Sociodrama Method: Increasing The Relationship of Students Social Interaction in Dance Learning in Inclusive Classes
Sociodrama Method: Increasing The Relationship of Students Social Interaction in Dance Learning in Inclusive Classes
Sociodrama Method: Increasing The Relationship of Students Social Interaction in Dance Learning in Inclusive Classes
Abstract—This article is the result of a research based on social acceptance of students towards students with special
some problems inside the inclusive class in Bandung, West Java, needs is the first step for the realization of a harmonious
Indonesia. There are consist of some disabilities and normal relationship in an inclusive school environment [4]. Inclusion
students whom have different characteristics. It causes lack of has a high priority in education policy all over the world and
relationship on social interaction between students in the class. teachers must be able to handle in practice increasing student
Because of that, the researcher applicate sociodrama method in diversity and the demands for creating an inclusive learning
dance learning to determine the increase social interaction environment. In spite of the enhanced political focus, there is a
students. This quantitative research used an Experiment method
lack of research focusing on how those teachers working with
within one group pretest-posttest design. The participants in this
inclusion can be supported with more tangible and meaningful
researched took around 28 students of disabilities and normal
students. The result of this research indicate that sociodrama
ways of understanding and developing inclusive classrooms
method can improve the social interaction of students of inclusive [5]. Character differences regarding the difference of behavior
class in dance learning. The posttest data were higher compared and properties while the difference of ability that is a difference
to the pretest data, after the treatment was carried out. The in kinestesis or skill the students particularly in learning the art
conclusion is the application of Sociodrama Method in Dance of dance. Children in need special is a child who has an
Learning could increase the social interaction students. abnormality in the form of physical, psychological, social,
different emotions with other normal children, one of the
Keywords—sociodrama method; social interaction; dance children in need special category is a category C or often called
learning; inclusive class mental retardation children. The characters are owned by the
son of mental retardation that is has the capability of
I. INTRODUCTION intelligence under the average as well as the inadequacies in
social interactions, social character emotions children have
The institution can be followed by all circles both normal as social problems of mental retardation and behavior a bit
well as in need of education for inclusive special where all naughty, tend to attract themselves, indifferent. "Mental
students involved in the school get its rights i.e., the same retardation are individuals who have significant intelligence is
quality education. In the inclusive environment all students are below average and accompanied by an inability in the
part of learning community and receive a quality education adaptation behavior that emerge in the course of its
with their peers [1]. The demands of inclusive education with development" [6]. In General, the characteristics of the child's
the slogan of the UNESCO "Education for All" is supported by mental retardation characterized by the ability of intelligence
the Declaration agreed by several countries, including under the average of the normal child that caused limited
Indonesia [2]. “Inclusive education is all children and young cognitive abilities that affect the learning process in schools as
people – with and without disabilities or difficulties–learning well as inhibiting the achievement academically, the
together in ordinary pre-school provision, schools, colleges and acquisition and use of language is less true in terms of structure
universities with appropriate networks of support. Thus, the and meaning, lack of concentration and problematic behavior
inclusive education can be followed by all people with and in the associated social, as well as a lack of emotional control.
without limitations and can take place at every level of Learning modification needs to be done in an inclusive class
education, from kindergarten to College "according to where mentally disabled students become part of existing
exposure to Sharon Rustemier reported on the Center for the students. Modification of the learning process conducted by the
study on Inclusive Education (CSIE) [3]. The difference in teacher is by repeating the material, giving a short and simple
students in inclusive schools include differences of character task, using simple sentences in conveying the material, and
and ability differences that will lead to low relationship social using peer tutoring strategies. The teacher always repeats the
interaction. Regular students in inclusive schools are expected material previously taught to mentally retarded children. The
to be able to understand, appreciate, and accept students with teacher repeats by inviting the mentally retarded student to
special needs with all their differences and limitations. Regular practice working on the questions that have been done before,
copying what has been taught, and discussing the previously and must be properly done systematically, but the steps are
matched questions [7]. Based on early observations conducted presented by in his book, Sriyono as follows [8]:
on March 13, 2018 researchers interviewed and observed
students in the inclusive classroom, retrieved data rate low TABLE I. STAGES OF THE METHOD SOCIODRAMA
social interaction with friends of the environment the
surroundings are characterized by a companion did not enter No. Stages of the Method Sociodrama
into the child's mental retardation on the process of discussion Set the social problems that will be
in teaching and learning activities. Thus the learning through
Determine the story of social problems has
art and culture learning model applied to improve socio-drama 1. Assessment steps been established
social interaction on mentally restarted student. A method of Specify characters or players who featured
sociodrama or role playing is two learning methods that have in the story or script that will be
the same sense, it is in practice often chosen replace. dramatized
Sociodrama is derived from two words namely socio and 2. Game sociodrama The process of exploration, exercise, and
deepening the character or characters
drama. The social or socio is human relationships in certain
3. Follow-up Presentation
groups, said the play is a reality of life, character, and human Evaluation or assessment
behavior through the roles and dialog are staged. Then,
sociodrama can be defined as human conduct in conjunction This includes the sociodrama method on a clump of social
socialization or other human relationships. This Sociodrama model since the method of learning is more emphasis on
was used as a method of learning about the behavior of a individual relationships with other individuals. The relationship
character in the story is played with dramatize problems or of the individual with that individual would engender
social relationships, this is in accordance with the exposure [8]. cooperation as well as the emphasis on the ability to connect
States that "the method of sociodrama is a method of teaching socially with environment because of the fact that man cannot
is done by way of an action or dramatizing behavior in social live on their own and need each other. As on the characteristics
relationships". How practice human behavior or social life can of a social model based on the thicket on two principal
be through a story that can be used as a script then played the assumptions, i.e., solve social problems on the ground and
character of learners and dramatize it through the sociodrama through agreements with the use of social processes, social
method. Sociodrama can be adapted to any age group, but it is democratic process should have developed to make society as a
essential that students have daily experiences in activities that build-in and continuous. Learning theory underlying the
facilitate inclusion and build a sense of trust and safety in the method sociodrama is social learning theory, learning theory is
group [9]. an extension of the traditional behavior. The theory was
developed by Albert Bandura [11]. This theory receives most
A. Types Of Methods Sociodrama of the principles of learning theory behavior, but put more
It has its sociodrama method presented by Sanjaya, that’s emphasis on the effects of cue on the behavior and mental
processes internally. So in social learning theory we will use
external reinforcement explanation and cognitive explanation
Full Game, can be used for large projects that are not of the internals to understand how we learn from others. Social
limited by time and resources. The full game is a good learning theory emphasizes that the environment-an
tool to deal with the complex and associated with that environment that is faced with someone is not random, that
problem. environment is often selected and modified by that person
through his behavior. Social learning theory's emphasis on
Staging a situation or new creations, this technique may observational learning as a process of learning, which is a form
be employed with the full game, but designed only to of analytical study is someone learn by observing the behavior
play most of the problem or situation. of systematic rewards and punishments given to other people.
Playlet are a type of game plays third. Playlet include Social interaction is a reciprocal relationship between two
small-scale activities to address the issue of small or a or more persons who assume the role of mutual influence
small part of a big problem. This type usually used between the individual and the individual, between individuals
singly or to pack the staging problems using other and groups, and among groups with the group. Social
methods, or a series of playlet can be used together to interaction is a process everyone establish contact and
describe the progression of the problem gradually. communicate with each other and affect the mind or with
Blackout is the fourth type of game plays. This type is actions. As well as Bonner Gunawan, tells us that "called the
usually only including two or three people with a brief dialogue social is a relationship between two or more people, so that the
developed background to taste in staging a fast end. behavior of one individual to affect, modify, or correct the
behavior of another individual, and vice versa" [12].
In this study researchers using sociodrama method with the
type of play let, because on a small-scale and pementasannya Of the exposure above it can be concluded that social
the problem that made the paper only in outline only. On the interaction is the reciprocal relationships between individuals
process of its implementation required steps that must be with other individuals who establish contacts and communicate
performed in accordance with the procedure in order to make as well as determine the systems and social relations.
the implementation of the sociodrama method to run smoothly Communication and social relationships are not just happening,
Soerjono, stating that social interaction is not possible without
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 255
the existence of two terms, namely, social contacts and Inclusive Education is a process that goes on in its
communication [13]. In the exercise of social interaction, so efforts to find ways to respond to the diversity of the
each individual dintutut will be two important things, individual child.
according to Theodore expressed in the book Slamet Santoso
two things that important includes [14]: 1) The nature of the Inclusive Education brings the meaning that the child
human organism/nature of organization man, that question is as had the opportunity to attend (in schools), participate,
individual attitudes and perceptions are organizing the vagaries learn and get results that are meaningful in his life.
of the Act on the social situation in order to participate actively Inclusive are reserved for the education of children who
in social interactions. 2) The nature of human society/nature of are classified as marginal, exclusive, and in need of
human society, that question is the human society that has the special education services in learning.
values, rules, and social norms, which should be recognized
and performed by every individual in the society. learning is a There are many advantages that accrue from this inclusion
change in behavior that occurs in human ability over the results school, school inclusion is considered able to provide
of the exercises continuously. On the learning process there are numerous benefits both the public as well as for exceptional
theories advanced by experts include there is learning theory children themselves. The community will begin to want to
Gagne. Slameto says that everything that is learned by humans accept the existence of an extraordinary child. In addition, the
can be divided into 5 categories called "the domains of school's inclusion also allows children in need of special study
learning" that is [14]: together with normal children and treated like normal children.
"Children in need special is another term to replace the word"
Motoris Skills (motor skills), in this case the necessary Extraordinary Child "which is indicative of specific disorders.
coordination of the various body movements such as Children in need of special characteristics that differ between
throwing the ball, tennis, etc. one and the other”.
Verbal Information, one can explain something by
talking, writing, drawing, in which case it is II. METHOD
understandable that to say something is need to Research using quantitative approach with experimental
intelligentsia. research methods, the quantitative approach is often called the
Intellectual abilities, humans hold interactions with the traditional approach, the positivistic, scientific and discovery
outside world by using symbols. Study skills scientific methods. Quantitative research has a fundamental character
method called "intellectual ability" for example [15]. Researchers use three indicators contained in social
distinguishes the letters m and n. interactions with the associative process to use as a measuring
instrument in this study, the assessment of the aspects of the
Cognitive Strategies, this is a great organization skill indicators is the adaptation of the theory of Gillin and Gillin in
internally (internal organized skill) that needs to learn to Soekanto who asserted that "there is a process of social
remember and think. This ability is different from interaction that leads to the realization of unity and social
intellectual ability, because it is addressed to the outside integration (associative), namely cooperation, accommodation
world, and cannot be learned just by doing one-time and and assimilation" [16].
require repairs constantly.
Cooperation is a joint venture between individuals with
Attitude, this ability cannot be studied with the other individual or between individuals with a group
Deuteronomy-Deuteronomy, it is not subject to or of people to achieve a common goal.
affected by the verbal relationship as well as other
domains. This attitude is important in the learning Accommodation is a process where individuals or
process, without this ability learning will not be human groups that initially opposed, mutually held
successful with good. adaptability to cope with dispute. Form of
accommodation is tolerant landscaping participation
The domains of learning are the realm of human (tolerance), compromise, conciliation, segregation, etc.
capabilities can be developed through a process of learning
with continuous exercise. The fifth category "the domains of Assimilation is the effort of reducing the differences
learning" can be formulated into 3 domains namely cognitive there are among several people or groups as well as
realm, the realm of affective, and psychomotor domains. businesses equate mental attitudes, actions, and for the
"Inclusive education is all the children and young people – with sake of achievement of a common goal.
and without disabilities or difficulties – learning together in The design of research used IE techniques One Group
ordinary pre-university school provision, schools, colleges and Pretest – Posttest Design, because this research was conducted
universities with appropriate networks of support" Garnida, a pretest i.e. test before it gives preferential treatment in the
reported in the Center for the study on Inclusive Education form of the use of the sociodrama method in learning the art of
(CSIE) [3]. Thus, the inclusive education can be followed by dance in order to the students know the State as a subject of
all people with and without limitations and can take place at research. After being given the treatment then the posttest or
every level of education, from kindergarten to College. final test is conducted to find out the circumstances of the
Inclusive education has four characteristics of meaning, i.e. [3]: relationship of social interactions students after he gave a
treatment. the process of learning the art of dance which takes
place in an inclusive school which children in need special and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 255
normal students who have different characteristics. The including on the character of each the child. On the process of
characteristics that can be made as consideration for the learning the use of methods of learning is good and effective
learning process without discrimination, the learning that can where can build the mood and interests direct students to
develop the potential of all learners, and learning that can engage actively in the learning process. The method
involve all learners without exception. sociodrama is learning methods used in this study are suitable
and effective in the learning process, Sriyono in his book,
Through the selection of learning methods that match the States that "the method of sociodrama is a method of teaching
characteristics of the child allows the learners will involve is done by way of an action or mendramatisasikan behavior in
itself which then can develop potential existing in self-learners social relations" it can evoke the atmosphere of learning more
without feeling deficient. One of the learning methods are interesting and creative as well as capable of stimulating
suitable and may involve all learners without exception. students ' learning, can foster cooperation and social interaction
sociodrama method, because the learning method capable of between students of class X that is an inclusive classroom [8].
arousing the learning process more interesting dance and will Learning i.e. the existence of a change over a person's
increase interest learners. In the inclusive classroom children in experience results. This is in line with the presented Rumini
need or special child mental retardation don't get special posited that "learning is a process of individual work done to
treatment but rather equality with other students so that the obtain a change in the behaviour of relatively settled, either
mental retardation student does not feel isolated or observable or which cannot be observed directly, which occurs
distinguished by the surrounding environment due to mental as a result of practice or experience in its interaction with the
retardation student requires an acknowledgment of the environment " [17]. Thus, it is said to learn if there are any
environment especially in the learning process. changes to the learning process. Through the sociodrama
method of the learners in communicating with each other via
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION text or script of the play that will be played by students based
Comparison between the results of pre-test data and results on social issues, this is in line with the Romlah, which States
of the post-test is illustrated through the following figure 1. that "the Foundation of the sociodrama Engineering tools to
cope with students who have low social interaction capabilities
[18], due to the sociodrama technique has advantages i.e. can
assist students in understanding the intricacies of life and a the
problems of particular social problems or social conflicts ".In
this study, normal children help children tungrahita in the
process of learning that can influence and improve so that it
will erode little by little the problem i.e. poor relationship
social interaction students which includes cooperation,
accommodation and assimilation. As described by Bonner
Fig. 1. Comparison of results data pre-and post-test test. Gunawan, states that "social interaction is a relationship
between two or more people, so that the behaviour of one
The comparison chart of the results of the pre-test and post- individual to affect, modify, or correct the behaviour of other
test data can be seen that there is a very significant comparison, individuals, and otherwise " [12]. It said the presence of a
the results of this data are seen to be far enough seen from the social interaction relationship if one individual to affect or
initial data before the implementation of the sociodrama change the individual to another. It is one of the aspects in this
method obtained the lowest value of 68 and the highest value is research informing.
73 with the most value obtained by students is 71 as many as
11 people and the least value of 68 is 1 person, while after the IV. CONCLUSION
implementation of the sociodrama method the lowest value is
The method sociodrama is one of the learning methods
91 and the highest value is 94 with the most value is 92 as
which can be used to help streamline learning especially
many as 16 people and the least value is obtained students are
learning the art of dance in an inclusive school with emphasis
91 as many as 1 person. Therefore, there is a learning process
on the process of social interaction between students that there
because there are changes from those who do not know to
are in the class. In this study, learning the art of dance by using
know, from low to high, from bad to good, from negative to
the sociodrama method of the emphasis on the relationship
positive. Then the researcher will discuss more clearly about
between mental retardation children's social interaction with
the results of the pre-test with the results of the post-test.
other normal students who give priority to communication and
Learning is a change from the who do not know be know, from
togetherness are entwined. This research shows the results
a negative into a positive. Based on this, in this study the
seen from significant activities of learning dance after
researchers do pre-test or the test early in order to find the data
implementing the method sociodrama. Students in the inclusive
before implementing methods sociodrama, found problems that
classroom mental retardation that is antisocial characters have
occur in class X, including the low level of interaction that
tended to pull away while characters like normal students less
occurs among the students so that cooperation and learning
responsive or less concerned for the environment, indifferent
process did not go well and less effective. This is because
can be eroded and could be addressed through treatment done
teachers are less mindful of learning components that should be
the processed so students more active, cooperates and able to
able to attract students, therefore the teacher should be able to
communicate, to peacefully solve problems and be able to
prepare the process of learning by observing all aspects
demonstrate the artwork of the dance. The results of this
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