OS Electrical Operator Level 5 (Power Option)
OS Electrical Operator Level 5 (Power Option)
OS Electrical Operator Level 5 (Power Option)
P.O BOX 15745-00100
First published 2018
All rights reserved. No part of these occupational standards may be reproduced, distributed,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the TVET CDACC,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the Council
Secretary/CEO, at the address below:
Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030
and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had to
be aligned to the Constitution and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy Framework
for Reforming Education and Training (Sessional Paper No. 4 of 2016). A key feature of
this policy is the radical change in the design and delivery of the TVET training. This
policy document requires that training in TVET be competency based, curriculum
development be industry led, certification be based on demonstration of competence and
mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET programmes.
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that
these Occupational Standards were developed for the purpose of developing a competency-
based curriculum for Electrical Operation (Power option) Level 5. These Occupational
Standards will also be the bases for assessment of an individual for competence certification.
It is my conviction that these Occupational Standards will play a great role towards
development of competent human resource for the engineering sector’s growth and
sustainable development.
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance criteria for
each element of a unit of competency. These standards also outline the required knowledge
and skills as well as evidence guide.
I acknowledge all other institutions which in one way or another contributed to the
development of these Standards.
Industry or sector
Occupational Standards
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
Version control
Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Title
ENG/OS/PO/BC/01/5 Demonstrate communication skills
ENG/OS/PO/BC/02/5 Demonstrate digital literacy
ENG/OS/PO/BC/03/5 Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills
ENG/OS/PO/BC/04/5 Demonstrate employability skills
ENG/OS/PO/BC/05/5 Demonstrate environmental literacy
ENG/OS/PO/BC/06/5 Demonstrate occupational safety and health practices
Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Title
ENG/OS/PO/CC/01/5 Apply Engineering mathematics
ENG/OS/PO/CC/02/5 Apply Electrical principles
ENG/OS/PO/CC/03/5 Apply workshop processes
ENG/OS/PO/CC/04/5 Prepare and interpret Technical Drawing
Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Title
ENG/OS/PO/CR/01/5 Perform Electrical Installation
ENG/OS/PO/CR/02/5 Install Electrical power lines
ENG/OS/PO/CR/03/5 Install Electrical machine
ENG/OS/PO/CR/04/5 Demonstrate understanding of Electronics
ENG/OS/PO/CR/05/5 Install security system
ENG/OS/PO/CR/06/5 Install Solar system
ENG/OS/PO/CR/07/5 Perform Electrical Breakdown maintenance
These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
function Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
Active listening
Giving/receiving feedback
Interpretation of information
Role boundaries setting
Required Knowledge
Communication process
Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Flexibility in communication
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate digital literacy. It involves
identifying appropriate computer software and hardware, applying security measures to
data, hardware, software in automated environment, applying computer software in
solving tasks, applying internet and email in communication at workplace, applying
desktop publishing in official assignment and preparing presentation packages.
These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required level
key outcomes which of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
function Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
Analytical skills
Basic ICT skills
Required Knowledge
Software concept
Functions of computer software and hardware
Data security and privacy
Computer security threats and control measures
Technology underlying cyber-attacks and networks
Cyber terrorism
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
1. Variable Range
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Root-cause analysis
Required Knowledge
Decision making
Business communication
Change management
Net working
Time management
Factors affecting entrepreneurship development
Principles of Entrepreneurship
Features and benefits of common operational practices, e. g., continuous
improvement (kaizen), waste elimination,
Conflict resolution
Health, safety and environment (HSE) principles and requirements
Customer care strategies
Basic financial management
Business strategic planning
Impact of change on individuals, groups and industries
Government and regulatory processes
Local and international market trends
Product promotion strategies
Market and feasibility studies
Government and regulatory processes
Local and international business environment
Relevant developments in other industries
Regional/ County business expansion strategies
Unit Description
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required
outcomes which make up level of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Conduct self- 1.1 Personal vision, mission and goals are formulated based
management on potential and in relation to organization objectives
1.2 Emotional intelligence is demonstrated as per
workplace requirements.
1.3 Individual performance is evaluated and monitored
according to the agreed targets.
1.4 Assertiveness is developed and maintained based on the
requirements of the job.
1.5 Accountability and responsibility for own actions are
demonstrated based on workplace instructions.
1.6 Self-esteem and a positive self-image are developed and
maintained based on values.
1.7 Time management, attendance and punctuality are
observed as per the organization policy.
1.8 Goals are managed as per the organization’s objective
1.9 Self-strengths and weaknesses are identified based on
personal objectives
2. Demonstrate 2.1 Writing skills are demonstrated as per communication
interpersonal policy
communication 2.2 Negotiation and persuasion skills are demonstrated as
per communication policy
2.3 Internal and external stakeholders’ needs are identified
and interpreted as per the communication policy
2.4 Communication networks are established based on
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
Range Variable
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required to demonstrate understanding of
environmental literacy. It involves controlling environmental hazard, controlling control
environmental pollution, complying with workplace sustainable resource use, evaluating
current practices in relation to resource usage, identifying environmental
legislations/conventions for environmental concerns, implementing specific environmental
programs and monitoring activities on environmental protection/programs.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to identify workplace hazards and risk,
identify and implement appropriate control measures and implement OSH programs,
procedures and policies/ guidelines
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Identify workplace 1.1 Hazards in the workplace are identified based their
hazards and risk indicators
1.2 Risks and hazards are evaluated based on legal
1.3 OSH concerns raised by workers are addressed as
per legal requirements.
2. Control OSH 2.1 Hazard prevention and control measures are
hazards implemented as per legal requirement.
2.2 Risk assessment is conducted and a risk matrix
developed based on likely impact.
2.3 Contingency measures, including emergency
procedures during workplace incidents and
emergencies are recognized and established in
accordance with organization procedures.
3. Implement OSH 3.1 Company OSH program are identified, evaluated
programs and reviewed based on legal requirements.
3.2 Company OSH programs are implemented as per
legal requirements.
3.3 Workers are capacity built on OSH standards and
procedures as per legal requirements
3.4 OSH-related records are maintained as per legal
Variable Range
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
Risk assessment
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Required Knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required by an Electrical Technician to apply a wide
range of engineering mathematics in their work. This includes applying algebraic
functions, applying trigonometry and hyperbolic functions, Complex numbers, coordinate
geometry, carrying out binomial expansion, calculus, Statistics, Vector theory, Matrix and
Numerical methods in solving problems, Concepts of probability for work, performing
commercial calculations, Performing estimations, measurements and calculations of
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)
Calculating area and volume
Types and purpose of measuring instruments
Units of measurement and abbreviations
Rounding techniques
Types of fractions
Types of tables and graphs
Presentation of data in tables and graphs
Vector operations
Matrix operations
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance
Variable Range
Electrical quantities e.g. Voltage, current and
resistance levels
Expected output
Required Knowledge
How to find, interpret and use sources of technical information for workshop
practical activities
The importance of using the correct sources of technical information.
The purpose of and how to use identification codes.
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's manual about the operation of various workshop tools and
The legal and statutory requirements relating to electrical Workshop operation
workplace procedures relevant to:
health and safety;
the environment (including waste disposal);
appropriate personal and protective equipment;
Appropriate use of service manuals
Workplace procedures for:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1 Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Adhered to the proper use of PPE
1.2 Observed the workshop rules
1.3 Performed the First Aid procedures in the workshop
1.4 Observed workshop procedures in the storage of tools
1.5 Safely used testing equipment and tools
1.6 Observed EHS in the waste disposal
1.7 Properly demonstrated care and maintenance of workshop
1.8 Obtained, recorded and interpreted test results
1.9 Identified faulty tools and instruments
1.10 Repaired/Replaced faulty tools
2 Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications 2.1 Electrical installation tool kit
2.2 Testing equipment
2.3 Measuring equipment
2.4 First Aid kit
Resources the same as that of workplace are advised to be
3 Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral test
3.2 Observation
3.3 Practical demonstration
4 Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or through a simulated work place setting or during
industrial attachment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit describes the competencies required by a technician in order to apply a wide
range of Electrical principles in their work; use the concept of basic Electrical quantities,
use the concepts of D.C and A.C circuits in electrical installation, use of basic electrical
machine, understanding of three phase power supply, use of power factor in electrical
installation, use of earthing in Electrical installations, apply lightning protection measures
and application of electromagnetic field theory
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It
involves competencies to select; use and maintain drawing equipment and materials,
producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and orthographic
drawing, and producing electrical drawings.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance
Variable Range
1. Drawing equipment may Drawing boards, T and set squares, drawing sets
include but is not limited
2. Drawing materials may Drawing papers, pencils, erasers, masking tapes,
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Critical thinking
Drawing equipment handling
Analysis and synthesis
Inter personal
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Applied and adhered to safety procedures
1.2 Cared and maintained drawing equipment
1.3 Interpreted circuit, assembly and lay out diagrams
1.4 Applied appropriate technical standards, used proper tools
and equipment for a given task
1.5 Produced sketches and drawings
1.6 Produced electrical drawings
2. Resource Resources the same as that of workplace are advised to be
Implications applied.
2.1 Drawing room
2.2 Drawing equipment and materials
2.3 Computers
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Practical tests
3.2 Observation
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or a simulated work place setting
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit specifies the competencies required for performing electrical installation.
Competencies required includes; applying EHS Standards, preparation of working
drawings, preparation of list of tools equipments, perform marking, piping and fixing
accessories, performing installation, terminating installation, testing installation.
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to electrical installation systems
and related components.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
This unit covers the competencies required to install Electrical power lines and cables: The
competencies include; Erect transmission poles, mount transmission cables, terminate
conductors and finally test and inspect electrical installation.
1. Erect transmission lines 1.1 Supports are erected as per the location’s soil
support profile.
1.2 Supports are erected as per the weight of the
1.3 Supports are erected as per established procedures
and standards
1.4 Supports are erected as per the conductors’ voltage.
2. Mount transmission lines 2.1 Transmission lines are mounted in consideration of
the balance between tension and sag of the
2.2 Spacing between conductors is determined as per
line voltage
2.3 Transmission line are mounted as per the type of
the conductors
2.4 Tension of transmission line is performed as per
fluctuations of the weather condition.
2.5 Cross arms are mounted in line with the spacing
between conductors.
2.6 Conductors are mounted as per the types of
insulators used.
2.7 Transmission system is earthed as per the
established procedures and standards
2.8 Lightening arrestors are mounted on the power
lines as per the established procedures and
3. Terminate conductors 3.1 Conductors are terminated as per the line voltage.
3.2 Transmission line is terminated as per the type of
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Communications (verbal and written);
Proficient in ICT;
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to transmission lines construction
components and equipments.
The legal requirements relating to electrical line construction
Kenyan legislation and workplace procedures relevant to:
Health and safety;
Environment (including waste disposal);
Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Workplace procedures for:
Work place communication;
Time management
Materials management
The importance of documentation and keeping records
The relationship between time and costs
The importance of using the correct sources of technical information.
Interpreting circuits, drawings, specifications and instructions
Preparing work plans in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements and
standard operating procedures and health and safety requirements
Importance of contractual agreements
Necessary insurance and policies including security bonds, performance bonds,
contractors all risks
Insurance of contractors’ work
Keeping records of income
Financial statements
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Span length was determined as per the weight of the
conductor, height and type of the support
1.2 Supports were erected in line with the conductors voltage
1.3 Balance between tension and sag of the conductors was
This unit covers the competencies required to Install Electrical Machine. Competencies
include; mounting electrical machine, mounting machine control panel, laying machine
cables, termination of an installation of Electrical machine and testing of Electrical
machine installation.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance
Variable Range
1. Installation may Machine installation
include but is not Commercial installation
limited to: Industrial Installation
Power Generator
Power transmission and distribution
2. Load size may include 32A
but is not limited to: 80A
3. Components may Switches
include but is not Circuit breakers
limited to: Fuses
Termination blocks
4. EHS regulation EMCA 1999 Act
(Environment, Health OSHA
and Safety) regulation
may include but is not
limited to:
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Communications (verbal and written);
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to electrical installation systems
and related components.
Legal requirement related to electrical machine installations
Specification (manuals for the system)
Legislation and workplace procedures relevant to:
Health and safety;
The environment (including waste disposal);
Appropriate PPEs (personal and protection equipment).
Workplace procedures for:
Recording system installation and maintenance work
Timely reporting of work.
The importance of documentation and record keeping
The importance of time management
The relationship between time and costs.
The importance of efficiency
How to read, interpret and implement drawings for machine installation and
maintenance activities
The importance of using the correct sources of technical information.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Applied and adhered to safety procedures
1.2 Components on the control panel were wired as per the
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
Variable Range
1.Materials may include but is Insulators
not limited to: Conductors
2. Diodes may include but is Photo diodes
not limited to: Laser
Zener diodes
Light emitting diode
Schottky diodes
3. Transistors may include BJTs
but is not limited to: FETs
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Amplifier construction
Communications (verbal and written);
Proficient in ICT;
Time management;
Problem solving;
Decision making;
First aid;
Electronics biasing
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to electronic materials
The legal and statutory requirements relating to Electronics
workplace procedures relevant to:
Health and safety;
The environment (including waste disposal);
Appropriate personal and protective equipment;
Workplace procedures for:
Appropriate use of tools and equipment
Electronics operations
Reporting of technical challenges
The importance of documenting Electronics operations manuals
The importance of working within agreed timelines and sharing progress reports.
The relationship between time and costs.
The importance of reporting anticipated delays to relevant parties promptly
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Communications (verbal and written);
Proficient in ICT;
Time management;
Faults troubleshooting
Problem solving;
Decision making;
First aid;
Report writing;
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to installation of security
systems related components.
The legal requirements relating to commissioning activities for electrical
installation systems and components.
Legislation and workplace procedures relevant to:
Environment, health and safety;
Appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Observe County Government bylaws
ERC (Energy Regulatory Commission) regulations
The importance of documenting security system installation information
The importance of working to agreed timelines
The relationship between time and costs
How to prepare, interpret and use sources of technical information for scheduled
security system installation activities
The importance of using the correct sources of technical information.
The purpose of and how to use identification codes (e.g. colour codes).
How the system operates
The operating specifications and tolerances for different types of installed systems
The hazards associated with operating the system.
5. Guidance 5.1 Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
Variable Range
1. Slanting angle may Panel installation angle
include but is not limited Mounting position
2. Testing may include but is Insulation test
not limited to: Ring circuit test
Short circuit test
Earth continuity
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Communications (verbal and written);
Proficient in ICT;
Time management;
Faults troubleshooting;
Problem solving;
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to solar system installation and
The legal and statutory requirements relating to solar installation activities.
workplace procedures relevant to:
Health and safety;
The environment (including waste disposal);
Appropriate personal and protective equipment;
Appropriate use of service and maintenance manuals
Workplace procedures for:
Solar panel installation
Installation of Solar components
Batteries installation
Reporting of technical challenges
The importance of documenting installation information.
The importance of working within agreed timelines and sharing progress reports.
The relationship between time and costs.
The importance of reporting anticipated delays to relevant parties promptly
How to find, interpret and use sources of technical information for solar installation
The importance of using the correct sources of technical information.
The purpose of and how to use identification codes.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Panel installed in maximum output slanting angle
1.2 Charger controller mounted as per the design
1.3 Cable was lugged after installation
1.4 Safely used testing equipment and tools
1.5 Obtained, recorded and interpreted test results
1.6 Repaired and maintained a system
2. Resource The following resources must be provided:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
Variable Range
1. Failure may include but is Partial
not limited to: Total
2. Manual may include but is Maintenance
not limited to: Operational
Technical specification /data sheet
3. Parameters may include Currents
but is not limited to: Voltage
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Communications (verbal and written);
Proficient in ICT;
Time management;
Faults troubleshooting;
Problem solving;
Decision making;
First aid;
Report writing;
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate the following knowledge:
The manufacturer's warranty requirements relating to maintenance activities for the
electrical installation systems and related components.
The legal and statutory requirements relating to electrical maintenance activities.
workplace procedures relevant to:
health and safety;
the environment (including waste disposal);
appropriate personal and protective equipment;
Appropriate use of service and maintenance manuals
Workplace procedures for:
Fault identification and diagnosis
Appropriate use of tools and equipment;
Repairing, modifying or replacing defective parts or components
The importance of documenting maintenance information.
The importance of working within agreed timelines and sharing progress reports.
The relationship between time and costs.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Identified the cause of failure
1.2 Repaired the fault on the system
1.3 Tested the system functionality
1.4 Identified and used appropriate maintenance tools and
1.5 Obtained, recorded and interpreted test results
1.6 Maintenance report was prepared and filed
1.7 Adhered to EHS in waste disposal
2. Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications 2.1 Electrical toolkit
2.2 Testing equipment
2.3 Measuring equipment
Resources the same as that of workplace are advised to be
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written test
3.2 Oral test
3.3 Observation
3.4 Practical demonstration
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or through a simulated work place setting
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.