Bod 304 2017
Bod 304 2017
Bod 304 2017
PPR/P /64/2014-DD/51/INF/2014/BOD/304/2017
CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Presiding Officer
Mrs. Rani Nair, (IRS, Retd.), Government Nominee
CA. Durgesh Kumar Kabra, Member
1. The Board of Discipline vide Report dated 30th January, 2020 was of the
opinion that CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal is guilty of Professional and "Other
Misconduct" falling within the meaning of Clause (2) of Part Ill and Clause (2) of
Part-IV of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 read with
section 22 of the said Act.
2. An action under Section 21A (3) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 was
contemplated against CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal and communication dated 26th
February, 2020 was addressed to him thereby granting him an opportunity of being
heard in person and/or to make written representation before the Board on 9th
March, 2020.
3. CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal appeared personally before the Board on 9th
March 2020 and was put on oath since it was the first time that he appeared before it
and made his oral as well as written representation before the Board. He also
requested to take a lenient view in his case for award of punishment.
4. CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal in his written representation dated 8th March,
2020, inter-alia, stated as hereunder:-
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CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal (M.No.091903), Delhi in Re:
Pa~e 1 of 5
(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
PPR/P/64/2014-00/51/IN F/2014/B0D/304/2017
(a) the Hon'ble Board of Discipline overlooked /did not consider the legal view of
the matter, which should have been considered by the Hon'ble Board of
Discipline, as stated hereunder:-
A. The DIG, CBI did not even file the complaint in the prescribed Forrn
"I" as prescribed under Rule 3 of the Chartered Accountants
(Procedure of Investigations of Professional and Other Misconduct
and Conduct of Cases) Rules, 2007, but only provided the
transcription of the recorded calls, which cannot be considered as
an evidence and relied upon in the absence of call records.
B. On the basis of "self contained note" alone, the matter was treated
as "Information'' within the meaning of Rule 7 of the Chartered
Accountants (Procedure of Investigations of Professional and Other
Misconduct and Conduct of Cases) Rules, 2007. The letter/note- did
not fulfil the criterion laid down u/s 21 of the Chartered Accountants
Act, 1949, and as such the said note has no legal sanctity.
C. No copy of the investigation report or a copy of charge sheet has
been filed by the Informant before the Director(Discipline).ln
absence of the copy of investigation report and Charge Sheet, the
DIG in order to cover their short-comings, submitted copies of
some documents (having no evidentiary value) which clearly was
an afterthought to wrongly implicate the Respondent which is in
violation of Rule 7(2) of ''The Chartered Accountants (Procedure of
Investigations of Professional and Other Misconduct and Conduct
of Cases) Rules, 2007".
D. VVithout copy of any investigation or any Charge Sheet, the
Respondent had been implicated on mere suspicion and surmises.
Informant has failed to furnish any evidence/proof substantiating
such allegations; there is not even a single witness produced by
the Informant to verify the veracity of such purported allegations.
E. The Show Cause Notice (SCN) dated 17.12.2014 was issued by
the Ld DD, in reference to the letter dated 04.04.14 submitted by
the Informant, the said SCN is itself, bad and erroneous in law.
There is violation of Rule 8(1) r/w rule 11 , since it is obligatory upon
the Director(Discipline) to communicate the Respondent about the
complaint/information within the prescribed time period of 60 days
from the date of receipt of letter/note. The Director(Discipline)
issued the SCN only on 17.12.2014 to the Respondent whi'lst the
"Self Contained Note" was received by the DD from the Informant
on 04.04.14, i.e. issuance of SCN after a long delay of more than 8
months. Even in the delayed SCN issued on 17.12.2014, the "Self-
contalned note" was not made available to the Respondent which
was subsequently provided by the Director(Discipline) only after a
reply was submitted by the Respondent dated 12.01.2015.
(\'"ii .
CA Radhey Shya,n Bansal (M.No.091903}, Delhi 1n Re:
Page 2 of 5
(Sci up hy an Act of Parliament)
The above reply dated 8 May 2015 was submitted by the Respondent even in
absence of any Charge-Sheet and investigation report, which is clear from the
fact that the Director(Discipline) demanded copy of Charge-Sheet from the
Complainant only on 15.06.2016, which Charge-Sheet, investigation report
has not been provided till date and in absence of which, the Respondent
furnished his written-submissions. Further, in response to Respondent letter
dated 03rd November,2017 the Directpr(Discipline) vide letter dated 7
November 2017 allowed the Respondent, additional time to furnish the written
statement by 20 November 2017, which were duly submitted by the
Respondent on 21 st November 2017. Thus, the Director(Oiscipline) cannot
now retract from his statements containing evidentiary value namely letter
dated 7 Nov 2017 of granting additional time to the Respondent to file his
written submissions, which submissions were duly filed and now hold afresh
the Respondent guilty vide the PFO in altogether a new clause i.e. Clause (2)
of Part Ill of First Schedule, under which clause the Respondent was never
charged/implicated as per the SCN dated 17.1 2.2014.
(d) The Hon'ble Board of Discipline failed to appreciate the fact that the
Complainant has annexed sham documents with his complaint.
5. The Board has carefully gone through the facts of the case and also the oral
and written representation of CA. Radhey Shyam Bansal. Considering the above
submissions, the Board was of the view that the said contentions were raised by' the
Respondent at the time of hearing also and had been duly countered in the findings
of the Board.
6. Thus, the Board was of the view that as per the findings of the Board as
contained in its report there are sufficient evidences such as self-contained note of
the CBI, forensic examination report, calls transcript, etc. to suggest that the conduct
of the Respondent in allegedly being involved in providing accommodation entries,
fake bills, etc. is unbecoming of a Chartered Accountant and not befitting of the
highest ethical standards expected of him. Thus, it has already been conclusively
proved that the Respondent is Guilty of Professional and Other Misconduct falling
within the meaning of Clause (2) of Part Ill and Clause (2) of Part IV of the First
Schedule of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 read with Section 22 of the said
This is issued pursuant to the Order dated 29th April 2024 passed by Hon' ble
High Court of Delhi in W.P.(C) 5247/2024 namely ICAI Vs R. Vinod Kumar &
Sd/- Sd/-