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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420

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Enhancement of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production

in Spirulina (Arthrospira sp.) by two-step cultivation process and
partial characterization of their polysaccharidic moiety
Imene Chentir a,∗ , Marwa Hamdi b , Amel Doumandji a , Abelkader HadjSadok c ,
Hatem Ben Ouada d , Moncef Nasri b , Mourad Jridi b
Plants Production and Biotechnology Laboratory, Nature and Life Science Faculty, Biotechnology Department, Blida 1 University, BP 270, 09000, Blida,
Enzyme Engineering and Microbiology Laboratory, Sfax-University, National School of Engineering of Sfax (ENIS), BP 1173, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia
Functional Analysis of Chemical Processes Laboratory, Process Engineering Department, Blida 1 University, BP 270, 09000, Blida, Algeria
Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology Laboratory, National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, BP 59, 5000, Monastir, Tunisia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The interactive effects of light intensity and NaCl concentration were investigated for Spirulina two-step
Received 30 May 2017 cultivation process using Full Factorial Design. In the experiment interval, light intensity had no effect
Received in revised form 27 June 2017 while the NaCl concentration had significant effect on the enhancement of extracellular polymeric sub-
Accepted 3 July 2017
stances (EPS) production. Interestingly, results revealed a significant negative interaction between light
Available online 5 July 2017
and NaCl concentration indicating that high NaCl concentration (40 gL−1 ) and low light intensity (10 ␮mol
photons m−2 s−1 ) enhanced the EPS production. Under these conditions, EPS production reached a max-
imum of 1.02 g g−1 of biomass (dry weight), which is 1.67-folds greater than EPS content under optimal
Arthrospira sp.
EPS production
growth conditions (10 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 , 1 g L−1 , 30 ◦ C). Desalting and deproteinezation steps of EPS
Two-step culture were efficient to obtain polysaccharides (PS) with high carbohydrate (67.3 ± 1.1%), low soluble proteins
Rheological behavior (5.14 ± 0.32%), ash (5.85 ± 0.71%) and sulfate (2.42 ± 0.12%) contents. Rheological studies of PS at different
concentrations (1%, 2.5% and 5%) revealed that the viscosity of the solution increased with the increase
of PS concentration. In addition, PS exhibited a non Newtonian shear-thinning nature, a predominant
gel-like behavior and a good resistance to consecutive heating-cooling cycles. The adopted process could
be, then, a promising and economic strategy to enhance EPS production and extract polysaccharides with
interesting rheological properties.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction numerous industries for their proprieties as thickening or gelling

agents [5].
Exopolysaccharides are produced by several microorganisms Autotrophic microorganisms including microalgae and
and show an extensive variety of biochemical complex struc- cyanobacteria are unicellular photosynthetic microorganisms,
tures, engaging different monosaccharides generally between 9 which convert captured light energy into biomass [6]. The world
and 12 with the presence of several non sugars substituents such market of microalgae and cyanobacteria can be considered as very
as acyl groups, proteins, sulfate groups, or uronic acids, which emergent with annual world industrial production estimated at
may be attached on their backbones [1,2]. This complexity lim- 10,000–20,000 tons [7], leading to the decrease of the biomass
its the structural investigations, however, exopolysaccharides have production and extracts cost, and thereby allowing possible
attracted much attention because of their proven biological activi- exploitation of their metabolites [1,8].
ties, such as antibacterial, anticoagulant, anti-oxidative, anticancer Among the most investigated autotrophic microorganisms, Spri-
and anti-inflammatory activities [1,3,4]. Moreover, they are used in ulina (Arthrospira sp.) is the first one that has attracted industrial
attention since a long time because of its relative fast growth,
large-scale and commercial cultivation potential as well as higher
photosynthetic efficiency compared with high plants [9]. Besides
∗ Corresponding author. its high protein content (50–70% of dry weight matter (DW)), Spir-
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Chentir).
0141-8130/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420 1413

ulina releases a large amount of extracellular polymeric substances medium, until exponential growth phase was reached. Each reac-
(EPS) in its extracellular environment [10,11]. These released EPS tor was equipped with a device for aseptic removal of samples and
are polymers of 81–98 kDa [12], constituted of proteins, sulfated stirred continuously with air at a constant flow rate (0.1 v/v/min).
substitutes (0.5–22%), uronic acids (14–40%) and polysaccharide The growth phase control was achieved daily, based on the deter-
moiety, commonly composed of galactose, glucose, xylose, fruc- mination of biomass concentration (n = 3) according to Costa et al.
tose, rhamnose, arabinose and mannose [10,13,14]. [22]. The specific growth rate (max , d−1 ) was obtained by referring
Nevertheless, EPS are rarely considered as high-value added to the following formula:
molecules by industrial and scientific community but they are  
much considered as by-products of other intracellular metabolites lnx2 − lnx1
max =
such as proteins, pigments or lipids. Consequently, few investiga- t2 − t1
tions have been carried out on studying culture parameters in order
where X1 and X2 are biomass concentrations at exponential phase,
to optimize the EPS production. However, downstream processes
t1 and t2 are the times corresponding to the beginning and the end
for extraction, fractionation and characterization of released EPS
of exponential phase, respectively.
and their moieties by autotrophic microorganisms, especially Spir-
ulina, are frequently not adjusted for the treatment of these low
2.2.2. Step II: experimental stressed cultures
soluble polymers, which are, often, produced in media with high
Biomass from pre-cultures, harvested at the end of the expo-
salts contents [15].
nential growth phase by filtration (20 ␮m nylon mesh), was used
Indeed, several important large-scale factors of culture process,
as an inoculum for the stress experiments. Each 250 mL reactor,
such as light intensity, temperature, salt and nutrient have been
containing 100 mL of the appropriate Zarrouk medium, where NaCl
modulated in combined manner to enhance the cellular growth
concentrations varied respectively from 1 to 40 g L−1 , was equally
inoculated with 1 mg mL−1 DW of pre-culture biomass. Further,
It is important to note that robust algal growth and high metabo-
each reactor, was exposed to fluorescent lamps (Phyto-Claude halo-
lites production are usually jointly exclusive and reciprocally high
gen lamps 400 W) to give constant and continuous light intensities
metabolites content produced under stress conditions are usu-
of 10, 65 or 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 . All stressed cultures were
ally correlated with lower biomass productivity [17]. Grounded on
incubated at 30 ± 1 ◦ C in a thermostat chamber.
these considerations, a two-step culture strategy was adopted in
After three days of treatment, all experimental cultures were
this study, with a first optimal-growth biomass production step
harvested by filtration (20 ␮m nylon mesh) and the total recovered
(Step I) followed by EPS induction step under stress conditions (step
filtrates of each experiment were used for EPS content determina-
Hence, the aim of the present work is, first, to study the effect of
combination of two crucial large-scale factors i.e. light intensity and
NaCl concentration on Spirulina’s EPS production using an exper- 2.3. EPS production determination
imental design methodology, to contribute therefore to specific
culture and downstream processes proposal of EPS polysaccharides EPS content was determined according to the method described
moiety, and finally to achieve the physico-chemical characteriza- by Lewin [23]. Briefly, after three days of treatment, the total recov-
tion for the assessment of their possible industrial application. ered filtrates from each experimental culture (stressed and control
cultures conducted under optimal growth conditions) were used
for EPS content determination by evaporation of water in open cru-
2. Materials and methods cibles in a forced-air oven for 24 h at 105 ◦ C. The obtained dried
matter in each crucible was incinerated in a muffle furnace at
2.1. Strain 550 ± 5 ◦ C until white ashes remain. The change in weight of each
crucible containing EPS free-water and free-ashes, was considered
Arthrospira sp. (Spirulina) strain was isolated from pound as the EPS content, and expressed in g per g of biomass DW.
(23◦ 06 11 , N5◦ 49 01 E) in Tamanrasset area (Algeria). The col-
lected water samples were treated according to the standard 2.4. Experimental design
microbiological protocols [18,19], then the purified strain was iden-
tified according to the keys and description established by Komèrak The two independent factors light intensity (10, 65, 120 ␮mol
et al. [20]. photons m−2 s−1 ) and NaCl concentrations (1, 20.5, 40 g L−1 ) were
Preliminary in lab experiments were achieved in different media examined at three levels, chosen according to preliminary tests.
such as Zarrouk, BG-11, and Paoletti liquid media, under dif- A full factorial design was applied to the factors using MODDE
ferent temperatures and light intensity regimes, to define the 6.0 software for experimental design and optimization (Umetrics
optimal growth conditions of this cyanobacterium strain. The AB, Sweden) to evaluate the effect of each factor. A total of 12
highest growth was obtained in Zarrouk liquid medium (pH experiments (9 points of the factorial design and 3 center points,
9.0) containing (g L−1 ): NaNO3 2.50, K2 HPO4 0.50, NaHCO3 10.0, indicating the medians of the studied factor interval, to determine
NaCl 1.00, MgSO4 ·7H2 O 0.2, CaCl2 ·2H2 O 0.02, FeSO4 ·7H2 O 0.01, the experimental errors) were carried out (Table 1). The selected
1 mL trace metal solution (g L−1 : H3 BO3 2.86, MnCl2 ·4H2 O 1.81, response variable was the EPS production (g per g of biomass
Na2 MoO4 ·2H2 O 0.39, CuSO4 ·5H2 O 0.079, Co(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O 0.049, DW). The model parameters were estimated by multiple linear
and ZnSO4 · 7H2 O 0.222) [21], under 80 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 of regressions (MLR) and the model fit accuracy was evaluated by the
light intensity and at 30 ± 1 ◦ C. explained variation (R2 ) and the validity of model (lack of fit). A
Box-Cox mathematical transformation [24] was applied when the
2.2. Cultivation steps response was varied by more than a magnitude of ten in the experi-
mental domain. The statistical effect of each factor was determined
2.2.1. Step I: pre-cultures by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a confidence level of 90%.
Pre-cultures, under optimal growth conditions (80 ␮mol pho- The insignificant terms were removed, the model was refitted and
tons m−2 s−1 and at 30 ± 1 ◦ C) with inoculum size of 0.08 g L−1 , were the significant linear, quadratic and interactive terms were used to
carried out in triplicate in 5 L reactors containing 3 L of Zarrouk assess the effect of each factor on the response optimization trend.
1414 I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420

Table 1
Experimental EPS production according to different factor combinations of light 500 mL culture media
intensity (␮mol photon m−2 s −1 ) and NaCl concentration in step I and step II of the
two-phase cultivation process.
UF concentration 5 kDa
Factors Response

Run Light NaCl EPS Retentate

(10 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ) (g L−1 ) (g g−1 )

Step I 80 1 0.62 ± 0.08

Washing 5 times with ultrapure water (v/5v)
Step II
1 10 1 0.152
2 65 1 0.192 Desalted EPS
3 120 1 0.454
4 10 20.5 0.387
Enzymatic hydrolysis (Purafect 1%, 50 °C, pH 10.0)
5 65 20.5 0.313
6 120 20.5 0.326
7 10 40 0.98 Centrifugation 8000 rpm 30 min at 4 °C
8 65 40 0.97
9 120 40 0.465
10a 65 20.5 0.38 Supernatant precipitation with EtOH (v/3v)
11a 65 20.5 0.336
12a 65 20.5 0.468
Values correspond to the central points of the experiment design matrix.
Pellet: Enriched fraction with polysaccharides (PS)

2.5. Polysaccharidic moiety (PS) extraction Lyophilisation of PS

EPS extraction was performed from Arthrospira sp. culture (in Fig. 1. Diagram of PS extraction.
10 L reactor, containing 5 L of experimental medium) following the
experimented two-phase culture process and under conditions of
thermal profile of EPS and PS samples was analyzed in a tempera-
NaCl concentration and light intensity allowing the highest EPS
ture range from 0 to 100 ◦ C. All tests were run at a heating rate scan
production level.
of 5 ◦ C/min. An empty capsule was used as reference. Nitrogen was
The culture was then filtered through Whatman filter paper No.
used as the purge gas at a flow rate of 50 mL/min. The glass transi-
2 (Whatman International Ltd., Maidston, UK) to separate the cells
tion temperature (Tg) for each sample was then determined from
from the culture medium. Then, the resulting culture filtrate, which
the mid-point of the second heating cycle using TA Universal Anal-
contained culture medium and the soluble EPS, was concentrated
ysis 2000 software (version 4.5 A, TA Instrument) and the enthalpy
(20 times) using a tangential ultrafiltration system (TFF Millipore,
change (H) was measured by the integration of the area under
USA) through Millipore membranes of 5 kDa cut-off. The desalting
the curve using the Pyris StepScan DSC software.
step was optimized by washing the obtained concentrate 8 times
with ultrapure water (v/5 v), and the salt content was evaluated
2.6.3. EPS and PS infrared spectroscopy analysis
using conductivity measurements (conductivity meterHI 8633).
The spectroscopic measurements were performed using
Subsequently, the desalted EPS were deproteinized according
approximately 1 mg of PS and EPS mixed with 100 mg of dried
to the method adopted by Abdelhedi et al. [25]. Briefly, EPS were
KBr. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra between 500
suspended in water (20%, w/v). The pH of the solution was adjusted
® and 4000 cm−1 were recorded using a Nicolet FTIR spectrometer
to 10.0 and 1% of an alkaline protease (Purafect ) was added for the
equipped with an attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory. The
deproteinization process. The reaction was performed during 24 h
background noise was corrected using the data for pure KBr.
at 50 ◦ C. After cooling, the mixture was centrifuged at 8000 rpm
for 30 min at 4 ◦ C and the supernatant was precipitated with abso-
2.6.4. Rheological analysis
lute ethanol (96%) (v/3 v) over night at 4 ◦ C. The formed precipitate
Prior to analysis, the freeze-dried PS was dissolved in 0.1 M NaCl
was recovered by centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 30 min at 4 ◦ C and
at pH 6.5 achieving concentrations of 1%, 2.5% and 5% (w/v). Samples
the obtained pellet (PS) was re-dissolved in distilled water and
were subjected to a controlled shear rate ramp from 10−3 to 103 s−1
lyophilized (Fig. 1).
in a plate geometry (25 mm diameter, 0.5 mm gap) of a rheome-
ter equipment (Physica MCR 302, Anton Paar, GmbH,Germany)
2.6. EPS and PS physico-chemical characterization
at a selected temperature of 20 ◦ C. Temperature modulation was
achieved with a Viscotherm VT 2 circulating bath and controlled
2.6.1. EPS and PS composition
with a Peltier system (Anton Paar) to an accuracy of 0.1 ◦ C. The data
Different parameters were used to characterize the obtained
were analyzed with proprietary software (Rheoplus, Anton Paar).
EPS and PS. The efficiency of desalting process was evaluated by
In order to explore the rheological behavior of PS in aqueous media,
conductivity determination and consolidated by total ash content
three types of analysis were performed:
measurement for both EPS and PS [26]. Protein content of both EPS
and PS was estimated according to Lowry et al. [27]. Total carbohy-
a) The flow behavior: where curves were fitted according to rhe-
drates were determined by the phenol-sulfuric acid method [28].
ological Carreau model [30] for overall shear rate curve of 10−3
Sulfate content was determined according to the classical method
to 103 s−1 model is presented by the following equation:
of barium chloride–gelatin as described by Lloyd et al. [29].

2.6.2. Differential scanning calorimetric analysis (DSC)  − ∞ 1

Thermal proprieties of EPS and PS powders were studied using app − ∞
=  2
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Mettler Toledo Star). The sam- 1 − (/
˙ ˙ c )
ples were accurately weighed into aluminum pans and sealed. The
I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420 1415

The flow behavior is appreciated by the four parameters ␩app , Table 2

. Scaled and centered coefficient (USC. Coeff.), R2 and lack of fit of the EPS production
␩∞ , c and P where: ␩app : Apparent viscosity; ␩∞ : Infinite-shear model (Confidence interval of 90%).
. .
viscosity; P: Carreau Model exponent; c : Critical shear rate;  :
R2 Lack of fit
Shear rate;
0.92 0.26
b) Linear and dynamic viscoelasticity proprieties: which were SC. Coeff. p-value
investigated in linear regime under a sinusoidal shear of fre-
Constant 0.777653 4.98E-10
quency f = 1 Hz, and where the variation of the conservation Light −0.000973 0.954511
modulus (G ) and the loss modulus (G ) as a function of the strain NaCl 0.117659 0.0001856a
(y) (0.1–1000%) were measured at 20 ◦ C. NaCl × NaCl 0.0424055 0.111279
c) Thermo-viscoelasticity proprieties: where the ramp tempera- Light × NaCl −0.091409 0.0026852a

ture effect was carried out by varying the temperature by heating a

significant effect.
from 20 to 80 ◦ C and then cooling from 80 ◦ C to 2 ◦ C under con-
stant shear (f = 1, y = 1%).
The effects of linear, quadratic and interactive terms of NaCl
Distillated water was added around the analytic plate disposi- concentration and light intensity on the EPS production are shown
tive to avoid evaporation of water solution when heating. in Fig. 3. Results revealed that light intensity had a non-significant
linear effect on EPS production in the experimental interval. Nev-
ertheless, the NaCl concentration displayed a positive linear effect,
2.7. Statistical analysis
while its quadratic term is not significant. Interestingly, results
indicated a significant negative interaction between light and NaCl,
Data were expressed as means ± SD (standard deviation) and
revealing that the maximum EPS production required high NaCl
analyzed using SPSS ver. 19.0 for Windows professional edition
concentrations and low light intensity into the experimental stud-
(SPSS Inc., Chicago,USA). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
ied intervals.
was then applied to estimate the significance of variation at a con-
Several studies demonstrated that enhancement in EPS produc-
fidence level of 95%.
tion in cyanobacteria microorganisms was obtained at high light
intensities [11], while another study [16] specified that the light
3. Results and discussion was not the determining factor for EPS maximization in batch cul-
ture but was significantly interacting with temperature. In addition,
3.1. Growth kinetic the obtained highe amounts of EPS under these high light inten-
sities could reflect only a greater biomass production, as cellular
The biomass concentration curve of Spirulina in batch culture, productivities are generally not mentioned.
under optimal growth conditions (Zarrouk medium, 80 ␮mol pho- In agreement with these results, the EPS production increased
tons m−2 s−1 , 30 ◦ C) over 5 days of culture, is indicated in Fig. 2. concomitantly with increasing NaCl concentration in different
Results showed that the exponential growth reached its maximum cyanobacteria microorganisms and particularly in Spirulina platen-
after 4 day of culture, where the maximum biomass density and sis [32]. The same data have been observed for various microalgae
growth rate were about 0.67 ± 0.03 g L−1 and max of 0.41 ± 0.003 strains such as Aphanocapsa halophyta [33], Microcoleus vaginatus
d−1 , respectively, while the EPS production (at day 4) was estimated [34], Cyanothece [35] or Synechocystis [36]. Indeed, under phys-
at 0.62 ± 0.08 g g−1 DW (Table 1). This result is not in congru- iological conditions, the enhancement of EPS amount could be
ence with that found by Trabelsi et al. [31], who recorded an suggested as a way to avoid the oxidative stress in cells and to pro-
EPS production of 0.433 g g−1 DW under autotrophic culture of tect membranes from desiccation [37]. In homology with bacteria,
inlab-acclimated Arthrospira platensis strain. The variation in EPS the presence of EPS layer around the cell may reduce the diffusion of
production amount could be related to the culture conditions. ions from media through the cell surface and therefore preventing
Indeed, the difference observed between Arthrospira platensis and cell death [38].
Arthrospira sp. in EPS production is due to the extreme environ-
ment (desert) from where Arthrospira sp. was isolated, which would
leads this strain to possess efficient mechanisms for producing EPS 3.3. Maximized factor combinations for biomass composition and
to preserve cells from desiccation and therefore from death. EPS production

The factor combination conditions that maximize the EPS

3.2. EPS production modelization
production were evaluated by the established equations of the
obtained model. Low light intensity of 10 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1
The variation of the Spirulina EPS production under induced
combined with high concentration of NaCl (39 g L−1 ) triggered an
experimental stress conditions, with respect to different combi-
EPS maximum amount of 1.02 g g−1 biomass DW. Based on the
nations of the experimental factors, is shown in Table 1. Results
highest EPS content obtained under the stressed conditions (step
revealed a large variation of the EPS production from 0.15 to
II), the EPS maximization ratio was 1.67-folds greater than that
0.98 g g−1 DW.
obtained at the step I of cultivation (optimal growth conditions).
To examine the interactive effects between the studied fac-
tors and their influence on EPS production, a modelization was
performed using response surface methodology (RSM). Results 3.4. Desalting optimization and chemical composition of both EPS
illustrated in Table 2 indicates the statistical model parameters and PS
of the obtained EPS model and the resulted unscaled coefficients
(Coeff.USC). The EPS response exhibited a satisfactory coefficient of Results displayed in Fig. 4 indicated the conductivity values of
determination (R2 = 0.92) and non-significant lack of fit (p > 0.05), the concentrated culture medium through washing times. Data
resulting in sufficient model to accurately fit the experimental data showed that five washing steps were efficient to bring conductivity
after computing power transformation (E−0.25 ) as suggested by of the concentrated culture medium from 104.63 ± 1.01 mS cm−1
Box-Cox analysis. to 0.514 ± 0.02 mS cm−1 . The total ash content consolidated this
1416 I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420

Fig. 2. Growth curve of Arthrospira sp. under optimal growth conditions. Error bars represent the standard deviation (n = 3).

Fig. 3. The values of process factor effects (computed as twice the MLR coefficients) on EPS production. LI (Light Intensity) and NaCl concentration. The standard error at 90%
confidence interval is shown as error bars.

Table 3
Chemical composition and thermal proprieties of concentrated culture media, EPS and polysaccharidic moiety (PS).

Concentratedculture media EPS(After desalting) PS(After deproteinization)

Moisture% ND 14.8 ± 1.39a 12.85± 0.78a

Ash%* 90.1 ± 1.11a 5.08 ± 0.66b 5.85 ± 0.71b
Total Sugar%* 2.1 ± 0.052a 60.56 ± 1.16b 67.3 ± 1.1c
Soluble proteins%* ND 11.12 ± 0.65a 5.14 ± 0.32b
Sulfate group%* ND 1.84 ± 0.02a 2.42 ± 0.12b
Tg (◦ C) ND 55.6 50.1
Hg (J/g) ND 60.7 51.35

ND: Not determined. (a,b,c) Different letters in the same line mean significant differences between concentrated culture media, EPS and PS moiety.
Results based on the wet weight of freeze-dried powder.
I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420 1417

Fig. 4. Desalting dynamic of concentrated culture medium according to number of washing cycles.a, b and c: different letters in the different column mean significant
difference between number of washing cycles of concentration media.

result and decreased from 90.1 ± 1.11% in the concentrated culture

medium to 5.08 ± 0.66% in the EPS after 5 washing cycles (Table 3).
The chemical composition of the concentrated culture medium,
EPS and PS is shown in Table 3. The sugar content was esti-
mated at 2.1 ± 0.052% in the concentrated culture medium, and

increased after the desalting steps to reach 60.56 ± 1.16% for EPS
and 67.3 ± 1.1% for PS after the EPS deproteinization. The depro-
teinization step allowed a decrease of the soluble protein content PS
in EPS by 2.16-folds, and reached a final content of 5.14 ± 0.32% in
The present findings are in discordance with those obtained by
Trabelsi et al. [10], where the composition of the extracted EPS from
Arthrospira platensis,cultivated in one step batch autotrophic cul-
ture process over 25 days, was mostly dominated by protein moiety
600 1100 1600 2100 2600 3100 3600
(55% DW) while carbohydrates amount was at 13% (DW). Accord-
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
ing to the available literature, protein moiety in cyanobacterial EPS
are ranged from 0.6 to 50.3% (DW) and depended on the species Fig. 5. Infrared spectra of EPS and PS.
and culture conditions [13,39]. Indeed, high NaCl concentration
may have an indirect effect on EPS composition. Increasing NaCl
concentration in culture medium could reduce the availability of
nutrients like nitrogen, which contributes to the C/N ratio increase that would, otherwise, be expected based on the heat stability
and thus promoting the incorporation of carbon into exopolysac- characteristics of the crude polysaccharide (PS). In addition, the
charidic fraction [13]. However, even after repeated purification transition enthalpy associated with this peak is related to the rela-
steps, most authors are agreed in considering that proteins are not tive interaction between components in the samples.
reducible below a certain usual proportion ranged from 1 to 3% DW Furthermore, obtained results indicated that deproteinization
of EPS, thereby, pointing out that it must be a true component of decreases transition enthalpy (51.35 J/g). The higher enthalpy value
the studied polymer [13,39]. for EPS (60.7 J/g), indicates that it had higher renaturation level than
the deproteinized polysaccharide (Table 3).
3.5. DSC and infrared spectroscopy analysis of EPS and PS The presence of polysaccharide in both polymers was likewise
confirmed by FTIR analysis [41]. As shown in Fig. 5, for the two sam-
The calorimetric proprieties of EPS and PS were evaluated and ples, absorption bands were observed in the region of 3200 cm−1
data are presented in Table 3. Results indicated an endothermic and 2900 cm−1 , which could be attributed to the stretching of O H
peak associated with the helix-coil transition characterized the dif- and the C H, respectively [42], typical for alkyl and hydroxyl func-
ferential scanning calorimetric thermograms of PS and EPS. The tionality of a carbohydrate. The most important peak for both PS
transition temperature (Tg) and enthalpy (H) of EPS and PS pow- and EPS at 1250 cm−1 corresponds to the stretching vibration of
ders are reported in Table 3. PS had a Tg value of 50.1 ◦ C, which is the ester sulfate groups (S O) [27]. Moreover, the presence of
lower than that of EPS (55.6 ◦ C). Suyatma et al. [40] reported that Tg pyranose units, C O C group and C O S bindings were consis-
is an important criterion for polymer uses in food or pharmaceuti- tent with absorption band at 1050 cm−1 , 950 cm−1 and 780 cm−1 ,
cal application. In addition, both samples were wholly amorphous, respectively, and further evidenced sulfate groups as substituent
as they did not exhibit any melting event in the temperature region [29,42].
1418 I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420

Table 4A
Carreau model parameters values as function of PS concentration.
␩app (Pa.s) ␩∞ (Pa.s) c (s−1 ) P

1% 0.007 15.8 0.002 0.282

2.5% 0.011 36.5 0.045 0.360
5% 0.029 335.6 0.059 0.384

The curves of apparent viscosity variation ␩ (Pa.s), as function

of the shear rate (s−1 ), indicated that all PS solutions (1%, 2.5% and
5%) exhibited a rheological behavior of structural type, which is
composed of three regions:

(i) The first Newtonian region characterized by a relative con-

stant apparent viscosity (␩app ) at the zero shear rate indicated a
non-solid behavior, suggesting that the inter-macromolecular
bonds are not enough to form a rigid network responsible for
the gelling behavior. All over the experiment, the PS samples
showed an unlimited viscosity that reaches 102 Pa.s, particu-
larly in 5% PS.
(ii) Beyond a certain shear value associated with critical shear, c ,
the apparent viscosity ␩ (Pa.s) of the PS solutions decreased,
generating thereby an intermediate rheo-fluidifiant behavior.
This behavior was characterized by the exponent (P) of Car-
reau model, which measures the degree of the Newtonian
anomaly or the gap in Newtonian behavior. When P = 0, the
fluid is Newtonian. In this intermediate region, PS macro-
molecules undergo shear forces resulting in partial destruction
and deployment.
(iii) Thereafter, the following region is characterized by a high
shear rate in which the apparent viscosity ␩ (Pa.s) seems to
be stabilized and was associated with a viscosity at the infinite
shear rate, ␩∞ . It is the second Newtonian region.

Moreover as shown in Table 4A, ␩app and ␩∞ increased with

the concentration of the PS solutions increasing, which denote the
structural character of the colloidal system and its sensitivity to
the increase when PS concentration increases. The increase of ␩app
showed that in the absence of shear ( = 0), the intermolecular
interactions were more reinforced. The increase in ␩∞ explained
the increase in flow resistance, under extreme flow, due to the
increase in the number of macromolecules. However, the value
of this parameter is considerably smaller than ␩app values, as in
infinite shear, the macromolecules are completely dispersed and
aligned in the direction of the shear and hence their resistance
to flow is reduced. Furthermore, the critical shear rate, c (s−1 ),
was similarly concentration-dependent, explaining the fact that the
molecular bonds become more cohesive, requiring more intense
shears to be destructed. Finally, the Carreau model exponent (P),
Fig. 6. (a) Fitted apparent viscosity variation of PS solution (1%, 2.5%, 5%) as a func- last parameter characteristic of the flow, was similar in the differ-
tion of shear rate (s−1 ), T = 20 ◦ C; (b): PS solution G and G [Pa] variation as a function
ent samples and ranged from 0.28 to 0.38 when PS concentration
of strain (%), f = 1 Hz,T = 20 ◦ C; (c): PS solution G and G temperature dependence
f = 1 Hz, y = 1%.
increased from 1% to 5% (Table 4A). These P values,showed that the
relative drop in apparent viscosity under the effect of the flow (the
Newtonian anomaly), was not dependent to the concentration.
All these observations of shearing-thinning behavior lead to
3.6. Rheological characterization results conclude that the extracellular polysaccharide (PS) of Arthrospira
sp. displayed a non-Newtonian behavior and had an extremely
3.6.1. Viscosity: shear-thinning behavior strong pseudoplastic characteristic, which is appeared at the
Fig. 6a shows the flow curves of PS solutions at various concen- different studied concentrations and may be due to their poly-
trations (5%, 2.5% and 1% (w/v)). Under shear rate variation from electrolytic propriety. The flow results are in agreement with
10−3 to 103 s−1 , the flow behavior is monitored by the four parame- those found for EPS from Arthrospira platensis [14], different bac-
ters ␩app , ␩∞ ,  and P, supported by the constitutive Carreau model, terial extracellular polysaccharides such as Pseudomonas stutzeri
which gives a good fit with ␩app values (R2 = 0.99). After adjust- AS22 [43], Rhizobium radiobacter [44,45] and for polysaccharides
ment, the values of the four characteristic parameters of the three extracted from Lepidium sativum [46],where the shear-thinning
PS solutions were determined and grouped in Table 4A. was directly proportional to the polymer concentration.
I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420 1419

Grounded on this result, the assessed rheological propriety Table 4B

G ,G and ␶0 threshold strain values as function of PS concentration.
of Arthrospira sp. extracellular polysaccharides suggests several
industrial applications as a thinking agent or viscosity-reducer in G (Pa) G (Pa) ␶0 (Pa)
some applications, which are involved in food processes at differ- 1% 0.7 0.51 0.02
ent shear rates like mixing, pouring or pumping [47]. In addition, 2.5% 6.2 4.34 6.10
this rheological behavior may affect the flavor release, food texture, 5% 91.5 40.9 69.19
mouth feeling and suspension ability [45].

3.6.2. Viscoelastic proprieties: gel-like behavior The values of G , G and ␶0 for the three concentrations of the PS
This test describes the variation of the two rheological moduli: solution are in Table 4B. It is clearly shown that the three param-
the storage modulus (G ) and the loss modulus (G ). The G values eters register a large increase, varying by decade, displayed the
provide information about the energy stored in the material during concentration varies linearly. In agreement with the study of Miao
deformation stress, while G describes its viscous character. With et al. [53], this behavior indicates the potential use of PS as a tex-
increasing strain, two different regions were distinguished, namely turizing agent, affecting both very low consistency systems, such
linear viscoelastic range (LVE) where G and G are almost constant, as milky or liquid products, or pasts with high consistency and
and non-linear region (NVE) in which G and G start to drop. thickness.
The viscoelastic proprieties were evaluated and data are pre-
sented in Fig. 6a. Results demonstrated the presence of the linear 3.6.3. Thermo-viscoelastic proprieties: thermo-evaluation of PS
viscoelastic range (LVE), in which the two moduli were constant gel-like behavior
and the storage modulus G was greater than the loss modulus G for Fig. 6c shows the dependence of G and G at different PS concen-
the different concentrations of PS solutions (G > G ). These results trations (1%, 2.5% and 5%) through a temperature ramp test during
indicated that the three solutions exhibited a viscoelastic gel-like heating and cooling step.
behavior, which is consistent with the determined liquid behavior For the investigated concentrations, the storage modulus G
in continuous regime. always remains higher than the loss modulus G , even though
In addition, results indicated that PS gel-like behavior increased the solutions have been subjected to temperatures up to 80 ◦ C,
as the PS concentration increased from 1% to 5% and thereby, suggesting that the increase in the Brownian motion of the macro-
increasing the strength of the polymer to be more rigid. molecules (thermal agitation), due to temperature, did not affect
Moreover, interestingly, at high PS concentration, the two mod- the PS structure, and thereby preserving the viscoelastic gel char-
uli get more spaced-paralleled to each other. Indeed an increase in acter of the PS. Furthermore, the two moduli G and G decreased
PS concentration leaded to rigidify the polymer’s network through during heating, while increased during subsequent cooling. This
enhanced molecular contact, and thus making it more resistant to variation appears to be more significant for PS concentration of
deformation and flow [48]. In addition, in oscillation, the probe 1%, which recorded a gain of one decade after returning to ambi-
time, which is the inverse of the frequency, is relatively small com- ent temperature (G heating(20 ◦ C) = 0.5 Pa and G cooling(20 ◦ C) = 2 Pa).
pared to the relaxation time of the fluid, indicating that Arthrospira This observation may suggest that the macromolecules under-
sp. PS behaves more like solid, as shown by the elastic character. went, after cooling, a new reorganization or aggregation of the
This behavior is in accordance with those found for other hydro- PS chains, generating a more compact structure particularly for
colloids such as Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum [49] and Auricularia low PS concentrations [54]. This PS behavior is in accordance with
auricular-judae polysaccharide [50]. that observed in bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPSA22) [43]. How-
Beyond LVE, G begun to decrease and intercepted the curve ever, other studies reported that the temperature treatment did
G at the gel point (G = G ). This point marked the transition from not affected the polysaccharide structure extracted from Rhizobium
viscoelastic solid to viscoelastic liquid behavior. However, the tran- radiobacter CAS [44], Pseudomonas oleovoranse [55] and Lepidium
sition point was different in the tasted samples and depended on sativum [45].
the PS concentration. At the highest PS concentration (5%), this
transition point is reached under a strain (y) value to above 100%,
4. Conclusion
whereas it is reached at a much lower strain (<1%) for 1% PS.
Indeed, the hydrophilic nature of Arthrospira sp. PS allows water
The present work demonstrated that two steps culture of
absorption through hydrogen bonds belt between water molecules
Arthropira sp. modify significantly and in a dynamic manner the EPS
and polymer carboxyl groups. Thus, at the lowest PS concentra-
production, and showed that the application of combined multiple
tion (1%), the higher sensitivity of PS solution to the imposed strain
stress factors gave an appreciate EPS maximization ratio The opti-
could be probably related to the lower density of junction zones
mized combination between light and NaCl for EPS enhancement is
in the polymer network, having a weak nature leading to its easy
energy economic and could be easily adopted by industry in a short
break-down by the strain action. Conversely, by increasing PS con-
time (3 days) according to the adopted two-step cultivation pro-
centration, more hydrogen bonds are formed between the free PS
cess, which avoids biomass productivity restriction. Under these
carboxylic groups and water molecules. Hence, the polymer net-
conditions, Arthrospira sp. produced extracellular polysaccharides
work gets much stronger and more elastic propriety because of
with low protein moiety. The isolated polysaccharide (PS) has good
the higher crosslinking density [51]. Nevertheless, the PS rheolog-
calorimetric proprieties with amorphous character. The rheologi-
ical behavior could be equally due to the electrostatic repulsions
cal studies suggested that PS displayed a pseudoplastic behavior,
caused by the charged groups on the polymer’s backbone, leading
exhibited a typical shear-thinning nature, gel-like behavior, and can
to a highly extended structure. Consequently, these molecules may
resist to thermal cycle. The outcomes of this study demonstrate the
be aligned and associated via hydrogen bonding to form a weakly
potential use of PS in several food and pharmaceutical applications.
structured material [52].
On the other hand, the transition point is associated with a char-
acteristic parameter called “threshold stress”, ␶0 (Pa) (Table 4B). Acknowledgment
When the applied stress is less than ␶0 , the solution behaves like
a viscoelastic gel, while high ␶0 (Pa) values enhanced the behavior The authors thank Youcef Krichen and Ali Aouabed for permit-
switch to a viscoelastic liquid. ting access to their laboratory.
1420 I. Chentir et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105 (2017) 1412–1420

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