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Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

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Original Articles

DNA metabarcoding on repeat: Sequencing data of marine macrobenthos

are reproducible and robust across labs and protocols
Laure Van den Bulcke a, f, *, Annelies De Backer a, Jan Wittoeck a, Kevin Beentjes d, Sara Maes a,
Magdalini Christodoulou b, h, Pedro Martinez Arbizu b, Rumakanta Sapkota e,
Berry Van der Hoorn d, g, Anne Winding e, Kris Hostens a, Sofie Derycke a, c
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food – Marine Research, Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400 Oostende, Belgium
Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Südstrand 44, 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany
University of Ghent, Department of Biology - Marine Biology Research Group, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands
Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
University of Ghent, Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling - Knowledge-based Systems Research Group, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Landscape and Environment Management, Rotterdamseweg 141, 2628 AL Delf, The Netherlands
OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH, Biologiezentrum, Johann-Wilhelm-Klein-Straße 73, 4040 Linz, Austria


Keywords: DNA metabarcoding can be used in marine environmental monitoring if results are reproducible between labs
Marine environmental monitoring and robust against modifications to the lab protocol. In this interlaboratory study, we conducted a ring test where
North Sea subsamples of blended macrobenthos samples were distributed to four laboratories located in Belgium, the
Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. Samples were processed by a standardized lab protocol and by an adapted
Standardized operational protocol
Ring test
protocol, and the resulting datasets were analyzed with the same bioinformatics pipeline. Different biodiversity
Standard operating procedures (SOPS) indicators were calculated. Our results show that bulkDNA metabarcoding of marine macrobenthos offers a
highly reproducible assessment of alpha diversity patterns when using a standardized protocol, since comparable
species numbers, Shannon indices and Inverse Simpson indices were found between laboratories. Especially high
abundant species and species with large body sizes where shared between the laboratories. The need for using a
standardized protocol to enhance comparability in alpha diversity between different studies was shown. Beta
diversity patterns are less subjected to changes in the metabarcoding protocol and were almost identical between
different laboratories, as the main clustering was always based on the macrobenthic community, independent of
the used protocol or the laboratory that conducted the work. We conclude that DNA metabarcoding for marine
environmental monitoring is an appropriate method when the aim is to study changes in community patterns and
advocate its implementation in routine monitoring programs of national and European authorities, providing
that a standardized protocol is implemented and/or a detailed description of the protocol is available.

1. Introduction programs assess the health status of marine environments using multiple
indices, which translate complex ecological information into a numeri­
Biodiversity of marine and coastal environments is under pressure cal value that can be easily interpreted by governments and other
due to different stressors like human activities, pollution and climate stakeholders (Aubry and Elliott, 2006). Often multiple indices are used
change. At the same time, these environments deliver many ecosystem in monitoring studies, each focusing on a slightly different aspect of
services to society (Daily et al., 2009; Duncan et al., 2015). The Euro­ biodiversity (Purvis and Hector, 2000). Next to the total number of
pean Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/EC), species present in a sample (= species richness), the Shannon (Shannon,
aiming to achieve good environmental status of marine waters, and 1948) and inverse Simpson (Simpson, 1949) indices also take species
other monitoring programs like Biodiversity strategy 2030 have been abundance into account (evenness). Both indices are widely used in
adopted to safeguard the marine environment. These monitoring ecological studies, where the Shannon index reflects species richness of a

* Corresponding author.
Received 6 February 2023; Received in revised form 28 March 2023; Accepted 30 March 2023
Available online 9 April 2023
1470-160X/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

sample while the inverse Simpson index additionally places a greater muddy sand. In each location, samples were taken in triplicate with Van
weight on dominant species. Veen grabs (biological replicates A, B and C). After sieving the sediment
Traditionally, macrobenthic diversity indices rely on species identi­ on a 1 mm sieve, the remaining animals were fixed in 100% ethanol and
fication based on morphological characteristics, but methodological stored at − 20 ◦ C until further processing.
advancements in DNA metabarcoding and the possibility of high
throughput processing of samples have triggered interest in using DNA 2.2. Sample processing and morphological identification
metabarcoding for marine environmental monitoring (Hering et al.,
2018). In the last decade, many studies have investigated the effects of The samples were further processed following the protocol by
specific steps of the metabarcoding workflow on species detection, for Aygalas (2016). In short, specimens were recovered from the samples by
example sampling strategy (Elbrecht and Leese, 2017), the DNA source the decanting process using a 1 mm sieve and tap water (varying from
(Derycke et al., 2021), the DNA extraction kit (Vasselon et al., 2017), six to 13 times) and were stored in ethanol. After screening the
preservation of DNA (Yoder et al., 2006), number of technical replicates remaining material (e.g. shells), the heavier specimens that were not
(Feinstein et al., 2009; Lanzén et al., 2017; Van den Bulcke et al., 2021), decanted properly, were added to the decanted material in ethanol. To
primer choice (Braukmann et al., 2019; Derycke et al., 2021; Elbrecht compare with traditional morphological species identification, one
and Leese, 2017; Lobo et al., 2017) and the bioinformatics pipeline replicate from each location (120-B, 840-C, 330-C, ZVL-A) was identi­
(Brannock and Halanych, 2015; Pawlowski et al., 2018b). Yet, a high fied under a stereomicroscope up to species level, except for juveniles,
variation of these methodological steps exists between different studies which were identified up to genus level and specimens belonging to
for marine macrobenthos (van der Loos and Nijland, 2021). As each step Nemertea, Anthozoa and Oligochaeta, which were identified up to
may introduce variability and bias in the output, the need for stan­ phylum, class and order level, respectively. The collected specimens in
dardization of DNA metabarcoding is high, and is currently perceived as ethanol were mixed with a blender or with a mortar and pestle for
an important drawback to implement metabarcoding for regulatory samples with less than 100 mL volume to obtain a homogenous bulk
monitoring (Darling et al., 2017; Goodwin et al., 2017). Therefore, sample.
empirical studies are needed to investigate whether DNA metabarcoding
data produce reproducible and robust biodiversity results (Darling et al., 2.3. Experimental set-up and library preparation
2017; Goodwin et al., 2017; Hering et al., 2018; Pawlowski et al., 2018a;
Zinger et al., 2019). These blended bulk samples were used to test the reproducibility and
In this study, we designed an interlaboratory test using 12 field the robustness of the metabarcoding protocol in a ringtest involving four
samples from four well-known macrobenthic communities in the laboratories in Europe: Senckenberg am Meer (SGN), Naturalis, Aarhus
Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) with high (Abra alba community), University and Flanders research institute for agriculture, fisheries and
medium (Hesionura elongate community) or low (Macoma balthica food (ILVO).
community) diversity (Breine et al., 2018). Sieved macrobenthos spec­
imens were mixed and subsamples from the bulk soup were distributed 2.3.1. Reproducibility test
to four different laboratories across Europe. The samples were processed For the reproducibility test, the four laboratories received three 2 mL
by a standardized lab protocol to assess how reproducible meta­ subsamples of each biological replicate (n = 12), except the laboratories
barcoding results are between different laboratories. In addition, three Naturalis and Aarhus University because bulk samples were limited for
laboratories processed the samples with their own lab protocol to assess 840-C and ZVL-A: Aarhus University received two 2 mL and one 1.2 mL
how robust metabarcoding results are when changes in the laboratory subsamples from the bulk soup of 840-C, and both institutes received
workflow are included. The resulting seven datasets were bio­ two (Naturalis) or three (Aarhus University) DNA extracts taken for a
informatically processed using the same pipeline, and alpha and beta previous study (Derycke et al., 2021) of the location ZVL-A. A detailed
diversity patterns were compared. First, we investigated whether met­ table with the sent volumes for each sample can be found in ESM
abarcoding of bulk samples shows high reproducibility when processing Table 1. Within the framework of the Interreg North Sea Region project
samples in different laboratories using the same fixed lab protocol. GEANS ( a laboratory protocol was developed
Second, when changes were made to this lab protocol, we investigated for metabarcoding of soft sediment macrobenthos of the North Sea
whether comparable patterns in alpha and beta diversity between the (GEANS, 2021). This protocol was used for processing the samples by all
different lab protocols were observed. This assessment of reproducibility four institutes. In short, three DNA extractions (using 1 * 2 mL per
and robustness of metabarcoding results is pivotal to evaluate whether extraction) were performed for all 12 samples (three biological repli­
metabarcoding of bulk samples is a reliable method for regulatory cates of four locations). The resulting DNA extracts were pooled per
environmental monitoring. biological replicate and PCR amplified with primers that amplify 313 bp
of the mitochondrial COI barcode region (Leray et al., 2013) in tripli­
2. Material and methods cate. These three PCR products were then pooled per sample (75 µL in
total), cleaned and used for the index PCR using the Nextera kit set A
2.1. Sample collection (Illumina). The libraries were sequenced in-house by SGN and Aarhus
University, while the other two laboratories sent the libraries for
Four sampling locations in the BPNS were selected, covering mac­ sequencing to different sequencing facilities (Admera Heath Biopharma
robenthic communities with low, medium (two locations) and high di­ Services, BaseClear BV). Three samples of SGN (330B, 840B and 120A)
versity (Breine et al., 2018) (ESM Fig. 1). These samples have been used showed very low read numbers, so these samples were sequenced a
in previous studies to optimize the DNA metabarcoding protocol (Der­ second time in a separate run. The reproducibility test thus resulted in
ycke et al., 2021; Van den Bulcke et al., 2021). In short, the low diversity four datasets, one for each laboratory, and each dataset consisted of 12
community in location ZVL with around six macrobenthic species per samples (three biological replicates of four locations) (Fig. 1).
sample is dominated by Macoma balthica (Bivalvia, Tellinidae), occur­
ring in fine muddy sediment. The medium diverse communities in lo­ 2.3.2. Robustness test
cations 840 and 330 are defined by Hesionura elongata (Polychaeta, To assess how robust metabarcoding results are, three laboratories
Phyllodocidae) with around 14 species per sample, typical for an (Aarhus University, Naturalis and SGN) applied their own library
offshore coarse sandy habitat. The highly diverse community in location preparation protocols using the DNA extracts of the reproducibility test
120 with around 26 macrobenthic species per sample is dominated by (n = 12), except for SGN, as they worked with another DNA extraction
Abra alba (Bivalvia, Semelidae) and is characterized by coastal fine kit in their own protocol. In that protocol, 1 mL (instead of 2 mL)

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

Fig. 1. Visual representation of the experimental

design. Subsamples were taken from the mixed ‘bulk
soup’ of the three biological replicates from four
macrobenthic communities and distributed to
different laboratories. They processed the 12 sam­
ples with a standardized protocol for the reproduc­
ibility test (left) and with their own protocol for the
robustness test (right). The resulting sequencing
output was processed by the same bioinformatic
pipeline and used for the calculation of alpha di­
versity (species richness, Shannon index and Inverse
Simpson index) and beta diversity.

subsamples were used, therefore, three extra subsamples of 1 mL per As the datasets were generated on different sequencing runs, the sample
sample were sent to SGN, except for the samples 840-C and ZVL-A (no inference script of the Dada2 pipeline was run on separate datasets to
more blended bulk sample available). A detailed table with the sent take into account the different error profiles. Reads were further trim­
volumes for each sample can be found in ESM Table 1. The SGN labo­ med by removing parts with a quality score lower than 30. Unique reads
ratory exerted the following changes: 1 mL subsample, 2 µL DNA and the were determined and merged for each sample. For the reproducibility
EZNA Mollusc Kit (Omega Bio-tek) for DNA extraction, Phusion Green test, the sequence tables of the different laboratories obtained with the
Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (ThermoFisher Scientific) for fixed lab protocol were combined with the mergeSequence
the first PCR mix and the ExoSap-IT PCR product clean-up reagents Tables function in the Dada2 package. For the robustness test, the
(ThermoFisher)) (Table 1). The Aarhus University laboratory performed resulting sequence tables for each of the lab protocols were added. After
only one DNA extraction per sample instead of three and added 2 µL merging the datasets for the reproducibility and robustness test, chi­
DNA to the first PCR mix with a PCRBIO HiFi polymerase (PCR Bio­ meras were removed with the removeBimeraDenovo function. The total
systems), while the Naturalis laboratory processed the samples with numbers of reads were compared between the different laboratories for
Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase (Thermo Fisher) with adapted PCR the reproducibility and the robustness test and visualized by barplots in
conditions, using 5 µL DNA template and NucleoMag NGS-Beads clean- R. Taxonomy was assigned with the assignTaxonomy function in the
up reagents (Macherey-Nagel) (Table 1). Except for these changes, the Dada2 package, based on the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) Clas­
samples were processed as explained above, resulting in three datasets sifier (Wang et al., 2007). Standard settings were employed, except for
of 12 samples each (Fig. 1). the minimum bootstrap confidence parameter, which was set to 80.
Within the GEANS project, a reference database of marine invertebrates
in the North Sea is being constructed, composed of in-house and public
2.4. Bioinformatic processing
COI sequences of macrobenthos from multiple monitoring campaigns in
the North Sea (GEANS, 2021). A preliminary version of this reference
Bioinformatic processing was done in R (Core Team, 2020) v4.0.2.
database was used, containing 1992 COI sequences from 565 species.
The detailed code to reconstruct these results can be found on https
The dataset of Naturalis in the reproducibility test had much higher read
numbers and allowed to investigate the effect of higher sequencing
depth on the detected species; an UpSet plot with the non-rarified
datasets of the reproducibility test was made and the species uniquely
2.4.1. Processing of raw reads
detected in this dataset were studied in detail.
For each of the seven datasets (four for the reproducibility test and
three for the robustness test, each with 12 samples), the quality of
2.4.2. Alpha diversity analyses
demultiplexed reads was checked with MultiQC (Ewels et al., 2016), and
All samples from the seven datasets were rarified at 30 000 reads to
forward and reverse primers were removed using Trimmomatic (Bolger
take into account the different sequencing depths. This number was a
et al., 2014). Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were generated using
tradeoff between reaching the plateau of the rarefaction curves and
the Dada2 pipeline in the Dada2 v1.17.0 package (Callahan et al., 2016).

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

removing a minimum number of samples. Four samples were removed

95 ◦ C 3 min, 35× (98 ◦ C 30 s, 57 ◦ C 30

in total: 840-C-Aarhus-reproducibility, 330-C-Aarhus-reproducibility,

Illumina MiSeq (2 × 250 paired-end)

ZVL-A-Aarhus-reproducibility and ZVL-A-ILVO-reproducibility. After
rarefaction, only ASVs with a taxonomic assignment were taken into
Adapted protocol Aarhus

s, 72 ◦ C 30 s), 72 ◦ C 1 min
account and the assigned species and read numbers were used for

PCRBIO HIFI polymerase

downstream analyses.
DNeasy Powersoil kit For both tests (reproducibility and robustness), the total numbers of

CleanNGS beads
macrobenthic species (species richness), the Shannon index and the

2.0 µL of DNA
inverse Simpson index were determined for each sample of the different

1 × 2 mL

laboratories and/or protocols. Before calculating the Shannon index and

the inverse Simpson index, a square root transformation was performed
to account for the effect of high read numbers for some species. The
diversity indices were calculated with the function diversity from the
95 ◦ C 3 min, 35× (98 ◦ C 30 s, 57 ◦ C 30

Illumina MiSeq (2 × 300 paired-end)

vegan package v2.5.7 (Dixon, 2003) and visualized in a barplot. To
Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase

According to sequencing company

detect whether significant differences existed between the laboratories
Adapted protocol Naturalis

Macherey-Nagel NucleoMag
(the reproducibility test) or between the used protocol (the robustness
s, 72 ◦ C 30 s), 72 ◦ C 1 min

test), two-way ANOVA tests were performed. In the reproducibility test,

DNeasy Powersoil kit

the laboratory effect was investigated, so main factors location (levels:

120, 840, 330 and ZVL) and laboratory (levels: ILVO, Naturalis, SGN and
5.0 µL of DNA

Aarhus University) and their interaction were tested. For the robustness
3 × 2 mL

test, the datasets from the robustness test (own protocol) were compared
with those of the reproducibility test (fixed protocol) for each laboratory
separately. Therefore, two-way ANOVA tests per laboratory with main
factors location (levels: 120, 840, 330 and ZVL) and protocol (levels:
Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity

98 ◦ C 2 min, 30× (98 ◦ C 15 s, 52 ◦ C 30 s,

fixed and own) and their interaction were performed. ANOVA assump­
Illumina MiSeq (2 × 250 paired-end)
Adapted protocol Senckenberg am
Differences between lab protocols for the robustness test compared to the standardized GEANS protocol used in the reproducibility test.

tions were checked by plotting the residuals to investigate the homo­

geneity of variances and the normality of the data and, if significant
effects were observed in the ANOVA, pairwise comparisons were per­
ExoSAP-it PCR1 products
72 ◦ C 30 s), 72 ◦ C 3 min

formed using the package lsmeans v2.30-0 and displayed with the
function compact letter display (cld). For both tests (reproducibility and
EZNA Mollusc Kit

robustness), the number of detected species was studied in more detail:

2.0 µL of DNA
Meer (SGN)

the shared and unique species between laboratories (reproducibility) or

Master Mix
3 × 1 mL

between both protocols (robustness) were listed and visualized in bar­

plots (reproducibility) with the ggplot package v3.4.0 or in VennDia­

grams with the VennDiagram package v1.7.3 (robustness). Possible

explanations for the observed patterns were investigated by dividing the
Illumina MiSeq (2 × 300 paired-end for ILVO, Naturalis
Standardized GEANS protocol (reproducibility test)

95 ◦ C 3 min, 35× (98 ◦ C 30 s, 57 ◦ C 30 s, 72 ◦ C 30 s),

species in different classes of body size (<10 mm, 11–20 mm, 21–100
mm, 101–200 mm, 201–500 mm, >500 mm) and listing the number of
reads, phylum and, if present in the morphological identified sample,
also the abundance (counted number of individuals/species/sample).
and SGN, 2 × 250 for Aarhus University)

Next, for the reproducibility test where a fixed protocol was used,
also intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated to test if the
2× KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix

results analyzed by the different laboratories were correlated. This test

was performed because a non-significant ANOVA result does not say
anything on how similar the results between different laboratories are.
DNeasy Powersoil kit

The ICC estimated the reliability between measurements of different

CleanNGS beads

raters, here laboratories, for the average calculated diversity index

2.5 µL of DNA

values of the biological replicates in each location. The icc function of

72 ◦ C 1 min
3 × 2 mL

the irr package was used, with the following three parameters: 1) “two-
way model”, as the same set of samples was identified by all labora­

tories, 2) “single”, because we would like to use the measurements from

a single rater in the future and 3) “absolute agreement”, because the
Technical replicates for DNA

Volume of template DNA in

absolute numbers between raters are compared (instead of the relative

Added percentage of PhiX
PCR cycling conditions:

ratio). Based on the calculated value and the 95% confident interval
Clean-up PCR products

(CI), the agreement between laboratories can be poor (<0.50), moderate

Sequencing method
25 µL PCR reaction
DNA extraction kit

DNA polymerase

(0.50–0.75), good (0.75–0.90) or excellent (>0.90) (Koo and Li, 2016).

Finally, the morphological and the seven metabarcoding datasets

were compared using only the four morphological identified samples

(120-B, 840-C, ZVL-A, 330-C) to avoid variation in detected species due
to biological replicates. Also for these datasets, the different indices
(species richness, Shannon index and Inverse Simpson index) were
DNA extraction

calculated and visualized in barplots. The shared and unique species

between the morphology, the reproducibility and the robustness data­

sets were visualized in an UpSet plot with the UpSetR package v1.4.0.
Table 1

For the shared or unique species the taxonomic classification, the body

size class (<10 mm, 11–20 mm, 21–100 mm, 101–200 mm, 201–500

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

mm, >500 mm), the abundance in the morphological and genetic (both All other undetected species (7/24) had low abundances (≤5 in­
reproducibility and robustness test) datasets and the availability of a dividuals), of which four species were only represented by one indi­
reference sequence in the used reference database was listed. vidual. Not only small species were missed (size classes varied from sr <
10 to sr101-200), but most missed species (6/7) belonged to the phylum
2.4.3. Beta diversity analyses “Polychaeta”, known for low primer efficiency (Carr et al., 2011).
To investigate variability in community composition between the Detailed information can be found in ESM Table 4. The metabarcoding
different laboratories (reproducibility test) and between the fixed or method identified 30 extra species, with 18 of them having low read
own protocol (robustness test), non-metric multidimensional scaling numbers (≤100 reads). Despite the differences in detected species, all
(NMDS) plots based on the Bray-Curtis (Edward, 1984) dissimilarity datasets showed decreasing index values from the location with high
index were constructed, using the R package vegan v2.5.7. A square root diversity to the location with low diversity for the three indices (species
transformation was performed on the community data matrix prior to richness and Shannon and Inverse Simpson after square root trans­
calculate the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index. To compare the species formation of the read numbers), although lower Inverse Simpson values
communities between the laboratories (reproducibility test), a two-way were obtained for the genetic datasets (ESM Fig. 4B).
PERMANOVA was conducted, consisting of two main effects location
(levels: 120, 840, 330 and ZVL) and laboratory (levels: ILVO, Naturalis, 3.2.2. Reproducibility test
Aarhus University and SGN) and their interaction, performed with 9999 For species richness, the Shannon index and the Inverse Simpson
permutations. To compare the species communities between the two index, the two-way ANOVAs with main factors location and laboratory
protocols (fixed versus own, robustness test), two-way PERMANOVAs showed no significant effects of the interaction term location*labor­
(one for each laboratory) were conducted, with location (levels: 120, atory, and no significant differences between laboratories, while a sig­
840, 330 and ZVL) and protocol (levels: fixed and own) as main effects nificant effect of the main factor location was observed (Table 2; Fig. 2).
and the interaction term location*protocol. A distance dispersion test For all three diversity indices, the pairwise posthoc tests showed sig­
and permutation test were used to test the homogeneity of dispersion in nificant differences between the different locations, except between
the samples with the R package vegan v2.5.7. location 330 and 840, both described as locations with medium diversity
(ESM Table 5, Fig. 2). In line with the non-significant effect of the main
3. Results factor laboratory, the ICCs (absolute agreement, two-way random effect
model and single rater) showed excellent (ICC = 0.956, CI [0.820,
3.1. Processing of raw reads 0.997]), good (ICC = 0.889, CI [0.613, 0.992]) and excellent (ICC =
0.98, CI [0.911, 0.999]) agreement for the species richness and the In­
The number of reads after each filtering step for the different samples verse Simpson and the Shannon index after a square root transformation
can be found in ESM Table 2. After processing and filtering the datasets on the read numbers, respectively, illustrating the high reproducibility
for the reproducibility and robustness tests, mean read numbers differed of the indices between different laboratories.
per laboratory and/or test: 190 745 and 119 823 for the SGN, 59 178 and In total, the four metabarcoding datasets generated for the repro­
326 783 for Aarhus University, 694 250 and 143 737 for Naturalis for ducibility test detected 96 species. Of these 96 species, 51 were consis­
the reproducibility and robustness test respectively and 162 049 for tently found by all four laboratories. These species have high read
ILVO (only reproducibility test) (ESM Fig. 2; ESM Table 2). Only 25%, abundance (>100 reads, 46/51 species) and/or a large body size (>20
24%, 23%, 23%, 22% and 22% of the ASVs were assigned to phylum, mm, 36/51 species), expect for Abra alba and Spio decorata which were
class, order, family, genus and species level, respectively. However, the small (size class: 11–20 mm) and had very low read numbers (93 and 30
assigned ASVs at species level were represented by 87% of the total reads summed over all samples) (ESM Table 5). Only 22 species of the 96
number of reads. The reproducibility dataset of Naturalis had a much species were found by one laboratory exclusively (ESM Fig. 5), which
higher sequencing depth than the other datasets, yet, the detected were typically species with low read abundance (<100 reads, 20/22
number of species was comparable (86 for Naturalis versus 77, 87, 70 for species) (Fig. 3) and none of these species were detected by the
ILVO, SGN, and Aarhus University, respectively) and only five extra morphological analyses (ESM Table 5).
species were uniquely found (ESM Fig. 3A). Together with the rarefac­
tion curves (ESM Fig. 3B), this illustrates that the sequencing depth per 3.2.3. Robustness test
sample was sufficient to capture macrobenthos diversity in all datasets. The robustness test compared the datasets obtained by using the
fixed protocol and the own protocol for each laboratory. The ANOVA
3.2. Alpha diversity results per laboratory for the three diversity indices (species richness,
Shannon index, Inverse Simpson index) were equivocal, and therefore
3.2.1. Comparison between metabarcoding and morphological are reported per diversity index separately. First, for species number of
identification laboratories SGN and Aarhus University, no significant interaction or
In each location, one biological replicate (120-B, 330-C, 840-C, ZVL- ‘protocol’ effect was detected, while for the factor ‘location’ significant
A) was identified morphologically up to species level, resulting in 57 differences in species number were observed (Table 3). For Aarhus
species in total identified with the traditional method (ESM Table 3). University, the posthoc test showed significant differences between the
More in detail, 39, 13, 10 and 3 species were identified in 120-B, 330-C, locations, except between 330 and 840, the two locations with a medium
840-C, ZVL-A, respectively. In these morphological identified samples, diversity, while for SGN, only a distinction could be made between ZVL
63 species were identified with metabarcoding, of which 57 species were and the other locations (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). For Naturalis, on the other
found with the fixed protocol of the reproducibility test (ranging from hand, the interaction term ‘location*protocol’ was significant (Table 3),
29 to 51 for the separate laboratories), and 54 species with the adapted indicating that the number of detected species depended on the com­
protocol of the robustness test (ranging from 38 to 49 for the separate bined effect of protocol and location. Only in the location with high
laboratories). Of the 63 species identified by metabarcoding, only 33 diversity (120), the used protocol impacted the detected number of
were also found by morphological identification (ESM Fig. 4A). Even species, with significantly higher numbers obtained using the fixed
after processing the samples with different protocols by multiple labo­ GEANS protocol (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). Second, for the Shannon index,
ratories, 24 morphological identified species were never picked up by the interaction effect was not significant for any of the laboratories. The
metabarcoding. Despite great effort in constructing a complete reference factor ‘protocol’ significantly affected the Shannon index for two labo­
database, 17 of these 24 species were not present in the used reference ratories (Table 3), but the own protocol resulted in lower Shannon
database, but COI sequences were found for 11/17 species in GenBank. indices for Naturalis and in higher Shannon values for SGN compared

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

Table 2
Output of the different ANOVAs for the reproducibility test, one for each diversity estimates (Species richness, Inverse Simpson index and Shannon index). Inverse
Simpson and Shannon indices were calculated after a square root transformation on the read numbers.
df sum sq mean sq F value pr(<F)

Species Richness laboratory 3 21.6 7.21 0.3425 0.7947

location 3 6505.5 2168.49 103.0278 3.10E-15
laboratory:location 9 237.3 26.37 1.2527 0.3048
residuals 28 589.3 21.05

InvSimpson_Sqrt laboratory 3 12.91 4.305 1.5409 0.2258

location 3 371.54 123.845 44.3302 9.192E-11
laboratory:location 9 29.30 3.255 1.1653 0.3538
residuals 28 78.22 2.794

Shannon_Sqrt laboratory 3 0.1331 0.0444 0.4349 0.7297

location 3 28.1163 9.3721 91.8726 1.33E-14
laboratory:location 9 0.4636 0.0515 0.5049 0.8584
residuals 28 2.8563 0.1020

Fig. 2. Mean numbers and standard deviations of the different diversity estimates (Inverse Simpson, Shannon index and Species richness) in each location (120, 330,
840 and ZVL). The Inverse Simpson and Shannon indices were calculated after square root transformation on the read numbers, indicated by “Sqrt”. Mean numbers
were calculated with three biological replicates, except when samples were removed at the rarifying step, so for 330-Aarhus, 840-Aarhus, ZVL-Aarhus, ZVL-ILVO,
only two biological replicates were used.

with the fixed GEANS protocol (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). The factor ‘loca­ numbers when using the adapted protocol (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4).
tion’ was significant for all laboratories (Table 3), but for Naturalis and More than half of the species were shared between the fixed GEANS
Aarhus University, pairwise posthoc tests showed significant differences and own protocols for each institute (59%, 59% and 56% for resp.
between the locations, except between 330 and 840, the two locations Aarhus University, Naturalis and SGN) (ESM Fig. 6). High read abun­
with a medium diversity, while for SGN, only a distinction could be dance (>100 reads, summed over the different samples) was seen for
made between ZVL and the other locations (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). Last, these species (54/71 species), in contrast to species uniquely found by
for the Inverse Simpson index, a significant interaction term was one method (10/49 species) (ESM Table 7). The fixed GEANS protocol
detected in the ANOVA for Naturalis (Table 3). Similar as for the species and the own protocol roughly shared the same percentage of species
richness, a significantly higher Inverse Simpson index was observed only with the morphological identification (31.7% versus 32.7% for Aarhus
in the location with high diversity (120) using the fixed GEANS protocol University, 36% versus 33% for Naturalis and 32% versus 29% for SGN)
(ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). The factor ‘location’ significantly affected the (ESM Fig. 6).
inverse Simpson index for Aarhus University and SGN (Table 3). Post
hoc test showed significant differences between ZVL and 840 for Aarhus
3.3. Beta diversity
University, while only differences were seen between ZVL and 120 for
SGN (ESM Table 6, Fig. 4). For SGN, also a significant effect of the main
3.3.1. Reproducibility test
factor ‘protocol’ was observed (Table 3), with significantly higher
Beta diversity patterns based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

= 31.500, pPermanova = 0.0001). The location explained 64% of the

observed variation, while the different laboratories only accounted for
3% of the variation. The residuals –here the biological replicates– and
the interaction effect explained the remainder of the variation, resp.
32% and 1% (ESM Table 8).

3.3.2. Robustness test

The effect of the used lab protocol (fixed versus own) on the beta
diversity pattern using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity was investigated for the
three laboratories separately. For both Aarhus University and Naturalis,
neither interaction term ‘location*protocol’ nor factor ‘protocol’ was
significant (Aarhus University: F = 0.5325, pPermanova = 0.9096 & F =
0.2937, pPermanova = 0.9272 and Naturalis: F = 0.5469, pPermanova =
0.8938 & F = 1.3943, pPermanova = 0.2391, ESM Table 8). The main
factor ‘location’, however, was significant (Aarhus University: F =
18.1681, pPermanova = 0.0001; Naturalis: F = 0.5469, pPermanova =
Fig. 3. Read abundance per species for species that occur in one, two, three or
0.0001) and accounted for 79% of the variation in both laboratories
to four datasets from the reproducibility test (ILVO, Naturalis, SGN
and Aarhus). (ESM Table 8). This was confirmed in the NMDS plots of Aarhus uni­
versity and Naturalis where samples were also mainly discriminated
based on location, with the two medium diversity locations (330 and
were comparable between the four laboratories, as the NMDS plot
840) clustering closer together (Fig. 5C-D). Within each cluster, no
clearly showed clustering based on the macrobenthic communities, in­
distinction between both protocols (fixed versus own) could be dis­
dependent of the laboratory that conducted the work (Fig. 5A). This was
cerned (Fig. 5C-D). For SGN, slightly different results were observed.
corroborated by the PERMANOVA results that showed no significant
Again, clustering in the NMDS plot was mainly based on the different
effect of the interaction term laboratory*location (F = 0.2465, pPerma­
locations of the samples, however, different subclusters can be distin­
nova = 1) nor of the main factor laboratory (F = 0.841, pPermanova =
guished according to the protocol used (Fig. 5B). Permanova
0.612), while for the factor location a significant effect was detected (F

Table 3
Output of the different ANOVAs for the robustness test, one for each diversity estimates (Species richness, Inverse Simpson index and Shannon index) and for each
laboratory (Aarhus University, SGN, Naturalis) separately. Inverse Simpson and Shannon indices were calculated after a square root transformation on the read
df sum sq mean sq F value pr(<F)

Species richness Aarhus protocol 1 11.57 11.57 2.2508 0.1574

location 3 2776.62 925.54 180.0299 7.78E-11
protocol*location 3 4.22 1.41 0.2735 0.8435
residuals 13 66.83 5.14
Naturalis protocol 1 192.7 192.67 60.842 7.69E-07
location 3 3169.7 1056.56 333.649 1.25E-14
protocol*location 3 292.3 97.44 30.772 7.05E-07
residuals 16 50.7 3.17
Senckenberg protocol 1 82.26 82.26 1.7975 0.201368
location 3 1945.82 648.61 14.1735 0.000159
protocol*location 3 110.53 36.84 0.8051 0.511683
residuals 14 640.67 45.76

InvSimpson Aarhus protocol 1 0.359 0.359 0.1654 0.6908

location 3 158.917 52.972 24.3877 1.298E-05
protocol*location 3 2.986 0.995 0.4582 0.7161
residuals 13 28.237 2.172
Naturalis protocol 1 40.084 40.085 17.5035 0.000702
location 3 183.350 61.117 26.6881 1.825E-06
protocol*location 3 45.423 15.141 6.6116 0.004092
residuals 16 36.641 2.290
Senckenberg protocol 2 58.842 58.842 9.1491 0.009094
location 3 87.389 29.130 4.5293 0.020281
protocol*location 3 14.932 4.977 0.7739 0.527690
residuals 14 90.040 6.431

Shannon Aarhus protocol 1 0.0113 0.0113 0.1555 0.6997

location 3 12.0881 4.0294 55.3063 1.167E-07
protocol*location 3 0.0868 0.0289 0.3973 0.7572
residuals 13 0.9471 0.0729
Naturalis protocol 1 0.9951 0.9951 16.4394 0.0009203
location 3 17.2860 5.7620 95.1854 2.047E-10
protocol*location 3 0.2674 0.0891 1.4726 0.2595925
residuals 16 0.9685 0.0605
Senckenberg protocol 1 2.6252 2.62525 16.1990 0.0012536
location 3 6.8388 2.27961 14.0662 0.0001654
protocol*location 3 1.5082 0.50273 3.1021 0.0609398
residuals 14 2.2689 0.16206

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

Fig. 4. Mean numbers (of the three biological replicates A, B and C) and standard deviations of the different diversity estimates (Inverse Simpson, Species richness
and Shannon index) in each location (120, 330, 840 and ZVL) were calculated in the two methods (GEANS versus OWN protocol) of the robustness test. The Inverse
Simpson and Shannon indices were calculated after square root transformation on the read numbers, indicated by adding “Sqrt”.

Fig. 5. NMDS plot based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity for the reproducibility test (A) and the robustness test, one for each laboratory: Senckenberg (B), Naturalis
(C) and Aarhus University (D). The different locations are visualised by different colors (120 = blue, 330 = green, 840 = orange, ZVL = red), while the different
institutes (for A: ILVO = triangle, Naturalis = circle, Aarhus = square, Senckenberg = rhombus) and the used protocol (for B, C, D: own = square, fixed = cross) are
visualised by different symbols. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

corroborated these visual patterns with significant effects for main fac­ for macrobenthos metabarcoding in soft sediments within the frame­
tors ‘location’ (F = 9.9262, pPermanova = 0.0001) and ‘protocol’ (F = work of the Interreg North Sea Region project GEANS (https://www.
4.1846, pPermanova = 0.0018), resp. explaining 57% and 8% of the that is currently applied by Belgium, The Netherlands, Ger­
variation. The interaction term was not significant (F = 1.3772, pPer­ many and Denmark (GEANS, 2021). In this interlaboratory study, lab­
manova = 0.1617) (ESM Table 8). oratories validated the reproducibility and robustness of this protocol.
An overview table listing the main results of this study can be found in
4. Discussion Table 4. First, the reproducibility test demonstrated that when using a
fixed lab protocol, metabarcoding results are comparable, especially for
The implementation of DNA metabarcoding for routine environ­ high abundant species and species with a large body size. Second, the
mental monitoring of marine diversity has not yet been adhered by robustness of DNA metabarcoding was shown since community patterns
national and European authorities. A laboratory protocol was developed were comparable between the standardized and adapted protocol for all

L. Van den Bulcke et al.
Table 4
Summarizing overview table with main results of the reproducibility and robustness test.
Equation Reproducibility test Robustness test
(fixed protocol)
Aarhus University Naturalis SGN

Alpha diversity Species S = NWith N the number of species in the • No effect of laboratory, excellent • No effect of protocol No effect of protocol in locations • No effect of protocol
richness sample. agreement between labs. • Distinction between with low and medium diversity, but • Distinction between ZVL (low
• Shared species in all four laboratories have locations with high higher species numbers were found diversity) and the other locations
high read abundance and/or large body (120), medium (330 and with the GEANS protocol in the
size, while species unique for one lab have 840) and low (ZVL) location with high diversity.
low read abundance and were not detected diversity
by the morphological analyses. Shared species between both protocols have high read abundance, while species unique for one method
• Distinction between locations with high typically have low read abundance.
(120), medium (840 and 330) and low
(ZVL) diversity
Shannon H = − i=1 pi lnpi With S the number of
• No effect of laboratory, good agreement • No effect of protocol • Higher Shannon indices were • Higher Shannon indices were
index species in the sample, pi the proportion of between labs. • Distinction between the obtained with the fixed GEANS detected with the adapted (OWN)
individuals found in the ith species • Distinction between locations with high locations, except between protocol protocol.
(Shannon 1948) (120), medium (840 and 330) and low 330 and 840, the two Distinction between the locations, • Distinction between ZVL (low
(ZVL) diversity locations with medium except between 330 and 840, the diversity) and the other locations
diversity two locations with medium diversity

Inverse 1 1 • No effect of laboratory, excellent • No effect of protocol. No effect of protocol in locations • Higher Inverse Simpson indices
InvSimpson = = ∑S With S the
Simpson DSimpson i=1 pi
2 agreement between labs. • Distinction between ZVL with low and medium diversity, but were detected with the adapted
index number of species in the sample, pi the • Distinction between locations with high (low diversity) and 840 higher Inverse Simpson indices were (OWN) protocol
proportion of individuals found in the ith (120), medium (840 and 330) and low (medium diversity) and found with the GEANS protocol in • Distinction between ZVL (low
species (ZVL) diversity 120 (high diversity) the location with high diversity. diversity) and 120 (high diversity)
(Simpson 1949)

Beta diversity with Bray-Curtis 2*Cij No effect of laboratory on community pattern. No effect of protocol on No effect of protocol on community Effect of protocol: Main clustering is
BCij = 1 − With Cij the sum of only the
Si + Sj community pattern pattern based on the locations, but within each
lesser counts for each species found in both location, an effect of the protocol can
sites, Si , the total number of specimens be seen (subclusters fixed GEANS
counted in site i and Sj the total number of protocol versus OWN protocol)
specimens counted in site j.

Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

three institutes, mainly because highly abundant species were detected specimens in a sample (Hollatz et al., 2017; Lamb et al., 2019; Leray and
by all four protocols. However, an effect was seen on alpha diversity, Knowlton, 2017). In contrast, a (weak) positive correlation has been
therefore, a standardized metabarcoding protocol should be used when seen between relative read abundance and biomass (Elbrecht and Leese,
comparing alpha diversity between studies and/or areas. Based on the 2017; Lamb et al., 2019). Next to the biomass/size of the specimens, also
results of this study, we suggested a few considerations when imple­ other factors like the presence/absence of a exoskeleton (Derycke et al.,
menting DNA metabarcoding for marine environmental monitoring. 2021) and the PCR/primer bias (Nichols et al., 2018) can affect the
relative read abundance. As such, much higher reads for one species
4.1. DNA metabarcoding shows high reproducibility of diversity measures than for another species are obtained. With a square root trans­
between laboratories when using a standardized protocol formation, these differences in high versus low read numbers between
species become smaller, resulting in a higher evenness. The Shannon and
This study showed no significant effect of the laboratory that pro­ Inverse Simpson indices are impacted by the species richness and the
cessed the samples on tested diversity indices (species richness, Shannon evenness, so after transformation (resulting in a higher evenness),
index and Inverse Simpson index, Table 4). The four reproducibility higher index values were obtained. Without transformation, these
datasets shared all species with high abundance while most of the spe­ indices were only able to distinguish between the locations with extreme
cies unique to one dataset had low abundance in the metabarcoding diversity (high versus low) (ESM Fig. 7). Next to alpha diversity, each
datasets (<100 reads). This is in agreement with Buchner et al. (2021) laboratory was also able to detect similar community patterns discrim­
who found high reproducibility, except for rare and small species when inating the different macrobenthic communities with high, medium or
repeating the metabarcoding process for freshwater macrobenthos bulk low diversity. In a cross-laboratory experiment on biofouling samples
DNA samples with an automated liquid handling machine. Deeper from a broad geographical scale (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and
sequencing of samples is suggested to counteract for this loss of rare the USA), a similar distinction between communities was observed with
species (Smith and Peay, 2014). In this study, only five additional spe­ DNA metabarcoding, which could be expected since these communities
cies were detected in the non-rarified Naturalis dataset, which showed were very different from each other (Zaiko et al., 2021). In this study, we
higher read numbers compared to the other datasets of the reproduc­ show that, even at smaller regional scale (Belgian part of the North Sea),
ibility test. Together with the rarefaction curve (ESM Fig. 3A), this bulk DNA metabarcoding reflects community composition in a repro­
suggests that the datasets in this study had enough reads to detect all ducible way.
species and it is very unlikely that the lower sequencing depth can
explain the loss of these low abundant species. Another possible scenario 4.2. Adapting the lab protocol affected alpha diversity, but had no effect
could be the heterogeneity of the samples from which the subsamples on beta diversity patterns
were taken, after mixing the bulk samples with a blender for meta­
barcoding studies (Antich et al., 2021; Aylagas et al., 2018). Although it The robustness test compared samples processed in three different
is assumed that tissue of all species in the sample is present in the sub­ laboratories using their own metabarcoding protocol versus a fixed one.
sample (Duarte et al., 2021; van der Loos and Nijland, 2021), studies Aarhus University reduced the number of DNA replicates to one,
showed this is not always the case (Lejzerowicz et al., 2014; Van den changed the polymerase and the DNA template volume, but no signifi­
Bulcke et al., 2021), and, therefore it has been suggested to increase the cant differences in alpha or beta diversity were seen between both
volume of the subsample or take multiple subsamples for DNA extrac­ protocols (Table 4). This is in contrast to the recommendation to use
tion. In the fixed protocol for this study, three subsamples were taken to multiple replicates for DNA extraction in literature (Lejzerowicz et al.,
accommodate for this variability. Comparison between the fixed (with 2014; Van den Bulcke et al., 2021). In the Aarhus protocol, one DNA
three DNA replicates) and own protocol of Aarhus University (with one replicate seemed sufficient to cover the biodiversity displayed by the
replicate) in the robustness test showed no significant differences in the fixed protocol. Moreover, a cross laboratory study (Zaiko et al., 2021)
number of detected species. Nevertheless, considering that all unique showed that the DNA template and polymerase can have an impact on
species have very low read numbers, and as such have lower chance to the metabarcoding output. Naturalis changed the polymerase, the DNA
be present in the subsample, the heterogeneity of the samples is a template volume and the clean-up, resulting in significant lower values
plausible explanation. Next to these false negatives for some labora­ of the number of species and the InvSimpson and Shannon indices
tories, also false positives are possible (Yang et al., 2020) and probably, compared to the GEANS protocol (Table 4). The used PCR clean-up kit is
the high species richness in the biological replicate 330B processed by a bead based kit, similar like the kit used by the fixed GEANS protocol.
SGN can be explained by false positives. Many species detected in this Furthermore, using a higher DNA template volume, the chance of
sample were also detected in 120A, 120B and 120C, in contrast to the picking up species with low read abundance increases. Therefore, these
other biological replicates of location 330. Furthermore, these species changes are unlikely to explain the lower number of species detected by
mostly showed low abundance in 330B, but had high read numbers in the own protocol. Naturalis used a polymerase with a 2× higher fidelity
the replicates of the location 120. Therefore, we suspect tag jumping than Taq DNA polymerase versus a 100× higher fidelity for the KAPA
between the samples should be taken in consideration (Jia et al., 2022). HIFI polymerase, meaning the polymerase of Naturalis is the one with
A lab protocol can be adjusted to minimize tag jumping, for example by the lowest fidelity of our experiment. More errors may lead to inefficient
using all tags only once in each library, taking PCR replicates, mini­ primer binding or inaccurate taxonomic assignment by RDP, which may
mizing the handlings with tagged amplicons, taking negative controls at explain the lower number of species found with the Naturalis own
each step of the protocol (Schnell et al., 2015) and using a positive protocol. SGN changed the DNA extraction kit, the volume of the DNA
control (a sample with known mock community or a spiked sample replicates, the DNA polymerase, the PCR cycling conditions, the tem­
where DNA sequences with known concentrations were added) (van der plate DNA volume and the PCR clean-up products. Here, no significant
Loos and Nijland, 2021), or correcting the possible cross-over in the bio- effect on the number of species was seen, but a significantly higher
informatic pipeline using control samples (Beentjes et al., 2019; Davis InvSimpson and Shannon index was calculated with their own protocol
et al., 2018). Regardless of the possible false positives/negatives, each and also the beta diversity pattern was affected by the protocol
laboratory was able to distinguish between the different locations, with (Table 4). As the same template DNA volume and a DNA polymerase
all three diversity indices. The Shannon and Inverse Simpson indices are with comparable fidelity were used as the Aarhus University lab, where
based on both the number of species and their abundance. For meta­ no effect was observed, it is unlikely that these changes explain the
barcoding datasets, relative read abundance can be used as a proxy for differences. Furthermore, limited impact of the used DNA extraction kit
species abundances (Cahill et al, 2018). However, often no correlation is expected, since no difference in operational taxonomic unit richness
has been observed between read abundance and the number of has been observed between five different DNA extraction methods

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

(Vasselon et al., 2017). The Shannon and invSimpson are indices taking this since of the 24 morphologically identified species not detected by
abundance into account, as is beta diversity, where a clear significant metabarcoding, 17 species were not present in our reference database.
(based on Permanova) sub clustering for the factor protocol was Finally, this study showed that species with high read numbers and
observed in the NMDS plot. Since read numbers are largely affected by large body size were more easily detected. For low abundant and smaller
PCR biases (Leray and Knowlton, 2017), the observed differences are species, this is not always the case, as some of these were only detected
likely caused by the adapted PCR cycling conditions. Caution is however by one laboratory. Furthermore, we saw that species uniquely found
needed since with this experimental design, we cannot distinguish be­ with the morphology and with a reference sequence in the reference
tween the impacts of the different changes that may have cumulative database, mostly belonged to the phyla “Polychaeta”, a class with higher
effects (or not). variation in the COI gene and most likely a lower primer efficiency (Carr
To summarize, the impact of changing a few steps in the meta­ et al., 2011). On the other hand, bulkDNA metabarcoding will pick up
barcoding protocol on community patterns (beta diversity) is limited, species that are not detected using traditional methods as well (Aylagas
since for all three labs the main clustering is based on the locations. In et al., 2016). Therefore, DNA metabarcoding and the morphological
contrast, for alpha diversity equivocal results are observed between the identification are seen as complementary methods to assess diversity
used protocols. To counteract for these differences, we emphasize the (Kelly et al., 2017). Despite the discrepancies in detected species, both
need for standardisation when looking at alpha diversity. We suggest the morphology-based and genetic datasets were able to detect the dif­
that at least the fidelity of the DNA polymerase and the PCR cycling ference in diversity with the three indices (species richness and inverse
conditions need to be standardised in the metabarcoding protocol when Simpson and Shannon index after square root transformation of the
comparing alpha diversity of metabarcoding results across countries and reads).
5. Conclusion
4.3. Considerations for implementing DNA metabarcoding for marine
environmental monitoring There is a trend towards using genetic methods for marine envi­
ronmental monitoring, also referred to as Biomonitoring 2.0 (Baird and
Different case studies showed that DNA metabarcoding can be used Hajibabaei, 2012), but therefore metabarcoding data should be com­
to assess biodiversity (Aylagas et al., 2016; Lejzerowicz et al., 2015; parable and reproducible across countries and studies. We show that
Pawlowski et al., 2014), but the lack of standardisation is an important when using a standardized protocol the detected alpha diversity was
drawback to routinely implement this method in monitoring programs very similar for the different laboratories, especially for high abundant
(Darling et al., 2017; Goodwin et al., 2017). Based on our results of the species and species with a large body size. In addition, an almost iden­
reproducibility and robustness tests using bulk DNA metabarcoding, tical clustering in macrobenthic community composition based on the
some statements can be made on the use of DNA metabarcoding for different locations was observed. Second, minor effects were seen on the
marine environmental monitoring. Studies focusing on beta diversity community composition when slightly modifying the lab protocol, while
patterns or changes in community patterns across space and/or time can alpha diversity was significantly impacted. Consequently, a standard­
rely on bulkDNA metabarcoding since results are comparable to patterns ized protocol allows a better comparison between metabarcoding results
observed in morphological studies (Cahill et al., 2018), reproducible and from different studies. In the absence of an agreed standardized protocol
with the protocol differences tested here, quite robust as well. However, across countries, we stress the importance to provide a detailed
it is pertinent which changes are made, as for example the chosen DNA description of the lab protocol used to obtain the metabarcoding data to
source (Derycke et al., 2021), primer pair (Braukmann et al., 2019; allow a correct interpretation of metabarcoding results across studies.
Elbrecht and Leese, 2017; Lobo et al., 2017) and PCR replicates (Van den
Bulcke et al., 2021) already showed significant differences, and there­ 6. Data accessibility statement
fore, these steps in the metabarcoding protocol cannot be changed
without implications for diversity assessments. In contrast, using The sequencing datasets and corresponding metadata generated for
another DNA polymerase with similar fidelity or another PCR clean-up this study will become available in the online system Marine Data
kit (based on the same principle) yield similar ecological patterns and Archive (MDA)
can therefore be changed without impacting bulkDNA metabarcoding
results. When a study aims to focus on alpha diversity i.e. species rich­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
ness and other biodiversity indices such as e.g. Shannon or Inverse
Simpson, a fully standardised protocol is of high importance. Similar to Laure Van den Bulcke: Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing –
other metabarcoding studies (Alberdi et al., 2017; Brannock and Hala­ original draft. Annelies De Backer: Conceptualization, Writing – review
nych, 2015; Dopheide et al., 2018), our study showed that changes in the & editing, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Jan Wittoeck:
protocol can result in significant differences in these indices. It is Investigation. Kevin Beentjes: Investigation, Writing – review & edit­
therefore important to adhere to a predefined workflow and when not ing. Sara Maes: Investigation, Resources. Magdalini Christodoulou:
possible, to at least provide a detailed description of the technical details Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Pedro
of the protocol used. This insight becomes definitely important when Martinez Arbizu: Conceptualization. Rumakanta Sapkota: Investiga­
comparing alpha diversity results over time or between regions that are tion. Berry Van der Hoorn: Conceptualization, Writing – review &
the result of different metabarcoding studies. In this case observed dif­ editing. Anne Winding: Writing – review & editing. Kris Hostens:
ferences in e.g. number of species might be caused by methodological Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition. Sofie Derycke:
changes instead of being ecological relevant differences. Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – review & editing, Supervi­
In some studies, the species list is important, Aylagas et al. (2018) sion, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
already highlighted the importance of a reliable and well-curated
sequence reference database to assign correct species names to se­ Declaration of Competing Interest
quences for this purpose. The last decade, genetic data repositories (e.g.
BOLD or GenBank) containing DNA barcodes are growing, but this is a The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
long-term project and effort is made in the curation of these reference interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
databases (Radulovici et al., 2021). Still, many species are missing a the work reported in this paper.
reference barcode. In 2019, only 22–48% of European marine species
were present in BOLD (Weigand et al., 2019). Our study corroborated

L. Van den Bulcke et al. Ecological Indicators 150 (2023) 110207

Data availability Callahan, B.J., McMurdie, P.J., Rosen, M.J., Han, A.W., Johnson, A.J.A., Holmes, S.P.,
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