Mettler Toledo Communication Protocol
Mettler Toledo Communication Protocol
Mettler Toledo Communication Protocol
Standard Interface Command Set
MT-SICS 0 version 2.3x
MT-SICS 1 version 2.2x
MT-SICS 2 for Excellence Balances
MT-SICS 3 for Excellence Balances
l Ran
MT-SICS Basic Information
1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction
In weight measurements the demands on the readability and maximum capacity of
balances and scales range from less than one microgram up to several hundred tonnes.
To meet these and other requirements, METTLER TOLEDO offers an extensive range of
balances and scales. Many of the balances and scales used have to be capable of
integration in a complex computer or data acquisition system. To enable you to integrate
balances in your system in a simple manner and utilize their capabilities to the full, most
balance functions are also available as appropriate commands via the data interface.
Command to balance which writes Hallo into the balance display:
D/ "Hallo" The command terminator CRLF is not shown.
The quotation marks " " must be inserted in the entry.
1-4 1 character
ID Response identification.
/ Space (ASCII, 32 dec.).
Status Status of the balance, see description of the commands and re-
Parameters Command-dependent response code.
CR Carriage Return (ASCII 13 dec.).
LF Line Feed (ASCII 10 dec.).
CRLF will not be shown in this description.
Response to D/ "Hallo" when Hallo appears unabridged in the display: D/ A.
ID Error identification
Possible error messages are
ES Syntax error
The balance has not recognized the received command.
ET Transmission error
The balance has received a "faulty" command, e.g. owing to a parity
error or interface break.
EL Logical error
The balance can not execute the received command.
CR Carriage Return (ASCII 13 dec.).
LF Line Feed (ASCII 10 dec.).
CRLF will not be shown in this description.
To be able to start from a determined state, when establishing the communication
between balance and system, you should send a reset command to the balance. When
the balance or system is switched on or off, faulty characters can be received or sent.
I5 SW-Identification number
Command I5 Inquiry of SW-Identification number.
/ A/
Responses I5/ / "x" SW-Identification number as Text.
x: SW-Identification number.
I5/ Command understood, not executable at present.
Command I5 Inquiry of SW-Identification number.
/ A/
Response I5/ / "12345678A"
SW-Identification number with index.
The SW-Identification number is unique for every Software.
Z Zero
Command Z Zero the balance.
Response Z/ The following then holds: gross = net + tare = 0.
Zero setting performed, i.e. stability criterion and zero
setting range complied with.
Z/ Zero setting not performed (balance is currently executing
another command, e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was
not reached).
Z/ Upper limit of zero setting range exceeded.
Z/ Lower limit of zero setting range exceeded.
Command Z Zero.
Response Z/ Zero setting performed.
• The tare memory is cleared during zero setting.
• The zero point determined during switching on is not influenced by this command, i.e. the
measurement ranges remain unchanged.
• The duration of the timeout depends on the balance type.
• The draft shield closes with this command, when the "Door function" is set on "Automatic".
It opens after sending a stable weight.
ZI Zero immediately
Command ZI Zero the balance immediately regardless the stability of
the balance.
Response ZI/ Re-zero performed under non-stable (dynamic) conditions.
ZI/ Re-zero performed under stable conditions.
ZI/ Zero setting not performed (balance is currently executing
another command, e.g. taring).
ZI/ Upper limit of zero setting range exceeded.
ZI/ Lower limit of zero setting range exceeded.
Example 1
Command ZI Zero immediately.
Response ZI/ Zero setting performed, weight value was stable.
Example 2
Command ZI Zero immediately.
Response ZI/ Zero setting performed, weight value was dynamic
• The tare memory is cleared after zero setting.
• The zero point determined during switching on is not influenced by this command, i.e. the
measurement ranges remain unchanged.
@ Reset
Command @ Resets the balance to the condition found after switching
on, but without a zero setting being performed.
Response / A/
I4/ / "text" Serial number of the balance, the balance is ready for
Command @
/ A/
Response I4/ /"1114350697"
Balance is reset, its serial number is 1114350697.
• All commands awaiting responses are cancelled.
/ 1.
• Key control is set to the default setting K/
• The tare memory is reset to zero.
• The "reset" command is always executed.
• If the balance is on standby, it is switched on.
D Balance display
Write into balance display
Command D/ / "text" Write text into balance display.
Response D/ /A Text appears unabridged left-aligned in the balance display
marked by a symbol, e.g. *.
D/ Command not executable.
D/ Command understood, parameter wrong or balance with
no display.
Command D// "HALLO" Write "HALLO" into the balance display.
Response D/ The full text "HALLO" appears in the balance display.
Clear balance display
Command D/ / "" Clear balance display.
Response D/ /A Balance display cleared, marked by a symbol, e. g. *.
D//I Clear balance display.
• A symbol in the display, e.g. * indicates that the balance is displaying an invalid weight
• The maximum number of characters of "text" visible in the display depends on the balance
K Key control
Commands K/ When a key is pressed, execute the corresponding function,
but do not send.
K/ When a key is pressed, do not execute the corresponding
function and send nothing.
K/ When a key is pressed, do not execute the key function, but
send the corresponding key code.
K/ When a key is pressed, execute the corresponding function
and send its function code.
If the corresponding function can not be executed
immediately, the function code K/ / B/
/ y for the start of the
/ / / /
function and K/A/y or K/I/y for the end of the function
are sent. This behavior applies to taring, zeroing,
calibrating, testing, printing, etc.
If a function may not be executed, the function code
K/ / I// y is sent.
Response /A
K/ Key control command understood and successfully executed.
K/ Key control command understood but not executable at
present, e.g. balance actually in menu or input mode.
K/ Key control command understood, but command
parameter wrong.
/ 3 command are defined as follows:
The key commands of the activate K/
Key commands of the Excellence XP balances
1 9
2 8
3 4 7
5 10 5
/ 3 command:
Example with an activated K/
/ R/
K/ /5 Key 5 was pressed and held around 2 seconds.
/ C/
K/ /5 Key 5 was released.
/ 4 is active
Response when K/
/ A/
K/ /y Function y was released by pressing the correspondent key
and successfully executed.
/ I/
K/ /y Function y was released by pressing the correspondent key,
but it could not be successfully executed, e.g. calibration
was aborted by user.
/ B/
K/ /y Function y was released and started, the execution needs
time to complete. These functions are marked with an asterix
/ A/
After this response, either K/ / y or K/
/ I// y follows.
The balance functions are coded as follows:
Calibration* y=0
Tare* y=1
Re-zero* y=2
Data transfer to printing device* y=3
Test* y=7
Command K/ When a key is pressed, execute the corresponding function
and send the function code as an acknowledgement.
Responses K/ Each time a key is pressed, immediate acknowledgement
with the corresponding function code will be sent.
/ B/
K/ /1 The taring function has been started -> taring active.
K/ /1
/ A/ Taring completed successfully.
/ B/
K/ /1 The taring function has been started -> taring active.
/ I/
K/ /1 Taring not completed successfully, taring aborted.
/ 1 is the factory setting (default value).
• K/
/ 1 active after balance switched on and after the reset command
• K/
• Only one K command is active at any one time.
• A distinction must be made between key code K/ / 3 and function code K/
/ 4. The key code
is specific to the balance type, the function code corresponds to the above table.
T Tare
Command T Tare, i.e. store the next stable weight value as a new tare
weight value.
Response / S/
T/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Taring performed, i.e. stability criterion and taring range
complied with.
The tare weight value returned corresponds to the weight
change on the balance in the unit actually set under unit 1
since the last zero setting.
T/ Taring not performed (balance is currently executing another
command, e.g. zero setting, or timeout as stability was not
T/ Upper limit of taring range exceeded.
T/ Lower limit of taring range exceeded.
Command T The balance is tared and has a value of 100.00 g in the
tare memory.
Response / S/////
T/ /////
/////100.00/ /g
• The tare memory is overwritten by the new tare weight value.
• The duration of the timeout depends on the balance type.
• The function of the combined tare and zero setting key corresponds to the zero setting (Z)
command of the interface.
• Clearing tare memory: see command TAC.
• Unit 1 is the weight unit displayed after the balance has been switched on.
• The draft shield closes with this command, when the "Door function" is set on "Automatic".
It opens after sending a stable weight.
TI Tare Immediately
Command TI Tare immediately, i.e. store the current weight value,
which can be stable or non stable (dynamic), as tare
weight value.
Response / S/
TI/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Taring performed, stable tare value.
The new tare value corresponds to the weight change on
the balance since the last zero setting.
/ D/
TI/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Taring performed, non-stable (dynamic) tare value.
TI/ Taring not performed (balance is currently executing another
command, e.g. zero setting).
TI/ The command is not executable, e.g. certified version of
TI/ Upper limit of taring range exceeded.
TI/ Lower limit of taring range exceeded.
Command TI Tare immediately.
/ D/////
Response TI/ /////
/////117.57/ /g
The tare memory holds a non-stable (dynamic) weight
• The tare memory will be overwritten by the new tare weight value.
• After a non-stable (dynamic) stored tare weight value, a stable weight value can be
determined. However, the absolute value of the stable weight value determined in this
manner is not accurate.
• The stored tare weight value is sent in the unit actually set under unit 1.
• The taring range is specified to the balance type.balances
Command C0 Inquiry of status and setting of the calibration.
/ A/
Response C0/ / 2/
/ 1/
/ "///
///100.000/ / g"
Current setting of mode is "Auto". The ambient conditions
of the balance have changed so much that the balance
requests a calibration (x1=2) with the external weight
(x2=1). For a calibration initiated with the command C2,
a weight of 100.000 g is needed.
Setting the calibration setting
Command C0/ / x1// x2 Set calibration setting.
x1 Calibration mode
x1=0 Mode = Manual
A change in the ambient conditions has no
influence on the initiation of the calibration
x1=1 Mode = Auto, the sensors built into the
balance monitor the ambient conditions.
When a considerable change in the ambient
conditions is determined, the status display
AutoCal or Cal will be activated; this means
the balance will ask for calibration.
x2 Calibration weight
x2=0 Use internal weight (factory setting)
x2=1 Use external weight
The current value of the external weight can be
seen in the menu of the balance under
"Calibration" (see Operating instructions.
Response C0/ /A Calibration setting set.
C0//L Calibration setting can not be set, e.g. parameter wrong or
certified version of the balance.
C0//I Commend not executable as the balance is, e.g. being
Command C0// 0/
/1 Set calibration setting to manual and external.
Response C0/ Calibration setting set.
Setting x1=1 and x2=0 corresponds to the menu setting "FACT" under "Calibration".
/ 8/
Command COM/ / 3/
Setting the parameters for the serial interface to 38400
baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no handshake.
Response COM/A The parameters have been set to the desired values.
• The response takes place with the current settings, the settings are changed after the
We changethe baud rate of an RS232 option:
Command COPT// "start"
Response COPT// A// ""
Command /
COPT/"get"/ / "System.Infos.DeviceName"
Response COPT// A// "Value='RS232/ / Option'"
Command COPT// "set"/ / "Connection.ConnectionList.1.Baudrate"/
"i4"// "5"
Response COPT/ / A// ""
Command COPT/ / "end"
Response COPT/ / A// ""
Identifier: These are not case sensitive. For details, see option specific section.
Data type: For details, see option specific sections.
COPT/ / "set"/ / "Connection.ConnectionList.1.Baudrate"/ / "i4"/
/ "5"
COPT/ / "set"/ / "Connection.ConnectionList.1.Parity"/ / "i4"// "1"
Set the baud rate to 4800 Bd and the format to 7 Bit odd parity.
Command: COPT// "get"/
/ "System.Infos.Status"
/ A/
Response: COPT/ / "Value='0'"
COPT/ /"Interface.DHCP"//"i4"/
COPT/ /"Interface.IPAddress"/
COPT/ /"Interface.SubnetMask"/
COPT/ /"Interface.StandardGateway"/
/ "Interface.Apply"/""/ ""
/"Connection.ConnectionList.1.ServerPort"/ "i4"/ "8001"
/ "Connection.ConnectionList.1.Server"/ "i4"/ "1"
/ "set"/
These commands switch DHCP off and configure an IP address permanently (Apply).
Then we make a server at port 8001 visible to clients.
DAT Date
Inquiry of date
Command DAT Inquiry of current date of the balance.
Response DAT/ / A/
/ dd/
/ mm/
/ yyyy
"dd/mm/yyyy" represents the date in the format
DAT//I Inquiry of the date not possible at present as another
operation is taking place.
Set date
Command DAT/ / mm/
/ dd/ / yyyy
Set date in the format "dd/mm/yyyy".
Response DAT/ Date has been set.
DAT/ Date can not be set at present as another operation is taking
DAT/ Command not executed as the date format was not correct.
Command DAT Inquiry of date of the balance.
/ A/
Response DAT/ / 01/
/ 10/
/ 2003
Current date of the balance is 1 October 2003.
The set date is retained even after the reset command "@".
M21 0 1 → M21 A Setting of unit 1 to "kg".
M21 → M21 B 0 0 Inquiry of unit, unit 1 = "g".
→ M21 B 1 3 Display unit = "mg".
→ M21 B 2 5 Info unit = "carat".
All S commands are given in Unit 1 according to the definition of the MT-SICS. Only weight
units are accepted as Unit 1.
M37/ Parameters are missing, the command can thus not be
M37/ Command not executable.
/ int
Command M37/ Setting of door opening.
int: 0..100, door opening in %
(100 = door completly open)
Response /A
M37/ Command executed.
M37/ Parameters are missing, the command can thus not be
M37/ Command not executable.
M37 → M37 A 75 Door opening is set on 75%.
Only the values available in the Set-Up of the balance are excepted.
Command P100// "Hallo" Print out Hallo on the printer.
Response P100/ Printout has been started.
• A sequence of maximum 24 characters is admissible as text.
/ "text" has no influence on the function of the printer as a
• The command P100/
record printer.
Response /I
SIS/ Command can't be executed now.
Response / A / status/
SIS/ / "Net weight"/ / unit
/ readability/ / step/ / approv// info
→ at status 0 to 3
Response SIS/ / "Error"
/ A / status/
→ at status 4 to 6
Response / A / 0/
SIS/ / "100.00"/ / 0// 2// 1/
/ 10//0
100.0(0) g
Response / A / 1/
SIS/ / "10.0"/ / 5// 2/
/ 50/ / 0/
10.0 ct, carat value, with step 50, in coarse range, with
tare store and unstable
Response / A / 6/
SIS/ / "Error7" or SIS/ / A/
/ 6// ""
Error, not valid
Response / A / 4/
SIS/ / ""
Can't be used with custom unit, piece counting (PCS) or percent weighing (%).
SIRU Send weight value with currently displayed unit immediately and
Command SIRU As the "SIR" command, but with currently displayed unit.
/ S/
Response S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Command executed.
/ D/
S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Command executed.
S/ Balance in overload range.
S/ Balance in underload range.
S/ Command not executable as balance is, e.g. being tared.
Command SIU
/ D//////
Response S/ / lb
SNR Send stable weight value and repeat after each deflection
Command SNR/ / PresetValue/ / Unit
Send current stable weight value and repeat after each
deflection greater or equal to the preset value (see
Response S// S/
/ WeightValue/ / Unit
Current stable weight value (1. value)
/ S/
S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
: Next stable weight value after preset deflection (2 value)
: etc.
S/ Command not executable (balance is currently executing
another command, e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was
not reached).
S/ Command understood, parameter wrong.
S/ Balance in overload range.
S/ Balance in underload range.
Command SNR/ / 50/
/ S//////
Response S/ ////// /g
/ S//////
S/ ////// /g
The preset value is optional. If no value is defined, the deflection limit depends on balance
readability as follows:
readability min. deflection
0.01 mg 0.01 g
0.1 mg 0.1 g
0.001 g 1g
0.01 g 1g
0.1 g 1g
1g 5g
SNRU Send stable weight value and repeat after each deflection
Command SNRU// PresetValue/ / Unit
As the SNR command, but with currently displayed unit
(see Comment).
/ S/
Response S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Current stable weight value (1. value)
S/ / WeightValue/
/ S/ / Unit
: Next stable weight value after preset deflection (2 value)
: etc.
S/ Command not executable (balance is currently executing
another command, e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was
not reached).
S/ Command understood, parameter wrong.
S/ Balance in overload range.
S/ Balance in underload range.
Command SNRU// 50/
Response S/ //////
/ S////// /g
/ ////// /g
S/ S//////
The preset value is optional. If no value is defined, the deflection limit depends on balance
readability as follows:
readability min. deflection
0.01 mg 0.01 g
0.1 mg 0.1 g
0.001 g 1g
0.01 g 1g
0.1 g 1g
1g 5g
SRU Send stable weight value with currently displayed unit after
Command SRU As the "SR" command, but with currently displayed unit.
SRU// WeightValue// Unit
/ S/
Response S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
Command executed.
/ D/
S/ / WeightValue/ / Unit
S/ Balance in overload range.
S/ Balance in underload range.
S/ Command not executable as balance is, e.g. being tared.
Command SRU
/ S//////
Response S/ / lb
/ D//////
S/ ////// / lb
/ S//////
S/ ////// / lb
TIM Time
Inquiry of time
Command TIM Send current time of the balance.
Response TIM/ / A/
/ hh/
/ mm/
/ ss
"hh/mm/ss" represents the time in the 24-hour format
TIM/ No inquiry of the time is possible at present as another
operation is taking place.
Set time
Command TIM/ / mm/
/ hh/ / ss
Set time in 24-hour format (hours/minutes/seconds).
Response TIM/ Time has been set, clock running.
TIM/ The time can not be set at present as another operation is
taking place.
TIM/ Command not executed as the time format is not correct
(e.g. 22/67/25) or no timer is built in.
Command TIM Inquiry of time.
/ A/
Response TIM/ / 22/
/ 56/
/ 11
The current time of the balance is 22 hours, 56 minutes
and 11 seconds.
The time setting is retained even after the reset command "@".
Response /B
A01/ Start to set reference (waiting for stable weight).
A01/ Command executed.
A01/ Incorrect parameter.
A01/ Setting reference aborted (not stable, over- or
underload, abortkey,…).
A01/ Command not executable.
Command A01// 100.00 Set the reference for percent weighing to 100.00 %
Response A01/ Reference is set, waiting for stable weight
A01/ Command executed.
• This command can only be used with the application “percent weighing”.
Command A06/ Setting of dynamic weighing filter.
x: 1 = Stable
2 = Standard
3 = Unstable
Response /A
A06/ Command executed.
A06/ Incorrect parameter.
A06/ Command not executable.
Command A06//2 Set dynamic weighing filter on standard
Response A06/ Dynamic weighing filter setting has been executed.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
Command A07/ Setting of the dynamic weighing AutoStart.
x: 0 = off
1 = on
Response /A
A07/ Command executed.
A07/ Incorrect parameter.
A07/ Command not executable.
Command A07//0 Set dynamic weighing without AutoStart.
Response A07/ AutoStart setting has been executed.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• The SM1 command does not test any minimum load.
• Set AutoStart off (see command A07), set AutoTare off (see command A08).
• The balance does not perform stability or plausibility checks for the start.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• Set AutoStart on (see command A07)
• The minimum load can be defined in the dynamic weighing application setup in the
menu AutoStart.
• The single start standby is cancelled by the SM0 and @ commands before start of the
• This command can only be used with the application „dynamic weighing“.
• Set AutoStart on (see command A07)
• The minimum load can be defined in the dynamic weighing application setup in the
menu AutoStart.
• The recurring establishment of the start standby is cancelled by the SM0, SM1, SM2
and @ commands.
• This command can only be used with the application “dynamic weighing”.
• The time interval preset by the SM4 command is automatically set to the actual value
indicated in the balance’s display when the time interval parameter is selected
B00/ Inadmissible parameter.
Command B00 Inquiry of list of FastHost commands.
/ B/
Response B00/ / "B00" Commands B00 to B08 are available.
/ B/
B00/ / "B01"
/ B/
B00/ / "B02"
/ B/
B00/ / "B03"
/ B/
B00/ / "B04"
/ B/
B00/ / "B05"
/ B/
B00/ / "B06"
/ B/
B00/ / "B07"
/ A/
B00/ / "B08"
B01/ Inadmissible parameter.
Command B01 Inquiry of FastHost value.
/ S////
Response B/ ////123.45 / unitg
//// g
As per current format specification.
B02/ Inadmissible parameter.
Command B02/ /1 Inquiry of Start continuous mode.
/ D/
Response B/ / 123.45/
/ g Continuous and as per current format specification.g
/ /
B03/ Inadmissible parameter.
Command B03 Inquiry of time interval of value counter.
/ A/
Response B03/ / 0.010923
Time interval is 10.923 ms.
Command / Width
B05/ Setting of of FastHost stability criteria.
Response /A
B05/ FastHost stability criteria is set.
B05/ Inadmissible parameter.
B05/ Parameter not permanently saved.
Command B05 Inquiry of FastHost stability criteria.
Response / A/
B05/ / Width Width of signal for stability is 0.0006 g
• The condition of stability is permanently stored.
• Only the signal width can be adjusted to determine the Fasthost stability by means of B05.
The observation time for the determination of the signal width is given by the balance
system. This can be different, depending on the adjustment of the balance parameters and
on the type.
• If the value of the Fasthost signal width (B05) is more than 1000 times smaller than the
smallest resolution of the balance, then the internal stability information of the balancing
system will be sent to the stability marking, i.e. same behaviour concerning stability
information as with the S-commands.
Response /+
B08/ Command stopped due to overload.
B08/ Command stopped due to underload.
B08/ Command not available, stopped or timed-
Command B08 Set to zero with FastHost stability criteria.
Response /A
B08/ Set to zero FastHost successfully completed.
5 Special features
Parameter values after switching balance On/Off
The commands of the standard command are seved on the permanent memory of the
balance. This means that all values changed via the interface are saved when the balance is
switched off.
6 An example
The following simple formula weighing application shows the data interchange between
the computer with the formula weighing program and the balance.
@ Reset balance.
/ A/
I2/ /"1114350697"
K/ Disable key function and report each keystroke.
Prompt "(load) BEAKER" appears in the display.
D/ Response to the prompted text.
/ C/
K/ / 10 Acknowledges pressing of the tare key.
T Tare weight on the balance.
/ S/////
T/ /////
Beaker weighs 70.0000 g.
/ "C1 100g"
Prompt, add component 1 = 100 g.
Response F
D/ Response to the prompted text.
/ C/
K/ / 10 Acknowledges pressing of the tare key.
/ 76/
/ "Sub/
D/ / g"
Display "76 g substance weighed in".
D/ Response to the "Display" command.
7 What if...?
Tips from actual practice when the communication between the system (computer) and
the balance does not function.
For bidirectional communication, at least three connecting lines are needed:
• Data line from the balance (TxD signal with RS232 interface).
• Data line to the balance (RxD signal with RS232 interface).
• Signal ground line (SG with RS232 interface).
Make sure that all these connections are in order. Check the connector pin assignment of the
connection cables.
Interface parameters
For the transmission to function properly, the settings of the following parameters must
match at both the computer and the balance:
• Baud rate (send/receive rate)
• Number of data bits
• Parity bit
Check the settings at both devices.
For control of the transmission, in part separate connection lines are used (CTS/DTR). If these
lines are missing or wrongly connected, the computer or balance can not send or receive
Check whether the balance is prevented from transmitting by handshake lines (CTS or DTR).
Set the parameter "protocol" for the balance and the peripheral device to “No Handshake” or
"none". The handshake lines now have no influence on the communication.
Subject to technical changes and to the availability
of the accessories supplied with the instruments.