JRIG - Ego Is The Enemy Graphic Summary

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Ryan Holiday

Ego is the belief that you’re special and Master your ego. Put aside the sense of
better than you truly are. This inflated superiority so you’re grounded in reality,
sense of self blinds you to the truth connected with yourself/others and feel
about yourself. confident without being arrogant. It helps
you to achieve even more.


Whether you’re aspiring toward something, at the

pinnacle of success, or just had a major failure, your
ego can get in the way. To achieve what truly
matters and be the best you can be, you must
subdue your ego.

When you’re just starting out, big dreams can derail you if they’re not grounded in
reality. Success doesn’t come from 1 big leap, but countless small steps. Build
self-awareness so you know where you stand and what you must learn/do.


Talk is Cheap Substance over Image Be a Lifelong Student

Stop talking about how well The desire to appear successful can Learning is a process, not an event.
you’re going to do. Use the time stop us from being truly successful. Be humble; acknowledge your
and energy to actually do the Define your purpose and stay true weaknesses or gaps. Be curious,
work. Let the results speak for to it. Do what you believe in, even if open to feedback and never stop
themselves. it’s unpopular or unseen. learning.

Maintain Self-Control Purpose over Passion Be an Ace Apprentice

When others treat you poorly, it Raw passion leads to recklessness. Be a humble apprentice devoted to
reflects badly on them, not you. Purpose tempers passion with serving your superiors. Nothing is
Manage your own response: direction, discipline and realism. It “beneath” you. Clear others’ path
stay calm, restrain yourself and shifts the focus away from personal and add to their success without
have the courage not to fight glory to the oft-unglamorous steps seeking credit. In the process, you’ll
back. needed to achieve the goal. learn, grow and become valuable.

Get Out of your Head Pride Goes Before the Fall Keep Doing the Work
Don’t waste time and energy Pride deludes you into thinking Don’t “fake it until you make it”. Put
thinking of your success or how you’re better than you are. Seek in real effort and actually make it so
others may see you. Anchor advice and feedback (not you needn’t fake it. Know that the
yourself in reality and do the affirmation) and stay focused on work never ends since there’s no
work to reach your goal. your goal (not how great you are). end-point to mastery.

When you experience success, don’t think you’re special and get complacent or
blindly pursue more. Stay anchored in your purpose, values and principles. Remain
humble, disciplined, and keep doing what brought you success in the first place.


Keep Learning Focus on Facts, not Stories Know What Truly Matters
Success brings new challenges Most people talk about their Your ego has an insatiable appetite;
that require new learning. Don’t success as if they orchestrated the it’ll keep pushing you for more. Only
pretend to know it all nor avoid entire journey. This paints a false do something if it’s aligned with
failures. Keep improving and picture that leaves out the guesses, your goals/priorities, not to win
adjusting. doubts, failures, and lucky breaks. others’ approval or avoid losing out.

Manage Yourself The 3 Faces of Ego Beware the “Disease of Me”

With success, your role and Ego brings 3 delusions: entitlement Keep your ego and ambition in
responsibilities will change. You (the world owes us), control (it must check. If you start to believe that
must learn to manage yourself go our way) and paranoia (the world you’re special and entitled to
accordingly, e.g. think, act and is against us). These rob us of the success, it’ll erode the attitudes and
make decisions at a joy of success and invite the exact actions that brought you success in
progressively higher level. outcomes we fear. the first place.

Connect with the Big Picture Maintain Your Sobriety

Visit the wilderness or an important historical site You maintain your success with sheer enthusiasm.
to sense how immense the world is; it doesn’t You need sobriety (a command of self) to restrain
revolve around you. Find meaning by connecting the ego and exercise sound judgement so you
with something bigger than yourself. don’t expend your energy needlessly.

Failure (big or small) happens to everyone. There’s no point in lamenting how unfair
it is. Your response to setbacks will decide your outcomes: stay strong and resilient
so you can rebound and move ahead.


Use Your Downtime Just Do your Best Rebound from Rock Bottom
When your life comes to a You can’t control the outcomes or Crises force us to confront fallacies
standstill, you can wallow in how others respond. Just do your that we may have been avoiding. Be
self-pity or use the time to best and release the rest. Draw willing to hear and accept the truth
learn, reflect and turn things satisfaction inwardly by doing what even if it hurts, then use it to move
around. you know you should. forward.

Don’t Make it Worse Follow your Own Standards Choose Love over Hate
Mistakes are inevitable. But if Don’t live by others’ standards. Don’t focus on hate and blame: it
you take drastic steps to hide Seek to become the best possible only wastes time/energy, makes you
them, it could lead to ruin. Take version of yourself: beat your own feel worse, and your actions may
ownership and move forward performance and hold yourself to backfire. Choose love & forgiveness.
with fortitude & integrity. high moral standards. Let it go; don’t hold a grudge.

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