Topic 1 Cell Biology Notes
Topic 1 Cell Biology Notes
Topic 1 Cell Biology Notes
Stargardt’s disease
A genetic disease due to a recessive mutation of a gene that
causes a membrane protein used for active transport in retina
cells to malfunction
Photoreceptor cells (light detectors) in the retina degenerate,
ultimately resulting in progressive vision loss, to the point of
Treated by replacing dead cells in the retina with functioning
ones derived from stem cells
Type of cancer that produces abnormally large numbers of white
To remain healthy in the long run, the patient must be able to
produce the white blood cells needed to fight the disease
Fluid is removed from the bone marrow, to extract adult stem
cells – only have the potential of producing blood cells
A high dose of chemotherapy drugs is given to the patient, to kill
all the cancer cells in the bone marrow, which disables the bone
marrow’s ability to produce blood cells
The stem cells are then returned to the patient’s body, re-
establishes themselves in the patient’s bone marrow, multiply
and start to produce red and white blood cells
1.1 Ethics of the Embryonic stem Cord blood stem Adult stem cells
A4 therapeutic use of cells cells
stem cells from Differentiatio Almost unlimited Limited capacity to differentiate into
specially created n growth potential, different cell types – less growth
can differentiate potential than embryonic stem cells
embryos, from the
into any type in
umbilical cord
the body
blood of a new- Ease of Can be obtained Easily obtained and Difficult to obtain
born baby and extraction from excess stored, however as there are very
from an adult’s embryos limited quantities few, and are buried
own tissues. generated by IVF of stem cells deep in tissues
Ethics of Removal of cells Umbilical cord is Removal of stem
extraction from the embryo discarded at birth cells does not kill
kills it whether or not the adult form
stem cells are which the cells are
harvested taken
Tumour risk More risk of Lower risk of development
becoming tumour
Genetic Less chance of genetic damage than Due to
damage adult cells accumulation of
mutations through
the life of the adult,
genetic damage
can occur
Compatibility Likely to be Fully compatible with the patient as the
genetically stem cells are genetically identical – no
different to the rejection problems occur
1.2 Prokaryotes have a Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells lack a nucleus ('pro' =
U1 simple cell before; 'karyon' = nucleus)
structure without
compartmentalizat Prokaryotic Features
ion. Prokaryotic cells will typically contain the following cellular
Cytoplasm – internal fluid component of the cell
Nucleoid – region of the cytoplasm where the DNA is located
(DNA strand is circular and called a genophore)
Plasmids – autonomous circular DNA molecules that may be
transferred between bacteria (horizontal gene transfer)
Ribosomes – complexes of RNA and protein that are
responsible for polypeptide synthesis (prokaryote ribosome =
Cell membrane – Semi-permeable and selective barrier
surrounding the cell
Cell wall – rigid outer covering made of peptidoglycan;
maintains shape and prevents bursting (lysis)
Capsule – a thick polysaccharide layer used for protection
against desiccation (drying out) and phagocytosis
Flagella – Long, slender projections containing a motor protein
that enables movement (singular: flagellum)
Pili – Hair-like extensions that enable adherence to surfaces
(attachment pili) or mediate bacterial conjugation (sex pili)
1.2 Eukaryotes have a Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a nucleus (‘eu’ = good
U2 compartmentalized / true; ‘karyon’ = nucleus)
cell structure. They have a more complex structure and are believed to have
evolved from prokaryotic cells (via endosymbiosis)
Their chromosomes are bund by a nuclear envelope consisting
of a double layer of membrane
Eukaryotic cells are compartmentalised by membrane-bound
structures (organelles) that perform specific roles
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
1.2 Electron Resolution is the shortest distance between two points that can be
U3 microscopes have distinguished
a much higher
resolution than Beams of electrons have a much shorter wavelength than light, so
light microscopes. electron microscopes have a much higher resolution
Electron microspores have a resolution that is 200 times greater
than light microscopes
Light microscopes reveal the structure of cells, but electron
microscopes reveal the ultrastructure
1.2 Prokaryotes divide Prokaryotes reproduce asexually using the process of binary fission
A2 by binary fission. 1. The DNA is replicated semi conservatively
2. The two DNA loops attach to the membrane
3. The membrane elongates and pinches off (cytokinesis) forming
two separate cells
4. The two daughter cells are genetically identically (clones)
1.2 Drawing of the
S1 ultrastructure of
prokaryotic cells
based on electron
Drawings of
prokaryotic cells
should show the
cell wall, pili and
flagella, and
plasma membrane
cytoplasm that
contains 70S
ribosomes and a
nucleoid with
naked DNA.
Drawings of
eukaryotic cells
should show a
plasma membrane
cytoplasm that
contains 80S
ribosomes and a
mitochondria and
other membrane-
bound organelles
are present in the
cytoplasm. Some
eukaryotic cells
have a cell wall.
1.2 Interpretation of
S3 electron
micrographs to
identify organelles
and deduce the
function of
specialized cells.
1.3 Cholesterol in The hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails usually behave as a liquid, but the
A1 mammalian hydrophilic phosphate heads act more like a solid
membranes Overall the membrane is fluid as the components of the
reduces membrane are free to move
membrane fluidity
and permeability It is important to regulate the degree of fluidity:
to some solutes. Membranes need to be fluid enough so that the cell can move
and the required substances can move across the membrane
If too fluid however the membrane could not effectively restrict
the movement of substances across itself
Drawings of the
fluid mosaic
model of
structure can be
two dimensional
rather than three
molecules should
be shown using
the symbol of a
circle with two
parallel lines
attached. A range
of membrane
proteins should be
shown including
Passive Transport
Passive transport involves the movement of material along a
concentration gradient (high concentration ⇒ low
Because materials are moving down a concentration gradient, it
does not require the expenditure of energy (ATP hydrolysis)
Active Transport
Active transport uses energy to move molecules against a
concentration gradient
This type of movement across a membrane is not diffusion and
energy is needed to carry it out (ATP)
Active transport involves the use of carrier proteins (called
protein pumps due to their use of energy)
A specific solute will bind to the protein pump on one side of the
The hydrolysis of ATP (to ADP + Pi) causes a conformational
change in the protein pump
The solute molecule is consequently translocated across the
membrane (against the gradient) and released
1.4 Vesicles move Vesicles can be used to move materials around inside cells
U3 materials within
cells. An example of moving the vesicle contents occurs in the secretory
Protein is synthesized by ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic
reticulum and accumulates inside the rER
Vesicles containing the protein bud off the rER and carry them
to the Golgi apparatus
The vesicles fuse with the Golgi apparatus, which processes the
protein into its final form
When this has been done, vesicles bud off the Golgi apparatus
and move to the plasma membrane, where the protein is
1.4 Structure and An axon is part of a neuron with the function of conveying messages
A1 function of rapidly from one part of the body to another in an electrical form called
sodium– a nerve impulse
potassium pumps A nerve impulse involves rapid movements of sodium and then
for active potassium across the axon membrane
transport and
potassium The sodium-potassium pump follows a repeating cycle of steps that
channels for result in three sodium ions being pumped out of the axon and two
facilitated potassium ions being pumped in
diffusion in Each time the pump goes around this cycle it uses one ATP
1. The interior of the pump is open to the inside of the axon; three
sodium ions enter the pmp and attach to their binding sites
2. ATP transfers a phosphate group from itself to the pump; this
causes the pump to change shape and the interior is then
3. The interior of the pump opens to the outside of the axon and
three sodium ions are released
4. Two potassium ions from outside can then enter and attach to
their binding sites
5. Binding of potassium causes release of the phosphate group;
this causes the pump to change shape again so that it is again
only open to the inside of the axon
6. The interior of the pump opens to the inside of the axon and the
two potassium ions are released; sodium ions can then enter
and bind to the pump again
1.4 Tissues or organs In solutions with higher osmolarity (hypertonic solution), water leaves
A2 to be used in the cells by osmosis so their cytoplasm shrinks in volume, causing
medical indentations
procedures must Conversely, in a solution with lower osmolarity (hypotonic) the
be bathed in a cells take in water by osmosis and swell up, and may eventually
solution with the burst
same osmolarity
as the cytoplasm Both hypertonic and hypotonic solutions therefore damage human
to prevent cells
osmosis. In a solution with same osmolarity as the cells (isotonic) , water
molecules enter and leave the cell at the same rate so they
remain healthy
It is therefore important for any human tissues and organs to be
bathed in an isotonic solution during medical procedures
Usually an isotonic sodium chloride solution is used, which is
called normal saline
1.4 Estimation of
S1 osmolarity in
tissues by
bathing samples
in hypotonic and
experiments are a
useful opportunity
to stress the need
for accurate mass
and volume
measurements in
1.5 Cells can only be Cells only arise from the division of preexisting cells
U1 formed by Mitosis – duplication of the DNA and the nucleus, results in
division of pre- genetically identical diploid daughter cells
existing cells. Meiosis – cell division in parents, generates haploid gametes
(sex cells)
Students should
be aware that the Other evidences of the cell theory
64 codons in the 1. Cells are highly complex structure and no mechanism has been
genetic code found for producing cells form simpler subunits
have the same 2. All known examples of growth, be it of a tissue, an organism
meanings in population, are all a result of cell division
nearly all 3. Viruses are produced from simpler subunits, but they do not
organisms, but consist of cells, and they can only be produced inside the host
that there are cells that they have infected
some minor 4. Genetic code is universal each of the 64 codons (a codon is a
variations that combination of 3 DNA bases) produces the same amino acid in
are likely to have translation, regardless of the organism
accrued since the
common origin of Base pairs (ATGC) → codon (3 base pairs) → genes (many codons) →
life on Earth. Chromosome (many genes)
1.5 The first cells There is evidence that suggest complex structures arising in a series
U2 must have arisen of stages over logn periods of time. There are hypotheses of how some
from non-living of the main stages could have occurred:
1. Non-living synthesis of simple organic molecules:
Miller and Urey recreated the conditions of pre-biotic Earth in a
closed system
They passed steam through a mixture of methane, hydrogen and
ammonia (representative of the atmosphere of the early Earth)
Electrical discharges were used to stimulate lightning
They found that amino acids and other carbon compounds
needed for life were produced
1.5 The origin of Endosymbiotic theory explains the existence of several organelles of
U3 eukaryotic cells eukaryotes. The theory states that the organelles (e.g. mitochondria
can be explained and chloroplasts) originated as symbioses between separate single-
by the celled organisms.
theory. Development of the Nucleus
A prokaryote grows in size and develops folds in its membrane
Evidence for the to maintain an efficient SA:Vol
endosymbiotic The infoldings are pinched off forming an internal membrane
theory is The nucleoid region is enclosed in the internal membrane and
expected. The hence becomes the nucleus
origin of
eukaryote cilia Development of Mitochondria
and flagella does An aerobic proteobacterium enters a larger anaerobic
not need to be prokaryote (possibly as prey or a parasite)
included. It survives digestion to become a valuable endosymbiont (An
endosymbiont is a cell which lives inside another cell with
mutual benefit)
The aerobic proteobacterium provides a rich source of ATP to
its host enabling it to out-compete other anaerobic prokaryotes
As the host cell grows and divides so does the aerobic
proteobacterium therefore subsequent generations
automatically contain aerobic proteobacterium
The aerobic proteobacterium evolves and is assimilated and to
become a mitochondrion
Component Evidence
Membranes Some organelles have double membranes
Antibiotics Susceptible to antibiotics
Division Reproduction occurs via a fission-like process
DNA Has own DNA which is naked and circular (like
prokaryotic DNA structure)
Ribosomes Have ribosomes which are 70S in size
1.5 Evidence from Louis Pasteur experimented whether sterile nutrient broth (everything
A1 Pasteur’s that is needed for a living organism) to determine if life can be
experiments that generated spontaneously
generation of Method:
cells and Two experiments were set up
organisms does In both, Pasteur added nutrient broth to flasks and bent the
not now occur on necks of the flasks into S- shapes
Earth. Each flask was then heated to boil the broth in order to kill all
existing microbes
After the broth had been sterilized, Pasteur broke off the swan
necks from the flasks in Experiment 1, exposing the nutrient
broth within them to air from above
The flasks in Experiment 2 were left alone
The broth in experiment 1 turned cloudy whilst the broth in
experiment 2 remained clear
Microbe growth only occurred in experiment 1
1.6 Mitosis is division Mitosis is the nuclear division by which replicated copies of a cell’s
U1 of the nucleus DNA are organized into chromosomes.
into two
genetically Reasons for Cell Division
identical daughter Growth - cells can only get to a certain SA:Vol ratio
nuclei. Asexual reproduction - certain eukaryotic organisms ay
reproduce asexually by mitosis and for single celled organisms,
The sequence of cell division
events in the four Tissue repair - damaged tissue can recover by replacing dead or
phases of mitosis damaged cells
should be known. Embryonic development - a fertilised egg will undergo mitosis
To avoid and differentiation in order to develop into an embryo
confusion in
terminology, The cell cycle is the series of events through which cells pass to divide
teachers are and create two identical daughter cells.
encouraged to
refer to the two
parts of a
chromosome as
sister chromatids,
while they are
attached to each
other by a
centromere in the
early stages of
mitosis. From
anaphase Chromosome and Chromatid
onwards, when A chromosome is the condensed form of DNA which is visible
sister chromatids during mitosis (via microscopy)
have separated to As the DNA is replicated during the S phase of interphase, the
form individual chromosome will initially contain two identical DNA strands
structures, they These genetically identical strands are called sister
should be referred chromatids and are held together by a central region called the
to as centromere
DNA is present as uncondensed chromatin (not visible under
DNA is contained within a clearly defined nucleus
Centrosomes and other organelles have been duplicated
Cell is enlarged in preparation for division
DNA supercoils and chromosomes condense (becoming visible
under microscope)
Chromosomes are comprised of genetically identical sister
chromatids (joined at a centromere)
Paired centrosomes move to the opposite poles of the cell and
form microtubule spindle fibres
The nuclear membrane breaks down and the nucleus dissolves
Microtubule spindle fibres from both centrosomes connect to the
centromere of each chromosome
Microtubule depolymerisation causes spindle fibres to shorten in
length and contract
This causes chromosomes to align along the centre of the cell
(equatorial plane or metaphase plate)
Continued contraction of the spindle fibres causes genetically
identical sister chromatids to separate
Once the chromatids separate, they are each considered an
individual chromosome in their own right
The genetically identical chromosomes move to the opposite
poles of the cell
Once the two chromosome sets arrive at the poles, spindle fibres
Chromosomes decondense (no longer visible under light
Nuclear membranes reform around each chromosome set
Cytokinesis occurs concurrently, splitting the cell into two
1.6 Cytokinesis Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm and hence the cell
U3 occurs after The division of the cell into two daughter cells (cytokinesis)
mitosis and is occurs concurrently with telophase.
different in plant
and animal cells.
Animal cells
Microfilaments pulls the plasma membrane inward
Produces cleavage furrow
When the cleavage furrow reaches the centre of the cell it is
pinched apart
During Telophase, vesicles migrate to the centre of the cell
Vesicles fuse to form tubular structures
The tubular structure merge with the plasma membrane (the cell
Completes the division of the cytoplasm
Vesicles deposit substances in the lumen between the daughter
cells to form the middle lamella (‘gluing’ the cells together)
Both daughter cell secrete cellulose to form their new adjoining
cell walls
1.6 Interphase is a
U4 very active phase
of the cell cycle
with many
occurring in the
nucleus and
The stage in the development of a cell between two successive
This phase of the cell cycle is a continuum of three distinct stages:
G1 – First intermediate gap stage in which the cell grows and
prepares for DNA replication
S – Synthesis stage in which DNA is replicated
G2 – Second intermediate gap stage in which the cell finishes
growing and prepares for cell division
1.6 Cyclins are Cyclins are a family of proteins that control the progression of cells
U5 involved in the through the cell cycle
control of the cell Cells cannot progress to the next stage of the cell cycle unless
cycle. the specific cyclin reaches its threshold
Cyclins bind to enzymes called cyclin-dependent kinases
These kinases then become active and attach phosphate groups
to other proteins in the cell
The attachment of phosphate triggers the other proteins to
become active and carry out tasks (specific to one of the phases
of the cell cycle)
1.6 Mutagens, Tumours are abnormal cell growths resulting from uncontrolled cell
U6 oncogenes and division and can occur in any tissue or organ
metastasis are Diseases caused by the growth of tumours are collectively
involved in the known as cancers
development of
primary and Mutations
secondary A mutation is a change in an organism’s genetic code
tumors. A mutation in the base sequence of certain genes can result in
A mutagen is an agent that changes the genetic material of an
organism (either acts on the DNA or the replicative machinery)
Mutagens may be physical, chemical or biological in origin:
Physical – Sources of radiation including X-rays
(ionising), ultraviolet (UV) light and radioactive decay
Chemical – DNA interacting substances including reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and metals (e.g. arsenic)
Biological – Viruses, certain bacteria and mobile genetic
elements (transposons)
An oncogene is a gene that produces the proteins that controls the cell
A mutation in the oncogene can produce proteins that may not
function properly, causing uncontrolled cell cycle
Tumour cells may either remain in their original location (benign) or
spread and invade neighbouring tissue (malignant)
Metastasis is the spread of cancer from one location (primary
tumour) to another, forming a secondary tumour
Secondary tumours are made up of the same type of cell as the
primary tumour – this affects the type of treatment required
o For example, if breast cancer spread to the liver, the patient
has secondary breast cancer of the liver (treat with breast
cancer drugs)
1.6 The correlation A correlation in science is a relationship between two variable factors
A1 between smoking There is a positive correlation between cigarette smoking and
and incidence of the death rate due to cancer
cancers. Many researches show that the more cigarettes smoked per day,
the higher the death rate due to cancer
More than 20 chemicals found in tobacco have caused cancers in
laboratory animals and humans
More than 40 other chemicals found in tobacco have been
identified as carcinogens
Preparation of
temporary mounts
of root squashes
is recommended
but phases in
mitosis can also
be viewed using
permanent slides. Telophase
1.6 Determination of Mitotic index - the ratio between the number of cells in a tissue and the
S2 a mitotic index total number of observed cells
from a number of cells ∈mitosis
micrograph. total number of cells