Handwashing - Gloving Evaluation Checklist

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Competency Performance Checklist

Performing Hand Hygiene

Name of Student ___________________________________ Group No.____ Date __________
Clinical Instructor: __________________________________

Essential/ Element Competency

critical Demonstrated?
element? Yes No
1 0

1. If appropriate, introduced self and verified client’s identity.

2. Explained procedure to client.
3. Turned on water and adjusted the flow so the water was warm.
4. Wet hands thoroughly and applied soap to hands.
a. Held the hands lower than the elbows.
5. Thoroughly washed and rinsed hands.
a. Used firm, rubbing, and circular movements to wash the palm and
fingers of each hand.
b. Rinsed the hands.
6. Thoroughly patted dry the hands and arms.
7. Turned off the water without touching the faucet.
8. Used effective body mechanics throughout procedure
9. Communicated appropriately with the client.

Final Grade =
Applying and Removing Sterile Gloves (Open Method)

Name of Student: _____________________________ Group No.:_____ Date____________________

Clinical Instructor:_____________________________
Essential/ Element Competency
critical Demonstrated?
element? Yes No
1 0

1. Introduced self and verified client’s identity.

2. Explained procedure to client and discussed how results will be used.
3. Gathered appropriate equipment.
4. Performed hand hygiene and observed other appropriate infection
prevention procedures.
5. Provided for client privacy if appropriate.
6. Opened the package of sterile gloves.
7. Put the first glove on the dominant hand.
a. Grasped the glove for the dominant hand by the folded cuff edge with
the thumb and first finger of the non-dominant hand.
b. Inserted the dominant hand keeping the thumb of the inserted hand
against the palm.
8. Put the second glove on the non-dominant hand.
a. Picked up the second glove with the sterile gloved hand,
inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff and holding the gloved thumb
close to the gloved palm.
b. Pulled on the second glove holding the thumb of the first gloved hand
as far as possible from the palm.
c. Adjusted the gloves, pulling up by sliding fingers under the cuffs.
9. Removed soiled gloves inside out.
Performed hand hygiene

10. Used effective body mechanics throughout procedure

11. Communicated appropriately with the client

Final Grade:

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