GR 9 - A - Teacher - Eng
GR 9 - A - Teacher - Eng
GR 9 - A - Teacher - Eng
1 2
H Periodic Table of the Elements He
2 13 14 15 16 17
3 4 No 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be Element B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La-Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Transition Metal 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Metalloid La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Noble Gas
Lanthanide 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Natural Sciences
Grade 9-A
developed by
funded by
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Therefore, if you would like a version of this book that you can reuse, revise,
remix and redistribute, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
(CC-BY) license, visit our website,
. This book was written by Siyavula with the help, insight and collaboration of volunteer
educators, academics, students and a diverse group of contributors. Siyavula believes
in the power of community and collaboration by working with volunteers and
networking across the country, enabled through our use of technology and online tools.
The vision is to create and use open educational resources to transform the way we
teach and learn, especially in South Africa.
Siyavula Team
Ewald Zietsman, Bridget Nash, Melanie Hay, Delita Otto, Marthélize Tredoux, Luke
Kannemeyer, Dr Mark Horner, Neels van der Westhuizen
Dr Karen Wallace, Dr Nicola Loaring, Isabel Tarling, Sarah Niss, René Toerien, Rose
Thomas, Novosti Buta, Dr Bernard Heyns, Dr Colleen Henning, Dr Sarah Blyth, Dr
Thalassa Matthews, Brandt Botes, Daniël du Plessis, Johann Myburgh, Brice Reignier,
Marvin Reimer, Corene Myburgh, Dr Maritha le Roux, Dr Francois Toerien, Martli
Greyvenstein, Elsabe Kruger, Elizabeth Barnard, Irma van der Vyver, Nonna Weideman,
Annatjie Linnenkamp, Hendrine Krieg, Liz Smit, Evelyn Visage, Laetitia Bedeker, Wetsie
Visser, Rhoda van Schalkwyk, Suzanne Grové, Peter Moodie, Dr Sahal Yacoob, Siyalo
Qanya, Sam Faso, Miriam Makhene, Kabelo Maletsoa, Lesego Matshane, Nokuthula
Mpanza, Brenda Samuel, MTV Selogiloe, Boitumelo Sihlangu, Mbuzeli Tyawana, Dr Sello
Rapule, Andrea Motto, Dr Rufus Wesi
Iesrafeel Abbas, Shireen Amien, Bianca Amos Brown, Dr Eric Banda, Dr Christopher
Barnett, Prof Ilsa Basson, Mariaan Bester, Jennifer de Beyer, Mark Carolissen, Tarisai
Chanetsa, Ashley Chetty, Lizzy Chivaka, Mari Clark, Dr Marna S Costanzo, Dr Andrew
Craig, Dawn Crawford, Rosemary Dally, Ann Donald, Dr Philip Fourie, Shamin Garib,
Sanette Gildenhuys, Natelie Gower-Winter, Isabel Grinwis, Kirsten Hay, Pierre van
Heerden, Dr Fritha Hennessy, Dr Colleen Henning, Grant Hillebrand, Beryl Hook,
Cameron Hutchison, Mike Kendrick, Paul Kennedy, Dr Setshaba David Khanye, Melissa
Kistner, James Klatzow, Andrea Koch, Grove Koch, Paul van Koersveld, Dr Kevin
Lobb, Dr Erica Makings, Adriana Marais, Dowelani Mashuvhamele, Modisaemang Molusi,
Glen Morris, Talitha Mostert, Christopher Muller, Norman Muvoti, Vernusha Naidoo,
Dr Hlumani Ndlovu, Godwell Nhema, Edison Nyamayaro, Nkululeko Nyangiwe, Tony
Nzundu, Alison Page, Firoza Patel, Koebraa Peters, Seth Phatoli, Swasthi Pillay, Siyalo
Qanya, Tshimangadzo Rakhuhu, Bharati Ratanjee, Robert Reddick, Adam Reynolds,
Matthew Ridgway, William Robinson, Dr Marian Ross, Lelani Roux, Nicola Scriven, Dr
Ryman Shoko, Natalie Smith, Antonette Tonkie, Alida Venter, Christie Viljoen, Daan
Visage, Evelyn Visage, Dr Sahal Yacoob
A special thanks goes to St John's College in Johannesburg for hosting the first planning
workshop for these workbooks and to Pinelands High School in Cape Town for the use
of their school grounds for photography.
To learn more about the project and the Sasol Inzalo Foundation, visit the website at:
Table of Contents
3 Human reproduction 96
3.1 Purpose and puberty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.2 Reproductive organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.3 Stages of reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
1 Compounds 198
1.1 Elements and compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
1.2 The Periodic Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
1.3 Names of compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
. the possibilities!
Curious? Discover
. . ...
VISIT Asking questions and discovering our world around us has been central to
Carl Sagan was an
human nature throughout our history. Over time, this search to understand our
natural and physical world through observation, testing and refining ideas, has
evolved into what we loosely think of as 'science' today. Key to this, is that
cosmologist, author,
science is a continuous revision in progress, it is a mechanism rather than a
science popularizer and
product, it is a way of thinking rather than a collection of knowledge, whose
science communicator.
driving force is not certainty in a truth, but rather being comfortable with
Watch one of his most
uncertainty, thereby cultivating curiosity.
pertinent messages for
However, as Carl Sagan famously said in 1994:
humanity here
"We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology,
and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one
understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for
We need to replace fear of the unknown and the difficult with curiosity, as Marie
Curie said:
. We would like to instill this sense of curiosity and an enquiring mind in learners.
DID YOU KNOW? Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are not subjects to be
Marie Curie was a feared, rather they are tools to unlock the potential of the world around you, to
chemist and physicist create solutions to problems, to discover the possibilities.
famous for becoming
the first person to be
But, how do we practically do this in our classrooms? We would like this
awarded two Nobel
workbook to become a tool that you can use to do this. The theme for the
presentation of this content in Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences is 'Curious? Discover the
possibilities.' We have shown everyday science and objects with 'doodles' over
them to show how if you are curious, intrigued and investigate the world around
you, there are many possibilities for discovery. Sometimes these doodles are
science or technology related, and sometimes they are more fantastical and fun.
Learners should be inspired to discover, but also imagine the possibilities, as
Freeman Dysan said:
will be rewarded. Although, possibly not every time - it requires patience and .
determination. Although your learners will be exploring science and the world TAKE NOTE
around us within a classroom context where assessment is integral, keep in
Albert Einstein
mind this idea from Claude Levi-Strauss, when instilling the ethos of science in
repeatedly did poorly at
your learners:
school, dropped out at
16 and failed his first
"The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, but one university entrance
who asks the right questions." examinations. Every
child deserves a chance
to become someone,
Science is relevant to everyone. Scientific principles, knowledge and skills can sometime in some
be applied in creative and exciting ways to solve problems and advance our place.
world. It is not just a subject restricted to our classrooms, but reaches far
beyond, and within. Ultimately, we also want learners to embark on a personal
discovery and be curious about their own potential and possibilities for the
The Natural Sciences curriculum
As learners enter the Senior Phase in their schooling, the focus is now purely on
Natural Sciences within this subject, and Technology is a separate subject.
However, there are close links between the content in both of these subjects as
they complement each other. The Natural Sciences curriculum also links to what
learners cover in Social Sciences and Life Orientation. Whether you are a
subject specialist teacher, or a class teacher, it is worthwhile to take note of
where Natural Sciences overlaps with and integrates with some of the other
subjects that learners are covering. .
Organisation of the curriculum If you would like to see
what learners covered in
In the Natural Sciences curriculum, the knowledge strands below are used as a
Gr 4-6 with the
tool for organising and grouping the content.
Thunderbolt Kids, visit
These knowledge strands follow on from Gr 4-6. The strands also link into each
other, and these have been pointed out both within the learners' workbook and
here in the teachers guide.
We have also produced concept maps which show the progression of concepts
across the grades, within a strand, and how the build upon each other. These
concept maps are useful tools for teaching to see what learners should have
covered in previous grades, and where they are going in the future.
. .
Below is a summary of the time allocations per topic in Grade 9. This time
allocation is a guideline for how how many weeks should be spent on each topic
We have provided a finer breakdown of the time into the number of hours to
spend on each section within a chapter in the Chapter overviews in the
Teacher's Guide. However, again, this is a guideline or suggestion and should be
applied flexibly according to circumstances in the classroom and to
accommodate the interests of your learners.
Specific aims
There are three specific aims in Natural Sciences which are covered in these
workbooks in the range of tasks provided and in the way the content is
There are many practical tasks within this workbook that provide the
opportunity to conduct investigations to answer questions using the scientific
method, to use scientific apparatus, instruments and materials and to develop a
range of process skills, such as observing, measuring, identifying problems and
issues, predicting, hypothesizing, recording, interpreting and communicating
information. The skills associated with each task in this workbook have been
identified in the chapter overviews in this Teacher's Guide.
Learners also need to be aware of the ethical concerns and values that underpin
any science work that they do, as well as health and safety precautions. Where
appropriate, these have been pointed out in the learners workbook and in this
Teacher's Guide.
In teaching and discovering the content in Natural Sciences, the aim for learners
is not to just recall facts, but to also use the knowledge to make connections
between the ideas and concepts in their minds. Most of the activities in this
workbook have questions at the end which aim to consolidate the knowledge
and skills learned in the task, and also help learners to make connections with
what they have previously learned.
There are many opportunities for discussion when going through the content in
these workbooks. This is often highlighted in the Teacher's Guide with
suggestions for how to lead the discussion and what questions to ask your
. .
Many of the links between content and also between strands and grades are
pointed out within this Teacher's Guide. We suggest also making use of the
concept maps when creating a clear picture in your own mind of the framework
of knowledge that learners should have up to that point about a particular topic.
These workbooks aim to show learners that many of the issues in our world can
be solved through scientific discovery and pursuit. For example, improving
water quality, conserving our environment, finding renewable energy sources
and medical research into cures for diseases. Where appropriate, the history of
various scientific discoveries and inventions, as well as the scientists involved,
have been discussed.
These workbooks also aim to highlight the beauty, diversity and scientific
achievements, discoveries and possibilities in our country, South Africa. An
appreciation of local indigenous knowledge is very important. When going
through particular topics in class, encourage your learners to talk about their
own experiences so that learners are exposed to the indigenous knowledge of
different cultures, to different belief systems and worldviews.
Understanding how scientific discovery has shaped and influenced local and
. global communities will enable learners to see the connections between Science
and Society. This will help to reinforce that Science is practical and relevant,
Learn more about Creative and it can be used as a tool together with other subjects like Mathematics and
Commons licenses and all Technology to find solutions and understand our world.
the freedoms that these
licenses grant you! .
How to use this workbook
We would like these Curious workbooks and Teacher's Guides to become a tool
for you in your classrooms to teach, explore and discover Natural Sciences.
But first, did you notice the copyright license at the front of this book? At
Siyavula, our textbooks and workbooks are published under an open copyright
An OPEN license?
An open license is fundamentally different to the traditional closed copyright
licenses. Instead of imposing restrictions on how you can use this content (for
example, all rights reserved), this open license grants you freedoms! The
Siyavula books are published under a Creative Commons license.
By using this book, you are also part of the global open education movement,
striving to make education as accessible as possible by breaking down the
barriers that learners, student, teachers, academics and the general public
normally face.
We encourage you to modify and tweak this content to suit your learners and
your context. You just need to attribute Siyavula, as is specified in the Creative
Commons license.
You can download a soft copy of the source files for these books from our
We would also love it if you told us how you are using this content as it helps us
refine our processes.
The beginning of each chapter starts off with KEY QUESTIONS. These introduce
the content that will be covered in the chapter, but rather phrased as questions.
This reinforces the idea of questioning, being curious and the investigative
nature of science to discover the world around us and how it works.
. .
Lastly, there is REVISION at the end of each chapter. There are mark allocations
for these questions. These revision exercises can be used as formal or informal
At the end of each strand there is a GLOSSARY which contains the definitions
for all the NEW WORDS which are highlighted throughout that strand.
The tasks which are suggested in CAPS have been identified here in the
teachers guide, and we have marked those that are optional or extensions.
When going through the content in class and you are using the workbook, there
are various questions within the content. These questions are aimed at
stimulating class discussions where learners can take notes, or they link back to
what learners have already done. The answers are provided in the Teacher's
Guide. Use these questions to check learners understanding and keep engaged
with the content.
The various activities and investigations often contain questions at the end. The
questions can often be used as a separate activity, even the next day in class or
as homework, to reinforce what was learned.
Teacher's notes
The way this Teacher's Guide is structured to provide the content of the
learner's book, but with all the model solutions written in italic blue text, and
with many Teacher's notes embedded within the content.
This is an example of what a teacher's note
. looks like. It can contain:
• chapter overviews
• suggestions on how to introduce a topic
The tables for each section can be used to plan your lessons. We have
suggested an hours break down to spend on each section within the chapter,
based on how much content there is to cover, and the number of tasks. This is
only a suggested guideline.
Within each table, we have listed the different Activities and Investigations and
the process skills associated with each task.
The third column contains the Recommendation for the task. These
recommendations are, in order of priority:
You will need to look at how many hours you have for each section, and then
decide which tasks you would like to do with your learners. These tables
provide a useful overview and will also help you choose tasks so that you cover
a range of process skills and specific aims.
The assessment guidelines for Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences are outlined in CAPS on
page 85.
There are many opportunities for informal assessment within these workbooks.
Any of the tasks can be chosen to continuously monitor your learners' progress
as well as checking the short answers they provide to questions interspersed in
the content.
. .
The questions in the revision exercises at the end of each term can be used as
formal assessment and you can use these questions, as well as your own, to
make class tests and examinations.
Margin boxes
You may have already noticed some of the margin boxes in this Teacher's Guide
overview so far. These boxes contain additional information and enrichment.
The NEW WORDS highlight not only the new words used, but also the key
words for the chapter or section. The definitions for all these new words are
listed in the glossary at the back of the strand.
DID YOU KNOW has some fun, interesting facts relating to the content.
TAKE NOTE points out useful tips, with a special focus on language usage and
the origins of words. This may be useful to second language learners.
The VISIT boxes contain links to interesting websites, videos relating to the
content or simulations. This enrichment is also aimed to encourage learners to
be curious about their subject in their own time by discovering more online. We
feel it is important for learners to be aware that science is a rapidly advancing
field and there are many exciting, innovative and useful discoveries being made
all the time in science, mathematics and technology research.
To access the links in the VISIT boxes, you will see there is a link. This is a
shortened link that we created, as sometimes the website links to Youtube
videos can be very long! You simply need to type this whole link into the
address bar in your internet browser, either on your PC, tablet or mobile phone,
and it will direct you to the website or video.
For example, in this Teacher's Guide overview, there is the link to a video about
why open education matters. It is Simply type this into your
address bar as shown below and press enter.
Get involved
When we first embarked on this journey to create these books, our first step
was to hold a workshop with volunteer teachers to get their perspective,
suggestions and experience. Just turn to the front cover of this book to see how
many people contributed in some way to these books! At Siyavula, we believe
in openness and transparency and we would love your input in the next phase.
These books are not perfect and we will be continuously improving them. We
would find your input and experience as a teacher crucial and highly beneficial
in this process.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
2 weeks
This chapter introduces learners to the cell. They may have encountered the cell
before, but here we will look at the structure of cells, including the organelles
common to most eukaryotic cells. We will also look at the differences between
plant and animal cells. Later we look at the hierarchical organisation of cells into
tissues then into organs then into systems and then into an organism. Some
information has been included on specialised cells. This was thought to be
important to introduce the idea of a biological structure being adapted to its
function to ensure functional efficiency. To be able to describe and explain how
a structure is adapted to its perform its functions is an important skill in Life
Sciences, especially if learners carry on with the subject in Gr. 10-12. This is an
ideal opportunity to start practicing and also to realise that there is huge variety
in the types, sizes, and shapes of cells depending on their function.
Learners also have to make a 3D model of a cell in this chapter. This activity
may be treated as a project. A suggestion is to turn to this activity at the start
so that learners are aware of this and can start thinking about their models at
home and what they could use to make them as you are going through the
content and learning about the cell. You could then set a deadline for the
model, for example one week after you finish this chapter (ie. three weeks then
from when you start the chapter), for them to have completed their models.
1.3 Cells in tissues, organs and systems (1.5 hours)
• What are cells?
• Why are cells so small?
• What does it mean to be microscopic?
• Are there different types of cells?
• What is inside a cell and why is it there?
• Are plant and animal cells the same?
In this chapter we will learn about the basic units of life which enable all of
functions within living organisms - cells.
1.1 Cell structure
This website has many interesting articles about science and science-related
jobs. They have been classified according . to topics and also provide tips on
how to incorporate the articles into your classroom and what questions to ask.
If you are interested in incorporating real world science into your classroom, this
is one website to start looking at: 1
If we look at all the living organisms in the world we see that there are two main
types of organisms based on the structures of their cells. The most important
difference in structure is the presence of a nucleus. Cells that contain a nucleus
are classified as eukaryotic cells, while those without a nucleus are prokaryotic
cells. In this chapter we will specifically look at eukaryotic cells that make up
organisms such as plants and animals. Examples of organisms with prokaryotic
cells are bacteria.
. .
We can say that cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living
organisms. You cannot see individual cells with the naked eye, because they are
too small - you need to use a microscope to be able to see cells. We say cells
are microscopic because they can only be seen under a microscope.
Do you remember the test you learnt about in previous grades to decide
whether an organism is living or non-living? Perhaps you had an mnemonic to
remember the seven processes, such as "MRS GREN".
1. Work in your group and see how many of the seven functions of life you
can remember. Write them down below.
Movement .
2. Do you think that an individual cell is living? Explain your answer.
Cells are the smallest unit of life and are therefore living.
The Visit boxes in the
margins contain links to
Robert Hooke was the first to use the term .
interesting websites and
'cell' when he studied thin slices of cork videos. Simply type the link
with a microscope. exactly as it is into the
Robert Hooke's microscope that he used to
address bar in your browser.
first view cells.
As an entry point to this section, you may. want to use these types of questions
to ask at the start of the lesson: Do you think all cells are the same? If they are
not the same, can you think of reasons why they differ or how they might differ?
Discuss your thoughts with the class.
Your body is made up of many different kinds of cells. We say your cells are
specialised to perform a specific function. Depending on the function of the
cell, it can be specialised by having a different shape or size or may have some
components which other cells do not have. Have a look at the differences
between nerve cells and red blood cells in the images.
Ask your learners to describe the differences
. in shape between the nerve cells
and the red blood cells in the images. Take note however, that the images have
been coloured in afterwards - these are not the real colours of the cells, so
learner must not say that nerve cells are green, etc.
. .
• Nerve cells transmit (send) messages . throughout the body from the brain
to perform functions. So the fact that nerve cells are elongated (like long
thin wires) and branched, helps them to send these messages over long
distances and make connection with many other cells.
• Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Their
shape is adapted to carry oxygen and pass easily through very narrow
capillaries to get to the individual cells. Red blood cells also do not have a
nucleus so that there is more space for oxygen to be transported.
These nerve cells appear green under a Red blood cells have a round, biconcave
fluorescence microscope. shape.
Even though there are many different types of cells, there are components of
the cell structure which are common to all cells. There are also some structures
which most, but not all, cells have. Let us take a look at this in the next section.
As an introduction to the cell organelles .teachers might want to show learners
one or two of the YouTube songs included in the margin. They offer a fun
entry-point into this topic.
Cell Structure
As we have mentioned before, all cells have some common structures. These
• a cell membrane
• cytoplasm; and
• in most eukaryotic cells, a nucleus
Let's now have a look at the structure of these components of the cell, and
some of the other organelles common to cells. An organelle is a specialised
structure within the cell that performs a function for the cell. Examples of
organelles in cells are vacuoles and mitochondria. Look at the diagram which
identifies the different components in a simple animal cell.
If something is 'permeable',
. that
then it means
substances, such as gases
and liquids, can pass
through it freely.
Cell membranes
All cells have a cell membrane around them. The cell membrane is a thin layer
that encloses the cell's contents and separates the cell from its environment. In Natural Sciences we speak
of a medium when we talk
Many different substances have to pass in and out of a cell in order for it to about a solution in which
function. The cell membrane controls which substances are allowed to enter .
organelles, cells or organs
and leave the cell. We say the cell membrane is selectively permeable. The are grown or suspended.
organelles are also surrounded by membranes. Can you think of other
meanings for the word
. medium?
In order to explain the idea of 'selective permeability', you could use the
analogy of a gate and security wall around someone's home - explain that only
certain people get access to a private home. and the gate serves to deny access
to undesirable people. Also waste products in the form of garbage bags are put
outside the perimeter fencing to be removed and food and water is allowed to
enter. As with viruses and diseases, thieves and criminals can however still
penetrate the home's defences and will then attack the owners/cell organelles.
The cytoplasm is often referred to as the. jelly-like substance within cells. This is
only partly true as the cytoplasm actually consists of the jelly-like substance
(called cytosol) and all the cell organelles (except the nucleus). The term for
the combined cytoplasm (cytosol + organelles) and the nucleus (containing
. .
The cytoplasm includes all living parts of the cell within the cell membrane, but
excluding the nucleus. The cytoplasm is made up of the cytosol and the cell
organelles. The cytosol is a watery, jelly-like medium made of 70%-90% water,
and is usually colourless.
The cytosol is also where many chemical reactions take place. Next term, in
Matter and Materials, we will learn more about chemical reactions.
This is a micrograph of a plant cell. Can you see the clear, white organelles, which are the
vacuoles? The cytoplasm appears very granular in this image.
In this image of a plant cell, there are several vacuoles present, as is the case in
many plant cells. The nucleus, with its dark nucleolus is also very clear. You can
come back to this image a bit later to look at the nucleus again. If learners ask
what the grey-white structure in the top left hand side is, this is a starch grain.
Plants store starch grains within the cytoplasm. You can get your learners to
provide labels for the vacuoles and cytoplasm in this image. Also visible is the
cell wall of the plant cell - the cell membrane is the inner, more folded boundary,
whereas the cell wall is the light grey, more rigid structure on the outside.
Faintly visible are several mitochondria, for example the grey oval structures at
the bottom left. Come back to this image once you have done these structures
to add these labels in.
• A double membrane called the nuclear membrane encloses the DNA. This
nuclear membrane contains pores (holes) for substances to pass through.
• There is a nucleolus inside the nucleus. This is often seen as a darker area
within the nucleus.
• The DNA contains information about inherited characteristics (hereditary),
such as whether the person will have blue, brown or green eyes.
Have a look at the micrograph of a nucleus and the diagram of the nucleus.
Studying micrographs is a very important skill to develop for later in Life
Sciences. Learners are often only exposed to schematic diagrams of cells which
present an idealised view of the cell. They
. then find it very difficult to identify
these structures within a micrograph of an actual cell. Encourage your learners
to take note of how the diagram below was drawn and how it differs to the
micrograph of the nucleus. Remind your learners that a micrograph is a
photograph taken through a microscope, and in this case, a transmission
electron microscope.
. .
DNA is a very important part of all cells and therefore of all life. DNA contains
information that encodes all our inherited traits or characteristics. This refers to
characteristics which are passed down in families, such as your skin and eye
colour, whether you have allergies and also the likelihood of contracting
different types of illnesses.
Every organism has unique DNA. The difference in DNA that occurs between
individuals is called variation. Even the slightest difference in DNA might cause
significant variations within species and between species. Within species DNA
differences or variations can lead to albino animals or the transference of similar
illnesses, like sickle cell anemia.
Learn more about genes An albino (white) lion lacks pigment due to an alteration in the lion's DNA.
Do you remember that we spoke about food as the energy source for our
bodies? Just as wood is burned to use the stored potential energy to make a
fire to heat some water, the food that we eat needs to be broken down in order
to release the energy so that our bodies can function. Mitochondria are
responsible for doing this.
You can use this opportunity to revise what is meant by stored potential energy
and the fact that food is seen as a fuel for our bodies.
A muscle cell will contain more mitochondria as muscle cells need a huge supply
of energy for movement. You can point .this out in the following image of mouse
heart muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue is very active and therefore needs a
big energy supply, hence the frequency of mitochondria present in the tissue, as
seen below.
A micrograph of muscle tissue in a mouse. Can you see all the darker grey circles? These
are mitochondria.
Once food molecules enter the cells and pass into the mitochondria, they are
used by the mitochondria in a process called cellular respiration. During
respiration the mitochondrion can combine molecules from food with oxygen to
release energy that the cell can use. Carbon dioxide, water and waste materials
are by-products of this process.
With reference to the did you know fact in the margin about mitochondrial
DNA, learners might ask what we can deduce . from the fact that there is such a
thing. One theory is that mitochondria originated from bacteria that invaded
ancient eukaryotic cells and started living in a symbiotic relationship with the
host, eventually losing its ability to live independently. This idea is still very
controversial and not universally accepted. MtDNA seems to have an influence
. .
VISIT Look at the micrograph of the mitochondrion in the image. What differences
can you see between this mitochondrion and the diagram shown previously? In
If you would like to find out
the diagram, it was very clear that the inner membrane folds, whereas in the
how mitochondrial DNA
. micrograph it is not as easy to see this. This is because of the way that the cell
(mtDNA) is responsible for
was sectioned (cut) before it was viewed on the transmission electron
'old age', read this article by
microscope. In a diagram, we show an ideal representation of the organelle.
Dr Barry Starr from Stanford
But, when we view an actual organelle under a microscope, it may look quite
different depending on how it was cut into a very thin section to view.
Why do plant and animal cells have differences? Plant and animal cells differ
because they have to perform different functions.
1. Study the pictures below. On the left is a picture of plant cells and on the
right is a picture of some animal cells, which have been stained blue.
2. Write differences that you observe in the table below the pictures of the
. .
Plant cells have an additional layer surrounding the cell on the outside of the cell
VISIT membrane. This is called the cell wall. This wall provides a protective
Article and video on the
framework for support and stability for the plant cell.
solar powered sea
The cell wall is formed from various compounds, the main one being c ellulose.
slug,Elysia chlorotica.
Cellulose helps maintain the shape of the plant cell. This allows the plant to
remain rigid and upright even if it grows to great heights.
Does a plant have a skeleton? Turn to a friend and discuss what could possibly
be used in a plant cell as a skeleton. Think for example of a blade of grass or a
long stemmed rose.
Plants have cell walls to provide support and some learners might remember
the vacuoles.
Vacuoles in plant cells are usually quite large organelles that can occupy as
much as 90% of the cell's volume. The liquid in the vacuole, called cell sap, helps
to support the plant. The full vacuoles push out against the cell wall and make
the cells, and therefore the plant, rigid. We say the cells are turgid in this
condition. The opposite to turgid is flaccid.
You can easily see when a plant's vacuoles are full and when they are not. When
the vacuoles are full the plant's stem and leaves will be held upright and firm.
However, if the leaves and stem are drooping, the vacuoles might have lost a lot
of water because the soil is too dry and the cell was forced to use up this water
to survive.
Left: A plant with turgid vacuoles is rigid and stands upright. Right: A plant with flaccid
vacuoles droops (called wilting).
1. Draw a table of differences between the two cell types in the space
provided. Give your table a suitable heading.
2. Also provide labels for the different cell structures and organelles.
Here are the labels for the animal and plant cell diagrams.
A typical animal cell.
An example of the type of table that learners might produce is given below.
Learners might present the information in a slightly different layout, which
should be encouraged, if it is logical and legible. For example, they might not
have the first column with the characteristic.
. .
In a 3D cell model, we will be making built models out of materials where we will
use other objects to represent the actual parts of the cell.
1. Add all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix together until it starts to
bond together and becomes hard to mix.
2. Take it out of the bowl and throw it on a board (or other surface for this
purpose). (It will be hot when you take it out of the bowl so be careful.)
3. Knead the dough until it takes on the look and consistency of play dough.
4. Add the food colouring to get the colour you want.
5. Keep the playdough in an airtight container in the fridge before use.
• Your model and the examples of the organelles need to show some
resemblance to the real organelle that we have learnt about so far.
• Your model needs to be clearly marked with a heading and your name.
• Each organelle needs to be clearly labelled and with each label you need to
add a description of the function of that particular organelle.
• You also need to make an accompanying drawing (at least the size of an
A4 page) including the labels of the structure of a basic plant and animal
• Your teacher will assess your model according to a rubric.
Although there is a general assessment rubric for models supplied in the
Appendix of the Teacher's Guide, here is a more detailed rubric that you can use
to assess your learners' models out of 40 marks. You can photocopy this rubric
if you wish to provide it to your learners so that they know how they will be
. .
. .
This section on microscopy is meant as an introduction as learners will need to
be able to use microscopes later in this chapter, as well as if they carry on with
Life Sciences in Gr. 10. Learning how to use an instrument is a very good skill. In
Gr. 10 Life Sciences, learners will look at the different types of microscopes in
more detail. Here, only light and electron microscopes are mentioned briefly.
Learners would have been introduced to the atom in Gr. 8 Matter and Materials
and perhaps before. The atom is the building block of all matter. The ability to
visualise columns of atoms under a transmission electron microscope indicates
how extremely powerful and high resolution these instruments are. A useful site
VISIT for information about microscopy:2
. Help out in
Citizen science:
cancer research from your
own home! .
If microscopes are not available in your school, try building one with the
learners' help! If Robert Hooke could do it without the wonderful technological
marvels we have in our lives today, so can we!3 or
A microscope allows you to see detail in specimens that you cannot see with
the naked eye. The image you see needs to be:
The next image explains the different parts of a light microscope and what they
are used for.
When you use a microscope, make sure to follow these safety precautions:
1. There is a special way to carry the microscope: one hand supports the
base and the other holds the frame of the microscope.
2. Put it down on a stable, horizontal, clear counter.
. .
• wet mount - good for observing living organisms and is especially used for
aquatic samples
• dry mount - good for observing hair, feathers, pollen grains or dust
• smears are often made of blood or slime that is smeared over the slide and
allowed to dry before observing them.
. a wet
Video on making • stains are added to wet or dry mounts by dropping colouring chemicals
mount slide. onto the specimens, like iodine solution, methylene blue or crystal violet.
We use staining to improve the colour contrasts on the slide.
This is an extension activity. It is optional
. and does not need to be done.
However, if you do not have microscopes . to work with at Gr. 9 level, this does
provide an opportunity to get some experience with working with microscopes
and troubleshooting problems, without actually using a real one.
1. Carefully study this image of onion cells that have been stained blue.
Evaluate this image in terms of the focus, light and contrast visible in the
. .
Before starting this activity, you could ask your learners why they think you are
going to be making wet mounts, and not another type of mount, and what
advantages using a liquid has. Have this as a class discussion and encourage
your learners to take notes, either in a separate notebook or in the margin
spaces within the workbook. We use liquid because:
There is a very specific way to prepare slides for viewing under a microscope.
You will use this technique very often in Life Sciences to study specimens.
This activity will show learners how to prepare onion cells in a step-by-step
manner, and will then challenge them to prepare their own cheek cells (using an
ice cream stick or your own nail for collection) in order to study it under a
microscope. .
Very important: Make sure learners use clean, sterile sticks and that they do not
re-use them and swop them.
If your class does not have access to a microscope, learners may still practice
preparing a wet mount, and then examine the images at the end of the exercise.
• onion
• scalpel or knife
• dissecting needle
• forceps
• microscope slides
• coverslips
• dropper
• tissue paper or filter paper
• distilled water
• iodine solution
• light microscope
Risk assessment: Some people are allergic . to iodine and/or shellfish. If any
learners are allergic to iodine or shellfish DO NOT use the iodine solution to
stain your specimens. Methylene blue and crystal violet are harmful and can be
irritants. Avoid contact with the skin.
You will need .to work quite
quickly as the onion cells will
Step 1: Prepare your dry out!
microscope and slides as
discussed in the safety methods .
Step 2: Cut the onion into
blocks of about 1 cm square
with a sharp knife or scalpel. Cutting the onion to expose the
Adding iodine solution to the slide.
. .
Step 6: Gently lower a coverslip at an angle onto the onion cells. Hold the
coverslip up with a dissection needle and gently lower the slip. This prevents air
bubbles from getting trapped under the cover slip.
If you accidentally trapped Step 7: Wipe off excess fluid
an air bubble, gently press around the edge of the
on the middle of the coverslip with tissue paper or
coverslip to get rid of any filter paper.
trapped air using the Step 8: Make sure the lowest
dissecting needle or drop power objective lens (this is the
some extra fluid right next to shortest lens) is in line with the
the edge of the coverslip. eyepiece. Switch on the lamp
or use the mirror to reflect the
light onto your stage. Place the
prepared slide onto the stage The slide secured on the
and secure it with the stage microscope stage.
clips. .
Learner-dependent answer
Learner-dependent answer
Learners must gently scratch the inside of their cheeks to collect some cheek
cells and then wipe the toothpick on the slide and cover with a drop of water.
(Please ensure that learners scrape with the broad side of the toothpick, slowly
and gently, so that they do not injure themselves!)
. Alternatively, learners can
use old wooden ice cream sticks. The water droplet will most likely contain
several cheek cells. It is going to be near impossible to see the cheek cells in
water. You should use a stain to colour contrast the cells, namely methylene
blue or iodine solution. These cells are MUCH smaller than onion cells and the
learners may battle to find them - look for tiny blue/yellow 'flakes' that are not
lying on top of each other and magnify a small group of 3-4 cells.
1. What are some of the differences and similarities you noted between the
animal and cheek cells?
Learners should be able to identify some of the following main differences
and similarities between onion and cheek cells as:
• The onion cells have a thick cell wall and a cell membrane. The animal
cells only have a cell membrane.
• The onion cells have a regular shape whereas the cheek cells have a
irregular shape and seem more flimsy.
• In the onion cells they might notice a large vacuole which might not be
as visible in the cheek cells. Cheek cells do not have vacuoles.
• Both onion and cheek cells have a nucleus and nuclear membrane.
• Both cells also have a cytoplasm and some might say that they see
organelles inside this. .
. .
This is an optional activity which learners can do outside of class if you have
Look at the photo of the rose. Do you think the cells in the roots, stem, leaves,
and petals of the rose all look the same?
The cells in the different parts of the rose all have to perform very specific
functions and therefore have different sizes and shapes.
Your body contains a great number of specialised cells, meaning they have
different functions. They have differences in their structures allowing them to
have different functions. We say they have differentiated.
Do you remember we spoke about nerve cells and red blood cells briefly in the
beginning of the chapter? Some of them are summarised in the following table.
. .
Stem cells are unspecialised cells which can divide and develop into many
different types of specialised cells. Stem cells are quite amazing as they can
divide and multiply while at the same time keeping their ability to develop into
any other type of cell. Embryonic stem cells are the little ball of 50 -150 cells
that forms 4-5 days after conception. Embryonic stem cells are very special as
they can become absolutely any cell in the body, for example, blood cells, nerve
cells, muscle cells or brain cells.
For this reason, scientists are using stem cells to conduct research. There are
many benefits in doing this, but there are also many controversial and ethical
issues surrounding stem cell research.
Are you curious about stem cell research? Find out more and discover the
The syllabus does not require great detail on stem cells, but this is an exciting
field of science that is growing rapidly. The potential uses of stem cell
technology may capture the imagination and inspire learners. As a possible
extension activity, get learners to do some reading about the topic of stem cell
research. Then they can write down some of the main points and also write
about their own opinions and feelings about the topic. The last step is to have a
class discussion. Encourage each learner to give their opinion. You could do this
as a class debate and break learners up into groups, or else just go around the
class and ask each learner for their opinion and why.
Alternatively, you may wish to share the following exciting possibilities with
learners. In the future stem cell therapy may be able to treat many different
diseases, such as:
Please ensure that learners understand the
. difference between microscopic and
macroscopic and unicellular (single-celled) and multicellular (many-celled)
organisms. Microscopic organisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Macroscopic organisms can be seen with the naked eye. Unicellular organisms
Microscopic organisms
We call one cell organisms that can only be seen with the help of a microscope .
Take a virtual tour of the
microscopic organisms. There are many single-celled microscopic organisms.
human body
Have a look at the images.
Fresh water. amoebae and
A group of Escherichia coli bacteria which An amoebae which is a single cell organism
are found in the intestines of many animals. that lives in water.
Red blood cells showing some which have A single-celled algae called a desmid.
been infected with malaria (purple dots).
. .
In teaching this section, you may consider the example of the school as a 'living
organism' in which:
• Each learner represents a single cell. working on their own within a team.
• The classes are formed from groups of learners = tissues
• The grades are formed from groups of classes = organs
• The Gr. 7 - 9 and Gr. 10 - 12 are seen as the GET and FET phases, thus a
phase = organ system
• All the phases working together in school = organism
In microscopic single-celled organisms, the individual cell has to perform all the
life processes for that microscopic organism.
So what about the cells in macroscopic organisms that consist of many cells?
We have already learnt about specialised cells in macroscopic organisms, so we
know that not all cells perform all the processes - they are specialised to
perform a specific function.
When organs work together we say they form systems or organ systems. There
are many different systems in your body where specific organs work closely
together to make your body function. Have a look at the following diagram
which shows how cells are organised into tissues in the stomach which form
part of the digestive system in a human (the organism).
Have you noticed the VISIT boxes in the margins which contain links? You
simply need to type this whole link into the address bar in your internet
browser, either on your PC, tablet or mobile phone, and press enter, like this:
It will direct you to our website where you can watch the video or visit the
webpage online. Be curious and discover more online on our website!
. .
As this year progresses, learners will have to start filling in more parts of the
concept maps themselves, and then hopefully draw their own ones by the end
of the year. This teacher's guide contains the full version of each concept map.
Encourage your learners to study the concept maps and make sense of them at
the end of each chapter before doing the revision questions. Help your learners
to understand and "read" the concept maps by constructing sentences from
them. For example in this case you could read: "Cells in plants have some
differences as only plants have chloroplasts for photosynthesis".
Learners need to learn how to learn! This is one skill which might help them
later in their school career where they have a lot more information to learn and
make sense of. Concept mapping is one tool to use to summarise information
and understand how different concepts link together. Real understanding and
knowledge comes from grappling with the subject matter, and not just
memorising facts.
To learn more about concept maps and how they encourage learner
understanding, visit this site: 6
Key Concepts
• Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms.
• Cells are microscopic and can only be seen under a microscope.
• Plant and animal cells have cell membranes, cytoplasm, a nucleus and
organelles such as mitochondria and sometimes vacuoles.
• The cell membrane encloses the contents of the cell and separates it
from its environment.
• Cell membranes are selectively permeable, which means they only allow
certain substances to pass into and out of the cell.
• The cytoplasm includes the organelles and the cytosol. The cytosol is
the jelly-like medium in which many chemical reactions take place in
the cell. Everything inside the cell membrane, except the nucleus, is
considered the cytoplasm.
• The nucleus in eukaryotic cells is enclosed by a nuclear membrane and
contains the DNA.
• DNA contains inherited characteristics of an organism and controls the
cell's activities. It is unique to each organism, resulting in variation within
In the summary, we first have the "Key concepts" for this chapter. This is a
written summary and the information from this chapter is summarised using
words. We can also create a concept map of this chapter which is a map
of how all the concepts (ideas and topics) in this chapter fit together and
are linked to each other. A concept map gives us a more visual way of
summarizing information.
Different people like to learn and study in different ways; some people like to
make written summaries, whilst others like to draw their own concept maps
when studying and learning. These are useful skills to have, especially for
later in high school and after school!
Have a look at the concept map which shows what we have learned about the
cell in this chapter and how these concepts link together. Can you see how
the arrows show the direction in which you must "read" the concept map?
There are some empty spaces in the concept map that you need to fill in.
For example, some of the common structures in cells have been left out. You
need to look at the concepts linking from these bubbles to work out which
structure goes where. For example, what structure in a cell encloses the cell
contents? Write the answer in the correct space. On the left hand side of the
concept map there are also empty spaces - can you see that this describes
the hierarchy of how cells are organised into tissues, which are organised into
organs, and so on? Fill in each level of organisation into the spaces.
. .
Below is the complete concept map with the answers filled in. Make sure your
learners understand what a concept map is and that they have filled in the
correct concepts into the empty spaces.
Remember that concept maps are different. to mind maps in that concept maps
have a hierarchical structure and show how concepts link together using arrows
and linking words. Whereas mindmaps generally contain a central topic and
individual branches coming out which do not necessarily link together.
Mindmaps can also be a useful way of summarising information and studying,
however, we are using concept maps as they help to show linkages, which is
very important in science. Help your learners to "read" the concept map by
showing them that the arrows show the direction in which concepts progress
and are linked to each other.
. .
1. Why would you say cells are considered to be the smallest unit of life? [2
Learner-dependent answer. They should mention that cells are the smallest
things that can live independently and are the most simple functional and
structural unit that makes up all organisms.
2. Explain what selectively permeable means when referring to the cell
membrane. [1 mark]
Selectively permeable means the membrane only allows certain substances
to pass into and out of the cell.
3. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells differ. What is the main difference
between these two types of cells? [2 marks]
Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or membranes around the
organelles, whereas eukaryotes have a nucleus and membrane bound
organelles. May also refer to DNA being loose or enclosed in a membrane.
4. What is the main function of the nucleus and what is the function of the
DNA? [2 marks]
The nucleus controls all the processes inside the cell and the DNA carries
the inherited characteristics of the organism.
5. When a Gr. 9 learner labelled one of the cell organelles 'Powerhouse', their
teacher marked it wrong. What should the learner rather have written? [1
6. A plant and an animal cell are similar in some ways yet very different in
others. Compare the two types of cells
. in a paragraph. [10 marks]
• Both cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a nucleus.
• Plant cells have an additional cell wall that provides shape and rigidity
to the cell.
• Plant cells have large vacuoles and contain chloroplasts.
• Animal cells do not have cell walls and have a more irregular shape.
• Animal cells do not always have vacuoles and when these are present
they are short-lived and much smaller than those in plant cells.
7. Make two drawings to show the differences between plant and animal cells
using the examples of plant and animal cells you studied under the
microscope. Follow the drawing guidelines for making scientific drawings.
[10 marks]
Learners should receive marks for following these drawing guidelines:
• The drawing should be made with pencil and the labels should be
added in pen.
• The size of the drawing should be proportional
• The title of the drawing should be clear and descriptive.
• Lines used for labelling should end at or be just inside the feature
being identified and should not use arrows.
• Label lines should be drawn with a ruler and pen and should never
• Lines used for labelling should be parallel to the bottom of the page /
horizontally and neatly spaced at the same vertical margin to the one
side of the drawing.
• The magnification, title and labels should be neatly written in print not
• There should be no noticeable erasure marks left.
• The drawings should be accurate and correctly labelled.
. .
• organs
• tissues
• organ systems
• specialised cells
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
2 weeks.
This chapter is intended to give an overview of the main systems in the human
body, and the basic structure and function of the associated organs. The focus
in each system will be to look at the main processes, the main components, and
then some of the potential health issues associated with the system.
2.5 The musculoskeletal system ( 1 hour)
Activity: Differentiating
Comparing, identifying, Optional
between excretion and
Summary Diagram
describing, writing
CAPS suggests that you make a large outline of the human body for this section
and draw each system on to it as it is dealt with. You can do this by getting large
sheets of recycled paper and tracing around one of the learners. A suggestion is
to rather do one for each system and stick these up around the class.
Alternatively, provided here is a page which you can photocopy and each
learner can do their own summary after each system. You can hand these out
after each system and learners can do the following:
. .
• musculoskeletal system
• excretory system
• nervous system
The respiratory system also lacks an activity, so you may also wish to do a
summary diagram for this section. You can also get learners to complete a
summary diagram for each system as a homework exercise. But there is limited
time for this chapter, and many systems to cover!
The activities and summary diagrams you choose is your choice.
. .
• How does the body do the things it does, such as breathe, move and
• What happens when one of the systems in our bodies does not work
properly and has a 'system error'?
• Is it possible to prevent ourselves from getting sick?
• How can you best look after your body?
The human body has been studied by artists and scientists, mechanical
engineers and medical practitioners throughout history. The mechanical beauty
and operation of each and every part in the human body has fascinated human
beings throughout history. Be curious and get ready to be fascinated!
If you want to check the
definitions of a New word, Leonardo da Vinci did many drawings and studies of the human body in the 1400's, such
check the glossary at the as this one called the 'Vitruvian Man.'
back of this strand.
Body systems
The human body consists of several integrated systems that must work
together for the body to function as a whole.
In the following pages we'll study seven of the main organ systems in our
bodies. At the end of each organ system you will need to make a summary of
that organ system to show:
Therefore pay close attention and make notes as you study each organ system
to help you with your summary.
You could use the above criteria to draw. up a large table to summarise all the
organ systems as you work through them, perhaps on the one side of the board
or on a large poster.
A suggestion is to assign different issues to different learners in your class so
that you get a range of research posters. to stick up. This can be done at the end
of this section, but has been included here so that learners are aware of it. You
may choose to use this poster and presentation for an informal assessment
1. You are going to learn about many of the health issues related to each of
the different systems. Choose one of these health issues to research.
2. You will need to:
a) Consult at least 3 different resources to find out more about that
particular health issue.
b) Suggest ways that this health issue may be prevented (if this is
c) Suggest treatment for the health issue in question.
3. Present your findings on an A3 poster as part of an oral presentation (of 3 -
4 minutes) to the class.
2.1 The digestive system
Our cells need protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to function.
Yet we eat large pieces of food that are too big to pass through the selectively
permeable cell membranes. So how does the food we eat eventually get to our
cells in a small enough form to be absorbed?
After learners have done this initial thought exercise, a fun suggestion to
introduce the digestive system is to bring out a tube (either a hosepipe, or even
a piece of rope, but a tube is ideal), that is 9m long to represent the digestive
system. Explain to learners that the digestive system is like one long tube of
different organs and this is all coiled up inside of you. Along this tube different
processes occur to digest the food we eat (namely ingestion, digestion,
absorption and egestion). Then explain to learners that we will be looking at
what happens along this tube. You can even drape the tube up over the board
in the front of the classroom for the rest of this section.
. .
The digestive system is made up of the different parts of the alimentary canal.
This canal is a long, twisting pipe-like structure (about 9 meters in total) that
starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. Along the way the food is broken
down from chunks into molecules small enough to pass through cell membranes
and supply energy to cells.
• Ingestion: This occurs when you take food into your body through your
mouth by eating or drinking it.
• Digestion: This is the process of breaking down large food pieces into
particles that are small enough to be absorbed and pass through cell
• Absorption: This is when the digested particles move into the cells of the
digestive tract (they are absorbed) and move to the bloodstream from
where they are carried to all the cells in the body.
• Egestion: Any undigested or unwanted particles that travel through the
digestive tract are later passed out as faeces. This process is known as
Digestion starts in the mouth as food is chewed and mixed with saliva. It then
travels down the oesophagus when you swallow.
2. Stomach
The chewed food enters the stomach and is further digested. The stomach has
substances called enzymes to help digest the food. The stomach also contracts TAKE NOTE
to break the food down further into a liquid.
There is a difference
The remaining substances (called faeces) are passed into the rectum and then
out through the anus. This is called egestion.
Flow diagrams are diagrams that show how the different sets of a process fit
together in a sequence. They show the direction (flow) by using arrows. These
are important tools to help you think about processes in Science.
1. Draw a flow diagram to represent the passage of food from the time it is
taken into the body to the time it is egested from the body.
1. The blocks must show the main components involved in digestion, listed in
order with arrows in between. Under each component include the main
processes that occur at each of these stages.
The learners' flow diagrams could look something like this one below. An
idea is to draw this up on the board and get learners to swap books with
each other to check if they produced something similar and logical.
. .
Ulcers: Sometimes open sores or ulcers develop on the lining of the mouth,
oesophagus, stomach or upper portions of the small intestine. Ulcers can be
very painful. They are generally caused by bacterial infections and some
Anorexia nervosa: This is one of many eating disorders. People who suffer from
this eating disorder have an abnormal fear of gaining weight and therefore
starve themselves on purpose. This can lead to many health issues such as bone
thinning, kidney damage, heart problems and even death.
Diarrhoea: Someone who passes very frequent, loose, watery stools has
diarrhoea. Many diseases cause undigested food to pass through the large
intestines too quickly for water to be absorbed and cause diarrhoea.
Do not forget to wash your hands with lots of soap and water!
Liver cirrhosis: This disease slowly replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue
It is good to. know the
dangers and health and eventually prevents the liver from functioning properly. Alcohol abuse and
consequences of an fatty liver caused by obesity and diabetes are the most common causes of liver
unhealthy lifestyle.
The circulatory system includes blood as well as lymph, however at this level,
only the blood circulatory system will be dealt with.
. .
The heart is a very strong muscle and pumps blood throughout the body. There
are four chambers in the heart that receive and send blood to all parts of the
body. The top two chambers are called atria (singular= atrium) and the bottom
two chambers are called ventricles.
2. Blood vessels
There are various blood vessels which carry the blood throughout the body.
These are:
• arteries
• capillaries
• veins
3. Blood
The blood is transported throughout your body and carries various substances.
The substances can be dissolved in the blood liquid (plasma), such as carbon
dioxide, nutrients and waste products, or else within red blood cells, such as
Main processes in the circulatory system
Watch a video that shows
the direction of blood flow Our circulatory system is actually made up of two systems that function
through the four chambers together:
of the heart.
• a short system that circulates blood between the lungs and the heart; and
Watch a video on the
• a much longer system that circulates blood from the heart throughout the
circulatory system.
body and back again.
This process occurs as follows:
• Blood is circulated from the heart to the lungs. At the lungs, carbon
dioxide (CO2 ) leaves the blood and oxygen (O2 ) enters the blood. This
process is known as gaseous exchange. Since the blood now contains
more oxygen than carbon dioxide, we say it is oxygenated .This
oxygenated blood returns back to the heart again.
• Once in the heart the oxygenated blood is then circulated to deliver the
oxygen to all the cells in the body before returning back to the heart. At
the same times as it delivers oxygen, the blood also collects carbon dioxide
from the cells. This blood has more CO2 than O2 , so it is deoxygenated
blood. The carbon dioxide is excreted when it next returns to the lungs.
This process occurs over and over again throughout your life, thousands of
times a day!
Why not play one of the videos in class like this one while the
learners are working on their activities in order to help them remember
important terminology.
In diagrams we generally
use red to indicate blood
vessels that contain
oxygenated blood and blue
to show blood vessels with
deoxygenated blood.
• Use the diagram above to draw a circular diagram in the space provided to
show how blood travels through the circulatory system (composed of two
• Your circular diagram will form a complete circle.
. .
Learner-dependent answer
A flow chart could look like the one below. Perhaps let your learners try it
themselves first and then draw one on the board. Do not just draw it on the
board for them to copy - they must first try it themselves.
You can find out lots more
. the links
online by visiting
provided in the Visit boxes.
Be curious and discover the
Health issues involving the circulatory system
Common diseases of the circulatory system include:
High Blood Pressure: This occurs when the force with which the blood pushes
against the walls of the blood vessels is too high and can cause damage to the
capillaries and several organs.
Heart Attacks: Occur when a narrowing or blood clot develops in one of the
blood vessels that supplies the heart muscle with blood. If the narrowing or
blood clot is big enough it can stop the blood flow to the heart muscle and can
stop the heart from pumping which is called a heart attack. The person can die.
Strokes: Occur when cells in your brain are deprived of oxygen. This often
occurs as a result of a blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain, or
when one of these vessels rupture (break or burst open).
Oxygen rich air enters the body through the mouth and nose where it is warmed.
The trachea is a tube that enters the chest and allows air to flow from the mouth
into the bronchi and from there into the lungs. It is kept open by cartilage rings.
When dust particles and germs in the air enter the trachea during inhalation, the
mucus lining the trachea traps these particles and the cilia work together to
move them out of the body. When you sneeze or cough you expel the mucus
and foreign particles from your body.
3. Bronchi
The trachea splits into two air tubes, called bronchi that connect to each of the
lungs. These tubes divide even further into smaller and smaller tubes that
connect with the tiny air bags (alveoli) of the lungs.
. .
The main organs of the respiratory system are the lungs. The tiny alveoli or air
bags in the lung are surrounded by small capillaries where gaseous exchange
takes place.
Visit this animation and
5. Diaphragm
watch how .the ribcage
This dome shaped muscle below the lungs enables you to breathe. When it
changes shape and size
contracts, it moves downwards and your lungs fill with air. When it relaxes
during inhalation and
again it moves upwards and forces the air out of your lungs. This is the main
muscle used for breathing.
This diagram helps us to understand how breathing occurs showing how the diaphragm
contracts and relaxes.
• Breathing occurs when we take oxygen into the body (lungs) and push
carbon dioxide out of the body. Breathing therefore occurs in two phases:
TAKE NOTE – Inhalation - drawing air in
– Exhalation - pushing air out
People often confuse
respiration with breathing.
• Gaseous exchange takes place at two locations by a process called
Breathing is taking air into
the body through the lungs.
. – in the alveoli, oxygen diffuses into the blood from the lungs and
Respiration or cellular
carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood back into the lungs
respiration takes place inside
– at the body tissues oxygen diffuses from the blood into the cells and
the cells to release energy
carbon dioxide from the cells diffuses into the blood
when oxygen is combined
with glucose and other • Cellular respiration occurs within the mitochondria of cells to release the
nutrients. chemical energy in food.
• TB (Tuberculosis): an infectious disease caused by the bacteria, how this disease affects your
2.4 The musculoskeletal system
All the movements that your body performs rely on a system of muscles,
tendons, ligaments, bones and joints that work together. These are the
components of your musculoskeletal system.
The bones of the skeleton provide a frame for muscles to attach to, so that
movement is possible. The skeleton also protects the body, especially the soft,
fragile organs like the heart, lungs and brain.
. .
2. Bones
Bones provide support and help to form the shape of the body. The place
where bones meet is called a joint - think of your knee or elbow joint, or your
finger and toe joints.
3. Cartilage
Cartilage is stiff yet flexible and is found between bones in joints and between
the ribs and breastbone (as indicated in the diagram). It also forms the ears,
nose and bronchial tubes, and forms discs between the bones of the spinal
4. Tendons
Your muscles attach to the bone with strong cords called tendons. You can feel
some of the tendons in your body, for example behind your ankle (called the
Achilles tendon).
5. Ligaments
Ligaments occur between bones at joints and hold bones together within the
joint. Ligaments are extremely strong.
Ask your learners this question to get their answers. The answer is that plants
only have movement as they are able to. change shape and grow, and even
change direction in response to a light or water source, but they are rooted to
one place - they cannot locomote (move from place to place). Encourage
learners to take notes on this discussion either in a separate notebook or in the
margins of the workbook.
An innovative use of 3D Locomotion and movement are made possible through the contraction and
printers to help repair relaxation of muscles. Muscles are stimulated by nerves to contract.
fractures in bones! Health issues involving the musculoskeletal system
Common disorders of the musculoskeletal system include:
Arthritis: This is a condition where the joints in the body become inflamed,
painful and swollen. The cartilage between the joints breaks down causing the
bones to rub against each other which is very painful.
Osteoporosis: This occurs when the bone tissue becomes brittle, thin and
spongy. These fragile bones can break easily, and they start to crumble and
collapse. Although osteoporosis is common in older people (especially older
women), teenagers and young adults may also develop it.
As this woman got older, she developed osteoporosis causing her vertebral column to
crumble and collapse and so she now stoops over.
. .
2.5 The excretory system
We will now be looking at the excretory system. This is often confused with
egestion, which we previously learned about.
• urea: a substance that is formed when protein is broken down in the liver
• carbon dioxide: a by-product of cellular respiration
The organs of the excretory system are responsible for removing these harmful
metabolic waste products from the blood so that they do not build up to high
concentrations. But, in the process, they have to retain the nutrients and water
for the body to function. One of the main functions of the excretory system is to
prevent too much or too little water in the body.
The excretory system is responsible for removing metabolic waste products from the
We already know that the lungs excrete carbon dioxide (CO2 ) when you exhale.
Another organ that excretes waste is the skin. When you sweat, your skin
excretes excess water, salts and a small percentage of urea. In this section,
however, we will focus on the excretory system to remove metabolic waste
from our blood in the form of urine.
To do this, the body uses the urinary system that consists of four main parts.
1. Kidneys
The kidneys filter all the blood in your body to remove urea from the blood. You
have two kidneys, each about the size of your fist and bean-shaped. Your
kidneys produce urine which is a combination of excess water and waste
2. Ureters
There are two ureters (thin tubes) which connect each kidney with the bladder
and carry the urine from the kidney to the bladder.
. .
The bladder is a balloon-like organ that collects the urine before excreting it
during urination.
4. Urethra
The urethra is a tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the human
body through which the urine is excreted.
1. Filtration: All the blood in the body passes through the kidneys as part of the
circulatory system. The kidneys filter the blood to remove unwanted minerals
and urea, and also excess water. Some water is removed so that the metabolic
waste products can be excreted in solution in the liquid urine.
2. Absorption: Once the blood is filtered by the kidneys, the substances that
the body needs are re-absorbed back into the blood so that they are not lost in
the urine.
3. Diffusion: The substances are transported into and out of the specialised
cells of the kidney through the process of diffusion.
4. Excretion: The kidneys funnel the liquid urine through the ureters to the
bladder where it is stored. When the bladder has filled up, it uses muscles to
force the urine out of the body through the urethra. This is called excretion.
2.6 The nervous system
A fun idea is to play the song of the nervous system in the visit box as learners VISIT
come into the class and sit down. .
A song about the nervous
1. Nerves
Nerves are the long fibres which transmit messages from the brain and spinal
cord to the rest of the body and back. Each nerve is actually an enclosed bundle
of nerve cells, called neurons. The nerves work together to carry messages
throughout the body. They make up the nerve tissue in the nervous system.
. .
Your brain is located inside your skull. The brain is part of your central nervous
system and sends messages to the rest of your body. There are different areas
in the brain that have different functions. All these different areas also
communicate with each other.
Citizen science: Play a game
to help MIT map the brain!
Learn more about the brain
and participate in the
interactive activities to
stimulate the brain
TAKE NOTE This fluorescent image shows nerve cells A MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan
from a rat brain which were grown in the of a person's head showing the position of
"Peripheral" means on the
laboratory. the brain within the skull.
. peripheral
outside. So the
nervous system is on the
3. Spinal cord
outside of the central
nervous system. The spinal cord runs from the brain through your spine, protected by your
vertebral column. The spinal cord is a bundle of nervous tissue and other
support cells. Together with the brain, the spinal cord also forms part of your
central nervous system.
4. Sensory organs
The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to the
muscles and organs. Various sensory organs are responsible for collecting
information and sending it via sensory nerves to the central nervous system.
• ears
• nose
• eyes
• skin
• tongue
Sending and receiving impulses: Nerve cells in the brain send and receive
multiple messages from multiple sources at any given moment. These are
transmitted as electrical impulses.
The central nervous system interprets these signals and this is how we sense the
world around us. These processes are:
air. They send messages to the brain which interprets the smell the eye and sight?
accordingly and recognises any one of about 10 000 different smells!
Stroke: If blood flow to the brain is stopped, brain cells begin to die, even after
just a few minutes without blood or oxygen. This can lead to a stroke where a
part of the brain function is lost.
When the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen due to a blood clot, the person may
suffer from a stroke.
. .
Sensory organ problems: We have discussed the various sensory organs that
are associated with the nervous system. These organs can also have problems,
such as:
• Deafness
• Blindness
• Short sightedness
Effects of drug and alcohol on the brain: Different types of drugs target
different areas in the brain and it is mostly the brain's reaction(s) that make
people want to take drugs and/or alcohol.
Teachers may want to use this opportunity to discuss the topic of drug abuse. If
you would like to explain some of the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain
to your learners, here are some:
• Drugs like methamphetamines (tik) and cocaine make the user feel a huge
sense of reward causing these drugs to become addictive.
• People also use drugs as a stimulant - using caffeine, cocaine and
amphetamines to speed up their reactions.
• Alcohol and marijuana (dagga) have the opposite effect on the brain and
slow it down - these are called sedatives and hypnotics.
• Hallucinogens like LSD and Ecstasy, and also more recently the drugs
Woonga and Nyaope, make you see things that are not real.
• Morphine and heroin are used to relieve severe pain and when misused
slow down the user's reactions.
It may be useful to explain to learners that the same drug may be useful and
beneficial when used properly and at the correct dosage, or abused when it is
used inappropriately, or in excessive amounts.
. drug and
The effects of
Alcohol and drug abuse can cause irreversible brain damage, a loss of memory,
alcohol on the adolescent
decreased learning capability, an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks,
and a variety of emotional and mental health problems.
2.7 The reproductive system
1. Ovaries
The ovaries are located inside the female's body in the lower abdomen and
produce mature egg cells (ova).
2. Uterus
The uterus (also known as the womb) is present in females. It has a thick lining
and muscular wall. This is where a fertilised egg will implant and develop during
3. Testes
The sex organs in males are located in the scrotum, a pouch of skin that hangs
between the legs. During puberty the testes start to produce sperm cells.
As this will be dealt with in the next chapter, a simple activity can be done now
for learners to look up these new terms and write down definitions.
. .
Growth is the increase in size and mass of an organism as it develops over time.
• Cell division
Cell division is the process when a parent cell divides into two daughter cells. In
the reproductive system, cell division occurs within the ovaries and testes to
produce gametes (sperm and egg cells)
• Maturation
. .
. strongest in the human body. This is
The muscles in the uterus are some of the
because they need to be able to grow and contract to contain a growing foetus
and to push the foetus out during labour.
1. Copulation
Copulation is the act of sexual intercourse (procreation) when a man
inserts his penis into a woman's vagina.
2. Ejaculation
This is the release of the sperm into the woman's cervix during sexual
3. Ovulation
This is when a mature ovum (female egg cell) is released from the ovary
once a month.
4. Menstruation
If the ovum is not fertilised, the lining of the uterus is shed during
5. Fertilisation
When a male (sperm cell) and female (egg cell) gamete fuse (come
together) during copulation.
6. Implantation
In the reproductive system, this refers to the process when the fertilised
egg implants (attaches firmly into) the uterus lining.
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: When a pregnant mother drinks alcohol during her
pregnancy, the alcohol may cause serious birth defects in the unborn baby. This
will affect the child throughout their entire life and in most cases cannot be
Additional information on foetal alcohol syndrome can be viewed at this link:
. STDs and
Learn more about
sexual health:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): Many life-threatening diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhoea can be transferred during sexual intercourse.
Key Concepts
• There are many complex systems functioning in our bodies.
• Each system has very specific organs and tissues that are key
components in making the system function optimally.
• Different processes take place that are dependent on the key
components in each system.
• There are various health issues that affect the systems of the body and
that can often be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and wise (informed)
life choices.
. Map
. .
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
2 weeks
After looking at several of the organ systems within the human body in
overview in Chapter 2, the next three chapters will now look at some of these
systems in more detail.
1. Respect your learners' questions and concerns. Some of them may not
have had an opportunity before to ask questions about reproduction,
especially if their parents did not feel comfortable discussing this with
them. This is a sensitive topic, and learners might be embarrassed to ask
questions. Encourage your learners to ask questions and not be
embarrassed. Learners must be told . to phrase their questions carefully and
to use scientific words, with no vulgar expressions. You yourself, as the
teacher, must only use scientific terms.
2. Discuss processes openly so that learners are comfortable within the
classroom environment to talk and learn about reproduction and how it
influences their lives. Discourage and discipline any laughing or
disrespectful behaviour from other students.
3. Possibly bring in a guest speaker. Learners might feel more comfortable
asking a stranger questions. Also, if you bring in an expert, such as a
gynaecologist or midwife, learners might take the subject more seriously.
item If necessary, you can separate boys and girls. For example, if you are
showing a graphic video about the female reproductive organs, it might be
useful to have the boys watch a similar video in another room that explains
the male reproductive organs.
4. Avoid portraying the reproductive system in a negative light or as
"forbidden" as this will only add to some of the discomfort that learners
might already feel. At this stage in their lives, learners are already very
interested in reproduction and the changes that their bodies are going
through. This is natural and should be embraced so that they are educated
and can make informed choices about their sexual health going forward.
5. Here is a website to do some further reading:
3.1 Purpose and puberty (2 hours)
Activity: Comparing the Comparing,
reproductive organs summarising, writing
Activity: Comparing
Comparing, Suggested
fertilisation and
summarising, drawing
Working in groups,
Activity: Debate CAPS suggested
discussing, debating,
presenting, writing
Working in groups,
Activity: Forum
discussing, debating,
presenting, writing
. .
• What is puberty and what does it mean when we "reach puberty"?
• Why do we all go through puberty at different times and rates?
• What changes take place inside our bodies during puberty?
• What do our reproductive organs look like when they are mature?
• How does reproduction occur?
• What is menstruation and why does it occur once a month?
• How does a baby grow inside a woman's uterus?
• Are there ways to prevent pregnancy and the transmission of STDs?
At this stage in your life, your body is probably going through all sorts of
changes as it grows, develops and matures. In this chapter we will learn more
about these changes and why they occur.
You can use this section to open up discussion
. about population growth and
population control. At the end of the chapter there is a debate regarding
contraceptives but teachers may choose. to include a discussion on the different
ethical points of view regarding contraceptives at this point already.
Have a look at the website link provided in the visit box about our "Breathing
Earth". This will give you an idea about how our population is growing.
In 2011 the world's population grew to 7 billion people, one billion more since
1999. Medical advances and increases in agricultural production (food) allow
more and more people to live longer lives.
In ancient times, countries such as India, Rome and Greece, saw a large
population as a source of power. The Romans even made laws about how many
babies a couple could have and punished those who did not follow the rules.
Yet Confucius (551-478 BC) thought that too many people was a problem, as
there wouldn't be enough food to feed everyone, leading to war and famine and
various other problems. Today in China this philosophy still applies and couples
are only allowed one baby and are heavily taxed if they have more than one.
These questions are meant to stimulate discussion within your class. You can go
through these as a class or learners can then do them individually and then
discuss their answers.
1. List any possible reasons why you think South Africa would want to have a
large population. VISIT
Learner-dependent answer. Might include: more people so more
Video on our world
manpower and more taxes; might include religious or cultural bias; etc.
population growth.
2. What are some advantages and disadvantages to the country in which the .
number of children per couple is limited so that the population growth is
limited? A simulation to show
Advantages: lower population growth; lower pressure on the country's population growth
resources; lower drain on resources, particularly on the education
resources; higher standard of living for families
Disadvantages: fewer people to pay taxes; religious or cultural
non-compliance might lead to revolt
3. Predict what possible long-term problems might arise if the population in
South Africa continues to grow at the fast rate at which it is currently
. .
4. Have a look at the following diagram which shows the percentage growth
a country's population in a year. The different colours give an indication of
the growth rate, as shown in the key. For example, countries which are
colour coded yellow, have an annual growth rate of 3%. This means their
population increase by 3% each year. Answer the questions which follow.
1. Which continent would you say has the largest percentage growth rate
VISIT each year? Justify your answer.
Africa has the largest population growth rate. This can be seen as it has the
. of
The science
largest number of countries which are coloured green and yellow which
overpopulation (video).
shows the highest annual percentage growth rate.
2. Many countries in Europe are coloured light purple in the diagram. What
does this mean?
Learners need to look at the legend to see that light purple means a growth
rate of "< 3%". This means the growth rate is negative which means the
population size is decreasing each year.
3. Various population control methods are put in place around the world -
contraceptives to stop women from falling pregnant, abortion clinics, large
tax incentives to convince people not to want more children, and others.
What is your opinion about population control methods and do you think
they should be allowed in modern society?
Learner-dependent answer.
Children's bodies and sexual organs are not mature and cannot yet perform the
reproductive function. Puberty is therefore the time when a child's body
develops and changes. The sexual organs mature to enable the body to
produce sex cells. These sex cells are called gametes.
Many of the complex actions that take place in our bodies are controlled by
chemical messengers called hormones. Hormones are produced by different
glands in our bodies. The pituitary gland is an important gland which controls
most of the body's hormones and hormonal activities. It is about the size of a
pea and located at the base of the brain.
Puberty is brought on when the pituitary gland releases specific hormones into
the bloodstream. These hormones then travel to the immature sex organs and
signal the hormones in these to be released.
In girls, the ovaries are stimulated by hormones released by the pituitary gland
to release the hormone oestrogen. In males, the testes are stimulated to release
the hormone testosterone. These hormones initiate all the bodily changes that
you experience during puberty.
. .
3.2 Reproductive organs
Let's take a closer look at the male and female reproductive organs to see how
they are structured and what functions they perform.
In the space below, explain what you think the role of the male and female
bodies are in reproduction.
Males are born with their two testes hanging outside their bodies. The testes in
young boys do not produce sperm. During puberty the two testes release
testosterone which then triggers the production of sperm.
The two testes are each contained in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. The
scrotum ensures that the testes are kept at a constant temperature of 35°C
which is the temperature at which sperm is produced.
Different tubes (ducts) carry the semen from the testes to the penis. The sperm
duct carries the sperm from the testes to the urethra in the penis. TAKE NOTE
Some cultures have the
3. The penis . called
foreskin removed,
circumcision. This is done
The penis is the external sex organ. The head is often covered by a loose fold of
when the boy is a baby or at
skin called the foreskin. The penis needs to be erect (stiff and hard) to be able
to go into the vagina to deliver the sperm to the cervix during ejaculation.
4. Urethra
The semen moves through the urethra to the outside during ejaculation. The
urine passes through the urethra during urination, but the semen and urine do
not move through the urethra at the same time.
1. Study the diagram of the male reproductive system. Label each part using
its correct scientific name. .
2. In the table, identify the function(s) of the male reproductive organs
3. In the last column, suggest how you think the structure of the organ is
adapted to perform the function most effectively.
. .
Reproductive Function Adaptation
Penis During sexual . The penis is on the outside of
intercourse, the penis the male body, and it is
becomes erect and elongated so that it can insert
delivers the sperm into into the vagina and deliver the
the cervix of the vagina. sperm into cervix. The penis
contains the urethra and
becomes erect so that it can
insert into the vagina.
Testes and The testes produce the The testes need to be at 35 o C,
scrotum sperm and the scrotum which is lower than body
hold the testes outside temperature, in order to
of the body. produce sperm. The testes are
therefore outside of the male
body and hang in the scrotum,
which can adjust the
temperature of the testes so
that the right temperature is
maintained in order to produce
1. Vagina
The vagina is a tube that connects the uterus with the outside of the body.
During intercourse the vagina acts as a canal for the penis to fit into to deliver
sperm. Once a month, during menstruation, the menstrual blood leaves the
body through the vagina. It is also the birth canal during childbirth when it
stretches to allow the baby to pass through.
2. Uterus
The uterus is hollow with extremely strong muscular walls that can carry and
protect a baby. Two oviducts (Fallopian tubes) at the top of the uterus, connect
it to the ovaries. The bottom neck of the uterus is called the cervix, which is
tightly closed to protect the inside of the uterus.
3. Ovaries
There are two ovaries on either side of the uterus. They produce oestrogen and TAKE NOTE
contain the ova. Each month the ovaries take turns to produce a mature ovum. .
The plural of ovum is ova.
This is called ovulation.
The uterus and ovaries are connected through a pair of muscular tubes called
the oviducts or Fallopian tubes. The mature ovum travels into these tubes to
the uterus. Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct.
1. Explain how the structures of the vagina, cervix and uterus are specially
adapted to fulfil their functions.
The vagina is elastic and muscular so . it can contain the penis during
intercourse to prevent the sperm from running out. The cervix is situated at
the top of the vagina approximately where the penis' ejaculated sperm will
be. It is tightly closed to protect the uterus. It carries the sperm into the
uterus which has a thick, blood-rich lining, ready for the implantation of the
fertilised egg.
. .
The processes that occur will differ depending on whether the ovum is fertilised
or not. After ovulation, if fertilisation does not occur, the reproductive organs
'reset' through menstruation to start the process again.
When there is no fertilised egg cell (zygote) to implant in the uterus, the thick
layer of blood and tissue is no longer needed. It is passed out through the
vagina during menstruation. The entire process is called the menstrual cycle
and it normally repeats every 28-30 days.
During sexual intercourse the erect male penis enters the female vagina. This is
called copulation. TAKE NOTE
There are times in the
The male penis deposits sperm into the female vagina through ejaculation. menstruation cycle near to
There can be millions of sperm cells in one ejaculation, but only one will be able ovulation when there is a
to penetrate the outer membrane of the ovum. .
high chance of becoming
pregnant. All girls need to
After ejaculation into the vagina, the sperm swim into the cervix and through
be aware of where they are
the uterus to the oviducts. Once inside the oviducts, the sperm swim to meet
in their own menstrual cycle
the mature egg that was released from the ovaries and is now travelling
as each cycle differs slightly.
towards the uterus.
One sperm cell burrows into the surface of the ovum. Only the sperm's head
enters, the tail stays outside. As soon as one has penetrated the outer layer, the
surface of the ovum changes and no more sperm will be allowed to enter.
This process is called fertilisation and it takes place in the outer part of the
oviduct, and not in the uterus or vagina.
Once the sperm on the right has entered the outer layer of the ovum, no more sperm will
be able to penetrate.
. .
The following diagram shows an example of something that the learners might
produce. Learners might battle to do this.
. A suggestion is to produce a sketch
on the board and go through it with them, filling in the annotations. Do not
simply draw it up and get learners to copy down the answers. Ask for their
input and possibly get different learners to come up to the board to draw in
different stages.
1. Use a flow chart to track the progress of a sperm cell from the testes in the
male body to the ovum in the female body.
2. Use the space below to draw your flow diagram. Remember to draw
3. Use the following terms in your flow
. chart, in the correct order.
a) Cervix
b) Uterus
c) Urethra
d) Penis
e) Testes
f) Sperm duct
g) Oviduct/Fallopian Tube
h) Vagina
. .
Where the embryo implants into the spongy, blood-vessel rich lining of the
uterus, some of the cluster of cells that formed after fertilisation form the
placenta. The placenta is partly formed by the mother and partly by the
embryo. The embryo develops an umbilical cord to attach itself to the placenta.
The embryo can receive food and oxygen and remove its wastes through the
umbilical cord and placenta.
This is an optional activity, depending on your class.
Many couples, for various reasons, are unable to fall pregnant. A surrogate
mother can be impregnated with the couple's fertilised embryos and can
therefore carry the couple's baby to full .term. South African law only allows
certain individuals to do this, it is not just available to anybody.
1. Work in groups of 6.
2. Debate the issue of surrogacy in your group. Base your debate on the
ethical concerns below or any others you may think of.
3. Appoint a spokesperson for the group.
4. Each of the groups' spokesperson must then share their groups points of
view with the class.
5. Debate these issues in the class.
. .
1. Use the following lines to write down some notes on any other points your
group discusses:
Learner-dependent answer
The placenta transports nutrients and oxygen to the foetus, and removes
metabolic waste products and carbon dioxide. However, it cannot differentiate
between nutrients and harmful products, such as nicotine, alcohol or drugs. If
VISIT the mother uses these substances during pregnancy, they will most likely pass
. of
The University
through the placenta to the foetus causing great harm to the unborn child.
Stellenbosch has a website
Pregnant mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may cause irreversible
on FAS
birth defects in their unborn babies. This is called Foetal Alcohol Syndrome.
It may be possible to get examples of these
. different types of contraceptives
for the learners to have a look at. Many clinics will have samples that can be
used for educational purposes. They are normally very willing to hand out stock
that has passed its expiry date and is only to be used for educational purposes.
a) barrier
b) hormonal
c) intra-uterine device
d) sterilisation
. against, so
'Contra-' means
. 'contra-ception' means
against conception.
Contraceptive Description Classification
These thin sheaths of rubber Barrier
Male condoms are placed over the erect penis
before inserting it into the
vagina. When the male
ejaculates the sperm and
seminal fluid is caught in the
condom and cannot enter the
The diaphragm is a small rubber Barrier
Diaphragm cap that is placed at the
entrance to the uterus before
sexual intercourse to create a
seal and prevent sperm from
entering the uterus.
. .
A small 'T'-shaped device is Intra-uterine
Female intra-uterine inserted into the
. uterus and device
device (IUD) prevent fertilisation. It is a
long-acting, reversible
contraception as the device
may be removed again. It is not
suitable for women who have
not yet had a baby and must be
inserted by a doctor.
Sexual intercourse with many different partners is very risky behaviour as there
are many diseases that are transmitted through the fluids involved in the sexual
act. We call these Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). There are many
different STDs, for example; HIV/AIDS, Herpes virus, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and
genital warts.
Being faithful to one partner limits your chances of contracting STDs. If you
know that your partner has an STD he or she can either get medical treatment VISIT
for this and/or you can take the necessary precautions to prevent contracting
Need to know. more about
the disease. One of the most popular precautions to prevent the transmission of
STDs? or
STDs is for the male partner to wear a condom. However, condoms can break
and this can expose you to an STD, so you still have to be careful.
There are of course various choices that they can make in such a situation.
• Adoption - where the baby is given to another family who want to adopt
him or her.
• Leaving the baby in a place of safety while remaining anonymous. The
baby will then be put forward for adoption.
• Parenting - keeping the baby with the support of the extended family.
• Abortion - terminating the pregnancy by removing the embryo from the
mother's uterus.
The following activity will require learners to do some research and interviews
and then come back into class to hold a forum discussion. A suggestion is to
get learners to start doing some research . and thinking about the topics in the
days leading up to this lesson. Below is some more information on each of the
types of choices a woman is faced with when she experiences an unwanted
pregnancy. Read through this first so that you are familiar with the choices
before the lesson so that you can help learners with their forum discussions.
. .
• Parenting: Often when a woman (or teenage girl) realises that she is
pregnant, many thoughts rush through her head. If it is an unwanted or
unplanned pregnancy she is often filled with feelings of panic, anxiety and
fear for the future - for her and her unborn child. She may fear that her
parents or partner will abandon her and that she will then be on her own
and will have to care for the baby on her own. However, if she is able to
talk to her parents and partner, they may be able to find a solution to the
situation that will enable her to keep her baby. She may be able to raise
her child with the help of her or her partner's extended family. The most
important thing is to face her fear and discuss the situ ation to reach a
suitable decision.
This activity relates to Life Orientation. This activity was specifically included at
the end of the section to allow for research to occur before the forum
discussion. Break the class up into groups of 6 and allow them to move into
different areas of the classroom, or perhaps even move outside if space permits.
Each group must then conduct their forum . discussion according to the
instructions and guidelines below.
You, the teacher, can spend a little time with each group to make sure they are
on track and discussing the topic. Use the notes provided on the different
options for an unwanted pregnancy if you need to provide a group with some
background information or some guidelines about what to discuss. Encourage
learners to express their points of view and why they believe something.
. .
An alternative is to have one discussion forum in the front of the class and give
different learners the chance to sit up front
. on the panel, and you can be the
This activity does not need to be assessed and is more for personal education,
and a chance for learners to practise debating.
Hold a forum discussion regarding the choices women have when they do not
want to be pregnant or raise a child. Before the discussion, do research and
interviews with your parents or caregivers, with health professionals or ask your
Life Orientation teacher.
In a forum discussion, experts are asked to sit on a panel and give their opinion
about a particular topic. There are specific roles in a forum discussion:
. .
Use the space below to record the findings from the forum discussion
explaining what choices women have when faced with an unwanted pregnancy.
Learner-dependent answer
Key Concepts
• The main aim of human reproduction is to produce babies to continue
the species.
• In human reproduction, two gametes (the sperm and egg cell) fuse
during conception to form a zygote, that will eventually become a new
• Puberty is the stage in the human life cycle when the sexual organs
mature and prepare for reproduction.
• The pituitary gland below the brain releases hormones that stimulate the
testes and ovaries to release hormones that will start the production of
sperm in the male and the maturation of ova (egg cells) in the female.
– In males, the hormone testosterone stimulates the testes to
produce sperm.
– In females, the hormone oestrogen stimulates the ovaries to
produce mature ova.
• Testosterone and oestrogen cause different secondary changes in the
– Females begin to menstruate, grow breasts and grow pubic and
underarm hair, and may experience acne.
– Males grow hair on the pubic area, on the face, chest and
underarms, develop a deep voice and may develop acne.
• The male reproductive organs are: penis, sperm duct (vas deferens),
testes, scrotum and urethra. Sperm is produced in the testes.
• The female reproductive organs are: vagina, cervix, uterus, oviducts
(Fallopian tubes) and the ovaries. Ova are produced in the ovaries.
• Stages in the reproductive cycle include: ovulation→ copulation→
fertilisation → embryo implants in uterus → results in pregnancy →
gestation lasts 40 weeks → childbirth
• Pregnancy can be prevented by using contraceptives. Condoms
prevent the sperm from reaching the ovum and also prevent the spread
of STDs.
• Pregnant women have various options if they do not want to keep their
babies. Very early in the pregnancy they can undergo an abortion. They
may also give the baby up for adoption.
. Map
This concept map shows all that we have learned about reproduction in
humans. Complete it by filling in the blank spaces. You might find this
quite tricky, but you need to learn to "read" a concept map by constructing
sentences. For example, "Human reproduction can take place once sexual
organs are mature. They mature during puberty which is initiated by …..............
The …............ releases hormones which stimulate the ovaries and testes."
What is this gland which initiates puberty and releases hormones, and which
hormones do the ovaries and testes release? Fill this in below.
. .
1. Explain the changes that occur to the male and female body during
puberty. [10 marks]
For females, these include: breasts develop, pubic hair starts to grow,
underarm hair grows, body shape changes, ovaries mature, acne develops
in some individuals. For males, these include: penis grows and becomes
larger, testes mature, pubic hair starts to grow, facial hair grows, underarm,
chest and back hair grows, voice deepens, acne develops in some
2. Describe the hormonal control of the start of puberty. Name the organs
involved and the hormones. [5 marks]
At the onset of puberty, hormones are released into the blood (these
hormones were not specifically named at this level). These hormones travel
in the blood and stimulate the reproductive organs. In females, the ovaries
are stimulated to produce oestrogen and in males, the testes are stimulated
to produce testosterone.
3. At what stage of the reproductive cycle can one say that a woman is
pregnant? [1 mark]
When the egg has been fertilised by a sperm (ie fertilisation), the woman is
now pregnant.
4. There is a urban legend or myth that says that a girl cannot fall pregnant
the first time she has sexual intercourse. Think carefully about everything
you have learnt about conception and fertilisation, and discuss whether
this myth is true or false. [2 marks]
It can be true if the girl has sex before
. her reproductive organs have
matured and therefore before she is able to ovulate. In this instance she will
not be able to fall pregnant. If the woman's reproductive organs have
matured and she has started to menstruate and ovulate, then she can fall
pregnant after sexual intercourse, even if it is the first time. Thus in this
instance the myth is not true.
5. Explain why you think it is important for someone who considers becoming
sexually active to know how reproduction occurs in humans. [1 mark]
Learners need to indicate that once someone knows the facts about
conception they will be able to take (realistic) precautions to avoid
unwanted pregnancies and disease. The will also not believe all the myths
and make sensible decisions.
6. Imagine someone who has many sexual partners asks you for advice on
which contraceptive to use. What advice would you give them? [3 marks]
Someone who has many sexual partners stands a high risk of contracting
an STD. To prevent this and to prevent an unwanted pregnancy learners
should be able to say that they should use a condom during intercourse.
They could also possibly suggest that the person limits the number of
sexual partners that they have, and if they are in a relationship, then both of
them should remain faithful to one partner. Alternatively, if they do
continue with many partners, the person should try establish the status of
these partners before intercourse, and still use a condom. The person
should also be advised to have regular check ups to know their status.
7. Some people have religious reasons for not using contraceptives. Decide
whether you agree with them or not and why. Write a short letter to the
editor of local newspaper expressing your concerns about contraceptives
from this specific point of view. [6 marks]
Learner-dependent answer
this last question does not need to be assessed.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1.5 weeks
Learners would have already had an overview of the circulatory and respiratory
systems in chapter 2. However, the overview introduced them in isolation,
whereas these two systems are very tightly integrated. This chapter will look at
these processes and associated organs in more detail and how the two systems
are linked.
4.3 Circulation and Respiration (2 hours)
• Why do we have to breathe?
• Are our lungs like big balloons in our chest, or what do they look like?
• How does the oxygen in the air that we breathe in pass from our lungs
into our blood?
• How does blood move around our bodies and get to each cell to deliver
• We know that carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product in cellular
respiration, so how is it removed from our bodies?
• How are the circulatory and respiratory systems linked?
If we do not get oxygen for a few minutes, humans get permanent brain
damage and may die. Cell respiration needs a constant oxygen supply to
provide us with enough energy, so we constantly need to breath and keep
blood circulation going to deliver this oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide.
The respiratory and circulatory systems need to work together. Let's briefly
revise the main components involved.
. .
The labels for the diagrams should be as follows:
-We will now look at these two systems under the following processes:
• breathing
• gaseous exchange
• circulation and respiration
4.1 Breathing
We already learnt in Chapter 2 that breathing consists of two processes:
1. inhalation
2. exhalation
When we inhale we take in air with a high concentration of oxygen and when we
exhale we breathe out air that has more carbon dioxide in it. These processes
Teachers should try and make sure the learners understand the concept that the
volume of the chest cavity changes the air pressure in the lungs and results in
inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, the chest cavity expands (gets
bigger). When this happens the air pressure inside the lung decreases (because
there is the same amount of air in a bigger space). In order to equalise with the
air outside, air rushes in to the lungs. Similarly, when the chest cavity contracts
(becomes smaller) during exhalation, the air pressure inside increases, and the
air is pushed out to equalise with the atmosphere.
In order to explain this concept to learners you can use the example of a syringe.
(NB: Remove the needles from the syringes beforehand.) Air acts like the liquid
in this case. If you pull back on a syringe you increase the volume in the syringe,
and liquid moves into the syringe. If you push back on the syringe to decrease
the volume, you will push the liquid out. The syringe example may help learners
to understand that air is "sucked in" and "pushed out" by the changes in volume.
. .
A flow chart allows us to write short summaries of processes that take place.
When you study for a test or exam you can picture the flow chart in your head,
which often helps to trigger memories of what you learnt.
Use a flowchart to show how breathing (inhalation and exhalation) takes place.
You may chose your own design for the flow chart but it needs to show that
inhalation and exhalation occur in a cycle.
Learners should show the following in a cycle: Rib muscles contract → rib cage
moves up and out → diaphragm contracts . → diaphragm moves downwards
(flattens) → rib cage volume increases → lungs expand → take in more oxygen
→ rib muscles relax → rib cage moves downwards and inwards → diaphragm
relaxes → rib cage volume decreases → this pushes out the air from the lungs.
The two tubes that branch
. are called
from the trachea During inhalation, air travels to the two bronchi - tubes that lead to each lung.
bronchi (plural) or a The bronchi are themselves branched (divided) into thousands of tiny
bronchus (singular). bronchioles. During exhalation, the reverse takes place as air leaves the lungs
and body.
This image shows how the larynx joins the trachea which branches into the bronchi within
the lungs.
The alveoli look like small grape-like structures made up of many individual air
sacs. An big network of capillaries surrounds each alveolus. Have a look at the
following image showing this.
Watch a video that shows
how gases are exchanged at
the alveoli
An alveolus is one air sac but a group together (plural) is called alveoli.
. .
It is possible to learn about the function of lungs from the diagrams and pictures
supplied in the workbook. However, dissecting the real organ is hugely
beneficial to the learners and will help them to understand the structure of the
lungs and how this relates to their function. If however, you are not able to do
the dissection, you can watch some of the videos supplied.
This will depend on how many lungs you are able to obtain and how many
learners are willing to do the dissecting. .A suggestion is to break learners up
into groups, or else do the dissection as a demonstration in front of the class,
especially if you have a big class or many Gr. 8 classes. The following materials
are required for each dissection, whether in a group or to be done as a
• lung
• tray
• scalpel
• dissecting scissors
• rubber tubing (for example the Bunsen burner tubing) or hose pipe
• ruler
• beaker of water
• water and soap for washing hands
• disinfectant
Sometimes the main sections of lung tissue are cut into at the abattoir (as part
of the inspection process). You can approach the butcher well in advance and
discuss what you need so that they can limit damage to the material and
provide lungs as whole as possible. Butchers often refer to it as 'pluck' which
contains the lungs and part of the heart.
Health and safety tips:
. that shows
Watch this video
the structure of the lungs 1. The lungs may carry some bacteria. It is not necessary to wear gloves, as we do not wear gloves when preparing meat in a kitchen, but you must
wash your hands thoroughly.
2. Clean all equipment and your work surface with disinfectant after the
Ethical issues
Before starting this lesson, find out if any. learners are sensitive to the use of
animal products in this way, or even to the fact that animals are farmed for
human consumption. Some learners may also have religious or cultural
objections to the dissection and handling of animal parts, especially cows and
pigs. You need to be aware of these issues and be sensitive to them.
Part 1: Preparation:
1. Take note of the external structure of the lung. Look at the general shape,
colour and texture.
2. If you have access to a scale, measure the mass of the lung.
3. Use your ruler to measure the length of the lung.
4. Identify the following parts of the lung
a) The trachea (wind pipe) which is the main tube bringing air into and
out of the lungs
b) The hard rings in the trachea. What do you think these rings are for?
. and keep the trachea open so air can
These hard rings are are made of cartilage
move freely. Encourage learners to make notes of their observations
throughout the dissection.
5. The bronchi. There are two bronchi that branch off from the trachea - one
to each lung.
6. See if you can identify the first bronchioles branching off from the bronchi.
7. Are there any blood vessels visible that are attached to your lung? If so,
feel these vessels and describe what you feel.
8. Use the rubber tubing or straw or hose pipe and insert this into the tube
leading into the lung and hold the trachea tightly closed around the pipe.
Blow on the end of this tube to see if you can inflate the lung. Do not
breathe the air back into your own lungs!
1. Using the scalpel and dissecting scissors, cut down into the lung. Visit this animation that
2. Observe the inner tissue of the lung and think how you would describe it. shows how air. is taken into
Discuss this with your group. the lungs and then gases are
3. Cut out a piece of the lung tissue and feel for tiny bronchioles (they feel like exchanged at the alveoli
little hard lumps in the soft lung tissue). Place this piece of lung tissue into
a beaker of water. Observe the piece of lung tissue. Does it float or sink? ..
. .
1. Write a description of the look, feel and colour of the lung you observed. If
you were able to measure the mass, write it down, and include the length
of the lung in centimeters.
Learner-dependent answer.
2. What structures made the trachea stay open, but still able to bend?
The semicircular rings of cartilage.
3. When you cut the lung open, was it like a hollow balloon or bag, or was it
spongy inside? What else did you observe when you cut the lung open and
observed the inside?
The lung tissue is spongy. Learners might also observe other blood vessels
within the lung tissue and notice some of the bigger tubes running through
the tissue.
4. When you placed a piece of the lung tissue into water, why do you think it
floated? .
Learners should see that the piece of tissue floats. This is because the lung
tissue, even after an animal has died, contains a large amount of air within
all the alveoli, which makes it float in water.
5. When you blew air into the lung, what did it look and feel like? Did you
have to squeeze the lung to force the air out again?
When learners blew into the lungs, they should note that they expand, but
they are still soft to touch. Once inflated and left to lie on the table, some
of the air will escape as the tissue relaxes down, but not completely, and
learners might have to squeeze the lung to deflate it. Inflated lungs are
paler/more cream coloured (as blood vessels on the surface are squashed
flat and blood moves further into the lungs).
6. In a human, what is responsible for pushing the air out of the lungs?
In humans, the diaphragm relaxes and therefore moves upwards and the rib
cage also moves down and in. This reduces the volume of the chest cavity,
increasing the pressure on the lungs and therefore forces the air out of the
The following diagram gives an example of something the learners might
produce. You can also draw this up on the board when describing oxygen and
carbon dioxide diffusion.
. .
The video link in the visit box on respiration is quite long (about 25 minutes),
but it could be a very good summary lesson.
In the video in the visit box showing how. blood is circulated through the heart,
learners do not need to know about the heart valves and electrical control at
this stage - this is for interest only.
Let's take a closer look at the structure of this vital organ in the circulatory
Learners will look at the heart in much more detail in Gr. 10 Life Sciences where
the detailed structure of the heart will be. studied, including the the valves. This
activity is meant as an introduction to the structure of the heart and for learners
to experience a dissection. We suggest doing this as a demonstration as
learners will do this practical in Gr. 10 Life Sciences again.
It is important to be tolerant of learners religious, cultural or personal beliefs
which may prevent them from participating in this dissection, particularly if pig
is used. A suggestion is to break learners up into groups, or else do the
dissection as a demonstration in front of. the class. The following materials are
required for each dissection, whether in a group or when done as a
demonstration. The number of groups will depend on how many hearts you are
able to obtain and how many learners are willing to do the dissecting. For
learners who are unwilling to handle the. hearts, but still want to be involved,
they could take photographs of the heart at different stages of the dissection
using a digital camera or their mobile phone cameras.
Sometimes butchers will cut the blood vessels off the top of the heart, and may
also remove the atria and cut into the ventricles at the abattoir. Discuss your
needs with the butcher beforehand so that they can preserve the heart as much
as possible. You can sometimes even obtain . the heart and lungs together
(usually referred to as a 'pluck'), which is useful to see how the blood vessels
connect the organs. If you obtain hearts with long blood vessels, attached, cut
off some of these sections to keep for studies of veins and arteries. As with the
lung dissection, be sensitive to ethical issues and learners' concerns around the
use of animal products in this way.
. .
As with the lung dissection, the same health and safety tips apply to the heart
Part 1: Preparation:
Two animal hearts on a tray.
5. Examine the surface of the heart for blood vessels. Why do you think the
surface of the heart also has blood vessels attached to it?
Take note of the surface of the heart and the blood vessels attached to it.
. Watch this video to see how
blood is pumped through
the four chambers of the
The heart muscle also needs a supply of. blood and oxygen in order to function.
This is supplied by the coronary arteries. Learners should be encouraged to take
notes in their workbooks or a separate notebook throughout the dissection.
To locate which side is which in the heart,. learners must hold the heart so that
the coronary artery runs diagonally across the heart - this will be the the front.
Then the left / right ventricles are on either side of the coronary arteries.
1. We are now going to cut into the heart to view the internal structure. Use
the following diagrams to help you orientate the heart before cutting.
2. Make a cut down the aorta and then through the left ventricle to the tip of
the heart. A tip is to first cut through the aorta using scissors, and then to
cut through the left ventricle using the scalpel. ..
. .
The aortic valve prevents the backflow of blood into the heart once it has been
pumped out and into the aorta to travel to the rest of the body.
4. Look at the following diagram to make the second cut upwards into the
left atrium.
5. Using your ruler, measure the thickness of the left atrium wall and the left
ventricle wall. Write these measurements down.
6. You can now cut open the right side of the heart in the same way. Measure
the thickness of the right ventricle wall. The following diagram provides a
detailed overview of the internal structure of the heart. We have not
discussed all of these structures and you are not required to know all of
these. However, for this dissection, use this diagram to see how many of
these parts you can identify in your dissected heart. If you are able to
locate them in the actual heart, draw a ring around the label in the
following diagram.
1. Write a description of the look, feel and colour of the heart you observed.
If you were able to measure the mass, write this down, and include the
length of the heart in centimeters.
Learner-dependent answer.
2. Write down the thickness that you measured for the left ventricle and
atrium walls. Why do you think there is a difference in the thickness of
these walls? Hint: Think back to where the atria have to pump the blood
and where the ventricles have to pump blood.
The ventricles have much thicker walls than the atria. This is because the
ventricles need to pump the blood much further and with more force to the
rest of the body, compared to the atria, which only pump blood into the
. .
Once the blood is pumped out of the heart, it enters the circulatory system in
TAKE NOTE the body.
Remember that arteries
carry blood AWAY from the
Blood circulation from the heart to the rest of the body
heart and veins carry blood
Once blood leaves the heart in the aorta, this main artery branches into smaller
towards the heart.
arteries which form a network throughout the body.
Later in this chapter learners are going do an investigation into their heart rate
at rest and after exercise and they will then need to be quite skilled in taking
their pulse and determining their heart rate. This activity is therefore included in
preparation for this. You can get learners to all find their pulse in the way they
find easiest. Once they have done this, get them to count their heart rate while
you time for 30 seconds, indicating "Stop" and "Start". To obtain their heart
rate at beats per minute, learners then multiply by 2.
1. Put your index (pointer) and middle. fingers against your neck in the hollow
between your trachea (windpipe) and the large neck muscles. Use your
finger tips as these are more sensitive. You should feel the throbbing of
your blood.
A rate always measures
something over time. In this
activity we are calculating
heart rate as beats per
minute, as this
. is the most
standard measurement used
for heart rate. Can you think
of some other units of
measurements which
indicate a rate?
1. Count how many times your heart beats in one minute. Alternatively, count
your heart beats for 30 seconds while a friend or your teacher times you,
and write the number on the line below.
Learner-dependent answer
2. Now, calculate your heart rate in beats per minute and write your answer
on the line below.
Learner-dependent answer. Learners have to multiply the number of heart
beats in 30 seconds by two to calculate beats per minute.
Other units of measurement which indicate a rate are for example: km/h
(kilometers per hour), m/s (meters per second), flow rate of a river in l/s (litres
per second), etc.
Arteries then subdivide to form capillaries. Capillaries are in close contact with
the body cells. Capillaries are much smaller than arteries. They form a fine
network throughout the body's cells to make sure that all cells get a supply of
blood and oxygen.
The capillaries leaving the cells with deoxygenated blood then combine to form
form veins. Veins from the body carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
. .
• Capillaries form webs or networks around each cell to ensure that all cells
receive nutrients and oxygen.
• Capillaries are much smaller than veins and arteries.
This transmission electron micrograph shows a cross section through a capillary. The
semicircular black structure within the capillary is a red blood cell. This shows how small
capillaries are. They are only just wider than a red blood cell.
Blood vessel Artery Vein Capillary
. Page back to Chapter 1 of
Life and Living to refresh
your memory about the
Respiration within the cells structure of mitochondria.
Within the cells, the mitochondria use oxygen to respire. This is called cellular VISIT
respiration. .
An amazing summary video
on respiration.
• The mitochondria combine oxygen with food particles, such as glucose.
• Energy from the food particles is released and can be used by the cell to
perform various processes.
• During cellular respiration, carbon dioxide is released as a by-product.
The carbon dioxide diffuses from the cells back into the blood in the capillaries.
This blood therefore becomes deoxygenated as oxygen has been removed and
carbon dioxide is added.
. .
The right side of the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs through
the pulmonary arteries.
Where possible teachers should set up the following activity in advance of the
class arriving. It is aimed specifically at 'kinetic' learners to make them 'walk the
circulatory system' in order to remember how it works.
Materials needed:
1. Cut up coloured paper into blocks - you will need two different colours
2. there should be enough blocks for .each learner in the class to have at least
one of each colour. .
3. one colour will represent oxygen and the other colour will represent
carbon dioxide.
[There are many other body parts that could be included and teachers are
welcome to add to this list. For the purposes of this activity though time
constraints were considered and it was decided to add only those listed here.]
1. Obtain the use of a large, open space, either in your classroom, a hall, or
outside on the grass. Imagine a huge person is lying out on the space.
2. Lay out 2 hula hoops to represent the left and right side of the heart.
3. Place one more hula hoop above this to represent the lungs.
4. Lay out the signs on the A4 pages to illustrate where each of the body
parts will be in relation to the heart and lungs.
5. Stick red wool (for oxygen carrying vessels) and blue wool (for carbon
dioxide carrying vessels) with prestik or sellotape to the A4 posters (and
between them) forming a large circulatory system as in the diagram in the
activity. .
6. Leave a pile of red and blue blocks of paper at each body part - it works
well if you put these in ice-cream or yoghurt tubs
7. Learners start off in the lungs and will walk along the red lines to their
different body parts as if they are traveling in the blood vessel to deliver
oxygen. When they have delivered their oxygen (by dropping off the red
blocks and picking up blue blocks) they will then travel along the blue lines
to deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs and to get more oxygen.
8. As one learner leaves the lungs, send another one off so that you have
several learners walking through the system at any one point.
9. If you have a large class, let a couple of learners walk through at a time. If
you make the layout really big, then the whole class can form a long line of
individual blood cells and move through in a line.
1. Imagine that you are a red blood cell and you will be carrying oxygen
around the body.
2. Your teacher will help your class to lay out the huge body in an open space
using A4 sheets with labels and hula hoops as in the following diagram.
3. There are two colours of paper blocks at each organ or body part and in
the lungs. One colour will represent oxygen (preferably red) and the other
colour will represent carbon dioxide (preferably blue).
4. Start off by standing in the lungs and pick up oxygen. You now represent
oxygenated blood.
5. Walk to the left side of the heart.
6. The heart now pumps you out to the body in the circulatory system. Leave
the left heart hula hoop and walk to the organ or body part you are going
to supply with oxygen.
7. When you reach the body part, drop off your oxygen block into the
container and now pick up a coloured block representing carbon dioxide.
You now represent deoxygenated blood.
8. Walk to the right side of the heart.
9. From here, the heart pumps you to the lungs. Walk to the lungs.
10. At the lungs, gaseous exchange takes place and you drop off the carbon
dioxide you were carrying and pick up oxygen again.
11. You can now repeat the cycle and walk to a different body part.
. .
Make sure learners are able to visualise that they are forming a complete cycle
or system which repeats. If they are battling, you can walk through it with them
first to explain. The first time you could even demonstrate the activity by
starting in the lungs and getting learners to instruct you on where to walk to
Get learners to do this activity in the 3 days leading up to the lesson where you
will investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate.
1. Take your resting heart rate first thing when you wake up in the morning.
Record how many times per minute your heart beats.
2. Repeat this over 3 days to get an average - this is more reliable than a
once-off reading.
3. Record your resting heart rates in the table.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
We have now had a look at our heart rate when we are resting. But what
happens when we do some kind of physical activity? Will your heart rate
increase or decrease? Do you think you could use your heart rate as a measure
of how fit you are? Let's investigate!
. .
Measure the heart rate of at least 10 learners in your class after they have done
2 minutes of skipping or running on the spot. Discuss in your group how you are
going to do this and write down your method. Record your measurements and
use a graph to display your findings. Make deductions about your class' fitness
levels based on their heart rates after completing the graphs and discuss the
benefits of exercise for the circulatory and respiratory system (also known as
the cardiovascular system).
A possible extension:
Investigate how quickly a learner's heart. rate returns to resting heart rate after
physical activity. This will indicate how much their heart rate increased during
the exercise as you will measure before and after activity. But then you can also
measure the heart rate at 1 minute intervals after the exercise to see how
quickly the heart rate decreases to resting rate again. This gives a more
rounded measure of fitness level as the faster a person is able to recover, the
more fit they are. This should only be done as an extension if you feel your
learners are capable and have time to do it within the lesson. This graph would
be a line graph.
1. What is your hypothesis for your investigation? .
A video on the scientific
Learner-dependent answer method
A possible hypothesis which learners might propose is: "Heart rate increases
after exercise."
• When you do an investigation you are going to change or vary one factor
to answer your question. This is called the independent variable.
• The factor that you are measuring or observing is the dependent variable.
• Normally, you will have a third variable, the control variable. These are the
factors that you want to keep the same (unvaried) during your test so they
cannot affect your results.
Write a list of the materials you will need for this investigation. Possible
materials to be listed are:
• stopwatch
• skipping rope (if learners are to skip, otherwise they may just run on the
• recording sheet and pen
. .
Make sure learners discuss all aspects of the investigation. You can help learners
with this part of their discussion in their groups by pointing out questions that
they should answer when writing their method. For example, how will we do the
recording? This will depend on how many skipping ropes are available if they
are to be used. Will one learner skip at a time while the others watch and record
the time? Or if the learners are to jog on. the spot for 2 minutes, then perhaps 5
learners can jog at once while the other 5 do the recordings. Learners must
specify how they will record heart rate and where. Will it be on the wrist or the
neck? Is it best to record heart rate for 10 (or 15) seconds and multiply 6 (or 4)
to get the beats per minute? This is because if they record the heart rate for a
whole minute after exercise, the rate might have started to slow down already
by the end of the minute and therefore not be an accurate reflection of the
heart rate immediately after exercise.
1. Design a table that will record the heart rate of the 10 learners when at rest
and after 2 minutes of physical activity (skipping or jogging on the spot).
Remember to give your table a heading.
Learner-dependent answer
A possible table that learners might produce could look as follows:
Table showing the heart rate of 10 learners before and after 2 minutes of
Learners may also come up with additional columns, for example they may add
a column to calculate the change in heart rate from before exercise to
immediately after exercise.
In order to analyse your results, it is helpful to plot a graph as this helps you to
see the relationship between the dependent and independent variables and to
make comparisons. Below is a description of different types of graphs and
when they are used.
• Line graph: A line graph is used if the data you have is numerical and
changes continuously, often over time. A line graph is useful for visualising
a trend in the data over time.
• A double bar graph can compare two sets of data. In a double bar graph,
two of the bars touch and are shown in different colours, and are
separated by a space from the next two bars.
Learners may not understand how a double bar graph is different from a bar
graph, and may not understand what is meant by two sets of data. An example
of a double bar graph would be the minimum and maximum temperatures on
different days of the week. In this example, the day of the week is the
independent variable, and we are looking . at two dependent variables (two sets
of data) - namely the maximum and minimum temperatures. For a graph like
this, one would indicate "days of the week" on the x-axis, and you would have
two bars next to each other for each day.
. One would show the minimum
temperature and one would show the maximum temperature. The bars showing
the two temperatures would touch, and the days of the week would be
separated by a space.
• Pie graphs: Pie graphs (or sector diagrams) are used to show the relative
proportions or percentages of the categories when they make up a whole.
1. Which type of graph will you use to represent the data in this
investigation? Give a reason for your answer.
Learners might find this difficult to answer, but it is crucial that they understand
the types of graphs and when each one should be used. In this investigation, we
want to show the data for each learner along
. the independent axis (x-axis). The
learners are not related in any way, nor are they numerical values - they are
discrete categories described by words (ie. the name of the learner). We will
therefore use a bar graph. In this investigation we will actually be using a double
bar graph. There will be two bars for each learner - the first bar being the heart
rate before exercise and the second bar being the heart rate after exercise.
2. How will you differentiate on your graph between the two sets of
measurements for each learner (ie. heart rate before and after exercise)? ..
. .
• Start by giving your graph a title, something that shows which dependent
and independent variables you were studying.
• Use the appropriate axes for each variable: x-axis = independent variable
(along the bottom of the graph) and y-axis = dependent variable (along
the side).
• Label your x-axis and y-axis.
• Use an appropriate scale and use the space that you have been given to
draw the graph wisely.
1. Which learner in your group had the smallest increase in heart rate from
before to after physical activity?
Learner-dependent answer
2. Which learner in your group had the largest increase in heart rate from
before to after physical activity?
Learner-dependent answer
3. Rank the learners in your group from the smallest increase to the largest
Learner-dependent answer
4. What deductions can you make about the fitness level of the learners in
your group based on their heart rates before and after the physical
activity? When you make deductions, ask yourself these questions:
a) What do you see is happening?
b) What do you notice that is different?
c) What does this imply?
Learners should deduce that the fitter an individual is, the smaller the
increase in the heart rate from before to after physical activity. Learners
that are unfit will sometimes show a bigger increase in heart rate after the
physical activity (provided that the activity was carried out to the same
level of effort).
It is vitally important that learners report their actual findings. If they do not
come up with results that agree with what they are expecting to find, it is FAR
better that they report what they found than that they "tweak" their results or
try to alter their discussion or hypothesis. to fit in with what is expected. Full
credit and praise should be given to an investigation that was carried out well
and truthfully reported, rather than one in which certain information or findings
are made up or changed. If students know what they were expecting, and think
that there is something wrong with their results they should be encouraged to
make suggestions about why they didn't see what they were expecting to see in
the discussion section that follows.
. .
You also point out any shortcomings of the investigation. What could you have
done to improve the investigation? You can also point out any unexpected
results in your investigation and try to explain these using your science
background. You should do some background research into the benefits of
exercise for the cardiovascular system and write some points in your discussion.
Watch this video that
summarises the respiratory .
and circulatory systems TEACHER'S NOTE
Assess whether learners have adequately discussed their results. As previously
mentioned, their actual results may not agree with what they should find. In this
case they still deserve full credit for their observations. However they also need
to show that they know what should have happened, based on their research
around the topic. They should point out that fitter individuals have a stronger
heart compared to unfit individuals. Like. all muscles, the heart becomes
stronger as a result of exercise, therefore, it can pump more blood through the
body with every beat. As a result, during exercise, a fit heart does not need to
pump as fast to deliver the same amount of blood that an unfit heart would, and
it does so with less strain. Assess whether learners have pointed out any
shortcomings in their investigation and if they have made suggestions. Learners
should also discuss some of the benefits of exercise for the cardiovascular
system, such as decreasing the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases.
If you researched any additional information to support your discussion, you
Simply listing Google or need to reference these sources in the following way:
Wikipedia as your source is
not recognised as a • Books: Surname of author, Name of book, Year published, Name of
reference for your work. publisher, Page numbers you used.
• Internet: Give the full URL for the website.
• Person: Personal communication with "Name, Surname, Occupation."
1. Learner-dependent answer
Key Concepts
• Oxygen is inhaled in a process called breathing.
• In the lungs, gaseous exchange occurs by diffusion.
• Oxygenated blood is transported in pulmonary veins from the lungs to
the left side of the heart.
• The oxygenated blood is pumped through the aorta and arteries to the
different parts of the body.
• Arteries divide into capillary networks between the cells, where oxygen
and food diffuse from blood to cells.
• The cells carry out cell respiration, forming carbon dioxide, which
diffuses back to the capillaries.
• Capillaries flow into veins that carry the deoxygenated blood to the right
side of the heart.
• At the heart the deoxygenated blood is transported to the lungs by the
pulmonary artery where gaseous exchange takes place once more.
• The carbon dioxide from cellular respiration diffuses out of the blood
into the lungs and is exhaled.
. Map
From what we have learnt in this chapter, we can say that the circulatory
and respiratory systems consist of 4 processes which occur in a cycle. Two
of these processes are named in the concept map, and there are spaces to
write the other two. During breathing, what is the gas which is inhaled for
respiration, and which is the gas which is exhaled from respiration? Fill these
in too. What is the name for the process by which these gases move across
the cell membranes?
. .
2. Complete these sentences. Write just the word on the line below. [13
a) Oxygen diffuses into the blood from the air in the .
b) The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called
c) Tiny blood vessels called come into close contact with
d) Carbon dioxide out of the cells into the .
e) carry the blood to the heart from where it is sent
to the to be oxygenated.
f) The chemical reaction that takes place in the of the cell
when oxygen and glucose combine to release is called
a) alveoli
b) arteries
c) capillaries, cells .
d) diffuses, capillaries/bloodstream
e) Veins, deoxygenated, lungs
f) mitochondria, energy, respiration
Inhaling Exhaling
Becomes smaller
Chest volume Expands
Pressure on lungs Decreases
3. Match the word on the left to its correct meaning on the right. Write only
the letter next to the word to indicate the correct meaning. Use each letter
only once. [13 marks]
. .
This is showing a bronchiole and alveoli. This is evident as there is one main
tube which is the bronchiole. There are several alveoli present, which are
the sac-like structures within the lungs. You can also see that these are tiny
sacs as in the bottom left, the sacs have been shown as open. You can also
see the network of capillaries which surround the alveoli bringing
deoxygenated blood to the lungs to become oxygenated.
5. Describe how capillaries are suited to their function of allowing gaseous
exchange within the lungs and at the cellular level in the body. [3 marks]
The capillaries are very small and thin-walled so that they can branch
between the cells of the tissues and come into close contact with the cells
to allow for diffusion. This also allows the capillaries to reach all the cells
within the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove waste
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1.5 weeks
• Why do we need to follow a healthy diet? What does a healthy diet
consist of?
• What makes one type of food healthy and another type of food
• Is it possible to prevent things like diarrhoea or constipation? What
about ulcers?
• Why do we need to digest food?
• How is food digested in our bodies?
• Where does the digested food go?
In this chapter we are going to look more closely at the food we eat to see why
certain foods are considered healthy and others unhealthy. We will then
investigate how the food from our plates gets to our cells and why our digestive
system is so well adapted for its job.
5.1 A healthy diet
Our human bodies are very active. Our bodies need a huge variety of different
nutrients and substances in order to perform all these processes. We obtain
these nutrients from the food we eat. The human body needs a balanced,
healthy diet to keep functioning property.
Healthy food Unhealthy food
When you are done share your food list with the class and record the class'
ideas of healthy and unhealthy foods on a large sheet of paper or on the board.
Display this in the class.
1. What common characteristics can you identify in the food that the class
. .
• proteins
• carbohydrates
• fats and oils
• vitamins
• minerals
• fibre (non-digestible carbohydrates)
• water
Proteins are our bodies' building blocks. They build and repair body cells and
tissues. Foods rich in protein are: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese and other
food from animal sources. There are also many sources of protein from plants.
For example: products made from soya beans, peas and beans, nuts and seeds.
Meat. Eggs.
A simulation .about eating
and exercise
Carbohydrates are the main supply of energy for our bodies. They break down
in our digestive system to form glucose (which is a sugar). Examples of foods
that contain carbohydrates are: whole grain bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, fruit,
vegetables, maize and legumes.
However, some fats are better than others and having too much of any type is
not a good idea.
. .
Our bodies cannot produce minerals and we therefore need to include these in
our diets. Some of the minerals we should include in our diets are:
Fibre found in the skins of fruit and vegetables, and in wholegrain cereals,
cannot be digested. It therefore travels through the alimentary canal. We need
fibre in our diet as it helps us to have regular bowel movements and avoid
constipation. .
. .
This is an optional activity, and can also be done as a class discussion if you do
not have time in class.
1. Below are photographs of different meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. One of the meals is healthier than the other.
3. Choose which is the healthier option and explain why.
1. Breakfast:
The fruit salad is healthier as it contains a variety of fresh fruits which are
high in fibre and packed with healthy vitamins. Fruit salad will satisfy some
of your requirement of fruit and vegetables for the day. The fruit loops are
unhealthy as they contain a lot of sugars and artificial colourants and
flavourants. They have limited nutritional value in terms of vitamins and
2. Lunch:
The beef, peas and rice is the healthier option for supper as the meal
contains starch (rice), meat for protein (beef) as well as vegetables (peas).
The other meal is less healthy as it only contains one food group, namely
protein from the chicken pieces. .
Different cultures and religions follow different diets. Some cultures will only eat
certain types of food and will avoid other combinations. Some religions might
restrict their followers to only certain foods while others have no real dietary
laws. Within South Africa, we have a very diverse population with people from
many cultures, backgrounds and religions. This makes our country a truly
unique, diverse and interesting place in which to live!
Testing food
There are various chemical tests which are used to easily identify the type of
food molecules present in different foods.
Once such test is the starch test. We can also test for the presences of fats and
oils using the emulsion test.
. .
Before the lesson starts, set up each workbench with the materials and
apparatus the learners will require to do the food tests.
• various food items to test for starch: for example, pieces of bread, apple,
tomato, boiled egg, cheese, cucumber, potato, yoghurt, ham (some
substances must contain starch and some not)
• various food items to test for fats and oil: for example, the above food
items can be used, and in addition, you could also provide peanut butter
and butter
TAKE NOTE • petri dish per group or learner for the starch test
In lower grades you might • bottle of iodine solution and dropper
. starch test
recall doing the • several test tubes for the fat emulsion test
on plants to see which leaves • water
store starch from the glucose • glass rod (or any other suitable round hard item) for crushing food
produced in photosynthesis. substances for fat emulsion test
• bottle of ethanol
• forceps
Learners will need to use the dropper to. add a couple drops of the iodine
solution to the food substance to be tested in a petri dish. Let them practise on
a small piece of white paper, so they see the colour change before trying it on
the food. Starch hold the fibres in paper together.
To conduct the test, crush a piece of the food (or liquid) in a small amount of
ethanol. Pour some of the mixture onto paper. Once the ethanol has
This will vary depending on what food substances you provide to learners. An
example of a hypothesis for this investigation is: "The iodine solution will turn
blue-black when added to the potato, bread and apple, indicating these foods
contain starch. The emulsion from the cheese, yoghurt, butter and peanut
butter will turn milky white, indicating the presence of fats".
An example that learners could provide:
• samples (small) of the following foods - learners identify which foods they
are testing for starch and fats. .
• iodine solution with dropper
• petri dish
• forceps
• test tubes
• paper
• ethanol
Learners need to write the method in a list of numbered steps. Learners need to
indicate that they collected the food samples and placed them in different petri
dishes (bowls if these were not available).
. They then dropped iodine solution in
turn on each of these samples observing and recording the results. They must
then indicate how they did the fat emulsion test, by placing small pieces of the
food substances in a test tube, adding ethanol and crushing and stirring with
the rod or another rounded, hard object. They should then pour the mixture
onto paper and allowed the ethanol to evaporate and record the results.
. .
1. Use the following space to record your results and observations from this
Learner-dependent answer
Learners could draw a table to record their results and observations, or just list
the foods which tested positive or negative for each substance. An example of
the layout for a learners table could be:
Table to indicate the presence of starch or fats and oils in various food
1. Discuss and evaluate your results and findings and the importance of food
. Learner-dependent answer
Learners should discuss which types of foods contained starch and fats and
which did not. They could note that plant material in particular contains starch
because the plants photosynthesize specifically to produce glucose that are the
. products (such as the ham and boiled
building blocks for carbohydrates. Animal
egg) do not contain starch. Learners should also discuss any unusual findings
which they did not expect and whether this could be a result of inaccuracy or
contamination. Learners should also evaluate their results and whether they
could have done anything to improve the investigation, such as possibly
repeating the tests.
Learners must refer back to their hypothesis in the conclusion and either reject
or accept it.
Learners could do this as a quick class discussion as you go through the
different conditions.
. .
5.2 Digestion and the alimentary canal
What is digestion?
Digestion involves a variety of complex processes that turn the food that you
eat into tiny molecules that can then be absorbed and transported to the cells
of the body.
Labels to .include:
• large intestine
• anus
• oesophagus
• rectum
• stomach
• mouth
• small intestine
• liver
• gallbladder
• pancreas
. .
Learners must draw straight, parallel label lines with a ruler and labels should be
written one underneath the other. In this image, the liver is the large red organ
next to the stomach, and the gallbladder is the small green part in front of it.
The liver produces bile which it then secretes into the gallbladder to be stored
before it enters the digestive tract. Bile helps with fat digestion. The pancreas,
the yellow organ below the stomach in the . diagram, is another organ which
plays an important role in digestion as it produces the enzymes for chemical
digestion which are secreted into the small intestine. The liver, pancreas and
gallbladder are accessory organs to the digestive system. However, they are
not part of the alimentary canal. Make learners aware that there is a difference
in discussing the digestive system (including these accessory organs) and the
alimentary canal (which only focuses on the organs and structures through
which food passes and not the liver, pancreas and gallbladder).
Although CAPS states that no detail of how the different parts of the alimentary
canal are structurally adapted to suit their function, some of this information has
been included in the following activity. It. was felt that it is necessary to start
developing this skill as learners will often have to describe structural
adaptations for function in Life Sciences Gr. 10-12. This skill is often poorly
developed in learners and so it is beneficial to start introducing learner to this
kind of reasoning and explanations of biological structures from early on. This is
an optional activity.
Objectives for this activity:
• Learn about how the different parts are structurally adapted to their
• Describe the parts of the alimentary canal and what each part's functions
• Understand physical and chemical digestion.
• Discuss how food travels from ingestion to digestion to absorption and Learning how to link the
egestion. .
structural adaptations of an
• Make observations regarding the process of digestion. organ, tissue or cell to its
function is a very important
A suggestion is to make learners work in. groups and produce one model per skill to start developing.
group. This way they will be able to discuss the model with each other as they
are going along and there might also be less mess. Set up a workstation for
each group prior to the lesson with the required materials laid out. The
materials below are suggestions to be used to create a model of each part.
However, you can also use other materials if you have more appropriate ideas
or access to other materials in your classroom.
If you are not able to physically produce the model of digestion with your
learners in class, you can still read through the activity and learners can still
answer the questions and you can discuss the structural adaptations.
. .
Learners need to cut up the food with the . scissors, break it up with the pestle
and mash it with the potato masher. They then squirt water all over it and use
their hands to make the food into a ball.
1. Using the mixing bowl to represent the mouth and the scissors, pestle and
potato masher to represent and simulate the digestion of your food type
that occurs in the mouth.
2. Squirt some water onto the mixture as you are 'digesting' the food.
3. Describe what is happening to the food at this point.
The scissors, pestle and potato masher is mechanically breaking down the
food into smaller particles (mechanical digestion). The water (saliva)
sprayed on the food is covering it and starting to digest some of it
(chemical digestion).
Stage 2 - The oesophagus
An interactive animation
showing how different foods
The pharynx (the throat) moves food from the mouth to the
oesophagus. The oesophagus transports food from the are digested and absorbed
One learner should hold the cardboard roll/tube with the one end in the bag
while another learner tips the mixing bowl so that the food bolus rolls down the
tube and into the bag.
1. Roll the ball of food you created in the mouth down the cardboard tube
and into the clear Ziplock bag.
2. Describe what is happening to the food at this point.
The ball of food is being transported from the mouth to the stomach.
3. Compare the model to the actual process in your oesophagus. Can you
think of a better way of simulating the action of moving the food from the
mouth to the stomach?
Learner-dependent answer
In the human body, the oesophagus transports the food (bolus) from the mouth
to the stomach just like the cardboard tube allows the ball of food to travel from
the mixing bowl representing the mouth to the Ziplock bag representing the
stomach. Learners should note the downfall
. of this part of the model as food
does not 'roll' down the oesophagus as they have done here in the simulation.
Rather, the food is moved down by the peristaltic actions of the muscles
surrounding the oesophagus. Learners should think up alternative ways to
simulate or represent this action, such as using a plastic tube which is not hard
and using your hands to squeeze the food down the tube and out the other side
into the bag.
. .
Learners need to pour the digestive juices
. onto the food and then seal the
stomach / Ziplock bag. They then simulate the stomach churning by shaking
and churning the Ziplock bag with the food inside. This should go on for quite a
while as the food often remains in the stomach for long periods.
1. The Ziplock bag represents the stomach. After the food has entered the
stomach, pour one of the digestive juices (lemon juice, vinegar or Coca
Cola) into the bag over the ball of food.
2. In your body, a special circular muscle closes and seals the stomach and
digestive juices from the oesophagus. Seal the Ziplock as if you were
sealing the actual upper end of the stomach.
3. Squeeze the bag to show the churning of food in the stomach.
4. Describe what is happening to the food at this point.
The churning and shaking is physically breaking up the food through
mechanical digestion. The coke, vinegar or lemon juice aids chemical
5. Compare the model to the actual process in your stomach.
The stomach muscles churn and move the food around to break it up
through mechanical digestion just like your hands when they are churning
and moving the food to break it up in the bag. The coke, vinegar or lemon
juice added to the stomach represent the gastric juices which the stomach
secretes from its walls to cause chemical digestion.
Learners need to let the food mixed with the digestive juices, run from the
Ziplock into the stocking. It shouldn't be excessively runny but make sure they
are working over a large dish to catch the excess liquid. They should be
squirting small amounts of bicarbonate dissolved in water into the syringe to
simulate the digestive enzymes being added to the small intestine.
You may want to explain how peristalsis works by showing how the muscles
around the small intestine squeeze rhythmically to push the food from the
stomach through the entire intestine. Let . learners use their hands to simulate
peristalsis - if one hand is squeezing tightly around the small intestine the other
releases and relaxes around the small intestine.
1. The stocking that you have been provided with represents the small
intestine. Cut a small corner off the bottom of the Ziplock bag and insert
this end into the stocking.
2. Work over a large dish or black plastic bags for this part. While one learner
is holding the stocking, the other learner should squeeze the food mixture
into the stocking.
3. Use the syringes with the dissolved bicarbonate of soda and squirt the
bicarbonate of soda into the food as it enters the stocking.
4. Simulate the action that takes place in the small intestine to move the food
mixture through.
5. Describe what is happening to the food at this point.
The food is mixing with the bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water and
moving through the small intestine. The food takes a very long time to
move through the small intestine and the liquid is running through the
stockings and into the large dish or onto the table. ..
. .
In exams and tests you will be asked how a specific structure is adapted to its
function. Remember when you see such a question to break it down into four
separate steps:
1. Outline: Give a brief explanation of the the main point you will discuss, i.e.
structure, function and specific adaption(s).
2. Structure: Here you need to specify what the structure looks like.
3. Function: What does it need to do? What role does it play or purpose
does it fulfil?
4. Adaptation: This is where you put together structure and function - it has
X, so it can do Y. For example, it is thin, so gases diffuse through it quickly.
Key Concepts
• There are seven buildings blocks in a healthy diet: proteins,
carbohydrates, fats and oils, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
• A healthy diet includes the correct proportions of the seven building
• Problems in our digestive system can be related to an inappropriate diet
that does not give our bodies the correct nutrients.
• Our alimentary canal is composed of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.
• Digestion is the breaking down of food into usable, dissolvable forms
that can be absorbed.
• There are two types of digestion: mechanical (or physical) and chemical
• Each structure in the alimentary canal is specifically adapted to suit its
. Map
The alimentary canal is made of several parts linked together - two of these
parts are missing in the concept map. We also looked at two types of
digestion in this chapter. What are these? When filling them in on the
concept map, you need to decide which space to put them in by looking
at the concepts which come after to describe each type.
. .
1. Describe what you understand the term 'healthy diet' means. [2 marks]
A healthy diet provides all the nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals and fibre that are needed for well-being, and
contains them in correct amounts/ proportions.
2. For each of the following food items, classify what nutrients you can get
from them (i.e. protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc). Some food items
provide more than one class of nutrient. [10 marks]
Vitamins (especially
Carbohydrates vitamin C) and
(starch), oil from minerals,
frying. carbohydrates
(sugar), water.
Fried chips. Strawberries.
Butternut. Yoghurt.
Vitamins and
minerals, protein, Fats and oils.
carbohydrates, fibre
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1 week
3. In the final section of the chapter we return to chemical formulae, which
received perfunctory treatment in Gr. 8 Matter and Materials (Atoms).
4. We have once again included many 'sub-microscopic' diagrams to help
learners imagine the small entities dealt with in this chapter. Learners will
almost certainly need help switching between the symbolic (formulae) and
sub-microscopic (molecular diagrams) representations. This is a very
important skill that should receive careful attention at this point, as it will
improve learners' chances of mastering the complexities of the subject at
the higher levels. We have once again included activities where learners
have to construct molecules using plasticine or play dough, to reinforce
this skill.
The Play dough recipe provided in Gr. 8 Matter and Materials, is included here
for easy reference.
• 2 cups flour
• 2 cups warm water
• 1 cup salt
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity)
• food colouring in different colours
1. Mix all of the ingredients together, and stir over low heat. The dough will
begin to thicken until it resembles mashed potatoes.
2. When the dough pulls away from the sides and clumps in the centre,
remove the pan from the heat and allow the dough to cool enough to
handle. Note: If the dough is still sticky, it simply needs to be cooked for
3. Turn the dough out onto a clean surface and knead until smooth. Divide
the dough into balls for colouring.
4. Make a small depression in the centre of the ball, and pour some food
colouring into it. Work the colour through the dough, adding more if you
want a more intense colour.
. .
• What is a compound?
• How is a compound different from an element?
• How is a mixture of elements different from a compound?
• What does the position of an element on the Periodic Table tell us about
its properties?
• Where do we find metals, non-metals and semi-metals on the Periodic
• What are the vertical columns of the Periodic Table called?
• What are the horizontal rows of the Periodic Table called?
• What do elements belonging to the same 'group' of the Periodic Table
have in common?
• What additional information about an element can we find on the
Periodic Table?
• What does the formula of a compound tell us about it?
1.1 Elements and compounds
This first section is a revision of what learners should have covered in previous
grades. It spans several pages, but it is mostly revision and has been included as
a reference for learners. You will need to decide, based on your class, about
how much time you need to dedicate revising these topics, or whether you get
your learners to read over the content and complete the activity at the end.
Can you remember learning about compounds in Gr. 8 Matter and Materials?
We will start this chapter by summarising and revising some of the main ideas
about elements and compounds from Gr. 7 and 8. This should help us to link
the new ideas in this chapter to what we already know.
Learners need to be made aware that compounds may occur as two types of
structures, namely molecules and lattices:
In this section we have included a brief mention of crystal lattices to avoid the
misconception later that NaCl and other ionic compounds consist of molecules.
Learners should know that NaCl, for instance, consists of a regular arrangement
of sodium and chloride atoms combined in a 1:1 ratio, packed to form a crystal
. .
Why are the hydrogen and oxygen atoms paired in the diagram above? Before
we answer that question, here is an important reminder: Elements are made up
of just one kind of atom.
Some elements exist as diatomic molecules, like the ones in the diagram on the
right below and the hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the 'mixture' diagram
above. The most important examples of diatomic molecules are H2 , N2 , O2 , F2 ,
Cl2 , Br2 , and I2 . Diatomic means 'consisting of two atoms'.
Can you see that the water molecules in the diagram above are all identical?
That brings us to the next point about compounds.
Any other combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms would NOT be water.
For example, hydrogen peroxide consists of the same elements as water
What is the formula of hydrogen peroxide? Can you remember the name of the
compound with the formula CO2 ? Remember to take notes as you discuss
things in class!
The formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2 O2 . The formula CO2 is carbon dioxide.
What formula represents one 'formula unit' of the type of iron oxide in the
previous diagram?
. .
In the example above, the elements to the left of the arrow are called the
reactants. They have rearranged to form a new compound. This is called the
product and it is shown to the right of the arrow.
Can you describe what happened to the atoms and the bonds in this reaction?
Discuss which bond broke, which ones formed, and how the atoms were
rearranged during the reaction.
Discuss this with your class. Encourage them to take notes during your
• The bond between the two red atoms broke.
• The black atom moved in between the two red atoms.
• Two new bonds formed: between the black atom and each of the two red
The final aspect of compounds that we learnt in Gr. 8 is that each compound
can be represented by a unique chemical formula:
The chemical formula of a compound is the same for all the molecules of that
compound. When we read the formula, the subscripts tell us how many atoms
of a particular element is in one molecule of that compound:
1. In the following table, the names of some pure substances are given in the
left-hand column. The middle column tells us what one molecule of each
compound is made of.
2. You must use this information to write the formula of each compound in
the final column, on the right.
3. The first row has been filled in for you, so that you have an example:
4. Column 1 contains the name: water
5. Column 2: one molecule of water contains two H atoms and one O atom.
6. Column 3: From the information in column two we can write the formula:
H2 O
What are the reactants and what is the product in this reaction? Write
these names onto the diagram.
the reactants are carbon (grey circle) and oxygen (red circles) and the
product is carbon dioxide.
3. Why is oxygen represented as two circles together?
The two circles each represent an oxygen atom as oxygen is a diatomic
molecule meaning it exists as two oxygen atoms bonded together in
diatomic molecules.
4. Magnesium oxide has the formula MgO. what does this ratio tell us about
the atoms in the compound?
It means that for every 1 magnesium atom, there is 1 oxygen atom joined to
it in a chemical bond.
. .
1.2 The Periodic Table
The first part of this section is a revision of what learners should have covered in
previous grades.
1. All the elements that are known, can be arranged on a table called the
Periodic Table.
2. The discoveries of many scientists over many years contributed to the
information in the Periodic Table, but the version of the table that we use
today was originally proposed by Dmitri Mendeleev in the 1800s.
3. Each element has a fixed position on the Periodic Table. The elements are
arranged in order of increasing atomic number, with the lightest element
(hydrogen: H) in the top left hand corner.
4. An element's position on the Periodic Table tells us whether it is a metal, a
non-metal or a semi-metal.
a) metals are found on the left hand side of the table;
b) non-metals are found on the far right hand side of the table; and
c) semi-metals are found in the region between the metals and
5. An element can be identified in 3 different ways:
a) each element has a unique name;
b) each element has a unique chemical symbol; and
c) each element has a unique atomic number.
6. Metals are usually shiny, ductile, and malleable. Most are solids at room
temperature and have high melting and boiling points.
7. Non-metals can be solids, liquids or gases at room temperature. They have
a great variety of properties that usually depend on the state they are in.
8. The semi-metals are all solids at room temperature. They usually have a
combination of metallic and non-metallic properties.
We learnt about the origins of the Periodic Table in Gr. 7. Let's also revise what
we learnt then, so that we have a firm foundation for our new learning.
The Periodic Table is basically a chart that scientists use to list the known
elements. The table consists of individual tiles for each of the elements. What
information can we find on the Periodic Table? That is what the next section is
all about.
C is carbon. It has 6 protons (indicated by the atomic number).
There is a large version of
The atomic number (Z) is usually written. at the top of each tile for an element in . printed on
the Periodic Table
the Periodic Table, and the larger atomic mass number (A) is written at the the inside cover of your
bottom of each tile. workbooks for you to easily
refer to.
There are different versions of the Periodic Table, which can each contain
different information about the elements. Can you identify what information is
provided about the elements in the following table?
The table contains only the chemical symbol and atomic number of each
. .
Other versions of the Periodic Table may contain additional information, such as:
An interactive site on the
Periodic Table.. Click on each
element to view lots of
interesting information
about it
This tile shows information about the This tile also shows information about the
element copper element copper. Instead of the element
name, the atomic mass of copper is given.
The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The element
with the smallest atomic number is hydrogen (H: atomic number = 1) is in the
top lefthand corner of the table. The elements with the largest atomic number
are found at the bottom of the table.
The elements are also arranged in regions and these regions are often
presented in different colours. The following Periodic Table shows us where the
metals, non-metals and semi-metals can be found.
• The metals are found on the left of the Periodic Table, reaching across
almost the entire table, except the top right hand corner. In the table
above, the metals are blue.
• The non-metals are found in a relatively small, triangular region at the top
right hand side of the table. In the table above, the non-metals are red.
• A few elements that have metallic and non-metallic properties (called the
semi-metals) separate the metals from the non-metals. They occur in a . are also
The semi-metals
diagonal strip on the right hand side of the table. In the table above, the sometimes referred to as the
Now that we have revised what we already learnt in previous grades, let's learn
some new characteristics of the Periodic Table.
All tables have rows and columns. Can you remember the difference between
vertical and horizontal? Draw short lines to show the difference between
'vertical' and 'horizontal' in the following table.
Learners should draw the following:
Vertical Horizontal
Vertical runs 'up and down', and horizontal runs 'from side to side'. In a
conventional table the columns run vertically, and the rows run horizontally.
. .
Groups: The vertical columns of the Periodic Table are called groups. The
groups on the Periodic Table are numbered in such a way that Group 1 is on the
left. How many groups are there?
There are 18 groups.
The groups are numbered from 1 to 18. On older tables, the groups are
numbered in a more complicated way. The colourful Periodic Table from Gr. 7
(shown earlier) is an example of the numbering style that you may find in older
textbooks and other science resources.
Periods: The horizontal rows of the Periodic Table are called periods. The first
period is at the top of the table. What is the first element in the third period?
It is sodium (Na).
Which element is in Group 14 and in the second period? Write its symbol and its
It is C, carbon.
As scientists, we are expected to know the names and symbols of all the most
important elements. You will not be expected to learn all of them off by heart VISIT
just yet, but at the end of this chapter you must know the names and chemical .
The Periodic Table song!
symbols of the first 20 elements on the table. To make them a little easier to
remember, they have been placed in a table below.
. .
26 Fe . Iron
29 Cu Copper
30 Zn Zinc
This also serves as a revision of what learners covered in Gr. 8 about the atom.
1. What does the atomic number tell us about the atoms of an element?
It tells us how many protons are in the atoms.
2. How many protons are there in oxygen. atoms?
There are 8 protons (atomic number is 8).
3. In most oxygen atoms, how many neutrons are there?
There are also 8 neutrons.
Learners will only learn about isotopes in later grades, for now it is enough
to know that the atomic mass gives. an indication of the number of
nucleons (protons and neutrons), so for oxygen, the atomic mass is 15.999
(rounded to the nearest integer it is 16), so the number of neutrons = 16 - 8,
which is 8.
At this stage, learners have not yet .learned about ions, and so we only
consider neutral atoms in which the number of electrons equals the
number of protons.
You may wonder why the Periodic Table has exactly 18 groups and not 14 or 10
or any other number. That is a very good question! The actual explanation is
quite complex, and has to do with how the electrons inside the atom are
distributed. You will learn about this in greater detail if you take Physical
Sciences in Gr. 10.
The metals of Group 1 are called the alkali metals. Can you write the name and
chemical symbol of the lightest member of the group? You can disregard
hydrogen, which is really a non-metal, but is placed with the alkali metals on the
Periodic Table because it has a similar electron pattern.
. of metal
Watch this video
It is Lithium (Li). reacting with water!
. .
2 Li + 2 H2 O → 2 LiOH + H2
Lithium metal is stored in oil
and floats in the bottle. Why
do you think this is?
Ask learners firstly why they think it might be stored in oil and not water, for
example. This is because it reacts very well with water and it also reacts slowly
over time with oxygen in the air, so it is best to store it in oil. Next, ask learners
why they think the piece of lithium metal floats in the bottle of oil. This is
because lithium is the lightest metal in the universe and it is lighter and less
dense than oil, so it floats. This links back to the particle model of matter and
what learners covered in Gr. 8 on density of different materials.
The piece of lithium metal will dance around on the surface of the water,
because the reaction produces hydrogen gas (H2 ), which causes tiny bubbles to
stream from under the lithium. Heat is also given off and sometimes the
hydrogen gas will start to burn on top of the water. The other product that
forms is lithium hydroxide. Can you find its formula in the chemical equation
It is LiOH.
Learners should write the following word equation: lithium + water → lithium
oxide + hydrogen gas.
The reactants are lithium and water and the products are lithium hydroxide and
hydrogen gas.
2 Na + 2 H2 O → 2 NaOH + H2
Can you see how similar it is to the reaction between lithium and water?
2 K + 2 H2 O → 2 KOH + H2
CAPS require that learners make models. (using beads, beans, plasticine or
playdough) of several elements and compounds. We have intentionally steered
away from including activities in which 'molecules' of ionic compounds such as
NaCl and CuO are required to be built or drawn. The reason for omissions of this
. .
Perhaps there are two or more people in your class with the same name? Then
you will know how confusing it can be when two people have the same name!
We have learnt that each element has a unique name. This is important, so that
we do not end up confusing elements with each other.
The two compounds CO and CO2 consist of the same two elements, carbon and
oxygen. If we named them both 'carbon oxide' (since they are both made of
carbon and oxygen), we could easily confuse them. Under certain
circumstances that could create problems, because CO is much more poisonous
to humans and animals than CO2 . So it is easy to see why each compound
needs a unique name.
When we write the chemical formulae for compounds, they are always a
combination of the symbols of the elements in the compound. For example,
when we see the formula NaCl, we know that this compound consists of Na and
When we name compounds, the names of the elements in the compound are
combined and sometimes changed slightly, to make a name for the compound.
When we hear the name sodium chloride, for instance, it is quite obvious that
the compound being described must consist of sodium and chlorine. But, why is
it chloride and not chlorine? Well, as you will see shortly, when we join up the
names of the elements, the one that is named last is changed.
All the above may sound very complicated and for this reason a system has
been developed for naming compounds. The system was developed by the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The system is
designed in such a way that the name of a compound describes the elements it
contains and how they are combined.
The IUPAC system for naming compounds is very complex, but we do not need
to learn all its rules. At this point we only need to learn how to name
compounds consisting of two elements.
These compounds are called ionic compounds because of the type of bonding
involved. CAPS do not make a distinction between covalent and ionic
compounds at this level. On the one hand this is understandable. Learners have
not yet learnt about ionic and covalent bonding in compounds and would
therefore not be able to understand the distinction between ionic and covalent
compounds. On the other hand, without some distinction being made explicit,
learners will fail to understand why MgO. is named magnesium oxide when CO is
named carbon monoxide, or MgCl2 is called magnesium chloride, but SCl2 is
called sulfur dichloride. For this reason, we have decided to make a distinction
between compounds that contain a metal and a non-metal (ionic compounds)
and compounds that contain only non-metals (covalent compounds).
All compounds of this type form crystal lattices rather than molecules. What do
we call the repeating 'units' in a crystal lattice?
Formula unit
NaCl Sodium and chlorine
MgO Magnesium and oxygen
. .
2. You need to identify the elements which make up the compound and give
the name of the compound.
Formula Which elements does it consist of? Name
Rule 1:
The name of the element further to the left on the Periodic Table comes first,
followed by the name of the element further to the right on the table. The name
of the second element changes slightly: the suffix -ide replaces the ending of
the name.
For example:
Rule 2:
When two or more compounds have different numbers of the same elements
(like CO and CO2 in our example above), we must add prefixes to avoid
3 tri-
4 tetra-
5 penta-
We are going to practice what we have learnt so far in the next two short
activities. First, we will write names from formulae.
1. How would you name the following compounds? Write the name next to
each formula in the table below.
2. Build one molecule of each compound with play dough, beans or beads. If
you are not sure how to arrange the atoms, here is an important tip: the
atom that comes first in the name (it will usually also be the first atom in
the formula) must be placed at the centre of the molecule. All the other
atoms must be placed around it. They will be bonded to the atom at the
centre, but not to each other.
3. Draw a picture of your molecule in the final column of the table.
. .
hydrogen dioxide
H2 O
SF4 sulfur tetrafluoride
The colours of the atoms are not important, as long as atoms of the same
element are the same colour. The sizes are not critical, but you may want to
suggest to learners that the elements higher up on the Periodic Table will tend
to be smaller than those lower down. If learners are unsure how to place the
atoms, draw their attention to the tip given earlier: The atom that comes first in
the name (or formula) must be placed at the centre of the molecule. All the
other atoms must be bonded to the central atom.
• play dough
1. What formulae would you give the following compounds? Write the
formula next to each name in the table below.
2. Build a model of each compound with play dough.
3. Draw a picture of one molecule of each compound in the final column of
the table.
HF hydrogen fluoride
CO carbon monoxide
. .
Rule 3:
Many compounds are not usually referred to by their systematic names. Instead,
TAKE NOTE they have common names that are more widely known. For example, we use
Now we have learnt an the name water for H2 O, ammonia for NH3 , and methane for CH4 .
important new. skill, namely
In this chapter we reviewed all the information about compounds and about the
to write and interpret the
Periodic Table, that we have learnt in previous years. We added some new
names and formulae of
information to both of these topics.
Here are some tips for teachers about the 'Build a molecule' simulation.
Key Concepts
• All the atoms in an element are of the same kind. This means that
an element cannot be changed into other elements by any physical or
chemical process.
• Elements can be built up of individual atoms, or as bonded pairs of
atoms called diatomic molecules.
• When elements combine, they form compounds.
• Each element has a fixed position on the Periodic Table. The elements
are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, with the lightest
element (hydrogen: H) in the top left hand corner.
• An element's position on the Periodic Table tells us whether it is a metal,
a non-metal or a semi-metal.
– metals are found on the left hand side of the table;
– non-metals are found on the far right hand side of the table; and
– semi-metals are found in the region between the metals and
• An element can be identified in 3 different ways:
– each element has a unique name;
– each element has a unique chemical symbol; and
– each element has a unique atomic number.
• The vertical columns of the Periodic Table are called groups. The
Periodic Table has 18 groups.
• The horizontal rows of the Periodic Table are called periods. There are
7 periods.
• Elements belonging to the same 'group' of the Periodic Table exhibit
the same chemical behaviour, and will often have similar properties.
• Many different versions of the Periodic Table exist. Typically, the
element symbol, the atomic number and the atomic mass of each
element are given on the table.
. .
1. Each of the four blocks below (labelled A to E) contain some matter. You
must answer the following questions using the diagrams in the blocks.
Each question may have more than one answer! [12 marks]
a) Which block represents the particles of an element?
C and D
b) Which block represents the particles in a compound?
c) Which block represents the particles in a mixture?
d) Which block represents diatomic particles?
B and D
e) If the blue atoms are N and the white atoms are H, write the formula
for the molecules in block A.
f) If the blue atoms are N and the white atoms are H, write the formula
for the molecules in block B.
N2 and H2
g) Which blocks contain molecules?
A, B and D
h) Which block contains single atoms?
2. How would you name the following compounds?
a) Write the name next to each formula in the table below.
b) Build a model of each compound with play dough.
c) Draw a picture of one molecule of each compound in the final column
of the table.
[12 marks]
. .
NH3 ammonia
N2 O dinitrogen monoxide
CO carbon monoxide
CO + H2 O → CO 2 + H2
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1 week
By this stage, learners should know that atoms are rearranged during a chemical
reaction. The atoms do not change; only their arrangement in relation to each
other changes.
Learners were introduced to particle diagrams in Gr. 8 and this skill will be
further reinforced in this chapter. We have tried to introduce learners to the
idea that chemical reactions can be thought of in different ways. Ultimately,
they have to be able to write chemical equations, but this is a very complex skill.
By starting with word equations and progressing to submicroscopic
representations (picture equations) before translating the latter to the symbolic
format (chemical equations), we hope to. build/scaffold the learning of chemical
equations as well as develop learners' ability to imagine events on the
submicroscopic scale.
2.3 Balanced equations (1.5 hours)
• What is a chemical reaction?
• How can we represent what happens in a chemical reaction?
• What do the different symbols in a chemical reaction equation mean?
• What do the numbers in a chemical reaction mean?
• What does it mean to balance a chemical equation?
• How can we tell if a reaction is balanced?
• How do we translate between word equations, picture equations and
chemical equations?
In Gr. 8 Matter and Materials we learnt about chemical reactions for the first
time. Can you remember the main ideas about chemical reactions? Here they
are again:
• During chemical reactions, materials are changed into new materials with
new chemical and physical properties.
• The materials we start with are called reactants, and the new materials that
form are called products.
• During a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged. This requires that bonds
are broken in the reactants and new bonds are formed in the products.
In this chapter we are going to build on these ideas. We will focus on two things:
This will prepare us for the chapters that follow this one, in which we will be
looking at different types of chemical reactions.
. .
• macroscopic
• microscopic
• submicroscopic
As a young scientist, you have already been introduced to this kind of thinking.
The three levels can also be thought of as three different ways to represent
compounds. The next activity will help you understand what this means.
The instruction for this activity is really simple: Draw a picture of water. You
may use the space below for your drawing.
Do not give any further instructions, but allow the learners to interpret the
question in any way they want to. Ask the . learners to show their work. Some
may draw a landscape with water (a dam or river) and others may draw a glass
or similar container with clear colourless liquid inside it. Perhaps one or two will
draw a water molecule or the chemical formula for water. Get some of the
learners to redraw their pictures on the board.
Your drawing may look like one of the diagrams below. They all represent
water. But which one is correct? .
The three diagrams above all represent water, but they are very different from
each other. We say that they are three different representations of the same
thing, namely water.
Submicroscopic means
'smaller than microscopic',
or 'too small to see through
a microscope'..Sometimes it
helps to think that this is
what we would see if we had
The water molecule in the top right shows what a particle of water would look
special 'submicroscopic
like (i). We cannot see water particles with our eyes, therefore we have to
goggles' on to 'see' at the
imagine them. This is why the water molecule is inside a thought bubble. We
atomic level!
call this a submicroscopic representation.
The beaker of water shows what water looks like to our eyes (ii). We call this a
macroscopic representation, because it is observable. That means it can be Find out about special
observed by using our senses such as seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting or microscopes which enable
touching. people to 'see' atoms
The chemical formula on the left uses chemical symbols to represent water (iii).
We have learnt that chemical formulae are made up of element symbols. We
can think of chemical symbols and formulae as a chemical 'language', because
they tell a story. The 'story' told by the formula H2 O is that a water molecule
consists of two atoms of H and one atom of O. The formula 'H2 O' is a symbolic
Experienced scientists can move easily between these three levels. They can
translate the symbolic language of chemical formulae to submicroscopic
pictures in their mind. This is what we will practice in this chapter.
Before moving on, try another example where you draw the 3 different levels of
carbon dioxide in the space below. Label each level.
Learners could draw a closed container with
. a clear gas in it for the
macroscopic representation. They should write the formula CO2 for the
symbolic representation.They should draw a carbon dioxide molecule for the
submicroscopic representation as follows:
. .
2.2 How do we represent chemical reactions?
How would you define a chemical reaction? Write down some of your ideas.
The following words may help you formulate your sentences.
Get learners to first take some notes and describe what they think a chemical
reaction is. You can even just ask them the question and get their definitions.
Anytime that atoms separate from each other and recombine into different
combinations of atoms, we say a chemical reaction has occurred. No atoms are
lost or gained, they are simply rearranged.
1. Word equations
TAKE NOTE When we represent a chemical reaction in terms of words, we write a word
In mathematic equations we equation. For example, when hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen gas to form
use an equal sign (=) for water, we can write a word equation for the reaction as follows:
example 2 + .2 = 4, but in
scientific chemical hydrogen + oxygen → water
equations, we use an arrow
To the left of the arrow, we have the 'before' situation. This side represents the
(→), for example C + O2 →
substances we have before the reaction takes place. They are called the
CO2 .
reactants. What are the reactants of this reaction?
The reactants are hydrogen and oxygen.
2. Picture equations
The same reaction of hydrogen reacting with oxygen, can also be represented
in pictures called submicroscopic diagrams. The diagram below shows that the
atoms in two hydrogen molecules (H2 ) and one oxygen molecule (O2 ) on the
left rearrange to form the two water molecules (H2 O) on the right of the arrow.
Hydrogen atoms are white circles and oxygen atoms are red circles.
Submicroscopic, because it shows the particles.
What is the product of the above reaction? What are the reactants of the above
reaction? Write their formulae.
The product is H2 O. The reactants are H2 and O2 .
3. Chemical equations
When we represent a chemical reaction in terms of chemical formulae
(symbols), it is called a chemical equation. The chemical equation for the above
reaction would be as follows:
2 H2 + O2 →2 H2 O
Symbolic, because it uses formulae (symbols).
. .
Picture equation
Fe + O2 → Fe2 O3 . equation
Picture equation
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2 O
When you look at the reaction equation above you will notice two kinds of
Coefficients and subscripts mean different things, as you will see in the next
The numbers in front of the formulae in the chemical equation are called
coefficients. They represent the numbers of individual molecules that are in the
chemical reaction.
You will notice that O2 does not have a coefficient in the reaction above. When
there is no coefficient, it means that just one molecule of that substance takes
part in the reaction.
. equations
2.3 Balanced
Now we are going to learn what it means when a reaction is balanced. Here is
our submicroscopic picture again.
When learners draw a diatomic molecule, the two atoms must be touching to
show that they are chemically bonded, otherwise it is wrong.
Count how many H atoms are on the left side of the reaction. How many on the
Four H atoms on the left and four H atoms on the right.
Count how many O atoms are on the left side of the reaction. How many on the
. .
Did you notice that the numbers and types of atoms are the same on the left
and on the right of the reaction? The reactants have four H atoms and two O
atoms. The products have four H atoms and two O atoms.
1. Study the equation below. The black atoms are carbon (C), and the red
atoms are oxygen (O). They will not always necessarily be this colour - this
is just a representation.
2. Answer the questions that follow.
Now that we know how to recognise a balanced equation, we are going to learn
how to balance them!
We are going to use a few examples of real reactions to learn how to balance
equations. In the chapters following this one, we are going to see what these
reactions look like in real life, but for now, we will just focus on how to balance
When magnesium metal burns in oxygen, we can write the following word
equation for the reaction that occurs between these two elements:
Mg + O2 → MgO
. .
You may only add compounds that are already in the equation. This means only
coefficients may be changed, not subscripts!
Let's try a few alternative solutions. Would it help to add an O atom on the
right, like this?
Now the O atoms are balanced on both sides of the equation, but we don't have
MgO on the right anymore. We have changed the formula on the right to MgO2 .
That means we have changed a subscript in the formula. You cannot change the
formula of a compound when balancing chemical equations.
Ask learners why it is not allowed. Is MgO the same as MgO2 ? Remind them of
the earlier example of H2 O and H2 O2 , which
. were not the same compound. MgO
and MgO2 can not be the same compound because they do not have the same
chemical formula. The ratio of Mg and O atoms are different in the two
compounds. (The compound MgO2 does not even exist, but you do not have to
go into this.)
Adding single atoms to any side of the equation is also not allowed. That means
the following equation is also not correct:
Can you build this equation with play dough balls or beads? When you convert
the play dough 'reactants' to 'products', are there any unused 'atoms' left
behind afterwards?
No, there are not. Get learners to actually do this activity and practice making
the equation using balanced numbers of atoms.
Now, let us take this a step further. We are going to convert our balanced
submicroscopic equation to a symbolic chemical equation. Write down a
balanced equation for magnesium burning in oxygen to produce magnesium
Write this up on the board and explain again how the equation is balanced:
2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
. .
When iron rusts, it is because the iron metal reacts with oxygen in the air to
form iron oxide.
An old car with rust on the bonnet. A closeup photo of a rusted barrel.
Fe + O2 →Fe2 O3
Learner's diagram should look like this. They may find it difficult to convert the
equations into diagrams. Help them to interpret the formulae in the following
way: Fe on its own means there is just one atom of iron (Fe). O2 means there
must be two atoms of O, linked up to form a molecule. Fe2 O3 means two Fe
atoms and three O atoms are clustered together.
The colours are not important, as long as all the atoms of the same element are
the same colour.
It is not recommended that you mention this information here, as it more likely
to confuse learners at this point than add to their understanding of balancing
. .
O 2
No, the equation is not balanced because the numbers of the atoms are not the
same in the reactants and products.
How could we balance the reaction? Three possibilities (Plans A, B and C) are
given below. You must evaluate each plan, and say if it is allowed or not.
Plan A
. .
Plan B
Is this change allowed?
Changes made Reason
Add one Fe atom on The Fe atom is already
Yes .
the reactant side. a reactant.
Adding single atoms is
not allowed, unless they
Add one O atom on the
No are already in the
reactant side.
reaction AS SINGLE
Is this change allowed?
Changes made Reason
The Fe atom is already
Add three Fe atoms on a reactant.
the reactant side.
The O2 molecule is
Add two O2 molecule .
Yes already a reactant.
on the reactant side.
Fe2 O3 is already a
Add one Fe2 O3 on the product.
product side.
In the next activity we will balance an equation that is much simpler, but we are
not going to include all the explanations of the previous activity.
. .
1. Write the word equation for this reaction. The words are all in the sentence
above, they just need to be placed in the correct positions.
Learners should fill in the answers as follows:
2. Convert the word equation into a chemical equation. You do not have to
balance it yet.
In the chapters that follow, there will be more opportunities to write and
balance chemical equations.
Key Concepts
• There are a number of different ways to represent chemical equations:
– With models and pictures (in submicroscopic representations);
– with symbols and formulae (in chemical equations); and
– with words (in word equations).
• Numbers are used in two different ways in chemical equations:
– Coefficients in front of chemical formulae indicate the numbers of
atoms or molecules of a specific type that take part in the reaction;
– Subscripts inside chemical formulae indicate the number of atoms
of a specific type in that particular compound.
• Chemical reactions happen when atoms in compounds rearrange; no
atoms are lost or gained during a chemical reaction.
• In a balanced equation equal numbers of the same kinds of atoms are
on opposite sides of the reaction equation.
. Map
The following concept map is incomplete. You need to describe when you
get reactants and when you get products in a chemical reaction.
. .
1. Why can we not change the subscripts in the formulae of reactants and
products when we want to balance an equation? [2 marks]
This is because it will change the formula of the compound which then
represents a different compound, and not the one involved in the reaction.
2. Write the balanced chemical equation between carbon and oxygen to form
carbon dioxide. [1 mark]
C + O2 →CO2
3. Write the balanced chemical equation between hydrogen and oxygen to
form water. [1 mark]
2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O.
4. Here is a balanced chemical equation:
C + H2 O → CO + H2
Answer the four questions below that relate to this equation: [8 marks]
2 NO + Br2 → 2 NOBr
Complete the table by counting how much of each atom is on each side of
the reaction equation. [6 marks]
Nitrogen (N) 2 2
Oxygen (O) 2 2
Bromine (Br) 2 2
a) 2 H2 O → 2 H2 + O2
b) 2 CO + O2 → 2 CO2
9. Write the following chemical equations as word equations:
[4 x 1 = 4 marks]
a) 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2 O3
b) What does this product look like?
c) 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
d) What does the product look like?
a) iron + oxygen → iron oxide
b) It is a brown rusty coating (rust).
c) magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide
d) It is a white powder.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1.5 weeks
In this chapter learners will again encounter the reactions of selected metals
with oxygen that were used as examples in the previous chapter. In this
chapter, however, there will be a greater focus on the actual reactions - these
should be demonstrated to the class - and the commonalities between them.
Once again, the writing of chemical equations will be scaffolded by the process
of starting with a word equation (macroscopic representation) and progressing
through a picture equation (submicroscopic representation) to end at the
chemical equation (symbolic representation).
The content has also been presented in a slightly different order to CAPS in that
the example reactions are first explored, and then the general reaction of metals
with oxygen is explained, once learners have already seen example chemical
3.4 The formation of rust (1.5 hour)
• What happens when a metal reacts with oxygen?
• What is the product called?
• How can we represent the general reaction between a metal and
• What is a combustion reaction?
• What is rust and how does it form?
• How can iron be made more rust-resistant?
In the previous chapter, we learnt how to write and balance equations. The
three examples we learnt about were:
Magnesium is group 2, iron is group 8 and copper is group 11. This is important
as elements in the same group will react similarly.
In these reactions, the elements that react with oxygen are all metals. If you are
not convinced of this, find them on the Periodic Table below in the front of your
book. Can you see that they are all found in the region occupied by the metals?
Where are metals located on the Periodic Table?
On the left.
. .
The products are: magnesium oxide, iron oxide, copper oxide. They all have
'oxide' in their name.
The metals will react
. The products are all metal oxides. What exactly are metal oxides? As we will
similarly with the other
see later when we draw diagrams and write formulae to represent these
elements in the same group
reactions, they are compounds in which a metal is combined with oxygen, in
as oxygen (group 16).
some fixed ratio.
We are going to look at two of the reactions shown previously in greater detail
in this chapter. Remember that they are not the only reactions of metals with
oxygen; they are just the ones that have been chosen as examples.
First, we will observe the actual reactions. Your teacher will demonstrate, while
you make observations. Afterwards we will write about these reactions using
'scientific language' as we write reaction equations for each one. Before we
start, here is a reminder of something we discussed in Chapter 1.
In the first chapter of Gr. 9 Matter and Materials, we learnt that scientists
interpret chemical reactions on three different levels. Those three levels are:
Check whether you still remember what each level refers to, by completing the
following table.
The macroscopic level.
A metal alloy is a solid
. or more
mixture of two
different metal elements.
Examples are steel and
Steel wool spinning creates interesting photos as the iron Iron shavings look like sparks
burns in oxygen and creates orange sparks. when they burn in the blue
flame of a Bunsen burner.
Your teacher will perform a demonstration in which iron is burned in air. When a
substance burns in air, the reaction is called a combustion reaction. When a
substance combusts in air, it is really reacting with oxygen.
. .
It is recommended that you demonstrate this reaction to the learners, because
of the hazards involved when burning metals.
1. We used steel wool in this demonstration, but what is steel wool mostly
made of?
Steel wool is an alloy made mostly of iron.
Note: The other elements in steel include carbon, manganese, phosphorus,
sulfur, silicon, and traces of oxygen, nitrogen and aluminum. Learners do
not need to know the names of the other elements in steel wool.
2. Look at the metal before it is burned. Describe what it looks like.
Learners' observations may include any of the following: The steel wool
consists of thin threads of iron. It looks like hair made of metal. Depending
on the state of the steel wool, learners may describe it as shiny, or dull grey,
metallic, or even rusty. Encourage creative descriptions.
3. Can you see the oxygen that the metal will react with? Can you describe it?
Oxygen gas can not be seen or directly observed and so it cannot be
4. What do you observe during the reaction? Describe anything you see,
hear, or smell.
• Learners may see the steel wool burning and bright orange sparks
falling. They may even notice some smoke.
If you think the reaction when iron burns in oxygen is spectacular, the next
demonstration will amaze you!
3.2 The reaction of magnesium with oxygen
Your teacher will perform a demonstration in which magnesium is burned in air.
A video showing
Magnesium burns with a bright white flame. magnesium burning in
. .
Write the word equation for the reaction between iron and oxygen and for the
reaction between magnesium and oxygen.
. .
Can you identify the reactants in the above equation? The purple atoms are
magnesium and the oxygen atoms are red. Write down the name and chemical
formula of the product of the reaction.
The product is magnesium oxide (MgO)
The picture is not the same for all reactions of metals with oxygen.
2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
Can you remember what the numbers in front of the formulae in the chemical
equation are called? Can you remember what the numbers inside a chemical
formula are called?
As we have said, the metals in the same group will react in the same way as
each other with oxygen. So, calcium reacts with oxygen in the same way as
magnesium reacts with oxygen. The chemical equations also show similarities.
The chemical equation for the reaction between calcium and oxygen is:
2 Ca + O2 → 2 CaO
A metal oxide has the the general formula MO or M2 O. In the formula, M TAKE NOTE
represents a metal atom and O represents oxygen. We can therefore say that Metal oxides of the types M
metals from Group 2 will react with oxygen and have the following general .
2 O3 and MO2 also occur, but
equation, where M represent a Group 2 metal: we will limit our discussion
to the first two types.
2M + O2 → 2MO
To know whether MO or M2 O will be the correct formula, here are two simple
rules for you to remember:
This is a suggested way to assist learners. to write the formulae. Once learners
have learnt about valencies in Gr. 10-12, they will be able to use this information
to write the formulae of compounds. for now though, this is sufficient.
1. Metal oxides from group 1 on the Periodic Table will have the formula
M2 O.
Can you write two examples? Look at the Periodic Table at the front of the
book, pick any two metals from group 1 and write their formulae using this rule.
Any two of the following: Li2 O, Na2 O, K2 O, Rb2 O, Cs2 O
. .
Iron is from Group 8. Here is the picture equation of the reaction between iron
and oxygen (iron is green and oxygen is red).
Write the chemical equation and word equation for this reaction underneath the
picture equation.
Learners should write the following in line with the respective pictures in the
above diagram:
In the next section, we are going to return to the macroscopic world to see
another example of the reaction between iron and oxygen that you should be
very familiar with - the formation of rust.
3.4 The formation of rust
Do you know what rust is? The pictures below will provide some clues.
Here is a suggested activity for you to show how rust forms. This is not required
by CAPS. It can be set up as a demonstration. You can then compare this
reaction with the one that you did previously where iron was burned in oxygen
in a combustion reaction.
This experiment will require a place where it can remain undisturbed for two or
three days. It may be worth setting up this experiment at the start of this
section. Take note: The test tube may be difficult to clean at the end of this
• test tube
• clamp
• retort stand
• dish
• iron filings
• water .
1. What do the iron filings look like at the start of the experiment?
They are a silvery colour.
2. What are the reactants in this experiment?
Iron and oxygen (and water).
3. Is there something present that is aiding or speeding up the reaction?
The water.
4. What does the product look like at the end of the reaction?
It is a browny, red colour.
. .
Rust is actually a mixture of different oxides of iron, but the Fe2 O3 of our earlier
example is an important part of that. The rusting of iron is actually a good
example of the process of corrosion.
Remind learners of where else they have. heard the term 'corrosive' used before
in Matter and Materials. It is used to describe strong acids and bases which
learners were first introduced to in Gr. 7 Matter and Materials and will look at
again later in this term.
Rusting tends to happen much faster near the ocean. Not only are there water
droplets, but these droplets have salt in them and this makes them even more
corrosive. Rusting also happens more quickly in the presence of acids. Inside
laboratories, or factories where acids are used or stored, the air is also very
corrosive. When the air in a specific area contains moisture mixed with acid or
salt, we refer to the area as having a corrosive climate.
This links to what learners have done in previous grades about the properties of
. .
A building under construction. You can see Steel reinforcement to support a building.
the framework made of steel. As you can see, steel can also rust.
In the next section, we will learn about the different ways in which iron and steel
can be protected against rust.
We would need to put something between the oxygen and iron so they cannot
make contact.
. important for taps in bathrooms and
Ask learners why they think it is especially
basin to be protected from rust. This is because they are in a moist, humid
environment and water makes iron more prone to rust.
2 Zn + O2 → 2 ZnO
iron on the Periodic Table.
This tells us that it does not
Group 12. react the same way as iron
does with oxygen.
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is not a porous oxide, but forms a dense protective layer that
cannot be penetrated by oxygen or water. Iron can be coated with a thin layer
of zinc in a process called galvanising. The zinc layer quickly reacts with
. .
The exposed steel will rust over time.
. Iron that is galvanised is used for many different purposes. You would most
Why do apples turn brown?
probably have seen it being used as galvanised roof panels or other galvanised
building materials, such as screws, nails, pipes, or floors.
If you would like to read more about why apples turn brown to explain this to
your learners in more detail, visit this website:
Key Concepts
• When a metal reacts with oxygen, a metal oxide forms.
• The general equation for this reaction is: metal + oxygen → metal oxide.
• Some metals will react with oxygen when they burn. These reactions are
called combustion reactions. Two examples of combustion reactions
– Iron reacts with oxygen to form iron oxide:
4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2 O3
– Magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide:
2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
• Rust is a form of iron oxide and it forms slowly when iron is exposed to
• Iron can be transformed to steel (an alloy), which is more resistant to
• Rust can be prevented by coating iron surfaces with paint, or with
rust-resistant metals such as chromium or zinc.
. Map
What is the proper name for 'burning'? Fill this into the concept map. Fill in
the examples of the metals that you studied in this chapter. You will have to
look at the products formed to know where to put which one. Lastly, give
two examples of metals that you learnt about in this chapter which do not
. .
1. Read the sentences and fill in the missing words. Write the missing word
on the line below. [9 marks]
a) A chemical reaction where a compound and oxygen react during
burning to form a new product is called a reaction.
b) Magnesium + → magnesium oxide
c) + oxygen → iron oxide
d) copper + oxygen →
e) Another word for iron oxide is .
f) Metal that is covered by a thin layers of zinc and zinc oxide is called
g) The gradual destruction of materials (usually metals) by chemical
reaction with the environment is called .
h) When the air in a specific area contains moisture mixed with acid or
salt, we refer to the area as having a climate.
i) The product of the reaction between a metal and oxygen is called a
a) combustion
b) oxygen
c) Iron
d) copper oxide
e) rust
f) galvanised
g) corrosion
h) corrosive .
i) metal oxide
2. List three materials that can be used to protect iron or steel from
corrosion. [3 marks]
• paint
• chromium
• zinc
3. Complete the table by providing the missing equations for the reaction
between iron and oxygen [4 marks]
Word equation iron + oxygen → iron oxide
Chemical equation 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2 O3
Picture equation
4. Complete the table by providing the missing equations for the reaction
between magnesium and oxygen [4 marks]
Word equation magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide
Chemical equation 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
Picture equation
Picture equation
Picture equation
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1 week
In this chapter learners encounter the reactions of the non-metals, carbon and
sulfur [Note: the internationally accepted spelling is now 'sulfur', not 'sulphur',]
with oxygen. Once again, the translation between word equation, picture
equation and chemical equation is reinforced with exercises and examples.
There are no demonstrations prescribed by CAPS for this chapter, but we have
included colourful photographs to provide learners with some experience of the
splendour of these reactions. Since chemical reactions can seem quite abstract
to learners and learning about them in isolation may seem to them as if it lacks
relevance, we have also attempted to provide some real-world context to the
examples in this chapter.
At the end of the chapter a few additional non-metals and their reactions with
oxygen have been included as enrichment. You may choose to omit these, but
they do highlight an important point, namely that not all non-metals form
non-metal dioxides when they react with oxygen. Since both central examples
of this chapter result in non-metal dioxides (viz. CO2 and SO2 ), one should be
mindful of the possible introduction of a. misconception in this regard.
• What happens when a non-metal and oxygen react?
• What is the product called?
• How should we write equations for the reactions of carbon and sulfur
with oxygen?
• Do all non-metals form dioxides with oxygen?
On the right.
Can you see that it looks similar to the word equation for the reaction between
a metal and oxygen? The only difference is that the word 'metal' has been
replaced with 'non-metal' on both sides of the equation. Non-metal oxides have
different chemical properties to metal oxides. We will learn more about this
later on in the term.
An important chemical difference between. metal and non-metal oxides is that
when metal oxides dissolve in water, they form basic solutions and when
non-metal oxides dissolve in water, they form acidic solution.
Let's look at a few specific examples of reactions in which non-metals react with
oxygen. The first one is one that you are already familiar with, namely the
reaction of carbon and oxygen.
. .
Learners should have encountered the topics
. coal, fossil fuels, renewable and
non-renewable energy sources and electricity generation in previous grades
(specifically in Gr 6 and 7 Energy and Change) and they will also look at it again
next term.
The energy in coal comes from the energy . stored in plants and other organisms
that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. Over the millennia, layers of dead
plants and other biological waste were covered by layers of water and soil. The
heat and pressure from the top layers caused the plant remains to turn into
energy-rich coal.
Coal is a form of carbon and when it burns in oxygen we can represent the
reaction with the following word equation:
In the picture equation here, the black atoms are carbon (C) and the red atoms
are oxygen (O). If learners do not have coloured pens or pencils, they can use
patterns and shading to differentiate between
. different atoms.
The chemical equation is C + O2 → CO2 . This equation is already balanced.
Group 14.
The other elements in the same group as carbon will react in the same way as
carbon with oxygen.
. .
In the next section, we are going to look at the formation of another, less
well-known, non-metal oxide named sulfur dioxide. Which non-metal do you
think reacts with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide? See if you can write down the
formula for sulfur dioxide before we carry on. Here is a hint: What does the di-
in dioxide mean?
The non-metal is Sulfur (S). To write the formula, you may need to guide learners
to realise there are 2 oxygen atoms in one molecule of sulfur dioxide: SO2
sulfur + oxygen →
A video on sulfur burning in The equation should read: sulfur + oxygen → sulfur dioxide
Sulfur burns in oxygen to form sulfur dioxide. Your teacher will not demonstrate
this reaction, because the sulfur dioxide that forms is a poisonous gas that you
and your classmates should not be exposed to.
Sulfur is a yellow substance and it burns Sulfur mining is very dangerous to the
with a blue flame in oxygen. miners who inhale the toxic sulfur dioxide
Sulfur dioxide is sometimes used as a preservative for dried fruits, such as dried
peaches and apricots and the guava rolls that so many of us love to eat. The
fact that it is toxic means that very small quantities of it can be added to food
to preserve it. In very small quantities SO2 does not permanently harm a large
organism such as a human being, but bacteria cannot survive when it is present.
Sulfur dioxide is also an important preservative in many South African wines.
Dried fruit, such as apricots, are preserved Many South African wines are preserved
with sulfur dioxide. with sulfur dioxide.
You wrote the word equation for the reaction between sulfur and oxygen
above. Did you write the following?
. .
The picture equation for the reaction is shown below. Colours are not important
as long as all atoms of the same element have the same colour. In our example,
the sulfur atoms are yellow and the oxygen atoms are red. Chemists have
evidence that the actual shape of the SO2 molecule is not linear; in other words,
the atoms do not all lie in a straight line as they do in CO2 . Rather, the SO2
molecule is believed to have a bent shape, as it appears in the picture equation.
Since the explanation for this shape requires some understanding of bonding
models, which are beyond the scope of this . level of the curriculum, we
recommend that you do not 'go there', but accept 'linear' drawings of the SO2
molecule as correct.
8. Use play dough or clay to build models of the reactants and products of
the reaction. This is what your starting reactants could look like:
And then they must rearrange the atoms to form the product as shown here:
You can also repeat this exercise with the other reactions covered so far.
1. Challenge question: How many bonds were broken and how many bonds
were formed during this reaction?
1 bond was broken (between the oxygen atoms) and 2 bonds were formed
(1 between each of the oxygen atoms and the sulfur atom)
This is an extension question.
4.4 Other non-metal oxides
. cover this
You might not
Important note: This is not required by CAPS but is offered as enrichment. section in class as it is an
. .
Get learners to discuss this for a moment. You may want to ask if water (H2 O) is
a non-metal oxide. Point out that hydrogen (H) is a non-metal and that water
should be a non-metal oxide. Is it a dioxide? No, because it contains only one
oxygen. This is important in highlighting how the non-metals in different groups
react differently with oxygen.
Not all non-metal oxides are dioxides, as the following examples show.
Video on phosphorus Ask your learners this question to see what they can remember. Compounds
burning in oxygen that are reactive will readily react with many other substances.
When phosphorus reacts with oxygen the chemical equation for the reaction is
the following:
4 P + 5 O2 → 2 P2 O5
How many phosphorus atoms are in P2 O5 ? How many oxygen atoms are in
P 2 O5 ?
There are 2 phosphorus and 5 oxygen atoms.
What is the systematic name of the product of this reaction? (If you are unsure
how to name it, sneak a peek at the first chapter!)
Diphosphorus pentoxide
phosphorus + oxygen → diphosphorus pentoxide
Our final example is a compound that you should be very familiar with!
A slow motion video of a
hydrogen-filled balloon
exploding in air
. take note of the safety precautions.
If you choose to demonstrate this in class,
This is a very explosive reaction and everyone present should wear safety
Can you complete the following chemical equation? The reaction is between
hydrogen and oxygen. Write the product where it belongs.
2 H2 + O2 →
2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2 O. You can also get learners to practice rearranging the atoms
with this equation, making sure they have a balanced equation.
What is the common name of the product of this reaction? What is the
systematic name of the product of this reaction? (If you are unsure how to
name it, sneak a peek at the first chapter!)
The common name is water and the systematic name is dihydrogen monoxide.
. .
In this chapter we learnt about some of the reactions between non-metals and
oxygen. Some of the skills that we practised during this chapter were: writing
equations (word, picture and chemical equations) and naming compounds.
Key Concepts
• Non-metals react with oxygen to form non-metal oxides.
• The non-metal and oxygen gas (O2 ) are the reactants in this type of
reaction, and a non-metal oxide is the product.
• The reactions of carbon and sulfur with oxygen are examples of
non-metals reacting with oxygen.
• Carbon and sulfur both form dioxides with oxygen, but this is not true
of all non-metals.
. Map
Complete the concept map below. What will you fill in for the products when
the two different non-metals react with oxygen during combustion?
1. Fill in the missing words in these sentences. Write the word on the line
below. [5 marks]
a) A substance that will react readily with many other substances is
called a substance.
b) Substances that do not react with other substances and do not
change into other compounds are called or
c) When a non-metal reacts with oxygen the product of the reaction is a
d) When a compound reacts with oxygen, we say it has become
a) reactive
b) unreactive or inert
c) non-metal oxide
d) oxidised
. .
C + O2 → CO2
Chemical equation
Picture equation
S + O2 → SO2
Chemical equation
Picture equation
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1 week
In this chapter, learners are introduced to the pH scale and learn how to measure
and interpret pH values. There are two activities around pH measurement in this
chapter: One is a paper activity and one is an investigation using indicators.
There is an introductory activity on measurement - this helps to link this content
to what learners might be doing in other subjects, such as Mathematics and
Technology, and also to what they already know about measurement.
The investigation uses universal indicator paper and red cabbage paper to
measure the pH of a selection of household products. If you do not have
universal indicator paper, but have universal indicator solution, you could easily
adapt the activity in the following way: Instead of using paper, learners should
add 2 - 3 drops of universal indicator solution to their test solutions, note and
record the resulting colours. Red cabbage solution can also be used instead of
paper. It would be best to add approximately 1 ml of each test solution to 2 ml
portions of the red cabbage water.
To make red cabbage indicator paper, follow the instructions below:
1. Cut a large red cabbage into thin slices and place it in a pot.
2. Add just enough water to cover the cabbage slices.
3. Boil it over low heat for approximately 30 minutes, adding water to keep
the cabbage covered if necessary.
4. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool completely.
5. Strain the juice off the cabbage slices into a large shallow dish. The boiled
cabbage slices can be eaten (or placed in the compost).
6. Place sheets of absorbent paper (kitchen towel, coffee filters or filter
paper) in the cabbage water.
7. After 30 minutes, remove the paper and leave it in a warm place to dry.
You can also dry the paper with a hair dryer, but do not leave it in direct
8. When the paper has completely dried, cut it into strips (approximately 1
cm wide). The strips will keep for a long time if stored in a dry place.
The time indicated for this chapter is 1 week and so a suggested 1.5 hours has
been allocated to each section. However, as there are only two key tasks in this
chapter, you might progress through it at a faster rate than 1 week, and then
move onto the next chapter dealing with the reactions of acids with bases,
which requires more time.
5.1 What is the pH value? (1.5 hours)
• What measurement can we use to decide whether something is an acid
or a base?
• What does 'the pH scale' refer to?
• How can we measure the pH of a substance?
• What does it mean if a substance has a pH below 7?
• What does it mean if a substance has a pH above 7?
• What does it mean when a substance has a pH equal to 7?
• How does a universal indicator respond to substances that are acidic,
basic, or neutral?
5.1 What is the pH value?
In Grade 7 we learnt about acids and bases. Can you remember how to
distinguish between them? Here is a table that highlights the main
characteristics of acids and bases.
Acids Bases
Taste sour Taste bitter
Feel rough between Feel slippery
your fingers between your fingers
Can be corrosive Can be corrosive
Can make bases lose Can make acids lose
their basic character their acidic character
Turn blue litmus red Turn red litmus blue
. .
Finally, we learnt that there are substances that we can use that will show
whether we have an acid or a base. Can you remember what they were called?
Hint: They indicate, or show, whether we have an acid or base.
This section briefly creates the link between what learners might have done in
other subjects and in previous grades about
. measurement and scales, especially
Mathematics. It is used to show that many things can be measured and is used
to introduce the idea of measuring how acidic or basic a substance is, as before
this we only ever classified a substance as an acid or a base and did not make
reference to a scale.
What would you measure with each of the measuring instruments below?
Mass. Make sure learners do not say 'weight'. This is a misconception.
These measuring beakers
The thermometer
A thermometer.
. .
18.5 cm
The unit is a very important part of the measurement because it shows the
relative size of the measurement. If you said: "The pencil is 18.5 long", people
would not be sure if you meant centimeters, millimeters, or even meters!
What unit would you use to measure the length of your classroom?
Meter (m). Centimeter is also acceptable. What learners need to realise is that
the unit needs to be made explicit.
kilogram (kg)
degrees Celsius (°C)
Get learners to discuss this in class for a .few minutes. Perhaps they have seen
adverts on TV claiming that a certain brand of shampoo or skin soap is 'pH
balanced'. Ask them what they think this means.
Perhaps you have heard of a certain shampoo being 'pH balanced', or a skin
soap that is 'neutral'. Perhaps you have heard that it is important for the water
in a swimming pool to have 'the right pH'?
In the next activity, we are going to get to know the pH scale a little better.
. .
The pH scale.
1. Which of the substances in the table at the start of this chapter can you
find on the pH scale above? Write their names and approximate pH values
in the table below.
2. Circle the names of all the acids in the table above with a red pen or koki.
Learners should circle orange juice, lemon juice and gastric acid in red.
3. Write the lowest and highest pH values of these acids. This represents the
pH range of the acids on our list.
Lowest value: 1 (gastric acid); Highest value: 3 (orange juice)
4. Does this range lie below or above pH 7?
Below 7 .
5. Circle the names of all the bases in the table above with a blue pen or koki
on the pH scale above.
Learners should circle bicarbonate of soda, soapy water, bleach and
ammonia solution in blue.
6. Write the lowest and highest pH values of these bases below. This
represents the pH range of the bases on our list.
Lowest value: 9 (baking soda); Highest value: 13 (bleach)
7. Does this range lie below or above pH 7?
Above 7
8. Find water on the scale and circle it with a green pen or koki. Is water an
acid or a base? Or is it perhaps something else?
Water is neither an acid nor a base. Water is a neutral substance.
9. What is the pH of water?
Water has a pH equal to 7.
10. Which do you think is more acidic: orange juice or lemon juice? If you are
not sure, ask yourself this question: Which one is more sour?
Lemon juice is more acidic.
11. Which one has the lower pH: orange juice or lemon juice?
Lemon juice has a lower pH. .
We saw in the activity that lemon juice, which is more sour than orange juice,
. .
Here is a summary:
5.2 Indicators
What is an acid-base-indicator?
We know that some substances change colour when they react with an acid or
a base. These substances are called acid-base indicators, which can show us if a
substance is an acid or a base.
In Grade 7 we made and indicator from red cabbage and even made some red
cabbage indicator paper. Can you find red cabbage water on the table above?
In acids, the red cabbage water will turn red or pink. In neutral solutions it will
be purple or violet. Which colours will the red cabbage indicator be when it is
mixed with a base?
When you look at the table above and you compare the information given for
red cabbage water with the picture below, the colour changes you observed in
the red cabbage water (in Grade 7) will make sense!
Red cabbage water mixed with base (left) and with acid (right). The blue drop at the top VISIT
is the juice in a neutral solution (water). .
Cabbage juice indicator
You may recall that we also learnt about litmus, the most widely used of all
acid-base indicators. Can you find litmus on the table of indicators?
Litmus does not change colour in the presence of a neutral substance, but
responds to acids and bases in the following way:
By changing to different
colours in the presence of an
acid or a base, indicators can
show us if a substance is an
acid or a base. In the next
section we are going to learn
about a special indicator that is
so sensitive that it not only tells
us whether a substance is an
acid or a base, but also what its
approximate pH is! Blue and red litmus paper
. .
Universal indicator can have many different colours, from red for strong acids to dark
purple for strong bases. The liquid inside the middle test tube is neutral (pH = 7) and this
is shown by the green colour of the indicator.
What do you think the answer to the investigative question is? You should try
to make a prediction.
Learners should make their own prediction/hypothesis.
. .
Soda water
Vinegar .
Lemon juice
Sugar water
Baking soda
Handy Andy
Dishwashing liquid
1. Sequence the substances that you tested according to the colour change
of the universal indicator, from the most acidic (darkest red) to the most
basic (purple).
The answer here depends on the results and the substances used.
. .
Universal indicators give a
range of colours that can be
. the pH of
used to determine
a solution. Litmus paper can
only indicate whether a
solution is acidic, neutral or
pH indicators made from edible substances.
What other quick and easy ways are there to measure pH?
A portable pH meter.
A pH meter is an electronic instrument with a special sensor at the end that is
sensitive to acids and bases. This is more accurate than the universal indicator.
Help the scientist to read the pH of the solutions in the photos and classify them
as acidic, neutral or basic!
In this chapter we have learnt about the pH scale. We have also learnt how to
make pH measurements and how to interpret pH values.
Key Concepts
• When we want to decide whether a solution (in water) is acidic or basic,
we can measure its pH.
• One of the ways pH can be measured, is with an acid-base indicator,
such as universal indicator.
• An acid-base indicator is a substance that changes its colour depending
on the pH of the solution that it is added to.
• The pH scale ranges between 1 and 14:
– Acids have pH values lower than 7;
– Bases have pH values higher than 7; and
– Neutral substances have pH values approximately equal to 7.
• How acidic or basic a solution is, depends on its relative pH value:
– The more acidic a solution is, the closer its pH value will be to 0;
– The more basic a solution is, the closer its pH value will be to 14.
. Map
What can you use to determine whether a substance is an acid, base or
neutral? Fill this in on the concept map. Finally, complete it by completing
the information for the universal indicator. Fill in acid, base or neutral,
depending on the colours listed.
. .
1. Fill in the missing words in these sentences. Write the word on the line
below. [6 marks]
0; 14
c) have pH values less than 7.
d) Bases have pH values ranging between .
7 and 14
e) substances have pH values approximately equal to 7.
3. In the following picture, the three beakers contain three different solutions.
Red cabbage water was added to each of the beakers. Answer the
following questions. [4 x 2 = 8 marks]
Use the results in the table and the colour guide for universal indicator
underneath the table, to answer the following questions:
a) Which solutions are acidic? Write their labels below. [2 marks]
A, F and D
b) Which solutions are basic? Write their labels below. [2 marks]
B and E
c) Which solution is neutral? Write its label below. [2 marks]
d) Arrange the solutions in order from most acidic to most basic in the
table below. Also write the colour and the approximate pH range of
each solution in the table. [6 marks]
F Orange 4-5
A Yellow 5-6
C Green 7
B Blue 8 - 10
E Purple 11 - 14
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
2 weeks
The central challenge of this chapter is to establish that acid-base reactions are
exchange reactions. A fragment of the acid is exchanged with a fragment of the
base and a salt and water are the resulting products of the reaction. The type of
salt that forms depends on the identities of the acid and the base that were
combined during the reaction.
In light of the fact that learners have yet to learn about cations and anions, we
have considered it pedagogically justifiable to make the following
simplifications to currently accepted acid-base theory, in order to bring the
concept of exchange across to the learners:
We are well aware that writing H + OH → H2 O has no meaning in science and for
this reason we have avoided this usage in the text. But we do consider the use
of simplified symbols (H instead of H and so forth) to have an advantage over
their scientifically correct (but potentially confusing) counterparts in this
There is also a danger that misconceptions and sloppy usage of symbols may
result further down the line, when simplifying in this way. However, we feel
these risks are counterbalanced by the greater likelihood of learners
understanding the concept of exchange if the symbols they work with are not
cluttered with additional information - like the charges on the ions - that have
no meaning for them yet.
Our suggestion is that you simply refrain from calling salts 'neutral substances'.
If questions arise around the issue you could point out that the salts they will
encounter in this chapter may be neutral substances, but that this is not true of
all salts.
6.2 The general reaction of an acid with a metal oxide (1.5 hours)
Tasks Skills Recommendation
Investigation: The Hypothesising,
reaction between preparing, observing, CAPS suggested
magnesium oxide and measuring, recording,
hydrochloric acid plotting graphs
Activity: Writing the Writing and balancing Optional (Suggested)
chemical equation chemical equations
6.3 The general reaction of an acid with a metal hydroxide (1.5 hours)
. .
• What is the reaction between an acid and a base called?
• What happens to the pH when an acid and a base are mixed?
• Does the reaction between an acid and a base always give a neutral
mixture, in other words a mixture with pH = 7?
• Which factors will determine the pH of the final solution when an acid
and a base are mixed?
• Is there a way to predict which classes of compounds will tend to be
acids and which will tend to be bases?
• Are metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates acidic or
basic? Which pH range will their solutions fall into?
• What products can we expect when a metal oxide, a metal hydroxide
or a metal carbonate react with an acid?
• Are there general equations to explain these reactions?
• How does acid rain form?
6.1 Neutralisation and pH
In the previous chapter we learnt about a new concept, namely pH. If we want
to know whether something is an acid or a base, we can measure its pH:
• Acids have pH values below 7. The lower the pH value, the more strongly
acidic the substance.
• Bases have pH values above 7. The higher the pH value, the more strongly
basic the substance.
• Neutral substances have pH equal to 7.
Another useful thing we learnt in the previous chapter is that we can use
universal indicator to measure the pH of a solution. Universal indicator has
different colours at different pH values. Below is a colour chart showing the
range of colours for universal indicator and the pH values they correspond to.
You will need it for all the activities of this chapter, because we are going to do
lots of pH measurements!
1. Before you start, place 1-cm lengths of universal indicator paper on a sheet
of white paper, like this:
Later, if you want to write down a note or an observation, you can do so directly
on the paper and copy it to your workbook afterwards.
2. Instead of dipping the paper in the solutions you are testing, use a glass
rod or drinking straw to transfer a drop of the test solution to the indicator
For some of the investigations in this chapter, you will be using droppers or
syringes to measure out quantities. Tell learners that they may not use droppers
or syringes to squirt water at other learners! There are many reasons why this is
not a good idea. The most important reason is that the dropper or syringe may
contain acid, that could end up in someone's eye where it could cause
permanent damage or even blindness. So, squirting each other with the
droppers or syringes is not allowed.
What is neutralisation?
What do you think would happen if we mixed an acid and a base?
. .
It would taste sour, therefore it is an acid.
Is baking soda an acid or a base? If you are not sure, turn back to the previous
chapter and look at the activity 'The pH scale'.
Baking soda is a base.
Quantities for this investigation are as follows:
. Every 1 g of baking soda will
require approximately 15 ml of vinegar for complete neutralisation. We
recommend that you measure out 1 teaspoon of baking soda and approximately
50 ml vinegar for each group.
• baking soda .
• vinegar
• water
• glass beaker or small yoghurt tub
• universal indicator paper (cut into 1 cm strips)
• sheet of white printer paper
• plastic teaspoon
1. Prepare the universal indicator paper by neatly placing five 1-cm pieces
underneath each other on the sheet of paper.
2. Place one teaspoon of baking soda in the beaker or yoghurt tub.
3. Add approximately 10 teaspoons of water to the baking soda.
4. Use the teaspoon to stir the solution until all the baking soda has dissolved.
We will be calling this the 'test solution' from now on.
5. Transfer one drop of the test solution to the first piece of universal
indicator paper using the teaspoon or a straw.
6. Compare the colour of the paper with the colour guide given at the start of
the chapter, to find the pH of the solution. Record this pH in your results
7. Add 1 teaspoon of the vinegar to the test solution. Stir it gently and transfer
another drop of the solution to a fresh strip of the universal indicator.
8. Read the pH of the solution off the colour guide and record it in your
results table.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the pH of the test solution drops below 7. You
may need more than 5 pieces of universal indicator paper.
. .
Present your results in a neat table. Use appropriate headings for your table.
'Number of teaspoons of vinegar added' and 'Colour of the universal indicator
paper' and 'pH of the test solution' are suggested headings for your columns.
Draw a line graph to illustrate your results. What will be on the x-axis and what
will be on the y-axis? Give your graph a heading.
Learners must draw a graph with the 'number of teaspoons of vinegar added'
on the x-axis (independent variable) and the pH of the solution on the y-axis
(dependent variable).
What conclusions can be made from the results of your investigation? Here you
can rewrite your hypothesis, but change it to reflect your findings if they are
different from what you predicted earlier.
In this investigation, you probably noticed that the pH of the mixture dropped
every time you added more vinegar to the baking soda! Why did this happen?
When an acid and a base are mixed (in the right amounts), they will neutralise
each other. That means that, together, they will change into something that is
neither an acid nor a base. So, the acid will lose its 'acidity' and the base will
lose its 'basicity'.
What have we learnt so far? We have learnt that acids and bases neutralise
each other:
What are the products of an acid-base reaction? Can we predict what they will
AB + CD → AD + CB
Can you see that A and C have exchanged partners so that A is now combined
with D, while C combined with B?
Example 1
or, in words:
Example 2
or, in words:
. .
These acids are very corrosive, even when they have been diluted with water
and should always be handled with great care.
What happens if you put a
burger in concentrated
hydrochloric acid? (video)
In the next sections will discuss the classes of substances that are typically acids
or bases. Two important things to remember are the following:
• Non-metal oxides form acidic solutions when they are dissolved in water.
• Metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates all form basic
solutions when they are dissolved in water.
CO2 and SO2
CO2 + H2 O → H2 CO3
A variation of this activity is if you have liquid universal indicator, you can add it
to the tap water at the start to show the. pH is 7 (it should be green). Then as
you blow into the water, the universal indicator will change colour. Make sure
you use a clear glass so learners can observe the colour change as it becomes
more yellow. This links to the next activity on acid rain and how it forms.
• tap water
• glass
• straw
• indicator paper
1. If you measure the pH of the solution now, you will see that it has
decreased! What do you think the pH will be?
The pH will be below 7.
. .
When sulfur dioxide (a gas) is bubbled through water it dissolves in the water to
form an acid called sulfurous acid:
SO2 + H2 O → H2 SO3
These are two of the reactions that produce a phenomenon called acid rain.
SO2 and CO2 are released as waste products from factories and power stations.
For example, burning wood and fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and sulfur
dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases then dissolve in water droplets in the
atmosphere to form acids, in a similar way that the CO2 in your breath dissolved
in the water in the last activity to produce an acidic solution. When it rains,
these acids are present in the raindrops that fall back to earth. Sulfurous acid
(H2 SO3 ) is strong enough to damage plant life and to acidify water sources.
Acid rain forms when CO2 and SO2 from A forest that has been destroyed by acid
factories and other air pollutants combine rain.
with water in the atmosphere.
For the next activity, you have to do some research on acid rain.
1. Which three gases are shown in the diagram that contribute to the
formation of acid rain? Write their names and formulae.
They are sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and nitrogen dioxide
(NO2 ).
2. What are some of the sources of these gases? You can do some extra
reading about this to help you answer . this question.
The main sources of these gases which contribute to acid rain are from
human activity, such as electricity generation in fossil fuel power plants
(especially coal), factories emitting smoke and the exhaust fumes from
motor vehicles. Acid rain can also occur due to natural phenomena, such as
volcanoes which emit sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Some processes
in the ocean and in wetlands also produce the gases which form acids.
3. Write the equations for how two of these gases which you have learnt
about react with the water in the atmosphere to form acids.
SO2 + H2 O → H2 SO3
CO2 + H2 O → H2 CO3
4. What are the names of these two acids?
Sulphurous acid and carbonic acid.
5. What are some of the environmental impacts of acid rain? Study the
diagram for some clues and do some extra reading.
The impacts include:
• damage of plant life, both wilderness areas and also crops, depending
on where the rain falls
• the rain leaches into soil and makes it more acidic; this kills
microorganisms living in the soil, damages plants further by
contaminating soil water
• the rain can fall into various water sources and also run off into water
sources such as rivers, lakes and dams; this causes the water to
become more acidic; aquatic animals and plants can die; human water
sources become too acidic as well
6. Acid rain can also damage buildings as it 'eats away' the stone. What
property of acids allow it to do this?
Acids are corrosive and so they can corrode surfaces over time.
. .
We have now learnt about non-metal oxides, but what about metal oxides?
What kind of solutions do they form in water? We will find out more about them
and other metal compounds in the next section.
1. Metal oxides from group 1 on the Periodic Table will have the formula M
2 O, where M stands for any metal in group 1.
Can you write two examples? Look at the Periodic Table at the front of the
book, pick any two metals from group 1 and write their formulae using this rule.
Any two of the following: Li2 O, Na2 O, K2 O, Rb2 O, Cs2 O
2. Metal oxides from group 2 will have the formula MO, where M stands for
any metal in group 2.
The pH will be above 7.
The next class of compounds that form basic solutions in water are the metal
Metal hydroxides
A metal hydroxide forms when a metal reacts with water. A metal hydroxide
has the general formula MOH or M(OH)2 . In the formula, M represents a metal
atom, O represents an oxygen atom and H represents a hydrogen atom.
To know whether the MOH or M(OH)2 will be the correct formula, here are two
simple rules for you to remember:
1. Metal hydroxides from group 1 on the Periodic Table will have the
formula MOH.
Can you write two examples? Look at the Periodic Table at the front of the
book, pick any two metals from group 1 and write their formulae using this rule.
Any two of the following: LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH.
Any two of the following: Be(OH)2 , Mg(OH)2 , Ca(OH)2 , Sr(OH)2 , Ba(OH)2 .
The pH will be above 7.
. .
Metal carbonates
A metal carbonate has the general formula MCO3 or M2 CO3 . In the formula, M
represents a metal atom, C represents a carbon atom and O represents an
oxygen atom.
To know whether the MCO3 or M2 CO3 will be the correct formula, there are two
simple rules to remember:
1. Metal carbonates from group 1 on the Periodic Table will have the
formula M2 CO3 .
Any two of the following: Li2 CO3 , Na2 CO3, K2 CO3 ,Rb2 CO3 , Cs2 CO3 .
Any two of the following: BeCO3 , MgCO3 , CaCO3 , SrCO3 , BaCO3 .
The pH will be above 7
In the previous section we learnt about two classes of oxides, namely metal
oxides and non-metal oxides. Here is what we know about them so far:
• Metal oxides are formed from the reaction between a metal and oxygen.
Metal oxides are basic. When we dissolve them in water, they form
solutions with pH values above 7.
• Non-metal oxides are formed from the reaction between a non-metal and
oxygen. Non-metal oxides are acidic. When they dissolve in water, they
form solutions with pH values below 7.
Here is the same summary, in table form, with some examples added:
basic acidic
pH > 7 pH < 7
In this section, we are going to learn about the reactions between metal oxides
and acids.
This investigation requires magnesium oxide from the reaction when
magnesium ribbon burns in oxygen. If you . have set some aside from the earlier
activity 'The reaction of magnesium with oxygen' (Chapter 3), learners can use it
for this investigation. If you did not, you. can easily repeat that demonstration to
produce more white magnesium oxide powder for this next investigation. This
investigation is also suitable to scale up as a demonstration.
. .
What are the questions you hope to answer with this investigation? Write them
in the space below. There are a few words to start you off.
. .
1. Present your results in a table. You should prepare this beforehand. Use
appropriate headings for your table. 'Number of drops of HCl added' and
'Colour of the universal indicator paper' and 'pH of the test solution' are
suggested headings for your columns.
Learner-dependent answer
2. Draw a graph of your results. Here are some hints to help you decide
which variable to put on which axis:
a) What is your independent variable? (Which variable did you change?)
This goes on the x-axis.
Number of drops of HCl
b) What is your dependent variable? (Which variable did you measure?)
This goes on the y-axis.
The number of drops of HCl should be on the x-axis of the graph and pH should
be on the y-axis. There should be a general trend downwards (since acid is
added to a base, we can expect the pH to drop), but it should not be linear. This
experiment is a very rudimentary 'titration' and an example of a titration curve
from this experiment is given here:
It is therefore not expected that learners' curves will be linear, but rather that
there will be a gradual decline in pH at first, followed by a rapid drop when all
the base has been neutralised. After this the curve levels out again.
What conclusions can be made from the results of your investigation? Rewrite
your hypothesis, but change it to reflect your findings if they are different from
what you predicted earlier.
The general word equation for the reaction between an acid and a base is:
This is the general word equation for the reaction between an acid and a metal
oxide. The type of salt that forms will depend on the specific acid and metal
oxide which were used in the reaction.
1. The acid of our reaction was hydrochloric acid. Write its chemical formula.
2. What is the name and formula of the metal oxide we used?
Magnesium oxide (MgO) .
3. Now,let's try to predict the products of the reaction. We know that water
will be one of the products.
4. Write what remains of the base (MgO) after we have taken away the O (to
make water).
5. Write what remains of the acid (HCl) after we have taken away the H (to
make water). (Remember we need two H to make one H2 O).
2 Cl (we used 2 HCl)
. .
Now, let's put it all together, first the reactants, then the products:
Since the numbers of each type of atom is the same on either side of the
equation, we can confirm that it is balanced.
Finally, let's use the chemical equation to write a word equation for the reaction:
In the next section we are going to look at the reactions between acids and
metal hydroxides.
We will start this section with an investigation to illustrate the reaction between
an acid and a metal hydroxide.
Notes for the investigation:
• The same cautions regarding droppers and syringes apply to this activity.
You will need to enforce very strict. rules for handling these items or
learners may find the temptation to squirt water at each other very difficult
to resist.
• Remember to provide learners with a colour guide for universal indicator, if
you have this.
• Remind learners to draw a results table before they start the experiment.
1. What are the questions you hope to answer with this investigation? Write
them below. You may use the previous . investigation (of the reaction
between magnesium oxide and hydrochloric acid) as guideline.
Here are some ideas:
• When sodium hydroxide is dissolved in water, will the resulting
solution be acidic, basic or neutral?
• When a solution of sodium hydroxide is treated with hydrochloric acid,
will the pH of the mixture increase, decrease or stay the same?
• Will it be possible to neutralise all the sodium hydroxide by adding
hydrochloric acid?
. .
Prepare 0.1 M NaOH solution by dissolving. approximately 4 g of NaOH pellets in
1 liter of cold tap water. Wear safety goggles and gloves since there is a chance
the sodium hydroxide solution could splash up.
. .
Instructions for preparation are given with the previous investigation: The
reaction between magnesium oxide and hydrochloric acid
9. If you are quite sure that all the base has been neutralised by the acid (the
pH should be 7 and the universal indicator paper should have turned
green), pour the test solution into a small glass beaker and leave it in the
window sill for a few days. Remember to come back to it later to see what
has happened to it.
NaCl forms in this reaction and the idea .is for learners to let it dry out in the
window sill and examine it later. It is probably not a good idea to let them taste
it, as there is a possibility that not all of the acid or base has been neutralised.
1. Present your results in a neat table. Use appropriate headings for your
learner-dependent answer
What conclusions can be made from the results of your investigation? Here you
can rewrite your hypothesis, but change it to reflect your findings if they are
different from what you predicted earlier.
. .
The base in our reaction was a metal hydroxide, so the general equation
This is the general equation for the reaction between an acid and a metal
hydroxide. The type of salt that forms will depend on the specific acid and
metal hydroxide which were used in the reaction.
1. The acid of our reaction was hydrochloric acid. Write its chemical formula.
2. What is the name and formula of the metal hydroxide we used?
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
3. Now,let's try to predict the products of the reaction. We know that water
will be one of the products.
4. Write what remains of the base after . we have taken away the OH to make
5. Write what remains of the acid after we have taken away the H to make
water. Remember we need two H to make one H2 O, but NaOH has already
contributed one O and one H. Now put the two fragments together. Place
the metal from the base first and the non-metal from the acid. One Na and
one Cl makes...
6. Now, let's put it all together, in the following order: Acid + metal hydroxide
→ salt + water
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2 O
Finally, let's use the chemical equation to write a word equation for the reaction:
In the next section we are going to look at the reactions between acids and
metal carbonates.
In this section we will investigate the reaction between an acid and a metal
. .
Grind up a few pieces of white chalk for this experiment. The calcium carbonate
will not actually dissolve well in water, but
. it should be possible to determine
that the solution is basic, from the tiny amount of calcium carbonate that will
dissolve when the chalk dust is suspended in water.
Learners will need their colour charts and results tables before they start.
1. What are the questions you hope to answer with this investigation? Write
them on the lines below. You may use . your previous investigations as a
Some ideas:
• When calcium carbonate is dissolved in water, will the resulting
solution be acidic, basic or neutral?
• When a solution of calcium carbonate is treated with hydrochloric acid,
will the pH of the mixture increase, decrease or stay the same?
• Will it be possible to neutralise all the calcium carbonate by adding
hydrochloric acid? (Be careful not to introduce misconceptions here)
• What other products will form when calcium carbonate reacts with
hydrochloric acid?
Carbon dioxide, CO2
. .
• 2 into another conical flask containing lime water (see diagram below). The
CO2 gas should be poured out. Shake the conical flask containing the lime
water and CO2 to facilitate mixing. Allow the learners to make their
observations.2 is denser than air and will remain in the conical flask for a
few minutes before diffusing into the air. It is during this time that you
should pour it over into the lime water. Be careful not to let any of the test
solution flow over into the clear lime water. Only the CO
Alternatively, you could use a setup like the one shown in the diagram below:
1. Present your results in a neat table. Use appropriate headings for your
table. Suggested headings for your columns are as follows:
What conclusions can be made from the results of your investigation? Here you
can rewrite your hypothesis, but change it to reflect your findings if they are
different from what you predicted earlier.
A video showing the
Now that we have investigated a reaction between a metal carbonate (CaCO3 ) .
reaction between metal
and an acid (HCl), we can write an equation for the reaction. We will begin by
carbonates and acids
writing a general equation and end with one that matches the reaction that we
have just investigated.
But wait, there was a third product in our reaction! Can you remember what it
was? (Hint: Bubbles formed, so it was a gas.)
We need to make it clear that CO2 was a product of the reaction, so the correct
general word equation would be:
The type of salt that forms will depend on the specific acid and metal carbonate
which were used in the reaction.
. .
1. The acid of our reaction was hydrochloric acid. Can you write its chemical
2. What is the name and formula of the metal carbonate we used?
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3 )
3. Now,let's try to predict the products of the reaction. We know that water
and carbon dioxide will be two of the products.
4. Write what remains of the base after we have taken away the CO3 to make
CO2 and leave one O to make water.
5. Write what remains of the acid after we have taken away the H to make
water. Remember we need two H to make one H2 O and CaCO3 has only
contributed one O.
2 HCl are needed, so 2 Cl will remain.
6. Now put the two fragments together. Place the metal from the base first
and the non-metal from the acid Ca and 2 Cl makes...
7. Now, let's put it all together, first the reactants, then the products:
2 HCl + CaCO3 → CaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Finally, let's use the chemical equation to write a word equation for the reaction:
Calcium carbonate is also the main part of shells of various marine organisms,
snails, pearls, oysters and bird eggshells. It is also found in the exoskeletons of
crustaceans (such as crabs, prawns and lobsters).
Calcium carbonate also has many applications. In industry, the main application
is in construction as it is used in various building materials and in cement.
Calcium carbonate is used in many adhesives, paints and in ceramics. It is also
used in swimming pools to adjust the pH. When do you think it would be
added? If the pool was too acidic and you wanted to make it more basic, or if
the pool was too basic and you wanted to make it more acidic?
CaCO3 forms a basic solution in water so it is used if the pH is too low (too
acidic) and you want to make the pool water more basic.
. .
Key Concepts
• The reaction of an acid with a base is called a neutralisation reaction.
• When an acid (pH < 7) is added to a base (pH > 7), the pH of the resulting
mixture will lie somewhere between that of the acid and the base. Even
though the acid and base will be neutralised, the resulting solution will
not necessarily be neutral.
• Some common laboratory acids are sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ), nitric acid
(HNO3 ) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).
• Non-metal oxides tend to form acidic solutions when they dissolve in
water. These solutions will have pH values below 7.
• Metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates form basic
solutions in water; these will have pH values above 7.
• When a metal oxide, or a metal hydroxide reacts with an acid, a salt and
water form as products.
• When a metal carbonate reacts with an acid, a salt, water and carbon
dioxide form as products.
• The general word equations for the reactions of this chapter are the
– acid + metal oxide → salt + water
– acid + metal hydroxide → salt + water
– acid + metal carbonate → salt + water + carbon dioxide
. Map
Complete the concept map by filling in the blank spaces..
1. Fill in the missing words in these sentences. Write the word on the line
below. [10 marks]
a) To know if something is an acid or a base, we measure its
b) The name of the laboratory acid with the formula H2 SO4 , is
sulfuric acid
c) The formula of the laboratory acid named hydrochloric acid, is
d) When a metal oxide reacts with an , a salt and water will
be formed.
e) When a metal hydroxide reacts with an acid, a salt and will
be formed.
f) When a metal carbonate reacts with an acid, a salt, water and
will be formed.
carbon dioxide
g) Metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates all dissolve in
water, forming solutions. This means the solutions will
have pH values than 7..
basic; greater
h) The reaction of an acid with a base is called a reaction.
i) Non-metal oxides tend to form solutions when they
dissolve in water.
. .
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
0.5 week
This is a short chapter to conclude the series of reactions that learners will have
been exposed to this term. The last reactions to look at are those between an
acid and a metal. At the end of this chapter, there is a short activity on some of
the careers in the chemical industry. Although this is not for assessment
purposes, if you do not have time to do it in class, we encourage you to
encourage or get your learners to do it as a homework activity. Seeing the real
world application for what they learn in the classroom is a very important part
of the learning process and in discovering what is possible through science and
7.1 The reaction of an acid with a metal (1.5 hours)
• What do we get when a metal reacts with an acid?
• What is the general equation for the reaction between a metal and an
• How do we write the word equation and the balanced chemical
• How can we test for the presence of hydrogen gas?
7.1 The reaction of an acid with a metal
In the previous chapter we learnt about the reactions of acids with a variety of
bases: metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates. We learnt how to
write general equations, word equations and chemical equations for those
In this chapter we will investigate one final type of reaction, namely the reaction
between an acid and a metal.
First, we will do an investigation to observe the reaction and then we will write
equations to represent it. Before we do this, however, we have to take a quick
detour to learn something interesting about hydrogen gas.
This activity introduces the test for hydrogen
. gas. It is optional, however, the
test will be sued in the following investigation so if you do not do this activity in
class, a suggestion is for learners to do it in their own time, or to just explain the
hydrogen test briefly before proceeding to the investigation.
1. What do you know about hydrogen gas? Perhaps you know its formula?
Write it below.
2. Hydrogen gas is a diatomic gas. What does this mean?
That means each molecule of hydrogen gas consists of two H atoms.
3. What do you know about the position of hydrogen in the periodic table?
Write what you know below.
Hydrogen can be found in the top left. hand corner of the periodic table.
4. The position of hydrogen in the periodic table tells us that it is the lightest
of all the elements. It has the smallest atomic mass. Because the element
hydrogen is a gas (even though it is a diatomic one), it has one of the
lowest densities of any substance. Can you remember what density
means? Write your own definition below.
Density is the mass of a substance in a given space (volume).
When hydrogen gas is
released in a reaction it
will immediately rise up,
because hydrogen is less
dense than air. If you
filled a balloon with
hydrogen, it would float
up and you would need
to tie a string to it to
prevent it from floating
This man is about to launch a weather balloon filled
with hydrogen gas. It will float upwards to collect
information about the weather in Antarctica.
. .
5. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between hydrogen gas and
oxygen below.
2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O
The reaction between a tiny amount of hydrogen and oxygen in the air
produces a characteristic 'pop' sound and this serves as test for the presence of
hydrogen. You can watch the short video clip in the visit box in the margin to
see this 'pop'.
Testing for hydrogen gas
When a glowing splint is put into a test makes a 'pop' sound.
tube containing hydrogen gas...
Let's now investigate the reaction between an acid and a metal. You should
listen carefully for this 'pop' sound during the investigation. If you hear it, it will
signal the presence of hydrogen gas!
It is recommended that you demonstrate this reaction to learners. There are
many ways to perform this demonstration and if you have a tried and trusted
method, you should use it by all means. .For example, a simple method is to
place diluted HCl in a test tube, add a piece of magnesium and then bring a
glowing splint to the neck of the test tube so that it goes 'pop' in the presence
of the hydrogen gas that is produced. The method we have included here does
not require anything too complicated and it has the added fun aspect of
blowing hydrogen bubbles and popping them with a candle flame.
One possible question would be: What products will form when magnesium
reacts with hydrochloric acid?
What do you predict will happen? Your hypothesis should be a prediction of the
finding(s) of the investigation. You should write it in the form of a possible
answer to the investigative question(s).
Some ideas:
. .
The quantities for this experiment are as follows: 1 g of magnesium will require
approximately 42 ml of 1 M hydrochloric acid to be consumed. Just more than
900 ml of hydrogen gas will be produced by these quantities of reactants.
A possible extension is to hold a cold piece of metal or glass above the place
where you burst the bubbles so that the water vapour that forms during the
reaction condenses on the metal or glass.
Use the following lines to write down any observations that you make during
the investigation.
Learners should note that there is a 'pop' sound when the candle bursts the
bubbles. They should note that when HCl is added to the magnesium pieces, the
solution bubbles as the gas is produced.
What conclusions can be made from the results of your investigation? Rewrite
your hypothesis, but change it to reflect your findings if they are different from
what you predicted earlier. .
1. What did you observe in the test tube when the magnesium and
hydrochloric acid were mixed?
Bubbles formed on the surface of the magnesium pieces.
2. What did you observe at the end of the gas delivery tube after the
magnesium and hydrochloric acid were mixed?
Bubbles came out of the end of the gas delivery tube.
3. Why do you think the soap bubbles floated upwards?
The gas in the soap bubbles is less dense than air. NOTE: Learners may say
'lighter' than air; you can use the opportunity to remind them that less
dense substances will float on substances of higher density.
4. Which gas do you think was produced by the reaction? Write its name and
formula below. What makes you think it was this gas?
Hydrogen gas (H2 ). Hydrogen is less dense than air so it made soap
bubbles and floated upwards which made the characteristic 'pop' sound
when a candle was brought near to the bubbles.
5. What happened to the pH of the hydrochloric acid solution during the
The pH increased.
6. What does the increase in pH mean?
When the pH increases, it means there is less acid in the solution. The
hydrochloric acid was being used up in the reaction with magnesium.
7. Were you able to confirm or reject your hypothesis?
Learner dependent answer.
. .
1. The acid of our reaction was hydrochloric acid. Can you write its chemical
2. What is the name and formula of the metal we used?
Magnesium (Mg)
3. Now, let's try to predict the products of the reaction. We know that
hydrogen gas will be one of the products. Write the chemical formula for
hydrogen gas.
4. Write what remains of the acid (HCl) after we have taken away the H to
make H2 . (Remember we need two H to make one H2 ).
2 Cl
5. The two Cl and the Mg are exactly what are needed to make magnesium
chloride. Write the formula below.
6. Now, let's write the reaction; first the reactants, then the products:
2 HCl + Mg → MgCl2 + H2
Since the numbers of each type of atom is the same on either side of the
equation, we can confirm that it is balanced.
Chemist or Pharmacist?
This section is not for assessment purposes and you may be inclined to leave it
out. However, we strongly encourage you . to give your learners the opportunity
to discover the applications of what they are learning in class in the world VISIT
around them, even if only as a homework exercise. It is very important for A useful site to find out more
learners to realise that what they learn in class extends far beyond the walls of .
about some
your classroom. Encourage them to be curious! chemistry-related careers
When people hear that someone is a 'chemist', they often confuse this with
being a 'pharmacist'. In some countries the terms 'chemist' and 'pharmacist' are
even used to describe the same kind of person. In South Africa the two words
have different meanings. But what is the difference between being a chemist
and being a pharmacist?
Look up these careers to identify the main difference between a chemist and a
pharmacist and summarise them below:
Chemists are people who have studied chemistry
. and can use their specialist
knowledge of chemical reactions to produce new materials and compounds.
These could be new medicines, innovative building materials, new fuels that do
not harm the environment and many others.
. .
Pharmacists also study chemistry, but combine this with other subjects like
pharmacology, physiology and biochemistry. Pharmacists are health
professionals and have specialist training. in the health sciences as well as the
chemical sciences. Their key responsibility is to ensure the safe and effective use
of pharmaceutical drugs. They use their knowledge of medicines and the human
body to dispense prescriptions from a licensed pharmacy. Job opportunities for
pharmacists also include clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and
efficacy and providing drug information where it is needed.
This is an optional activity, which is not for
. assessment. A suggestion is that if
you do not have time to do it in class, learners should still be encouraged to do
it outside of class as it is important that they see how and where chemistry can
take them after school.
1. Below is a list of different careers that all use chemistry in some way. Have
a look through the list and then select the five careers you find most
2. Do an internet search to find out what each career is.
• Agricultural chemistry
• Biochemistry
• Biotechnology
• Chemical education/teaching
• Dentistry
• Environmental chemistry .
• Forensic science
• Food science/technology
• Geneticist
• Geochemistry
• Materials science
• Medicine and medicinal chemistry 10 reasons to love science!
• Mining (video)
• Oil and petroleum industry
• Organic chemistry
• Oceanography
• Patent law
• Pharmaceuticals
• Space exploration
• Zoology
Key Concepts
• An acid will react with a metal to form a salt and hydrogen gas.
• The general word equation for the reaction between an acid and a metal
is as follows:
– acid + metal → salt + hydrogen
. Map
This was quite a short chapter, so the concept map has been left blank for you
to do your own. Be sure to include something about the test for hydrogen.
. .
1. Fill in the missing words in these sentences. Write the word on the line
below. [3 marks]
a) When an acid reacts with a metal, a salt and gas forms.
b) A molecule that consists of two atoms bonded together is called a
c) The scientific quantity represented by the mass of a substance in a
given volume is called the of that substance.
a) hydrogen
b) diatomic
c) density
2. Write a short paragraph (2 sentences or more) to explain why a balloon
filled with hydrogen will float upwards. [2 marks]
Learner's paragraph should contain at least the following:
• Hydrogen gas is less dense than air.
• Substances of lesser density always float on substances of greater
3. Imagine you are carrying out a reaction and you expect one of the
products that will form is hydrogen. Write a short paragraph (2 sentences
or more) to describe how you would confirm the presence of hydrogen
gas. [2 marks]
Learner's paragraph should contain at least the following:
• The first sign to look out for is bubbles. The presence of bubbles
signals that a gas is formed during the reaction.
• To confirm whether the gas is hydrogen, collect a small amount in a
test tube. Hold a glowing splint at the opening of the test tube when
you release the gas. If the gas ignites with a characteristic 'pop' sound,
we will know it is hydrogen.
4. When an acid reacts with a metal, do you think the pH of the solution will
increase, decrease, or stay the same? Motivate your answer briefly.
[3 marks]
The pH will increase. In the reaction, the acid is changed into something
else that is not an acid. That means the pH must increase.
5. Complete the following table by providing the missing equations for the
reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium [6 marks]
6. Complete the following table by providing the missing equations for the
reaction between hydrochloric acid and zinc [4 marks]
Only one example has been provided in this table as an example of what
learners might write. There are however other suitable reactions which they
have also learnt about this term. You must check that the reactions they
provide are balanced.
The mark allocation is 1 mark for each of the general word equations and 2
marks for the example (only 1 mark if it is not correctly balanced).
Type of
chemical General word equation Example (balanced equation)
reaction .
metals with metal + oxygen → metal
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
oxygen oxide
non-metals non-metal + oxygen →
C + O2 → CO2
with oxygen non-metal oxide
acids with acid + metal oxide → salt +
2HCl + MgO → MgCl2 + H2 O
metal oxides water
acids with
acid + metal hydroxide → salt
metal HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2 O
+ water
acids with
acid + metal carbonate → salt 2HCl + CaCO3 → CaCl2 + CO2
+ carbon dioxide + water + H2 O
acids with acid + metal → salt +
2HCl + Mg → MgCl2 + H2
metals hydrogen gas
. .
. .
. .
The assessment guidelines for Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences are outlined in CAPS on
page 85. Provided here are various rubrics as a guideline for assessment for the
. . ...
different tasks which you would like to assess, either informally (to assess
learners' progress) or formally (to record marks to contribute to the final year
mark). These rubrics can be photocopied and used for each learner.
. 1: Practical activity
A.1 Assessment Rubric
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Following Unable to Instructions Able to work
instructions follow followed with independently
instructions guidance
Observing Unable to Sometimes Able to follow
safety observe safety does not safety
precautions precautions follow safety precautions
precautions completely
Ability to Cannot work Can work
work tidily tidily tidily
Cleans up Does so once Does so
afterwards reminded without
Organisation Disorganised Fairly Organised and
organised efficient
Use of Always used Sometimes Apparatus
apparatus, incorrectly used correctly and materials
equipment and materials and aware of used correctly
and materials wasted material usage and efficiently
Results or No result or Partially Results or
final product final product correct results product
or product correct
Answers to No answers Can answer Can answer
questions provided or questions and application
based on most are at least 60% and questions
activity incorrect are correct correctly
Total /15
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Aim Not stated Not clearly Clearly
or incorrect stated stated
Hypothesis Not able to Able to Clearly
or hypothesise hypothesise, hypothesises
prediction but not
Materials Not listed Partially Correct
and or incorrect correct
Method None Confused, Partially Clearly and
not in order correct correctly
or incorrect stated
Results and No results Partially accurately Correctly
observations recorded or correctly recorded and
(recorded incorrectly recorded but not in accurately
either as a recorded the most recorded in
graph, table appropriate the most
or or specified appropriate
observations) way or specified
Analysis or No Some Understands Insightful
discussion understand- understand- the understand-
ing of the ing of the investigation ing of the
investigation investigation investigation
Evaluation No attempt Partially Correct, but Critical
correct superficial evaluation
Neatness of Untidy Tidy
Logical Not logical Some of Report is
presentation report is logically
of report logically presented
Total /25
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Correct type of Not correct Correct
Appropriate Not present Present, but Complete
heading, incomplete
describing both
Independent Not present Present
variable on or incorrect
Dependent Not present Present
variable on or incorrect
Appropriate Incorrect Correct
scale on x-axis
Appropriate Incorrect Correct
scale on y-axis
Appropriate Not present Correct
heading for or incorrect
Appropriate Not present Correct
heading for or incorrect
Units for Not present Correct
independent or incorrect
variable on
Units for Not present Correct
dependent or incorrect
variable on
Plotting points All incorrect Mostly or All correct
Neatness Untidy Tidy
Graph size Too small Large
Total /15
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Appropriate Not present Present, but Complete
heading, incomplete
describing both
Appropriate Not present Mostly Correct
column headings or incorrect correct and
Appropriate row Not present At least half All correct
headings or incorrect correct
Units in headings None present Present but Present
and not in body in the body and in the
of table headings
Layout of table No horizontal Some lines All vertical
or vertical drawn and
lines horizontal
lines drawn
Data entered in Not correct Partially All correct
table correct
Total /12
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Appropriate, Not present Present, but Complete
descriptive incomplete
Appropriate size Incorrect (too Correct
of drawing small)
(sufficiently large
on page)
Accuracy of Incorrect Somewhat Correct
drawing (correct correct
shape and
proportion of
Structures or Mostly Mostly All correct
parts placed incorrect correct, but
correctly in some
relation to each misplaced
Diagram lines are Not clear or Clear and
neat, straight and neat or blunt neat
done with a sharp pencil
Label lines do not Incorrect Correct All correct
cross over each
Parts are labelled Mostly Mostly All correct
incorrect correct with and
some labelled
missing or
Total /12
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Group work (if Conflict Some Worked
applicable) between conflict and efficiently
members or some as a group
some did not members
participate did not
Project layout No clear or Some parts Clear and
logical are clear logical
organisation and logical, layout and
while others organisation
are not
Accuracy Many errors A few errors Content is
in content in content accurate
Resources used No resources Some or A range of
(material or used limited resources
media) resources used
Standard Poor standard Satisfactory Of a high
Use of time Did not work Worked Worked
efficiently and fairly efficiently
ran out of efficiently and
time finished in
Total /12
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Scientifically Model Mostly Accurate,
accurate inaccurate or accurate, complete
incomplete but with and
some parts correct.
missing or
Size and scale Too big or Correct size, Correct
too small, but some size and
parts not in parts too proportional
proportion to big or too scale
each other small
Use of colour or Dull, with Somewhat Creative
contrast little use of colourful and good
contrast use of
colour and
Use of materials Inappropriate Satisfactory Excellent
use or only use of use of
expensive appropriate materials
materials materials and
used and recyclables
recyclables where
where appropriate
Use of a key or Not present Present but Clear and
explanation incomplete accurate
or vague
Total /10
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Title Absent Present, but Complete
not title
Main points Not relevant Some points All points
relevant relevant
Accuracy of facts Many Mostly All correct
incorrect correct, but
some errors
Language and Many errors Some errors No errors
Organisation and Disorganised Organisation Excellent,
layout and no logic partially logical
clear and layout
Use of colour No colour or Some use of Effective
only one colour colour
Size of text Text very Some text Text
small too small appropriate
Use of diagrams Absent or Present but Present,
and pictures irrelevant sometimes relevant
irrelevant and
Accuracy of Inaccurate Mostly Completely
diagrams or accurate accurate
Impact of poster Does not Makes Eye
make an somewhat catching
impact of an impact and makes
a lasting
Creativeness Nothing new Some signs Original
or original of creativity and very
and creative
Total /22
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Introducing Did not do Present, but Present, and Interesting
the topic with no links to and
clear links to content catching
content being introduction
Speed of Too fast or Started off Good speed
presentation too slow too fast or throughout
too slow but
Pitch and Too soft or Started off Speaks
clearness of unclear unclear or clearly and
voice too soft, but optimal pitch
improved throughout
Capturing Did not Interesting Sustained Sustained
audience's make an at times interest and interest and
attention and impact or no stimulating stimulating
originality attempt to throughout
capture with
interest originality
Organisation Illogical or Clear and Clear and
of content unclear mostly logical
during logical throughout
Factual Many errors Some errors All correct
content in content in content
Concluding No Made a Insightful/
remarks conclusion satisfactory thought-
or not conclusion provoking
appropriate conclusion
Answers to Was not Was able to Was able to
educator and able to answer answer recall
class's answer recall and
questions questions or questions application
gave only questions
Total /18
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Member Very few Only some In the Full
participation members members beginning participation
participated participated only some throughout
or one or two members
members did participated
most of work but then full
Discipline Lack of Some Most All members
within the discipline members members disciplined
group disciplined disciplined
Group Unmotivated Some Most All members
motivation or lack focus members members motivated
motivated, motivated and focused
but others and
lack focus focused
Respect for Show Some All
each other disrespect to members members
each other showed are
disrespect respectful
Conflict Considerable Some No conflict
within the conflict and conflict or any
group disagreements which was issues were
which were either resolved
unresolved resolved or maturely
Time Disorganised Mostly able Effective
management and unable to work use of time
to stick to within the to
time frames given time complete
the task
Total /15
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5 42
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7−arcella_3.jpg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
12−2010_UN.PNG . . . . 100
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
30−r−brown/5375682861/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
38−sample.jpg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354