2002 Arnold Mixed Finite Elements For Elasticity
2002 Arnold Mixed Finite Elements For Elasticity
2002 Arnold Mixed Finite Elements For Elasticity
Summary. There have been many efforts, dating back four decades, to
develop stable mixed finite elements for the stress-displacement formulation
of the plane elasticity system. This requires the development of a compatible
pair of finite element spaces, one to discretize the space of symmetric tensors
in which the stress field is sought, and one to discretize the space of vector
fields in which the displacement is sought. Although there are number of
well-known mixed finite element pairs known for the analogous problem
involving vector fields and scalar fields, the symmetry of the stress field is
a substantial additional difficulty, and the elements presented here are the
first ones using polynomial shape functions which are known to be stable.
We present a family of such pairs of finite element spaces, one for each
polynomial degree, beginning with degree two for the stress and degree one
for the displacement, and show stability and optimal order approximation.
We also analyze some obstructions to the construction of such finite element
spaces, which account for the paucity of elements available.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 65N30, 74S05
1. Introduction
Let σ and u denote the stress and displacement fields engendered by a body
force f acting on a linearly elastic body which occupies a planar region Ω
and which is clamped on ∂Ω. Then σ takes values in the space S = R2×2 sym
The first author was supported by NSF grant DMS-9870399 and the second author by the
Norwegian Research Council (NFR) under grant 135420/431.
Correspondence to: D.N. Arnold
402 D.N. Arnold, R. Winther
It is clear that condition (A1 ) implies (A1) with c1 = 1. In order to see that
the so-called commuting diagram property (A2 ) implies (A2) we have to
invoke the fact that for each v ∈ L2 (Ω, R2 ) there exists a τ ∈ H 1 (Ω, S)
such that
div τ = v, τ H 1 ≤ c0 vL2 ,
where c0 is independent of v (this is discussed briefly in the following
section). For v ∈ Vh and with this choice of τ we have Πh τ ∈ Σh ,
div Πh τ = Ph div τ = Ph v = v, and
div Πh τ · v dx = v2L2 ≥ c−1
0 τ H 1 vL2 ≥ c2 Πh τ H(div) vL2 ,
Fig. 1. Element diagrams for the lowest order stress and displacement elements
Lemma 3.1. If the 24 degrees of freedom just given all vanish for some
τ ∈ ΣT , then τ = 0.
Proof. We immediately have that τ n vanishes on each edge. Letting v =
div τ , a linear vector field on T , we get
(3.2) v dx = − τ : v dx + τ n · v ds = 0
T T ∂T
The right hand side vanishes in view of (3.5) and (3.4). This verifies the
commutativity property
⊂ J div
0 −−−−−→ P1 (Ω) −−−−−→ C ∞ (Ω) −−−−−→ C ∞ (Ω, S) −−−−−→ C ∞ (Ω, R2 ) −−−−−→ 0
id h h h
⊂ J div
0 −−−−−→ P1 (Ω) −−−−−→ Qh −−−−−→ Σh −−−−−→ Vh −−−−−→ 0
Mixed finite elements for elasticity 409
The finite element method for elasticity based on our spaces Σh and Vh
has many features in common with popular mixed finite element methods
for scalar elliptic problems, and we shall use these in Sect. 5 to give an
error analysis. However there are some notable differences as well. One of
these is the presence of vertex nodes. This leads to technical complications
in the analysis, since it adds an additional regularity requirement for func-
tions to belong to the domain of Πh . However, as we now explain, vertex
nodes are unavoidable whenever continuous shape functions are used to con-
struct an H(div, Ω, S) finite element space. To see why, imagine building an
H(div, Ω, S) finite element space from spaces ΣT of continuous symmetric
matrix fields, imposing interelement continuity only by means of quantities
defined on the edges (and so shared by only two neighboring elements).
This means that the degrees of freedom associated with each edge must
determine the normal component on the edge. Now consider two edges of a
triangle meeting at a common vertex x. If n1 is the normal to the first edge
and n2 the normal to the second edge then the degrees of freedom on the
first edge must determine τ n1 there and similarly the degrees of freedom
on the second edge must determine τ n2 there. Since τ is continuous, we
have in particular that the degrees of freedom on the first edge determine
τ (x)n1 · n2 , and those on the second edge determine τ (x)n2 · n1 . But these
quantities are equal since τ is symmetric. This is a contradiction, since the
degrees of freedom on the two edges are necessarily independent.
This argument indicates that it is at least necessary to take the quantity
τ (x)n1 · n2 as a degree of freedom associated to the vertex node x. But
the node x is shared by other triangles which will have other values for
the edge normal vectors ni . For this reason, except if we restrict to very
special triangulations, we are forced to take all three components of τ (x)
as degrees of freedom associated to the node x1 . Note that the composite
H(div, Ω, S) finite elements of [13] and [4] avoid the necessity of vertex
degrees of freedom because they use discontinuous shape functions.
4. Approximation properties
where h denotes the mesh size (i.e., the maximum diameter of a triangle in
Th ), and the constant c depends only on the shape regularity of the triangu-
lation. We then specify the interpolation operator Πh via (3.3)–(3.5) with
Ehx τ = Rh τ (x).
Recall also that Πh0 : H 1 (Ω, S) → Σh denotes the simpler interpolation
operator obtained with the choice Ehx τ = 0. It is straightforward to verify
the identity
Πh = Πh0 (I − Rh ) + Rh .
where τ and τ̂ are related by (4.3) and x = F x̂. To verify (4.5) we first note
BΠT̂0 τ̂ (x̂)B T = 0
for each vertex of T . Furthermore,
0 T
BΠT̂ τ̂ (x̂)B dx = (det B)B ΠT̂0 τ̂ (x̂) dx̂B T
T T̂
= (det B)B τ̂ (x̂) dx̂B T
= τ (x) dx.
Hence, it only remains to verify that BΠT̂0 τ̂ (x̂)B T has the edge moments
required of ΠT0 τ (x). Let e be an edge of T , ê the corresponding edge of T̂ ,
and let v ∈ P1 (e, R2 ). Since B T ne is normal to ê it follows that
0 T |e|
[BΠT̂ τ̂ (x̂)B ]ne · v(x) ds = B ΠT̂0 τ̂ (x̂)B T ne · v̂(x̂) dŝ
e |ê|
= B τ̂ (x̂)B T ne · v̂(x̂) dŝ
|ê| ê
= τ (x)ne · v(x) ds,
5. Error analysis
Having established the stability properties (A1 ) and (A2 ) for the spaces
Σh and Vh , we conclude that the Hellinger–Reissner functional has a unique
critical point over Σh × Vh and obtain the quasioptimal estimate [6, 7]
The infimum on the right hand side is easily seen to be O(h2 ) for smooth
solutions. However we shall now state and prove more precise estimates,
with an analysis very analogous to that for second order elliptic problems.
Theorem 5.1. Let (σ, u) denote the unique critical point of the Hellinger–
Reissner functional over H(div, Ω, S) × L2 (Ω, R2 ) and let (σh , uh ) denote
unique critical point over Σh × Vh , where Σh and Vh are the spaces defined
in Sect. 3. Then
σ − σh 0 ≤ chm σm , 1 ≤ m ≤ 3,
div σ − div σh 0 ≤ chm div σm , 0 ≤ m ≤ 2,
u − uh 0 ≤ chm um+1 , 1 ≤ m ≤ 2.
Fig. 2. Element diagrams for the stress and displacement elements in the case k = 2
diagrams for the case k = 2 are shown in Fig. 2. In this case N2 (T ) is the
span of P1 (T , S) and the additional matrix field J(b2T ).
Having specified finite element spaces on individual triangles and the
degrees of freedom, we have determined the finite element spaces Σh and
Vh for any triangulation. The latter space is simply the space of piecewise
polynomial vector fields of degree at most k, while the former space consists
of H(div, Ω, S) matrix fields which belong to ΣT on each T ∈ Th and
in addition are continuous at the mesh vertices. In addition to the natural
interpolation operator determined by the degrees of freedom, we define
Πh : H 1 (Ω, S) → Σh by using as degrees of freedom at the vertices the
values of a suitable Clement interpolant. In this way we obtain an operator
which satisfies the commutativity property (3.6) (with Ph the L2 -projection
into Vh ), and the error estimates (4.7), now for 1 ≤ m ≤ k + 2. The analysis
generalizes directly from the case k = 1, resulting in the following analogue
of Theorem 5.1.
Theorem 6.1. Let (σ, u) denote the unique critical point of the Hellinger–
Reissner functional over H(div, Ω, S) × L2 (Ω, R2 ) and let (σh , uh ) denote
the unique critical point over Σh × Vh , where Σh and Vh are the spaces
defined above for some integer k ≥ 1. Then
σ − σh 0 ≤ chm σm , 1 ≤ m ≤ k + 2,
div σ − div σh 0 ≤ chm div σm , 0 ≤ m ≤ k + 1,
u − uh 0 ≤ chm um+1 , 1 ≤ m ≤ k + 1.
There does not exist an element pair for k = 0 in our family. Indeed,
there could not, since there does not exist an H 2 finite element of degree 4.
However, there is a variant of the lowest order (k = 1 element), with fewer
degrees of freedom, which we now describe briefly. To do so we denote
by RM (T ) the space of infinitesmal rigid motions on T , i.e., the span of
P0 (T, R2 ) and the linear vector field (−x2 , x1 ). This is precisely the kernel
Mixed finite elements for elasticity 417
8. Final remarks
the entire stress tensor must vanish there, and so all three degrees of freedom
at the corner set equal to zero. At other boundary points traction boundary
conditions imply two linear relations among three degrees of freedom. (Such
linear relation boundary conditions can be implemented by modifying the
relevant columns and rows of the unconstrained stiffness matrix, maintain-
ing symmetry.)
Another generalization that can easily be handled is the extension to
nearly incompressible or incompressible elastic materials. In the homoge-
neous isotropic case the compliance tensor is given by Aτ = [τ − λ/(2µ +
2λ) tr τ I]/2µ, where µ > 0, λ ≥ 0 are the Lamé constants. For our mixed
method, as for most methods based on the Hellinger–Reissner principle,
one can prove that the error estimates hold uniformly in λ (the incom-
limit being λ → ∞). In the analysis above we used the fact that
Aτ : τ dx ≥ c0 τ 20 for some positive c0 . This estimate degenerates
(c0 → 0) as λ → ∞. However the estimate remains true with c0 > 0 de-
pending only on Ω and µ if we restrict τ to functions for which div τ ≡ 0,
Ω tr τ dx = 0, and this is enough to carry through the analysis. See [4]
where the details are presented for a composite mixed element.
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