1 s2.0 S1385894722064610 Main
1 s2.0 S1385894722064610 Main
1 s2.0 S1385894722064610 Main
Novel cryogenic carbon dioxide capture and storage process using LNG cold
energy in a natural gas combined cycle power plant
Yurim Kim a, b, 1, Jaewon Lee a, 1, Hyungtae Cho a, 2, *, Junghwan Kim a, b, 2, *
Green Materials & Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 55, Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan, 44413, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 50, Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea
Keywords: This study proposes a novel cryogenic CO2 capture and storage (CCS) process using liquefied natural gas (LNG)
LNG cold energy cold energy in a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant. This study makes two major contributions to
NGCC power plant the literature. First, the cryogenic solid-phase CCS process using LNG cold energy can effectively reduce the
Post-combustion CO2 capture
efficiency penalty in NGCC power plants by solving the fundamental problems associated with the conventional
Cryogenic CCS
Efficiency penalty
CCS process: energy-intensive thermal treatment of the monoethanolamine-based absorption process and sig
nificant power consumption for compressing CO2 to 150 bar. Second, the cryogenic CCS process requires min
imal equipment installation in the NGCC power plant by integrating LNG cold energy utilization and CO2 capture
processes. The proposed cryogenic CCS process reduces the efficiency penalty from 14.34 % to 3.51 %, with a
99.93 % CO2 capture rate. We believe this study will provide a novel guideline for reducing the efficiency penalty
by overcoming the challenges of the conventional CCS process.
most widely studied owing to its excellent absorption effect and large
1. Introduction treatment capacity [1]. However, this process consumes considerable
thermal energy because of the regeneration of the CO2 solvent, which
Currently, natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants account increases the efficiency penalty in NGCC power plants [6,20]. Herein,
for more than 20 % of global power generation [1,2]. With the contin the efficiency penalty in the NGCC power plant refers to the percentage
uous increase in global energy demand, NGCC power plants will gain an of net power efficiency reduced by additional operation of the other
increasingly higher share of the global energy market [3]. However, processes, such as the CCS process [1,6].
NGCC power plants emit a large amount of CO2, which contributes to Following the CO2 capture process, the captured CO2 is compressed
global warming [3–5]. Therefore, the additional operation of the CO2 to 150–200 bar for transportation to a storage site via pipelines [21].
capture and storage (CCS) process in NGCC power plants is increasing in The conventional CO2 compression process includes multistage com
order to reduce CO2 emission [6,7]. pressors, which consume significant amounts of power. Consequently,
The CO2 capture processes in NGCC power plants are divided into the conventional CCS process has an efficiency penalty of ~ 14 % in the
post-combustion [8], pre-combustion [9,10], and oxy-fuel combustion NGCC power plant [21]. Therefore, various studies have been performed
CO2 capture [11,12]. Post-combustion CO2 capture is the most widely to reduce the efficiency penalty.
used method owing to its ease of implementation in a plant without Among these, several studies have reduced the efficiency penalty in
modifying the existing equipment configuration [13–16]. Post- the MEA-based absorption process by retrofitting its configuration and
combustion CO2 capture technology involves various options, such as integrating it with an NGCC power plant. Furthermore, an organic
absorption, adsorption, membrane separation, and cryogenic separation Rankine cycle (ORC) has been installed, which uses liquefied natural gas
[17–19]. Among the different post-combustion CO2 capture options, the (LNG) cold energy as a heat sink and the wasted heat from the absorp
monoethanolamine (MEA)-based CO2 absorption process has been the tion process as a heat source to generate power. A summary of the
* Corresponding authors at: Green Materials & Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 55, Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan 44413, Republic of
Korea (Hyungtae Cho); Green Materials & Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 55, Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan 44413, Republic of Korea.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 50, Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea (Junghwan Kim).
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Kim).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
The two corresponding authors have the same contribution to this work.
Received 10 October 2022; Received in revised form 29 November 2022; Accepted 13 December 2022
Available online 16 December 2022
1385-8947/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
literature on reducing the efficiency penalty caused by the MEA-based 2) The cryogenic CCS process in the solid phase enables the combina
absorption process is presented in Table 1. tion of capture and storage process, which further alleviates the ef
Among the previous studies in Table 1, J. Bao et al. [1] and H. Sultan ficiency penalty.
et al. [6] seem similar, but there is a difference in the method of using 3) This study can provide guidelines for the design of CCS processes in
LNG cold energy. Bao et al. [1] utilized LNG cold energy for power NGCC power plants by recovering LNG cold energy and operating the
generation through the organic Rankine cycle (ORC). However, H. CCS process with minimal equipment.
Sultan et al. [6] used LNG cold energy to reduce the power consumption
of the CO2 compression process. They liquefied the CO2 captured 2. Methodology
through the MEA-based absorption process using LNG cold energy and
then compressed and stored it. 2.1. NGCC power plant
Some studies have focused on reducing the efficiency penalty of the
CO2 compression process. Sultan et al. [6] liquefied gaseous CO2 by The NGCC power plant process (Fig. 1) mainly consists of a gas
compressing and cooling it to the triple point using LNG cold energy and turbine unit and a steam turbine unit, with a heat recovery steam
pumping liquefied CO2 to 150 bar, and obtained an efficiency penalty generator of three-stage pressure.
reduction of up to 9.53 %. Muhammad et al. [22] combined the CO2 The air is compressed and mixed with natural gas in the combustor in
compression process with a supercritical CO2 open power cycle, which the gas turbine unit. Subsequently, the flue gas from the combustor
liquefied CO2 and generated power simultaneously, and thus reduced enters the gas turbine and generates power by driving the impeller.
the power demand of the compression process by up to 13.88 %. Then, the flue gas from the turbine enters the heat recovery steam
Despite the numerous contributions to reducing the efficiency pen generator unit, which consists of three steam generation subsystems:
alty in the NGCC power plant, several major challenges still remain. high-pressure (HP), intermediate pressure (IP), and low-pressure (LP).
First, although previously reported studies have attempted to reduce the The steam with different pressures expands in each steam turbine and
efficiency penalty, it still remains due to the energy consumption of the generates power in the form of a steam Rankine cycle. Finally, the flue
MEA-based CO2 absorption process (i.e., thermal treatment of MEA gas emitted by the heat recovery steam generator is cooled to 40 ◦ C and
solvent). Second, many studies have focused only on the power gener treated using the CCS process.
ation process using LNG cold energy without considering the complexity The power generated in the NGCC power plant is partially used for
of the process. For example, an additional process (e.g., ORC) is required operating the CCS process, inevitably resulting in an efficiency penalty,
to produce electricity using cold energy, which increases the complexity which was calculated using Eqs. (1)–(7). The efficiency penalty is
of the entire NGCC power plant and makes the operation process calculated by the net efficiency difference between NGCC power plant
difficult. and the CCS process, as shown in Eq. (1).
To overcome these challenges, the cryogenic CCS process using LNG
Efficiency penalty = 1 − ηNGCC+CCS /ηNGCC (1)
cold energy will be a suitable solution, and the reasons are as follows.
First, the cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold energy does not require The net efficiency of the power plant is calculated using Eqs. (2) and
additional thermal energy, unlike the absorption process, and thus, can (3). The efficiency of the NGCC power plant is calculated as the power
effectively reduce the efficiency penalty in the NGCC power plant. generated by the NGCC power plant compared to the total energy that
Second, unlike the ORC process, CO2 capture using LNG cold energy can natural gas can generate. The efficiency of the NGCC power plant with
minimize the need for additional equipment by integrating CO2 capture the CCS process is calculated as the power out of the NGCC power plant
and LNG cold energy utilization processes. Finally, the efficiency penalty with reduced power generation due to the operation of the CCS process
from the compression process for storage can be reduced because the compared to the total energy that natural gas can generate.
cryogenic CCS process captures and stores CO2 in the solid phase.
ηNGCC = Wnet NGCC /QNG (2)
The main contributions of this study are as follows:
1) A cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold energy to reduce the effi
ciency penalty for NGCC power plants has been proposed for the first The total heat input to the NGCC power plant to calculate the net
time in this study. efficiency of the power plant is expressed as a combination of the fuel
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Table 1 flow rate and its lower heating value (LHV), as shown in Eq. (4).
Summary of literature to reduce the efficiency penalty caused by MEA based
absorption process.
QNG = ṁNG × LHV (4)
Source Years Authors System configuration Performance The total power output of the power plant is calculated using Eq. (5)
[6] 2021 Sultan et al. NGCC + modified MEA+ The
and (6). The total power generated by the NGCC power plant is the sum
CO2 compression-LNG assisted efficiency of power generated by the gas turbine and heat recovery steam gener
penalty ator units. The total power generation of the NGCC power plant with the
decreased CCS process is calculated by subtracting the power consumption due to
11.96 to
the operation of the CCS process from the power generation of the NGCC
9.53 % with
90 % power plant.
capture rate.
Wnet = WGT + WST (5)
[23] 2020 Herrera NGCC + EGR (exhaust gas The NGCC
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
separation from flue gas. Table 2 shows the triple-point temperatures comprises a water cooler, dryer, compressor, multi-stream heat
and pressures of CO2, N2, and O2. exchanger, and turbine, as shown in Fig. 4.
The flue gas from the outlet of the heat recovery steam generator First, the flue gas is cooled to 30 ◦ C using seawater, and the
enters the cryogenic CCS processes. Unlike the conventional CCS pro condensed H2O is removed using a two-phase separator. Subsequently,
cess, where the capture and storage processes are separated, the cryo the residual H2O in the flue gas is removed from the dryer. Second, the
genic process integrates these two processes. The cryogenic CCS process flue gas is compressed (~1 bar) to increase the sublimation temperature
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Table 2 developed absorption process model showed errors of 0.39 % and 2.52
Triple point temperatures and pressures of CO2, N2, and O2. %, respectively, compared to the literature data. Therefore, the little
Components Triple point temperature Triple point pressure error in the results confirms the accuracy of the model. In addition, the
CO2 –56.57 C [29]
5.185 bar [29]
N2 –210.01 ◦ C [30] 0.1253 bar [30] Table 3
O2 –218.82 ◦ C [31] 4.0 × 10-6 bar [32] Composition of the natural gas and air.
Parameters Air Fuel
of CO2. The heat generated by compression is also removed by cooling Flow rate (kg/s) 635.0 14.74
the gas to 30 ◦ C using seawater. Third, the CO2 in the flue gas is desu Pressure (bar) 15.0 10.0
Temperature (◦ C) 1.0 30.0
blimated via heat exchange between the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and
LHV (kJ/kg) – 47,493
circulated clean gas. The clean gas enters the turbine to generate power. Composition (mol%) N2 77.3 1.47
Furthermore, the expansion of the turbine lowered the temperature of O2 20.74 –
the clean gas. The cooled clean gas re-enters the multi-stream heat H2O 1.01 –
CO2 0.03 0.68
exchanger to provide cold energy to desublimate CO2 in the flue gas.
Ar 0.92 –
Finally, the clean gas is discharged into the atmosphere and the captured CH4 – 87.08
solid CO2 is stored directly without additional compression. C2H6 – 7.83
C3H8 – 2.94
3. Results and discussions
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Table 5
NGCC power plant process model validation with literature.
Performance Simulation Literature [1,33] Error (%)
Table 6
Model design parameters of the MEA-based CO2 absorption process [13,1].
Parameters Value Fig. 5. P–H diagram of CO2 compression process.
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Fig. 8. Effect of compressor discharge pressure on CO2 capture rate in the cryogenic CCS process: (a) multi-stream heat exchanger outlet temperature of flue gas and
captured CO2 mass flow rate; (b) CO2 capture rate and specific power consumption.
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Table 10
Simulation results of the streams of the cryogenic CCS process.
Stream 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Temperature ( C) 127.40 30.00 30.00 30.00 90.09 30.00 − 147.30 − 147.30
Pressure (bar) 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mass flow (kg/s) 649.76 649.76 640.11 615.45 615.45 615.45 615.45 575.44
Mole flow (kmol/s) 22.87 22.87 22.33 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.96 20.05
Components mole fractions (%)
N2 74.45 74.45 76.24 81.22 81.22 81.22 81.22 84.90
CO2(g) 3.98 3.98 4.07 4.34 4.34 4.34 0.00 0.00
CO2(s) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.34 0.00
O2 12.36 12.36 12.65 13.48 13.48 13.48 13.48 14.09
H2O 8.33 8.33 6.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ar 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.01
CH4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C2H6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C3H8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
Fig. 9. Overall energy flow of the NGCC power plant according to CCS processes: (a) conventional CCS process; (b) cryogenic CCS process.
4. Conclusions
Table 12
Performance of NGCC power plant in different cases.
In this study, a novel cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold energy
Parameters Base case Case 1 [1] Case 2 [6] Case 3 was proposed for the NGCC power plant. The NGCC power plant, MEA-
Net power efficiency (%) 47.92 51.36 45.8 53.98 based absorption process, and four-stage compression process were
Efficiency penalty (%) 14.34 8.00 9.53 3.51 modeled and validated with previous studies to investigate the effi
Base case: NGCC + MEA absorption + Compression
ciency penalty of the conventional CCS process. Consequently, the
Case 1: NGCC + EGR + MEA absorption + Compression + Heat
integration + 2 ORC with LNG regasification process model error was lower than 5.09 %, verifying the accuracy of the
Case 2: NGCC + Modified MEA absorption + Compression with model. Subsequently, a model was developed for proposing a cryogenic
LNG regasification CCS process. During model development, the flue gas compressor
Case 3: NGCC + Cryogenic CCS discharge pressure was considered the primary design variable because
it affected the CO2 capture rate and net power consumption of the
In addition, if adding the assumption that a plant that requires CO2 in cryogenic CCS process. Maximizing the CO2 capture rate while mini
the solid phase is geographically located nearby, there is no additional mizing the net power consumption was possible when the flue gas was
energy consumption to maintain the temperature of CO2 in the solid compressed to 1.0 bar. Consequently, the proposed cryogenic CCS pro
phase. Therefore, the efficiency penalty resulting from maintaining the cess reduces the efficiency penalty from 14.34 to 3.51 % with a CO2
low temperature of CO2 in the solid phase was not calculated. As a result, capture rate of 99.93 %.
the summarized overall energy flow of the NGCC power plant according The findings of this study make major contributions to the literature.
to CCS processes is shown in Fig. 9. The proposed cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold energy in the solid
To confirm whether the cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold en phase can reduce the efficiency penalty for two reasons. First, the
ergy was the best way to reduce the efficiency penalty, the performance cryogenic CCS process using LNG cold energy can replace the energy-
of the NGCC power plant was compared with those obtained in previous intensive thermal treatment of the MEA-based absorption process. Sec
studies. The performances of the NGCC power plant in different cases are ond, the cryogenic CCS process in the solid phase does not require
listed in Table 12. In case 1, the efficiency penalty of the conventional compression of CO2 to 150 bar for storage, which incurs significant
CCS process was reduced by generating power using LNG cold energy power consumption. Furthermore, the cryogenic CCS process minimizes
through two additional ORCs. In case 2, the efficiency penalty was additional equipment installation for using LNG cold energy by inte
reduced by retrofitting the conventional MEA-based CO2 absorption grating the CCS and energy utilization processes. We believe that this
process and liquefying the CO2 compressed above triple point pressure study will provide a novel guideline for reducing the efficiency penalty
using LNG cold energy during the compression process. As shown in by overcoming the challenges of the conventional CCS process.
Table 12, the cryogenic CCS process exhibited lower efficiency penalty
than the retrofitted conventional CCS process configuration using LNG Declaration of Competing Interest
cold energy. Therefore, it was confirmed that using LNG cold energy for
CO2 capture and storage can improve the performance of NGCC power The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
plants the most. In addition, it was confirmed that the performance of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
cryogenic CCS was better than that of the existing MEA-based absorption the work reported in this paper.
and compression-based CCS processes.
Y. Kim et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 456 (2023) 140980
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