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Trial protocol

The trial protocol was submitted to UNSW ethics committee on Nov 29, 2015, prior to
randomisation of the first participant.

The Statistical Analysis Plan was drafted on Mar 2, 2020.

One major change was made to the trial protocol during the trial.

June 2016 – due to error in the specification of repeated measures used for the sample size
calculation the sample size was changed to 276 and disability, measured by the RMDQ, from
primary to secondary outcome. This change was included in the published protocol (Bagg et
al. 2017) and submission to ethics committee on Nov 27, 2016.
RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045)
Trial Protocol
The RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045): Informed Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Matthew Bagg, Martin Rabey, Prof Benedict Wand, Dr Markus Huebscher, Prof Lorimer Moseley,
Prof Chris Maher, Assoc Prof Stephen Goodall, Sopany Saing, Dr Tasha Stanton, Dr James McAuley
Low Back Pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability worldwide (Balagué et al., 2011; Vos et al., 2012). Most people
recover from an acute episode quickly, with a 58% reduction in pain and disability and 82% return-to-work at 4 weeks
(Pengel et al., 2003), however residual symptoms have been reported to persist for up to five years (Enthoven et al.,
2004). The incidence of chronic low back pain (CLBP) following an acute episode ranges from 5-20% (Koes et al., 2006;
Mehling, 2012; Pengel et al., 2003). This number appears to have increased over the previous twenty years (Freburger,
2009; Martin, 2008) based on United States data. In Australia, as many as 40% of people will develop CLBP from an
acute episode of LBP (Henschke et al., 2008). The CLBP cohort is more difficult to treat, takes longer to recover (Costa
et al., 2009; Menezes et al., 2012) and incurs the greatest costs (Walker et al., 2003).

The major problem with treatment of CLBP is that patients’ primary concern is obtaining pain relief (Hush et al., 2009)
and complete recovery appears to be primarily mediated by recovery from pain (Henschke et al., 2008). We know that,
unfortunately, contemporary treatments are minimally effective (Machado et al., 2008) at achieving pain relief. Best-
practice advocated (Koes et al., 2010) graded activity exercise has no more effect than motor-control exercise (Macedo
et al., 2012), which is only slightly more effective than placebo at improving global function but not pain (Costa et al.,
2009). Clearly, worthwhile reductions in pain are not being achieved and this is contributing to the slow recovery and
economic burden of the CLBP population.

A new approach to chronic pain management has been conceptualised in the cortical body-matrix. The cortical body-
matrix has been proposed as an expression of the coordinated drive by a network of brain structures to maintain
homeostatic and psychological integrity when there is perturbation to body structure and orientation (Moseley et al.,
2012a). There is compelling evidence that brain structures within the cortical body-matrix are disrupted in patients with
CLBP (Bowering et al., 2014; de Lussanet et al., 2012; Luomajoki & Moseley, 2011; Moseley et al., 2008a, b, 2012b;
O’Sullivan et al., 2013; Tsao et al., 2008; Wand et al., 2010, 2013a, b; Willigenburg et al., 2013). Targeting the function
of these brain structures using specific therapeutic interventions in complex regional pain syndrome and phantom limb
pain has produced significant reductions in pain. (Bowering et al., 2013; Cacchio et al., 2009; Chan et al., 2007; Flor et
al., 2001; Moseley et al., 2008a; Moseley & Wiech, 2009). It would appear that employing the same interventions in the
CLBP cohort might produce similar treatment effects.

This hypothesis is supported by promising pilot data. Several interventions for targeting the psychophysical disturbances
observed in CLBP, as well as pain biology education (Clarke et al., 2011; Gallagher et al., 2013; Louw et al., 2011; Moseley
et al., 2004) have, in all cases, produced significant reductions in pain intensity in patients with CLBP (Trapp et al., 2014;
Wand et al., 2011, 2012, 2013; Wälti et al., 2015). Targeting the brain structures represented by the cortical body-
matrix, in complement to education and functional movement training may constitute the new approach needed to
achieve pain relief for CLBP sufferers. Accordingly, Informed Sensorimotor Retraining represents a truly biopsychosocial
approach to rehabilitation of people with CLBP.

The RESOLVE trial will investigate the effect of Informed Sensorimotor Retraining versus placebo control on pain
intensity and disability in a large two-group randomised, controlled clinical trial of people with CLBP.
We hypothesise that Informed Sensorimotor Retraining will produce clinically meaningful reductions in pain intensity
and disability versus placebo control at six weeks post intervention for people with CLBP.

Study type
Two-group, participant blinded, randomised controlled clinical trial with repeated measures comparison of means

Recruitment: Community-based advertisement and primary care practices, greater Sydney area, NSW, Australia
Enrolment, intervention and assessment: Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), Barker Street, Randwick, Sydney
NSW 2031, Australia

Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Version [5, 27 Nov 2015]
RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045)
Trial Protocol
Duration of Study
September 2015 – September 2019

Inclusion Criteria
• Primary complaint of pain in the area between the 12th rib and buttock crease with or without accompanying
leg pain
• Low back pain of at least 12 weeks duration
• Mean pain intensity Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) ≥ 3/10 in the past week
• Sufficient fluency in the English language to understand and respond to English language questionnaires and
to engage with the intervention
• Partner (friend or spouse) who is able to assist with part of the intervention
• Internet access
• Age 18-70, inclusive
Exclusion Criteria
• New onset of low back pain preceded by at least one year free from low back pain (recurrence)
• Known or suspected serious spinal pathology (fracture; malignant, inflammatory or infective diseases of the
spine; cauda equina syndrome or widespread neurological disorder)
• Suspected or confirmed pregnancy or less than six months post-partum
• Nerve root compromise (any two of altered strength, reflex or sensation for the same nerve root)
• Spinal surgery less than twelve months previously
• Scheduled for major surgery during the treatment or follow-up period
• Uncontrolled mental health condition (eg, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder) that
precludes successful participation
• Any of the contraindications to transcranial direct current stimulation (Constantinescu et al., 2010), cranial
electrical stimulation, short wave diathermy (Shields et al., 2002) or low intensity laser therapy (DJO Global,

Primary care practitioners will identify potentially suitable participants during their consultation or participants will be
exposed to community-based advertisement about the trial. In either case, the potential participant will contact the
research team via telephone or email. A study researcher will explain the study protocol and eligibility criteria to the
potential participant and with verbal consent, assess the potential participant for study eligibility over the telephone.
Potential participants who are eligible to participate in the trial will be provided with the participant information
statement and consent form (PICF) via email or post. They will have at least 24 hours opportunity to read the PICF. If
the potential participant is eligible and remains interested, they will be invited to a baseline session. During the baseline
session, one of the researchers will review the study protocol, confirm eligibility with respect to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, and obtain written informed consent. Baseline outcome data will also be collected during this session,
following which the patient will be randomised.

Treatment Intervention
Participants randomised into the treatment intervention group will receive a twelve week program of Informed
Sensorimotor Retraining. Informed Sensorimotor Retraining includes; pain biology education, sensory training, motor
training and functional movement training. The pain biology education will take place during two 45-60min sessions
over the first two weeks and in 20min doses over the ensuing ten weeks. The therapist will identify key unhelpful beliefs
about the nature of low back pain that require restructuring (change). Restructuring techniques targeted to each patient
will commence as part of the pain biology education and continue throughout the intervention.
From the second week, participants will commence sensory and motor training. The sensory training involves tactile
localisation, discrimination and graphaesthesia over the lower back. The motor training involves left-right recognition
training and motor imagery.
From week six, participants will engage in a 7-week program of feedback enhanced functional movement training. This
is stratified to target the functional limitations of the individual and is performed with mirror-visual and other forms of
feedback. All of the training will be delivered in a progressive graded fashion as part of 60min sessions (one per week)
with the study therapist and in the form of home training, totalling 30mins per day, seven days per week.
The study therapist will monitor participant achievement of key learning targets of the pain biology education and
progress with restructuring of cognitive barriers.

Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Version [5, 27 Nov 2015]
RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045)
Trial Protocol
Participant progress through the treatment paradigm will be directed using a standard progression protocol.
Participants are free to progress ahead of schedule provided they meet key progression criteria for each stage of the
Participants will not be required to stop any current treatment for their low back pain.

Control Group Intervention

Participants randomised into the control group intervention will receive a graded program of sham/placebo
interventions, matched to the time and therapist interaction of the treatment intervention. Sham pain biology
education will be delivered during two 45-60min sessions over the first two weeks and in 20min doses over the ensuing
ten weeks. Participants will be invited to discuss their current and past treatments. The study therapist will not provide
advice about their low back pain. From week 2, participants will commence a progressive program of sham transcranial
direct current stimulation (tDCS), detuned cranial electrical stimulation, detuned short-wave diathermy and detuned
low intensity laser therapy, delivered during one 60 min session per week over 11 weeks.
Participants will not be required to stop any current treatment for their low back pain.

A trial researcher not involved in patient recruitment or data collection will create a randomisation schedule using
randomisation software. The schedule will be used to create 266 consecutively numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes
containing allocations.

Patients will be blinded to group allocation and study hypothesis. It is not possible for therapists to be blinded to the
study hypothesis as the treating therapists are on the research team. The statistician analysing the data will be blind to
group allocation.

Sample Size Calculations

We require 266 patients to detect a one point (SD=2.5) between group difference in the first primary outcome, pain
intensity (Numerical Rating Scale), at six weeks post intervention. We consider this to be the smallest worthwhile effects
that would justify implementation of the intervention. A one point on the NRS is established as the minimal clinically
important difference for pain intensity in chronic pain clinical trials (Dworkin et al., 2008).
Sample size was calculated using the Glimmpse software. We calculated for 7 repeated observations, an estimated
intra-cluster correlation (correlation between the observations) with base 0.6 and decay rate 0.1, Type I error (alpha)
of 5% and allowing for up to 15% loss to follow up. We conservatively ignored the increase in statistical power conferred
by baseline covariates and stratification.

The primary outcomes will be pain intensity (Numerical Rating Scale) and Disability (Roland Morris Disability
Questionnaire) at six weeks post intervention.
Secondary outcomes will include two-point discrimination distance, left-right recognition accuracy, depression subscale
of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), Pain Catastrophising Scale, credibility and expectancy
questionnaire, Neurophysiology of Pain questionnaire, Back Beliefs Questionnaire, Fremantle Back Awareness
Questionnaire, Tampa Scale of Kinesophobia, Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Insomnia Severity Index, EuroQoL 5D-5L,
Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised, Health Resource Use and Usual Activities, Elgueta-Cancino Pelvic Tilt Test.
A measure of recurrence will be taken at 52 weeks for patients who are pain free for a month or longer.
Participants will be assessed in all measures at baseline, 3 and 6 weeks of the intervention, immediately post-
intervention (week 12) and at 6 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months post-intervention. All questionnaires will be accessible via
secure web-links emailed to patients individually. Tactile acuity will be assessed using two-point discrimination by the
study therapists. The Recognise® software provides left-right recognition accuracy and response time data. Individual
participant data will be extracted into a spreadsheet using software.

Data and treatment integrity

Trial data integrity will be monitored by regularly scrutinising data files for omissions and errors. All data will be double
entered and the source of any inconsistencies will be explored and resolved. Electronic data will be stored on password-
protected servers at NeuRA and paper-form data stored in locked filing cabinets at NeuRA. De-identified data will be
stored in separate files/cabinets to those containing participant details and trial identification numbers.
Treatment adherence will be determined by recording attendance at treatment sessions and by analysing participant
activity diaries. The Recognise® software will also be used to track adherence to the laterality recognition component
of the treatment intervention.

Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Version [5, 27 Nov 2015]
RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045)
Trial Protocol
Statistical Analysis
The data will be analysed by intention-to-treat by a statistician blinded to group allocation. We will analyse the effect
of the treatment intervention separately for each outcome using linear mixed models with random intercepts for
individuals to account for correlation of repeated measures. The model will include terms for important prognostic
factors measured prior to randomisation and specified a priori. We will obtain estimates of the effect of the intervention
and 95% confidence intervals by constructing linear contrasts to compare the adjusted mean change (continuous
variables) or difference in proportions (dichotomous variables) in outcome from baseline to each time point between
the treatment and control group. Linear contrasts will be used to determine the effect of Informed Sensorimotor
Retraining compared to placebo control.

There is currently pilot data from one clinical trial (Wälti et al., 2015) and one clinical case-series (Wand et al., 2011)
that a central nervous system training approach will produce a beneficial reduction of pain in people with CLBP.
Furthermore, there is also evidence of independent effect of several treatment techniques for targeting central nervous
system processes and outputs (Trapp et al., 2014; Wand et al., 2012, 2013a). This will be the first large-scale assessment
of Informed Sensorimotor Retraining beyond the pilot stage. This trial will tell us whether treatments that target the
function of the central nervous system are more effective than placebo in a large, representative group of people with
CLBP. The trial will also demonstrate whether a paradigm of treatment delivery that is sequential, inter-related and
feeds forward, in-line with current understanding of central nervous system physiology and the biopsychosocial model,
produces a beneficial reduction in pain for people with CLBP.

Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Version [5, 27 Nov 2015]
RESOLVE Trial (NHMRC1087045)
Trial Protocol

Balagué, F., et al. (2011). Non-specific low back pain. Lancet 379(9814), 482-91
Bowering, K. J. et al., (2014) Motor imagery in people with a history of back pain, current back pain or both. Clinical Journal of Pain 30(12), 1-19
Bowering, K. J., et al. (2013). The effects of graded motor imagery and its components on chronic pain. Journal of Pain 14(1), 3–13
Cacchio, A., et al. (2009). Mirror therapy for chronic complex regional pain syndrome type 1 and stroke. N Engl J Med 361(6), 634–6
Chan, B. L., et al. (2007). Mirror therapy for phantom limb pain. N Engl J Med 357(21), 2206–7
Clarke, C. L., et al. (2011). Pain neurophysiology education for the management of individuals with chronic low back pain. Man Ther 16(6), 544–9
Constantinescu, A. O. et al. (2010). Trans-cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): A promising new tool to facilitate rehabilitation of manual
dexterity after stroke. Romanian Journal of Neurology 9(3), 118-123
Costa, L. O. P., et al. (2009). Motor control exercise for chronic low back pain: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Phys Ther 89(12), 1275–86
da C Menezes Costa, L., et al. (2012). The prognosis of acute and persistent low-back pain: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 184(11), E613–24.
de Lussanet, M. H. E., et al. (2012) A body-part-specific impairment in the visual recognition of actions in chronic pain patients. Pain 153(7), 1459–
DJO Global (n.d.). Low Level Laser Therapy 101. Available:
Dworkin, R. et al., (2008). Interpreting the Clinical Importance of Treatment Outcomes in Chronic Pain Clinical Trials: IMMPACT Recommendations.
Journal of Pain 9(2), 105-121
Enthoven, P. et al. (2004). Clinical course in patients seeking primary care for back or neck pain: a prospective 5-year follow-up of outcome and
health care consumption with subgroup analysis. Spine 29(21), 2458-2465
Flor, H., et al. (2001). Effect of sensory discrimination training on cortical reorganisation and phantom limb pain. Lancet 357(9270), 1763–4
Freburger, J. K., et al. (2009). The Rising Prevalence of Chronic Low Back Pain. Arch Intern Med 169(3), 251-258
Gallagher, L., et al. (2013). An RCT of Using a Book of Metaphors to Reconceptualize Pain. Clin J Pain 29(1), 20–5
Louw, A., et al. (2011). The effect of neuroscience education on pain, disability, anxiety. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 92(12), 2041–56
Henschke, N., et al. (2008). Prognosis in patients with recent onset low back pain in Australian primary care. BMJ 337, a171
Hush, J. M., et al. (2009). Recovery: what does this mean to patients with low back pain? Arthritis Rheum 61(1), 124–31
Koes, B. W., et al. (2006). Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. BMJ 332, 1430-1434
Koes, B. W., et al. (2010). An updated overview of clinical guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care. Eur Spine J
19(12), 2075–94
Luomajoki, H. & Moseley, G. L. (2011). Tactile acuity and lumbopelvic motor control in patients with back pain and healthy controls. BJSM 45, 437-
Macedo, L. G., et al. (2012). Effect of Motor Control Exercises Versus Graded Activity in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. Phys Ther
92(3), 363-377
Martin, B. I., et al. (2008). Expenditures and Health Status Among Adults With Back and Neck Problems. JAMA 299(6), 656-664
Mehling, W. E., et al. (2012). The Prognosis of Acute Low Back Pain in Primary Care in the U.S. A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study. Spine 37(8), 678-
Moseley, G. L., et al. (2004). A randomized controlled trial of intensive neurophysiology education in chronic low back pain. Clin J Pain 20(5), 324–
Moseley, G. L., et al. (2008a). Tactile discrimination, but not tactile stimulation alone, reduces chronic limb pain. Pain 137(3), 600–8
Moseley, G. L., et al. (2008b). I can’t find it! Distorted body image and tactile dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain. Pain 140(1), 167–71
Moseley, G. L., et al. (2012a). Bodily illusions in health and disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36(1), 34–46
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unaffected limb during training. Pain 144(3), 314–9
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Trapp, W., et al. (2014). A brief intervention utilising visual feedback reduces pain and enhances tactile acuity in CLBP patients. J Back Musc Rehab
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Vos, T., et al. (2012). Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010. Lancet 380(9859), 2163–96
Walker, B. F., et al. (2003). Low Back Pain in Australian Adults. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 15(2), 79–87
Wand, B. M., et al. (2010). Tactile thresholds are preserved yet complex sensory function is impaired. Physiotherapy 96(4), 317–23
Wand, B. M., et al. (2011). Managing chronic nonspecific low back pain with a sensorimotor retraining approach. Phys Ther 91(4), 535–46
Wand, B. M., et al. (2012). Seeing it helps: Movement-related back pain is reduced by visualization of the back during movement. Clin J Pain 28(7),
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Wälti et al. (2015). Short-term effect on pain and function of neurophysiological education and sensorimotor retraining compared to usual
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Willigenburg, N. W., et al. (2013). Precision control of trunk movement in low back pain patients. Human Movement Science 32(1), 228–39

Sensorimotor Retraining for Chronic Low Back Pain

Version [5, 27 Nov 2015]
The RESOLVE Trial for people with chronic low back pain:
statistical analysis plan
Matthew K Bagg1,2,3, Serigne Lo4, Aidan G Cashin1,2, Rob D Herbert1 5
, Hopin Lee1,6,7,
Markus Hübscher1, Benedict M Wand8 1,2
, Rodrigo Rizzo1,9, G Lorimer Moseley1,10, Tasha R
Stanton , Christopher G Maher , Stephen Goodall , Sopany Saing12 & James H McAuley1,9
1,10 11 12

1. Centre for Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, 139 Barker St, Randwick 2031, Sydney,
2. Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Prince of Wales Hospital Campus,
Edmund Blacket Building, Randwick 2031, Sydney, Australia
3. New College Village, University of New South Wales, 215A Anzac Parade, Kensington 2033, Sydney,
4. Melanoma Institute Australia, University of Sydney, The Poche Centre, 40 Rocklands Road,
Wollstonecraft 2065, Sydney, Australia
5. Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Health and Life Sciences, Brunel University London,
Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom
6. Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and
Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Windmill Road,
Headington, Oxford OX3 7HE, United Kingdom
7. School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan 2308,
Newcastle, Australia
8. School of Physiotherapy, The University of Notre Dame Australia Fremantle, 19 Mouat Street,
Fremantle 6959, Perth, Australia
9. School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Wallace Wurth Building, 18 High Street,
Kensington 2052, Sydney, Australia
10. IIMPACT in Health, University of South Australia, City East Campus, 108 North Terrace, Adelaide
5001, Australia
11. Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, King
George V Building (Level 10N), Missenden Road, Camperdown 2050, Sydney, Australia
12. Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation, University of Technology Sydney, PO Box 123
Broadway 2007, Sydney, Australia

Correspondence to
Matthew K Bagg
[email protected]
Centre for Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, 139 Barker St, Randwick 2031, Sydney,
Declarations of interest
MKB is supported by a NeuRA PhD Candidature Scholarship and was supported during this work by an
Australian Research Training Program Scholarship and a UNSW Research Excellence Award. MKB

neuroscience and rehabilitation and Memorial University of Newfoundland to speak about engagement with
research evidence. AGC is supported by the UNSW Prince of Wales Clinical School Postgraduate Research
Scholarship. EOH is supported by an Australian Research Training Program Scholarship. RR is supported
by the UNSW School of Medical Sciences Postgraduate Research Scholarship. MKB, AGC, RR, EOH are
additionally supported by NeuRA PhD Candidature Supplementary Scholarships. RDH, HL, GLM, TRS
and CGM are supported by research fellowships funded by the NHMRC of Australia. GLM has received

Australia, Europe and North America, AIA Australia, the International Olympic Committee, Port Adelaide
Football Club, Arsenal Football Club. Professional and scientific bodies have reimbursed GLM for travel
costs related to presentation of research on pain at scientific conferences/symposia. GLM has received
speaker fees for lectures on pain and rehabilitation. GLM receives book royalties from NOIgroup
publications, Dancing Giraffe Press & OPTP. TRS has received grant funding from the NHMRC of
Australia. TRS also received funding from Eli Lilly Ltd to cover travel expenses; unrelated to the present
topic area. CGM has received grant funding from Australian and overseas government and not for profit
agencies. CGM is an investigator on the SHaPED trial that received heat wraps at no cost from Flexeze.
JMcA has received project grant funding from the NHMRC of Australia. SL, MH, BMW, NOC, SG and SS
have nil declarations of interest.
Background: Statistical analysis plans describe the planned data management and analysis for clinical
trials. This supports transparent reporting and interpretation of clinical trial results. This paper reports the
statistical analysis plan for the RESOLVE clinical trial. The RESOLVE trial assigned participants with
chronic low back pain to graded sensory-motor precision training or sham-control.
Results: We report the planned data management and analysis for the primary and secondary outcomes.
The primary outcome is pain intensity at 18-weeks post randomisation. We will use mixed-effects models
to analyse the primary and secondary outcomes by intention-to-treat. We will report adverse effects in full.
We also describe analyses if there is non-adherence to the interventions, data management procedures and
our planned reporting of results.
Conclusion: This statistical analysis plan will minimise the potential for bias in the analysis and reporting
of results from the RESOLVE trial.
Administrative information:
Funding: This work was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of
Australia, ID1087045
Ethics: University of New South Wales HREC (HC15357)
Trial registration: ACTRN12615000610538
Trial protocol: Bagg et al. (2017) J Physio, doi:10.1016/j.jphys.2016.11.001
SAP version: 2 Mar 2020
Back pain (MeSH), chronic pain (MeSH), statistical data analysis (MeSH), clinical trial (MeSH)
Background and rationale
Low back pain is a burdensome and disabling health condition.1,2 People who experience low back pain for
longer than three months have a low chance of recovery and experience substantial functional and financial
difficulty.3 10 Results of clinical trials of contemporary interventions indicate that, on average, people with
persistent low back pain experience small to no benefit, compared to control. Accordingly, there is an
urgent need to develop more effective interventions.
Recent progress in understanding the role of the central nervous system (CNS) in the low back pain
experience bears promise for the development of new treatment approaches. Accumulating data indicate
that people with persistent low back pain have differences in CNS structure, function, and biochemistry;
compared to people without pain.11 20 Research has demonstrated that these differences may be related to
aspects of the low back pain experience.21 23
Interventions designed to target the CNS (termed herein, psychophysical interventions) have been
developed and tested in a number of small studies.24 27 Further research has combined these new
interventions with traditional interventions directed towards functioning of the back, or psychological
aspects of the pain experience. These data suggest that there may be additional benefit from a combined
approach.28 32 Work is underway to evaluate these treatment programs in adequately powered,
prospectively registered, randomised controlled trials.33 35
The aim of the RESOLVE Trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychophysical-traditional intervention
(graded sensory-motor precision training) compared to a sham intervention for reducing pain intensity for
people with persistent low back pain at 18-weeks post-randomisation. This statistical analysis plan reports
the planned analyses of primary and secondary outcomes.

Study Methods
Trial design
The RESOLVE Trial is a two-group, parallel, randomised clinical trial with 1:1 allocation. Participants and
outcome assessors are blinded to group allocation and study hypotheses.33
We defined these eligibility criteria in the trial protocol:33
Inclusion Criteria: A primary complaint of pain in the area between the 12th rib and buttock crease with
or without accompanying non-radicular leg pain; episode of persistent low back pain of at least 12 weeks
duration; a mean pain intensity on a numeri
fluency in the English language to understand and respond to English language questionnaires and engage
with the intervention; access to/availability of a person who is able to assist with part of the intervention
at home; access to the internet; aged 18-70. Exclusion Criteria: Known or suspected serious spinal
pathology (fracture; malignant, inflammatory or infective diseases of the spine; cauda equina syndrome
or widespread neurological disorder); suspected or confirmed pregnancy or less than six months post-
partum; suspected radicular pain (dominant leg pain, positive neural tissue provocation tests and/or any
two of altered strength, reflexes or sensation for the same nerve root, assessed clinically); spinal surgery
< 12 months previously; scheduled for major surgery during the treatment or follow-up period;
uncontrolled mental health condition that precludes successful participation; any contraindications to
transcranial direct current stimulation, cranial electrical stimulation, pulsed electromagnetic energy or
low-intensity laser therapy.
(Text re-used from,33 without amendment, under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
A scientist with no involvement in the conduct of the trial used a blocked randomisation model to generate
the allocation sequence. The allocations were printed and placed in 276 sealed, opaque, sequentially
numbered envelopes.33
Timing of outcome assessments, interim analyses and stopping guidance
The outcome measures are defined in the trial protocol. Outcomes were to be measured at baseline and 18,
26 and 52-weeks post-randomisation. Intervention credibility was measured at baseline and 2-weeks post-
randomisation. We did not specify interim analyses in the trial protocol.33
We determined during the trial that we had sufficient funding to complete recruitment and collect the
primary end-point at 18-weeks for all participants, after which we would close the trial. We collected the
primary end-point for participant ID276 on 28th November 2019 and initiated the final collection of
outcome data for all remaining participants that had not completed follow-up (defined as receipt of
outcome data for the 52-week time point). We contacted n=45 participants to provide their 52-week time
point data early and n=34 participants to provide their 26-week time point data early. This latter group of
participants did not provide outcome data for the 52-week time point.
Sample size
The required sample size is n=276 participants to have at least 80% power to detect a minimal clinically
important difference36 of 1-point (SD 2.0) in pain intensity (0-10 numeric rating scale, NRS), between
levels of intervention, at 18-weeks post-randomisation. We calculated the sample size for an interaction
between time (four observations) and levels of intervention, using an estimated inter-observation
correlation of base 0.6 with decay rate 0.1 and adjusted for up to 15% loss to follow up. 33,37
Follow-up and withdrawal
We will use the data items depicted in Table 1 to describe the sample at baseline. We will present the
sample and group measures, with a measure of central tendency and variability, for each item. We will use
an adapted CONSORT flow diagram38 and accompanying table to describe the movement of participants
through the study. A shell of the adapted flow diagram is shown in Figure 1. Participants may withdraw
from the trial intervention, fail to provide follow up data or both. Additionally, participants may withdraw
their consent from the trial completely. We will report these items in the flow diagram and a separate table
(Table A1).
Data integrity
We collected data from participants ID001-070 in hard copy format. These data will be entered in
duplicate. Discrepancies will be resolved by consensus, with recourse to the Chief Investigator as required.
We collected data from participants ID071-276 using a custom-developed on-line system. These data do
not require entry or checking.

Analytic Principles
General considerations
We will conduct the analyses respecting these principles:
* all participants will be analysed in the group to which they were allocated (intention-to-treat39)
* all treatment effect estimates will be provided along with their associated 95% confidence intervals
* all statistical tests will be 2-sided with a nominal alpha level of .05
* P values will not be adjusted for multiplicity. However, the outcomes are clearly categorised by
degree of importance33 and no subgroup analysis will be performed.
* the null hypothesis for each outcome is that there is no difference between the intervention groups.
Whereas, the alternative hypothesis is that graded sensory-motor precision training is superior to the
control intervention.
* all analyses will be performed using STATA40 and R.41 43
Outcome definitions
Primary outcome:
The primary outcome is pain intensity, defined as average pain intensity in the past week, assessed using a
subject-rated 11-point NRS at 18-weeks post-randomisation.33 The numeric rating scale is a continuous
measure that ranges from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable).44
Secondary outcomes:
The secondary outcomes are function, quality of life (QoL), recovery, adverse effects, serious adverse
effects, global perceived effect (GPE) and intervention credibility.
* Function is defined as back-specific function, assessed using the Roland-Morris Disability
Questionnaire (RMDQ). The RMDQ is a continuous measure, ranging from 0 (no problems with
function) to 24 (severe problems).45
* QoL is defined as self-rated health-related QoL, assessed using the EQ-5D-5L. The EQ-5D-5L
includes a 5-dimension, 5-

* Recovery is defined as recovery from back pain at 26-weeks post-randomisation. We will consider a
participant recovered at 26-weeks when the outcome score for pain intensity (in the past week) is either
0 or 1 on the 11-point NRS at both 18- and 26-weeks.48 50
* We are collecting data on adverse effects using passive capture,44 throughout the trial period (0-52wks
for each participant).33 We will report adverse effects using the FDA definitions,51
untoward medical occurrence associated with the intervention, whether or not considered related to the

occurred when any of the following sequelae occur or medical intervention is required to prevent
-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, a
persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life

* The global perceived effect of intervention is assessed using the Global Back Recovery Scale (GBRS).
The GBRS is continuous, ranging from -5 (very much worse), through 0 (no different) to 5 (completely
recovered, compared to the start of the treatment program).52
* Intervention credibility is assessed using the Credibility and Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ). The
CEQ is a continuous scale.53
Compliance with the intervention
Compliance was assessed by recording the attendance of participants at each treatment session. We will
consider compliance as a continuous variable, defined as the number of treatment sessions attended, and as
a binary variable, defined as attendance of greater than or equal to eight treatment sessions (75% of the
intervention). We will present frequency distributions for both groups to describe the proportion of
participants that attended each intervention session. We will also present the proportion of participants in
either group that attended greater than or equal to eight treatment sessions.

Primary outcome
We will use a mixed-effects model to estimate the effect of allocation to intervention group on the primary
outcome; pain intensity at 18-weeks post randomisation. Mixed-effect models are recommended for
estimating treatment effects at specific time-points in clinical trials.54 56 We will model intervention group
as a binary variable and time as a categorical variable with 4 levels corresponding to the repeated measures.
We will use an unconstrained correlation structure as this is most plausible, given the repeated
measurements are at different time intervals. The model will include three fixed-effect terms for the
group.time interactions and a random intercept. The intercept term will account for the dependency of
observations within participants due to repeated measures. The model is

, where:
* is the , var( ))
* are indicator variables for the three post-randomisation time-points. Baseline is the reference
The primary analysis will use the point estimate of and its 95% confidence interval to estimate the effect
of intervention at 18-weeks post-randomisation (Table 2).
Secondary outcomes
We will also use mixed-effects models to estimate the effect of allocation to intervention group on
function, QoL and GPE. These models will be specified in the same manner as for the primary outcome.
We will use appropriate coefficients and their 95% confidence intervals to estimate the effects of
intervention at each follow-up time point (Table 3).
We will calculate the proportion of participants in each group that meet the definition of recovery and
compare these proportions using a Chi2
We will compare the mean group scores for the CEQ at baseline and at 2-wks post-randomisation using an
independent samples t-test (Table 3).
Adverse effects and serious adverse effects
We will display lists of all adverse effects and serious adverse effects reported throughout the trial period
(0-52wks: available data for each participant) and the proportion of participants in either group that
experienced them (Table A3).
We will calculate the proportion of participants that experienced any adverse effect or any serious adverse
effect and compare these proportions using a Chi2 Test, o
We will compare the proportion of adverse effects and serious adverse effects between groups using logistic
mixed-effects models, provided there are a sufficient number of observations. The models will be otherwise
specified as above. We will use appropriate coefficients and their 95% confidence intervals to estimate the
effects of intervention at each time point (Table 3).
Estimating treatment effect with incomplete adherence
If there is significant non-adherence with the allocated interventions we will estimate the complier-average
causal effect (CACE) using instrumental variable estimation.57 59 We will also estimate the average
treatment effect in the treated (ATET) using propensity score weighting.60,61
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Table 1. Baseline Characteristics (shell)
Intervention, number, central Control, number, central All participants, number, central
Characteristic tendency (variability) tendency (variability) tendency (variability)
. n=xx n=xx n=xx
Age 1 xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx)
Biological sex (female)2 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Duration current episode xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx)
Number of previous n=xx xx xx
episodes LBP3
Number of other areas of n=xx xx xx
Work absence or reduced xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Compensation claimed2 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Highest education level

High school year 102 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)

High school year 12 2 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Vocational certificate 2 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Diploma 2 xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Bachelor degree or xx (xx%) xx (xx%) xx (xx%)
Pain intensity in the past xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx)
Back-specific function1 xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx)
Self-rated health-related xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx)
quality of life1

1: Number, mean, standard deviation

2: Number, percentage
3: Number, median, interquartile range
Table 2. Analysis of primary outcome (shell)
Intervention, number, mean Control, number, mean Mean difference (95% P
Time point (SD) (SD) CI) Value
Pain intensity at n=xx n=xx

18 wksa xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx

26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention .xx

a, b: P values are from a mixed effects model comparing between group differences at 18-weeks post-
randomisation (a: primary outcome) and over the entire 52-week trial (b).
Table 3. Analysis of secondary outcomes (shell)
Intervention, number, central Control, number, central Effect measure P
Time point tendency (variability) tendency (variability) (95% CI) Value
Back-specific functiona at n=xx n=xx

18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx

26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention effect b .xx

Self-rated health-related n=xx n=xx

QoLc at
18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention effect b .xx

Recoveryd at n=xx n=xx

26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx

Adverse effects during n=xx n=xx
18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Adverse effects throughout n=xx n=xx
18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention effect b .xx

Serious adverse effects n=xx n=xx

during interventiong
18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Serious adverse effects n=xx n=xx
throughout trialh
18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention effectb .xx

Global perceived effecti at n=xx n=xx

18 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx

26 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
52 wks xx (xx) xx (xx) xx (xx to xx) .xx
Overall intervention effect b .xx
a: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire
b: P Value is from a mixed effects model, comparing between-group differences over the entire 52-week
c: Health-related quality of life
d: A participant is considered recovered when the outcome score for pain intensity (in the past week) is
either 0 or 1 on the 11-point NRS at both 18- and 26-weeks
e: Sum of any adverse effects during intervention period
f: Any adverse effects over the entire 52-week trial.
g: Sum of any serious adverse effects during intervention period
h: Any serious adverse effects over the entire 52-week trial.
i: Global Back Recovery Scale
Figure 1. CONSORT flow diagram (shell, greyscale)
Table A1. Withdrawals (shell)
Num W Reason withdrew Type of withdrawal
1 xx xx e.g. withdrew consent
2 xx xx e.g. stopped intervention early, provided data at follow-up
xx xx e.g. stopped intervention early, lost to follow-up
xx xx e.g. completed intervention, lost to follow-up
n xx xx xx

Table A2. List of all adverse effects reported during the trial (shell)
Description Intervention, number Control, number Severity Related to trial
xx xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx xx xx
Table A3. Adherence to SAP Reporting Guideline a
Item Sub-item Index Location reported
Title . 1a Title
Trial registration . 1b Abstract
SAP version . 2 Abstract
Protocol version . 3 Abstract
SAP revisions . 4a-c Not applicable
Roles . 5 Title page
Signatures . 6a-c Not applicable
Background . 7 Introduction
Objectives . 8 Introduction
Trial design . 9 Methods, trial design
Randomisation . 10 Methods, randomisation
Sample size . 11 Methods, sample size
Framework . 12 Analytic principles, general considerations
Interim analyses & stopping Interim analyses 13a M
. Adjustment for multiplicity 13b not applicable
. Stopping guidelines 13c not applicable
Timing of final analysis . 14 M
Timing of outcome assessments . 15 M
Confidence intervals & P values Level of significance 16 Analytic principles, general considerations
. Adjustment for multiplicity 17 Analytic principles, general considerations
. Confidence intervals 18 Analytic principles, general considerations
Adherence & protocol deviations Definition of adherence 19a Analytic principles, compliance
. Presentation 19b Analytic principles, compliance
. Definition of protocol 19c Not applicable
. Presentation 19d Protocol deviations will be reported in the final
Analysis populations . 20 Analytic principles, general considerations
Screening data . 21 Figure 1
Eligibility . 22 Methods, eligibility
Recruitment . 23 Methods, follow-up and withdrawal & Figure 1
Withdrawal/follow-up Level 24a Methods, follow-up and withdrawal
. Timing 24b Figure 1
. Presentation 24c Table A1
Baseline characteristics . 25a, Methods, follow-up and withdrawal & Table 1
Outcome definitions Outcomes and timings 26a Analytic principles, outcome definitions
. Measures and units 26b Analytic principles, outcome definitions
. Transformations 26c Analytic principles, outcome definitions
Analysis methods Methods and presentation 27a Analysis & Tables 2 and 3
. Adjustment for covariates 27b None planned
. Assessment of assumptions 27c Analysis
. Alternative methods 27d Analysis
. Adjustment for covariates 27e None planned
. Adjustment for covariates 27f None planned
Missing data . 28 Analysis
Additional analyses . 29 Analysis, estimating treatment effect with
incomplete adherence
. Summary of safety data 30 Analysis, adverse effects and serious adverse effects
& Table A2
Statistical software . 31 Analytic principles, general considerations
References Non-standard statistical 32a Analysis & References
. Data-management plan 32b Not applicable
. Trial master file 32c Not applicable
. Other documents 32d Not applicable

a: Gamble et al. (2017) JAMA doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.18556

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