stert Z,
.... z,
€_ '
the oblique plane, calibrate the slant angle of 3) Input the angle ofthe oblique plane.
push Ti-:0-IY, 1-XZ. 2-Y'Z.

the work piece first. At this time, the function PARAll COORD I GRAPII I PVIEII' 1 BACK

of oblique plane processing plays the role of 4) Toe interface of"Coordinate" is displayed.
calil?rating the oblique plane. Press (fil or rn
to switch over r.:15"',:;;;31;;-,56:;,N-:-x
_____o ___

between the numbers ofthe processing points. 0.000

Move the machine too! to the position
Steps for calibrating oblique planes:
where is displayed in both the X window and Z O• 000
First 9f ail, put the work piece on the
workbench, Punching can be started at that point.
approximately according to the required slant angle.
5) The interface of"Figure" is displayed.
1. Press l!il. Toe interface of the function of oblique plane processing is
Press [fil or to switch over between the numbers of the processing
displayed. points.
2. Select the plane to be processed, O(XY) plane. Move the machine too) to the position where Ois displayed in both the X
3. Input the angle ofthe oblique plane. window and Y window. •
Punching can be started at that point.
4. Move the workbench, so that the
measurement tool (such as the dial indicator) which has been properly 6) Move the workbench along the X-axis direction until the measurement
installed (clamped) at the milling machine lightly contacts the oblique tool lightly contacts the work piece. After zero adjustment, move along
plane, the X-axis direction for any distance.
and adjust it to zero point, and move the workbench along the X-axis
direction 7) Press @ to display the movement distance along the Y-axis direction.
for any distance.
8) Move the workbench along the Y-axis direction. Adjust the ~ngle of the
5. Press 0 key. Move according to the display along the Y-axis direction until work piece so that the calibrated oblique plane contacts the measurement tool
zero is displayed.
until zero is displayed.

31 32
9) Move the workbench until zero is displayed at Y axis. 4) Input the coordinates of the starting point.
Z axis 0+E)+~+B
Xaxis: EJ+B
1O) After the processing is completed, press Eil to return to the nonnal
display status. 5) Input the coordinates of the end point.
Xaxis: [D+E]+E!] =-===-x----2-.5-0_0__,
II. Obligue plane processing Z axis: 0.000
When the plane to be processed is in the XZ pr YZ plane, through the
6) Toe interface of "Coordinates" is -17.500
function of oblique plane processing, the operator is gradually directed to
displayed. 0.000
process the oblique plane. GRAPII PVIEW BACK
The steps of the function of obligue plane processing: Press (fil or @] to switch over
between the numbers of the processing points.
When the plane to be processed is in the XZ or YZ plane, Move the machine too! to the position where·O is displayed in both the X

first of all calibrate the obligue angle of the main window and Y window.
spindle head ofthe machine tool and aligo the cutting Punching can be started at that point.
7) Toe interface of "Figure" is ¿QJti l l 0-'
¡-.,.,,. 11 .. • ., ..... < "" 11 • (17 (1,) oti

Press to display the interface of obligue plane displayed.

0.000 1
processing. z -17. 500
Press {fil or @] to switch over between
loarnnt hlat1 1 1
l. Select XZ or YZ to be the plane to be processed. the numbers of the processing points: 1
2. Input the diameter of the cutting tool. Move the machine tool to the position
3. Input the starting point (XZ/YZ) º
where is displayed in both the X window and PARAM I COOR I GRAPH j PVlll'll I BACK
4. Input the end point (XZJYZ) Punching can be started at that point.
5. Press xx to quit the function of obligue plane processing at any time

8)After the processing is completed, press to return to the normal

Please see the actual example: Pl_, le. . ,021.
display status.
1) Calibrate the obligue angle and C..t.-DI..

lt.-t X, 1
a~ign the cutting tool.
.. ,. .
~tan z,
-20. 000
5.4 Simple are processing
TS-;O-ft l -U. 1 TL

PARA.11 COORD I GRAPH I PVIEW I BACK When processing moulds, it is often reguired to process ares. In case
the shape is simple and the production guantity is very small, resources may
2) Select the plane to be processed. be wasted if a numerically-controlled machine tool is used. The function of
Press (TI to select the :xz plane. Press EJ. simple are processing is provided at the <:lisplay so that a single work piece
such as a copper pole of a mould can be conveniently and guickly processed
3) Input the diameter of the cutting tool. ata general milling machine. With the control parameter ¡ºMAX CUT¡±,
push ITJ+[I]+8 make the are to be cut every time equal. Control the smoothness of the are.
When MAX CUT is smaller, thé cutting voluJile each time is smaller, and
the are to be processed is smoother, the processing time is longer; when the

MAX CUT is larger, the cutting volume each time is larger, and the are to be
processed is rougher, the processing time is shorter.

A: Processing ZX and YZ planes . .

There are 8 processing methods as shown m the followmg figure when
areson ZX and YZ pIanes are processed

]1_ -!1
1 4
Inner are maehining (T-TOOL) Outer are maehining (T+TOOL)

The following parameters shall be input for simple are processing:

5¼ 6


Plane to be processed: 0-XY, 1-XZ, 2-YZ
Processing mode: Select one of the eight modes according to the
indication as shown in the figure.
Are radius: The radius value of the are to be processed
Cutter diameter: The diamet~ value ofthe cutter used for processing
Max. cutting volume: The length of are at each processing interval
Note: A flat-bottom m1lhng cutter or an are m1llmg cutter can be used Inner or outer are: mode of are to be processed (this parameter is
for processing. When a flat-bottom milling cutter is used for processing the especially for XY plane processing)
are, set the diameter of the cutter to be 0.000.
• B: Processing the XY plane Example 1: The are AB of 90° as shown in Figure 4.4-1 is to be_processed
When processing the XY plane, there are also the preceding eight from point A (starting) to point B (end). (, .
processing methods. The cutter is vertical to the plane to be processed. Each The parameters are set as follows: J;r=--A--~-,.
method is further divided into inner are processing and outer are processing. The plane to be processed: XY "1
Therefore, when processing the XY plane, select the cutter compensation Processing mode: 3 .l.__
mode: processing ofouter are (1: T+T00L) and processing of inner are (O: Are radius: 20mm -
T-T00L). Cutter diameter: Sm
Note: When processing the XY plane, no matter round-head cutter or Max. cutting volume: 1mm
flat-head cutter, set the radius of the cutter according to the actual value. Inner or outer are: 1-T+TOOL Diagram 4.4-1
Operation steps:
Select the cutter compensation direction (to be used when processing in 1. In normal display status, select metric system in the metric system/British
the XY plane) system option.
2. Move the drilling machine. Align the cutter to A point. Carry out
zero clearing respectively für X axis and Y axis.

3. The interface of simple are processing is displayed.

·Press -~- The interface of simple are processing is displayed.
lf there is no need to change the parameters input previously, press
the function key of "Coordinates" or "Figure". The are processing is
directly started.

35 36
4. Seleet the plaµe to be proeessed. ,1.... Move the maehine tool to the position at whieh Ois displayed in both'X
Press 0 to seleet the XY plane. window and Y window. Then the processing ofthis point is eompleted.

5. Seleet the proeessing mode 5 12. The proeessing is eompleted. Press 1g) to exit.
. Eights proeessing modes are
shown in the window figure. Example 2
Press -IT]+EJ in sequenee. Seleet the proeessing mode 3. The are AB as shown in Figure 4.4-2 is to be proeessed from point A
(starting). The parameters are set as follows:
The plane to be proeessed: XZ
Proeessing mode: 3
6. Input the are radius. Are radius: actual value
. Press ITJ+ITJ+EJ in sequenee. Input the are radius. Cutter diameter: O(flat-head cutter)
Max. cutting volume: to be determined by the
7. Input the cutter diameter. user himself/herself.
Diagram 4.4-2
Press 0+-B in sequenee. Input the eutter diameter. Inner/outer are: This parameter is meaningless at
SJM &Df Z direetion
8. Input the max. eutting volume. 15. 34, 56 X 0.000
Press ITJ+EJ in sequenee. Input
Jlll,. 04. .U
,., y 0.000 Example 3
HOl 1
The are CD as shown in Figure 4.4-3 is to be proeessed from point D
the max. eutting volume. nnD

z 0.000
(starting). The parameters are set as follows:
9. Seleet the inner are/outer are mode.
MILUR w 0.000 The plane to be proeessed: XZ
Presslil+E J. Select the outer
proeessing. .
Are radius: actual value
are for
Cutter diameter: actual value (round-head cutter)
10. Toe interface of"Coordinates" is displayed. . Max. eutting volume: to be determined by the user
himself7herself. Diagram 4.4-3
Press [ru or (E to switch over between the numbers of the processing Inner/outer are: This parameter is meaningless at Z
Move the machine tool to the position where is displayed º direetion

in both the X window and Y window. Example 4 .

. Move the m~chine tool to the position at which Ois displayed in both The are EF as shown in Figure 4.4-4 is to be processed from point E
X wmdow and Y wmdow. Toen the processing ofthis point is completed. (starting). The parameters are set as follows:
:, ! ' 1 7 (1' 1<; o1 00 Proeessing plane: YZ
11. Toe interface of "Figure" is x o. ooo Proeessing mode: 7
displayed. Y o. ooo , ,.
Z 0.000 + Are radius: actual value
r¡, or f'o'1
L:!J to switch over
a.n.t Polnt: 1 i
Cutter diameter: actual value (round-head
Press U!.I 1

be~een the numbers of the processing i " cutter)

pomts. Max. eutting volume: to be determined by
the user himself/herself. Diagram 4.4-4
Move the machine tool to the PARAll COORD GRAPH PVIEW BACK

position where is displayed in both the X window and y window. Inner/outer are: This parameter is meaningless at Z direction

37 38
5.5 The Function of measure fQr taper 2, Ensure the other tool position relative to
the base tool position, which is also the zero
The taper ofwork piece can be measured point of"ALE" coordinate system, as the figure (a) shows, the relative
when tuming the taper work piece. position of the second tool is:
X-axis 25-30=-5, Y-axis 20-10=10.
Operation: 3, Number the tool, and store the relative position to the base tool into the
As· figure shows, the nod of lever meter digital readout.
is touched the position A of work piece surface.
Pressing it to make the lever meter point to zero.
4, In process, the operator can input the numbers
of using tool, the digital reaélout will display
l) Toen entering the function of measure the relative position dimension of using tool
for taper. to the zero point of "ALE" coordinate system,
0.000 moving the lathe platform to make the
press@ 0.000 display of X axis and Y axis become zero.

2) Move the lever meter to position B of 5, Toe tool storeroom can store datum of200
work piece surface, press it to make the RESUR EXIT tools.
lever meter point to zero. Notes: the Y-axis value mentioned above is the integrated value of
Y-axis with Z-axis, namely the ZJZ0-axis in the former lathe machine
3) Compute. readout.
press E3
The operation of inputting the datum of tools and calling tool:
4) Quit
1) Please input the datum of tools, in the
"ALE" coordinate system, clear the
display value when moving the base
5.6 200 tool storeroom tool to touch the fraiµe of adjusting tool,
It will need to use different tools when ~ing different work pieces or set the first tool to the base tool.
different surface of work pieces, so it is necessary to uninstall and adjust the
2) Enter the inputting stare.
tools, SDS6 digital readout has the function of 200 tooIs storeroom, which
makes the operation simple. .
press © (;.TootlO.:
tool Call

1 1 1 T.,Ho.:
Tool 5-ttlac•

--n 1 1 1 I(¡
Notice: Tbe function of 200 tools storeroom can't be used but the 1 º !l!IQ 1
3)press key"F2"set tool para. T.-: 1 ClOSEll 1 Y: 1 º !l!IQ 1
lathe has the frame of adjusting tool. Please don 't use this function if you
haven't the frame of ~djusting tool. • 4) Input the numbers oftool S.t.tlas 1.001 - - . r


l, Set a base tool. In the state of "ALE"· 5)input the tool offset
to clear the display value of the X axis ' X offset: press GJ E3
or the Y axis when moving the base Y offset:. press 0 E3+
tool to touch the frarne of adjusting tool.

39 40
6) Input the numbers of tool Chapter VI Calculator Function
press [D+E3
In the process of processing work pieces, users may need to calculate
5) input the tool offset
sorne values. The calculator function provided at the display make the users
X offset: press IT) +@+ 8 more convenient when processing according to the drawings. With this
Y offset: press"[!]+G]+ E3 calculator, the calculation results can be directly transferred to the axis to be
processed. The user only needs to move the drilling machine to the position
6) you can set others tools like this. at which Ois displayed, which is the calculation results indicate.
You can operate tbe tool storeroom as below after you input the datum of In the normal display status, press OO. The interface of calculator
function is displayed.
tools, first install the second tool.
After the interface ofcalculator function is displayed, press [i] to

1) press key"F l "switcb the set window. retum to the normal display status.
Too! C•ll Tool S.ttiap

C:..TootlO.: T_No.: 1 1 1
2) Ensure the base-tool. Slal..T: 1 1 1 1(: 1 !! 000 1 6.1 Interface introduction
Default the first tool as the base tool, r..- 1 CLOSEI) 1 Y: 1 !!000 1
you can also set the other tool as the
base tool, key number is OK. Tips: 1-·t tool .,_,.r
Calculation entry
3) Call the second tool. o
Axis coordinate Numberkey
Move Cursor to "call tool", display area promptbar
Sign function
4) open the tool ) function area
Move cursor to"tool state"
press"F3"or "F4",can switch the tool state between on and off. Si1m function area·
' Toe signals of =
S)quit, press"F5" back to coor windows. the ffist tier + - X

Move the flat-from to make the display value ofX axis and Z/Zo axis Meaning Plus sign Minussign
Product Division Computed
sign sign result
become zero.
. The second tool has reached the datum mark, in like manner, the operator Toe signals of
the second tier Inv sin cos tan r
can mput and call 200 tools. • •
Meaning Anti-trigonometr Cosine Tangential Radication
ic function sign
Toe signals of X~2 1/X 1t CA EXIT
the third tier

Reciproca! ofthe
Meaning pi Scavenging Disengagin
Square calculation
result g

6.2 Calculation examples Chapter VII Error Compensation
Example 1: 2+30x2-6/2 = 59 Function
0+@+0+0+0+0+G +0+G+0+B
Example 2: 345 + 2 x sin•1 (-0.5) = 285
0+EJ+0+GJ+EJ-.0+fil-t-0+0+0+B+EJ+G 7.1 Linear error compensation
There is an error between the measured value and standard value ofthe
Note: In case of a digit •input error, press CA key to input again. grating rule. If the two measurement curves are in an identical shape within the
In case of any mistake in the calculation process, the system sends out grating ruler's range oftravel but not in coincidence, this is called a linear error.
the alarm voice indicating the error. At that time, press CA key to input Linear correction: To compensate the linear error so that the displayed
again. . value is equal to the standard value. .
The absolute value ofthe input value and the calculatJOn result shall not Note: Toe linear error correction value is set by the installation personnel,
be larger than 9999999 or smaller than 0.000001. Otherwise, the display and must not be modified by the user at will, which otherwise would affect
fails. measurement accuracy.

Step I: The interface of display system parameter setting is displayed. Set

6.3 Calculation result transfer the compensation mode of the corresponding ?JC.ÍS to be "Linear
compensation". (See Chapter 2.6 for the detailed setting method)
After the calculation is completed, press §1, and then press X, Y, Z, or
W key. Toe calculation results are respectively transferred to the X, Y, Z, or Step ll: Input the linear error compensation value. There are two setting
W axis for display (tbe values beyond the display scope cannot be methods:
l. To calculate the correction factor with a formula according to the
transferred); when the calculation function is on, press él key, and then standard value and the digital display value.
-press X, Y, Z, or W key to respectively transf~r the values·displayed in the X, 2. Move the grating ruler to the standard value (the value shall be
Y, Z, or W axis windows to the calculator. the integral multiple of 10mm). After the current position is
confirmed, the system automatically calculate the
compensation factor.

Example: Install the standard measurement device (such as block gauge and
laser, etc.) at the X axis of the workbench. Move the grating ruler
corresponding to the workbench until 1000mm is displayed as the standard
measured value. At that time, the displayed value at the display is

Method 1: Manually input the correction system. Calculate with the

following formula:
Correction factor S= (L-L')/(L/1000) mrn/m
L---Actual measured length. Unit: mm
L'---Displayed value at the display. Unit: mm

43 44
s---When the correction factor mm/m is "+", lengthening is
There are two methods for setting the starting point when making
indicated; when the correction factor mm/mis".-", shortening is
non-linear error compensation at the display:
indicated. 1. To make error compensation with the starting point as the
Compensation scope: -1.500 mmfm,.,+ 1.500 mm/m
mechanical origin (Figure 1)
The actually-measured length of the machine tool workbench is
2. To make error compensation with the first actual zero point of the
1000, while the finally displayed value at the display is 999.98.
S=(l000-999.98)/(1000/1000)=0.02 mm/m grating ruler as the mechanical origin (Figure 2)

·1 ·1 ·¡
After the correction factor is got through calculation, press the axis key. L2

Press ~- key. Then the setting interface is displayed. o 10 20 30 40 50 60

(R~e 1)
,...., 10 20 30 40 50
_,1 Auw,atlt: (Rgli'e 2)
x - - • uoo L: The distance ofthe effective range ofthe grating ruler
y uoo 11 ....
z ....11 .... LI: The length of the compensation section
w ""'" •ooo

L2: The effective distance of compensation

Th••: Jna11t - .-t.5--t1.5
DEFT I SAVE I START I FINISHI BACK Note: The user can set the preced1ng distance at will according to the actual
Method 2: Automatic calculation correction systern requirement. There is no requirement on interval distance.
1. The interface for setting the linear cornpensation tale is displayed.
Move the cursor to the "autornatic setup" area at X axis. Step I: The interface ~f display system parameter setting is displayed. Set the
2. Move the X-axis grating rule on the workbench until 1000mm is compensahon mode of the corresponding axis to be "Non-linear
displayed as the standard measured value. At that time, 999.98mm compensation". (See Chapter 2.6 for the detailed setting method)
is the displayed value at the display. Step II: The compensation interface is displayed. Set the non-linear error·
3. Press the 8 button. The error correction is cornpleted. • compensation value.

z ....
- .. 0.000

1. At the ~oordinates interface, pr~ss the axis key, and then press the
key. The non-lmear compensation interface is then displayed.
l w ....
,. -,_ ... ..__
........................ _
2. "Step l" is displayed at the display:
Compensation setting: Use the axis compensation fun_ction. Find the
Df!FT I SAVE I START I FINISHI BACK reference point in the next step.
Restore the compensation table: Delete the last compensation value. The
7.2 Non-linear error compensation default values are restored at the compensation table.
. Check the compensation ·table: check the compensation value set last
Attention: The non-linear compensation function can only be set •
up in the status of metric display. After the setup is completed, metric 3• ."Step l ": Select the compensation setting function.
r;:;;i .
system or British system can be selected for display. Press key. Fmd the reference point in the next step.

45 46
4. Move the grating ruler at the positive direction. After the reference point .
is found, the cursor skips to "Step 3". •
Chapter VIII Trouble Shooting
S. According to Figure 1, the grating ruler has to be moved to the max. In the following table, simple trouble shooting methods are listed. If the
position at the negative direction. Press the axis zero clearing key. lt is problems cannot be solved through the methods, please do not dismantle the
indicated that the compensation starts at this point. display by yourself for fear of an electric shock. Please contact our company
According to Figure 2, directly display the position with 0.000 as the or a correspond'm :r agent promotl1y fior help.
coordinates value. Press the axis zero clearing key. lt is indicated that
Problem Cause Troubleshooting
the compensation starts at the absolute zero position of the current
grating ruler. 1: The power is not switched on. 1: Switch on th.e power.0}
2: The fuse is damaged. 2: Replace the fuse with a new one
6. The compensation table is displayed. Move the grating ruler at the Toe display is not 3: 220V power cable is poorly ofthe same specification.
positive direction to the compensation point position. Input the standard show
connected. 3: Toe power plug shall be in
value at the "X standard" column. (Repeat this step to input s~veral 4: Whether appropriate power proper condition.
• ts)
)Olll voltage is used. 4: Whether the input power is
w within 100V~240V.
X Slalldard Ymaobine
Ystandml Zmachine
Zstandud tn1thinc
tool too! tool
tool standard 1: The machine too] and display is 1: Toe machine too! case and the
o 0.000 0.000
Toe case of the poorly grounded. display case shall be properly
2 display is electrified. 2: electric leakage ofthe grounded.
3 220Vpower.
4 2: Check the 220V power.
The displayed value 1: The resolution ration of the
1 of a certain axis is grating ruler is not correctly set. 1: Set the correct resolution.
X y z w two times of the 2: The diameter display mode is 2: Set the radius display mode.
compcnsati 00lllp<:DIII com¡,msat c:ompensat normal value. set for a certain axis.
on DOint imM 11t ioo-n1 ionnnint

1: The grating ruler Exchange with the grating

7. After the compensation setting is completed, press "Save" function key
to save and exit. 2: There is not signa! output ofthe ruler of another axis to see whether
• • The display-axis the counting works normally. If
grating ruler.
does not count. yes, it is judged that the grating
3: The countíng function of the
ruler is damaged. If not, it is judged
axis of the display fails.
that there is a display problem.
The XNIZ values 1: There is a disorder of the system 1: Reset to the set factory defaults
displayed • in the memory. ofthe system.
window are in 2: The grating ruler is damaged, 2: Repair or change the grating
disorder. thus causing missing number. ruler.

Ali keys of the 1: There is a disorder of the system 1: Reset to the set factory defaults
display do not memory. ofthe system.
respond. 2: Short circuit of the keys. 2: Replace with a new mainboard.

Problem Cause Troubleshooting

There is no response 1: The key is damaged. 1: Change the key block.

at thc display when a 2: There is a disorder of the system 2: Reset to the set factory
single key is pressed. memory. • defaults ofthe system.
¡: The accuracy of the machine tool
'equipment is in poor condition.
2: Tbe operation spe~d of. the ¡: Repair the machine tool.
machine tool equipment is too hi~h. 2: Reduce the speed.
3: The installation of the_ gratmg 3: Reinstall the grating ruler.
ruler <loes not meet requirements 4· Convert mm/inch correctly.
The counting function and the accuracy is insufficient. 5; Set the correct resolution.
of thc display 4: The· mm-display inch-display O 6: Set the correct linear error
malfunctions-the the display do not confonn to each compensation value (if the
,ldisplayed distance other. . . compensation value is not
<loes not agree with 5: The resolut1on of the dis~lay and needed, then set the linear
the actual distance. the resolution ofthe gratmg ruler error compensation value to
do not confonn to each other.. be O.)
6: The linear error compe~satlon 7: Repair or change the grating
value of the display 1s not ruler.
properly set.
7: The grating ruler is damaged, thus
~using missing number.
The data of X and Y
axes is displayed,l l: The wrong number axis . ¡I : Tbe system parameter setting
nonnally, but those 01lselected. is interface is displayed. The
z axis cannot be selected ax(s is the 3rd axis. 1

Exchange with the grating
Tbe grating ruler does ruler of another axis to see

not move, and th~ data' 1: The grating ruler is d~maged. whether the counting works
Iof the display 2 : The display malfunct1ons. nonnally. If yes, it is judged that
automatically increase the grating ruler is damaged. If
or decrease. not, it is judged that there is a
display problem.


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