Digital Silk Social Glossary June 2022
Digital Silk Social Glossary June 2022
Digital Silk Social Glossary June 2022
A/B Test: The method of comparing two versions of digital assets against each other to
determine which one performs better.
Algorithm: Social media algorithms are patterns or mathematical calculations that social
media platforms use to understand users’ habits. Social media channels use algorithms to
customize and improve the user experience. Users are rarely aware that an algorithm is at
work. Some social platforms that have and use algorithms are Instagram, Facebook,
TikTok, and YouTube.
API: Stands for Application Programming Interface, a software interface that allows two
applications to interact with each other.
Avatar: An image or username that represents a person online, on digital platforms and
social networks.
Bio/Bio Link: “Link in bio” is seen on Instagram and refers to the editable link users are able
to add in their profile information. We utilize the bio link as a way for followers to read an
article, go to a website, or view a user’s additional social media accounts.
Branded Hashtags: A special hashtag associated with a specific brand, used to inspire
people to include the brand in the conversations that they’re having on platforms such as
Twitter and Instagram.
Call to Action: Also known as CTA, a statement
contained on a button that encourages audiences BOOST
to click and take a certain action. The option to pay social
Challenge: A TikTok challenge is encouraging media platforms to increase
other users to record themselves doing a specific your existing post’s reach to
thing or action. your followers, a
Chatbot: An artificial intelligence program that recommended audience, or a
can automate customer interactions for a targeted audience.
company. Chatbots can be implemented on a
number of social messaging apps to provide
customer service, answer questions, and even
An individual or organization
set up appointments automatically.
who is loyal to a brand and
Comment: A form of engagement in which a user
replies to a social media post. takes part in promoting it.
Community Manager: A liaison between an This can range from
organization and its audience. The community influencers, customers,
manager builds an authentic community among a employees, and even
business’s customers, employees, and partners business partners.
through various types of online interaction.
Shadow Banned: Being shadow banned means a social media platform, like Instagram,
is limiting or restricting content created by a user without the user knowing. This usually
happens when a user has violated community guidelines or their content is viewed as
Stitch: When a TikTok creator uses a clip from another creator’s video in their own
Stories: Users can add 15-second videos or pictures to their Story, which can only be
viewed for 24 hours before it disappears. This type of content is also known as
disappearing content. Stories are another copied feature by Instagram to compete with
Swipe up/Sticker: For years, Instagram allowed users to add links to their Stories, which
could be accessed by followers swiping up on the Story. However, Instagram recently
introduced a new link sticker in Stories and removed the swipe up feature, potentially
rendering the term “swipe up” useless. Stickers are found in Instagram Stories and
include engaging features like Q&As, polls, quizzes, links, etc.
UGC: User-generated content is any form of content i.e. social media posts, images,
videos, reviews, etc. created by individual users (not brands) and published to an online
or social network. Utilizing UGC content is quickly becoming a highly effective online
marketing method.
Data from social media networks that marketers use to improve strategic
business decisions.
Indicator Impressions
Also known as KPI is a measurable value
A measure of the number of times your
that demonstrates how effectively a
ads were shown in front of people, even if
company is achieving key business
they didn’t click, comment, or otherwise
engage with it.
Data from social media networks that marketers use to improve strategic
business decisions.