PHD - Dissertation by Chala Adugna - AAU - May16 - 2024
PHD - Dissertation by Chala Adugna - AAU - May16 - 2024
PHD - Dissertation by Chala Adugna - AAU - May16 - 2024
April, 2024
This is to certify that the dissertation prepared by Chala Adugna Kufa, entitled
“Distribution, habitat ecology, suitability and abundance of Djaffa Mountains
guereza (Colobus guereza gallarum, Neumann, 1902) from Ahmar Mountains,
Eastern Ethiopia” and submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa
University in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Biology (Ecological and Systematic Zoology) complies with the regulations of the
University and meets the accepted standard with respect to originality and quality.
Chair of the Department
Understanding the distribution, abundance, niche use and habitat suitability of little-
known primate species in the human dominated landscape is key to guide the
conservation and management efforts. Djaffa Mountains guereza (C. g. gallarum) is
endemic primate of Ethiopia with little information on its ecology and distribution. For
decades, its distribution pattern remains vague and was confused with its closest taxa, C.
g. guereza. This study aims to provide the most basic ecological aspects of C. g. gallarum
focusing on its distribution pattern, population size, habitat suitability and conservation
risks. The field study was conducted between 2020 and 2021 both during wet and dry
seasons. Distribution pattern of C. g. gallarum was conducted using species distribution
models. Population estimate was carried out using 19 transects covering a distance of
75.9 km in four forests with varied ecologies using line transect distance sampling
technique. Ecological niche modelling was developed using multiple algorithms. For
projecting the suitable habitats of the subspecies, projected climate of the Representative
Concentration Pathways in two scenarios and periods was used. The extent of potential
suitable habitats for these closely related Colobus taxa were modelled, identified
anthropogenic refugia, analyzed protected anthropogenic refugia, and computed niche
overlap. During the survey across the taxon’s range, 73 guereza clusters were
encountered, resulting in 20,061 individuals (109.6 individuals/km 2). The habitat
suitability model using MaxEnt for the currently available potential habitat of C. g.
gallarum predicted about 1,336.05 km2 within its range. The extent of predicted
ecological niches for C. g. guereza was 168,731 km2, and for C. g. gallarum, it was,
69,542 km2 as predicted using ensemble models for Ethiopia. The results revealed that
closely related taxa of Ethiopia’s Guereza exhibit divergent niches. Of the anthropogenic
refugia calculated, 53.70% and 39.76% were found within Ethiopia’s protected area
network for C. g. gallarum and C. g. guereza, respectively. Anthropogenic disturbance
had a significant impact on the habitat suitability of the C. g. gallarum; but not for C. g.
guereza. Habitat ecology analyses showed that the presence of C. g. gallarum in a
specific area is significantly influenced by height of the trees, variation of tree height and
importance value. Given the habitat and population of C. g. gallarum are already highly
fragmented, further monitoring of the population and exploring the possibilities of
reconnecting its habitat should be of priority for the conservation of this taxon. The
findings further suggest determining the geographic distribution of C. g. gallarum
because there are several forests that constitute suitable habitat for C. g. gallarum that are
unexplored. Data also should be collected along the common distribution border between
C. g. gallarum and other guereza taxa to check for possible sympatry and hybridization.
Firstly, I thank God for giving me health, strength, patience and courage to complete this
dissertation. Without many people's assistance and support, this dissertation would never
have been completed. I thank Professor Afework Bekele for welcoming me as a PhD
student and for his unwavering guidance, inspiration and assistance during my doctoral
study. I always think of and give value to the advice, encouragement, comments and
recommendations I received while pursuing my doctorate at Addis Ababa University. I
thank Dr. Anagaw Atickem, my co-advisor, for his generous support, comments and
guidance during the study period. You enlightened me in the world of primatology and
guided me to studies with new insights on the little-known endemic C. g. gallarum in the
relict forests of the Eastern Ethiopian highlands. I thank my field assistants, namely
Jebessa Fituma, Olana Badada, Aliyi Oda, Mumme Ebro, Abdi Ibro, Gelmo Jemal,
Abdela Ahmed and Kamil Aliyi for their help during field data collection. Support
provided for me by Olana Badada, Aliyi Oda and Mumme Ebro in identification of
vegetation of the study area is appreciated.
I thank Professor Dietmar Zinner, for his guidance during preparation of the manuscripts
for publication, and for comments and suggestions on the data analyses. I thank Dr.
Desalegn Chala for his guidance and comments. My great appreciation goes to my
friends Ahmed Seid, Hailu Tilahun, Abeje Kassie, Tolera Abirham, Mulatu Ayenew and
Mebrate Teklemariam for their advice, inspiration and help.
Table of Contents page
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................xiii
LIST OF PLATES..........................................................................................................xv
LIST OF APPENDICES...............................................................................................xvi
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
1.1. Background...........................................................................................................1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................12
2.3.2. Factors affecting the distribution of colobine monkeys......................................19
3. METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................33
3.1.3. Climate..................................................................................................................35
3.1.4. Vegetation...........................................................................................................36
3.2. METHODS..............................................................................................................39
3.3.3. Ecological niche modelling (ENM) for closely related taxa...............................55
4. RESULTS...................................................................................................................65
4.3.7. Abundance-suitability prediction patterns..........................................................90
5. DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................102
6.1. Conclusion.............................................................................................................115
6.2. Recommendations..................................................................................................117
Figure 1. Origin and Dispersal Scenario for the Colobine Monkeys (Source: Roos et al.,
Figure 2. The geographic distribution of African black and white colobus species
(Source: Grubb et al., 2003)..............................................................................................18
Figure 3. Current phylogeographic distribution of Colobus guereza along the forest belt
of Equatorial Africa (Source: Butynski and De Jong, 2022c)...........................................19
Figure 4. Geographic position of the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia and locations of the four
forest sites where we did the line transect surveys on the C. g. gallarum. Dindin Forest
(DDF), Jallo Kuni-Muktar Wildlife Sanctuary (JKF, comprising two sites nearby: Jallo
Sorroro Torgam (JST) and Kuni-Muktar Wildlife Sanctuary (KMWS)), Hades Forest
(HDF), and Gara Muleta Forest (GMF). DMG = Djaffa Mountains guereza (Source of
Protected areas shapefiles: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN, 2023)...........................................34
Figure 5. Climate data of the four study sites, Dindin Forest (DDF), Hades Forest (HDF),
Gara Muleta Forest (GMF), Jallo Kuni Forest (JKF) in the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia,
from 1989-2019. These climate diagrams include monthly mean temperature and
precipitation. We downloaded the climate data from the Centre for Environmental Data
Analysis (CEDA) datasets of the Climate Research Unit (Source: UEA-CRU; Harris et
al., 2020)............................................................................................................................36
Figure 6. Positions of transects (yellow lines) within the four forests used for C. g.
gallarum surveys from 2020–2021: Dindin Forest (DDF), Jallo Kuni-Muktar Wildlife
Sanctuary (JKF), Hades Forest (HDF), and Gara Muleta Forest (GMF). [maps show the
extent of study sites for each forested area. Base map: Google Earth].............................42
Figure 8. Approximate distributional limits of Ethiopia’s guereza taxa: C. g. guereza
(purple diamond) and C. g. gallarum (yellow diamond)...................................................47
Figure 10. Ethiopia’s remaining forest cover (a), protected area distribution (b) and
human footprint pressure (HFP) map (c) illustrate the extent of anthropogenic activity.
Light green colours show the higher intensity of anthropogenic pressure (c). Maps were
created at a scale of 1:7,500,000 for Ethiopia...................................................................60
Figure 11. Comparison of perpendicular distances (a and b) and cluster sizes (c and d)
among the four forests, and the two seasons and the correlation between cluster size and
perpendicular distance (e)..................................................................................................67
Figure 12. The detection function models of C. g. gallarum fitted using different key
functions for all data combined and encountered during the field surveys across the forest
fragments in the Ahmar Mountains, Eastern Ethiopia (a) half normal, (b) uniform, (c)
negative exponential, (d) hazard rate.................................................................................70
Figure 13. The omission rate for the test data and the predicted area based on the value of
the cumulative threshold for current predictor variables used for modelling....................72
Figure 15. Response curves of the most important variables showing the mean response
of habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum to predictor variables. A single limiting variable
changes shortly and the distribution is truncated for continuous variables (labelled as a-e).
Figure 17. The current predicted habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum using the MaxEnt
algorithm: a) Continuous MaxEnt model output showing areas with red colour as highly
suitable and blue colour unsuitable and b) map indicating the reclassified suitable areas
overlaid with the occurrence localities and topographic Base-map..................................80
Figure 19. Current ensemble habitat suitability maps produced for closely related sister
taxa of Ethiopian guereza. ORG is stand for Omo River guereza and DMG is stand for
Djaffa Mountains guereza..................................................................................................86
Figure 20. The predicted suitable habitats of Ethiopia’s guereza confined within forest
cover (Anthropocene refugia) predicted by ecological niche modelling: a) C. g. guereza,
b) C. g. gallarum................................................................................................................88
Figure 22. Principal component analysis ordination of the environmental variable space
requirements of the two subspecies throughout their ranges. DMG stands for Djaffa
Mountains guereza whereas ORG is for Omo River guereza............................................90
Figure 25. Hierarchical cluster analysis of vegetation data collected in Ahmar Mountains.
Table 1. Ecologies of the selected forests in the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia, (geographic
coordinates in decimal degrees; elevation in m asl; size in km 2; mean (± SD) annual
precipitation in mm; mean (± SD) annual temperature in °C............................................40
Table 2. Number of transects per study site, lengths of transects, encounter rates and
mean cluster sizes per study site........................................................................................41
Table 4. Results from fitting different detection models for Djaffa Mountains guerezas
across the four forest sites during the survey periods........................................................71
Table 5. Parameter estimates and inference for C. g. gallarum across the forest fragments
during the survey periods using the best model selected...................................................71
Table 7. Averaged rang size changes of C. g. gallarum predicted under all scenarios
using two global climate models.......................................................................................84
Table 8. Metrics used for all algorithms to evaluate the performance of the models run
(AUC, COR), indicating their maximum sensitivity and specificity (maxSS) as well as
predicted habitat suitability (HS).......................................................................................85
Table 10. Five selected regression quantiles (rq) used to estimate the intercept (β0) and
slope (β1), together with a 90% confidence interval (CI) for β1, in models y. The local
abundance of C. g. gallarum (yabundance = β0 + β1xsuitability index) is determined by
climatic conditions.............................................................................................................91
Table 11. Indicator of the abundance values of plant species in Ahmar Mountains.........94
Table 12. Name of indicator tree species used to nominate the community clusters in the
remnants of forests from Ahmar Mountains......................................................................96
Table 15. Results of analysis of variances computed among four community types based
on local habitat metrics recorded during the study period.................................................99
Table 16. Multi-collinearity analyses between the local abundance of C. g. gallarum and
metrics of local habitat computed at each plot during the survey period........................100
Table 17. Results of an independent sample t-test that compare group mean differences of
the local habitat attributes measured for the plots occupied by C. g. gallarum and not
occupied during the study period.....................................................................................100
Table 18. Results of regression models analyzing the predictor variables that best predicts
C. g. gallarum occupancy................................................................................................101
Table 19. Poisson distribution model showing the predictor variables significantly related
to the abundance of C. g. gallarum within occupied sites...............................................101
Plate 1. Topographic views of the study locations where the populations of the study
subject were surveyed........................................................................................................35
Plate 2. Images of the features and timber production of the Dindin Forest.....................37
Plate 3. Livestock grazing and deforestation for agricultural expansion are two
threatening factors of C. g. gallarum and its habitat in JKF..............................................38
Plate 4. One of the landscape features of Gara Muleta is in the southern part of the
mountain dominated by P. africana, where C. g. gallarum was surveyed........................39
Plate 5. Male Djaffa Mountains guereza (Colobus guereza gallarum) in Hades Forest,
2021. (photo Chala Adugna)..............................................................................................43
Appendix 2. Ethiopian guereza occurrence used for species distribution modelling and
niches overlap analysis....................................................................................................157
Appendix 5. The Ethiopian guereza presence and background training and testing data
sets utilized for ecological niche modellings...................................................................162
Appendix 6. The chi-square test of goodness of fit for models fitted to the right-
truncation value of 50 metres for the perpendicular distance of the Djaffa Mountains
guereza survey data..........................................................................................................163
Appendix 7. Djaffa Mountains guereza population surveys dataset used for abundance
estimation in Distance......................................................................................................164
Appendix 8. Cluster size and composition of Djaffa Mountains guerezas in the remanent
forest of the Ahmar Mountains, eastern Ethiopia during the study periods....................167
Appendix 10. The MaxEnt models for C. g. gallarum show the relative prediction
performance under two scenarios with climate-only ecological predictors, as illustrated
by the jackknife test using regularized training gain. (a) BCC-CMS1-1 low_RCP_2050s,
(b) BCC-CMS1-1 high_RCP_2050s, (c) BCC-CMS1-1 high_RCP_2070s, (d)
HadGEM2-ES low_RCP_2050s, (e) HadGEM2-ES low_RCP_2070s, and (f) HadGEM2-
ES high_RCP_2070s.......................................................................................................170
Appendix 11. The Global Circulation Model predicts changes in Djaffa Mountains
guereza habitat distributions in the Eastern Ethiopian Highlands under low and high
Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios for the mid-decade 2050s and late
decade 2070s....................................................................................................................171
Appendix 12. Lists of plant species in Ahmar Mountains, Eastern Ethiopia. a local name
= Afaan Oromo................................................................................................................172
Appendix 13. Plot that demonstrated the connection between the mean species abundance
and the number of plots they occur in.............................................................................174
Appendix 14. Dataset of 64 sampling plots and eleven predictor variables used to
conducted the habitat associations of a Djaffa Mountains guereza. “Community type
(CT)” shows the plant communities clustered based on dissimilarity of the plot in plant
species in one of the four community. The data included information on abundance (A),
density (D), basal area (BA), importance value (IV), mean tree height (mH), richness (R),
Shannon index (H), and Shannon evenness (SE)............................................................175
BA Basal area
PRB Population reference bureau
1.1. Background
A significant portion of global biodiversity, including many primates, is at peril of
extinction. A recent study has shown that primates currently facing population decline
account for about 93% of the species (Estrada and Garber, 2022). IUCN has listed more
than 65% of primate species within the threatened category (Fernández et al., 2022).
From a total 522 species globally, there is a threatened with extinction of a larger
proportion (66.67%) and currently recognised as critically endangered (88 species),
endangered (145 species), vulnerable (115 species), and 14 data deficient by the IUCN
(IUCN, 2023). The main reasons for this negative trend are well documented and include
destruction, fragmentation, and conversion of primate habitats, besides unsustainable
exploitation through trapping, shooting and illegal trade (Estrada et al., 2017). It is
expected that factors like human population growth, agricultural expansion and changes
in climate will further hasten population decline (Estrada et al., 2020; Estrada and
Garber, 2022; Pinto et al., 2023). Climate change, in combination with other human
activities, has already influenced the habitat extent of species’, leading to changes via
reductions, shifts, and expansions of suitable habitats for species, mainly species of
primate (Walther et al., 2005; Korstjens and Hillyer, 2016; Carvalho et al., 2019; Sales et
al., 2020; Winder et al., 2023).
effects from worldwide heating (Pacifici et al., 2017). These trends will exacerbate the
consequences of human activities, pushing vulnerable primate species even closer to
extinction (Winder et al., 2023). Although primates are known to be adaptable within a
limited temperature range (Tewksbury et al., 2008), they have low dispersal capacity
(Meyer and Pie, 2022) and tend to maintain stable ranges (Gnanadesikan et al., 2017;
Samplonius et al., 2018). Nevertheless, their long generation time makes it difficult for
them to develop effective adaptations quickly enough to minimise the detrimental
impacts caused by changes in global climate conditions (Bernard and Marshall, 2020).
Many studies have been conducted to understand the influences of global change in
climate on biodiversity in Ethiopia (Mulugeta Mokria et al., 2015; Desalegn Chala et al.,
2016; Fashing et al., 2022; Kandziora et al., 2022; Ahmed Seid et al., 2023). A study
reveals that climate change will increase the minimum altitude of geladas by 500 metres
(Dunbar, 1998). A recent review also highlights the need for mega-research on the long-
term effects of changes in climate on biodiversity (Fashing et al., 2022). Therefore,
research on climate change is crucial for understanding how to protect biodiversity (Liu
et al., 2022), the ways in which species react to the changing climate (Graham and
Grimm, 1990), developing approaches that mitigate its effects (Struebig et al., 2015), and
ultimately conserving species (Thomas et al., 2004). Given the magnitude and multitude
of threats mentioned above, novel and promising approaches to primate conservation are
needed (Wich and Marshall, 2016).
The establishment of protected areas is widely recognised as one of the most effective
strategies for preserving natural habitats, ecological services, and biodiversity
conservation. However, in Africa, these protected areas face numerous challenges. These
challenges include inadequate funding and management, security issues, a dearth of
facilities and provision from stakeholders, ignorance, and high frequency illicit activities.
As a consequence, these areas are becoming increasingly isolated and fragmented, with
little connectivity to other protected areas or private lands. Given the current rapid
climate change, connectivity is of utmost importance for gene flow, species migration,
and range shifts (Saura et al., 2018).
Recognising the urgency of this situation, species distribution modelling or ecological
niche modelling of primate species has gained considerable attention in recent years
(Duran et al., 2013). This modelling approach allows us to comprehend habitat
requirements for primate species more clearly, which can then inform conservation
efforts and management plans. While many ecologists consider the study of species
habitat ecology is to be central (Veech, 2021), understanding the biogeography,
abundance, ecological niches, and threats of primates is crucial for developing effective
conservation strategies (Chapman et al., 1999; Butynski and De Jong, 2022a). To develop
species-specific conservation strategies and monitor implemented conservation measures,
it is essential to estimate the density, abundance, and distribution of populations
(Jachmann, 2001; Marques, 2001; Keeping and Pelletier, 2014; Kiffner et al., 2022a).
This is particularly important for threatened species that inhabit human-modified
landscapes (Cavada et al., 2016). Conducting animal population surveys, studying
distribution patterns, and exploring ecological aspects are therefore crucial contributions
to successful species conservation (Ogutu et al., 2006; Santini et al., 2022). Furthermore,
determining the range of the potential suitable habitat under various environmental
circumstances is essential for identifying priority sites or refugia for species conservation,
translocation, and reintroduction, thereby ensuring their long-term protection.
Over significant ecological fluctuations, certain areas might assist as per refugia,
providing safety and stability for biodiversity, possibly increasing their numbers when
situations get favourable (Monsarrat et al., 2019). Conservation based on refugias is
effective over the long term (Sales and Pires, 2023). In the context of anthropogenic
climate change, it is essential to effectively conserve biodiversity (Reside et al., 2014;
Keppel et al., 2015). Historical climatic refugias suggest that areas with remnants of
contemporary climates could serve as crucial habitats for current biodiversity in the face
of modern climatic change (Michalak et al., 2018). Through the preservation of important
resources and the protection of areas shielded from climate change, climate change
adaptation research seeks to lessen the effects of human-caused climate change on
biodiversity (Morelli et al., 2017). Since refugia help the biota survive in harsh
environments, finding and preserving them is essential for conservation in the face of
anthropogenic climate change (Keppel et al., 2012; Reside et al., 2014).
African colobines are among the primates in danger of extinction on the African
continent (Butynski et al., 2013). Out of the 79 species of subfamily colobine in the
Family Cercopithecidae, 24 are African colobines of which 96% are threatened with
extinction. The immediate threats are the loss of forests due to agricultural expansion
(Butynski and De Jong, 2022a). However, hunting by humans as a source of bushmeat
and skin is also the ultimate threat these primates encountered (Davies and Oates, 1994;
Oates, 1994, 1996; Struhsaker, 1997; Fashing, 2011; Linder and Oates, 2011; NGoran et
al., 2012; Rovero et al., 2012). The genus Colobus, which belongs to the African
colobines, inhabits diversified habitats, altitudes, and climates (Butynski and Koster,
1994; Davies and Oates, 1994; Butynski et al., 2013; Groves and Ting, 2013; Butynski
and De Jong, 2022a). Apart from a few sympatric species (Oates, 1994; Bocian and
Anderson, 2013), most of the species within this genus are allopatric. Allopatric
speciation patterns play a crucial role in adapting to changes in climatic conditions and
sustaining species populations.
Throughout the 28 tropical African countries where colobines are widespread, human
populations have increased by 2.0 to 6.2 times between 1960 and 2018, with population
densities ranging from 8 to 499 people/km 2 (Butynski and De Jong, 2022a). Such human
population increase followed by agricultural expansion, human settlement and
unsustainable natural resource use such as logging and human hunting cause a sharp
decline of colobines in Africa, resulting from forest loss (Chapman et al., 1999; Chapman
et al., 2007; Minhós et al., 2023).
Forest loss resulting from human population growth has a significant impact on arboreal
monkeys. These monkeys rely on forests for their food, shelter, and overall survival as
well as reproduction. Unfortunately, they face threats in human-modified landscapes. The
late current century is projected to face a significant increase in climate change, more
than fivefolds in percentage (Houghton et al., 2001; Niang et al., 2014), which will cause
reduced rainfall and river runoff (IPCC, 1992), affecting forest cover and thereby
threatening the colobines (Kaeslin et al., 2012; Butynski and De Jong, 2022a).
Unfortunately, the majority of colobines are found outside of protected areas on private
property and in forest remnants within agro-ecosystems. These populations play a crucial
role as forest engineers and in trophic guilds, but they face significant threats from
population reductions and high fragmentation forests occupied. Without effective
conservation and management plans, these populations are at high risk of further decline
and potential extinction.
the primates' biological, intellectual, economic, and ecological significance (Wich and
Marshall, 2016). Studying Ethiopia’s primates' biology, natural history, distribution,
ecology, and conservation has also regained interest in recent years.
The Ethiopian guereza is a primate species with unique structures. The difference
between C. g. gallarum and C. g. guereza is grounded on craniometric differences (Hull,
1979), colour differences in the base of the tail (Rahm, 1970; Fashing and Oates, 2013),
and mitochondrial markers (Zinner et al., 2019). For example, the guereza of the Djaffa
Mountains has a black proximal tail with grey hairs spread distally, and a white, bushy
distal tail that makes up about half of its overall length (Butynski et al., 2013). But be
aware that the guereza of the Bale Mountains National Park's Harenna Forest does not
have the same tail feature as C. g. gallarum (Carpaneto and Gippoliti, 1994). Therefore,
C. g. gallarum seems to be confined to the Eastern Arsi and Chercher regions (Groves,
2007). Zinner and colleagues (2019) have verified the authenticity of C. g. gallarum and
its limited geographical distribution inside the Ahmar Mountains.
In recent decades, Ethiopia has experienced a severe loss of forest habitats in almost all
regions of the country. Its rapid human population growth by 3.02% yearly growth rate
and double the next 30 years (PRB, 2023; WPP, 2021) have significantly threatened
biodiversity. These have had a significant impact on the primary habitats for forest-
dependent species, including several primate taxa (Yalden et al., 1977; Fashing et al.,
2022). One primate taxon that is particularly at risk of extinction is the C. g. gallarum
because, within its supposed range, only a few forested areas remain (Chala Adugna et
al., 2022). C. g. gallarum is monkey endemic to the Arsi and Ahmar Mountains in
Ethiopia (Groves, 2001; Fashing and Oates, 2013, 2019a). However, there is uncertainty
about its exact distribution, particularly regarding the range boundaries between the
closely related taxa of Ethiopian guereza. The occurrence of Djaffa Mountains guereza
west of the Arsi and Ahmar Mountains, such as in Dale Forest and the Bale Mountains
National Park, Munessa Forest and Wondo Genet Forest is questionable (Israel Petros et
al., 2018a, b, c; Israel Petros and Sefi Mekonen, 2019; Sefi Mekonen and Mastewal
Hailemariam, 2021). These western populations do not exhibit C. g. gallarum-specific
mitochondrial haplotypes (Zinner et al., 2019; Dereje Tesfaye et al., 2021). Given the
significant loss and degradation of forests within its range, as well as its likely limited
distribution, C. g. gallarum is facing a severe risk of extinction (Chala Adugna et al.,
2022). However, due to limited knowledge regarding its population size and structure,
distribution pattern, and niche characteristics, this study taxon is recently registered as
Data Deficient by the IUCN (Fashing and Oates, 2019a).
Eastern Africa exhibits several populations of primates in isolated forests ’islands,’ per
subsequent subspecific divergence (Schwarz, 1929; Hull, 1979). Often, small geographic
distances separate recognized subspecies in this region, as is between Omo River guereza
and Djaffa Mountains guereza in the Arsi region (Hull, 1979). The Rift Valley was
traditionally seen as a barrier preventing gene flow between C. g. guereza and C. g.
gallarum, thus keeping the two subspecies of Ethiopia separate (Chala Adugna, 2021).
Neumann (1902), previously reported the presence of C. g. gallarum in the Arsi
Mountains, near headwaters of the Web Shebelle River, as well as in the Djaffa
Mountains, Gara Muleta and within forests nearby Burka (Yalden et al., 1977). Schwarz
(1929) described including Mountains Gara Muleta, Kulubi Hills (60 km southwest of
Dire Dawa), Harrar, Burka (between Harrar and Addis Ababa), Mountain Abuel Kassim,
and the Djaffa Mountains. Allen (1939) gave the geographic extent of the taxon to the
mountain forests east of the Awash River, Shebele River, Gara Muleta, and the Arsi
region. Nevertheless, recent work conducted using genetic analysis has provided solid
suggestion regarding the classification of Ethiopian guereza, that supports previous
research (Hull, 1979). The study by Zinner and colleagues confirmed that the populations
previously identified as C. g. gallarum were actually C. g. guereza. Genetic data show
that mitochondrial haplotypes of C. g. gallarum are more closely related to C. g.
occidentalis than to C. g. guereza. This suggests that C. g. gallarum, in contrast to C. g.
guereza, might be a remnant of the first colonization of the Ethiopian Highlands by
Colobus, followed by a second colonization by C. g. guereza (Zinner et al., 2019).
Currently, it is believed that C. g. gallarum inhabits forested highland areas east of the
Rift Valley and possibly parts of the Rift Valley itself (Yalden et al., 1977; Carpaneto
and Gippoliti, 1994; Chala Adugna, 2021). It is endemic to the Ahmar Mountains of the
Ethiopian Highlands. It may be sympatric with C. g. guereza in the Arsi region (Yalden
et al., 1977; Groves, 2001). The limits of the geographic boundaries are poorly
understood (Zinner et al., 2019; Butynski and De Jong 2022a, 2022c). However, there is
still some uncertainty regarding its exact distribution, population size and structure and
ecology, as well as conservation potential threats faced by the C. g. gallarum.
Furthermore, its population size in Ahmar Mountains remains unfamiliar, requiring new
plan to assess population genetic differentiation and gene flow. Thus, it is essential to
reevaluate its conservation status once the population size and distribution patterns have
been determined. This study aims to enhance conservation efforts for C. g. gallarum
focusing eastern parts in Ethiopia, specifically in the Hararghe Plateau, an extension of
the southeastern highlands. This dissertation focuses on examining the ecological
stressors (both species-climate and species-habitat) that govern the abundance and
distribution of endemic C. g. gallarum to develop conservation management strategies
for this subspecies. These studies have incorporated state-of-the-art approaches such as
species distribution modelling, ecological factor analysis and line transect distance
1.3. Objectives of the study, research questions, significance and
The main objective of this dissertation is to address the conservation gaps regarding the
Djaffa Mountains guereza, C. g. gallarum. This is achieved by integrating various
research fields, such as abundance, habitat suitability, ecological niche overlap, and the
anthropogenic threats faced by this taxon in the relic forests of the Ahmar Mountains.
Estimate the population size and structure of the C. g. gallarum using line transect
distance sampling method;
Develop maps of suitable habitat and distribution of the C. g. gallarum in the
eastern Ethiopian highlands during periods of climate change which enables to
guide conservation effort;
Assess the extent of potential suitable habitats for these closely related Colobus
taxa, identify anthropogenic refugia, analyze protected anthropogenic refugia, and
compute niche overlap (divergence) to illuminate the similarities and differences
in niche requirements between the two taxa;
Analyse the subspecies-habitat association of C. g. gallarum and examine the
habitat ecology in the remnants of forests in Ahmar Mountains, Eastern Ethiopia.
What are the ecological factors that dictate the distribution pattern and abundance
of C. g. gallarum under climate change?
Do closely related guereza taxa have overlapping ecological niches in Ethiopia?
Does each taxon ecological niche model encompass a variable area of suitable
habitat due to differences in their ecological traits, as C. g. guereza is a generalist
or adaptable to a wide distribution, whereas C. g. gallarum has a restricted range?
How do the attributes of local habitats affect the occupancy and abundance of
Djaffa Mountains guereza among forests from Ahmar Mountains? How do we
determine the extent to which each environmental variable singly and in
combination with others is most closely associated with (or best predicts) the
occupancy and abundance of C. g. gallarum?
The C. g. gallarum populations is in danger of extinction risks due its restricted range,
which has experienced significant forest loss. Lastly, this dissertation is instrumental in
the IUCN assessment of the status of C. g. gallarum, providing important baseline data
for the reassessment process. It is speculated that this subspecies is vulnerable. If
appropriate action is not taken, Ethiopia may face the impending loss of this endemic
subspecies. Therefore, this study is of utmost importance for conservation managers in
guiding their conservation efforts.
This study covers four important subjects on C. g. gallarum 1) distribution pattern and
population size, 2) the potential suitable habitat of the subspecies and its niche overlap
with the C. g. guereza, 3) the identification of Anthropocene refugia and its conservation
implication and 4) habitat ecology and association of the subspecies.
Colobines are monkeys from Africa and Asia belonging to the family Cercopithecidae.
Over 79 species, grouped into 10 genera, exhibit diverse ecological and social traits,
primarily forest-living and arboreal, making studies on this often-elusive group
challenging (Matsuda et al., 2022). Occupying forest and woodland habitats, colobines
vary in size from 4 to 20 kg for adult males (Oates and Davies, 1994). Colobines are
unique among primates in that they possess a complex, multichambered stomach (either
tripartite or quadripartite) as part of their foregut fermentation system, setting them apart
from all other species (Matsuda et al., 2022). For extended fermentation of plant
materials consumed as diets, the forestomach (presaccus plus saccus) accumulates ingesta
and slows down digesta transit. Hindgut fermentation can also be utilized less in
colobines than in folivorous monkeys, such as the Neotropic howlers. However,
colobines have simpler stomachs than cercopithecines, which have complex bacterial
microflora capable of breaking down cellulose (Oates and Davies, 1994). In contrast to
cercopithecine, colobines feed above ground and pull leaves and fruits (unripe and/or
ripe) from branches or climber stems when they procure them as feeding strategies,
whereas the cercopithecine use their dexterous thumbs to pick up foraging fruits and
Colobus monkeys live in small to medium-sized groups, with a dominant male, multiple
females and offspring (Fashing, 2022). They maintain social bonds through grooming,
vocalizations, and communication. Conservation status varies, with some listed as
vulnerable resulted from habitat loss, fragmentations, poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
However, they play crucial roles in forest ecosystems.
Dispersal in biogeography has been a topic of debate. Darwin and Wallace suggested that
species disjunctions were due to long-distance movement across barriers, while Lyell,
Forbes, and Hooker suggested that ancient corridors disappeared directed disconnections
(Brown and Lomolino, 1998). Dispersal benefits species by colonizing new areas,
avoiding harsh conditions, feeding and mating (Huggett, 2004). The land bridges and
ancient continents, which are now submerged in the oceans, were the routes through
which the species were dispersed (Crisci et al., 2003; Sanmartín, 2012).
Figure 1. Origin and Dispersal Scenario for the Colobine Monkeys (Source: Roos et
al., 2011).
Stewart and Disotell (1998) suggested that barriers such as water bodies prevent land
mammals from dispersing between Africa and Eurasia. However, in the late Miocene
inherited genera of Asian colobines dispersed in to Asia from African continent (Delson,
1994; Fleagle and Gilbert, 2006). The invasion process involved the movement of the
Arabian Peninsula, the formation and expansion of the Red Sea, and formation of an
evolving land-bridge connecting the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Afterwards, through a
route along the northern part of the Himalayas, they diversified into several lineages
(Roos et al., 2011).
Despite extensive research (Groves and Ting, 2013), the classification and taxonomy of
African colobines are still under ongoing revision due to inadequate conservation efforts
(Butynski and De Jong, 2022a). This could lead to species and subspecies expansion or
near extinction, and new discoveries and genetic studies could alter the classification and
relationships within the Colobinae subfamily.
Due to the geographic sympatry of all three genera (Colobus, Piliocolobus, and
Procolobus), speciation events in Colobine monkeys occurred in western Africa (Davies
and Oates, 1994; Groves, 2001; Ting, 2008). An evolutionary relationship among the
modern African colobus monkeys shows their divergence from one another during the
latter Miocene as well as the current lineages of the species appeared during Plio-
Pleistocene (Ting, 2008). The phylogenetic relationships among African colobines are
controversial, with some suggesting that they are paraphyletic. A study suggested that the
genus Colobus split off first from the ancestor of Asian Colobinae at ~10.9 Ma, followed
by the ancestor of Piliocolobus and Procolobus at ~10.7 Ma (Roos et al., 2011). Previous
work indicates that around 7.5 Ma the genera Colobus and Procolobus group were
diverged, whereas the lasting 2 genera deviated at 6.4 Ma (Ledevin and Koyabu, 2019).
This is suggesting that the taxonomy of colobines should be further resolved for
conservation reasons, because a study by Roos et al. (2011) emphasized the future
analyses of various molecular marker to track the occurrences of inbreeding and gain a
deeper understanding of evolutionary relations.
Human activities such as species removal, ecosystem degradation, climate change, and
biodiversity loss often lead to species extinction (Brown and Lomolino, 1998). Extinction
is a natural process that reflects the inability of a species to adjust to its environmental
dynamics (Ricklefs and Miller, 2000). This is a critical scientific issue due to the threat of
anthropogenic global change and its impact on Earth's ecosystem. In the past, several
colobine lineages, including Microcolobus, Rhinocolobus, Paracolobus, Libypithecus,
Kuseracolobus and Cercopithecoides became extinct (Leakey, 1982; Delson, 1994;
Benefit, 2000; Jablonski et al., 2008). Nevertheless, their relationships with modern
subtribes and the phylogenetic relationships of the extinct forms are unclear or not well
resolved (Delson, 1994; Ting, 2008).
Ecologists define biogeography as the patterns of organism distribution across the Earth's
surface and the interactions between organisms in their physical environments, whereas
biologists define biogeography as the study of the history and geography of animals and
plants (Brown and Lomolino, 1998; Huggett, 2004; Posadas et al., 2006). Accordingly,
biogeography is the study of how organisms are distributed geographically, and it may
take many different forms, from descriptive to interpretive (Posadas et al., 2006). While
interpretive studies look for causal explanations for these patterns, descriptive studies
concentrate on identifying the distributional patterns of the live organism. The former
research has yielded two distinct methodologies, namely, ecological and historical
biogeography. According to Brown and Lomolino, ecological biogeography studies the
present spreading of species and the ecological characteristics where the species
dispersed. Historical biogeography aims to reconstruct biota origin, dispersal and
extinction while exploring life evolution and environmental factors such as continental
drift. Both approaches aim to understand species distributions spatio-temporally,
integrating them into a common framework (Brown and Lomolino, 1998; Crisci et al.,
2003; Huggett, 2004).
African colobines are primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa, inhabiting forests,
woodlands, and montane regions (Matsuda et al., 2022). Procolobus, the olive colobus
monkey, is found in West Africa's rainforests, while Pilicolobus, the red colobus
monkey, is the most threatened group, spanning Senegal to Zanzibar Archipelago. The
exact distribution and range of each species may vary within these broader regions, and
there may be localized variations and subpopulations within specific countries. They are
primarily associated with forested habitats which are found in tropical rainforests. Some
species, such as Eastern C. guereza, are adapted to subtropical and montane forests,
which have cooler temperatures and higher elevations (Fashing, 2022). Some species can
also be found in woodlands and savannas, with a more open canopy and a mix of trees
and grasses. Some species are specialized for montane regions, with unique adaptations
to thrive in these environments. However, anthropogenic factors impacting the
populations of African colobines. Ongoing research and field surveys may lead to further
discoveries and updates regarding the distribution of African colobines. Overall,
understanding the geographic range of African colobines is crucial for conservation
efforts, as it helps identify areas of high species richness, prioritize conservation actions
and protect their habitats across their range.
The genus Colobus (black and white Colobus) contains six species that are widely
distributed across Equatorial Africa (Grubb et al., 2003; Fig. 2). These six species include
Angolan Colobus, Colobus angolensis (VU), Black Colobus, Colobus satanas (VU),
Guereza Colobus, Colobus guereza (LC), King Colobus, Colobus polykomos (EN),
White-Thighed Colobus, Colobus vellerosus (CR), and Mt. Kilimanjaro Guereza,
Colobus caudatus (VU) (Wallis, 2023).
caudatus with another Colobus should be examined because of its recent elevation from
the old subspecies level of C. g. caudatus.
Figure 2. The geographic distribution of African black and white colobus species
(Source: Grubb et al., 2003).
Figure 3. Current phylogeographic distribution of Colobus guereza along the forest belt
of Equatorial Africa (Source: Butynski and De Jong, 2022c).
shaped by the synergistic effects of the previously listed factors. Conservation strategies
should address these factors to protect and preserve the habitats necessary for the survival
of these primate species.
Continental drift or plate tectonics are the major factors that affect the prolonged
organisms’ distributional patterns that result from sluggish alterations of the global
topography (Cox and Moore, 1993, 2005). This has had profound impacts on the
biogeographical pattern of biota. Such a scheme explains the origin and destruction of the
of the earth's plates as well as their lateral movement or drift. The biogeographic impacts
of tectonic events include altered opportunities for biotic exchange and climate change on
regional and global scales due to the collision, separation, or destruction of continents or
oceanic basins (Brown and Lomolino, 1998).
Large areas have more geographic barriers and a wider variety of habitats, which
increases species diversity from a biogeographic perspective. Accordingly, the tropical
forest cover has a significant impact on primate species on large islands and major
continental areas (Fleagle, 1998). Of the 522 known extant primate species that are found
in 90 countries, 65% are found in Madagascar, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and Indonesia (Estrada et al., 2017; Estrada et al., 2018). These species are
abundant in tropical regions because of their long history of occupation, a higher number
and rate of speciation events, and more dispersal events to other regions (Sterck, 2012;
Wich and Marshall, 2016).
Climate changes, including global warming and El Niño intensification, could impact
primate populations, but little is known about the quantity and distribution patterns of
food resources, dispersal abilities and interactions (Wiederholt and Post, 2010; Wich and
Marshall, 2016). Ten percent greater warming than the world average is predicted for
primates, with restricted regional distribution features being most affected (Pearson et al.,
2014; Sesink et al., 2015; Estrada et al., 2017). Many species will vary their range in
response to climate change (Schloss et al., 2012), change their dispersion patterns as a
result of forest fragmentation (Gouveia et al., 2016), and become more susceptible to
effects from humans such as hunting (Araújo et al., 2004).
In Africa, high primates’ diversity exhibits possibly due to increased productivity, solar
radiation and long-term species evolution. Factors related to climate and ecology affect
primate distribution. These species have smaller geographic ranges and are more
generalists with wider habitat tolerances (Fleagle,1998). Primates and plants are more
impacted by seasonal rainfall than by day length or temperature (Fleagle, 1998). Rainfall
is closely correlated with species diversity in various regions. Diversity in primate
species may represent diversity in plant foods, which in turn reflects productivity in
forests. Productivity has a curvilinear connection with rainfall, driving both species
diversity and productivity (Fleagle, 1998).
Understanding the impact of anthropogenic activities on African colobines is crucial for
conservation efforts. Efforts should focus on mitigating deforestation, promoting
sustainable land-use practices, and implementing effective anti-poaching measures.
Anthropocene Era has led to the near-term extinction of more than half of the global
primates due to habitat loss, agriculture, logging, livestock farming, hunting, trapping,
infrastructural development, pollution, and climate change. The effects vary across
regions, with habitat loss and fragmentation being the principal global threats, but also
hunting is the primary threat (Wasserman and Chapman, 2003; Estrada et al., 2017;
Fuentes and Baynes-Rock, 2017; Estrada et al., 2018). Anthropogenic activities
contribute to restricting the available range for these primates. Some specific factors
include deforestation (i.e., clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, or infrastructure
development) reduces the suitable habitat for colobines, leading to population decline.
Habitat fragmentation can isolate colobine populations, restricting their movement, gene
flow and access to resources. Targeted hunting for bushmeat or the pet trade poses a
significant threat to colobine populations.
Colobine monkeys, particularly black and white colobus monkeys, are significantly
impacted by habitat loss due to farmland expansion, logging, and settlement.
Deforestation, forest degradation, and pollution affected these species, particularly in
East Africa (Kingdon et al., 2008; Dela, 2011; Liu et al., 2015; Ruiz-Lopez et al., 2016;
Wich and Marshall, 2016; Estrada et al., 2017; Estrada et al., 2018). The extraction of
products also contributes to the loss of habitats. These factors are growing issues for
tropical ecosystems and the primates they inhabit, affecting their distribution and survival
(Meijaard and Nijman, 2000).
Illegal hunting and trade for subsistence, medicine, pets, and bushmeat are increasing,
contributing to biodiversity loss in Africa and to primate population reduction (Fichtel,
2012; Estrada et al., 2017; Estrada et al., 2018). Colobine monkeys are vulnerable due to
their large bodies and loud calls (Dela, 2011). Illegal, unsustainable trade intensifies the
need for consumption, biomedical research, wildlife collection, and traditional medicine
(Alves et al., 2010; Nijman et al., 2011).
The effects of predation on primate evolution are not well understood (Zuberbuhler and
Jenny, 2002). More studies are needed to understand the ecological and evolutionary
consequences of predation on primate distribution (Isbell, 1992; Fichtel, 2012; Sterck,
2012). Predators include carnivores, birds, and reptiles. Variations in predator geographic
distribution and prey size could influence attacks on primates. Parasites and pathogens
have unintended consequences for primate ecology, evolution, population growth, and
biodiversity. Degraded or disturbed forests, habitat overlap, coexistence between humans
and wild primates, expanded ecotourism and forest encroachment lead to high-risk
interfaces for parasite and pathogen infestation (Wolfe et al., 1998; Schaumburg et al.,
2012). This might be due to their close phylogenetic relationships and geographical
proximity to humans (Davies and Pedersen, 2008; Calvignac-Spencer et al., 2012;
Cooper and Nunn, 2013). Gillespie et al. (2005) reported that anthropogenic habitat
changes affect parasite infection patterns in primates, with a greater prevalence in
fragmented forests and a greater risk in fragmented areas. Nutritional stress also increases
parasite prevalence in fragmented forests (Chapman et al., 2006).
Many threatened species have lost their geographical ranges are now restricted to tiny
and fragmented forest areas (Nüchel et al., 2018). These distribution patterns are
determined by landscape fragmentation and modification (Rondinini et al., 2011;
Newbold et al., 2015; Galán-Acedo et al., 2018), ecoregions (Olson et al., 2001), climate
changes (Zhao et al., 2019; Préau et al., 2020; Gusmão et al., 2021), biotic factors
(Araújo and Luoto, 2007), topographic attributes (Singh et al., 2018), and human
disturbances (Mangiacotti et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2018). These factors affect the
ecological requirements of the species in their natural habitats, which in turn limit their
distribution and survival and may ultimately lead to extinction, either local or global. The
distribution patterns of primates are described by many parameters, including
geographical or continental region, latitude, climate and vegetation cover, as well as
anthropogenic causes. Even though primates live in tropical regions, there are
considerable variances in forest habitats within and across these areas. Climate and
seasonality, geology and soil, floristic composition and animals living close to primates
all change as a result of these variations (Fleagle and Gilbert, 2006).
Since the 20th century, ecologists have explained and understood species distribution at
various spatial-temporal scales. The predictive distribution model has applications in
diverse fields of study (Zurell et al., 2020). It is commonly applied to predict species
ranges under changing climate conditions as predictors or to associate species occurrence
with environmental variables. Moreover, describing what environmental conditions are
suitable for a species and then identifying where they are distributed in space are also
answered through a predictive model. As an active area of research, modelling species
distribution patterns is central to understanding the world's biota's reaction to
disturbances and climate change (Guisan et al., 2017). Understanding species distribution
drivers is crucial for modeling associations between biological individuals and
environmental conditions. Utilizing detailed data and powerful computers, predictive
modeling of species' environmental requirements and geographic distributions has
increased (Phillips et al., 2006).
An organism can only survive in its ecological niche if certain requirements are met
(Hending et al., 2023). As one of these conditions, global changes in climate is a
significant difficulty to biodiversity (Thapa et al., 2022). Its effects have intensified in the
Anthropocene when coupled with anthropic land cover modification (Auffret and
Svenning, 2022). As a result, species distributional shifts, contractions and expansions
are triggered (Pinto et al., 2023).
suitable habitats between baboons (genus Papio) (Desalegn Chala et al., 2019). The study
suggests that habitat shifts may have caused population isolation and reconnection,
potentially impacting gene flow among them.
Ecological niche modelling is now widely used for predicting species niches and for
estimating and understanding the connections between a species' distribution and its
surroundings (McDonald et al., 2019); however, this approach requires robust
estimations of model performance and significance (Bohl et al., 2019). Ecological niche
models aid researchers in studying species coexistence, determining habitat requirements
and mapping distributions, while also aiding conservationists in assessing threats
(Hending et al., 2023). Demography, taxonomy, and species conservation studies are
enhanced by their ability to evaluate species protection and their vulnerability to
anthropogenic pressures (Elith et al., 2006; Thorn et al., 2009). Thus, ecological niche
models offer insights into the species potential geographic range, niche divergence
between parapatric and sympatric species, closely related taxa as well as integrated
The increasing threats to primates and increased awareness of their biology, intellect,
economic, and ecological importance are crucial for the long-term conservation of
primates and their habitats (Wich and Marshall, 2016). Understanding species
distribution patterns and population abundance is crucial for conservation because it
provides a scientific basis for decision-making, prioritizes conservation efforts and
supports species and ecosystem survival. Understanding population sizes could be critical
in wildlife ecology. Estimates of animal density and abundance are used to monitor the
status of a range of species as well as devise management strategies for particular
ecosystems and/or populations (Marques, 2001). This reliable information is necessary to
sustainably manage and conserve wildlife (Buckland et al., 2015) and its success depends
on proper wildlife population assessment (Ogutu et al., 2006).
Wildlife studies rely heavily on accurate estimates of species abundance distribution. It is
also crucial for primate conservation and management (Hassel-Finnegan et al., 2008)
because information about primate population size depends on their knowledge of which
ecological or social processes might restrict their populations. Surveying primates over
time is crucial for monitoring population trends and designing effective conservation
management plans. This is particularly important for threatened species population status
determination, the carrying capacity of isolated populations and their population sizes,
which benefit more from population assessment through appropriate methods (Chiarello
and De Melo, 2001).
Ecologists have developed a variety of ways to determine the number and density of
primates (NRC, 1981; Peres, 1999). The density of primates can be estimated using
methods such as census techniques, home range analysis, nesting or resting structure,
individual recognition, counting calls, feeding signs and line transect surveys (Krebs,
2006). Ecological determinants include food quantity, habitat diversity, parasites and
diseases, predators, forest type, rainfall, elevation and latitude. Line-transect sampling
technique has been widely employed to assess the densities of diurnal arboreal primates
in tropical forests (Ogutu et al., 2006; Buckland et al., 2010; Höing et al., 2013; Leca et
al., 2013). It is well-thought-out fairly simple, fast, and cost-effective in terms of
accurateness and precision, in addition to generating systematic data quickly (Peres,
1999). Colobus monkey population in Ethiopia is declining due to forest clearance,
despite the traditional belief that guerezas are adapted to habitat degradation. However,
research shows that guereza populations reached high densities in small East African
forest fragments, suggesting that they are well adapted to disturbed forests (Fentahun
Shumet and Mesele Yihune, 2017; Hussein Ibrahim et al., 2017).
suitability and local abundance estimated from presence-only data (VanDerWal et al.,
2009; Fuente et al., 2021; He and Gaston, 2007). However, this assumption is far from
generalization and further studies need to be conducted.
Thoughtful association between species and their surroundings may be crucial for
anticipating biological incursions (Kulhanek et al., 2011) or responses of species to
changing climate (VanDerWal et al., 2009). However, predicting abundance from species
distribution is still an open issue (He and Gaston, 2007), especially in regard to primates.
Relationships may be inferred from the density of individuals in a certain location
(abundance) and the extent of their spatial distribution (range).
Using occurrence data to evaluate habitat suitability against environmental factors, ENMs
or SDMs are used to predict species distribution (Hijmans and Graham, 2006).
Population demography serves as the fundamental process determining the occurrence of
a species (Thuiller et al., 2014). In this sense, populations should thus be high in
locations with better environmental adaptability and vice versa. The abundance-
suitability connection postulates that the regional variation in the abundance of a species
should be explained by environmental suitability, which is obtained from ecological
niche models (Weber et al., 2017). Although points to as potential generalization (Weber
et al., 2017), the prevalence of this relationship is called into question by a number of
studies that did not find an effect (Dallas and Hastings, 2018).
Some studies found weak relationships between abundance and suitability (Nielsen et al.,
2005; Estrada and Arroyo, 2012; Martínez-Meyer et al., 2013; Weber et al., 2017; Dallas
and Hastings, 2018). The suitability of habitat for a particular specie may depend on a
number of factors, including species interactions (Braz et al., 2020), the presence of
ecologically relevant occurrences and species detectability (Jiménez-Valverde, 2011).
Therefore, the link between ecological suitability and the upper bounds of abundance
might be useful in drawing conclusions on a large regional scale without requiring the
determination of abundance everywhere. Based on ecological niche models, population
abundance may be precisely predicted at a fine scale in relation to environmental
suitability (Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2021).
landscape structure can lead to habitat fragmentation, which can have negative impacts
on biodiversity. Fragmented habitats can limit the movement and dispersal of species,
disrupt ecological processes and increase the risk of local extinctions. Additionally,
altered landscapes may also result in changes in resource availability and competition
dynamics among species, further affecting their ability to survive and reproduce. Future
conservation and management strategies for individual species will be based on research
conducted on animals living in altered landscapes. These disruptions to the habitat have
an impact on monkeys' responses, including species richness, abundance and dispersion.
The biological needs of arboreal monkeys, who depend on trees and forest patches for
habitat, food, cover, shelter and territory, mean that the consequences of rainforest
fragmentation on these species are diverse (Anzures-Dadda and Manson, 2007).
Due to deforestation for agriculture and human settlements, the habitat of colobus
monkeys is being lost or fragmented. This causes the monkeys to become isolated,
interrupt their migration, and have less gene flow, which puts many species at risk of
extinction. The clearance of agricultural forests (Kingdon et al., 2008), farmland
expansion, and settlement are the main observed threats to colobus monkeys (Israel
Petros et al., 2018a). For instance, a loss of canopy cover due to habitat destruction is the
most significant threat in human-modified environments (Dela, 2011). These threats were
shown to be experiencing population declines, population restructuring, and eroding the
gene variety (Ruiz-Lopez et al., 2016).
The main factors affecting a species survival are the size of its habitat, the size of its
home range and diets, the distance between patches and the kind of environment in which
the habitat fragments are rooted. According to Estrada et al. (2017), prolonged tropical
deforestation causes forest fragmentation, which increases the risk of extinction in nearby
populations. As a result, the ecological and behavioural resistance of monkeys to habitat
disruptions varies. Due to the degradation of tropical forests, studies on primates’
response towards shift in climate change is increasingly important (Barelli et al., 2015).
2.6. Subspecies concept and conservation
During the past three decades, primatologists have identified a greater number of primate
species which is grown significantly, from approximately 200 in the 1990s to 522 in
2023, adding an estimated 182 subspecies (IUCN, 2023). In the fields of taxonomy and
conservation biology, subspecies are common units of biological structures (Braby et al.,
2012). The subspecies concept, initially intended to document geographic diversity, has
faced challenges such as conceptual inconsistencies, objective standards and inaccurate
representations of distinct evolutionary units. Groves (2016) defined subspecies as
geographic divisions of a species that have different average sizes, gene frequencies, or
colour variations. These divisions are frequently given trinomial scientific names.
One pressing issue is the utility of subspecies for the reason that the taxonomical position
of numerous categories is debatable and unpredictable among experts. The reviews of
systematic and conservation issues related to subspecies in mammals have been extensive
(Stanford, 2001; Gippoliti and Amori, 2007). The review by Gippoliti and Amori (2007)
highlights the bias in scientific and political communities regarding the taxonomy of
living organisms, particularly subspecies and the insufficient scientific scrutiny of their
inclusion in conservation lists, particularly in the Mammalia class, resulting in a biased
view of mammalian endangerment. Similarly, Standford (2001) reviews the application
of subspecies in primatology, focusing on the critically endangered mountain gorilla,
Gorilla gorilla beringei. This paper suggests a cautious approach to subspecies
conservation management policies for threatened primate populations.
taxa of Ethiopia’s guereza, particularly between Omo River guereza and Djaffa
Mountains guereza, use black and white pelage as visual coloration, making the
conservation of the taxa more difficult.
Scientists struggle with defining subspecies concepts and criteria, which impacts resource
optimization for management and protection (Stanford, 2001; Gippoliti and Amori,
2007). For reasons related to the ecological, economic, scientific, and cultural roles,
primate taxonomy is important to focus on conservation efforts (Wich and Marshall,
2016). Thus, conservation is a viable endeavour, despite population declines due to
environmental and human factors. Immediate action is needed to prevent primate
extinction (Estrada et al., 2017).
The Ahmar Mountains, unfortunately, are the most degraded with limited forest
coverage. A forested area in the Hararghe highland reflects the trees that once covered
most of southeastern Ethiopia's highland. Most of these highlands landscape are roofed
by the dry evergreen Afromontane forest and grassland complex vegetation type
(Mengesha Asefa et al., 2020), and it is also dominated in the range of the Ahmar
Mountains (Friis et al., 2010). Due to deforestation, most of the highlands have recently
been covered by wooded grasslands, where secondary tree species have replaced (Badege
Bishaw, 2001). Originally, dry evergreen Afromontane Forest dominated the region
(Badege Bishaw, 2001; Friis et al., 2010). However, most parts of the Ahmar Mountains
are now covered by wooded grasslands, with stands of tree species which is exotic like
Eucalyptus and bushland (Friis et al., 2010). The remaining forests in the region are often
fragmented and degraded due to unsustainable use and persistent drought (Tahir Abdala
et al., 2017).
Figure 4. Geographic position of the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia and locations of the four
forest sites where we did the line transect surveys on the C. g. gallarum. Dindin Forest
(DDF), Jallo Kuni-Muktar Wildlife Sanctuary (JKF, comprising two sites nearby: Jallo
Sorroro Torgam (JST) and Kuni-Muktar Wildlife Sanctuary (KMWS)), Hades Forest
(HDF), and Gara Muleta Forest (GMF). DMG = Djaffa Mountains guereza (Source of
Protected areas shapefiles: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN, 2023).
Plate 1. Topographic views of the study locations where the populations of the study
subject were surveyed.
3.1.3. Climate
The climate of these area obtains a bimodal rainfall distribution, per a small raining
period from February to May, large rains from July to September, and dry periods
between October and January. The 30-year (1989–2019) period climate data shows slight
variation in the annual precipitation across the surveyed sites (Fig. 5a–d). Averaged
annual precipitation of surveyed sites over thirty years (1989–2019) ranges from 957–
1007 mm. The mean annual temperatures for each site vary between 7 and 31.3°C.
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
Figure 5. Climate data of the four study sites, Dindin Forest (DDF), Hades Forest (HDF),
Gara Muleta Forest (GMF), Jallo Kuni Forest (JKF) in the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia,
from 1989-2019. These climate diagrams include monthly mean temperature and
precipitation. We downloaded the climate data from the Centre for Environmental Data
Analysis (CEDA) datasets of the Climate Research Unit (Source: UEA-CRU; Harris et
al., 2020).
3.1.4. Vegetation
Four selected forests were surveyed. These forests have been managed at the regional
level by the OFWE, which is promoting a participatory forest management approach in
order to conserve and protect of the natural forests of the area. As a restoration practice,
Croton macrostachyus, Cupressus lusitanica, Hagenia abyssinicus and Juniperus
procera have been planted by the OFWE in collaboration with the local community.
Dindin Forest is a large, continuous forest that forms part of the watershed between the
Awash and Wabe Shebelle catchments. It is one of the remnants of the natural forests,
marking a large continuous forest in the eastern part of the country. The dominant woody
vegetation found in the forest includes J. procera, Olinia rochetiana, Maytenus addat,
Podocarpus falcatus, Myrsine africana, Olea europaea, M. undata, Maesa lanceolata, M.
melanophloeos and Schefflera volkensii (Simon Shibru and Gizachew Balcha, 2004). The
conservation threats that need serious attention include agricultural expansion, livestock
grazing, tree harvesting for beehive production and logging for timber production as
input for the sawmill established at the eastern part of the Dindin Forest (Plate 2).
Plate 2. Images of the features and timber production of the Dindin Forest.
Plate 3. Livestock grazing and deforestation for agricultural expansion are two
threatening factors of C. g. gallarum and its habitat in JKF.
Hades Forest consists mainly of dry Afromontane Forest, comprising 40–48 woody
species (Demel Teketay, 1997; Dereje Atomsa and Duguma Dibbisa, 2019). The
dominant species of trees, including Prunus africana, Schefflera abyssinica, A. gracilior,
H. abyssinica and C. macrostachyus. Crop, grasslands as well as coffee agroforestry are
intensified in this site. Thus, degradation is the continuous disturbance challenge of this
Gara Muleta Forest harbours a diverse flora, with about 361 vascular plants that include
45 (13%) endemics to Ethiopia (Demel Teketay, 1996). A multi-story mixed deciduous
woodland dominated by O. hochstetteri, Ekebergia capensis and P. africana related with
intermediate and lower-story species that include Bersama abyssinica, C. macrostachyus,
Dioscorea schimperiana, Erythrina brucei, H. abyssinica, Nuxia congesta, O. africana
and S. abyssinica covered southern side of GM Mts (Demel Teketay, 1996). Based on the
intact forest canopy availability and inaccessibility of the whole area, this study only
focused on the southern side of the mountains. The vegetation of Gara Muleta on the
southern side is more diverse than on the northern side (Demel Teketay, 1996). One of
the landscape features of this area is indicated in Plate 4.
Plate 4. One of the landscape features of Gara Muleta is in the southern part of the
mountain dominated by P. africana, where C. g. gallarum was surveyed.
As with all Colobus guereza subspecies, C. g. gallarum is highly arboreal and forest is
the general type of habitat for this subspecies. Therefore, four forests were selected and
surveyed (Fig. 8), where C. g. gallarum was reported (Zinner et al., 2019; Chala Adugna
et al., 2022) and where their presence was confirmed in a pilot study (unpublished data).
The four forests differ slightly in their ecology (Table 1).
Table 1. Ecologies of the selected forests in the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia, (geographic
coordinates in decimal degrees; elevation in m asl; size in km 2; mean (± SD) annual
precipitation in mm; mean (± SD) annual temperature in °C.
The population density and size of C. g. gallarum were estimated in four of the remaining
forests in the Ahmar Mountains. Line transect distance sampling method was used. This
method has been extensively employed for diurnal arboreal primates density estimation
in tropical forests (González-Solís et al., 2001; Buckland et al., 2010; Höing et al., 2013;
Leca et al., 2013; Araldi et al., 2014; Omifolaji et al., 2020; Kiffner et al., 2022a, b). This
method is relatively simple, rapid, and cost-effective (Buckland et al., 2001; Thomas et
al., 2010). Furthermore, it is also secondhand for sparingly dispersed populations for
which surveys desires to be effective and for populations that occur in distinct groups at
small or intermediate cluster density and populations that are detected through a flushing
response (Buckland et al., 2001).
Nineteen transect lines (Fig. 6; range: 1.8–7.0 km) were generated on topological maps of
the four forest fragments using ArcGIS 10.4.1 in random sampling design (Thomas et al.,
2010; Buckland et al., 2015). Of the 19 transects, 9 were in DDF, 2 in Jallo-Kuni Muktar
Wildlife Sanctuary, 4 in Hades Forest and 4 in Gara Muleta Forest, covering a total
distance of 75.9 km (Table 2). Transects were positioned in parallel wherever possible to
ensure equal coverage, with 1 km between adjacent transects, except for transects 3 and 4
of the GMF, where the distance is approximately 5 km.
Table 2. Number of transects per study site, lengths of transects, encounter rates and
mean cluster sizes per study site.
Figure 6. Positions of transects (yellow lines) within the four forests used for C. g.
gallarum surveys from 2020–2021: Dindin Forest (DDF), Jallo Kuni-Muktar Wildlife
Sanctuary (JKF), Hades Forest (HDF), and Gara Muleta Forest (GMF). [maps show the
extent of study sites for each forested area. Base map: Google Earth].
The fieldwork was carried out from December 2020 to September 2021. From 07.00 h to
18.00 h, a team of three well-trained persons led by the researcher walked slowly along
each transect (1 km/h) (Peres, 1999; Plumptre et al., 2013) while visually scanning the
forest canopy. This is assumed that the target subspecies had daily travel distances similar
to a closely related taxon C. g. occidentalis (62 m to 1360 m; Fashing, 2001a). Each
transect was surveyed once per season, but not all.
Colobus monkeys are relatively easy to detect because their movements, loud calls, and
pelage make them conspicuous (Plate 5). They often indicate their presence with loud
calls that may be heard for more than a km. For each encounter, (1) transect ID, (2) date
and time of the sighting, (3) weather conditions, (4) sighting location along the transect
using the Global Positioning System (Garmin® GPSmap 76CSx), (5) number of
individuals (cluster size), (6) perpendicular distance (visually estimated), and (7) first
sighting sign (auditory, pellets or visual) was documented. Assigned individuals
estimated the perpendicular distance after they were carefully trained in how to estimate
distances and until the errors in distance estimation were reduced to less than 2 m. The
perpendicular distances were visually estimated to the centre of each cluster at their first
detection (Kiffner et al., 2022a).
Plate 5. Male Djaffa Mountains guereza (Colobus guereza gallarum) in Hades Forest,
2021. (photo Chala Adugna).
The home range size of C. guereza ranges from 0.075 km2 to 1 km2 (Fashing, 2011).
Their daily travel distances vary from 390 m to 600 m (Fashing, 2011). Core areas are
usually defended and groups keep a certain distance from each other (Von Hippel, 1996).
Therefore, the researcher defined individuals >50 m apart as members of different
clusters (Teelen, 2007; Kiffner et al., 2022b).
With a few adjustments, the criteria for the age-sex groups of individuals were the same
as those employed by Dunbar and Dunbar (1974). Based on their size, individuals were
categorized into 4 classes: adult males, adult females, juveniles and infants.
Ecological model construction was initiated to understand the ecology of the target
species and the overall goal of the study. The selection of important conceptual aspects
depends on many factors within the distributional range of the species, including
ecological, climatic conditions, and indirect factors (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000). A
research framework on habitat suitability models of the target subspecies was presented
by incorporating ecological predictors with the subspecies occurrence data (Fig. 7).
A maximum entropy (MaxEnt) (Phillips et al., 2006) algorithm was applied to model
habitat and distribution of C. g. gallarum within its range, particularly in the Hararghe
plateau. It’s widely used in wildlife habitat assessments and shows better model accuracy,
transferability and reliability under a small sample size (Elith et al., 2006; Phillips and
Dudik, 2008; Elith and Graham, 2009; Elith and Leathwick, 2009; Elith et al., 2011;
Merow et al., 2014).
Species occurrences Extract by mask, Environmental data
(Collected from the field projecting and (Climatic, Topographic,
and extracted from resampling Landscape structure and
literatures) in Excel human disturbances)
Model fitting
Species location Processed
(longitude, Algorithm environmental
(MaxEnt) variables
Test predictive
performance through Probability Visualization in ArcGIS
statistical assessment distribution map and convert into Binary
using test such as map showing suitable
(Raster) and unsuitable area
AUC and Jackknife
Habitat suitability
and distribution
45 Occurrence data
Occurrence records for each taxon of Ethiopia’s guereza were collected from different
sources. To model the habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum, 126 occurrence data was
assembled through field collections (n = 105), extracted from GBIF (n = 4) (,
2021) and from published articles (n = 17) (Yalden et al., 1997; Zinner et al., 2019)
(Appendix 1). In addition, own field collection for C. g. gallarum occurrence data
between February 2020 and August 2021 across the forest fragments in the Arsi zone was
used. These assembled presence locations were referenced to a 1 × 1 km grid, and
outliers and duplicates were removed. The precision of the occurrence data was
confirmed by means of Google Earth satellite maps. Then occurrence points outside
forests were excluded (Moraes et al., 2020). Spatial autocorrelation of occurrence data
was screened in ArcGIS version 10.4 by using average nearest neighbour analyses
(Moran's Index = 0.35, z-score = 169.44, P = 0.00). Thus, a total of 47 occurrences were
used to develop both the habitat suitability and ecological niche models of C. g. gallarum
(Fig. 8).
For modelling the ecological niche of C. g. guereza, occurrence data were compiled from
previously published articles (Zinner et al., 2019; Zewdu Kifle and Afework Bekele,
2023; Dereje Tesfaye et al., 2021). We included only sightings of Ethiopia’s guereza that
occurred after 1970 to match the data with the temporal coverage of the current climate.
We removed duplicates and spatially rarified or thinned the data to minimize the effects
of spatial bias or autocorrelation (Dormann et al., 2007; Zizka et al., 2019) via
SDMTools v2.4 using ArcGIS 10.4.1. Finally, a total of 116 and 47 occurrence datasets
were retained for C. g. guereza and C. g. gallarum, respectively, for developing
ecological niche models of the two closely related taxa (Fig. 8; Appendix 2).
Figure 8. Approximate distributional limits of Ethiopia’s guereza taxa: C. g. guereza
(purple diamond) and C. g. gallarum (yellow diamond). Grey boxes represent elevational
Nineteen bioclimate from a world climate with spatial resolution of 1 km 2 ( Hijmans et
al., 2005; Fick and Hijmans, 2017) were extracted. The current climate represented for
the year 2000 (average for 1970–2000) was taken from Worldclim version 2.1, whereas
future climate scenarios of two representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6 and RCP
8.5) for the periods 2050 and 2070 were found from Worldclim version 1.4. These future
climate data were derived from two global circulation models (GCMs): BCC-CSM-1.1
developed by the Beijing Climate Centre Climate System Model (Zhou et al., 2014) and
HadGEM2-ES developed by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre (Jones et al., 2011). The
latest current climate data from Worldclim2.1 at a 30 sec (1 km 2) resolution was
considered as reference climate data to assess current habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum
and to provide prompt conservation suggestions with an updated condition. However, at
the time of processing, the WorldClim 2.1's 30-second resolution for future climatic data
was not released. Therefore, the future projected climate data available from
WorldClim1.4 with the same grid resolution as the present climate data were considered
to see the consequences of future climate change scenarios. Then, using ArcGIS 10.4.1,
climatic data from Worldclim1.4 were re-sampled to match the dimensions of
Worldclim2.1-derived data, allowing pixel-by-pixel comparison throughout the study
region (Cerasoli et al., 2022).
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model v3 (30 m) with transformation services via the
LP DAAC's Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples
(AρρEEARS) was used to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study region.
This DEM was processed in ArcGIS 10.4.1 to produce topographical characteristics,
including altitude, slope and aspect that were used as inputs for the MaxEnt algorithm to
inspect their impacts on the taxon's habitat suitability. Global land cover map was found
from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (, which
describes land surface into 22 groups well-defined by UN FAO-LCCS. From this land
cover map, the land cover classes that included cropland, broad-leaf evergreen forest,
broad-leaf deciduous forest, shrubland, grassland, urban areas, bare lands and water
bodies of the study region were clipped and processed in the ArcGIS. Human disturbance
such as distance to rivers, roads as well as settlements were used to execute models.
These human disturbance layers were calculated using the Euclidean distance of the
spatial analyst tools of ArcGIS. All analyses were carried out with a 1 km 2 spatial
resolution, considering them to have similar extent, projection and resolution (Phillips et
al., 2006).
Table 3. Ecological factors selected for modelling habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum and
their code, units of measurement and data sources.
The pairwise correlation between the predictors at r < |0.80| (Zhao et al., 2019)
(Appendix 4) and variance inflation factor (VIF) (Guisan et al., 2017)< 10 was performed
to choose the set of predictors. A variable selection was made by means of R version
4.0.5 (R Development Core Team, 2021). This is done because highly correlated
variables in the model predictions result in a confusing model that is difficult to
understand (Zurell et al., 2020), which decreases the competence and increases doubt of
SDMs (Dormann et al., 2013). Only ten predictors were used to model habitats of C. g.
gallarum (Table 3).
For inclusion in the ecological niche modelling of the closely related taxa of Ethiopian
guereza, climate data comprising 19 bioclimate variables with the highest spatial
resolution (i.e., ~1 km) were found from WorldClim version 2.1 (Fick and Hijmans,
2017) and processed using ArcGIS 10.4.1. Ten thousand random points from the
background extent after cropping the candidate covariates were generated. Two datasets
were used to construct niche models: training and testing for both the presence and
pseudoabsence datasets (Appendix 5). The predictor values at the presence and
pseudoabsence locations were extracted from the spatial data layers of the predictor
sources. The multi-collinearity computed by means of ‘usdm’ package in R 4.1.2 (R
Development Core Team, 2023) and retained only variables among those that are
correlated > |0.8| and the variables with the lowest VIF to avoid multi-collinearity
problems among predictors (Guisan et al., 2017). The selection of one variable from a
pair of variables is objectively decided using the variable's contribution to the model fit.
Overall, 9 bioclimatic variables were selected (Fig. 9) to calibrate the models and create
the ecological niches of the two taxa. These nine bioclimatic variables such as
Isothermality (Biol 2), Temperature Seasonality (Biol 4), Max Temperature of Warmest
Month (Biol 5), Min Temperature of Coldest Month (Biol 6), Temperature Annual Range
(Biol 7), Annual Precipitation (Biol 12), Precipitation of Driest Month (Biol 14),
Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) (Biol 15), and Precipitation of
Wettest Quarter (Biol 16) were used for both taxa.
3.2.3. Vegetation community ecology
The study of vegetation ecology is very beneficial for thoughtful the position of tree
populations, regeneration and variety for preservation determinations (Abyot Dibaba et
al., 2022). It is assumed that forests are not only the lungs of the world but also home to a
myriad of living creatures. The vegetation community provides food, shelter and support
for animals, particularly arboreal primates.
Vegetation data were collected across the remnants of forests in the Ahmar Mountains
between 2020 and 2021. Four forest patches were chosen for data collection (Chala
Adugna et al., 2023). Vegetation data was collected through purposive sampling method
along the transect lines generated for population surveys, considering sampling plots
established at the sites where C. g. gallarum groups and their faecal samples were
detected and absent. The number of plots per site was varied depends on the variation in
encounters and ecologies (Chala Adugna et al., 2023).
Overall, 64 plots, individually 400 m2 (20 × 20 m), were used across the forests (Table 2).
Assuming that C. g. gallarum may require trees with dense canopies that provide support
in terms of food and shelter, only woody plant species and lianas were recorded. In each
plot, the following parameters were measured: (1) types of trees or climbers, 2) diameter
at breast height (DBH, tree with DBH ≥12 cm and climber ≥ 5 cm) using measurement
instrument such as caliper and metre taps (50 m); (3) heights of tree and climber
(HEIGHT, m) using naked eye aided by a clinometer; (4) number of trees and/or climbers
and growth forms.
Every plant species recorded was taxonomically identified by experts from the forestry
department of the OFWE of Hararghe Branch, Chiro Office, namely, Olana Badada,
Aliyi Oda, and Mumme Ebro, by means of plant identification guides using Flora of
Ethiopia and Eritrea (Hedberg, 1996, Hedberg et al., 2009).
3.3. Data analyses
Surveys were conducted in four forests and two seasons. Since forest ecology and season
(more or less good visibility) can affect detection distance (perpendicular distance), first
tested whether forest strata (ID) or season (wet and dry) affected the perpendicular
distances. Second, cluster sizes among the four forests were compared and tested to see
whether cluster size affected the perpendicular distances since larger groups might be
easier to detect. Comparison of perpendicular distances and cluster sizes among the four
forests were computed using Kruskal-Wallis (H) test whereas the two seasons and the
correlation between cluster size and perpendicular distance were analysed by Mann–
Whitney U test. All these tests were computed using R 4.3.1 (R Development Core Team,
2023) and found no effects of forest ID, season, or cluster size on detection distances
(Fig.11a-e) and, therefore, combined all our encounters in a single analysis.
Since the perpendicular distances were recorded to the nearest metre, subsequently
ordered them into four distance classes to better fit the detection function: 0 m–10 m, >10
m–20 m, >20 m–30 m, and >30 m–50 m. Only two encounters with perpendicular
distances larger than 50 m (one with 75 m and a cluster size of 5 and one with 100 m and
a cluster size of 2) were found. Therefore, the distribution at 50 m was truncated to
enhance detection function robustness (Buckland et al., 1993; Buckland et al., 2001). To
establish the detection models on a large enough sample size since 60–80 detections are
advised to consistently produce accurate density estimations (Peres, 1999; Buckland et
al., 2001) and these sample sizes do not support separate fitting of the detection function
to the data in each stratum of the forest, all data were combined across the study sites for
fitting a detection function.
Using the pooled encounters across the forests, four candidate detection models were
fitted to check key functions performance (uniform (UN), half-normal (HN), hazard-rate
(HR), and negative exponential (NE)) on conventional distance sampling (CDS) in
Distance 7.3 Release 2 (Thomas et al., 2010) (Table 5; Fig.12a-d). This determines the
basic model shape. Three series expansions or adjustment terms such as cosine, hermite
polynomial and simple polynomial (Table 5) were considered to make models more
Akaike Information Criterion AIC (Akaike, 1973) was used to carefully pick the best
model and retained the half-normal key function with no adjustment term (ΔAIC = 0.0;
AIC =186.75; Table 5). In addition, chi-squared test and visual fit of models as additional
model selection criteria were considered (Buckland et al., 2001). Using chi-squared test,
the number of observations in a given distance interval was compared to the number
expected under the fitted detection function (Appendix 6). Then, the probability was
computed to detect a cluster given that it is in the covered area, which is used to correct
the density estimation (i.e., number of clusters per km 2) across the study periods and
determine effective strip width (ESW, which is the distance at which as many objects are
seen) (Thomas et al., 2010).
(Phillips et al., 2006). Besides MaxEnt default settings, the following settings were used:
feature class combinations of linear, quadratic, product, and hinge and 10 times replicate
with "subsample" as the replicated run type to reduce the model overfitting (Phillips and
Dudik, 2008; Elith et al., 2011). Ten thousand background positions were also generated
randomly from the whole area of the study region to model the habitat suitability map.
The model’s performance was evaluated using Area Under the Curve (AUC). It is a
threshold-independent measure and is used to assess the model’s predictive ability for
generating the suitable habitat map (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000). It portrays the
association among the proportion of correctly predicted presence (sensitivity) and the
proportion of wrongly predicted absence (specificity) (Phillips et al., 2006). A model that
predicts correctly will generate a ROC curve that follows the left axis and the top of the
figure, whereas a model that is unable to reliably categorize places where the species is
present and missing will generate a ROC curve that follows the 1:1 line. The value of
AUC varies between 0.5 and 1, in which AUC values above 0.90 are ‘high
accuracy/excellent’; 0.70 < AUC < 0.90 'good accuracy'; 0.50 < AUC < 0.70 'low
accuracy'; and AUC < 0.50 'no better than random' (Swets, 1988; Elith et al., 2011).
The relevance of variables and the influence of each predictor were estimated using
percent contribution, permutation importance, and Jackknife tests (Phillips et al., 2006).
Moreover, univariate response curve for each variable was plotted to see how some of the
most relevant variables reacted to predicted habitat suitability and whether they had a
positive or negative impact on the subspecies' habitat suitability (Hosni et al., 2020).
The suitable habitat distribution of C. g. gallarum was predicted for the current
environmental conditions and projected for future climate change scenarios. The logistic
output of the MaxEnt is continuous, allowing fine distinctions to be made between the
modelled suitability of different areas with values between 0 and 1, an indication of a
likelihood of occurrence (Phillips et al., 2006). Binary prediction of the model was done
using 10-percentile training presence Logistic threshold, which makes the distinction
between suitable and unsuitable areas. Then, a distribution map was created using
ArcGIS 10.4.1, and the binary prediction was reclassified based on the suitability scores.
These habitat suitability scores were categorized as unsuitable (i.e., not specifically
cited), moderately suitable (i.e., frequently cited as secondary habitat and presence of low
populations with patchy distribution), and highly suitable (i.e., frequently cited as main or
preferred habitat and presence of major populations with higher densities) (Boitani et al.,
2008). Subsequently, the change in the predicted habitat distribution of C. g. gallarum
under the two scenarios for the years 2050s and 2070s by two GCM was measured.
Finally, the map of suitable habitat distribution showing the area of habitat considered
stable, lost, and gained was created using ArcMap 10.4.1.
Multiple algorithms were used to run the models. These include the generalized additive
model (GAM; Wood et al., 2016; Pedersen et al., 2019), general linear model (GLM;
Hastie et al., 2009), maximum entropy approach (MaxEnt default; Phillips et al., 2006;
Elith et al., 2011), maximum entropy adjusted (MaxEnt tuned; Radosavljevic and
Anderson, 2014) and random forest (RF; Breiman, 2001). They were selected basing on
their suitability of assumptions for the datasets, the use of various parameters and pseudo-
absence points, their variation in the model fitting function (Hastie et al., 2009; Merow et
al., 2014). During model fitting, case weights were applied to the presence and
background points. The weights were generated by giving a weight of 1 to every presence
location and giving the weights to the background as the summation of the weights for
the presence and background samples is equal, i.e., number of presences/number of
background (163/10000) (Desalegn Chala et al., 2016). All predictors were normalized or
standardized to meet a mean of zero as well as a standard deviation of one fowr all the
models, except for the MaxEnt models, which have internal normalization (Valavi et al.,
To fit GLMs, forward and backward model selection was used with options for dropping
variables or including them, considering only linear or linear plus quadratic terms. No
interaction terms were tested, and selection was based on changes in the AIC (Hastie et
al., 2009). During our model fitting, the maximum likelihood (ML) method was used
(Guisan et al., 2002). Both linear and quadratic terms in GLMs were allowed for model
fitting to develop niches of the taxa. To account for nonlinearity in the fitted functions,
GAMs employ nonparametric smooth functions (Merow et al., 2014). There is a
persistent need to prevent overfitting in model fitting by taking the bias-variance trade-off
into account (Hastie et al., 2009). A number of models were modified using the presence-
background training data in order to prevent overfitting. This was accomplished using
AIC for GLM and cross-validation for several approaches (MaxEnt adjusted).
As the most common modelling tool, the "dismo: MaxEnt" R package was used due to its
non-stochastic model and computational speed (Valvai et al., 2022). Both MaxEnt and
MaxEnt optimized as implemented in dismo package were used. As suggested by recent
studies (Radosavljevic and Anderson, 2014), MaxEnt can perform better when its
regularization multiplier and feature classes (i.e., L, Q, H, and P for linear, quadratic,
hinge, and product, respectively) are adjusted. These parameters can control the
complexity or generality of the model. The default value of the regularization multiplier
is 1, and the lower the value, the more complex a model can be fit (Elith et al., 2011). In
this study, the multiplier and feature classes were simultaneously adjusted using 5-fold
cross-validation (CV) using the presence and pseudo-absence training dataset. Five
different regularization multipliers (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4) in combination with different
features (L, LQ, H, LQH, and LQHP) were used to find the best parameters that
maximize the average AUC in the CV.
Since RFs are frequently utilized for SDMs (Zhang et al., 2019; Valavi et al., 2022),
regression trees were used to fit and predict the ecological niches in this study. It
combines many trees to create an ensemble. Although it is parameterized to address many
pseudo-absence samples, it substantially outperforms other random forest
implementations (Valavi et al., 2022). To fit the RF model with the default parameter, the
"random forest" package was used.
al., 2022). The COR was employed, which measures the difference between prediction
and observation values (0 s and 1 s; Elith et al., 2006), provided that understanding into
how well estimates are standardized in relative terms. The COR information on about
aspects of adjustment since it considers real prediction values. Even in relative terms, a
model that performs well in terms of the AUC but poorly in terms of the COR is expected
to be under-calibrated. To create binary maps, maxSS (maximum sum threshold), which
is the threshold at which the sum of the sensitivity (true positive rate) and specificity (true
negative rate) is highest, was utilized (Desalegn Chala et al., 2019). This threshold
divides all model predictions into binary maps of the suitable and/or unsuitable of each
examined subspecies.
The predictions from five algorithms were averaged to create one ensemble map. By
averaging the optimisation thresholds across the five models, the probabilistic occurrence
prediction maps were transformed into binary presence-absence maps. This was done
because an ensemble model would perform well in the SDM (Valavi et al., 2022). In
order to create a binary map, the five separate model predictions were compiled based on
AUC values greater than 0.7. The mean predicted values were then computed.
In order to find evidence for taxa’s response to climate data, principal component
analysis (PCA) was used to examine the subspecies' appearances in multivariate climate
space using the ‘ggbiplot’ package in R 4.3.2. Identity test metrics such as Schoener’s D
and Warren’s I (Broennimann et al., 2012) were used to compare the niches between
Ethiopian guereza based on ecological niche models. Both statistics range from zero
(when the habitat associations of the taxa are completely different) to one (when the
habitat associations of the taxa are identical), with pairwise values > 0.8 frequently
indicating substantial niche intersection (Warren et al., 2008). A background test was
then performed using the MaxEnt in dismo package, to determine whether niche
resemblance was minor or bigger than anticipated for the taxa’s range or to determine
whether niche overlaps were equivalent because the background test is suitable for
comparing niche overlaps (Warren et al., 2010). Schoener's D and Warren's I were
estimated using MaxEnt model layers and 100 pseudoreplicates' expected values. In order
to conduct the test, occurrence data for each subspecies pair are pooled, two fresh
samples are randomly assigned locales, and 100 repetitions of randomly selected
subspecies pairs with niche overlap are used. The null distribution of the pseudo-
replicated niche overlap values was compared to the initial subspecies-pair niche overlap
The present study explored the potential predictive power of the abundance-suitability
association. It predicts that habitat suitability predicted by SDMs or ENMs would
describe the spatial difference in abundance. Hence, this study tested this relationship for
endemic C. g. gallarum in along the Ahmar Mountains. The estimated habitat suitability
obtained by implementing ensemble ecological niche models was used to explore the
relationship with the local abundance of C. g. gallarum recorded during the population
surveys. Furthermore, the study also explored the models’ predictive power. The fitted
association among abundance and habitat suitability was utilised to extrapolate
abundance or precisely forecast abundance at a fine scale across the subspecies
GAM was used to relate the empirical abundance estimate to the predicted ecological
niche or suitability. Tweedie distribution and a log-link function was used to fit the model
(Fuente et al., 2021). The selection was made due to the increasing abundance trend in
high suitability values and the cluster of zeroes in low suitability values (Weber et al.,
2017; Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2021). The ‘mgcv’ R package was used to fit the GAM
model. The deviation that the model was able to explain was reported as the predictive
power of the fit. The link between abundance and the suitability was measured in terms
of degree or strength, sign, and significance using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r).
Furthermore, Ordinary least squares (OLS) and quantile regression were used (Cade et
al., 1999; Cade and Noon, 2003) to analyze the association or relationship between
ecological niche suitability and abundance for C. g. gallarum. This tests the hypothesis
that ecological niche suitability predicts a taxon spatial abundance pattern, particularly,
abundance of the upper limits, by regressing predicted ecological niche suitability against
abundance. In the analysis, ecological niche suitability was used as a predictor. The
abundance values were re-scaled before model regressing to signify the abundance as a
proportion of the maximum stated for a taxon. While quantile regressions were used to
investigate the relationship between suitability and the upper bounds of abundance (10th,
25th, 50th (median), 75th, and 95th percentiles for linear quantile regressions), ordinary
least squares regression was utilised to investigate mean abundance as predicted by
suitability. The packages “quantreg” and “olsrr” were used in the R software version,
The Anthropocene refugia was defined based on the ecological niche models generated
for both taxa as suitable habitats in areas where anthropogenic impacts are less. For each
subspecies, two types of Anthropocene refugia were identified: 1) suitable habitats
unaffected by human impacts or suitable habitats in forest land cover was mapped as
anthropogenic refugia whereas 2) suitable habitats within protected areas network was
mapped as protected anthropogenic refugia. The potential suitable habitats within
forested areas were identified by overlaying potential suitable habitat maps with forest
land cover and identifying their intersections. Indeed, Ethiopian guerezas are dependent
on forest habitats for their survival and layer of forest cover (resolution 30 m 2, Fig. 10a)
were downloaded and clipped using binary ensembled prediction models to eliminate
areas external to forest cover. The raster layer of Ethiopia’s forest cover was obtained
from Then, area of the niche model was measured to
calculate the Anthropocene refugia for each subspecies.
Finally, using all areas confirmed as Anthropocene refugia for both taxa, the researcher
overlapped those refugia in Ethiopia’s Protected Areas (PAs) network to calculate the
refugia under protection. Using the stacked protected area layers overlaid with the
Anthropocene refugia for each subspecies, the total area within Ethiopia’s PA network
was calculated. Ethiopia’s PAs network was obtained by merging established PAs in
Ethiopia, obtained from the WDPA (UNEP-WCMC and IUCN, 2023; Fig. 10b). The
potential suitable habitats within PAs were also examined by overlaying potential
suitable habitat maps with PA boundaries and identifying their intersections in ArcGIS.
Figure 10. Ethiopia’s remaining forest cover (a), protected area distribution (b) and
human footprint pressure (HFP) map (c) illustrate the extent of anthropogenic
activity. Light green colours show the higher intensity of anthropogenic pressure (c).
Maps were created at a scale of 1:7,500,000 for Ethiopia.
The human footprint pressure index and ecological niche model raster layers were
trimmed to the Anthropocene refugia area of each taxon. Using 100 randomly generated
points, the scores of HFP and ENMs were retrieved. The Shapiro-Wilk test was run, and
the human footprint index and niche score datasets were log transformed to account for
linearity, homoscedasticity, and normal distribution requirements for linear regression.
The analysis was bootstrapped to 10,000 repetitions using the R package "boot" and bias-
corrected and accelerated confidence intervals, with an alpha level of 0.05 indicating
significance (Canty and Ripley, 2020).
Data tables with three columns that includes plots, name of species and the abundance of
the species were created and saved. Subsequently, a data matrix containing of 64 plots
was produced by creating a dataframe with Labdsv package in R 4.3.1. The number of
species missed during sampling was estimated using the vegan package.
plant species with a significant indicator value of p < 0.05. After determining that three of
the dominating species had p < 0.05, the community kinds were given names.
H ' =−∑ pi ln( pi¿)¿
where H' is the Shannon-Wiener index of woody plant species, which ranges from 0 to
Hmax and depends on species richness and evenness. In real ecological data, H values
range from 1.5 to 3.5, with the maximum value occurring when the community is
perfectly even.
J '=
ln s
where H' is the Shannon-Wiener index and lns signifies the number of species in the
2 a+ b+c
Additionally, each plot's total basal area (BA, m2) was computed. To quantify the height
dispersion, the standard deviation of tree height (SDHeight) was computed for each plot.
The stem density (individual trees/ha) and cluster basal area (m2/ha) were calculated for
each plant community (Mbora and Meikle, 2004). BA per hectare was estimated from the
DBH following Fashing’s (2001b) method:
BA=[0.5 xDBH ] X π , where BA is the basal area and DBH is the diameter at breast
height and pi is constant.
The structural complexity and floristic composition were assessed to evaluate how local-
scale habitat characteristics influence the occupancy and abundance of C. g. gallarum at
the local scale. Thus, the variables assessed the structural complexity and floristic
composition of the habitat at the exact locations of the C. g. gallarum presence and in the
400-m2 plots where the C. g. gallarum was recorded as absent. The value of candidate
variables was log-transformed prior to analyses to compute the mean differences among
the community types. The differences in the structural complexity among community
types were analyzed and verified by means of ANOVA, followed post hoc comparisons.
Habitat analysis was conducted to identify and quantify the strength of the relationships
(Veech, 2021) between the subspecies response variables (i.e., occupancy and
abundance) and the local habitat characteristics (predictor variables). Normality and
multicollinearity tests were performed prior to statistical testing and log-transformed to
achieve normality and homoscedasticity. A threshold value for Pearson correlation
coefficients (r) was 0.8 (i.e., to measure the correlation between two variables) and the
variance inflation factor was set at 10. Standardisation was crucial for comparing forest
structural complexities and floristic compositions due to their diverse units of
measurement and variances. To standardise the variables, a scale function was used in the
statistics package of R software to make the mean zero and the standard deviation 1 for
all variables.
T-test was computed to compare the mean difference between the presence plots and
absence plots for the predictors measured. The presence/absence plots were utilized as a
grouping variable rather than a response variable. The study employed stepwise multiple
logistic regression to examine the influence of the local habitat characteristics on
occupancy of C. g. gallarum. C. g. gallarum presence/absence (coded as 1/0) against
local habitat characteristics (e.g., tree basal area, mean height of trees, SD tree height,
importance values of trees and various indices of species diversity). The model selection
process involved a stepwise approach until non-significant parameters were removed,
primarily to reduce the model's fit to the data. Furthermore, a stepwise GLM with
Poisson distribution model was performed to analyze whether C. g. gallarum abundance
is influenced by the habitat variables in the occupied plots. A p-value of 0.05 considered
to indicate statistical significance.
In total, Djaffa Mountains guereza groups or clusters encountered 73 times (Table 2). The
highest encounter rate was in HDF (1.25/km) followed by DDF (1.04/km), GMF
(0.80/km) and JKF (0.57/km). The overall encounter rate was 0.96/km. The results
revealed that no effects of forest strata, season, or cluster size on detection distances were
found (Fig. 11a–e).
Distance by Stratum
H (3, N= 73) = 5.1175; p = 0.1634
Distance by Season
U = 804.5; p = 0.09685
Cluster size by Season (d)
U = 219; p = 1.02e-06
Figure 11. Comparison of perpendicular distances (a and b) and cluster sizes (c and d)
among the four forests, and the two seasons and the correlation between cluster size and
perpendicular distance (e).
4.1.2. Cluster size and composition
In the present study, 388 individuals of C. g. gallarum were recorded, of which 32.7%
(127) were adult females, 24% (93) adult males, 38.4% (149) juveniles and 4.6% (18)
infants (Appendix 7). The sex ratio of adult females to males was 1:0.73 and adult
females to infants was 1:0.14.
Group sizes and proportion of one-male groups did not differ significantly among four
different forest sites (Appendix 8). The study found 41 clusters at DDF (5.5 ± 2.8, range
1–15), of which, 30 were one-male clusters and 11 were multi-male clusters. The study
counted 10 clusters at GMF, with an average of 6.4 ± 1.6, six being one-male and the
remaining two-male clusters. The study recorded 15 clusters in HDF, of which 12 were
one-male and the remaining three being two-male clusters, with a mean of 4.47 ± 1.9. At
JKF, seven clusters were identified and recorded with a mean of 4.3 ± 1.8 of which one
consisted of two-male clusters. The Mann–Whitney U test revealed that the group size
was significantly different between seasons (U = 219; p = 1.02e-06 Fig. 11d).
The result of model selection suggested the best detection model was a half-normal key
function and no adjustment (Table 4). Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests show that grouped
distance data provides an adequate fit (χ2 = 0.1682, DF = 2, P = 0.9193; Appendix 6).
Figure 12 depicts the fitted detection function averaged over the observed perpendicular
distance for different key functions (labelled a-d). Histograms of detected distances show
higher detections close to the line transect, fitting the assumption of distance sampling
Figure 12. The detection function models of C. g. gallarum fitted using different key
functions for all data combined and encountered during the field surveys across the forest
fragments in the Ahmar Mountains, Eastern Ethiopia (a) half normal, (b) uniform, (c)
negative exponential, (d) hazard rate.
Table 4. Results from fitting different detection models for Djaffa Mountains guerezas
across the four forest sites during the survey periods.
Model np ΔAIC* AIC Pa ESW (m, D (95% CI) D
(series) 95%CI) (CV)
CDS: HN 1 0.00 186.75 0.47(0.39– 23.31 (19.28– 109.62 (75.99– 0.183
0.56) 28.19) 158.13)
CDS: UN 1 0.70 187.45 0.51 (0.45– 25.28 (22.49– 101.06 (72.05– 0.167
(CS) 0.57) 28.42) 141.76)
CDS: NE 1 0.88 187.64 0.33 (0.25– 16.60 (12.41– 153.96 (100.85– 0.214
0.44) 22.20) 235.05)
CDS: HR 2 2.04 188.79 0.48 (0.36– 23.86 (18.05– 107.11 (70.69– 0.210
0.63) 31.54) 162.28)
We estimated the group density as 20.6 clusters/km2 (95% CI: 14.5–29.3; %CV = 17. 5;
DF = 35.1) and the population density of Djaffa Mountains guerezas as 109.6
individuals/km2 (95% CI: 76.0–158.1; %CV = 18.3 %; DF = 42.3) (Table 5). The
estimated total population size for the complete study area of 183 km 2 was 20,061
individuals (95% CI: 13,907–28,938; %CV = 18.3).
Table 5. Parameter estimates and inference for C. g. gallarum across the forest fragments
during the survey periods using the best model selected.
Parameter Point SE % CV DF 95 % CI
A (1) 18.74 1.91 - - - -
f (0) 0.04 0.004 9.55 72.00 0.04 0.05
p 0.47 0.05 9.55 72.00 0.39 0.56
ESW 23.31 2.23 9.55 72.00 19.28 28.19
n/L 0.96 - 14.60 18.00 0.71 1.31
DS 20.63 3.60 17.45 35.07 14.51 29.31
E(S) 5.32 0.30 5.55 72.00 4.76 5.94
D 109.62 20.07 18.31 42.32 75.99 158.13
N 20,061 3673.3 18.31 42.32 13,907 28,938
4.2. Habitat suitability and distribution
The correlation coefficients for the ecological predictor's final MaxEnt model were tested
(Appendix 4). The variable inflation factor for all predictor variables incorporated into
the model shows less than 10 (R2 = 0.6364, F = 9.946, p = 1.483e-07, DF = 9) (Table 3).
The omission rate for the test data and the predicted area are based on the value of the
cumulative threshold and are presented in Figure 13. The MaxEnt model for Djaffa
Mountains guereza provided a high value AUC equal to 0.973±0.014, averaged over 10
replicate runs (Fig. 14).
Figure 13. The omission rate for the test data and the predicted area based on the value of
the cumulative threshold for current predictor variables used for modelling.
Figure 14. Djaffa Mountains guerezas, C. g. gallarum, habitat suitability prediction
averaged over 10 replicate runs produced AUC value.
An estimate of ecological predictors contribution to the MaxEnt model was given (Table
6). Precipitation in the wettest quarter (65.9%), land cover (17.4%), temperature
seasonality (6.1%) and mean diurnal range (5.3%) were the four predictors with variable
importance greater than 5%.
Response curves display a different model, namely, a Maxent model created using only
the corresponding variable (Fig. 13). These plots reflect the dependence of predicted
suitability both on the selected variable and on dependencies induced by correlations
between the selected variable and other variables. Habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum
decreases when the mean diurnal range increases (Fig. 15a). On the other hand, suitability
was increasing with precipitation of the wettest quarter (Fig. 15b) and precipitation
seasonally (Fig. 15c). Temperature influence on the habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum
fluctuated (Fig. 15d). The habitat suitability map (in a clockwise direction, the aspect is
indicated as North-East-South-West; Fig. 15e) revealed that the predictor variable aspect
has a positive relationship with the C. g. gallarum occurrence. From the landscape
composition perspective, broadleaved evergreen forest (0.83) was the best predictor,
followed by the broadleaved deciduous forest (0.41) (Fig. 15f).
MaxEnt model evaluated by jackknife test for C. g. gallarum habitat suitability prediction
also validated the importance of the precipitation of the wettest quarter (Fig. 16). In our
study, altitude and slope had no contributions. Note that all of these plots of habitat
suitability distribution in gradients did not represent normal curves, suggesting at least
one tail was missing when the distribution of the species extends beyond the measured
Habitat suitability
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
(a) Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp))
Habitat suitability
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
(b) Precipitation of Wettest
Quarter (mm)
Habitat suitability 6.00E-01
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
(c) Precipitation Seasonality
(Coefficient of Variation) (mm)
Habitat suitability
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(d) Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation ×100) (°C)
Habitat suitability
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(e) Aspect (Degree)
Habitat suitability
d st st d d
s ies
lan o re o re lan ls an ar ar o d
p f sf b s
o en u ru ra an are rb
g re uo Sh G
rb B ate
er id W
Ev ec
(f) Land use land cover category
Figure 15. Response curves of the most important variables showing the mean
response of habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum to predictor variables. A single
limiting variable changes shortly and the distribution is truncated for continuous variables
(labelled as a-e).
Figure 16. C. g. gallarum habitat suitability modelling evaluated by jackknife
analysis. Aspect (Asp), precipitation seasonality (Bio15), precipitation of wettest
quarter (Bio16), precipitation of coldest quarter (Bio19), mean diurnal range (Bio2),
temperature seasonality (Bio4), distance to the population density/rural settlements
(DistPopD), distance to roads (DistRod), distance to rivers/waterways (DistRvr) and
land cover (Lulc).
The suitability and spatial distribution of C. g. gallarum habitat was predicted. The model
discriminates suitable habitat with an excellent power (AUC = 0.973±0.014) (Fig. 14).
About 1,336.0452 km2 (1.77%) of suitable habitat exists for C. g. gallarum from a total
of 75,307.49 km2 geographic extent considered (Fig. 17a). This suitable area was further
classified as highly suitable with an area of 183.26 km 2 (13.33%), whereas 86.67% of the
remaining area was moderately suitable. The highly suitable habitats for the C. g.
gallarum were highly fragmented and dispersed in different localities of the eastern
Ethiopian highland, particularly where the National Priority Protected area existed,
including in Eastern Arsi, West Hararghe, and East Hararghe Zones (Fig. 17b).
Figure 17. The current predicted habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum using the
MaxEnt algorithm: a) Continuous MaxEnt model output showing areas with red colour
as highly suitable and blue colour unsuitable and b) map indicating the reclassified
suitable areas overlaid with the occurrence localities and topographic Base-map.
We predicted the suitable habitat distribution of C. g. gallarum under two RCP scenarios
and GCM systems (Fig. 18). The range of AUC values for several climate change
scenarios was 0.96 to 0.98, which indicates an "excellent" predictive power (Appendix
9). The jackknife test revealed the best predictor of suitable habitat was the precipitation
of the wettest quarter (Bio16), with the percent contributions ranging between 62.90 and
91.40 under all future climate scenarios, whereas other predictor variables had variability
in percent contributions and jackknife tests under different scenarios (Appendix 10).
Using two GCMs, suitable habitat and its distribution were predicted for C. g. gallarum
under the worst (RCP 8.5) and most conventional (RCP 2.6) emission scenarios
(Appendix 11). The model's output demonstrated the overall increase in C. g. gallarum's
suitable habitat under all future climatic scenarios (Fig. 18a-f, Table 7). According to
RCP 2.6, the largest increase in C. g. gallarum's suitable habitat was projected for the
year 2070, at 182.58% for the BCC-CMS1-1 and 155.32% for the HadGEM2-ES model
systems (Appendix 11). It was expected that in all route scenarios, the amount of habitat
loss would be almost equal, except there is a very low amount of predicted habitat loss
under of year 2050s the BCC-CMS1-1 and of year 2070s for the HadGEM2-ES (Table
4.3. Ecological niche determinants and Anthropocene refugia
The general distribution of the AUC values among the algorithms and subspecies varied
(Table 8). Except for RF model predicted suitable habitats for C. g. gallarum, all the
models had an excellent predictive performance (AUC > 0.90) (Table 8). The COR
values computed using the five state-of-art models different between and within the
subspecies. The variables that have contributed the most to predict the suitable habitat of
C. g. gallarum include Max Temperature of Warmest Month, Precipitation Seasonality
and Temperature Annual Range, whereas Annual Precipitation, Min Temperature of
Coldest Month, and Precipitation of Wettest Quarter were the environmental factors that
best predict the habitat suitability for C. g. guereza in increasing order.
Table 8. Metrics used for all algorithms to evaluate the performance of the models run
(AUC, COR), indicating their maximum sensitivity and specificity (maxSS) as well as
predicted habitat suitability (HS).
The potential suitable habitats predicted were different between algorithms and
subspecies (Table 8). The potential predicted suitable niche for C. g. guereza was
168,731 km2 and suitable habitats for C. g. gallarum was 69,542 km2 (Fig. 19; Table 9).
As expected, the suitable habitat of C. g. gallarum was mainly concentrated in its current
range, whereas the predicted suitable habitat of C. g. guereza extended less to distribution
of C. g. gallarum.
Figure 19. Current ensemble habitat suitability maps produced for closely related sister
taxa of Ethiopian guereza. ORG is stand for Omo River guereza and DMG is stand for
Djaffa Mountains guereza.
4.3.3. Anthropocene refugia
The Anthropocene refugia of the taxa obtained from the recent forest cover map of
Ethiopia (Fig. 20a and b) showed that the suitable habitat for the C. g. guereza was
47,101.34 km2 of the predicted fundamental niche, whereas that for the C. g. gallarum
was 8,429.93 km2 limited to the forest cover.
Figure 20. The predicted suitable habitats of Ethiopia’s guereza confined within forest
cover (Anthropocene refugia) predicted by ecological niche modelling: a) C. g. guereza,
b) C. g. gallarum.
A large proportion of the Anthropocene refugia (53.70%) coincided with the present PAs
network for C. g. gallarum. However, C. g. guereza overlapped comparatively medium
proportion of Anthropocene refugia (39.76%) with the current PAs system. The potential
suitable habitats examined within PAs revealed that 42,500.88 km 2 and 19,297.29 km2 of
the suitable area were found within the Ethiopia’s protected area network for C. g.
guereza and C. g. gallarum, respectively.
Anthropogenic disturbance had a significant impact on habitat suitability for the C. g.
gallarum (F1, 98 = 7.255, 95% CI = 0.0073–0.057, adjusted R2 = 0.05943, p = 0.00832). In
contrast, as expected, the habitat suitability of C. g. guereza was not significantly affected
by the risk of anthropogenic threats (F 1, 98 = 0.7919, 95% CI = -0.0053–0.015, adjusted R 2
= -0.002106, p = 0.3757).
It was discovered that two subspecies' ecological niche were divergent than anticipated,
meaning that their initial overlap values were in the lowest 5% of the null distribution.
The ecological niche overlap estimates between subspecies show overlap indices of 0.244
and 0.378 for Schoener’s D and Hellinger’s I, respectively (Fig. 21). Of the 238,273 km2
of potential predicted suitable habitats for both taxa, the niche overlap area was 41,055
km2, while the suitable area account only for C. g. guereza was 127,675 km2 and for C. g.
gallarum was only 28,487 km2.
The observed abundance of C. g. gallarum and habitat suitability index had positive
association (r = 0.0546309, p = 0.6174), but weakly explained by environmental
suitability (deviance explained= 50%), predicting abundance across the subspecies'
geographical range (Fig. 23).
Table 10. Five selected regression quantiles (rq) used to estimate the intercept (β0) and
slope (β1), together with a 90% confidence interval (CI) for β1, in models y. The local
abundance of C. g. gallarum (yabundance = β0 + β1xsuitability index) is determined by
climatic conditions.
τ β0 β1 90 % CI for β1 p
10th 0.25346 -0.12133 -0.15033–1.797693 0.19585
25th 0.26667 0.00000 -0.22357–0.13579 1.00000
LAD 0.25346 -0.12133 -0.150–1.7e+303 0.19585
75TH 0.37672 0.10585 -0.25263–0.33066 0.53699
95th 0.30738 0.51282 -6.5205–0.530 0.57078
A 25,600 m2 area was sampled from 64 plots in five forest patches, revealing 51 tree
species from 16 families (Appendix 12). 88.46% (46) were woody plants, while 11.54%
(6) were climbers. During vegetation sampling, the species number varied from two to
twelve. The chao estimator estimated between 58 and 73 species within the surveyed
area. The study revealed that A. abyssinica, J. procera, P. falcatus, M. lancolata and C.
lusitanica highly abundant in more than twenty plots, indicating that C. g. gallarum relies
more on these species to meet its daily basic needs (Appendix 13).
Four identified using agglomerate and objective dataset clustering in the forest patches of
Ahmar Mountains (Fig. 25). The objective method indicates that the optimal number of
clusters showed a sharp bend at the fourth cluster. The communities were named after
tree and/or climber species with highest indicator values (Tables 11 and 12).
Figure 25. Hierarchical cluster analysis of vegetation data collected in Ahmar Mountains.
Table 11. Indicator of the abundance values of plant species in Ahmar Mountains.
Grewia ferruginea 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Celtis africana 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Schefflera abyssinica 8.0 0.0 2.4 0.0
Bersama abyssinica 7.9 1.0 0.0 8.8
Rhus natalensis 7.2 0.0 11.0 0.0
Ficus sur 6.9 0.0 1.6 0.0
Psydrax schimperiana 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Olea hochstetteri 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Asparagus africanus 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Schefflera volkensii 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maesa lanceolata 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rhamnus staddo 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Dovyalis caffra 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Erythrina bruce 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maesa lanceolata 4.8 3.5 0.2 59.1
Hagenia abyssinica 4.6 0.0 0.0 5.1
Rosa abyssinica 4.0 0.0 3.6 3.9
Teclea nobilis 3.6 12.0 0.3 1.1
Euphorbia dalettiensis 3.2 2.1 0.0 0.0
Carissa spinarum 3.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
Cussonia holstii 1.2 46.7 0.0 0.0
Hagenia abyssinica 1.2 12.2 0.0 8.2
Rytigna neglecta 1.0 41.7 0.0 0.0
Dombeya torrida 0.9 14.7 0.0 23.2
Cuperssus lusitanica 0.8 0.2 24.1 21.7
Malva venticillata 0.2 51.9 0.2 0.5
Maytenus spp. 0.1 0.0 1.6 33.1
Prunus africana 0.0 51.1 0.2 0.0
Maytenus arbutifolia 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0
Buddlejia polystachya 0.0 53.3 0.0 0.0
Bercium gradiflorim 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0
Olea europaea 0.0 0.0 23.5 1.5
Rhus glutinosa 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0
Jasminum abyssinicum 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0
Oncoba spinosa 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0
Canthium oligocarpum 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0
Embelia schimperi 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0
Vernonia urticifolia 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0
Rhamnus prinoides 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0
Calpurnia aurea 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0
Lepidotrichilia volkensii 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0
C1, Allophylus abyssinicus - Embelia schimperi - Croton macrostachyus; C2, Buddlejia
polystachya - Malva venticillata - Prunus africana; C3, Podocarpus falcatus - Juniperus
procera - Cuperssus lusitanica; C4, Maesa lanceolata - Maytenus spp. - Dombeya
torrida community.
Table 12. Name of indicator tree species used to nominate the community clusters in the
remnants of forests from Ahmar Mountains.
Name of indicator species Community type (C) Indicator value P-value
Lepidotrichilia volkensii 4 0.2 0.016*
C1, Allophylus abyssinicus - Embelia schimperi - Croton macrostachyus; C2, Buddlejia
polystachya - Malva venticillata - Prunus africana; C3, Podocarpus falcatus - Juniperus
procera - Cuperssus lusitanica; C4, Maesa lanceolata - Maytenus spp. - Dombeya
torrida community.
Table 13 displays diversity indices among the four community types, with community 1
having higher values across all indices.
1 38 3.17 0.87
2 21 2.50 0.82
3 22 2.19 0.71
4 22 2.41 0.78
The study found minor differences between plant communities (S <0.4), with the lowest
observed between C2 and C3, C2 and C4, and C3 and C4, and the greatest dissimilarity
between C1 and C2 (Table 14).
C1 C2 C3
C2 0.37 1
C3 0.22 0.20 1
C4 0.20 0.20 0.21
The mean abundance of C. g. gallarum did not show a significant difference between
community types (F3, 32 = 1.704, P = 0.186; Fig. 26).
Figure 26. Plot of log-abundance of C. g. gallarum vs. vegetation clustered.
ANOVA revealed average importance value (F = 3.80, p < 0.05), average mean height of
trees (F = 4.95, p < 0.01), richness (F = 10.52, p < 0.001), species diversity index (F =
12.74, p < 0.001) and evenness (F = 4.80, p < 0.01) were substantially different between
community type.
A post-hoc test showed that community type 3 had a considerably lower importance
value than community types 1 and 2 (p<0.05). Two communities (community types 1 and
2) had considerably greater mean tree heights than did the fourth community (p<0.01);
however, there were no deviations in heights among the communities. The first
community had much greater species richness than the other communities (p < 0.001).
Compared with those of the first and second communities, third community hand lower
diversity (p<0.05).
Table 15. Results of analysis of variances computed among four community types based
on local habitat metrics recorded during the study period.
Variables (unit) C1 C2 C3 C4 F P
Correlation tests also revealed strong relationships between many habitat metrics and
abundance of C. g. gallarum, notably the importance value and species richness, as well
as the Shannon index (Table 16).
C. g. gallarum was detected in 36 plots but was not detected in the other 28 plots
(Appendix 14). Independent sample t-tests revealed that the presence plots had
substantially greater mean tree heights, species richness, and diversity indices than did
the absence plots (p < 0.05; Table 17). Thus, the chance of C. g. gallarum occurrence was
significantly related to tree height and Shannon index. Nonetheless, there were notable
differences in these attributes between the occupied and unoccupied plots (p<0.05).
Table 16. Multi-collinearity analyses between the local abundance of C. g. gallarum and
metrics of local habitat computed at each plot during the survey period.
Abundance - 1.42
BA (m /ha) -0.03 - 1.07
Density/ha 0.18 -0.04 - 1.81
Importance Value 0.23 0.08 0.44 - 5.64
Mean tree Height 0.28 0.00 0.03 0.50 - 1.78
SD of tree Height -0.11 -0.02 0.22 0.38 0.29 - 1.31
Richness (R) 0.38 0.00 0.56 0.84 0.28 0.25 - 5.71
ShannIndex (H) 0.36 -0.02 0.49 0.84 0.30 0.27 0.97 - 61.55
ShannEvenness 0.16 -0.13 -0.13 0.33 0.24 0.02 0.35 0.53 1.45
Table 17. Results of an independent sample t-test that compare group mean differences of
the local habitat attributes measured for the plots occupied by C. g. gallarum and not
occupied during the study period.
ShannEvenness (J) 0.66 0.66 2.1673 0.03672
The study found that mean tree height, standard deviation of tree heights and importance
value significantly impact the presence of C. g. gallarum in a plot (p<0.05; Table 18).
The probability of finding C. g. gallarum increases with tree height and species richness,
but decreases with importance value and standard deviation of the height of trees. As a
result, factors with positive connections define (at least in part) the habitat of C. g.
gallarum and hence constitute habitat features. As expected, the taxon prefers taller trees
for occupancy (Table 18; Appendix 14).
Table 18. Results of regression models analyzing the predictor variables that best predicts
C. g. gallarum occupancy.
Variable β βstd. Z P
Intercept 0.3681 0.3071 1.198 0.23072
Richness 2.0213 0.7114 2.841 0.00449
SDHeight -0.8280 0.3607 -2.296 0.02168
The Poisson distribution model showed that C. g. gallarum abundance was negatively
related to tree importance values and the standard deviation of tree height, while
positively related to mean tree height and richness (Table 19).
Table 19. Poisson distribution model showing the predictor variables significantly related
to the abundance of C. g. gallarum within occupied sites.
β Std. Error Z P
Imp.value -0.61050 0.18765 -3.253 0.00114 **
Meanheight 0.46857 0.10177 4.604 4.14e-06 ***
SDHeight -0.15014 0.07945 -1.890 0.05880.
Richness 0.76747 0.15862 4.838 1.31e-06 ***
ShanEvenness -0.04118 0.10246 -0.402 0.68775
Densities of Djaffa Mountains guereza at Ahmar Mountains are lower than those for C. g.
guereza in one of the natural state forests located in central Ethiopia, Wof-Washa (Dereje
Yazezew et al., 2022) and one of the parks located in the northern Ethiopia, Borena-
Sayint NP (Hussein Ibrahim et al., 2017). Densities of C. guereza vary between localities
due to habitat quality, forest cover, and food trees (Dunbar and Dunbar, 1974). In
Rwanda, C. angolensis has large groups due to high mature leaf consumption (Fimbel et
al., 2001). A study in Kenya found that the diversity of dietary trees correlates with the
densities of C. guereza and Cercopithecus mitis, suggesting food availability may
positively influence densities (Mbora and Meikle, 2004; Mammides et al., 2009),
signifying that the availability of diets might positively affect densities. Indeed,
ecological constraints, social factors, and group size in folivorous primates are associated
with habitat quality (Von Hippel, 1996; Chapman and Pavelka, 2005), thus requiring
further investigation for this study taxon.
The overall mean cluster size of C. g. gallarum (5.3 individuals) did not differ among the
four study sites. If one assumes that the cluster size corresponds to the size of their social
groups, this figure is at the lower end reported average group sizes for other C. guereza
subspecies (5.4 to 19; Fashing, 2011; Dereje Yazezew et al., 2022). Other Colobus taxa
with greater group size include C. satanas: 17 in Gabon (Fleury and Gautier-Hion, 1999);
C. polykomos: 16.2 in Taï, Côte d’Ivoire (Korstjens, 2001); C. a. cottoni:13.9 in the Ituri
Forest (Bocian, 1997); and C. vellerosus: 15.1 in Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary
(BFMS) as well as in neighboring forest remains: 10.3 (Wong and Sicotte, 2006).
Similarly, Dunbar and Dunbar (1974) found that the size of C. g. guereza (6.7) is
certainly associated to quantity of large trees of Bole Valley, central Ethiopia. Indeed,
Guerezas often exhibit high ecological flexibility, little variation in social structure and
organization within their habitats, and smaller in riparian or disturbed forests and larger
in continuous forests (Von Hippel, 1996). However, it remains an open question, whether
the relatively low group size of C. g. gallarum is taxon-specific or is caused by ecological
factors. Therefore, extensive studies on the population change for this subspecies are
The encounter rate (0.96 clusters/km) shown in this study is comparable to other colobus
sites (1.2 clusters/km, Kakamega Forest, Kenya, Fashing and Cords, 2000; 1.65
clusters/km, central Ethiopia, Dereje Yazezew et al., 2022). The low sex ratio of adult
females to infants in C. g. gallarum suggests low reproductive success. Similarly,
equivalent trend was found with very large monkey’s populations (Alouatta palliata) in
forest fragments (Cristobal-Azkarate et al., 2005). This is linked with their dispersal
patterns (Ostro et al., 2001) and may also be associated with high juvenile mortality in
forest fragments (Umapathy et al., 2011). Forest fragmentation may cause stress due to
increased food scarcity or competition, potentially reducing reproduction and increasing
mortality rates.
Colobus g. gallarum groups consist of up to 15 individuals, with one-male group not
significantly different across forest sites. Different C. g. guereza groups were discovered
in Ethiopia based on population density and structure; these groups included small-one
male, large one-male, and multi-male groupings (Dunbar and Dunbar, 1974), which may
represent different phase in Colobus group life cycles (Dunbar and Dunbar, 1976).
Generally, guerezas are ecologically relatively flexible and they can survive even in small
forest fragments (e.g., just a few trees surrounding a church in Ethiopia) (Dunbar and
Dunbar, 1974; Fashing et al., 2019b). They can also even subsist in parks or can be found
in tiny forest remnants in towns and are, in general, tolerant of the presence of humans
(Yalden et al., 1977). Given the density of C. g. gallarum within the four study forests,
the conservation concern seems not to be a low population density per se but might be
more due to the small range and low number of suitable forests within the range of C. g.
gallarum (Chala Adugna et al., 2022). Habitat suitability models revealed that only 1,336
km2 (1.8%) of the 75,307 km2 study area consist of highly suitable habitat for C. g.
gallarum under current climate condition (Chala Adugna et al., 2022). Given that the
species occurs mainly at higher altitudes, changing climates can negatively affect the
habitat of C. g. gallarum, in particular if the vegetation belts are “pushed” uphill, similar
to what is expected for other high-altitude species in Ethiopia (Ahmed Seid et al., 2023).
This dissertation produced maps of ecological niche models using closely related
parapatric taxa of Ethiopia’s guereza as model subspecies to evaluate the range of
suitable habitats of the taxa and deliver a better reference point for the progress of
conservation plans. The study predicted the habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum to
evaluate the effects of climate change and provide valuable insights intended for
conservation initiatives. The findings show that the suitable areas are fragmented and
restricted to the National Priority Protected Area for C. g. gallarum. The highly suitable
habitats for this subspecies under current conditions have less area in contrast to a widely
distributed sister taxon, C. g. guereza (Zinner et al., 2019). Our findings exhibit an
excellent prediction suitability for the taxa. These discriminated areas of high habitat
suitability lay the foundation for conservation initiatives (Thorn et al., 2009). As a result,
conservationists will benefit from this predicted habitat suitability model to launch the
campaign for conservation of wildlife. Further information about areas inhabited by a
species within its distribution range and connectivity among patches are also needed
(Boitani et al., 2008). To sustainably conserve and manage threatened species, more
precise habitat distribution maps are required, which may be generated using machine
learning techniques (Di Pasquale et al., 2020; Rather et al., 2020).
The findings of the study highlight the need for further knowledge of species distribution
and connectivity among patches. Habitats of C. g. gallarum were found in fragments and
distributed across the Ahmar Mountain range, including Arba Gugu Mountain Forest,
Angada and Asako forests and Urgan-Bula gorges in the Arsi Zone. Similar to the current
study, fragmented suitable habitats are predicted for the endangered Javan gibbon
(Hylobates moloch) (Widyastuti et al., 2020) and red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus)
(Coudrat et al., 2021). Beside fragmentation in suitable habitats, habitats predicted for
some species also show up outside a protected area due to degradation and habitat
conversion (Atmoko et al., 2020). This might associate with adaptability to
Anthropogenically modified landscape. The OFWE initiated plantations in study area
where C. g. gallarum occurs, aiming for sustainable development and community
participation. However, challenges such as deforestation, wood logging, grazing, and
human settlement expansion persist in protected areas, potentially impacting the survival
of the subspecies and wildlife (Chala Adugna et al., 2022).
Habitat suitability models relate factors to species likelihood and the species-environment
relationship (Hirzel and Le Lay, 2008). The present study reveals that environmental
predictors for species distribution models have different optimal conditions but are niche
truncated because the potential equilibrium environmental factors of a taxon are unknown
for all points in the geographic range, calling for further exploration of the taxon's niche
equilibrium. Grinnell (1917) enumerated causes that may have disrupted the distribution
of species a century ago. It is evident that climatic conditions, coupled with species
habitats and occurrences, are required to arrange conservation or restoration sites as well
as to advise landscape plans (Préau et al., 2020). Climate patterns, including monthly to
seasonal temperature and precipitation, influence the behaviour, physiology, distribution,
abundance and interactions of biological species (Walther et al., 2002; Hirzel and Le Lay,
2008). Climate indirectly impacts animals by shaping vegetation and soils, affecting food
abundance and cover in deciduous plants, and influencing their behavioral ecology (Van
Schaik and Brockman, 2005). Anthropogenic climate changes significantly impact the
predicted distribution, habitat connectivity and genetic diversity as seen in the
endangered primate, Rhinopithecus bieti (Zhao et al., 2019).
Of the three genera of African colobines, Colobus lives in the greatest ranges of altitude,
rainfall and temperature (Butynski and De Jong, 2022a). The study reveals that the
predicted habitat suitability model for C. g. gallarum is influenced by climatic factors
like wettest quarter precipitation, seasonal temperature and mean diurnal temperature
range. However, precipitation-related variables like seasonality and the coldest quarter
contribute to C. g. gallarum habitat as seen in the distribution models. A study in Brazil
found that annual precipitation is the primary factor affecting the habitat suitability of
primates (Moraes et al., 2020). Africa’s colobines live under a wide range of temperature
regimes. Temperature annual range and coldest quarter average temperature greatly
influenced on parapatric howlers’ distribution (Holzmann et al., 2015). Variation in
contribution of bioclimatic variables to species distribution in different localities may be
influenced by agro-ecological variability.
altitude species. For instance, C. s. satanas, on Bioko Island, has the greatest altitudinal
gradient of any Colobus subspecies (0–3010 m asl; Butynski and Koster, 1994). Overall,
topography indirectly impacts species through its association with other environmental
variables while directly affecting wildlife movement (Hirzel and Le Lay, 2008).
Anthropogenic disturbances have also affected the suitable habitats and distribution of
wildlife (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000; Ehrlén and Morris, 2015; Rezende et al.,
2020). The MaxEnt model revealed the highest suitability for C. g. gallarum in the
evergreen forest, followed by deciduous forest, which highlights the uses of dense forest
with a fastened canopy. Similarly, the habitat suitability of Hylobates moloch and
Alouatta ululata in less-protected Dieng Mountains, Central Java, Indonesia, and north-
eastern Brazil is influenced by natural forest (Widyastuti et al., 2020) and good tree cover
(Filho and Palmeirim, 2020). Gray et al. (2010) found that gibbon occupancy is higher in
evergreen forests than semi-evergreen forests, suggesting that evergreen forests influence
arboreal monkey abundance and distribution. Thus, land-cover data significantly impacts
ecological niches. As primary forest’s cover decreases, plantation forests are occupying
more land, but their suitability as wildlife habitats remains unclear (Fashing et al., 2012).
Although the plantation forests have the ability to aid in the preservation of certain
monkeys, benefits of plantation and reforestation initiated by the OFWE to conserve
wildlife require further research. Furthermore, it is vital to comprehend the impact of
landscape structure on species in order to enhance management approaches (Galán-
Acedo et al., 2018).
Anthropocentric activities are increasingly disrupting the biotic and abiotic habitats of
species (Newbold et al., 2015), also disturb species distribution by limiting accessibility
to suitable patches (Mangiacotti et al., 2013) and shaping its geographical range (Sala et
al., 2000). The distance from the human population settlements had less of an influence
on C. g. gallarum predicted habitat suitability. A pronounced negative influence of rural
human population growth on several mammal species is indicated in the highlands of
southwestern Ethiopia (Rodrigues et al., 2021). There was no correlation found between
the C. g. gallarum habitat suitability model and a varied distance to roads. By contrast,
Hansen et al. (2020) found a negative correlation between this variable and lutung
occurrences. However, the habitat suitability model of the proboscis monkey is mostly
influenced by the distance to riverine habitat, the distance from a pond, and the distance
from the shoreline (Atmoko et al., 2020). As developing countries give priority to
economic growth, the effects of development threaten natural habitats and species
distribution, thus requiring further investigation on the impact of the development threat
index on biodiversity in general.
For the future scenarios of changing climates, the projected habitat suitability models of
the years 2050 and 2070 made a significant contribution to providing a stable (i.e.,
climate refugia) suitable habitat for the conservation of C. g. gallarum for long-term
survival. Analysis of jackknife assessment revealed the wettest quarter precipitation
mainly influenced C. g. gallarum habitat suitability modelling under all future climate
scenarios. A considerable overall gain in suitable habitat is observed for this taxon under
all climate emission scenarios. In contrast, the black-tailed marmosets extent of suitable
habitats are declined in percent from 21 to 27 under the most optimistic (SSP2-4.5)
scenario and in the worst-case scenario (SSP5-8.5) during the projected fifty-years in
Brazil (Gusmão et al., 2021), respectively. Despite the overall gain, the currently suitable
habitat for C. g. gallarum declined by 8.6 % under the conservative scenario (RCP 2.6) of
the projected 50-year period and by 11.3% during the highest greenhouse gas emissions
(RCP 8.5) of the projected 70-year period developed by the BCC-CMS1-1. On the other
hand, the loss of current suitable habitat increased from 5.3 % to 11.9 % under different
RCP developed by HadGEM2-ES. These suitable habitat area dynamics might be
associated with changing climates, which signifies an extraordinary risk via affecting
distributional pattern of global biodiversity (Sales et al., 2020). Such changes reduce
connectivity and might resulted in species extinction at local (Préau et al., 2020). The
climate refugia maintained under each climate change scenario would be better to
safeguard the survival of the subspecies as a safe heaven under the changing climate
conditions. Therefore, novel strategies may be required to avoid biodiversity loss resulted
due to effects of changes in climate across study region, even beyond the country or at
the global level.
Besides utilizing only climate related factors to assess the extent of predicted suitable
habitats, incorporating other ecological predictors such as land cover, anthropogenic
disturbances and vegetation index could improve the resultant models under future
climate conditions. This dissertation is not the sole, but other studies have also used only
the climatic variables for future predictions (Hosni et al., 2020; Smeraldo et al., 2021).
Even while the biological responses to the present shift in climate are now readily
apparent (Walther et al., 2002; Sales et al., 2020), the projected trends of global warming
effects on biodiversity need further investigation by incorporating Anthropocene effects.
However, lack of future data on these variables might limit their use for studies that
consider the influences of climate change on future distribution models (Hosni et al.,
Different species are likely to react differently to predicted changes, and therefore,
conservation suggestions based on habitat suitability models need to be examined with
care. Habitat suitability and distribution models, alongside other ecological niches and
range predictions for primates, are an essential step towards defining conservation
management plans for threatened taxa (Singh et al., 2018). The present models indicate
that the climatic conditions and landscape composition played roles in predicting the
suitable habitats for C. g. gallarum, even though they were fragmented. Indeed, habitat
fragmentation is the largest threat to primate species, accounting for 76% of primates
declining due to habitat loss from agriculture and 2-13% declining due to the impacts of
infrastructure construction and mining (Estrada et al., 2017). Habitat protection is a
common conservation intervention (Junker et al., 2017), involving legally protected areas
and community conservation areas to preserve important primate habitats during selective
logging and agricultural activities (Chapman et al., 2000). Focus should be given to
habitat restoration, corridor creation, and forest patch protection to protect wildlife
(Junker et al., 2017) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions based on predicted wildlife
habitat distribution (Moraes et al., 2020). These should be carried out considering the
climate refugia sites (remained steady in habitat suitability) that are predicted for future
climates to sustain the survival of the species.
The study modelled Anthropocene refugia for closely related and parapatric guereza taxa,
identifying suitable habitats within forest cover and examining protected suitable areas
within the country's PA network systems. This type of modelling approach is essential to
identify species-environment relationships, map distribution and assess conservation
threats (Hending et al., 2023). The findings of ecological niche models for both taxa
showed that all of the algorithms utilized for predicting the extent of suitable habitat had
the highest performance; however, the performances of the algorithms varied among the
subspecies. Such performance is also evidenced in a study conducted on high-altitude
species in Ethiopia, particularly T. gelada (Ahmed Seid et al., 2023).
The potential suitable habitat predicted for C. g. guereza was almost triple that of C. g.
gallarum. However, small portions of these predicted suitable habitats are considered
Anthropocene refugia (i.e., suitable habitats unaffected by human impacts or suitable
habitats in forest land cover) for both taxa. These sites would be very crucial for in-situ
conservation. For species conservation in the suitable habitat predicted outside of the
forest land cover, ex-situ conservation might be an alternative option to initiate
conservation actions. Lively conservation techniques like aided colonisation may be
necessary when terrain circumstances prohibit species from accessing ex-situ refugia,
such as high altitudes or other isolated environments (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2008).
Almost half of Anthropocene refugia is preserved within Ethiopia’s protected area
network for C. g. gallarum, while the majority of the Anthropocene refugia are found
outside of the PAs network for C. g. guereza. The current PA system of high coverage for
Anthropocene refugia suggests efficient sites for target subspecies, while low coverage
suggests inadequacy in climate change, highlighting the need for adaptation (Brambilla et
al., 2022). Overall, more effort is needed to protect the areas outside the protected area
network and to conserve the endemic Ethiopia’s guereza from extinction.
Closely related taxa of Ethiopia’s guereza exhibit divergent niches under the current
climate conditions. Our research revealed that the variations in distribution between these
closely related species are shaped by a complex array of bioclimatic factors, such as
temperature and precipitation. Biol12, Biol15, and Biol16 were found to be significantly
correlated with PC1 and PC2, indicating their significant role in determining the
distribution difference between these taxa. This might support the ecological parapatric
speciation scenario between the two taxa, where there might be no hybridization in the
contact zone (Bull, 1991). Similarly, niche divergence is discovered across the pairs of
Papio species via ecological niche modelling (Fuchs et al., 2018). According to Agostini
et al. (2010), this kind of niche differentiation permits closely related species to cohabit
peacefully. Four macaque species are predicted to have suitable habitats that show niche
segregation and gradual geographical distribution based on environmental gradients, as
per the Coudrat and Nekaris (2013) study. These exhibited niche divergences between
different species that might be because parapatric species seem to adapt to different
ecological conditions (Bull, 1991). This will have a big impact on how these species are
managed and studied in the future.
The present findings indicate that a positive correlation is found between abundance of C.
g. gallarum and environmental suitability, however, weakly predicted. Supporting the
findings of this study, some studies have obtained a significant positive relationship
between local abundance and environmental suitability (VanDerWal et al., 2009; Weber
et al., 2017). Other studies have found negative associations between abundance and
environmental suitability (Pearce and Ferrier, 2001; Nielsen et al., 2005), contradicting
the current findings. Therefore, care must be taken when generalizing the theory that
local abundance, which is a direct outcome of ecological niches occupied by species,
reflects how those species adapt to local circumstances (Brown, 1984). At high
resolution, niche theory may be able to accurately forecast the spatial variance in species
distribution (Fuente et al., 2021). Previous studies suggest a wedge or triangular shape for
the abundance-suitability relationship, with higher suitability indicating high or low
abundance, and lowest suitability indicating predominantly low abundance (VanDerWal
et al., 2009; Jiménez-Valverde, 2011; Braz et al., 2020; Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2021).
This could be due to the difficulties of obtaining biotic components like species
interaction that might possibly impact species spreading, spatial variation in abundance
and are not included in SDMs (Fuente et al., 2021). In fact, due to a shortage of logistics
and time constraints, there is a lack of abundance data that restricts our ability to
comprehend biological pattern of the populations. Thus, robust abundance estimates
using occurrence-based ecological niche models might be useful for conservation and
ecological applications (Wilson et al., 2011a, b; Malone et al., 2018). Moreover,
enhancing species conservation and management choices may be greatly aided by such a
modelling method (Fuente et al., 2021). Therefore, modelling association between
population demography and local-scale ecological conditions most likely add to reduce
species extinction, because in areas with high-quality of habitats, species flourish more
and succeed in survival (Araújo et al., 2002; Morrison et al., 2012; Weber et al., 2017).
Colobus g. gallarum occurs in dry Afroalpine evergreen forests and woodlands in the
Ahmar Mountains. Preliminary data suggest that C. g. gallarum eats mainly leaves in the
dry season, with upsurge fruits feeding during the wet season. They consume on a
diversity of plants. While the dietary variability of black and white colobus is highest
(Fashing, 2011), C. satanas consumed on average of 86 species (ranging 65–109; McKey
et al., 1981; Gautier-Hion et al., 1997; Fleury and Gautier-Hion, 1999), C. guereza
consumed on average of 46 species (ranging 27–73; Oates 1977a, 1994; Bocian, 1997;
Fashing, 2001b; Matsuda et al., 2020; Dereje Tesfaye et al., 2021), C. angolensis
consumed on average of 59 species (ranging 37–73; Bocian, 1997; Fimbel et al., 2001;
Vedder and Fashing, 2002; Dunham, 2017; Miller et al., 2020), C. polykomos ate more
than 46 species (Dasilva, 1989), and C. vellerosus consumed 56 species (Saj and Sicotte,
2007). These black and white colobus monkeys’ dietary shift patterns revealed that there
is nutritional variance both within and between species and sites (Fashing, 2022).
benefits like soil conservation as well as nitrogen fixation (Mesele Worku and Abay
Bantihun, 2017; Latamo Lameso, 2021). The human-dominated world has exploited
multipurpose trees for human needs, affecting biodiversity, including arboreal primates
that rely on indigenous trees. The study taxon is experiencing increased pressures on
wildlife due to timber production, requiring halting and maintaining measures.
characteristics of the forests like food trees basal area (Mbora and Meikle, 2004), leaf
protein-to-fiber ratio (Wasserman and Chapman, 2003), tree cover and canopy height
(Medley, 1993). However, general trends are not applicable as populations, subspecies, or
even species responds in a different way to the alterations of habitats (Cowlishaw and
Dunbar, 2000), suggesting that detailed studies of individual species are need to make
generalizations across taxa (Anderson et al., 2007b). Differences in tree height and
importance values negatively related to abundance might be due to canopy structure that
affects its dispersion and human logging and deforestation vulnerability, respectively.
Gouveia et al. (2014) found canopy height as one of the most predictors of primates than
precipitation or productivity. This suggests that forests structural attributes are main
drivers, potentially impacting diversity, abundance and distribution.
As expected, the impacts of a widely used proxy for anthropogenic disturbance (i.e.
human footprint pressure) (Campera et al., 2020; Di Marco et al., 2018) revealed that
anthropogenic disturbance significantly affected the habitat suitability of C. g. gallarum
but not that of C. g. guereza. This might be because C. g. guereza is more tolerant to
disturbance than C. g. gallarum. Because the target study taxon, C. g. gallarum, is more
restricted, it might be an Anthropocene refugia in the only remnant forests of the Ahmar
Mountains. The main threats to C. g. gallarum personally observed during the study
periods are conversion of forest into farmland and settlements, overgrazing, extracting
trees for lumber, firewood, charcoal, and production of beehives (Chala Adugna et al.,
2022, 2023). Degradation, loss, and fragmentation of habitat due to climate change is an
additional threat, particularly if vegetation belts are ’pushed’ uphill, as expected for other
high-altitude species in Ethiopia (Ahmed Seid et al., 2023). All threats are linked to a
large and increasing human population. The human population of Ethiopia has a ‘Rate of
Natural Increase’ of 2.5%, compared to a global average of 0.9% (PRB, 2023). Hunting
for the colobus pelt trade led to population decline in the past (Mittermeier, 1973, Dunbar
and Dunbar, 1975, Oates, 1977c). The current level of this illegal trade and its impacts
are much lower, although this needs to be investigated. Species-climate models predict
that the habitat for C. g. gallarum will become even more fragmented and decline over
the coming 50 to 70 years (Chala Adugna et al., 2022), and that anthropogenic pressures
will have considerable negative impacts on the habitat of this subspecies.
6.1. Conclusion
This dissertation aims to assess the abundance and its distribution patterns of the little-
known endemic C. g. gallarum in the remanent forests of the Ahmar Mountains, eastern
Ethiopia. In addition, habitat ecology and factors affecting its distribution patterns and
abundance are the goals of this study. Advances in machine learning algorithms can be
utilized to develop accurate prediction models for subspecies distribution, abundance and
habitat association, especially when population biology knowledge is limited. All the
models exhibited excellent predictive power to discriminate between suitable and non-
suitable habitats. With respect to percent contributions, precipitation and evergreen
forests are important variables that determine the taxon probability of occurrence. This
signifies implications for understanding how species climate and the synergy of other
ecological predictors affect the distribution of a subspecies. The predicted areas suitable
for the taxon are more fragmented and restricted to its geographic range.
Though the size and density of a population are essential parameters in primate ecology
and conservation, this dissertation has estimated a population density. This abundance is
relatively high compared to other C. guereza taxa. However, the detection distances and
cluster sizes did not differ among the four forests and seasons. The study reveals that the
ecological niches of two closely related and parapatric Ethiopian guereza taxa exhibit
divergent characteristics under current climate conditions. There are differences in
prediction values among algorithms and subspecies; however, all models predicted had
excellent performance, and their models ran consistently. C. g. gallarum's suitable habitat
is primarily found in its current range, as predicted by both fundamental and
Anthropocene refugia, indicating minimally suitable niches. Anthropogenic disturbance
exhibited significant effects on the suitable habitats for C. g. gallarum; in contrast, as
expected, the habitat suitability of C. g. guereza is not significantly affected by the risks
of anthropogenic threats.
This dissertation research is incomplete in terms of general biology, life history, and
behavioural ecology analyses for C. g. gallarum across the Eastern Ethiopian highland. In
spite of its limitations, the study certainly adds to the understanding of the species-
climate and species-habitat associations in terms of distribution and abundance, which
are very crucial to species-specific conservation and management plans. This study has
found that, generally, because of their assumed limited geographic distribution and,
therefore, a relatively small population size within the overall distributional assortment,
C. g. gallarum is utmost expected to be in danger of extinction risks. Thus, this taxon is
reassessed and designated as Vulnerable (VU). The remnant forests where C. g. gallarum
is found are isolated, which might make genetic exchange among the local populations of
C. g. gallarum difficult. This can lead to an increase in inbreeding and a loss of genetic
6.2. Recommendations
Given the distribution pattern and population size estimate of C. g. gallarum, as well as
its habitat suitability and ecological niche overlap with sister taxa under different
ecological conditions in the time series of climate change, the present finding suggests
A population genetic study to assess the genetic status of C. g. gallarum and a
comprehensive survey to collect samples for genetic analysis (non-invasive
sampling, e.g. faecal material) could be a next step.
Determining the geographic distribution of C. g. gallarum, because several forests
that constitute suitable habitat for Djaffa Mountains guereza are unexplored, e.g.,
in the Arba-Gugu Mountains. It is also important to collect data along the
common distribution border between Djaffa Mountains guerezas and other
guereza taxa to check for possible sympatry and hybridization.
Studies are looked-for towards examining the influence of forest fragmentation on
taxon occupancy and abundance, considering spatial, food, structural, and human
disturbance factors.
Conservation management programmes should focus on reconnecting forest
fragments to re-establish dispersal routes among currently isolated local
populations of Djaffa Mountains guerezas. However, this should be accompanied
by a public awareness campaign and discussion with the stakeholders involved.
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C. g. gallarum Molticha, Dindin 40.25579722188107 8.61544353162493 1
C. g. gallarum Balada, Dindin 40.26238376596687 8.62603862089880 1
C. g. gallarum Lemen, Dindin 40.264053968189934 8.63643274767323 1
C. g. gallarum Dildila Rabbi, Dindin 40.257951781462474 8.64046798768309 1
C. g. gallarum Derar, Dindin 40.24743002040305 8.63805167838880 1
C. g. gallarum Najabas, Sorroro Torgam 40.84715074710257 9.00427297192453 1
C. g. gallarum Kuni-Muktar Nyala Sanctuary 40.91925446102449 9.00291871065565 1
C. g. gallarum Kuni-Muktar Nyala Sanctuary 40.9128622237146 8.99605425757812 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.234854391614725 9.30778528336392 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.24596463259242 9.31634703477541 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.23851541577758 9.30827749704194 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.23842523244958 9.30840460034375 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.235896855409564 9.30716413688892 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.23907909306767 9.30677359061122 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.24605099184285 9.30850124081018 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.245661511792356 9.30735582959921 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.24475141923093 9.30305028488868 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.24565330121285 9.30464438809163 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.2477373936425 9.30897867779649 1
C. g. gallarum Hades 41.24899123309786 9.30584351953096 1
C. g. gallarum Arada Raasaa, Bedeno forest 41.25659243178694 9.23662567853063 1
C. g. gallarum Arada Raasaa, Bedeno forest 41.7281769741179 9.24086094814332 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa, Gara Muleta 41.76867841670173 9.22989861208806 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa, Gara Muleta 41.78175241102974 9.21911848157465 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa, Gara Muleta 41.79408474583481 9.21241851027515 1
C. g. gallarum Midhagdu, Dindin 40.261445494103604 8.65540483318028 1
C. g. gallarum Midhagdu, Dindin 40.26232217756455 8.65396408084421 1
C. g. gallarum Derar, Dindin 40.25810302079563 8.64223090865166 1
C. g. gallarum Derar, Dindin 40.2457970310524 8.63887087855484 1
C. g. gallarum Tulu Adam Aniya, Dindin 40.243787534168575 8.62739251886426 1
C. g. gallarum Tulu Adam Aniya, Dindin 40.24473409219606 8.62508342907950 1
C. g. gallarum Tulu Adam Aniya, Dindin 40.24595152112411 8.62224895284319 1
C. g. gallarum Tulu Adam Aniya, Dindin 40.24729884448552 8.62023698536728 1
C. g. gallarum Tulu Adam Aniya, Dindin 40.24882904253515 8.61857710555147 1
C. g. gallarum Molticha, Dindin 40.252750936902714 8.61750628083912 1
C. g. gallarum Molticha, Dindin 40.256466393598565 8.61446468018052 1
C. g. gallarum Molticha, Dindin 40.256333334330215 8.61269265092713 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.257373676774655 8.60854747128290 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.2544152502314 8.60692031512990 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.252862723293205 8.60729614669667 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.25138232330361 8.61026713716181 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.24942864441332 8.61023731821037 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.24846407035591 8.60980637737632 1
C. g. gallarum Defo, Dindin 40.271181133660086 8.61286086819563 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.23484714133572 8.61653331739813 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.23886507213693 8.60866180414760 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.24205302069861 8.60545021516796 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.24784997123944 8.59986083203909 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.248207820132464 8.59815050348492 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.24632019899415 8.59329136302104 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.24324991679492 8.59353640867713 1
C. g. gallarum Toma Heexoo, Dindin 40.23978266113254 8.59744522368546 1
C. g. gallarum Sidisaa, Dindin 40.22896032783049 8.59722670731685 1
C. g. gallarum Sidisaa, Dindin 40.23063380093552 8.59209382357749 1
C. g. gallarum Sidisaa, Dindin 40.22913135661318 8.58826426697987 1
C. g. gallarum Sidisaa, Dindin 40.22707875204164 8.58569346869238 1
C. g. gallarum Sidisaa, Dindin 40.22483232014285 8.58500427776993 1
C. g. gallarum Seka, Dindin 40.22376662683251 8.58701527523095 1
C. g. gallarum Seka, Dindin 40.22386973063203 8.58800066797300 1
C. g. gallarum Seka, Dindin 40.22150331954704 8.59241226655124 1
C. g. gallarum Seka, Dindin 40.206460323100735 8.61651498542159 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.247063351835685 9.30317129966962 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.24660999833511 9.30057112357359 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.24375395055771 9.30073371278501 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.244268545994224 9.30152584780090 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.2458775168653 9.30698389808051 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.245749215038856 9.31111521354758 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.24160685403599 9.31219878152998 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.241747711259876 9.31145675212357 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.238942207936276 9.30671118190012 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.2405684184763 9.30916843157626 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.23734305560993 9.30707371780488 1
C. g. gallarum Najabas, Sorroro Torgam 40.8445206 9.0009367 1
C. g. gallarum Najabas, Sorroro Torgam 40.8474885 9.0040894 1
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.918315860421416 8.99563717133939 1
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.91241567839757 8.99586673015790 1
C. g. gallarum Arada Raasaa, Bedeno forest 41.726432643702296 9.24109104994028 1
C. g. gallarum Arada Raasaa, Bedeno forest 41.768637807601664 9.22819132991581 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa forest, Gara Muleta 41.76818231328146 9.23041742426684 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa forest, Gara Muleta 41.78316412682471 9.21940570807410 1
C. g. gallarum Girawa forest, Gara Muleta 41.79411557569155 9.21287000666900 1
C. g. gallarum Worgan bula 39.78533620356748 8.14115700924516 1
C. g. gallarum Angada (Husa) 39.8266961652094 8.37114064830812 1
C. g. gallarum Angada (Husa) 39.826296484019174 8.37110530633602 1
C. g. gallarum Dindin (Toma Heto) 40.244347194846455 8.60958459913655 1
C. g. gallarum Dindin (Defo) 40.24420982526923 8.60647417333554 1
C. g. gallarum Dindin (Defo Oli) 40.252627658766855 8.60489142096364 1
C. g. gallarum Dindin (Defo Gadi) 40.246930669866224 8.60770428344873 1
C. g. gallarum Sorroro Torgam 40.84818321193268 9.00523513198186 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.245244888967406 9.30908477162828 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.24616291407129 9.31035338829185 1
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.24576429534274 9.31062704986989 1
C. g. gallarum Gara Muleta 41.783660333181565 9.21890495437325 1
C. g. gallarum Gara Muleta 41.77528051175257 9.22642346378932 1
C. g. gallarum Mt Arba Gugu, Arsi 39.966671 8.2 2
C. g. gallarum Abul Casim ("Abu el Kassim") 37.883335 6.7 2
C. g. gallarum Sagatta, 20 mi S, Webi Shebele 41.216667 8.383333 2
C. g. gallarum Sagatta, 12 mi S, Webi Shebele 41.25 8.27423 2
C. g. gallarum Djaffa Mts 40.16666667 7.666666667 3
C. g. gallarum Arsi Mts near headwaters of 39.33333333 7.5 3
Webi Shebeli
C. g. gallarum near Burka 41.3 9.25 3
C. g. gallarum Mt Kulubi 41.8 9.416666667 3
C. g. gallarum Harar 42.41666667 9.2 3
C. g. gallarum above Hirna valley 41.11666667 9.216666667 3
C. g. gallarum Dindin Mts 40.16666667 8.583333333 3
C. g. gallarum Gugu Mts, N of Gololcha 40.08333333 8.333333333 3
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.2449 9.3087 4
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.2453 9.3098 4
C. g. gallarum Hades forest 41.2453 9.3106 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.8402 9.0208 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.8567 9.0258 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.8424 9.0291 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.855 9.0292 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.8476 9.0106 4
C. g. gallarum Kuni Muktar 40.8303 9.0172 4
The occurrence localities of Djaffa Mountains guereza in the study area were mentioned in
addition to the personal collection from the following literatures.
1: This study (Field collection)
3: Yalden, D. W., Largen, M. J. and Kock, D. (1997). Catalogue of the Mammals of Ethiopia.
Mon. Zool. Ital. J. Zool. 9: 1–52.
4: Zinner, D., Tesfaye, D., Stenseth, N. C., Bekele, A. and Mekonnen, A. (2019). Is Colobus
guereza gallarum a valid endemic Ethiopian taxon ? Primate Biol. 6: 7–16.
C. g. guereza 35.6091 8.2895
C. g. guereza 36.1302 7.5094
C. g. guereza 36.2224 7.3202
C. g. guereza 38.5455 8.9668
C. g. guereza 36.7628 11.018
C. g. guereza 39.8366 6.6827
C. g. guereza 37.5724 9.7213
C. g. guereza 38.222 6.4499
C. g. guereza 39.7139 6.7476
C. g. guereza 36.8861 7.6679
C. g. guereza 36.087 7.3193
C. g. guereza 37.34 6.15
C. g. guereza 39.7175 7.22
C. g. guereza 37.2656 11.3716
C. g. guereza 39.6839 11.0251
C. g. guereza 37.981 8.5348
C. g. guereza 39.5463 7.0443
C. g. guereza 36.3618 8.4592
C. g. guereza 35.6992 8.4879
C. g. guereza 38.618896 7.084168
C. g. guereza 36.476923 10.952175
C. g. guereza 40.009714 8.845228
C. g. guereza 38.637552 7.080321
C. g. guereza 38.6277 7.101144
C. g. guereza 37.033328 10.842028
C. g. guereza 38.534329 8.961754
C. g. guereza 37.982304 8.514145
C. g. guereza 37.5552 6.035703
C. g. guereza 35.61945 8.323156
C. g. guereza 36.822036 7.688687
C. g. guereza 36.833586 7.677721
C. g. guereza 36.251106 7.280605
C. g. guereza 37.1333 11.0333
C. g. guereza 39.75 6.6667
C. g. guereza 38 6.6667
C. g. guereza 36.8833 10.2667
C. g. guereza 39.75 7.6667
C. g. guereza 34.85 8.1833
C. g. guereza 38.760378 9.185278
C. g. guereza 38.993568 8.777529
C. g. guereza 36.363372 5.505272
C. g. guereza 38.716667 6.666667
C. g. guereza 36.966667 10.966666
C. g. guereza 39.166668 6.916667
C. g. guereza 38.200001 10.416667
C. g. guereza 38.633335 6.666667
C. g. guereza 38.450001 6.6
C. g. guereza 39.183334 6.983333
C. g. guereza 38.583332 9.033334
C. g. guereza 39.723769 6.713382
C. g. guereza 39.702358 6.924126
C. g. guereza 38.809918 7.540078
C. g. guereza 39.79002 7.09673
C. g. guereza 38.469866 7.057013
C. g. guereza 38.207757 6.199775
C. g. guereza 39.729409 6.683811
C. g. guereza 39.737098 6.728019
C. g. guereza 39.728478 6.694372
C. g. guereza 38.483258 7.08728
C. g. guereza 38.529926 6.737175
C. g. guereza 38.443457 6.749635
C. g. guereza 38.82843 7.570799
C. g. guereza 39.822006 6.610726
C. g. guereza 37.616665 11.883333
C. g. guereza 38.166668 10.666667
C. g. guereza 38.200001 10.45
C. g. guereza 37.2451757 10.6709564
C. g. guereza 39.5682317 6.4145312
C. g. guereza 38.55 9.416666667
C. g. guereza 36.1045749 7.5256305
C. g. guereza 38.5586874 8.9779319
C. g. guereza 37.8197374 5.8395449
C. g. guereza 39.8447941 6.5523802
C. g. guereza 37.7063705 6.2144545
C. g. guereza 38.0551051 6.5610582
C. g. guereza 39.7581339 9.7501853
C. g. guereza 38.8850761 7.461899
C. g. guereza 37.4987333 6.7379675
C. g. guereza 39.1799875 7.9164483
C. g. guereza 38.7 7.12
C. g. guereza 39.1178137 7.9319391
C. g. guereza 39.2275324 6.9325476
C. g. guereza 36.2087929 7.2641251
C. g. guereza 37.6608657 8.2467703
C. g. guereza 36.54444 9.1270221
C. g. guereza 35.0724594 7.8304438
C. g. guereza 37.0383085 7.0406375
C. g. guereza 36.59370592 10.86275711
C. g. guereza 36.58118069 10.78651666
C. g. guereza 36.59263806 10.88987667
C. g. guereza 36.60335779 11.74954506
C. g. guereza 36.55020307 10.78244155
C. g. guereza 36.6425777 10.75658107
C. g. guereza 36.70925565 10.92273493
C. g. guereza 36.70849066 10.85897098
C. g. guereza 36.68238118 10.92491824
C. g. guereza 36.90134741 11.17028124
C. g. guereza 36.82330315 11.18922762
C. g. guereza 36.92841047 11.14240547
C. g. guereza 36.765292 11.06521142
C. g. guereza 36.66858068 10.99282607
C. g. guereza 36.69408065 11.03638994
C. g. guereza 36.7014137 10.94000953
C. g. guereza 37.02019878 10.81939353
C. g. guereza 36.7326298 11.00191422
C. g. guereza 36.99684974 10.78729921
C. g. guereza 36.66013902 10.9683704
C. g. guereza 36.7252742 10.97701552
C. g. guereza 36.84724701 10.82175143
C. g. guereza 36.96367301 10.91160056
C. g. guereza 36.99863218 10.84798018
C. g. gallarum 40.23858523 8.617606474
C. g. gallarum 40.23858518 8.617588388
C. g. gallarum 40.25579722 8.615443532
C. g. gallarum 40.26238377 8.626038621
C. g. gallarum 40.26405397 8.636432748
C. g. gallarum 40.24743002 8.638051678
C. g. gallarum 41.23485439 9.307785283
C. g. gallarum 41.24596463 9.316347035
C. g. gallarum 41.24899123 9.30584352
C. g. gallarum 41.25659243 9.236625679
C. g. gallarum 41.72817697 9.240860948
C. g. gallarum 41.76867842 9.229898612
C. g. gallarum 41.78175241 9.219118482
C. g. gallarum 41.79408475 9.21241851
C. g. gallarum 39.7853362 8.141157009
C. g. gallarum 39.82629648 8.371105306
C. g. gallarum 40.91925446 9.002918711
C. g. gallarum 40.91286222 8.996054258
C. g. gallarum 40.84818321 9.005235132
C. g. gallarum 41.24524489 9.309084772
C. g. gallarum 41.77528051 9.226423464
C. g. gallarum 40.26144549 8.655404833
C. g. gallarum 40.25810302 8.642230909
C. g. gallarum 40.24378753 8.627392519
C. g. gallarum 40.24882904 8.618577106
C. g. gallarum 40.25737368 8.608547471
C. g. gallarum 40.24942864 8.610237318
C. g. gallarum 40.27118113 8.612860868
C. g. gallarum 40.23484714 8.616533317
C. g. gallarum 40.23886507 8.608661804
C. g. gallarum 40.24784997 8.599860832
C. g. gallarum 40.2463202 8.593291363
C. g. gallarum 40.24324992 8.593536409
C. g. gallarum 40.23978266 8.597445224
C. g. gallarum 40.22896033 8.597226707
C. g. gallarum 40.2306338 8.592093824
C. g. gallarum 40.22483232 8.585004278
C. g. gallarum 40.22150332 8.592412267
C. g. gallarum 40.20646032 8.616514985
C. g. gallarum 41.24375395 9.300733713
C. g. gallarum 40.8445206 9.0009367
C. g. gallarum 41.3 9.25
C. g. gallarum 41.8 9.416666667
C. g. gallarum 41.11666667 9.216666667
C. g. gallarum 40.08333333 8.333333333
C. g. gallarum 40.16666667 8.583333333
C. g. gallarum 39.966671 8.2
Appendix 3. Environmental predictors considered during the habitat suitability and distribution models of Djaffa Mountains guereza.
Resource Vegetation type VegT Unitless
Appendix 4. Multicollinearity test by using correlation analysis among environmental variables.
Bio2 0.3 -
Bio3 -0.5 -0.7 -
0.7 0.5 -0.8 -
Bio5 1.0 0.6 -0.7 0.8 -
Bio6 1.0 0.1 -0.4 0.6 0.9 -
Bio7 0.4 1.0 -0.8 0.7 0.7 0.2 -
Bio8 1.0 0.2 -0.5 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.3 -
Bio9 1.0 0.3 -0.5 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.4 1.0 -
Bio10 1.0 0.4 -0.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 -
Bio11 1.0 0.3 -0.5 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 -
Bio12 -0.7 -0.7 0.7 -0.7 -0.9 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.7 -
Bio13 -0.9 -0.4 0.4 -0.5 -0.9 -0.8 -0.5 -0.8 -0.9 -0.8 -0.9 0.8 -
Bio14 -0.8 -0.2 0.5 -0.7 -0.8 -0.8 -0.3 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 0.5 0.6 -
Bio15 -0.4 0.2 -0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.5 0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 0.0 0.6 0.2 -
Bio16 -0.7 -0.7 0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6 -0.7 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.3 -
Bio17 -0.8 -0.7 0.8 -0.8 -0.9 -0.7 -0.8 -0.7 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 -0.1 0.8 -
Bio18 -0.7 -0.6 0.7 -0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 0.9 0.6 0.5 -0.2 0.7 0.9 -
Bio19 -0.6 -0.4 0.5 -0.7 -0.7 -0.6 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.7 -0.6 0.6 0.4 0.7 -0.3 0.5 0.8 0.6 -
LULC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -
VegT -0.3 -0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.1 0.5 -0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.1 -
Asp -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -
Alt -0.9 -0.5 0.7 -0.7 -0.9 -0.8 -0.6 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.4 0.0 -
Slop -0.4 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.2 0.4 -
DistRod 0.0 -0.6 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 -0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 -0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 -
DistRvr -0.5 0.2 0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.1 -0.6 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 0.2 -0.3 -
-0.3 -0.1 0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
Appendix 5. The Ethiopian guereza presence and background training and testing data
sets utilized for ecological niche modellings.
Appendix 6. The chi-square test of goodness of fit for models fitted to the right-
truncation value of 50 metres for the perpendicular distance of the Djaffa Mountains
guereza survey data.
Appendix 7. Djaffa Mountains guereza population surveys dataset used for abundance
estimation in Distance.
Stratum Line/Stra Area Transect Length walk Season mode date (GC) time Distance Cluster
(24hr) size
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 11:05 25 8
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 13:00 10 6
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 13:30 20 5
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 14:30 4 3
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 14:45 25 1
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 15:00 5 5
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 15:10 10 5
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 15:40 5 7
DDF 1 83 1 2.95 1 Wet vis 7/17/2020 16:10 15 8
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 15:00 20 5
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 15:20 15 15
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 16:00 25 6
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Dry vis 12/30/2020 16:30 35 4
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Wet vis 7/18/2020 11:05 10 10
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Wet vis 7/18/2020 11:49 20 7
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Wet vis 7/18/2020 12:20 45 5
DDF 2 83 2 6 1 Wet vis 7/18/2020 13:05 5 6
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 9:30 15 4
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 11:00 25 2
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 11:25 5 2
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 15:10 27 8
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 15:45 20 4
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Dry vis 12/31/2020 16:00 25 8
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Wet vis 7/18/2021 14:00 10 5
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Wet vis 7/18/2021 14:30 15 6
DDF 3 83 3 5.3 1 Wet vis 7/18/2021 15:10 10 7
DDF 4 83 4 3.2 1 Dry vis 1/1/2021 10:00 10 8
DDF 4 83 4 3.2 1 Dry vis 1/1/2021 11:50 5 2
DDF 4 83 4 3.2 1 Wet vis 8/16/2021 13:25 5 8
DDF 4 83 4 3.2 1 Wet vis 8/16/2021 16:10 7 3
DDF 6 83 5 5.42 1 Dry vis 1/1/2021 15:00 45 4
DDF 6 83 5 5.42 1 Dry vis 1/1/2021 16:00 25 6
DDF 6 83 5 5.42 1 Wet vis 7/16/2021 14:40 8 4
DDF 7 83 6 2.85 1 Wet vis 7/16/2021 12:20 10 7
DDF 8 83 7 2 1 Wet vis 7/16/2021 12:07 45 4
DDF 8 83 7 2 1 Wet vis 7/16/2021 13:00 3 1
DDF 9 83 8 5 1 Wet vis 7/19/2021 11:45 20 4
DDF 9 83 8 5 1 Wet vis 7/19/2021 13:20 2 2
DDF 10 83 9 6.55 1 Wet vis 7/19/2021 14:10 20 4
DDF 10 83 9 6.55 1 Wet vis 7/19/2021 14:20 15 5
DDF 10 83 9 6.55 1 Wet vis 7/19/2021 14:45 25 12
GMF 1 28.8 10 5 1 Dry vis 1/12/2021 14:05 45 6
GMF 1 28.8 10 5 1 Dry vis 1/12/2021 15:05 5 5
GMF 1 28.8 10 5 1 Wet vis 9/5/2021 13:10 15 4
GMF 1 28.8 10 5 1 Wet vis 9/5/2021 14:40 25 8
GMF 2 28.8 11 2.97 1 Dry vis 1/13/2021 11:20 35 7
GMF 2 28.8 11 2.97 1 Wet vis 9/6/2021 14:55 20 8
GMF 3 28.8 12 2.7 1 Dry vis 1/12/2021 14:00 30 8
GMF 3 28.8 12 2.7 1 Wet vis 9/6/2021 15:45 15 9
GMF 4 28.8 13 1.8 1 Dry vis 1/13/2021 16:00 20 5
GMF 4 28.8 13 1.8 1 Wet vis 9/6/2021 11:50 15 5
HDF 1 6.1 14 2 1 Dry vis 1/9/2021 13:30 5 6
HDF 1 6.1 14 2 1 Dry vis 1/9/2021 14:45 10 5
HDF 1 6.1 14 2 1 Dry vis 1/9/2021 15:00 50 3
HDF 1 6.1 14 2 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 16:56 7 2
HDF 2 6.1 15 3.4 1 Dry vis 1/9/2021 15:30 10 3
HDF 2 6.1 15 3.4 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 16:25 5 3
HDF 2 6.1 15 3.4 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 16:42 10 8
HDF 2 6.1 15 3.4 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 17:04 15 6
HDF 3 6.1 16 4.08 1 Dry vis 1/10/2021 13:30 5 5
HDF 3 6.1 16 4.08 1 Dry vis 1/10/2021 14:00 25 3
HDF 3 6.1 16 4.08 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 15:00 5 4
HDF 3 6.1 16 4.08 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 17:23 20 2
HDF 4 6.1 17 2.5 1 Dry vis 1/10/2021 15:30 10 5
HDF 4 6.1 17 2.5 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 12:38 5 4
HDF 4 6.1 17 2.5 1 Wet vis 7/22/2021 13:02 15 8
JKMWS 2 65.1 18 7 1 Dry vis 1/5/2021 11:50 20 4
JKMWS 2 65.1 18 7 1 Wet vis 7/23/2021 13:30 30 2
JKMWS 2 65.1 18 7 1 Wet vis 7/23/2021 14:00 50 3
JKMWS 3 65.1 19 5.2 1 Dry vis 1/6/2021 10:00 5 3
JKMWS 3 65.1 19 5.2 1 Dry vis 1/6/2021 12:20 3 5
JKMWS 3 65.1 19 5.2 1 Wet vis 8/28/2021 10:00 15 8
JKMWS 3 65.1 19 5.2 1 Wet vis 8/28/2021 9:15 20 5
Appendix 8. Cluster size and composition of Djaffa Mountains guerezas in the remanent
forest of the Ahmar Mountains, eastern Ethiopia during the study periods.
DDF38 Wet 1 1 0 0
DDF39 Wet 1 1 1 1
DDF40 Wet 1 1 2 1
DDF41 Wet 2 3 5 2
GMF1 Dry 1 2 3 0
GMF2 Dry 1 1 3 0
GMF3 Wet 1 1 2 0
GMF4 Wet 2 3 3 0
GMF5 Dry 2 2 3 0
GMF6 Wet 2 2 4 0
GMF7 Dry 1 2 4 0
GMF8 Wet 2 3 3 1
GMF9 Dry 1 2 2 0
GMF10 Wet 1 1 3 0
HDF1 Dry 1 2 3 0
HDF2 Dry 1 2 2 0
HDF3 Dry 2 1 0 0
HDF4 Wet 2 0 0 0
HDF5 Dry 1 1 1 0
HDF6 Wet 1 2 0 0
HDF7 Wet 1 2 3 2
HDF8 Wet 1 2 3 0
HDF9 Dry 1 2 2 0
HDF10 Dry 1 1 1 0
HDF11 Wet 1 1 2 0
HDF12 Wet 1 1 0 0
HDF13 Dry 2 3 0 0
HDF14 Wet 1 1 1 1
HDF15 Wet 1 3 2 2
JKMWS1 Dry 1 1 2 0
JKMWS2 Wet 1 1 0 0
JKMWS3 Wet 1 1 1 0
JKMWS4 Dry 1 1 1 0
JKMWS5 Dry 1 2 2 0
JKMWS6 Wet 2 3 1 2
JKMWS7 Wet 1 1 2 1
Appendix 9. The climate-only predictor variables contribute to the predicted habitat
suitability modeling of Djaffa Mountains guereza using low and high RCP scenarios
during the periods of the 2050s and 2070s under two Global Circulation Models (GCM).
AUC, the area under the curve, SD, standard deviation.
Appendix 10. The MaxEnt models for C. g. gallarum show the relative prediction performance under two scenarios with climate-only
ecological predictors, as illustrated by the jackknife test using regularized training gain. (a) BCC-CMS1-1 low_RCP_2050s, (b) BCC-
CMS1-1 high_RCP_2050s, (c) BCC-CMS1-1 high_RCP_2070s, (d) HadGEM2-ES low_RCP_2050s, (e) HadGEM2-ES
low_RCP_2070s, and (f) HadGEM2-ES high_RCP_2070s.
(a) (d)
(b) (e)
(c) (f)
Appendix 11. The Global Circulation Model predicts changes in Djaffa Mountains guereza habitat distributions in the Eastern
Ethiopian Highlands under low and high Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios for the mid-decade 2050s and late decade
GCM Suitability models Habitat Steady Steady Gain (ha) Gain Loss (ha) Loss Net
scenarios predicted to be habitat habitat (%) (%) gain/net
suitable (ha) (ha) (%) loss (ha)
Current 133604.52 133604.52 100.00
RCP 2.6 (2050) 281,214.75 122,139.90 91.42 159,074.85 119.06 11,464.62 8.58 147,610.23
RCP 8.5 (2050) 338,056.36 127,705.80 95.58 210,350.56 157.44 5,898.72 4.42 204,451.84
BCC- RCP 2.6 (2070) 366,802.53 122,863.63 91.96 243,938.90 182.58 10,740.89 8.04 233,198.01
CMS1-1 RCP 8.5 (2070) 243,113.34 118,546.92 88.73 124,566.42 93.24 15,057.59 11.27 109,508.83
RCP 2.6 (2050) 251,887.97 117,959.77 88.29 133,928.20 100.24 15,644.75 11.71 118,283.45
RCP 8.5 (2050) 263,907.16 117,785.07 88.16 146,122.09 109.37 15,819.45 11.84 130,302.64
HadGEM2- RCP 2.6 (2070) 333,985.70 126,473.12 94.66 207,512.58 155.32 7,131.39 5.34 200,381.19
ES RCP 8.5 (2070) 257,005.69 117,749.86 88.13 139,255.83 104.23 15,854.66 11.87 123,401.17
Appendix 12. Lists of plant species in Ahmar Mountains, Eastern Ethiopia. a local name =
Afaan Oromo.
32 Olea europaea L. subsp. Cuspidata Oleaceae Ejersa Tree
(Wall.exG.Don). CF
33 Olea hochstetteri Baker Oleaceae Ejersa Korma Tree
34 Oncoba spinosa Forssk Flacouriaceae Garabagush Tree
35 Podocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) Mirb. Podocarpaceae Birbirsa Tree
36 Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman Rosaceae Sukkee, Mechaloo, Tree
Tikur Enchet
37 Psydrax schimperiana (A. Rich.) Bridson Rubiaceae Gaallee Tree
38 Dracaena steudneri Engl Dracaenaceae
39 Rhamnus prinoides LHerit Rhamnaceae Garaba Gosh Tree
40 Rhus glutinosa A. Rich Anacardiaceae Waka Tree
41 Rhus natalensis Krauss Anacardiaceae Xaxesa Shrub
42 Rhus glutinosa
43 Rosa abyssinica Lindley Rosaceae Goraa Climber
44 Rubus apetalus
45 Rytigna neglecta (Hiern) Robyns Polygonaceae Mixoo Tree
46 Schefflera abyssinica (Hochst.ex.A. Araliaceae Gatamee Tree
47 Suregada procera (Prain) Croizat Euphorbiaceae Xillo Tree
48 Teclea nobilis Del. Rutaceae Hadhessa Tree
49 Vernonia urticifolia A. Rich Asteraceae Ibicha Adii Tree
50 Schefflera volkensii Araliaceae Anshaa Tree
51 Rhamnus staddo Rhamnaceae Geesho Tree
Appendix 13. Plot that demonstrated the connection between the mean species abundance
and the number of plots where plant species occur in.
Appendix 14. Dataset of 64 sampling plots and eleven predictor variables used to
conducted the habitat associations of a Djaffa Mountains guereza. “Community type
(CT)” shows the plant communities clustered based on dissimilarity of the plot in plant
species in one of the four community. The data included information on abundance (A),
density (D), basal area (BA), importance value (IV), mean tree height (mH), richness (R),
Shannon index (H), and Shannon evenness (SE).
33 1 3 3 0.17 4.41 45.25 16.75 2.75 2 0.64 0.92 Hades
34 1 6 1 0.06 13.24 114.33 23.00 13.07 5 1.52 0.95 Hades
35 1 5 3 0.05 16.18 104.00 28.36 13.21 4 1.07 0.77 Hades
36 1 8 3 0.05 8.82 149.33 35.50 8.92 3 0.95 0.86 Hades
37 1 3 1 0.06 10.29 204.00 31.43 9.00 5 1.55 0.96 Hades
38 1 3 3 0.15 14.71 188.10 28.00 6.75 4 1.21 0.88 Hades
39 0 0 1 0.18 17.65 181.92 14.67 7.69 6 1.67 0.93 Hades
40 1 4 1 0.15 11.76 189.83 26.88 14.62 5 1.48 0.92 Hades
41 0 0 3 0.09 7.35 78.00 15.75 17.73 3 1.04 0.95 Hades
42 0 0 3 0.15 13.24 152.83 20.44 14.26 4 1.37 0.99 Hades
43 0 0 3 0.07 16.18 127.83 24.27 13.70 4 1.17 0.84 Hades
44 1 5 3 0.15 25.00 113.35 15.29 10.49 5 1.49 0.93 Hades
45 1 3 3 0.10 22.06 67.30 17.87 11.11 2 0.56 0.81 Hades
46 0 0 3 0.04 14.71 55.19 14.80 7.81 2 0.64 0.92 Hades
47 0 0 3 0.08 17.65 123.22 12.25 10.85 4 0.94 0.68 Hades
48 0 0 3 0.06 20.59 140.05 23.79 9.99 4 1.29 0.93 Hades
49 1 8 3 0.07 17.65 135.75 17.08 8.60 5 1.42 0.88 Hades
50 0 0 3 0.16 20.59 162.78 22.71 11.21 4 1.08 0.78 Hades
51 0 0 2 0.11 23.53 199.33 28.53 14.55 6 1.66 0.93 Gara Muleta
52 0 0 2 0.13 13.24 144.42 18.40 14.18 4 1.26 0.91 Gara Muleta
53 0 0 2 0.10 22.06 188.70 25.67 11.58 6 1.71 0.95 Gara Muleta
54 0 0 2 0.22 14.71 271.00 28.24 11.31 6 1.68 0.94 Gara Muleta
55 0 0 2 0.13 19.12 214.86 41.56 21.03 6 1.47 0.82 Gara Muleta
56 0 0 2 0.16 14.71 194.50 33.69 26.20 5 1.56 0.97 Gara Muleta
57 1 5 2 0.12 13.24 138.75 33.91 11.18 4 1.32 0.95 Gara Muleta
58 1 8 2 0.17 17.65 280.00 34.25 8.92 7 1.77 0.91 Gara Muleta
59 1 7 2 0.18 16.18 289.50 32.81 13.80 7 1.85 0.95 Gara Muleta
60 0 0 2 0.27 7.35 200.00 52.50 24.86 4 1.33 0.96 Gara Muleta
61 1 8 2 0.11 16.18 162.50 31.67 12.31 5 1.50 0.93 Gara Muleta
62 1 9 2 0.10 20.59 216.50 33.33 15.31 7 1.73 0.89 Gara Muleta
63 0 0 2 0.13 17.65 145.25 38.38 13.57 4 1.28 0.92 Gara Muleta
64 1 5 2 0.08 16.18 225.50 19.27 10.57 8 1.97 0.95 Gara Muleta
Appendix 15. Population parameters of African black-and-white colobus
CMR = Cameroon; CIV = Ivory Coast; COD = Democratic Republic of Congo; ETH =
Ethiopia; GAB = Gabon; GHA = Ghana; KEN = Kenya; TZA = Tanzania; UGA =
List of Publications and Papers Presented
Kufa, C. A., Bekele, A. and Atickem, A. (2022). Impacts of climate change on predicted
habitat suitability and distribution of Djaffa Mountains Guereza (Colobus guereza
gallarum, Neumann 1902) using MaxEnt algorithm in Eastern Ethiopian Highland.
Global Ecology and Conservation 35, e02094.?????
Kufa, C. A., Bekele, A., Atickem, A. and Zinner, D. (2023). Djaffa Mountains guereza
(Colobus guereza gallarum) abundance in forests of the Ahmar Mountains, Ethiopia.
Primate Biology 10(2), 13-23.