GROUP 6 Thesis Statement and Annotations

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1. I looked at the carving,  This part just proves that

The book "Percy Jackson & and felt a flush of relief, Percy is not a bad
The Olympians: The because I actually student. The scene
Lightning Thief" employs recognized it. “That’s demonstrates how
the theme of family and Kronos eating his kids, Percy pays much
friendship to unfold the right?” attention to Mr.
ways of their “Yes,” Mr. Brunner said, Brunner's class. It could
characterization as an obviously not satisfied. also imply that he
avenue towards identity “And he did this because wants to do well.
acceptance. ...” However, the other kids
“Well...” I racked my brain and even some
to remember. “Kronos was teachers at Yancy
the king god, and-“ Academy make it
“God?” Mr. Brunner asked. complicated for him.
“Titan,” I corrected myself. More so, the mentioned
“And ... he didn’t trust his story about Kronos
kids, who were the gods. eating his children is a
So, um, Kronos ate them, great way of
right? But his wife hid baby introducing the idea
Zeus, that there is no perfect
and gave Kronos a rock to family. Even the Greek
eat instead.And later, Gods don't have a
when Zeus grew up, he purely healthy family,
tricked his dad, Kronos, into just like ordinary
barfing up his brothers and humans.
“Eeew!” said one of the
girls behind me.
“-and so there was this big
fight between the gods
and the Titans,” I
continued, “and the gods

 Chapter 1 |
Accidentally Vaporize .
my Pre-Algebra
2. I felt bad lying. I wanted  Despite Percy's mom's
to tell her about Mrs. miserable life, she still
Dodds and the three old managed to do her
ladies with the yarn, but I best for Percy. The
thought it would sound scene suggests that our
stupid. poor and unhealthy
She pursed her lips. She past experiences,
knew I was holding back, especially our family
but she didn’t push me. background, don't
characterize us,
 Chapter 3 | Grover depending on our
Unexpectedly Loses his preferences. It shows
Pants Percy that even though
his father is not around
and he has a negative
relationship with his
stepfather, it shall not
affect the future in front
of him. Percy caught
himself worrying for
Grover. He feels like
Grover is onto
something detrimental.
On the other hand, he
is holding back on
telling his mom about
what happened in the
academy, museum,
and the three ladies.
Percy has a great
relationship with his
mom, as she makes him
feel safe and she
validates his feelings.
On the other hand, he
doesn't want her to
worry. Also, he doesn't
want to sound
ridiculous. Percy loves
his mom as their bond is
the only healthy
relationship he has in his
life. Their mother-son
love is what keeps him
going through his life.
3. I pointed to the first few  This conversation
cabins, and Annabeth between Percy and
turned pale. “You don’t Annabeth clearly
just choose a cabin, Percy. reveals how Percy
It depends on who your Jackson never had a
parents are. Or ... chance to see or know
your parent.” his dad, who is the King
She stared at me, waiting of the Sea, Poseidon. In
for me to get it. his entire life, his mother
“My mom is Sally Jackson,” was his only companion
I said. “She works at the and they never talked
candy store inGrand about his father.
Central Station.At least, However, Annabeth
she used to.” told him that his father
“I’m sorry about your mom, is definitely a God
Percy. But that’s not what because he will neither
Imean. I’m talking about be sent in the camp nor
your other parent. Your attract a lot of monsters
dad.” if it isn't. With this,
“He’s dead. I never knew because of the fact
him.” that Percy really loves
Annabeth sighed. Clearly, his mother, being a
she’d had this demigod was not in his
conversation before with mind. The only family he
other kids. “Your father’s knew he had was his
not dead, Percy.” mother. His identity as a
“How can you say that? son of a God has
You know him?” vanished somehow.
“No, of course not.” Furthermore, Annabeth
“Then how can you say-“ is a demigod like Percy,
“Because I know you. You and she knows her
wouldn’t be here if you mother, Athena. Thus,
weren’t one of us.” Percy has a chance as
“You don’t know anything well to determine who
about me.” his father in the Gods is.
This will serve as a major
 Chapter 6 | Become peak of his life because
Supreme Lord of the he will know who he
Bathroom really is and will lead for
him to accept his real
identity, not as a full
human, but as a half-
blooded person.
4. “Found you a sleeping  Friendship is one of the
bag,” he said. “And here, I most satisfying things in
stole you some toiletries this world. Definitely, a
from the camp store.” friendship never lasts
I couldn’t tell if he was and it sometimes turns
kidding about the stealing into a family. This is
part. what the conversation
I said, “Thanks.” between Luke and
“No prob.” Luke sat next to Percy had discloses. In
me, pushed his back this part, Luke became
against the wall. “Tough an integral part of
first day?” Percy's acceptance to
“I don’t belong here,” I his identity and
said. “I don’t even believe believing in Gods. How
in gods.” he befriended Percy
“Yeah,” he said. “That’s made a crucial role for
how we all started. Once him to start
you start believing in recalibrating his mind
them? It doesn’t get any about accepting who
easier.” he is. Albeit we know
The bitterness in his voice that at the end, Luke
surprised me, because will betray him, he still
Luke seemed like a pretty manages to gain the
easy going guy. He looked trust of Percy.
like he could handle just Moreover, Luke told
about anything. him that once Percy
starts to believe Gods,
 Chapter 7 | My Dinner there will be no easier
goes up in Smoke life as a result. Even
though Luke sounded
as terrifying to what he
told Percy, it was still a
great chance in
accepting and
embracing the reality.
Thus, a theme of
friendship that
emerged to this part is
one of the avenues
towards Percy's identity

5. "All I cared about was  Sally Jackson is an

my mom. Hades had taken important figure to
her unfairly, and Hades Percy's life. As a mortal
was going to give her human, she is one of
back. You will be betrayed the few people who
by one who calls you a treated him with true
friend, the Oracle kindness. She is
whispered in my mind. You portrayed as a good-
will fail to save what hearted woman and a
matters most in the end. loving mother. She sets
Shut up, I told it.” to be an example to
Percy for doing
 Chapter 10 | I Ruin a everything he can in
Perfectly Good Bus order to protect the
people whom to her
matter the most. In the
first half of the novel,
she is what Percy's
considered as his only
family. Percy's mother is
an embodiment of the
true form of his strength.
His silent determination
in walking upon the
different challenges
and not giving up his
spirits despite knowing
what was said in the
prophecy — that he will
eventually fail to make
her come back from
the real world. His
mother's love made
Percy take greater
heights and accept
new responsibilities. He
continues to defy
strong opponents and
keeps on moving
forward to deal with
the powerful gods.
Sally's death aspires
Percy to be this strong
person who could
defend her when the
right time comes. This
scene from the book
presents a good
antithesis between a
life that had been lost
and a life that is going
through a

6. “I haven’t been straight  The beautiful friendship

with you,” I told Grover. “I of the three young
don’t care about the characters from this
master bolt. I agreed to go book begins to flourish.
to the Underworld so I Percy, who often
could bring back my refuses to open up his
mother.” Grover blew a feelings with other
soft note on his pipes. “I people and who likes to
know that, Percy. But are keep things to himself,
you sure that’s the only shares his secret to the
reason?” “I’m not doing it satyr. Before this
to help my father. He confession, Grover and
doesn’t care about me. I Annabeth had already
don’t care about him.” gained Percy's trust
Grover gazed down from when they helped him
his tree branch. slain Medusa's head.
Trust is an important
 Chapter 12 | We Get part when building
Advice From a Poodle friendships and it must
always come with
mutual understanding
— to be a helping hand
when a friend seems to
face an insurmountable
pile of challenges. In
this scene, Grover
analyzes Percy's
situation, finding out
that it was not only his
Mother's death that
drove him to accept
the quest. But it is also
his desire to know his
true identity. He seeks
to find Poseidon to
reveal the truth behind
his unexpected fate of
becoming a hero and
as a demigod. Grover
somehow thinks Percy is
longing for the love of
his immortal father. This
particular moment
between the two
fictional characters
shows authenticity,
genuineness, and
sincerity with the
expression of one's

7. “He doesn’t care about  In this part, you can

me,” she said. “His wife-my see how Annabeth
stepmom-treated me like a opens up about her
freak. She wouldn’t let me situation at the place
play with her children. My that should have been
dad went along with her. her ‘home’. It may
Whenever something have been a story
dangerous happened-you almost forgotten, but
know, something with relieved and
monsters-they would both remembered by hers
look at me resentfully, like, and hers alone. Yet, she
‘How dare you put our was brave for telling
family at risk.’ Finally, I took Percy about it.
the hint. I wasn’t wanted. I Especially that this is like
ran away.” a wound that’s been
retouched over and
 Chapter 13 | I Plunge to over again.
my Death
This is her background.
A portion of her
identity. An untold story
she has managed to
tell — in which made
her look and sound
more powerful.

I know we have been

here before. In a sense,
the events that
occurred in our
childhood have a huge
impact on the person
that we are today.
Especially when it
includes our family,
closest friends, the
circumstances, and the
memories we hold. If
the circumstances are
right, she should have
been living peacefully,
away from all the
spotlights endowed by
the war of mortals,
immortals, and
monsters. But then, she
realized at a young
age that she’s not
welcomed, loved, and
appreciated —
because of the pressing
issues that her father
and step-mother have
against her. It was
pitiful, yes. For some, it
may be
Because she managed
to be brave and
independent enough
to stand up for herself
and get what she
deserves. But she did
not deserve the hate
and all the pain that
she has to go through.
Sadly, in the arms and
memoirs cruelty — she
had to grow up and be
on her own, but she
was just a little kid.

8. “You think you’ll ever try  This part may be short,

living with your dad but this screams a lot
again?” about Annabeth’s
She wouldn’t meet my personality, her strong
eyes. “Please. I’m not into stance, her disposition,
self-inflicted pain.” and her worth. She
knows where she stands
 Chapter 16 | We Take in her father’s life. At a
A Zebra to Vegas young age, she learned
everything the hard
way. And as a response
to it, she became
overly independent.
She knows how to
handle the
circumstances and
situations thrown at her.
She knows how to deal
with it. Because she is
so sure of herself.

9. She held out her hand.  Nereid, the spirit of the

Three white pearls flashed sea who gives Percy a
in her palm. gift of three pearls and
“I know you journey to was told to trust his
Hades’s realm,” she said. heart on when to use
“Few mortals have ever them, which serves as a
done this and survived: reminder for him to trust
Orpheus, who had great himself during tough
music skill; Hercules, who times when making
had great strength; crucial decisions.
Houdini, who could Nereid’s gift is
escape even the depths of important in a sense
Tartarus. Do you have that it signifies the
these talents?” support that Percy gets
“Um … no, ma’am.” along his journey, which
“Ah, but you have is kind of motivating for
something else, Percy. You him because he
have gifts you have only cherishes family and
begun to know. The friends a lot more than
oracles have foretold a anything. Moreover,
great and terrible future for the gift that was given
you, should you survive to to him can also be seen
manhood. Poseidon would as an indication that his
not have you die before father, Poseidon, cares
your time. Therefore take for him more than he
these, and when you are in thought he was, just like
need, smash a pearl at what his mother does
your feet.” and shows towards him.
The support of Percy’s
 Chapter 17 | We Shop friends is integral to his
for Water Beds journey. Annabeth has
proven herself a lot, just
like Grover. She has
proven that she has
what it takes to be
much more than just a
sidekick. As the
daughter of goddess of
wisdom and war, she is
naturally intelligent, her
capacities as well as
her capabilities are an
asset to their
adventure. Having the
experience of being
part of the world of
mortals, gods, and
demigods, she could
offer a great assistance
to the team as she has
a lot more exposure to
the occurrences that
they may encounter
along the way.
Furthermore, Percy
would not be able to
make this far without his
friends, especially
without Annabeth's
help. A perfect
example is that children
of Gods could not be
able to succeed all by
themselves, as heroes
cannot work without
the help of their fellow

10. “Stop it, both of you!” I  Percy cared about his

felt like my heart was being mother all his life, so it
ripped in two. They had was a tough decision
both been with me for him to make on
through so much. I who's going to be
remembered Grover dive- saved and who'll be left
bombing Medusa in the behind. He suddenly
statue garden, and had an epiphany that
Annabeth saving us from his mother wouldn't let
Cerberus; we’d survived him to save her, so he
Hephaestus’s Waterland made the decision to
ride, the St. Louis Arch, the save Annabeth and
Lotus Casino. I had spent Grover as well as
thousands of miles worried himself instead, and
that I’d be betrayed by a that's when he thought
friend, but these friends about the prophecy
would never do that. They that was made back
had done nothing but then at Half-Blood Hill,
save me, over and over, which happened and
and now they wanted to came true. It may seem
sacrifice their lives for my antithetical knowing
mom. that ever since the
“I know what to do,” I said. beginning of Percy's
“Take these.” expedition he only
I handed them each a thinks of saving his
pearl. mother from the hand
of Hades rather than
 Chapter 19 | We Find thinking of his own
Out The Truth, Sort Of duties and
responsibilities. He was
still able to make a
more prodigious
decision which displays
the development of his
character. The decision
made by Percy
accentuates the
essence and
significance of being a
selfless hero rather than
a selfish one, as he was
able to highlight the
importance of being a
good friend and a
family member, above
all. Furthermore, he had
the grasp of
recognizing that in
order to successfully
complete his quest,
which is to return the
bolt and prevent the
largest war from
happening, he needs
to see the value of true
friendship and be a
loyal friend.

11. “Your mother is a  Percy hasn't met his

queen among women,” father, Poseidon, all
Poseidon said wistfully. “I through his life and this
had not met such a mortal conversation is the first
woman in a thousand thing that they did with
years. Still ... I am sorry you a heartfelt full of
were born, child. I have emotions such as love
brought you a hero’s fate, and care. Percy cared
and a hero’s fate is never more about his family
happy. It is never anything and friends more than
but tragic.” anything else that's why
I tried not to feel hurt. Here this conversation of him
was my own dad, telling and his father would be
me he was sorry I’d been treasured forever.
born. “I don’t mind,
Father.” The best thing that
“Not yet, perhaps,” he happened here is when
said. “Not yet. But it was an Poseidon
unforgivable mistake on acknowledges his
my part.” mistakes, takes
“I’ll leave you then.” I accountability, and
bowed awkwardly. “I-I apologizes to Percy
won’t bother you again.” because he did not
I was five steps away when fulfill his responsibility as
he called, “Perseus.” a father to his child and
I turned. as a husband to Sally
There was a different light Jackson. Also, he gave
in his eyes, a fiery kind of his son the assurance
pride. “You did well, that he owns him as a
Perseus. Do not child even though he is
misunderstand me. a half-blood and will
Whatever else you do, continue to support his
know that you are mine. journey. At last, Percy
You are a true son of the felt secured and safe
Sea God.” because he finally met
his father and had a
 Chapter 21 | Settle My proper conversation
Tab with him after a long
time. Family ties really
run in the blood. Percy
is now halfway through
accepting that he is
not just an ordinary
half-blood, he is a son
of the god Poseidon.

12. “When I get back next  Family and friendships

summer,” she said, “we’ll really defined Percy's
hunt down Luke. We’ll ask personality and journey
for a quest, but if we don’t all throughout this
get approval, we’ll sneak novel. Annabeth was
off and do it anyway. really his true friend who
Agreed?” stuck with him from the
“Sounds like a plan worthy beginning until this
of Athena.” conversation between
She held out her hand. I them at the end of the
shook it. story. It seems like their
“Take care, Seaweed friendship and bond will
Brain,” Annabeth told me. be more deeply
“Keep your eyes open.” connected when
“You too, Wise Girl.” Annabeth comes back
I watched her walk up the to the camp. More
hill and join her family. She adventure awaits for
gave her father an them as they agree to
awkward hug and looked hunt down Luke when
back at the valley one last they see each other
time. She touched Thalia’s again.
pine tree, then allowed
herself to be lead over the Percy finally made his
crest and into the mortal decision and accepted
world. that this is him, this is his
For the first time at camp, I identity, and this is his
felt truly alone. I looked out fate. The whole
at Long Island Sound and I experience made him
remembered my father who he was today and
saying, The sea does not those made him make
like to be restrained. the biggest decision of
I made my decision. his life that will define
I wondered, if Poseidon his future. His character
were watching, would he that gives value to his
approve of my choice? connections made him
“I’ll be back next summer,” the man that is reliable
I promised him. “I’ll survive and trustworthy by
until then. After all, I am everybody else.
your son.” I asked Argus to
take me down to cabin
three, so I could pack my
bags for home.

 Chapter 22 | The
Prophecy Comes True
 Candar, Aljean A.
 Condiman, Miguel S.
 Joven, Jullianne Hyacinth E.
 Luna, Nicole Kate A.
 Montero, Lance Jasper
 Palacio, Reden P.

Course Professor | Mr. John Paolo Sarce
SEEN 30143 | Mythology and Folklore

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