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1) Develop Spring Boot Rest api with Spring Security

(Http Basic Authentication) - override default credentials

2) Develop Consumer app (Rest Client) to access secured rest api using Rest
Template & WebClient.

Spring Security

1) Authentication (verifying credentials)

2) Authorization (can this user access specific functionality)

-> Security is very important for every web application

-> To protect our application & application data we need to implement security

-> Spring Security concept we can use to secure our web applications / REST APIs

-> To secure our spring boot application we need to add below starter in pom.xml


Note: When we add this dependency in pom.xml file then by default our application
will be secured with basic authentication. It will generate random password to
access our application.

Note: Generated Random Password will be printed on console.

-> We need to use below credentials to access our application

Username : user

Password : <copy the pwd from console>

-> When we access our application url in browser then it will display "Login Form"
to authenticate our request.

-> To access secured REST API from postman, we need to set Auth values in POSTMAN
to send the request

Auth : Basic Auth

Username : user
Password : <copy-from-console>

How to override Spring Security Default Credentials

-> To override Default credentials we can configre security credentials in file or application.yml file like below

-> After configuring credentials like above, we need to give above credentials to
access our application / api.

How to secure specific URL Patterns

-> When we add 'security-starter' in pom.xml then it will apply security filter for
all the HTTP methods of our application.

-> But in reality we need to secure only few methods not all methods in our

##For Example##

/ login-page --> security not required

/ transfer ---> security required

/ balance ---> security required

/ about-us ---> security not required

/ contact-us ---> security not required

-> In order to achieve above requirement we need to Customize Security

Configuration in our project like below

public class SecurityConfigurer {

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws
Exception {
http.authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
.requestMatchers("/contact", "/swagger-

Spring Security In-Memory Authentication

-> In Memory Authentication means storing user credentials in the program for
Authentication Purpose.

-> This is not recommended for production.

public InMemoryUserDetailsManager inMemoryUsers() {

UserDetails ashokUser = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()


UserDetails johnUser = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()


return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(ashokUser, johnUser);

Spring Boot Security with JDBC Authentication

=> JDBC Authentication is used to fetch Db table data for User authentication

## Step-1 ) Setup Database tables with required data

-- users table structure

CREATE TABLE `users` (

`username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`password` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL,
`enabled` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`username`)

-- authorities table structure

CREATE TABLE `authorities` (

`username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`authority` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
KEY `username` (`username`),
CONSTRAINT `authorities_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`username`)
REFERENCES `users` (`username`)

========= Online Encrypt : ======================

-- insert records into table

insert into users values ('john',

'$2a$12$D8x8tLL4Q4Q/7aLI5vBt8.QS6FKn8tN7h3hzgc8TTimxAKvAnMUFu', 1);

insert into users values ('smith',

'$2a$12$hhdXrq63gHFVkL2G1jwDuOBcrNEjX7mwZHUXEgQGwL18v6CD1zkra', 1);

insert into authorities values ('john', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

insert into authorities values ('john', 'ROLE_USER');
insert into authorities values ('smith', 'ROLE_USER');

## Step-2) Create Boot application with below dependencies

a) web-starter
b) security-starter
c) data-jdbc
d) mysql-connector
e) lombok
f) devtools

## Step-3 ) Configure Data source properties in application.yml file

driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
password: AshokIT@123
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sbms66
username: ashokit
show-sql: true

Step-4) Create Rest Controller with Required methods

public class UserRestController {

@GetMapping(value = "/admin")
public String admin() {
return "<h3>Welcome Admin :)</h3>";

@GetMapping(value = "/user")
public String user() {
return "<h3>Hello User :)</h3>";
@GetMapping(value = "/")
public String welcome() {
return "<h3>Welcome :)</h3>";

Step-5) Create Security Configuration class like below with Jdbc Authentication

package in.ashokit;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class SecurityConfiguration {

private static final String ADMIN = "ADMIN";

private static final String USER = "USER";

private DataSource dataSource;

public void authManager(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
.passwordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder())
.usersByUsernameQuery("select username,password,enabled from
users where username=?")
.authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select username,authority from
authorities where username=?");

public SecurityFilterChain securityConfig(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

http.authorizeHttpRequests( (req) -> req



How to work with UserDetailsService in Spring Security

=> UserDetailsService is a predefined interface which contains

loadUserByUsername(String name) method.

=> This is used to load User record for Authentication purpose in Spring Security.

=> We can implement UserDetailsService interface and we can write the logic to
retrieve User record based on given username for Authentication purpose.

=> If we give UserDetailsService object to AuthenticationManagerBuild then

AuthManager will call this method for every login request.

Login and Registration using Spring Security

## Git Hub repo :

## 1) Create Boot app with required dependencies ##

a) web-starter
b) data-jpa-starter
c) mysql
d) security-starter
e) devtools

## 2) Configure Data Source properties in yml file ##

## 2) Create Entity class & Repository interface ##

public interface CustomerRepo extends CrudRepository<Customer, Integer> {

public Customer findByUname(String cuname);

## 3) Create UserDetailsService class ##

public class MyUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

private CustomerRepo crepo;
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws
UsernameNotFoundException {
Customer c = crepo.findByUname(username);
return new User(c.getUname(), c.getPwd(), Collections.emptyList());

## 4) Create Security Config Class ##

public class AppSecurityConfig {

private MyUserDetailsService userDtlsSvc;

public PasswordEncoder pwdEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

public AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider(){
DaoAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider=
new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
return authenticationProvider;

public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager(AuthenticationConfiguration
config) throws Exception {
return config.getAuthenticationManager();

public SecurityFilterChain securityConfig(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
return http.csrf().disable()
.requestMatchers("/register", "/login").permitAll()

## 5) Create RestController with required methods

public class CustomerRestController {

private CustomerRepo crepo;

private PasswordEncoder pwdEncoder;
private AuthenticationManager authManager;

public ResponseEntity<String> loginCheck(@RequestBody Customer c) {

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token =
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(c.getUname(),

try {
Authentication authenticate = authManager.authenticate(token);

if (authenticate.isAuthenticated()) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Welcome To Ashok IT",

} catch (Exception e) {

return new ResponseEntity<String>("Invalid Credentials",


public String registerCustomer(@RequestBody Customer customer) {

// duplicate check

String encodedPwd = pwdEncoder.encode(customer.getPwd());


return "User registered";


## 6) Run the application and test it

OAuth 2.0

### 1) Create Spring Boot application with below dependencies

a) web-starter
b) security-starter
c) oauth-client

### 2) Create OAuth app in

(Login --> Profile -> Settings --> Developer Settings --> OAuth Apps -->
Create App --> Copy Client ID & Client Secret)

### 3) Configure GitHub OAuth App client id & client secret in application.yml file
like below


### 4) Create Rest Controller with method

public class WelcomeRestController {

public String welcome() {
return "Welcome to Ashok IT";

#### 5) Run the application and test it.

Assignment : Spring Boot with oAuth using google account. Get username also from
google and display that in response.

Spring Boot with JWT

-> JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens

-> JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing
claims securely between two parties.

-> JWT official Website :

-> Below is the sample JWT Token


-> JWT contains below 3 parts

1) Header
2) Payload
3) Signature
Note: JWT 3 parts will be seperated by using dot(.)

## Git Hub Repo :

1) JWT Token generation (

- generateToken(String uname)
- validateToken(String uname)

2) JWT Token validation Filter ( - OncePerRequest

- check Authorization header presence

- retrieve bearer token from header
- validate token
- if token is valid, update security context to process req

3) Customize SecurityFilterChain

- permit /api/register & /api/login urls

- authenticate any other request
- set security context as stateless

Authorization Token Format
Key = Authorization
Value = Bearer <token>

Microservices with JWT Security

=> Auth-Service contains functionality for user registration and user login with

=> If user login successfully then auth-service will generate JWT token and will
send it as response to user.

=> API-Gateway contains logic to validate the token using Filter.

Note: In API-Gateway we have added routings for our microservices along with

=> When we access any microservice url through api-gateway then api-gateway will
execute filter to validate the token. If token is valid then only api-gateway will
route the request to particular microservice. If token is invalid then api-gateway
will throw Exception.

### Git Hub Repo :


1) Monolithic Architecture
2) Drawback with Monolith
3) Microservices Introduction
4) Microservices Advantages
5) Challenges with Microservices
6) Microservices Architecture
7) Service Registry (Eureka)
8) Admin Server (codecentric)
9) Zipkin Server
10) Backend APIs
11) FeignClient
12) Load Balancing
13) Api Gateway
14) Config Server
15) Circuit Breaker (Resillence4J)
16) Redis Cache

17) Spring Security

18) Authentication & Authorization
19) Http Basic Auth
20) In-Memory Authentication
21) JDBC Authentication
22) UserDetailsService
23) Register + Login using Spring Security
24) OAuth 2.0
25) JWT Security
26) Microservices Security with JWT

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