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The effect of isocaloric, energy-restrictive,

KETOgenic diet on metabolism, inflammation,
nutrition deficiencies and oxidative stress in
women with overweight and obesity (KETO-
MINOX): Study protocol
Natalia Drabińska ID1*, Jerzy Romaszko ID2, Paul White ID3
1 Department of Chemistry and Biodynamics of Food, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research
of Polish Academy of Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland, 2 Department of Family Medicine and Infectious Diseases,
a1111111111 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland, 3 Department of Mathematics and Data
a1111111111 Science, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
* [email protected]

Citation: Drabińska N, Romaszko J, White P Obesity is considered one of the biggest health problems of the 21st century, becoming a
(2023) The effect of isocaloric, energy-restrictive, worldwide epidemic, leading to the development of many diseases and increasing the risk of
KETOgenic diet on metabolism, inflammation,
premature death. The first step in reducing body weight is a calorie-restricted diet. To date,
nutrition deficiencies and oxidative stress in
women with overweight and obesity (KETO- there are many different diet types available, including the ketogenic diet (KD) which is
MINOX): Study protocol. PLoS ONE 18(5): recently gaining a lot of attention. However, all the physiological consequences of KD in the
e0285283. human body are not fully understood. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effective-
ness of an eight-week, isocaloric, energy-restricted, KD as a weight management solution in
Editor: James Mockridge, PLOS: Public Library of women with overweight and obesity compared to a standard, balanced diet with the same
calorie content. The primary outcome is to evaluate the effects of a KD on body weight and
Received: March 27, 2023 composition. The secondary outcomes are to evaluate the effect of KD-related weight loss
Accepted: April 12, 2023 on inflammation, oxidative stress, nutritional status, profiles of metabolites in breath, which
Published: May 8, 2023 informs about the metabolic changes in the body, obesity and diabetes-associated parame-
ters, including a lipid profile, status of adipokines and hormones. Notably, in this trial, the
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review long-term effects and efficiency of the KD will be studied. In summary, the proposed study
process; therefore, we enable the publication of will fill the gap in knowledge about the effects of KD on inflammation, obesity-associated
all of the content of peer review and author parameters, nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress and metabolism in a single study.
responses alongside final, published articles. The registration number: NCT05652972.
editorial history of this article is available here:

Copyright: © 2023 Drabińska et al. This is an open

access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original Over the last decades, the incidence of obesity is increasing, reaching an epidemic scale and
author and source are credited. contributing to a burden on the health system. Obesity is a disease associated with excessive fat
Data Availability Statement: No datasets were accumulation leading to an increased risk of development of serious health risks. Obesity can
generated or analysed during the current study. All be classified based on the body mass index (BMI) calculated as body weight (kg) divided by

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PLOS ONE Study protocol of the effects of a ketogenic diet in overweight and obesity

relevant data from this study will be made available height squared (m2). A BMI of 25 is classified as a lower threshold of overweight, not obesity
upon study completion. yet. Any BMI above 30 is classified as obesity and can be further divided into obesity class I
Funding: This study was financially supported by (BMI 30–35 kg/m2), class II (BMI 30–40 kg/m2) and class II (BMI > 40 kg/m2) [1]. In 2016,
the National Science Centre, Poland (Project No. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that approx. 2 billion adults can be classified as
2021/41/B/NZ9/01278). overweight, of which 650 million meet the criteria of obesity. Narrowing down to Europe,
Competing interests: The authors have declared almost 50% of the population struggles with being overweight [2]. Since 2010, the number of
that no competing interests exist. deaths caused by obesity exceeded the mortality of undernutrition and starvation [3].
Among the causes of obesity, too high-calorie intake is considered the most important fac-
tor [4]. Western diet characterized by the overconsumption of easily accessible highly pro-
cessed and rich in sugar products together with low physical activity leads to fat deposition
and a high prevalence of overweight and obesity. From ancient times, the human body devel-
oped mechanisms which were supposed to protect from starvation, therefore the deposition of
additional fat is easier than its reduction [5]. Obesity in adulthood may be somehow pro-
grammed already during the prenatal period by environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors
[6]. Other physiological and genetic aspects affect obesity development, having an impact on
calorie intake, thermogenesis, lipid utilisation and nutrient turnover [7]. The endocrine system
regulates satiety and appetite via adipokines secreted by adipose tissue [8]. Consequently, the
overaggregation of fat tissue modifies its secretory status, which then causes low-grade inflam-
mation, leading to the development of metabolic diseases. Moreover, neurological factors,
such as reward systems in the brain and prolonged stress, can be a reason for overeating lead-
ing to overweight [9]. In the last years, also the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation at home and
increased stress resulted in behavioural changes resulting in weight gain and obesity [10].
Overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases including heart failure and hyper-
tension, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer and many others [5, 11]. The severity of obesity-
related diseases is closely related to body fat distribution, and in particular, to visceral localisa-
tion. Visceral fat accumulation is linked to the status of adipokines, consequently inducing
chronic inflammation and metabolic disorders [12]. The main adipokines produced by vis-
ceral adipose tissue are interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-beta, leptin, tumour necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-a), adiponectin, serum amyloid A-3 (SAA3), alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, resistin, vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and many others [13, 14]. The status of adipokines is also
closely related to oxidative stress (Ox). Higher concentrations of adipokines induce the pro-
duction of reactive oxygen species, which then affect the production of other adipokines [15].
Excessive fat accumulation leads to an increase in serum free fatty acid (FFA) levels, which
affect glucose metabolism and promotes adipose, hepatic, and muscular aggregation of fats
and glucose, inducing higher mitochondrial and peroxisomal oxidation, which leads to the
Ox, injury of mitochondrial DNA, and, lastly, lipotoxicity, which causes various unwanted
effects of fatty acids on cellular structures [16]. Then the production of cytokines is upregu-
lated due to the cell damage, which induces the production of reactive oxygen species and fur-
ther peroxidation of lipids.
The consequences of obesity, like heart failure, metabolic syndrome and respiratory issues
lead to an increased death rate and a higher risk of premature death in patients with obesity
[7, 9]. Recent studies suggested that increased gut permeability in individuals with obesity may
lead to an increased influx of bacterial components such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and
other complex antigens into the circulation and, thereby, activate an immune response. There-
fore, there is a strong need to try to prevent obesity and overweight development.
Caloric restriction is the most commonly used way of losing weight [17]. Generally, there is no
single best nutritional strategy, the crucial factor is adherence to the diet and the maintenance of
energy restriction [18, 19]. Therefore, the critical issue is which type of diet to choose to efficiently
lose weight, which will be continued in the follow-up period, and most importantly, a safe diet,

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without causing any side effects. The success of the diet depends on consistent negative energy
balance and the nutritional composition of the diet [20]. To date, the effect of diets that differ in
nutritional composition such as low-calorie [21], very low-calorie [22], high-protein [23], low-fat
diet [24] and intermittent fasting [25] on the health-related parameters in subjects with obesity
were extensively studied. Recently, a diet used as an auxiliary therapy for non-responding epilepsy
[26], which is a ketogenic diet (KD) has been proposed as a solution for obesity management.
The International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation reported that a KD is the only
diet with a trending interest, among Americans, whose motivation was losing weight (http:// Despite the fact that the popularity of this diet has increased among the popula-
tion and the number of individuals following KD has increased in the last few years, knowledge
about the safety and effectiveness of KD for weight loss is scarce.
The KD is a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet, which contrary to other low-carbohydrate
diets, leads to a ketosis state in the body. For instance, ketosis is not observed in a low-carbohy-
drate diet with high protein consumption primarily because up to 58% of amino acids are gly-
cogenic, preventing ketosis from occurring [27]. The idea of KD was to mimic the starvation
state without fasting.
Previous studies with the application of KD in obesity showed a significant reduction in
body weight, BMI and fat mass content after following a KD, as summarized in a recent review
[28]. However, it is not confirmed that this results from the ketosis state, or simply due to the
very reduced calorie intake. In most of these studies on the application of KD for obesity man-
agement, very low-calorie KD was applied, limited to just 500–800 kcal/day. It can be sug-
gested that the observed changes resulted from the highly reduced intake, not the nutritional
composition of the diet, especially since most of the studies did not include a control group to
compare the effect of the different nutritional compositions of diets [29–31].
Regarding the metabolic effects, very low-calorie KD resulted in more pronounced changes
in the circulating IL-6, IL-8 and metalloproteinase 2, suggesting beneficial health-related
aspects [32]. Moreover, very low-calorie KD supplemented with DHA reduced the concentra-
tions of insulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, C-reactive protein, TNF-α
and resistin [33]. The positive effects of very low-calorie KD on lipid metabolism and diabetic-
related parameters were also confirmed by other authors [34–37]. Additionally, the very low-
calorie KD resulted in a decrease in blood pressure [34, 38], which can be associated with
reduced body weight itself. However, all of these effects were obtained in studies with very
low-calorie KD, dedicated to individuals scheduled for bariatric surgery and followed under
clinical supervision. Therefore, it cannot be compared with the effect of KD with appropriate
caloric intake or a slight reduction, which is followed by the individuals motivated to lose
weight and inspired by social media and influencers to follow KD.
There are few studies on KD with optimal caloric intake [30, 31, 39, 40]. Most of these stud-
ies did not include a control group, making results difficult to interpret. Considering the stud-
ies on KD which included a control group, the positive effect of KD on obesity management
was confirmed in a study with 45 women (25 KD, 20 Control) with obesity with ovarian or
endometrial cancer [41]. After twelve weeks, the authors observed a more significant loss in
visceral, android and total fat mass in the individuals following KD than in the control group,
not restricted to total energy intake. The KD was also associated with lower fasting serum insu-
lin levels in women with obesity and ovarian or endometrial cancer, as suggested by the
authors, to enhance insulin sensitivity [41]. However, most of the studies with KD with opti-
mal calorie intake focused only on body weight and composition changes and a limited num-
ber of health-related parameters [28]. Therefore there is a strong need for comprehensive
studies on the physiological effects of KD in individuals with overweight, especially in terms of
inflammation, nutrition and metabolic changes.

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Detrimentally, it has been noted that a long-term KD has been suggested as a risk factor for
kidney stones, increased circulating levels of uric acid, and osteoporosis due to low calcium
intake [42]. However, it is worth underlining that the long-term KD regime is followed mainly
by patients with refractory epilepsy to reduce the incidence of seizures [26]. Since diet in sub-
jects with obesity and overweight is employed to achieve significant weight loss, short diet
interventions are explainable and do not usually last more than a few weeks. Therefore, the
side effects are relatively mild and include hunger, fatigue, low mood, irritability, constipation
and headaches. It seems to be more important to check if the nutritional composition of the
diet affects body weight after the follow-up period, even without strict diet control in between.
Moreover, the very restrictive nature of KD, with a limited number of allowed food products,
could result in much higher drop-outs in longer intervals, related to difficulties in maintaining
the diet, mainly if the extreme reduction of calories was applied.
In summary, based on the available scientific literature it can be concluded that following a
KD might be a beneficial solution for obesity management. However, the comprehensive stud-
ies that warrant the safety of using KD for bodyweight loss are limited. So far, the majority of
the studies were conducted with small sample sizes and a lack of control groups. Very often,
the duration of the intervention was short and the follow-up checks were not performed. Fur-
thermore, the vast majority of studies with KD included very low-calorie KD, and it is difficult
to conclude if the observed changes were due to KD or very quick body weight reduction.
More randomised and controlled studies, including better monitoring of diet adherence
aimed at the physiological and metabolic effects of diet composition, need to be performed. In
addition, although some studies were conducted on nutritional status [40], there is a necessity
to complete more studies on mineral, vitamin and nutrient intakes and their status.

Research objective and hypothesis

Taking into account information presented in the previous section, the proposed study was
designed to evaluate the effect of KD on metabolism, inflammation, nutritional status, Ox, and
obesity-associated parameters in a single, randomised and controlled study. To have better
control over the diet consumed by participants, the food catering optimized by the dietician
will be delivered to each person daily. To the best of our knowledge, there are no completed or
ongoing studies focused on the efficiency of KD in a randomised design, with a properly bal-
anced control group, with a homogenised diet provided to all participants during the whole
intervention and analysing many parameters in a single study.
Based on current knowledge [28], and our pilot study with an animal model [43], we
hypothesise that the energy-restricted KD will be more efficient in weight reduction and
decreasing low-grade inflammation and oxidative stress parameters in women with over-
weight and obesity than a standard diet with the same calorie restriction.
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an eight-week, isocaloric, energy-restricted,
ketogenic diet as a weight management solution in women with overweight and obesity com-
pared to a standard, balanced diet with the same calorie content.
The primary aim is:
to evaluate the effects of a KD on body weight and composition
The secondary aims are:
1. to evaluate the effect of KD-related weight loss on the inflammation and Ox in women with
overweight and obesity,
2. to evaluate the effect of KD-related weight loss on the nutritional status of the human

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3. to evaluate the effects of KD-related weight loss on the profiles of metabolites in breath,
which informs about the metabolic changes in the body,
4. to evaluate the effect of KD-related weight loss on the obesity and diabetes-associated
parameters, including a lipid profile, status of adipokines, hormones,
5. to evaluate the long-term effects and efficiency of the KD.

Participant selection
Recruitment of study participants will be performed using announcements on social media
(Facebook, Instagram) and by local press and radio. The time planned for the recruiting is
expected not to exceed six months. Previous experiences with human studies [44] showed that
the motivation of the study participant to take part is crucial to successful trial completion.
Therefore, the participants are offered the free, planned weight-loss program, which does not
require cooking the meals for eight weeks, with meals balanced by a dietician and delivered to
the house daily, at a time convenient to participants. The nutritional intervention is planned
for the late-spring/early-summer months since, in general, women are more motivated to lose
weight before the summer [45].
The inclusion criteria are women, age 18–45; overweight or obesity type I (BMI 25.5–35);
motivated to lose weight and motivated and willing to participate in a nutritional intervention
The exclusion criteria are pregnancy, childbearing age not using contraceptives, breastfeed-
ing, type 1 or type 2 diabetes, any chronic diseases requiring pharmacotherapy; participation in
other clinical trials; severe obesity (BMI > 35), and any diagnosed psychiatric disorders.

Sample size
On trial opening, the first 80 women meeting eligibility criteria who also do not meet any of
the exclusion criteria will be selected. The focus on only female subjects was based on eliminat-
ing biological sex as a factor that could affect the results. Moreover, it is scientifically proven
that women have better trust in healthy nutrition and more engagement and compliance in
dietary programs [46, 47], thus a lower number of drop-outs is expected. At the end of the
intervention, dietary efficacy is projected to be between the equivalent of one dress size to one
and a half dress sizes, equating to a weight loss of approximately 5kg. For BMI between 28 and
35, the standard deviation of weight is approximately 5kg equating to an intra-group standard-
ised effect of 1. However, a downward revision in standardised effect size for a between groups
comparions for an intent-to-treat analysis Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) would indicate
that n = 32 women per group would have at least 80% power to detect a standardised differ-
ence of Cohen’s d = 0.5 (alpha = 0.05, two-sided) assuming a pre- post- correlation in weight
of 0.7. Inflation of sample sizes to account for loss to follow-up would indicate n = 40 per
group would provide a safety margin for a comparison between group means. This sample size
is conservatively consistent with Mohorko et al. [39]. The sample size will support within-
groups, between-groups, and whole-group analyses for the secondary research questions.

Ethical aspects
The study participants will be informed about the potential benefits and risks of the dietary
intervention, and they will sign an informed consent form during the enrolment visit. The
information meeting is planned to explain all the details of the trial and also to prepare partici-
pants for the potential, initial side effects of ketosis (“keto flu”–headaches, fatigue, tiredness,

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etc.), which can be experienced for a few first days and the solutions to mitigate it will be pro-
vided. Moreover, an effort to counsel subjects not to increase their calorie intake via supper,
snacks, etc. and to fill the research diary honestly will be clarified. The participants will be
advised not to introduce any additional physical activity, and that any activity (if any) has to be
noted in the study diary. The experimental design and procedures were approved by the Bio-
ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury
in Olsztyn (agreement No: 25/2022 from 27th of October 2022). The study was registered at (registration number NCT05652972).

Randomization and blinding

The study participants will be randomly divided into two experimental groups. Stratified ran-
domisation will be performed based on age and BMI. The KD group will receive a 1700 kcal
ketogenic diet (fat: protein: carbohydrate ratio of 70:20:10), while the control group will receive
a 1700 kcal standard balanced diet (fat: protein: carbohydrate ratio 20:30:50). Both participants
and the researchers will not be blinded due to character of the intervention.

Dietary intervention
Diets will be prepared by the outsourcing company that specialized in daily catering for losing
weight. The dietician will prepare both diets to balance them in terms of the nutritional value,
macro- and microelements. A KD will be based mainly on fats derived from plants, fish, and
nuts (considered as “healthy KD”). The diets will be followed for 8 weeks and to be sure about
the diet composition, and adherence, the meal catering consisting of 5 meals (breakfast, snack,
lunch, snack II and dinner) will be delivered to each participant in the morning, every day for
the whole study period. Therefore, the homogeneity of the diet will be maintained, removing
the diet variation as a factor affecting the results. The 8-week intervention was selected to see
the changes in the metabolic state, body weight, and inflammatory markers and avoid the
unnecessary extension of the intervention associated with a higher dropout rate. Moreover, an
8-week diet plan is a common duration followed by women affected by social media.

Sample collection
There will be 3 sample collection points for each participant during the nutritional interven-
tion: at baseline (T0), after four weeks (T1) and after eight weeks (T2). Because of the relatively
high number of participants, to avoid long queues and irritation of participants, the check-up
visits will be divided into four days a week. Check-up visits will be carried out in the Pantamed
Primary Care Unit under the medical doctor’s supervision and qualified nurses. Moreover,
after one year (T3), the check-up visit is planned to evaluate the regain of body weight, the
nutritional habits, and the potential long-term effects of this intervention, focusing on obesity,
diabetes, and low-grade inflammation-associated parameters.
During each check-up visit (T0-T3), in the overnight-fasting participants, height, body
weight, body composition, as well as the waist and hips circumference will be measured, the
check-up made by the medical doctor, including systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure, will be
performed and the samples will be collected. BMI will be calculated based on body mass [kg]
divided by the square of body height [m] and expressed in kg/m2. The body weight and com-
position will be measured using TANITA Body Composition Analyser, while the waist circum-
ference will be measured using a standard measurement tape.
The participants who will not follow the diet for more than 80% of the trial period or will
initiate the pharmacological therapy prescribed by the physician during the intervention will
be eliminated from the study.

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Analysis of haematological and biochemical blood parameters

Qualified nurses will collect blood samples after the overnight fasting. Four vials of blood will
be collected from each participant to be sure that the appropriate amount of samples will be
collected: 1) 1.6 mL into a vacuum tube containing EDTA for hematologic analysis; 2) 5 mL
into a vacuum tube for biochemical serum analyses run by Diagnostic Laboratory; 3 and 4) 2
vials of 5 mL into a vacuum tube for serum analyses run in the Institute of Animal Reproduc-
tion and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences. Exhaled breath condensate samples will
be collected using commercial sampling tubes (RTubes), which allow for the collection of
approx. 3 mL condensate within 10 minutes. All the samples will be stored in ice and trans-
ported to the laboratories of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the
Polish Academy of Sciences as soon as possible, where the vials with blood will be centrifuged
at 3500 rpm for 10 min. The serum and condensate samples will be aliquoted and stored until
analyses either in the fridge (4˚C) or an ultra-freezer (-80˚C), as appropriate.
In the collected samples, the following laboratory analyses will be performed to verify
research hypotheses, according to the SPIRIT schedule (Fig 1):
1. The analysis of β-hydroxybutyric acid in serum samples (T0-T2) using commercial colouri-
metric assay will inform about the ketosis state in the body and adherence to the diet in the
KD group.
2. The analysis of lipid profile (total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and LDL, triglycerides),
blood morphology, and blood biochemical parameters, including liver enzymes (aspartate
transglutaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)),
creatinine, uric acid, fasting glucose, insulin, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), C-reactive protein

Fig 1. Content for the schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments according to SPIRIT requirements.

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(CRP), albumin, total protein, ions (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus,
chlorides, iron) will be performed by the Diagnostic Laboratory in Olsztyn (T0-T3) to
inform about the intervention’s safety and the participants’ general body condition before,
during, and after the intervention.
3. The analysis of cytokines in serum (T0-T3) using Bio-Plex Pro™ Human Cytokine 17-plex
Assay (BIO-RAD, Hercules, USA), which allows for the simultaneous analysis of Granulo-
cyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating
Factor (GM-CSF), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
(MCP-1/CCL2), Macrophage Inflammatory Protein beta (MIP-β), tumour necrosis factor-
alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins: IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 (p70),
IL-13, IL-17A as well as the analysis of inflammation-associated parameters (lipopolysac-
charide-binding protein, high sensitive-CRP) analysed using commercial ELISA kits, which
will inform about the inflammatory state of the study participants.
4. The analysis of obesity and diabetes markers in serum samples (T0-T3) using Bio-Plex Pro
Human Diabetes 10-Plex Assay, which allows for the simultaneous analysis of C-peptide,
ghrelin, gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), glucagon, insu-
lin, leptin, plasminogen activation inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), resistin and visfatin. Moreover,
adipsin and adiponectin concentrations in serum will be evaluated using Bio-Plex Pro
Human Diabetes Adipsin and Adiponectin Assays. All these parameters will inform about
the changes in the overweight-linked and metabolic functions.
5. The analysis of Ox markers (T0-T2), including malonaldehyde, superoxide dismutase,
8-isoprostane and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine using ELISA kits will inform about the effect
of the diet and/or loss of body weight on the Ox in the study participants.
6. The analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath condensates (T0-T2) using solid-
phase microextraction (SPME) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
with time of flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToFMS) detection in breath, which will
inform about the metabolic state of the study participants.
7. The analysis of amino acids in serum samples (T0-T2) using GC-MS [48], which will
inform about the nutritional state and metabolic status of the study participants.
8. The analysis of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K) in serum samples (T0-T2) using high-
performance liquid chromatography and ELISA kits as described previously [49, 50], which
will inform about the nutritional state of the study participants.

Urine analysis
The morning urine samples will be delivered by participants. The analysis of urine including
basic urine evaluation, creatinine, uric acid, and ions (Ca, Na, Mg, K, P, Cl) will be performed
by the Diagnostic Laboratory in Olsztyn (T0-T3). The analysis of the amino acid profile in
urine (T0-T2) will be performed by the same method as in serum.

Diet control
The diet will be provided daily to each participant to maintain homogeneity and to reduce the
risk of drop-out caused by a lack of wish to prepare meals. Each participant will receive a study
diary to record any possible side effects. All received and consumed meals from the catering
and, if any, intake of the products not from the catering will have to be marked in the diary to
evaluate diet compliance.

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To evaluate the diet followed by the participants before and after the nutritional interven-
tion, food frequency questionnaire-6 (FFQ-6) [51] will be applied for a retrospective semi-
qualitative food intake evaluation at T0 and T3. The FFQ is well-validated and recognised as
universal and independent of the geographic and subjective tools for researching eating pat-
terns. It is also the most commonly used instrument to assess past dietary intake in epidemio-
logical studies on the relationship between dietary factors and diseases, primarily because of its
low cost and ability to capture usual dietary patterns [52]. Frequency data can explain much of
the variation in dietary intake, and FFQs can provide sufficient accuracy to rank individuals in
terms of risks for subsequent health outcomes. FFQs have been used in many studies to predict
associations between dietary intake and disease-specific mortality and morbidity [53, 54]. The
FFQ Food Consumption Frequency Questionnaire is a qualitative questionnaire, but it is also
a good tool for semi-qualitative research when combined with a diary. It is a tool for collecting
information on the frequency of consuming 62 assortment groups of products, representing 8
main groups of food consumed in the last 12 months. The respondents can choose from (6–
10) categories of food consumption frequency: from minimal (1) never or almost never to
maximal (6/10) several times per day.

Quality of life
At the T0, T2 and T3 visits, Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaires will be completed by partici-
pants to evaluate the effect of diet and/or weight loss on the quality of life. The health-related
quality of life questionnaire (HRQoL) is a suitable tool for randomised controlled trials as well
as observational studies. HRQoL was introduced by CDC in 2000 [55]. The HRQoL combines
three separate modules to assess perceptions of HRQoL. It is widely used by health profession-
als and was designed to bridge the gap between disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, and
economics, about the drivers of QoL. It is for this reason that the questionnaire is fairly broad
in its focus. It is available in text or graphic versions. The scale of responses ranged from 1
(excellent) to 5 (poor).

Statistical analysis plan

The data from this two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial is amenable to analysis using
standard statistical techniques. These analyses will be undertaken using STATISTICA v. 13.3
(StatSoft, Tulsa, USA) and IBM SPSS version 28.
The primary analysis for each outcome will be by intention-to-treat, meaning that all eligi-
ble consenting participants on whom an outcome is available will be included in the analysis.
All statistical tests will be two-sided. A nominal significance level of alpha = 0.05 will be used
to judge significance. Where appropriate, statistical significance after controlling for the False
Discovery Rate will be additionally undertaken using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.
For each analysis, the following summaries will be provided:
• The number of participants who are included in the analysis
• A relevant summary measure of the outcome after an appropriate transformation (e.g.,
mean (SD), median (IQR) or number (%))
• Statistical analyses will report the effect size, 95% confidence interval and a p-value. P-values
will be reported to three decimal places except where p < .001.
Analyses will be supplemented with appropriate graphical displays.
The primary outcome, weight at T2, will be compared between groups using analysis of
covariance controlling for weight at T0. In general, parametric tests will be used with scale

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outcome data. If, for any particular analysis, there are doubts to the assuredness of validity of a
parametric test then an analogous non-parametric test, will be used. ANCOVA and the non-
paramteric Quade test will be used to compare randomised arms after controlling for com-
mensurate baseline data. Simple differences between groups will be analysed using the inde-
pendent sample t-test or the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. Chemometric analyses will
additionally use Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Squares regression
(PLSR) and Mutlivariable Discriminant Analysis (MDA) will be performed. The results of vol-
atile organic compounds will be analysed using the XCMS-online platform for metabolomics.
All the obtained results will be numerical and conducted in triplicates or duplicates, as

Data management plan

To protect the participants’ privacy and to maintain confidentiality, all personal data will be
stored in password-protected files and secured against unauthorized access by third parties.
The raw data and materials are only accessible to project team members. Each participant will
be assigned a randomly generated code that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about
the person. Only this code will be used for naming files and samples. Only completely anon-
ymized data will be made available to other researchers after the completion of the study or in
data repositories. Only mean values and group statistics will be reported in publications.

We designed this prospective, single-centre, randomised controlled study to evaluate the effi-
cacy and the effect of KD on health-related parameters in women with overweight and obesity.
Obesity is a common, serious, and costly chronic disease of adults and children, which requires
intervention to reduce the risk of the development of chronic diseases.
The KD is a dietetic regime with a limited intake of carbohydrates, which consists mainly of
the consumption of fat which leads to a ketosis state in the body. Although originally, KD was
designed for the treatment of epilepsy [56], there has been over the past few years, a societal
increasing trend in following KD for body weight reduction. There is some evidence that a KD
can result in a better dynamic of body weight loss at the beginning of the intervention [19]. In
general, the results of studies with very low-calorie KD have reported KD to have benefit in
losing weight and decreasing BMI and can confer positive effects on the human body [28, 57].
However, there is a lack of studies with a calorie-controlled control group. To investigate this
knowledge gap we have described a study protocol of a comprehensive experiment that inves-
tigates the effects of KD as a weight management diet in women with overweight and obesity,
with particular emphasis on inflammation, oxidative stress, nutritional status and metabolism.

Strengths of the planned study

To date, the majority of studies with KD were performed with patients qualified for bariatric
surgery, who had a very stringent caloric regime (up to 700 kcal/day) or were based on the
cooking recipes given to participants. A major strength of this study is that the participants are
not a clinical population, but a general population struggling with overweight and type I obe-
sity. Moreover, in the intervention, free catering will be provided to each participant daily for
the whole time of intervention, which will secure the homogeneity of the diet. Another major
strength is that it is a prospective study with a comparable control group. The proposed trial is
planned to recruit a sufficient number of participants to meet the sample size allowing for sta-
tistically significant results and will enjoy a sample size exceeding those used in other, albeit
clinical, studies. The study participants will be women only, therefore gender as a confounding

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PLOS ONE Study protocol of the effects of a ketogenic diet in overweight and obesity

factor will be eliminated and better homogeneity of results can be obtained. In the collected
samples, a wide range of analyses will be performed which will help us to understand better the
physiological effects of KD. Another strength of this study is the evaluation of the long-term
effects of a weight management program with KD during a follow-up visit after a year of the
end of the intervention.

Potential risks
The potential risk can be the collection of a too-low volume of blood and breath condensate.
To overcome this risk, qualified and experienced nurses will be involved in the sample collec-
tion. Another risk is the problem with recruitment. To encourage participants to take part in
this study, the local media will be involved to the extent allowing fulfilling the sample size. The
recruitment will be initiated sufficiently earlier to collect 80 participants. The potential prob-
lem is the drop-out in the long-term data. To overcome this issue, in case of moving partici-
pants to other cities or countries, different contact data (e-mail address, phone numbers) will
be collected to arrange the follow-up meeting at a suitable time for the participant.

Our study is limited to only women of reproductive age from a single geographical region.
Other age groups, such as adolescence, women with menopause and post-menopause would
be interesting targets for future follow-up trials. It would be also interesting to check if the
effects observed in women will be similar in men.

Despite above mentioned limitations, we believe that the proposed trial will contribute to a
deeper understanding of how the composition of the diet is important in weight management
and what physiological and metabolic effects are observed after KD.

In this article, we presented a rationale and study protocol for a single-centre, two-arm nutri-
tional intervention randomized controlled trial, to better understand the physiological and
metabolic effects of KD in women with overweight and obesity.

Supporting information
S1 Checklist. SPIRIT 2013 checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial pro-
tocol and related documents.
S1 File.
S2 File.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Natalia Drabińska.
Data curation: Natalia Drabińska, Paul White.
Funding acquisition: Natalia Drabińska.

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Investigation: Jerzy Romaszko.

Methodology: Natalia Drabińska.
Project administration: Natalia Drabińska.
Resources: Natalia Drabińska, Jerzy Romaszko.
Software: Paul White.
Visualization: Natalia Drabińska.
Writing – original draft: Natalia Drabińska.
Writing – review & editing: Natalia Drabińska, Jerzy Romaszko, Paul White.

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