1.05 Short Service Employee Program
1.05 Short Service Employee Program
1.05 Short Service Employee Program
The Short Service Employee (SSE) Program of Joel Chavez Construction and Maintenance, Inc (JCCMI),
applies to all employees or subcontractors who have less than six months experience in the area of work
in which they were hired. JCCMI ensure employee are identified, appropriately supervised, trained, and
managed in order to prevent accidents such as personal injury, injury to others, environmental damage,
and/or property damage.
Short Service Employees (SSE) are any JCCMI employee and contractor personnel who have any of the
• Less than six months experience in industry, for example new to oil & gas industry, new to
construction field, during first mobilization.
• Less than six months experience in the same trade/craft/job type.
• Return to work in their trade/craft after break in services in the industry for more than one
3. General Requirements
Joel Chavez Construction and Maintenance, Inc. short service employees and subcontractors are to
be managed in accordance with this program to ensure that they have an initial orientation of the
Company’s health and safety requirements prior to performing work.
• An SSE may only work under the direct on‐site supervision of a designated employee who,
as one of his duties, serves as a mentor/trainer in safety for the SSE. The mentor/trainer
assigned to an SSE must be a knowledgeable, experienced employee who can provide
guidance and development for the SSE.
• An SSE must be easily identified while on a job site based on sticker attach for his or her
helmet (see figure 1.0). This is accomplished by using a unique identifier to be determined
prior to starting work.
• Will be capable of providing effective training / coaching, and will have good
communication skills.
• Will have a positive safety attitude, will be motivated and is to have good knowledge of
client-specific and site-specific safety programs/culture and requirements.
• Shall accomplish and submit SSE Mentor Documentation Form for supervisor approval
and monitoring.
SSE Responsibilities:
• Shall consult with and listen to mentor and supervisor
• Shall perform work as directed.
• Shall speak up when and if work is deemed unsafe.
• Shall wear identifier helmet with SSE sticker during under SSE program.
• Shall accomplish SSE Training and Assignment Documentation Form to monitor the
status and monitoring his / her SSE process.
5. Exception
• Visitors are not included in this program. Requirement for visitors is included in the
safety orientation or on-boarding procedure.
• Individual personnel who are promoted in the same trade/craft.
• Newly hired employee/contractor who is unable for field activity.
• Newly promoted/transferred facility management or personnel whose jobs do not
involve “Physical Work” unless their direct supervisor see a need to place them in the
• Experienced personnel who are not in scope moving to new location e.g., roving
contractors, on call contractor unless area custodian or their direct supervisor see a
need to place them in the program.
– First time onboarding at JCCMI facility / project area locations are included in the
JCCMI safety orientation procedure.
– Facility familiarization will be required for employee or contractor
(production/maintenance/crane operator) who move to new location.
6. Monitoring
Supervisors will monitor its employees, including SSE personnel and subcontractors, for awareness of
the health and safety policies and procedures. SSE
If at the end of the six-month period, the SSE has worked safely, adhered to the Company’s health
and safety policies and has no recordable incidents attributable to him/her, the SSE identifier may be
removed at the discretion of their supervisor.