Morphometric Analysis of Pontal River Watershed in Pernambuco, Brazil
Morphometric Analysis of Pontal River Watershed in Pernambuco, Brazil
Morphometric Analysis of Pontal River Watershed in Pernambuco, Brazil
Luján, Año 13, Número 21, 2021, Sección I: Artículos. pp. 1-17
The detailed study of a watershed plays an important role in conserving the natural
resources that are in its territory. The physical characterization of the watershed through
geoprocessing tools is essential to address different environmental issues, understanding
hydrological processes that occur in the watershed, and to assist in the integrated
planning and management of water resources. The study of the watershed at the level of
its sub-basins produces estimates of the spatial variability of the physical parameters
and allows to predict the environmental impact in the main watershed. The main
objective of this study was the physical characterization of the Pontal River Watershed
(PRW) and its sub-basins. As a methodology, geoprocessing techniques were used in a
GIS environment (Geographic Information System). The results indicate an elongated
form for PRW and sub-basins, which facilitates surface runoff. The form parameters
indicate low flooding under normal rainfall conditions. The drainage indices indicate a
deficiency of this system in the studied region. It is still possible to highlight a low
variability of parameters along the sub-basins, which denotes a certain uniformity of the
drainage network.
The detailed study of a watershed supports its proper management, allowing the
individualization of its characteristics and the development of more appropriate
practices for the preservation of the resources that are in its territory (Vieceli et al.,
2014). In this context, the morphometric analysis of a watershed is essential to
understand its hydrological behavior (Radwan et al., 2020; Malik et al., 2019). Such
analysis refers to the quantitative assessment of the hydrological unit and from it,
parameters such as compactness coefficient, form factor and drainage density. The
analysis of these parameters is usually performed together with the relief features, such
as hypsometry and declivity. These characteristics can generally be treated as physical
or morphometric features of a watershed.
The study of the watershed at the level of its sub-basins is of great importance in a more
detailed understanding of these characteristics. According to Al-Saady et al. (2016), the
quantification of the morphometric parameters of the sub-basins produces estimates of
the spatial variability of these parameters and helps in understanding the variation in
hydrological functions. The authors also highlight that this approach allows predicting
the environmental impact in the main watershed, providing information on the
hydrological conditions necessary for the development of watershed management
Several studies are found in the scientific literature on watershed morphometry using
remote sensing techniques and GIS (Geographic Information System) (Cunha and
Bacani, 2016; Pareta and Pareta, 2017; Mendes, 2018; Prabhakaran; Jawahar Raj, 2018;
Ezeh and Mozie, 2019; Sakthivel et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2020). One can affirm that
studies on watershed characterization have been driven in recent decades by the
availability of software tools and Digital Elevation Models (DEM). The DEM consists
of a quantitative representation of the Earth's surface where the elevation value is
related to a matrix representation of square cells or pixels (Jalal et al., 2020). Certainly,
the treatment of several environmental issues can gain better precision based on the
incorporation of geoprocessing techniques.
The present study focused on the understanding of the hydrological behavior of Pontal
River Watershed (PRW), Pernambuco, from the physical characterization taken at the
level of the great watershed and its sub-basins, the latter generated from the codification
according to Pfafstetter method. The PRW is located in the Brazilian semi-arid region,
with an area in the São Francisco mesoregion of Pernambuco. It is considered that this
approach can contribute to the management of water resources in the semiarid region of
the state of Pernambuco, a region that historically suffers from water scarcity,
presenting climatic conditions that favor the negative annual water balance.
Study área
Pontal River Watershed (PRW) is part of the hydrographic network of the State of
Pernambuco and is located in the extreme west of the State, between 08º 19'00” and 09º
13' 24'' south latitude, and 40º 11' 42” and 41º 20' 39” west longitude, with an area
within the limits of the São Francisco Pernambucano mesoregion (Figure 1). The Pontal
River has its source in the municipality of Afrânio, far west of the State of Pernambuco,
between the limits of the states of Piauí and Bahia and has a mouth on the São Francisco
River. In addition to the municipality of Afrânio, which is fully inserted within the
boundaries of BHRP, a drainage area of BHRP partially involves three municipalities:
Dormant, Lagoa Grande and Petrolina.
For PRW coding and subdivision, the present study used the coding system of the
Brazilian hydrologist Otto Pfafstetter, here treated as the Pfafstetter method, which,
according to Resolution Nº. 30 of 2002 of the National Council of Water Resources, is
the methodology adopted for coding the national watershed (Brasil, 2003). The
Pfafstetter method can be replicated from the level of an entire watershed to the level of
the smallest river course (Jager and Vogt, 2010).
For the initial subdivision of a watershed by the Pfafstetter method, there are five
numerical values available for the so-called inter-basins, values 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, four
numerical values, 2, 4, 6, and 8, for the watershed, and, when there are closed internal
drainage areas, the digit 0 (Verdin and Verdin, 1999). Firstly, the main course of the
watershed must be identified and from it its four largest tributaries, which will receive
even numbers from the mouth to the source. Then, the minor tributaries of the main
course are grouped in areas of inter-basins, which will receive the odd numbers. The
interbasin consists of the passage of the hydrographic network between two consecutive
confluences of the largest tributaries with the main course (Silva et al., 2008). Thus,
according to the division process described before, the interbasin 1 will be the area
drained by the main stem between the outlet of basin 2 and the mouth of the main
stem; The interbasin 3 will be the area drained by the main stem between the outlets of
basins 2 and 4; the interbasin 5 will be the area drained by the main stem between
basins 4 and 6; and the interbasin 7 will lie between the basins 6 and 8; the interbasin 9
will consist in the headwaters area of the main stem (Verdin and Verdin, 1999).
Verdin and Verdin (1999) applied the Pfafstetter method in different basins at a global
level. Also based on this method, Jager and Vogt (2010) developed and demonstrated a
structured system for coding hydrological characteristics for Europe. On the national
literature, Silva et al. (2008) proposed a model called otto-coding by watercourse
length, which, in summary, maintains the original generalities of the Pfafstetter method,
with the difference that it uses the length of the watercourses instead of the basin areas
to identify what will be affluent and what will be the main canal.
Obtaining the PRW in the QGIS
Quantum GIS (Geographic Information System) software, version 2.18.0 was used for
the analyzes. The QGIS is a software with open access from Open Source Geospatial
Foundation (OSGeo). As a tool for extracting hydrological information from a digital
elevation model, TauDEM (Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models) - Utah
State University, also open access, was used.
In QGIS, the SRTM file was redesigned for SIRGAS 2000 and was cut to a polygon
with a smaller area, but enough to cover the entire basin. For analysis in a meter
measure, the geographical coordinate system was modified to the UTM (Universal
Transverse Mercator) plane spatial coordinate system. In this way, the SRTM file was
worked on SIRGAS 2000 and UTM 24S. With the assistance of Google Earth, the
coordinates of a point at the mouth were identified, which was necessary to determine
the contribution area of the watershed.
In QGIS, using the TauDEM tool, the steps were followed as outlined in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Flowchart of the steps followed in QGIS using the TauDEM tool.
Thus, the threshold of 4000 was validated, for which the drainage for PRW coincided
acceptably with the standard drainage. To obtain watercourses order, in possession of
the drainage network shapefile, a classification “strmOrder” was used. The drainage
network delimitation raster file was transformed into the shapefile format, and it was
necessary to merge the features of the file. This shapefile file was used as a mask layer
to cut out the SRTM, which was necessary for the altimetry and declivity analysis.
Parameter Description/Formula
Basin Geometry
Drainage area (A) – in Flat area, horizontal projection, included between
km² topographic dividers
Perimeter (P) – in km Line length along the watershed that delimits the basin area
Axial length (L) – em The measured length of the basin from the outlet to the most
km remote point
Basin Form
Relationship between the perimeter of the
basin and the circumference of a circle of
Coefficient (Kc) –
area equal to that of the basin (Villela and
Mattos, 1975; Horton, 1932)
Relationship between the average width
Form Factor (Kf) –
and the axial length of the basin (Horton,
The ratio between the basin area and the
Circularity ration (Ic) –
area of a circle with the same perimeter
as the basin (Miller, 1953)
Drainage System
Water hierarchy Stream
Reflects the degree of branching of a basin (Strahler, 1957)
Total stream length for
a given order (Ltorder) – Stream length of a specific order
in km
The total length of
watercourses (Lt) – in The sum of the lengths of the watercourses of the watershed
Main watercourse
Length of the main course from the source to the mouth
length (LP) – in km
Thalweg length (Ltal) – A straight length of the main channel from the source to the
in km mouth
The sinuosity of the Relationship between the length of the
watercourse (Sin) – main canal and the length of the thalweg
dimensionless (Villela and Mattos, 1975)
Relationship between the total length of a
Drainage-density (Dd) –
basin's watercourses and its area (Horton,
in km∙km-²
Basin relief
Maximum and minimum altitudes, average, amplitude.
Characteristic altitudes
The declivity of land in a basin
Source: Author's elaboration.
In the Figure 3 is shown the subdivision for PRW according to the Pfafstetter method.
As noted, the subdivision generated sub-basins with different areas, the smallest being
the S1 and S7 inter-basins. In the Table 2 is shown the morphometric characteristics
related to the geometry, form, and drainage system of PRW and its sub-basins.
Figure 3. Coding and subdivision for PRW according to the Pfafstetter method.
Kf 0.375 0.640 0.325 0.407 0.402 0.266 0.231 0.484 0.245 0.371
Ic 0.191 0.258 0.24 0.236 0.272 0.256 0.138 0.247 0.172 0.267
Drainage system
Order 5º 2º 4º 4º 4º 3º 4º 2º 4º 4º
Ltorder 1º 1205.228 8.208 113.044 253.395 81.956 41.040 322.671 4.300 171.097 218.919
Ltorder 2º 531.910 5.305 38.859 103.323 38.719 13.560 145.534 7.475 100.727 90.916
Ltorder 5º 72.229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lt (km) 2393.029 13.514 217.491 468.804 149.142 80.376 646.421 11.775 383.649 421.857
LP (km) 144.752 7.412 59.804 71.377 39.906 34.486 131.598 8.392 90.567 79.656
Ltal (km) 82.030 5.202 38.492 50.104 28.128 25.977 81.947 2.755 59.747 49.520
Sin 1.765 1.425 1.554 1.425 1.419 1.328 1.606 3.046 1.516 1.609
0.401 0.344 0.400 0.413 0.383 0.365 0.386 0.452 0.400 0.428
The Compactness Coefficient (Kc) derives from the relationship between the real
hydrological basins and the hypothetical circular basin with the same area as the
hydrological basin (Choudhari et al., 2018). A minimum coefficient equal to the unit
corresponds to a circular basin. The closer a hydrographic basin approaches this
geometrical form, the greater the concentration of runoff in the outflow, and the greater
the tendency for flooding (Caballero et al., 2020). PRW has a Kc value far from the unit
(2.269), which indicates a non-circular form and a low tendency for flooding under
normal precipitation conditions. Considering the sub-basins, the Kc values were also
distant from the unit, varying from 1.902 to 2.675, for S4 and S6, respectively, which
also indicates an elongated form that facilitates surface runoff.
The form factor (Kf) indicates the intensity of the flow from a basin to a defined area,
ranging from zero to one in a way that the lower Kf, the more elongated is the basin
(Choudhari et al., 2018). For higher values, the greater the potential for high flood peaks
(Caballero et al., 2020). The PRW presented a low value of Kf, 0.375, and, therefore, a
low propensity for flooding. Values smaller than the unit were also found for all sub-
basins, among which, S1 presented the highest value for Kf (0.640).
The circularity ratio (Ic) is a parameter that varies from zero to one and is influenced by
geological structures, climate, relief, coverage, stream length, and basin slope
(Choudhari et al., 2018). This parameter is similar to Kc and Kf concerning the
interpretation, as it indicates the circular or elongated character of the basin. Higher
values (>0,5) indicate greater circularity and homogeneity of the geological material,
while lower values (<0,5) indicate the elongated form of the watershed (Malik et al.,
2019). The value of Ic found in PRW was 0.191, which is indicative of an elongated
form, which favors the surface runoff, and consequently, implies once again that PRW
is a little susceptible to flooding. The same occurs to the sub-basins, which presented
values of Ic varying from 0.138 to 0.272, for S6 and S4, respectively.
The ordering of courses is the basic step of the quantitative study of the watershed. The
order of watercourses according to Strahler's methodology (Strahler, 1957) indicates the
5º order for PRW. S2, S3, S4, S6, S8 e S9 were presented as 4º order, S5 as the 3º order,
and S1 and S7 as the 2º order. In this method, canals without tributaries are classified as
first-order; the confluence of first-order rivers forms second-order canals; the
confluence of second-order canals forms third-order canals, and so on successively. The
encounter of canals of different orders generates a canal with the highest order of those
Stream length is the most important variable in a drainage basin (Choudhari et al.,
2018). The total length of courses for PRW was 2393,029 km. Regarding the length of
the courses according to the orders, it is possible to verify both for PRW and its sub-
basins, in general, a trend of decreasing in length with an increase in orders. This trend
supports Horton (1945). As the stream order decreases, the stream length increases, so
the stream length is maximum for the first-order stream.
The sinuosity parameter of the watercourse (Sin) is related to the stream velocity in the
drainage canals relating to the erosion capacity (Santos et al., 2012). The value of Sin
para BHRP was 1.765, which indicates the non-rectilinear way of draining the main
canal. Santos et al. (2012) found the values for Sin of 1.33 and 1.43, respectively for the
watershed sub-basins of Perdizes and Fojo, located in Campos do Jordão, São Paulo. As
mentioned by the authors, the values found indicate that the drainage canals have a
transient form, between the rectilinear and sinuous forms, which can also be pointed out
for PRW and its sub-basins, except for S7, sub-basin for the which the value of Sin,
3,046, indicated the sinuous form for the main canal.
The drainage density (Dd) is related to climate, type of rocks, relief, infiltration capacity,
vegetation cover, and runoff intensity (Magesh et al., 2012). Weak or impermeable
subsurface material, mountainous relief, and sparse vegetation lead to high Dd
(Choudhari et al., 2018). The Dd is a measure of the frequency with which water courses
occupy the basin area (Kadam et al., 2020), so that greater Dd indicates less spacing
between the courses (Sutradhar, 2020). Therefore, it is possible to infer a high spacing
of the courses for PRW. According to Choudhari et al. (2018), drainage density is
generally divided into four classes, ranging from low (Dd < 2), moderated (Dd between
2 and 4), low (Dd between 4 and 6), and very high (Dd above 6). According to this
classification, the drainage density for PRW, whose value of Dd was 0.401 km∙km-², is
low. According to the values obtained for the sub-basins, it is possible to verify a low
spatial variation for drainage density in PRW.
About drainage characteristics, Figure 4 presents drainage networks with the water
hierarchy for BHRP (Figure 4a) and the sub-basins (Figure 4b).
Source: Author's elaboration.
Amplitude is the maximum vertical difference between the lowest and the highest point
in the basin (Vieceli et al., 2014; Magesh et al., 2012). This parameter helps to
understand the erosion characteristics of the basin and controls the stream gradient and
superficial runoff (Choudhari et al., 2018). In order to view the relief of PRW and its
sub-basins, a hypsometric map is shown in Figure 5.
In the Table 3 is shown the maximum, minimum, amplitude, and average characteristic
altitudes for PRW and the sub-basins, as well as the areas in km² and relative percentage
for the grouping classes in Figure 5. As can be seen, most of the PRW relief is in the
400 to 500 m altitude range, with a relative percentage of approximately 66. The
altitude range above 700 m, verified only for S8, covered a very small area when the
basin was taken as a whole. In general, areas with high elevations were not very
significant in the region.
Table 3. Characteristic altitudes and distribution in altitude classes of PRW and its sub-
basins in the area and relative percentage.
PRW S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
Max. 713.059 416.898 653.477 596.356 591.236 508.149 689.335 459.831 713.059 594.583
Altitudes Min. 356.367 356.367 358.814 358.356 378.511 378.537 383.332 383.221 388.441 388.197
(m) Ampl. 356.692 60.531 294.663 238 212.725 129.612 306.003 76.610 324.618 206.386
Avarage 464.914 377.793 435.064 414.351 441.108 436.873 497.737 413.299 502.171 468.097
567.435 37.061 100.624 372.5 16.662 15.650 11.257 4.360 3.866 5.631
Up t 400 m
9.496 94.504 18.505 32.786 4.280 7.102 0.672 16.791 0.403 0.571
Between 400 3958.554 2.155 423.838 756.472 365.340 203.843 857.047 21.604 499.791 828.482
and 500 m
Area 66.249 5.496 77.945 66.581 93.843 92.511 51.172 83.209 52.081 84.004
1359.880 0 19.035 7.191 7.309 0.852 769.664 0 403.671 152.126
Between 500 (km²)
and 600 m Area
22.758 0 3.501 0.633 1.877 0.387 45.955 0 42.065 15.425
88.215 0 0.267 0 0 0 36.865 0 51.086 0
Between 600 (km²)
and 700 m Area
1.476 0 0.049 0 0 0 2.201 0 5.323 0
1.222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.222 0
Above 700 m
0.020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.127 0
5975.305 39.216 543.765 1136.163 389.310 220.345 1674.833 25.963 959.636 986,24
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
A declivity map according to EMBRAPA (2018) classes is shown in Figure 6, with the
respective areas and relative percentages shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Distribution of PRW declivity classes and their sub-basins in the area and
relative percentage
PRW S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
2001.815 21.23 157.918 565.029 133.816 74.681 396.898 12.2 212.311 412.580
0 – 3% (Flat)
33.609 56.081 29.319 50.063 34.738 34.388 23.868 49.086 22.312 42.115
3 – 8% 3246.85 16.529 339.551 531.271 229.398 126.408 937.903 11.371 518.925 522.924
(Gently Area
54.513 43.662 63.042 47.072 59.551 58.207 56.403 45.749 54.535 53.379
undulating) (%)
674.681 0.097 36.626 27.893 21.968 16.081 318.106 1.280 207.234 43.474
8 – 20% (km²)
(Undulating) Area
11.327 0.257 6.8 2.471 5.703 7.405 19.130 5.150 21.779 4.438
20 – 45% 31.76 0 4.241 3.786 0.030 0 9.942 0.004 12.991 0.669
undulating) 0.533 0 0.787 0.335 0.008 0 0.598 0.015 1.365 0.068
1.043 0 0.279 0.658 0 0 0.022 0 0.084 0
45 – 75 % (km²)
(Mountainous) Area
0.018 0 0.052 0.058 0 0 0.001 0 0.009 0
5956.15 37.857 538.615 1128.637 385.211 217.171 1662.870 24.855 951.546 979.648
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
From the analyzes performed, it can be inferred, by the form parameters, a format that
tends towards the elongated for PRW, which favors the superficial runoff and provides
low susceptibility to flooding under normal precipitation. On the other hand, the
characteristics of the relief of the region do not favor the runoff, considering that the
region is characterized by the flat relief with low declivities. In general, it can be
inferred that the study area does not have favorable characteristics for the emergence of
new watercourses.
The PRW analyzed at the level of its sub-basins showed little spatial variation in the
drainage system, which showed low density throughout its extension. Finally, it is
highlighted that the use of SRTM data in a GIS environment allows the morphometric
characterization of watersheds, which can assist the management and management of
water resources, contributing to sustainable development.
This work was carried out with the support of the project "Transfer of Water and
Mixtures of Reactive Pollutants in Anthropized Soils" (CNPq process No.
436875/2018-7) and by project “National Observatory of Water and Carbon Dynamics
in the Caatinga Biome ONDACBC (CNPq process N° 465764/2014-2; CAPES process
N° 88887.136369/2017-00; FACEPE process APQ-0498-3.07/17).
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© Adriana Thays Araújo Alves, Vitor Hugo de Oliveira Barros, Alison de Souza
Norberto, Lucas Ravellys Pyrrho de Alcântara, Severino Martins dos Santos Neto,
Artur Paiva Coutinho, Suzana Maria Gico Lima Montenegro, Antonio Celso Dantas
Araújo Alves, A.T.; de Oliveira Barros, V.H.; Souza Norberto, A. de; Alcântara, L.R.P. de;
Santos Neto, S.M. dos; Paiva Coutinho, A.; Montenegro, S.M.G.L.; Antonino, A.C.D.
(2021). Morphometric analysis of pontal river watershed in Pernambuco, Brazil.
Geografía y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GeoSIG). 13(21) Sección I:1-17.