Turtle Story: by Kartik Shanker Art by Maya Ramaswamy
Turtle Story: by Kartik Shanker Art by Maya Ramaswamy
Turtle Story: by Kartik Shanker Art by Maya Ramaswamy
by Kartik Shanker
a r t b y M a ya R a m a s wa m y
‘Turtle Story’ by Kartik Shanker
ISBN: 978-81-8263-285-1
Printed by:
Lotus Printers, Bangalore
Registered Office:
Dakshin Foundation
A-001, Samvriddhi Gardenia Apartments,
88/3, Byatarayanapura,
Bangalore 560092.
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The Raft was like a world cruise. It took you
to places that you had never been before, but
you saw it all from a safe distance. I enjoyed
it very much, but after a few years, I decided it
was time to be more adventurous. To explore the
wild world outside. I had heard wonderful things
about a place called the Reef where a lot of other
turtles lived.
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What a fathead, I thought to myself.
“Where are you going, Mr. Leatherback? “Its not my head that’s fat,
To the Reef perhaps?” I asked him young lady,” he said. I didn’t realise
hopefully. I had spoken aloud.
“Ah,” sighed Mr. Leatherback, “I wish I apologised quickly, and he said,
I had that luxury. But no, I am too busy “ Y o u k n o w, I w e i g h n e a r l y 6 0 0
searching for jellyfish. My favourite food.” kilograms. And I’m proud of it all,
“And where do you search for them?” including the fat which helps me
I asked. survive the cold and get through the
long journeys.”
“Out in the deep, deep sea,” said Mr.
Leatherback. “Sometimes I have to dive “That’s great,” I said, marveling
more than a 1,000 metres, searching , a t h i s s i z e , “ b u t b e f o r e y o u g o,
seeking. Where it’s dark and cold. Where could you tell me where I might
the sperm whales hunt for giant squid.” find the Reef?”
“Could you take me there?” I asked. “That way,” said Mr. Leatherback,
flicking a flipper and gliding
“No other turtle could survive in such gracefully away.
cold waters,” he said haughtily.
“Enjoy the jellies,” I called out as I
swam towards the Reef.
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It was on the Reef that I met “Do you know,” he continued, “that when she wants to
my friend Hawksbill, whose mouth nest, she migrates to islands in the middle of the ocean.
is curved like a hawk’s beak. Clear blue lagoons, white sand, they’re beautiful…”
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I spent some happy years on the I knew I had to swim north with all the other
Reef, meeting many of my turtle ridleys, along the eastern coast of India until we
cousins. Apart from old Mrs. Green and reached the beaches of Odisha. Where I would
young Happy Hawksbill, I met Loggerhead lay my eggs. The little compass in my head
and plenty of other ridleys like me. Loggerhead would tell me how to get there.
was a grump. He had a really big head and a bad
temper, so no one went too close to him. “It’s only about 2,000 kilometers,” snorted
I usually ignored him, and continued Loggerhead as he swam off in a different
gorging on flying fish, direction. Show off! Just because loggerheads like
my favourite food. him sometimes swim almost 15,000 kilometres
to lay their eggs. All the way from California,
And then one day, just like that, I across the Pacific Ocean, to Japan!
was all grown up, and it was time to
go. I don’t know how I knew. Something
deep inside me told me so.
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The big journey began. The water
around me was full of other ridleys,
swimming powerfully. It wasn’t an easy
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There were many sandy beaches along the It is very difficult to move on land. I paused to take a breath
way, but I knew I had to swim all the way and looked up. The beach was long and dark, with a huge
north, to the beach where I had been born. dune and some bushes in front of me. I had heard there
Finally, I reached the beach of Gahirmatha, was a large forest behind this beach called Bhitarkanika.
the place where more olive ridleys nested With saltwater crocodiles, king cobras and all kinds of
than anywhere else in the Indian Ocean. other animals.
Or so I was told.
Suddenly, I saw another shadowy shape on the beach.
Today, I decided to lay my first nest. We It had four legs and was digging up a turtle nest.
always nest at night. I waited till the tide was It must have been a dog or a jackal. Not only
high, so that I wouldn’t have that far to crawl did they eat the eggs we laid, they sometimes
on the beach. I came in with the surf, and attacked us. I went back into the water as
felt land under me for the first time since I fast as I could. Later that night, I crawled
was a hatchling. The wet grains felt strange up again, and went up the beach into
and sticky at first. Past the high tide the Ipomea creepers.
line, the sand became very dry and
flew all around me. Slowly,
I dragged myself up the
beach with my front
flippers, looking for the
right spot.
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At my chosen spot on the beach, I cleared away the
dry sand, and made a big pit with my hind flippers.
Though I had never nested before, I knew I had to be
very fussy. I always put one flipper in after the other,
scooped up some sand and threw it out.
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That night, as I was waiting offshore, I noticed
that the wind was stronger and blowing from
the south. Suddenly I realised that there were
hundreds, no, thousands, of other ridleys around
me, waiting to nest. Oh, I had never ever seen so
many together.
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Finally, it is time to leave and return to
my feeding ground. I will spend a year or
two there, eating and building up energy
for another visit to this beautiful beach.
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They will swim against the waves
and dive under the oncoming
breakers. Oh, there will be big fish
and seagulls and eagles, all out to
get them, and seagulls and eagles,
but some will get away. Out into
the open sea where they will find
their own little Rafts, their floating
homes for many years. Then they
will grow up, and perhaps they
will come to my feeding ground.
Perhaps we will meet, though I will
not know them.
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Sea turtles are in danger worldwide, for many reasons. Some species of turtles are killed for
their meat, which is used to make turtle soup. The shell of the hawksbill turtle is used
to make tortoiseshell products like eyeglass frames and hair accessories.
Many turtle eggs and hatchlings are eaten by predators like dogs and crows. But the
biggest danger comes from fishing. Many sea turtles get accidentally caught in
Dakshin Foundation’s mission is to inform and advocate conservation and natural resource management,
a variety of fishing nets, drown, and die.
while promoting and supporting sustainable livelihoods, social development and environmental justice.We
In India, there are many conservation groups that are trying to save sea
adopt interdisciplinary approaches in our research and conservation interventions to promote ecologically
turtles. Each coastal state has one or more such groups.
and socially appropriate approaches to conservation and management in coastal, marine and mountain
What can YOU do to protect sea turtles? ecosystems in India.
[email protected]
If you live near a beach where turtles come to nest:
Help keep the beach clean so that baby and mother turtles do not get hurt.
Educate the adults in your locality about how streetlights and other lights near the
beach can be harmful to turtle hatchlings – once they hatch, hatchlings figure out
where the sea is by looking for the reflection of moonlight on water, so if there are
other bright lights in the area, they can get confused and wander off in the wrong Pratham Books is a not-for-profit children’s book publisher that was set up in 2004 to publish high quality
direction, and into danger. affordable books in many Indian languages.To see how you can help their mission to get ‘a book in every
Find out if your state has a local sea turtle conservation group and see if you can join them. child’s hand’ please visit www.prathambooks.org, www.donateabook.org.in and www.storyweaver.org.in
If you don’t live near a beach:
Read more and more about sea turtles and talk to everyone you know about the
dangers they are facing. Spreading awareness is a BIG part of conservation. To Adhith and Murali, the incurable turtle boys
and all the other hatchlings!
Kartik Shanker is an ecologist with a love for both mountains Maya Ramaswamy is a wildlife enthusiast and
and marine life, and an occasional writer of children’s fiction. an illustrator. Her work has appeared in several
If he had a choice, he would spend all his time visiting cool books, including Walk The Rainforest With Niwu-
places, looking for sea turtles & diving at reefs, or hanging out pah,Nono the snow leopard and The adventures of
with his students, talking about fish and frogs and other inter- Philautus Frog.
esting creatures. His other children’s books include The Ad-
ventures of Philautus Frog and Lori’s magical mystery.
Under cover of darkness, baby olive
ridley turtles hatch from sun-warmed
eggs on remote beaches. One of them,
the little hatchling who is the narrator
of our story, is delighted to make it
across the beach and into the ocean
without losing her way or being captured
by predators.