HomeDefenseHacks Get To It
HomeDefenseHacks Get To It
HomeDefenseHacks Get To It
You don’t hear it said much anymore, but a man’s home is still his castle. That
goes for women too, as the queen of the castle rules beside her king in modern
day society. Believe it or not, this is actually a legal principle, which goes all
the way back to when Moses received the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai.
Most people would be quick to tell you that they’ll defend ƓƓ Conclusion
their home and family against all intruders; be it crooks or
the government. However, few of those people truly have
an idea of how they would go about defending their homes.
They might have some vague ideas about using a baseball
bat or even a gun. They’ve probably put a deadbolt on their
front door. But when it comes down to it, they really don’t
have any idea what to do.
Let me tell you a little secret here; the • 85 percent of burglaries are committed by
conventional wisdom about keeping your home desperate people who are not professional
safe is a lie. Everything you’ve been told is based criminals. Their desperation makes them even
give them away. But if they can find a way to do of the country which we can truly call crime free.
that without attracting attention, then those locks Did you see that next to last statistic I mentioned?
might as well not be there. 65 percent of all burglaries are happening in
meet people inside. They enter with high intensity • 9% enter through the garage
strobe lights from tactical flashlights, so that they • 6% enter through unlocked storage areas
can temporarily blind and stun the residents long • 4% enter through a basement window or door
enough to be able to overcome them.
• 2% enter through a second floor window
With this in mind, it is clear that the way we • Visibility of entrance point (risk to them being
for when selecting a home to break-into. Their • Having poor exterior lighting at night
they are thinking of the convenience of the • Vulnerability of the home, how easy the home
location, whether or not it is occupied, visibility, is to break into
accessibility, lack of security and the potential
• The home displaying signs of wealth
rewards. Homes that meet those requirements
are much more likely to be broken into than • Of course, homes that have been burglarized
There are two basic types of criminals; those that choose to be criminals and those
that feel they are forced into it. By and large, there really aren’t all that many who
find themselves forced into a life of crime. Generally speaking, the only time you find
people who are forced into a life of crime is in cases where there is severe poverty. In
that type of situations, there are always some who turn to crime in order to survive.
Prostitutes often fall into this category of criminal. going. Since they can’t work, many of them turn
Most women who turn to prostitution do so in to some sort of crime; usually something simple
order to avoid starvation. These are typically like breaking into homes and stealing.
women to whom life has dealt a difficult hand.
While no two criminals are the same, there are
Many start out as runaways, with no marketable
certain characteristics that they share. Knowing
skills. Others are drug addicts who are unable to
these characteristics can help us to keep them
do normal work, but need to support their habit.
from accomplishing their goal, protecting
Of course, none of us are worried about a ourselves and our homes from them. The
prostitute trying to break into our home and rob study of the criminal mind, a specialized area of
us blind. We are concerned about the common psychology, gives us a fairly good understanding
thief or robber, who wants to break into our of how they think and what they will do.
home to take what is ours, whether at gunpoint,
or when we are not at home to stop them.
By and large, most criminals aren’t really all
Another category of criminal that is often forced
that smart. That doesn’t necessarily mean that
into a life of crime is the drug addict. Drug
they’re stupid, as there are some very intelligent
addiction is a cruel master; one which destroys
criminals around. However, the kind that break
its slaves’ ability to work. Those who are addicted
into homes and stick people up aren’t the cream
have a very high cost of living; as they need to
of the crop in the intelligence department.
constantly score in order to keep themselves
is that they are too lazy to work. and recreational activities to keep them occupied;
This makes most criminals very cautious people. A crook’s acting ability is used in the performance
They don’t want to attract attention to what they of crime. Since the vast majority of crimes are
are doing, because they don’t want the police to committed in daylight hours, it is necessary for the
be called. They don’t want to leave any evidence criminal to make everything look normal. That way,
of their crimes, because they don’t want the people won’t notice them. They want anyone who
prosecutor to have anything that can be used sees them to think that their presence where they
against them. are is normal, not something done as part of a crime.
Criminals won’t keep what they’ve stolen for one One simple example of this would be a break-
minute longer than they have to. Most of them in artist that is walking out of a home with a
will hock their take as quickly as possible, so big screen television. If they were to act furtive
that there is no evidence to be found in their with that TV in their hands, people would get
homes. Even if they want the item, they’ll get rid suspicious. So instead, they walk out as if they
of it. They’d rather go buy one for their own use, were supposed to be there to pick it up. If anyone
paying full price for it, so that they can prove their looks at them, they’ll even wave at them, adding
innocence with a receipt. to the appearance that things are normal and
they aren’t criminals.
Once again, this plays into our hands. While a
front door might be easy to kick through, the Another trick that can be used hand-in-hand with
average criminal doesn’t want to do that, because waving at the neighbors is to dress in brightly
they don’t want to be heard or seen doing that. colored clothing. Everyone is so used to the
Likewise, they’ll avoid breaking a window, instead stereotype of criminals wearing dark clothes,
looking for one that was left open. If we can make that we automatically assume that someone
sure that the home is always secure from entry, in bright colored clothes is okay. But there’s
most criminals will turn away, looking for another another advantage for the criminal. That is that
house to break into. most people will remember the clothes, without
remembering the person wearing them. The
clothes actually distract people from seeing
Most criminals are actually very good actors. what the criminal looks like, so they don’t have a
They have to be to present themselves to the description to give to the police.
All too often, when the police investigate a break-in, they find that the people
living in the home unknowingly did something that invited the criminals
into their home. This phenomenon stems from the fact that most people don’t
have any idea of how criminals think, so they don’t look at their home in the
way that criminals do. They live their lives in a way that is comfortable for
themselves, not realizing that others might be taking note.
hese things we do are rather innocuous to do with the location of your home, which
in and of themselves, but that doesn’t are inviting attack; things that you never even
prevent them from being important. Life suspected.
is full of seemingly small things that make a big
I used the word “mindset” a moment ago. A
difference. Driving down the wrong street, taking
defensive mindset is one where we are seeing
a different route home, leaving a few minutes
things in the light of how they affect our family’s
late; all of these have been known to cause
safety. Most people don’t have this mindset, or
huge differences in people’s lives, given the right
even anything close to it. They go through life,
busy with what they are doing and never see the
The more aware we are of how criminals think danger around them.
and what signs they look for, the easier it is for us
The problem with this type of mindset is that
to develop the right defensive mindset to thwart
when danger strikes, we aren’t ready to deal with
their intentions. You’ve probably never thought
it. We are stunned by the event for the first few
about the list of items that I mentioned in the
critical seconds and we never mentally catch up.
introduction; but those area all important. If you
Those few seconds can often be the difference
look at your home with the intent of identifying
between life and death. We need to be ready
how those apply to you, you’ll probably find a
to react and react quickly, if we are going to
number of things that you are doing or that have
prevent attack.
survive. It’s actually what you see the hero in any an enemy, but rather the awareness that anyone
action movie using. Have you ever noticed how can be a potential enemy. Understanding that,
the hero always seems to have a sixth sense, you look to see if they are a threat or not.
ƓƓ CONDITION WHITE – Unaware of what’s away their financial status and what types of
happening, relaxed and assuming there is no things they might have inside the house.
ƓƓ CONDITION YELLOW – Aware of one’s putting things away, so criminals have an easy
surroundings and looking for potential danger. time finding which houses have children. If the
Not ready to act, but looking to see if the need child has an expensive bike or one of those
Cities used to have walls for this very same I’ve already mentioned how easy front doors are to
reason. Without a wall, a city was virtually break through. Sliding glass patio doors are even
defenseless. That wall existed to keep bandits worse. All it takes to pop them off the track is a big
out, so that the people could live in peace. Why? screwdriver or small pry bar. That can be foiled by
Because outside the wall roamed criminals who putting some screws through the track above the
wanted to steal what the people in the city had. door, but not many people bother to do that. Of
course, even with the screws in the top track and
In a sense, the walls of our homes are supposed
a board in the bottom track to keep the door from
to perform the same purpose that the walls
opening, all it takes is a rock, hammer or axe to get
of those cities did. They are to keep the bag
that door open. It’s glass, isn’t it?
guys out. Even so, there are a couple of major
differences between the city walls of old and the Like I said, conventional wisdom is there to
walls of our homes. First of all, the city walls and protect us from the honest people. The dishonest
gates couldn’t be as easily broken through as the ones can always find a way. We need to use much
walls and doors of our homes can. Secondly, they more extreme measures to foil them. Measures
had guards on the gates and walls, something that will show them that they can’t just pop a
that we don’t do today. door open by kicking it or prying it off the track.
Measures that show them that they can’t just put
Does that mean that it’s safer today than it was in
a rock through a window or find one we left open.
the past? No, it only means that we have a much
Measures that will discourage them, because it’s
greater tendency to ignore the bandits amongst us.
just too much work to break into our homes.
We expect our deadbolts and window locks to be
Let’s start by looking at what’s outside your home. Unless your break-in
artist is a personal friend or someone who has regular access to your home
(like a maid), they’re going to be choosing your home by how it looks from the
outside. They’ll be looking at everything from the types of cars you drive to
the landscaping you have. Anything that could give them a hint about your
affluence will quickly attract their attention.
Please don’t misunderstand me; I’m not Nighttime is another thing entirely. At night, the
The simple solution to this red flag is to have your I had my home broken into once years ago when
deliveries made someplace else besides your I was out of town for a weekend conference. The
home. If you own your own business or if your person who broke into my home was a drug
employer allows, you can have things delivered at addict that our church had been trying to help out.
work. That way, there’s nothing sitting at home. A Although he came to church, he really couldn’t be
second option is to have your deliveries made to called a religious person. His drug addiction still had
a Post Office box or one of those shipping places a hold on him, driving him to do many things. One of
which allows you to rent boxes. If you can’t use those was to break into my home while I was gone.
either option, what about a neighbor that is at
There are a number of signs that criminals can
home during the day? Could you arrange with
use to see that your home is unoccupied. If you
them for your deliveries to go to their house and
want to avoid them finding out that you are gone,
pick them up when you get home?
then you need to make sure that you are taking
Criminals also use this to tell them when people care of all those signs:
are out of town. If your mail isn’t picked up for
• Mail in the mailbox – Have mail delivery
three or four days, it’s a clear indicator that
stopped while you are out of town.
you’re not at home. For any criminals that might
be casing your house, that stuffed mailbox is • Newspapers – If you receive newspaper
about as good as a billboard in your front yard, delivery, have it stopped while you are gone.
announcing that you are on vacation. If you can’t count on them to remember
that, then have a neighbor you can trust pick
them up.
Criminals love it when people go out of town, • Grass growing long – If you are going to be
gone for more than a week, you might need
whether on vacation or on a business trip. This
to arrange for someone to cut your grass; at
gives them the time they need to scout the home
least in the front yard.
thoroughly, prepare their plans and perform the
break-in, with little risk of anyone catching them. • Lights out – Light timers are a simple, yet very
For a break-in artist, someone being out of town effective way of making it look like someone is
is like a kid being left in a candy shop. at home. Buy a few of them and have different
• No noise – A quiet house is a vacant house. The first problem with a privacy or security fence
Leave a radio on or put one on a timer, is that it advertises to the whole world that you
preferably to a talk radio station. Make sure are trying to keep them out. Unless everyone
it is loud enough that it can be heard from else in your area has the same sort of fence,
outside the windows or doors, but not loud you’re essentially telling everyone “we have
enough to distinguish what is being said. something valuable in our yard” or “preppers
live here.” Those aren’t the kinds of messages
• Cars – If you always have a car parked in the
you want to send. Putting a fence like that in
driveway, but it is gone for a few days, it’s a
front of your home would make that message
sure sign that you’re not at home. Park another
even stronger than putting it in the back does.
car there, even if you have to borrow one.
Many neighborhoods have privacy fences in the
Of course, the best thing you can do is get backyard, few do in the front.
someone to stay in your home while you are
The other problem with a security or privacy
gone. That way, there is normal activity, making
fence is that it gives assailants someplace to
it seem like your home is occupied. Even though
hide behind, in order to spy on your home and
they won’t be there all the time, they will be there
prepare to invade it. That isn’t going to help you
enough to give any criminals pause, which might
either. The last thing you want to do is make
just be enough to keep them out of your house.
things easier for them.
There’s a great alternative to this, one which not only
will help your home’s security, but also help slow
down anyone who wants to get into your home. That
Many people like the idea of having a six to eight is to put a hedge of thorny plants or cactus around
foot tall security or privacy fence around their your property. That will slow them down much faster
home, especially around their backyard. While I than your fence will, as most people have a natural
can see some definite advantages to this, I can aversion to being stabbed by thorns and needles.
also see two very strong disadvantages to it,
which I’d have to say overshadow the advantages. Make sure you put the thorn bushes or cacti close
enough together so that there isn’t a pathway
If your major concern is to keep the neighbors from between them. You want to be able to control
looking at your wife or daughter while they are how people approach your house. At the same
sunbathing, then by all means put in that privacy time, you want to leave a fairly easy way to
fence. That’s what it’s designed to do. However, if approach your house, so that you can control
you are interested in protecting your home, you how people come to your front door. Human
Of course, there’s also the risk that the dog will attack
them; something else they want to avoid. Dogs can
be unpredictable, especially when they attack. They
As we talked about in the introduction, criminals are looking for some easy way to
get into your home. More than anything, they’re hoping that you’ve left a window
or door unlocked, which they can get through, without having to break anything.
Failing in finding an open window or door, they’ll try to find a way into your house,
without the neighbors seeing them do so.
ith that in mind, it’s somewhat
surprising that the front door would
be the most common point of access
that criminals use. Nevertheless, statistics show Not too many years ago, surveillance camera
that the front door is the most common entry systems were ridiculously expensive. However,
point. After that, the next most common entry in the last few years, we’ve seen some
point is the first floor windows and then the incredible price reductions. Now, just about any
back door. homeowner can buy a four camera system that
will provide surveillance all around their home,
If you are going to keep criminals out of your
along with the monitor and a recorder for 24
home, then you need to avoid allowing them a
hours worth of video.
means of entry. That means taking a good look
at your current security setup and seeing what With the great reduction in the price of these
you can do to improve it. Of course, others have systems, why wouldn’t anyone want to install
already found the ways to improve your home’s one? After all, businesses all over the place
security, all you need to do is to implement them. have surveillance cameras installed to catch
criminals. If it works for them, it ought to work
can be opened by a single kick from a booted foot. hardened screws, which go through the plate, door
With that being the case, fortifying the front door frame and into the studs behind it. This is done
makes lots of sense. on both the hinge side of the door and the latch
side. By putting those longer screws in, the door
The reason that the front door is so easy to break frame itself can’t be kicked out, any more than the
into isn’t the door itself or the locks; it’s the door deadbolt can be busted through the frame.
frame. If you have a metal frame around your
door, then you have a much stronger front door The same types of long screws should be added
than most people do. Most front doors only have to the hinge side of the door, replacing the screws
a wood frame. That door frame is held in place by that hold the hinges to the door frame. Typically,
a few finishing nails run through the door frame these are 3/4 inch long screws and only go into
into the wall studs. the frame. By replacing them with longer screws,
you can attack the door’s hinges to the home’s
I don’t care how many deadbolts you put into that framing. The hinge screws going into the door
door, it’s not going to be strong. The deadbolt don’t need to be as long, as they don’t have to go
goes into a small striker plate in the frame, which through a frame to get to the door; rather you
is held in place by 3/4 inch screws. There’s only can use 1-1/2 inch long screws to replace the 3/4
about 3/4 inch of wood between the deadbolt inch screws that are standard.
and the edge of the frame. That little bit of wood
is what breaks when the door is kicked in. Adding This simple fix will stop over a third of the
additional deadbolts won’t make it stronger if criminals from gaining access to your home. If
something isn’t done to make the door frame you have a side or back door, add the same kit
means that unless your door has such big who don’t want to get caught accept a closed and
windows that it can be walked through, the door locked window as sufficient reason to at least look
will probably still hold firm. for another access point if not to find another
home to break into.
As you can see in the picture, the sides of the club
are curved. This provides a bit of a spring action, Of course, most break-ins through windows
in case intruders were to try to use a battering
happen because the windows are left unlocked.
ram to break the door open. While a battering
Window locks can be difficult to use, especially as
ram will get through pretty much any entry door,
the home gets older. This leads to many people
it will slow the intruders down, providing you with
not bothering with them, or not checking to make
an opportunity to react to them.
sure that they have locked the windows securely.
The only problem with the door club is that it isn’t
an automatic security system. In other words, it Even a locked window is no match for a
won’t automatically secure your door for you. determined crook. Considering how fragile
Each and every time you want to secure the door, glass is, all they need is a hammer, crowbar or
you will need to activate the club. Likewise, once convenient rock, and they’ll be inside the house
activated, you’ll need to remove the club in order
in no time. Granted, there will be glass all over
to open your door. Nevertheless, it is one of the
the floor, but it’s not their house; they don’t
best possible ways of securing an entry door on a
need to clean it up. So if the crook in question is
convinced that there are enough valuables in the
These bars are usually made to order. The The films that are currently on the market need
readymade ones available in some large home to be installed by a professional contractor, who
improvement centers are usually made of very has been trained in their installation. Apparently
thin metal tubing. The custom ones, while more the film loses a lot of its ability to protect your
windows if it is not installed properly. To ensure
expensive, are much more secure.
the most possible protection, the companies
Window bars can be installed on the inside or which manufacture this type of window film insist
outside of the window, although they need to that it be installed by their trained personnel.
be designed slightly differently for these two
While fairly expensive, window film is much less
different mounting options. The ones on the
expensive than installing window bars. It is also
inside are actually more secure, as they are
visually unobtrusive, so if you have a nice view
harder for a criminal to remove, even if they try
out a picture window, it won’t be ruined by metal
using a truck and chain to pull them off.
bars going across it.
Let me ask you a question; what do you have in secure; make it hard enough and they’ll go away.
your back yard? Most of us have quite a bit there. A simple latch, located where it can’t be reached
While lawn mowers and kids toys may not be the by putting an arm over the gate is often enough.
most pilferable items around, they can be stolen. If you can’t put the latch out of reach, then put a
Criminals won’t limit themselves to just jewelry lock on the gate, so that they can’t open it. You
and big-screen TVs, they’ll go for anything which can reduce the “hassle factor” of a lock by hanging
they can sell. I’ve seen cases where tools, weed a key on a hook inside the door, where you can
eaters and kids electric powered cars were stolen get it easily.
and sold.
That’s not the worst though. As I’ve already AREN’T ALL THAT SECURE
mentioned, crooks who gain access to your
Few people think about the security of their
backyard can use that as a means to gain access
garage. After all, the valuables are in the house,
to your home. The backyard offers them a degree
right? Actually, many garages have a lot of
of privacy for their nefarious activities, which they
valuables in them; valuables that really aren’t all
don’t have when they are in front of your home.
that well protected. Besides cars, you can find
thin plywood (1/4 inch thick works fine) and try and drive their truck through the wall of
putting it inside of each of the door panels. A your home, or even that they will try and shoot
little structural adhesive, like Liquid Nails works through the walls of your home. Most criminals
wonders for holding it in place. The only problem aren’t interested in being seen or heard, at least
is that the door’s springs will have to be tightened, during normal times. However, if something
to counterbalance the extra weight you are should happen to cause a breakdown in society,
adding to the door. If you don’t know how to then all bets are off.
do this, you might want to call a garage door There are a large number of people talking
contractor to help. about the United States being on the brink of a
No matter how good a job you do to try and keep criminals out of your home, you might
leave a chink somewhere which they can and will exploit. An accidentally unlocked
window; a previously undetected flaw in the installation of your back door; even an attic
vent can be used by a determined criminal, if he really wants access to your home.
Knowing that a determined criminal will find a you; but it can work to let you know that someone
way into your home, no matter how well you has entered your home without your permission,
secure it; you need to be prepared. Part of that giving you time to react.
preparation is making sure that even if they get
into your home, they won’t find everything you
have of value.
A home offers many places to store valuables. If you have dogs, you might think you’ve got all
The problem is that most of us don’t take the alarm system you need. Normally I’d be the
advantage of those places, but rather just keep first to agree on that, but I’ve found that my dogs
things in the same old place; making the job of miss the UPS delivery truck (one of their favorite
the criminal very easy. There are a few exceptions, things to bark at) when they’re in the back
like big-screen televisions and crystal; but other yard. Considering I don’t like them doing their
than that, everything worth stealing is usually in business on the carpet, I have to let them out
the master bedroom. every once in a while.
We’ve already talked about how good dogs are So, I decided that I needed a supplementary
for helping protect your home. Dogs make great alarm system. While one of those nice
alarm systems, but they aren’t perfect. That’s professional alarm services which ties into a local
why you may want to consider putting alarms on monitoring office might be nice, the price tag isn’t.
your doors and windows. You can pay an alarm I decided that I needed something a little cheaper;
company big bucks to do this or you can do it something that would work on a local level.
yourself. Of course, if you do it yourself, you won’t
have anyone monitoring it to call the police for After visiting my local electronics store, I
There are two different types of these switches, To start, take the alarm case apart. These cases
“NO” for normally open, and “NC” for normally are almost always a “clamshell” case, with the
closed. You need a normally open switch. Be front and back halves held together by some
careful about this, as a normally closed one will plastic snap-in latches. Locate the latches around
not do what you want. In fact, the normally closed the edge of the alarm and pop them loose with a
switch will cause the alarm to sound constantly, screwdriver. Be careful not to break the latches.
except when the door or window is open.
Once the latches are loosened and the case will
To finish your alarm, put the circuit board back Be sure to check each installation after it is done.
into the smoke alarm and close up the case. Run You don’t want to count on an alarm system that
the wire to the door or window that you want you haven’t taken the time to test.
to set the alarm up for. Mount the magnetic
reed switch to the door or window frame and HIDE MY GOODIES
the magnet to the door or window immediately
I’ve already mentioned that the master bedroom
adjacent to it.
is the worst place to hide guns and valuables.
Connect the two conductors of the wire to the That’s the most common place for people to
magnetic reed switch. It doesn’t matter which keep their valuables, especially jewelry and
wire connects to which contact on the switch, as it guns. A quick look through closets, dressers and
will work either way. Test your installed alarm to nightstands will usually garner a quick profit for
be sure that it will work whenever the window or the average break-in artist.
door is opened.
So, if hiding that stuff in the bedroom is out,
An interesting thing about this design is that you where should it be hidden? I’ve found a number
can literally connect an unlimited number of of places around the house which work wonders;
doors and windows to the same alarm. While that some of which not only would be good hiding
won’t tell you which one is opened, it will tell you places to protect your valuables from crooks, but
that one has been opened. Your reaction would also to protect them from government agents.
then be to check all of them, looking for the one
that has been breached.
– Cut a hole in the wall and put a shelf between
There are two ways of connecting the alarm to two studs. Cover the hole with a heat register,
multiple entrances. Both require that you have making it look like it is just another outlet.
a magnetic reed switch for each door or window.
One is to run wires from each switch back to the
alarm, connecting them the same way that the
first set was. The other is to “daisy chain” the
switches, connecting from one to the next. As
long as you are using two wires (one zip cord or
one twisted pair), and connect the two wires at
art during the day, around your home like you do. So if you use a
when everyone is light, you’re really doing more to help them, than
at work, there are you are to help yourself. Keep it dark, so that they
still a fair number have to stumble around looking. Better yet, put
of break-ins that some things on the floor for them to trip over, so
Thieves like the By utilizing the dark as your ally, you can make it
dark, because it much easier to catch them, while avoiding having
makes them harder to see and recognize. It also them try to take some potshots at you. While they
makes it easier for them to hide from the police, may take a few wild shots in the dark if they hear
should they end up in a chase. you, all you have to do to prevent that is find a
When people hear someone in their home at good spot to watch what’s going on, and stay still,
night, they pretty much all do the same thing; waiting for them.
go to investigate. They’ll grab their gun, baseball Whatever you do, make sure that you stay
bat or other weapon of choice in one hand and between your family and whoever broke into
a flashlight in the other. As they make their way your home. Usually, the best place for this is in
through the house, they flash the light around or the entrance to the hallway that leads to the
start turning on lights. This tells the thief where bedrooms. That way, they have to go through
they are, while making them a great target for the you to get to your family and you’ll have a good
thief to attack. chance of seeing anything that they might
The dark is your friend. You’re probably used to be doing. Whatever they might steal isn’t as
wandering around your home in the dark; whether important or as valuable as your family. By
it’s to get a cup of water, put out the cat or go to blocking access to them, you protect them.
the bathroom. You know where every piece of Anything else can be replaced.
The last thing any criminal wants is to get into a shootout with you. In fact, I’d go as far
as to say that they are counting on you not defending yourself or your home. We’ve had
so many years of police departments telling us to not confront criminals that break into
our homes that most people won’t even try to defend themselves, even if they have the
ability. That plays right into the criminals’ hands.
Many criminals aren’t armed with anything more ridiculous techniques with their guns; techniques
dangerous than a switchblade knife. Even those that are likely to make them miss their targets,
that carry guns aren’t likely to be very good at rather than hit their targets. That doesn’t mean
using them. Their gun is a tool of intimidation; that they’ll never hit a target, just that if they do
intended to make you so scared that you don’t it’s more by luck than by design.
bother trying to protect yourself.
Don’t think that I’m saying that criminals can’t hit
You’ve probably seen some criminal “gangsta” anyone. Any time there’s lead flying, there’s a risk
type in a movie or television show, who is of getting hit. Criminals do in fact hit victims on a
holding a pistol sideways, pointing it in the regular basis. Those criminals might think they’re
general direction of their victim. They’re not tough and act like they’re tough; in reality they
holding it right, they aren’t using the sights and are cowards hiding behind guns. They’ll shoot
they’re supposed to be able to hit their target… to maintain the image of being tough, as well as
yeah, right. Anyone trying to shoot that way is to intimidate, not really caring who they hit. In
depending upon luck more than skill. reality, they’d rather not hit anyone, because they
don’t want to go to jail for murder.
Guess what? The criminals watch that as well.
To them, the gangsta on the television screen I can tell you, as an experienced shooter, that
is a hero to be emulated. So, they use the same shooting someone with a gun, even at close range,
is much harder than it looks. The natural difficulty stop them from doing
in shooting is amplified by the adrenalin rushing what they are planning
through the person’s system, reducing their fine on doing, capture them
motor skills and causing them to move in a quick, or convince them to
jerky manner. Instead of pulling or squeezing the leave.
trigger smoothly, they will usually jerk it, ruining
To succeed, the one
their shot.
thing you need to
Never take chances when faced by an armed remember is that the
criminal. While they probably haven’t practiced last thing criminals
with their guns, they still have them and they want is to attract
know how to pull the trigger. If you find yourself attention. Their most important goal is to get
in that situation, make sure that your aim is good away without getting caught. So, anything you
and that when you shoot; you hit what you’re can do to attract attention to them is going to
aiming at. make them very nervous; perhaps even nervous
enough to run away.
INTRUDER OUT OF YOUR HOME How can you do this? By making a lot of noise. It’s
human nature to look at a loud noise, just like it is
While the law allows you to defend your home
to look at a flash of light or a sudden movement.
and family in most states, the courts have pretty
With that in mind, you want to make the most
well defined that as meaning once a criminal
noise you can, the fastest you can. If you succeed
actually enters your home. Up until that point,
in making a loud enough noise, you might even
you aren’t really allowed to take any active
startle them momentarily, preventing them from
measures against the criminal.
taking further action.
The premise here is that until they actually enter
This is not unprecedented. Police SWAT teams
your home, they aren’t a threat. Since it can’t
use flash bang grenades to startle criminals when
really be self-defense unless there is an imminent
they make a forced entry. The combination of a
threat of bodily harm against you, this actually
loud noise and a bright flash of light is usually
makes sense. Unless a criminal is going to shoot
enough to stun the criminals for a moment, giving
at you through the door or wall, which isn’t very
the SWAT officers enough time to get in and take
likely, they aren’t an imminent threat until they
control of the situation without opposition.
are in your home.
You can’t buy flash-bang grenades at your local
Okay, so once they do manage to kick in your
sporting goods store; besides, they tend to scorch
door or break out a window, what do you do?
the carpet and the furniture. So, with that out
Those first few seconds are critical and can make
of the question, you’ll have to find something
all the difference in the world. You either have to
SAVE AMMO AND POTENTIALLY a legal leg to stand on, if you kill an unarmed
intruder. So the first thing to do is make sure that
he’s armed. It doesn’t have to be a gun either. It is
Okay, so maybe the loud noise trick doesn’t
commonly understood that within 21 feet a knife
always work. Nothing is going to work all the
is just as deadly as a gun.
time. There are times when you’re going to need
to take much more direct action; confronting the Don’t try and negotiate with the criminal; don’t
criminals directly. try and talk him out of what he’s doing and don’t
try and arrest him. If he’s broken into your home
Most of us hope that time will never happen. I
with a weapon at hand, it’s already too late for
can understand that. After all, who wants to be
any of that. It’s fight or flight time, those are the
stuck having a shoot-out in their own home?
only options available.
• The more violent your attack, the more fear 34 - TWO WEAPONS THAT CAN
you put in their hearts SEND ROBBERS RUNNING AT
I don’t care if you’re 98 pound soaking wet, if you THE VERY SOUND
strike with enough violence, you’re going to seem You’re probably thinking that I’m talking about a
like you’re seven feet tall, weighing 250 pounds shotgun here, but I’m not. While I’ll have to say
of all muscle and be a martial arts expert. That’s that the sound of racking a round into a shotgun’s
the trick to winning the fight; strike quickly and chamber is a pretty scary sound; one that is likely
violently, scaring the crap out of them so that to send crooks running, I don’t recommend using
they can’t fight back effectively. it that way.
You need to make the most possible impact, for You see, if you have a shotgun for a home
the least possible expenditure of energy. That defense weapon, it should be loaded and ready
means that you want to hit them in places that to use, with a round in the chamber. Racking a
will do the most good. What are those places? round into the chamber will either waste the
The eyes, nose, throat, groin, side of the knee and
youth to move on to some other location. Used because the bullet is so small. Anything larger will
be harder to shoot. The .380 caliber is very easy to
in your home, they could give a potential criminal
shoot, especially for first-time shooters.
ample reason to decide to move on, especially
when used in conjunction with a gun in your hand. Part of what makes the .380 easy to shoot is that
low recoil, you want a fairly good sized gun. Avoid over 70 percent of criminals will turn tail and run
buying a compact gun; as the recoil on a compact when faced by a law abiding citizen holding a gun,
gun will be much higher than a full-sized gun of the there are still some who will choose to fight it out.
same caliber from the same manufacturer. It doesn’t matter what their reason is, these people
can be dangerous. The fact that they are holding a
The other thing that makes the .380 easy to shoot gun is enough to make them that way.
is that the slide doesn’t require a lot of strength
to cycle, what shooters commonly call “racking If you are going to use a gun to defend your
the slide” (moving it back and forth). This is an home, then you need to know how to use it
essential part of loading the gun, as it is the action well. The only guns which can hit perfectly every
of racking the slide that causes a round from the time, without using proper technique or even
magazine to enter the chamber of the gun. knowing how to shoot are owned by Hollywood.
Unfortunately for you and me, they don’t share
If you are elderly, a woman or have health those with us. As homeowners protecting home
problems, then the amount of force required to and family, we have to know how to use standard
rack the slide should be a concern for you. You guns, not the magic ones of Hollywood.
don’t want to have to wrestle with the gun in order
to load it. You want something that will be easy for While the mechanics of shooting a gun aren’t all
you to load, so that you can do it quickly and easily that hard, the ability to shoot it well requires a lot
when you need to. The .380 caliber does this. of practice. There are several different elements
of shooting; each of which must be paid attention
I would also recommend buying “self defense to when you have to do it for real. Without a lot
ammo” for the gun. This is ammunition which uses of practice, you’ll never get a shot off or if you do,
standard hollow point bullets. When the hollow you’ll merely hit the wall.
point bullet hits a target it mushrooms, making the
bullet have a bigger diameter. That increases the Firearms training always starts with target
size of the hole it makes, causing more damage shooting. This gives you the opportunity to
and making the assailant bleed out faster. learn how to use the gun, incorporating all the
elements of firing into making a good shot. Many
This is important, because unlike the movies, people stop there, thinking that being able to
getting shot by a gun doesn’t usually cause shoot the gun is enough; but it isn’t. Once you
someone to fall down. Unless they are hit know how to shoot it, you have to learn how to
somewhere vital or by a very large bullet, they will shoot it in a tactical situation; a situation more
probably remain standing. In that case, what you like what you can expect to encounter if someone
need is for them to lose enough blood to make breaks into your home. This has to include:
them weak; hence the larger hole.
Any or all of these elements may be present when Fortunately, most criminals aren’t any more
you have to do it for real. That’s why you have to expert in using a knife than you or I are. They are
practice with them. If you don’t take the time to hoping to intimidate you with their knife, so that
practice, then when someone breaks into your they can get what they want and get away. That
home, you’re going to be standing there with a doesn’t mean that they can’t cut you, but they
gun, punching holes in the wall. probably won’t be doing anything fancy.
37 - IF YOU’RE STUCK FIGHTING Here’s a great secret for winning any knife fight.
Identity theft has become the crime of the 21st century. Rather than have to break into
your home to steal whatever they can, criminals can sit at the comfort of their computer
and rob you blind; often in other countries, where they don’t have to worry about
American law enforcement officers catching up with them.
While identity theft can take on a variety of In a sense, an identity thief is much like a private
different forms, such as buying things on your investigator, trying to find out everything they
credit cards and transferring money directly from can about you. Of course, a true P.I. isn’t going
your bank account, it has one thing in common; to use that information to steal from you like
the thief has to pretend that they are you to a thief will. The thing that sets identity thieves
accomplish it. That means that the thief needs apart from other investigators is how they use the
your personal information to work with. information.
Keep in mind that you aren’t picked out as a Often, we are our own worst enemies in this
target of identity theft because you have a big battle. We are the ones who give that information
house or a lot of money in your account. The over to the hands of these criminals, allowing
only reason you might be picket as a target is them to perform crimes against us. So the key
because the thieves are able to find enough to preventing identity theft is nothing more than
information about you to be able to accomplish denying the thieves the necessary information to
their goal. At the same time that a thief is digging be able to take action. If we can do that, we win
up information about you, they are working the battle.
on a bunch of other potential victims as well.
If identity theft is all about information, then the
Ultimately, the decision of who to rob from boils
major question we need to concern ourselves
down to who they can get enough information
with is where are they getting the information
from? If we can figure that out, then we can put a
you are giving hackers the key to get into your another great source of information for identity
accounts and steal from you. thieves is your garbage. These people are highly
organized and work in teams. While some are
The other common thing that many people use
online seeking out information, others pick
TO PROTECT YOUR CREDIT know that you want to be informed, any time
information about your credit is requested. This
is only done if you request it and you must renew
Besides stealing
your request every 90 days to keep the alert active.
money directly
from your bank If you don’t fill out a credit application, but receive
account or buying a report from a credit agency that you have, it
something using means that someone else is trying to use your
your credit cards, credit rating in order for them to buy something
another way on credit. This most likely means that someone is
that identity trying to initiate identity theft against you.
thieves work is
If you have been the victim of identity theft, you
to impersonate you in order to obtain credit in
can request a “7 Year Victim Statement.” This is
your name, so that they can buy things with that
essentially the same service, with the exception
credit. They get what they want and as far as the
that it stays in place for seven years. That
companies that they bought it from and the credit
provides you a longer-term window into your
reporting agencies are concerned, you didn’t pay
credit information, protecting you longer from
the debt.
any potential identity theft.
The three major credit reporting agencies can’t
The three credit reporting agencies work together on
do much to stop this, as everything that is
this, so if you make your request for Fraud Alert or
presented to them looks hunky-dory. However,
fill out a 7 Year Victim Statement with one company,
those fraudulent transactions, in your name,
they will ensure that the information is passed on
can destroy your credit rating. This could be
to the other two, so that you are receiving the same
disastrous if you ever decide to buy a home.
coverage from all three credit agencies.
Criminals don’t just break into homes to steal from people; they do so in public
places as well. Purse snatchers, pickpockets and armed robbers roam the streets,
looking for victims that they can enrich themselves off of. These classes of criminals
try to balance their need for a public place where there are many potential victims to
choose from, against a need for a private place where they won’t be seen.
key thing to understand is that these walk down the street without noticing what is
robbers are very selective of the people happening. They could no more describe the
that they rob. Not only are they looking person they just passed, than they could tell you
for someone who will have something worth what that person had in their pocket.
robbing, but they also want to make sure that
While there’s no reason for us to expect them
they approach someone who is not going to give
them a problem; someone who they can rob from to know what is in the other person’s pocket, it
and get away to rob another day. is reasonable to expect people to be able to
describe the people that we see around us. If we
This immediately takes a few categories of people
are living in condition yellow, like I talked about
out of the equation. Like all criminals, these
back in the introduction, we’ll have a pretty good
too want to get away without any problems.
idea of what’s going on around us; even to the
Therefore, they will skip over many potential
point of being able to describe the people that we
criminals who look like they might be well heeled,
in order to select one that it doesn’t look like
much of a security risk. The advantage to the criminals of attacking
people like this is obvious; they are unlikely to
45 - CRIMINALS LIKE VICTIMS be able to report much about their attackers to
WHO ARE UNAWARE the authorities. This increases the chance of the
Most people walk down the street, not seeing criminals getting away with their crimes, with little
what is going on around them. Most people chance of repercussions.
• A backpack can also be worn on the front, Your best opportunity to counterattack is when
making it almost impossible for anyone they first approach you. They will be expecting
to steal something in it, without giving you to submit to the “authority” they create
themselves away. by attacking you with a weapon. If you are
sufficiently trained to act instantly, you have
• Keep your valuables inside your clothing by
a momentary advantage, as they won’t be
using a money belt or other pouch that is
expecting it. It doesn’t matter if you are a martial
hidden under your clothing.
arts expert or you’re carrying a gun, the element
More than anything, you want to avoid being of surprise will be on your side. Don’t try this
predictable. You can throw off a pickpocket just however, unless you have trained for it. They will
by making sure that your valuables aren’t where react, and might hurt you.
they expect them to be. Keep all valuables in
The laws about what is permissible as self-
physical contact with your body at all times, so
defense vary from place to place. More than that,
that they can’t be removed from you without
the judicial culture varies as well. Some states
you noticing them. The space between your arm
may legally permit killing in self-defense in the
and your body is excellent for this, as you have
law, but have courts treat those who do so as
contact with both sides of the object.
criminals. It’s important to know how the courts
47 - WHEN YOU ARE in your area treat this. You can find that from the
CONFRONTED BY A ROBBER way other cases are treated.
There may be times when you are directly Regardless of the judicial culture in your state, it
confronted by a robber, regardless of how is only self-defense if you are in imminent danger.
observant you are. Not all criminals are smart That means that you have a criminal facing you
enough to avoid being seen and some don’t care, with a weapon in their hand. Once they turn away
as they customarily wear masks or otherwise to leave, you are no longer in danger. Shooting
make identification difficult. them at that point in time will be looked at as
A robber will always be armed in some way. They murder or at least manslaughter.
will either stick a knife in your face or a gun. There are several things you can do to put
Which they use depends upon where you are and the criminal off their guard. The first is to
what the criminal has available to them. Customs act frightened. They are expecting you to be
vary from place to place, even in the criminal
CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? that is valid, in and of itself, it raises the question
of what you will do if someone else is attacked?
Holders of concealed
Would you, as a law-abiding armed citizen, run
carry permits are
to their rescue or would you allow the criminal to
on the rise. Ever
have their way, as it doesn’t affect you?
since states started
switching over This is a difficult question to answer and in reality
to “shall issue,” one that doesn’t have just one answer. Laws vary
meaning that they from state to state about what you are permitted
will issue the permit if there is no reason to deny to do. However, that isn’t the biggest issue. The
it, more and more people have been getting their big issue is whether you are able to help the
concealed carry permit. This gives honest law- situation or not. If you see one person shooting
abiding citizens the necessary tools to protect at another, how do you know for sure who is
themselves from armed thugs and criminals. the guilty party? It could be that the shooter is
into your home, the police will come; but as someone tries to break into your home,
the saying goes, “When seconds count, the you’re going to be nervous. That will degrade
police are there in minutes.” That’s really not considerably your ability to fire accurately. If
their fault; it’s the reality that they are stuck things come down to having to shoot in self-
with. Most police officers would rather be there defense, you’re not going to do anywhere near
when you need them, they just can’t. as good as you did on the shooting range.
The only one who is going to be able to defend For that reason, it’s important to get to be
your home and family is you. That means you as good as you can. Just being able to hit a
have to be ready. The information in this book silhouette target isn’t good enough; you need
will help, but only if you put it to good use. to be able to hit the bulls-eye, time after time.
There’s something else that you’re going to Even more than that, you need to be able to
have to do as well, that is to practice. You can shoot tactically; moving and shooting at the
have the best security equipment there is and same time, using cover to protect yourself and
the best firearms available, but if you don’t knowing how to engage multiple targets.
know how to use them, you may as well not Real-life shooting situations are about as
have anything. similar to normal range shooting as pro
Shooting is a skill; it requires practice to learn. football is to a couple of small kids throwing a
More than that, it takes practice to become ball around. While the rules may be somewhat
truly proficient. You have to realize that when the same; in practice, it’s much harder and
of it, but more than that it’s the fact that heights, in as little time as possible, turned my
you are shooting at a moving target which is normally good shooting into garbage. It took
trying to shoot you as well. You’ll never have me months of shooting to get to the point
an assailant just stand there at the perfect where I could do reasonably well.
Many shooting ranges offer tactical shooting talked about in this book. If something is part
nights. These are competitions where you of your home defense plan, then you need to
shoot at multiple full silhouette targets, set make it such a natural part of your life, that you
done against the clock, adding pressure to the That only comes with practice.
This type of practice will go a long way towards to defend your family. That’s really what it’s all
preparing you for an actual encounter with about; not getting the bad guys, but protecting
a bad guy. There really is no way of creating your family. After all, when it comes down to
perfect practice, but this is much more perfect it, they’re worth much more than anything else
than anything else you can do. I’ll warn you you have.
Published by:
Austin, TX 78701
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