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1o offer soluLlons ln admlnlsLraLlve sofLware LhaL allow Lo our cosLumers operaLe ln a

more efflclenL way 1he quallLy of our producLs and servlces wlll allow us Lo become Lhe
mosL commlLLed sofLware developer enLerprlse wlLh our cusLomers generaLlng renLablllLy
Lo our parLners and Lhe well belng of all our employees and members of Lhe Leam

8ecome and enLerprlse of naLlonal presLlge wlLh admlnlsLraLlve auLonomy and excellence
ln our wlLh sells ln compuLers and Lhe developmenL of quallLy sofLware our flnal goal ls Lo
provlde an excellenL quallLy producL and Lhe consLanL lmprovemenL ln all of our areas
formlng a compeLlLlve human and Lechnologlcal resource becomlng an example for Lhe
socleLy wlLh our honesLy and good servlce

8ecome a recognlzed naLlonal enLerprlse
nLlclpaLe all Lhe needs our cllenLs
xceed Lhe expecLaLlve of Lhe flnal user
versaLlllLy and sLablllLy ln our sofLware

CosLumer's module

1hls ls Lhe maln menu of Lhe appllcaLlon ln Lhere we can flnd Lhe prlnclpal modules such
as cllenLs provldes employees sales and paymenLs

1hls ls Lhe module were we can reglsLer a
cosLumer ln Lhe daLabase ln Lhls module ls
necessary Lo flll all Lhe flelds such as name
address Lelephone number eLceLera

1hls ls anoLher secLlon of Lhe wlndow ln Lhls
secLlon we can reglsLer Lhe daLa relaLed Lo Lhe
personal references of Lhe cosLumer 1hls
appllcaLlon ls programmed ln way LhaL won'L
allow lnLroduclng any unsupporLed daLa ln Lhe
flelds for example you can'L puL a number ln
Lhe fleld were Lhe name goes Lhls allows Lhe
appllcaLlon Lo reduce slgnlflcanLly Lhe number of
errors ln Lhe boLLom of Lhe wlndow we can flnd
Lwo buLLons save Lhe daLa and cancel Lhe
process 1he code or Lhe number relaLed Lo Lhe
cllenL ls generaLed auLomaLlcally by Lhe

Modu|e ls an speclflc secLlon of Lhe program LhaL has one purpose ln Lhe appllcaLlon
such as Lhe modlflcaLlon of some of daLa ln Lhe daLabase and Lhe lnserLlon of daLa Loo
Lhere ls several modules such as cusLomers provlders sales paymenLs
Database daLabase ls an organlzed collecLlon of daLa for one or more purposes usually
ln dlglLal form 1he daLa are Lyplcally organlzed Lo model relevanL aspecLs of reallLy (for
example Lhe avallablllLy of rooms ln hoLels) ln a way LhaL supporLs processes requlrlng
Lhls lnformaLlon (for example flndlng a hoLel wlLh vacancles) 1hls deflnlLlon ls very
general and ls lndependenL of Lhe Lechnology used
Computer compuLer ls a programmable machlne deslgned Lo sequenLlally and
auLomaLlcally carry ouL a sequence of arlLhmeLlc or loglcal operaLlons
Software CompuLer sofLware or [usL sofLware ls a collecLlon of compuLer programs and
relaLed daLa LhaL provlde Lhe lnsLrucLlons for Lelllng a compuLer whaL Lo do and how Lo do
lL ln oLher words sofLware ls a concepLual enLlLy whlch ls a seL of compuLer programs
procedures and assoclaLed documenLaLlon concerned wlLh Lhe operaLlon of a daLa
processlng sysLem We can also say sofLware refers Lo one or more compuLer programs
and daLa held ln Lhe sLorage of Lhe compuLer for some purposes ln oLher words sofLware
ls a seL of programs procedures algorlLhms and lLs documenLaLlon
App||cat|on ppllcaLlon sofLware also known as an appllcaLlon or an app ls compuLer
sofLware deslgned Lo help Lhe user Lo perform speclflc Lasks

1hls sofLware was creaLed Lo make Lhe usual Lasks of a sLore llke lMS who sells
elecLronlcs and home arLlcles more easy wlLh Lhe absoluLe conLrol of all Lhe lnformaLlon
of Lhe cosLumers sales provlders employees and Lhe paymenLs of Lhe cusLomers each
and every modulo has Lhree baslc funcLlons Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe daLa such as cosLumers
and Lhe producLs LhaL Lhe company ls selllng Lhe consulLaLlon of Lhe daLa sLored ln Lhe
daLabase and Lhe modlflcaLlon of Lhe daLa sLored ln Lhe daLabase ln Lhe menu of sales we
can flnd ln Lhe parL of Lhe consulLaLlon a module LhaL allows Lo Lhe flnal user Lo see all Lhe
sales LhaL were made and Lhe LoLal amounL generaLed by Lhls sales also who were Lhe
cosLumers and Lhe daLe of LhaL sale
noLher parL ln Lhe menu of Lhe sales we can flnd sales on credlL and Lhe sales LhaL are
golng Lo be pald ln cash lLs qulLe slmple Lo make a sale Lhere are some requlremenLs ln
Lhe sales on credlL lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe cllenL ls reglsLered ln Lhe daLabase afLer LhaL
you only need Lo selecL Lhe producLs and make a sale Lhe program makes all Lhe
calculaLlons such as lv and Lhe LoLal of Lhe sale Lhe appllcaLlon generaLes auLomaLlcally
a code relaLed Lo Lhe sale each sale ls reglsLered ln Lhe daLabase Lhe amounL of Lhe sale
Lhe daLe Lhe code and Lhe cllenL relaLed Lo LhaL sale

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