2022 PPT Cri 161
2022 PPT Cri 161
2022 PPT Cri 161
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
● This is in connection with the famous legal Latin maxim which states
2. Criminal Law-
• It is defined as the branch of public law which defines crimes,
treats of their nature and provides for their punishment.
• Act No. 3815 – The primary source of criminal law in the
Philippines. It is otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code
and it took effect on January 1, 1932.
The main sources of Philippine law are:
3. Statutes
o Including Acts of Congress, municipal charters,
municipal legislation, court rules, administrative rules
and orders, legislative rules and presidential
The main sources of Philippine law are:
1. Executive branch -is charged with the faithful execution of laws. This
entails the prerogative to choose who to prosecute for criminal violations,
as well as the apprehension and punishment of lawbreakers. The
executive branch also has the power to grant reprieves, commutations,
and pardons andto remit fines and forfeitures after a final judgment of
convictionhas been issued by a court.
2. Legislative branch - In the Philippines, the power to propose,
enact, amend, and repeal laws is vested primarily in Congress.
Congress consists of the Senate and House of Representatives.
The Constitution also provides certain mechanisms by which
people can directly propose and enact laws, or approve or reject
any act or law passed by Congress or local legislative bodies.
3. Judiciary branch- is the branch of government that is engaged in
dispute resolution. The judiciary is the only agency that has the power to
interpret the law when it is unclear or susceptible to different
occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of laws of the
Philippines. “MOTHER OF ALL LAWS”
(National Laws Ex: Acts, Commonwealth Acts, Batas Pambansa,
RA, PD, EO.)
(Agreements, International Laws)
Ordinances by LGU
(Provided that they are consistent with national law
Concept of Crime and Justice
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Identify the characteristics of criminal law;
2. Explain the importance of law;
3. Differentiate Mala Prohibita and Mala Inse.
What is crime?
Theory of Victimization deals with the role that the victim plays in the
Pillars Designation
P- revention of Crime;
It is intended to determine and prevent the root cause of crime.
R- epression or Suppression of Crime;
It is done to reduce the opportunity of committing a crime.
A- pprehension of Offenders;
S- earch and Seizure;
I- nvestigation of Crime;and
P- rotection of lives and properties.
What is the primary law enforcement agency in the
In the country, the primary law enforcement or police agency is the PNP
or Philippine National Police.
Legal Foundations of Police (PNP)
I. Article XVI Sec. 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
o It provides that “The State shall establish and maintain one police
force, which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be
administered and controlled by a national police commission. The
authority of the local executives over the police units in their
jurisdiction shall be provided by law.”
Legal Foundations of Police (PNP)
Provides for the manner, time and conduct of arresting a person who
committed a crime.
● Entrapment
o is the employment of such ways and means for the purpose of trapping
or capturing a lawbreaker.
● Instigation
o is the means by which the accused is lured into the commission of the
offense charged inorder to prosecute him.
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Identify the different law enforcement agencies other than Philippine
National Police; and
2. Discuss the roles and functions of the National Bureau of Investigation,
Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine Center on Transnational Crime, and
Bureau of Immigration and PDEA.
PNP is the primary police force since:
2. There may be other agencies whose function is the same with PNP, but
they are working specific functions not like PNP which we can consider
as junk of all work loads and the first legally authorized person whom
individuals may contact in cases of any emergencies or incidents.
What are the law enforcement agencies in the country
other than PNP?
Transnational crimes are crimes that have actual or potential effect across
national borders and crimes that are intrastate but offend fundamental values
of the international community.