What Is Passiontide?: Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest

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14th March 2021

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

What is Passiontide?
The crosses are veiled because Christ
during this time no longer walked
openly among the people, but hid
himself. Hence in the papal chapel
the veiling formerly took place at the
words of the Gospel: “Jesus autem
abscondebat se.” (But Jesus did hide
himself.) Another reason is added
by Durandus, namely that Christ’s
divinity was hidden when he arrived
at the time of His suffering and
death. The images of the saints also
are covered because it would seem
improper for the servants to appear
when the Master himself is hidden
(Nilles, “Kal.”, II, 188).
In some places the crosses were
covered on Ash Wednesday; in
others on the first Sunday of Lent. In
England it was customary on the first
Oratory of St. Philip Neri, Birmingham Monday of Lent to cover up all the
The 5 Sunday in Lent is called Passion Sunday, the two
crucifixes, images of every kind, the reliquaries, and even
weeks between that Sunday and Easter is called Passiontide. the cup with the Blessed Sacrament. The cloths used were
The second week is Holy Week, while the first is called of white linen or silk and marked with a red cross (Rock,
by the Latins “Hebdomas Passionis”, by the Greeks infra, IV, 258). The two beautiful hymns of the season,
“Week of the palms” (from the Sunday following). … The “Vexilla Regis” and “Pange lingua gloriosi”, are the work
rubrical prescriptions of the Roman Missal, Breviary, and of Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers. On the Friday
“Caeremoniale Episcoporum” for this time are: before of Passion Week the Church very appropriately honours
Vespers of Saturday preceding Passion Sunday the crosses, the Seven Dolours of Our Lady. On Saturday the Greeks
statues, and pictures of Our Lord and of the saints on the commemorate the resuscitation of Lazarus.
altar and throughout the church, are to be covered with a
Based on an article in “Catholic Encyclopedia/New Advent”
violet veil, not translucent, nor in any way ornamented.
(Except the crosses and pictures of the Way of the Cross
remain unveiled.) The crosses remain covered until after
the solemn uncovering of the principal crucifix on Good
The statues and pictures retain their covering, no matter
what feast may occur, until the Gloria in Excelsis of
Holy Saturday. According to an answer of the Sacred
Congregation of Rites of 14th of May, 1878, the practice
may be tolerated of keeping the statue of St. Joseph, if
outside the sanctuary, uncovered during the month of
March, which is dedicated to his honor, even during
Passiontide. In the Masses de tempore (Sundays and Feria
in Lent) the Psalm Judica during the prayers at the foot
of the altar is not said; the Gloria Patri is omitted at the
Asperges, the Introit, and the Lavabo; only two orations
are recited and the Preface is of the Holy Cross. In the
Dominical and ferial offices of the Breviary the doxology
is omitted in the Invitatorium and in the responses, whether
long or short.

‘They took up stones therefore to cast at Him: but Jesus hid

Himself, and went out of the temple.’ John 8:59. Antiphonary,
in Latin, illuminated by Master B. F., Italy, Milan, ca. 1500”

Day of Retreat Postponed

Due to the coronavirus restrictions we will not be able to preach the Day of Retreat as planned on Saturday,
March 6th. Unfortunately, we will have to postpone this important spiritual exercise to a later date which will be
announced as soon as it will be possible to make new arrangements.

Paschal Triduum
The Triduum Paschale in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be
celebrated at St. Winefride’s church according to the following schedule:
Holy Thursday, April 1st, at 5:00 pm
Good Friday, April 2nd, at 3:00 pm
Holy Saturday, April 3rd, at 7:00 pm

Gift Aid Envelopes Arrived

The envelopes used for the weekly collection have arrived. In the back of the church, please pick up your box
with the (green) envelopes which will be used this year and which carry your individual (Gift Aid) number. We
apologize for the delay in bringing them to you. – If you are interested in joining the Institute’s local Gift Aid
Program, please contact Canon Wiener.

Shrewsbury Weekly Schedule

Day Date Time Mass of the Day Canon Wiener Father Gribbin
Fourth Sunday in Lent Gertrude Moseley
Sun 14 th Mar 12:30 pm “Laetare” RIP PI

Mon 15 th Mar 10:00 am Feria in Lent E. Ch. J. Frost PI

Tue 16 th Mar 6:30 pm Feria in Lent H.J. RIP (private) PI

Wed 17 th Mar 10:00 am Feria in Lent Elodie Rayment PI

Thu 18th Mar 6:30 pm Feria in Lent Rose Stevens PI

St. Joseph,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin & Patron
Fri 19th Mar 10:00 am of the Universal Church Jeff Moe PI
Votive Mass for the Anniversary of
the Coronation of the Sovereign Pon-
Sat 20 th Mar 10:00 am tiff, Pope Francis Mr. F. K. Moe PI

Sun 21 st Mar 12:30 pm Passion Sunday Malcolm Rayment PI


St.Winefride’s Presbytery, Mynd Close, Shrewsbury SY2 5RA

Rev.Canon Michael Wiener, Prior of the House of Saint Chad
email: [email protected] telephone: 07311 44 33 23
Rev. Anselm Gribbin, Assisting Priest - email: [email protected] telephone: 07952 963641
ICKSP website: https://icksp.org.uk/shrewsbury/

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