Articulo 1
Articulo 1
Articulo 1
To cite this article: Leobardo Manuel Gómez-Oliván, Marcela Galar-Martínez, Sandra García-
Medina, Analleli Valdés-Alanís, Hariz Islas-Flores & Nadia Neri-Cruz (2014) Genotoxic response
and oxidative stress induced by diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen in Daphnia magna, Drug
and Chemical Toxicology, 37:4, 391-399, DOI: 10.3109/01480545.2013.870191
Abstract Keywords
Context: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most commonly used Catalase, DNA damage, glutation peroxidase,
pharmaceuticals in Mexico, but there is not proper regulation on the sale, use and disposal. These lipid peroxidation, NSAID, protein carbonyl,
drugs can enter water bodies by diverse pathways, attaining significant concentrations and superoxide dismutase
inducing damage on hydrobionts. Objective: To evaluate the oxidative stress and consequent
damage to genetic material induced by DCF, IBP and NPX on Daphnia magna. Methods: The acute History
toxicity assays were performed to 48-h by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs evaluated. A
sublethal assay were done after 48 h of exposure to DCF, IBP and NPX added to water with the Received 21 June 2013
concentration equivalent to the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL), 9.7 mg/L for DCF, Revised 18 September 2013
2.9 mg/L for IBP and 0.017 mg/L for NPX. The DNA damage (comet assay) was evaluated at 12, 48 Accepted 22 November 2013
and 96 h. The oxidative biomarkers were evaluated: lipid peroxidation; protein carbonyl content; Published online 23 December 2013
activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase.
Results: D. magna exposed to DCF, IBP and NPX showed a significant increase (p50.05) with
respect to controls in LPX. PCC was increased in IBP exposure. SOD and CAT activity were
increased by exposure to IBP and NPX. GPX shows a significant increase with respect to control in
IBP and DCF exposure and significant decrease by NPX exposure. DNA damage was observed in
48 and 96 h. Discussion and conclusion: DCF, IBP and NPX were responsible of alterations in
biochemical biomarkers evaluated and DNA damage.
pain in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions, rheumatic (Scenedesmus spp, 3 107 cells/ml). Third to fifth brood
syndromes, degenerative disease, acute lumbar pain, tendin- juveniles524 h old and differing in age by53 h were used for
itis, bursitis, sciatica, gout, dental surgery, dysmenorrhea and testing.
migraine (Mycek et al., 2004).
NSAIDs having similar mechanisms of action have been Chemicals
studied in different species. Thus, Borgmann et al. (2007)
found that these compounds are toxic to Hyallela azteca, and Diclofenac
Cleuvers (2004) revealed they affect growth and reproduction The pharmaceutical agent DCF (CAS number 15307-86-5,
in the cladoceran Daphnia magna and algae Scenedesmus 499% purity) C14H11Cl2NO2, 296 Da, was purchased from
subspicatus. DCF affect gills and kidney of freshwater fish, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Mexico. Stock solutions were
brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario), suggesting possible risk to prepared by dissolving 1 g DCF in deionized water.
fish populations (Hoeger et al., 2005). Results obtained by
Matozzo et al. (2012), indicate that exposure of clams
Ruditapes philippinarum to IBP induces significant alter-
ations in the immune parameters and suggest potential IBP (CAS Number 15687-27-1, 498% purity) was purchased
immunosuppression in treated clams. NPX has been reported from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Mexico. IBP (1 g) was
to be a potential teratogenic agent in studies using Hydra dissolved in deionized water to make stock solutions.
attenuata as a model (Quinn et al., 2008).
NSAIDs can form reactive products by oxidation Naproxen
(Masubuchi et al., 2002; Gómez-Lechón et al., 2003), being
then able to induce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is NPX (CAS Number 22204-53-1, 98% purity) was pur-
defined as disruption of the balance between reactive oxygen chased from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Mexico. NPX (1 g)
species (ROS) and the antioxidant systems in the body. ROS was dissolved in deionized water to make stock solutions.
are normally produced in cells as a result of metabolic
processes (Vlahogianni et al., 2007); however, they can also Toxicity assays
be formed by diverse environmental contaminants (Sinha Test systems consisted in 150 mL polyethylene containers
et al., 2007), increasing lipid peroxidation (LPX) and protein holding reconstituted water, and supplied with constant
carbonyl content (PCC) as well as changes in the activity of oxygen under a 14 h:10 h light:dark photoperiod at room
diverse antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase temperature. Intoxication systems were static and no food was
(SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) provided to specimens during exposure periods.
(Parvez & Raisuddin, 2005; Vlahogianni et al., 2007), and
may ultimately damage genetic material.
Acute toxicity test
Studies by Parolini et al 2010 have revealed the capacity of
paracetamol to induce moderate genotoxicity in Dreissena Preliminary acute toxicity tests were conducted in order to
polymorpha exposed to environmental concentrations. In calculate DCF, IBP and NPX LC50 data. All experiments
other studies biomarkers of damage (LPX and DNA damage) were performed according to the OECD standard procedure
were significantly affected in marine mussel (Mytilus spp) by (OECD, 2004) for determining the 48 h LC50 for D. magna.
DCF exposure in concentrations of 1000 mg/L at 96 h Different test concentrations for DCF (43, 54, 68, 86, 108 and
(Schmidt et al., 2011). 136 mg/L), for IBP (20.4, 25.7, 32.4, 40.7 and 51.3 mg/L), for
Daphnia magna (D. magna) is commonly used in aquatic NPX (0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 mg/L), plus a DCF,
toxicity testing because of many characters that make it easy IBP and NPX-free control system were set up. Static systems
and economical to culture in the laboratory: it is relatively were used without renewal of test solution.
small, has short life cycle, high fecundity, and parthenogen- Ten neonates (524 h old) from a designated brood were
etic reproduction. placed in a 30 ml glass beaker containing 25 ml for each test
The aim of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress and concentration and control. Test organisms were not fed
genotoxicity induced on D. magna by DCF, IBP and NPX during the testing period. The temperature of test was
exposure to sublethal concentration. 20 1 C, 16 h:8 h light:dark photoperiod. The glass beaker
were loosely covered to reduce the loss of water due to
Methods evaporation and to avoid the entry of dust into the solutions.
Observations were made at 48 h, and results recorded.
Experimental organisms
Dead (immobilized) specimens were counted after 48 h.
The test organism was D. magna Straus, obtained from Oil Immobilization, which was employed as an endpoint, was
Mexican Institute and has been maintained in the considered to have happened if no movement was detected
Environmental Toxicology laboratory of the University for 15 s after gentle shaking of the test vehicle. Five
Autonomous of State of Mexico, for several generations. replicates of the assay were performed. A total of 350
The Daphnia medium consisted of CaCl2, KCl, NaHCO3 and organisms were used for DCF and NPX LC50 determination
MgSO2. The living green algae Scenedesmus spp. were used and 300 organisms for IBP LC50 determination. The 48 h
as the sole food for D. magna. Organisms were maintained at LC50 of DCF, IBP and NPX and its 95% confidence limits
25 1 C under a 14:10 (light:dark) photoperiod. D.magna (p50.05) were estimated by Probit analysis (EPA Probit
were fed once daily with 5 ml of concentrated algae Analysis Program v1.5).
DOI: 10.3109/01480545.2013.870191 Genotoxic response and oxidative stress induced by NSAID in D. magna 393
Stress oxidative biomarkers evaluation reactive carbonyls formed (C¼O)/mg protein based on their
molar extinction coefficient of 21 000 M/cm
Sublethal toxicity assays involved adding DCF, IBP and NPX
at a concentration equivalent to the lowest observed adverse
SOD activity determination
effect level (LOAEL), 9.7 mg/L for DCF; 2.9 mg/L for IBP;
and 0.018 mg/L for NPX, to one test systems and 150 mg wet SOD activity was determined according to the Misra &
weight of D. magna was added (about 250 entire organisms Fridovich (1972) method. To 20 mL supernatant in a 1 cm
were used). The exposure period was 48 h. DCF, IBP and cuvette were added 150 mL of a carbonate buffer solution
NPX-free control system were set up for exposure time in the (50 mM sodium carbonate and 0.1 mM EDTA) pH 10.2 and
sublethal study. Static systems were used without renewal of 100 mL adrenaline (30 mM). Absorbance was read at 480 nm,
test solution. at 30 s and 5 min. SOD activity was determined by
Daphnids were maintained in dilution water at the test interpolating the data on a type curve. Results were expressed
temperature for at least 48 h prior to start the test. as IU SOD/mg protein.
The temperature of test was 20 1 C, 16 h:8 h light:dark
photoperiod, pH 7.0, hardness 150 mg/L as CaCO3. The glass CAT activity determination
beaker were loosely covered to reduce the loss of water due to CAT activity was determined according to Radi et al. (1991)
evaporation and to avoid the entry of dust into the solutions. method. To 20 mL supernatant were added 1 mL of an
After exposure time, test specimens were removed and isolation buffer solution (0.3 M saccharose, 1 mM EDTA,
suspended in 1 mL of Tris buffer solution (pH 7). The mixture 5 mM HEPES and 5 mM KH2PO4) and 0.2 mL of hydrogen
was maintained in an ice bath throughout the procedure and peroxide (20 mM). Absorbance was read at 240 nm, at 0 and
homogenized. The supernatant was centrifuged at 12 500 rpm 60 s. Results were obtained by substituting the absorbance
and 4 C for 15 min. The following biomarkers were value of each reading in the formula: catalase
evaluated: LPX and PCC to determine oxidized protein concentration ¼ (A60–A0)/MEC, where the MEC of H2O2
content; activity of the antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and equals 0.043 Mm/cm. Results were expressed as mM H2O2/
GPX. Total protein content was used to express the results of mg protein.
all the biomarkers employed. All tests were performed on the
supernatant except for LPX determination in which the GPX activity determination
cellular pellet was used. Five replicates of the assay were
performed. GPX activity was determined using the Paglia & Valentine
(1967) methodology. To 100 mL supernatant were added
900 mL of buffer reagent solution (5 M K2HPO4, 5 M
Lipid peroxidation determination
KH2PO4, 3.5 mM reduced glutathione, 1 mM sodium azide,
Lipid peroxidation (LPX) was measured using the thiobar- 2 U glutathione reductase and 0.12 mM NADPH pH 7.0;
bituric acid (TBA) assay according to the method described Sigma) and 200 mL of H2O2 (20 mM). Absorbance was read at
by the Büege & Aust (1978) method. The cellular pellet 340 nm at 0 and 60 s. Activity was estimated using the molar
was reconstituted with Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4) to attain a extinction coefficient of NADPH (6.2 mM/cm). Results were
volume of 5 mL. 1 mL of this solution was taken and expressed as mM NADPH/mg protein.
incubated at 37 C for 30 min; 2 mL of TCA-TBA reagent
(0.375% thiobarbituric acid in 15% trichloroacetic acid) was Total protein determination
added and the sample was shaken in a vortex, then placed
To 25 mL of supernatant was added 75 mL deionized water and
in a bath of boiling water for 45 min, allowed to cool and
2.5 mL Bradford’s reagent (0.05 g Coommassie Blue dye,
the precipitate removed by centrifugation at 3 000 rpm for
25 mL of 96% ethanol and 50 mL H3PO4, in 500 mL
10 min. Absorbance was read at 535 nm using a reaction
deionized water). The test tubes were shaken and allowed to
blank. Results were expressed as mM malondialdehyde/mg
rest for 5 min prior to the reading of absorbance at 595 nm and
protein using the molar extinction coefficient of 1.56 105/
interpolation on a bovine albumin curve (Bradford, 1976).
To extract DNA, slides were placed in a coplin jar with according to their LC50:51 mg/L is extremely toxic, 1–10 mg/
lysis solution [2.5 M NaOH, 10 M ethylendiaminetetraacetic L is toxic, and 10–100 mg/L is hazardous for aquatic
acid (EDTA), 10 mM Tris, 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), organisms. Based on this ranking, NPX is extremely toxic,
1% Triton, at pH 10] for 1 h at 4 C. After lysis, samples were IBP and DCF are hazardous for D. magna.
incubated with 1 mg/mL formamidopyrimidine glycosylase
(FPG) and endonuclease III (ENDO) with 40 mM 4-(2- Evaluation of oxidative stress
hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinee ethane sulfonic acid (HEPES), Lipid peroxidation
0.1 M KCl, 0.5 mM EDTA at pH 8.0, and 0.2 mg/mL fetal
bovine serum for 45 min at 37 C. Each enzyme was LPX results are shown in Figure 1. D. magna exposed to
incubated separately. An internal control was set up for DCF, IBP and NPX showed a significant increase (p50.05)
each group and incubated without enzymes. with respect to controls of 96.3, 379.4 and 285.3%, respect-
Slides were placed in the electrophoresis chamber for ively at 48 h. The most significant effect on this biomarker
20 min with an alkaline solution (300 mM NaOH and 1 mM was presented by exposure to IBP
EDTA) at a pH of 13. Electrophoresis was performed at
300 mAmp, 25 V and pH 413 for 20 min and the process was Protein carbonyl content
stopped with a neutralization buffer (0.4 M trizma base) at a PCC is shown in Figure 2. A significant increase (p50.05) of
pH of 7.4. 3,578% with respect to controls took place at 48 h for IBP
The DNA was stained with 50 mL ethidium bromide and exposure. However, no significant increases (p40.05) of 79
examined with an epifluorescence microscope attached to an and 39.8% with respect to controls occurred at 48 h for DCF
image analyzer equipped with a program for measurement of and NPX exposure, respectively.
the cell nucleus. A total of 100 measurements per replicate
were made and % DNA damage in the tail was obtained.
Measuring was done with a Zeiss Axiophot KS400 micro-
scope equipped with epifluorescence and a 510–560 nm filter.
To identify oxidative damage to DNA induced by DCF,
IBP, NPX and H2O2 a comet assay was performed with the
addition of two enzymes involved in the initial steps of DNA
excision repair. To evaluate levels of oxidized purines, FPG
was added, and to determine the rate of oxidized pyrimidines,
endo III was used in the assay (Lankoff et al., 2006). The level
of FPG or endo III-sensitive sites was obtained from the
difference between the DI of nuclei incubated with enzymes
and the internal control.
Statistical design
For the acute toxicity assay (DCF, IBP and NPX LC50) the
Figure 1. Lipid peroxidation in D. magna after exposure to 2.9 mg/L of
Probit analysis was carried out and significance was assessed IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX and 9.7 mg/L of DCF for 48 h. Values are the
by the degree of overlap of 95% LC (EPA Analysis Program mean of three replicates SE. *Significantly different from control
v1.5). The X2 linear adjustment test was not significant at values, ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer (p50.05). The results are referred
to milligrams protein (mg PT).
For the sublethal toxicity assay statistical evaluation of the
results obtained in the oxidative stress assay was made by
applying to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
differences between means were compared using the Tukey–
Kramer multiple comparisons test, with p set at 50.05. For
this purpose we used the package, SPSS (ver.10: SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL).
Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric ANOVA and Dunn’s mul-
tiple comparisons test were applied to DNA damage results,
with p set at 50.05.
Acute toxicity
In this study, the LC50 of DCF was 96.6 mg/L (84.2–112.7),
IBP was 24.9 mg/L (14.4–31.4) and NPX was 0.174 mg/L Figure 2. Proteyn Carbonyl Content in D. magna after exposure to
2.9 mg/L of IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX and 9.7 mg/L of DCF for 48 h.
(0.149–0.222) in D. magna at 48 h of exposure. EU guidelines
Values are the mean of three replicates SE. *Significantly different
(93-67-EEC) laid down by the Commission of the European from control values, ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer (p50.05). The results
Communities (1996) classify substances into different types are referred to milligrams protein (mg PT).
DOI: 10.3109/01480545.2013.870191 Genotoxic response and oxidative stress induced by NSAID in D. magna 395
Figure 3. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in D. magna after Figure 5. Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity in D. magna after
exposure to 2.9 mg/L of IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX and 9.7 mg/L of DCF exposure to 2.9 mg/L of IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX and 9.7 mg/L of DCF
for 48 h. Values are the mean of three replicates SE. *Significantly for 48 h. Values are the mean of three replicates SE. *Significantly
different from control values, ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer (p50.05). different from control values, ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer (p50.05).
The results are referred to milligrams protein (mg PT). The results are referred to milligrams protein (mg PT).
Comet assay
As shown in Figure 6, DCF, IBP and NPX exposure at 48 and
96 h increased significantly (p50.05) with respect to control
in the median DNA (%) in the tail without adding enzymes.
To estimate the magnitude of oxidized base lesions after
exposure, cells were treated with endonucleases. When FPG
and ENDO were added, observed a significant increase
(p50.05) with respect to control at 48 and 96 h by IBP and
NPX exposure, while DCF didn’t show significant increase
(p40.05) with respect to control when add ENDO enzyme.
However when add FPG enzyme at 48 and 96 h, all exposures
increased significantly (p50.05) with respect to control the %
DNA in the tail (oxidation of purine bases). The exposure of
Figure 4. Catalase (CAT) activity in D. magna after exposure to 2.9 mg/ these drugs at 12 h didn’t show a difference with respect to
L of IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX and 9.7 mg/L of DCF for 48 h. Values are control. Further when organisms were exposed to a concen-
the mean of three replicates SE. *Significantly different from control
values, ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer (p50.05). The results are referred tration of H2O2 10 mM (positive control) was observed a
to milligrams protein (mg PT). significant increase over the control (p50.05) in all exposure
times without adding enzyme and with ENDO and FPG
enzymes, this increase was time dependent.
SOD activity
SOD activity (Figure 3) showed a significant increase with
respect to controls (p50.05) at 48 h by IBP and NPX The LC50 data of DCF, IBP and NPX in D. magna found in
exposure of 434.7 and 171.8%, respectively. However a this study may be clarified by the fact that these NSAID acts
significant decrease (p50.05) with respect to control of by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. It is responsible for
95.5% occurred by DCF exposure. catalyzing arachidonic acid degradation in prostaglandin
production (Cha et al., 2006; Fortier et al., 2008). These
CAT activity eicosanoids act as autocrine and paracrine messengers and in
invertebrate species such as D. magna as important mediators
CAT activity (Figure 4) increased significantly (p50.05) with
during reproduction and in the immune system (Deridovich &
respect to control in IBP and NPX at 48 h exposure times,
Reunova, 1993; Fortier et al., 2008; Stanley, 2000).
showing values of 2,250 and 521.7%, respectively. A not
Prostaglandins are also involved in neural transmission and
significant increase (p40.05) with respect to control occurred
the transport of ions across cell membranes (Arkhipova et al.,
by DCF exposure.
2005). The end result of these actions in the present study
may have been inhibition of neural transmission evidenced
GPX activity
by daphnid immobilization.
Figure 5 shows GPX activity in D. magna. Significant DCF, IBP and NPX has been identified and quantified
increases (p50.05) of 1578 and 962.3% with respect to in diverse water bodies (Aga, 2008; Siemens et al., 2008).
control were observed at 48 h by IBP and NPX exposure, DCF is biodegradable by microorganisms or photodegradable
respectively. However, GPX activity decreased with respect to into the following metabolites: 5,40 -dihydroxy-diclofenac,
control by 75.9% at 48 h (p50.05). 3-dihydroxy-diclofenac, 40 -dihydroxymethyl-diclofenac,
396 L. M. Gómez-Oliván et al. Drug Chem Toxicol, 2014; 37(4): 391–399
Figure 6. Determination of DNA damage by the comet assay in D. magna after exposure to 2.9 mg/L of IBP, 0.018 mg/L of NPX, 9.7 mg/L of DCF and
10 mM of H202 (hydrogen peroxide) for 48 h. Each value is the mean of three replicates SEM. *, significantly different from the corresponding
control. Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric ANOVA and Dunn’s test (p50.05).
Reduced SOD activity by DCF exposure, result from the 1000 mg/L at 96 h (Schmidt et al., 2011). In contrast,
fact that several DCF metabolites bind to proteins and inhibit Parolini et al. (2011) mentioned that DCF environmentally
their activity. Likewise, NSAIDs – including DCF among relevant concentrations (0.3, 1 and 2 nM) were not able to
others – affect the mitochondrion and consequently oxidative produce any significant DNA fragmentation on zebra mussel
phosphorylation, thus potentially increasing ROS production. Dreissena polymorpha hemocytes even after 96 h exposure.
This is particularly true of the O2* anion (Asensio et al., Parolini et al. (2009) tested genotoxicity of three drugs:
2007) which, added to the ROS produced by natural processes DCF, PAR and IBP at various concentrations (0.2 mM, 2.0 mM
in the D. magna, can potentially block SOD activity. and 4 mM) obtaining as a result that all the drugs tested were
Both CAT and GPX activities were also significantly able to significantly induce primary DNA damage in
increased in D. magna by IBP, NPX and DCF exposure. hemocytes of D. polymorpha.
Bagnyukova et al. (2006) state that LPX products appear to be The results observed by Parolini et al. (2009), Rocco et al.
involved in the up-regulation of several antioxidant enzymes. (2010) and by Schmidt et al. (2011) are consistent with the
Thus, LPX increases in the present study may also explain the results obtained in this study. IBP and DCF induce DNA
observed increased activity of antioxidant enzymes. On the damage in different concentrations (from ng/L to mg/L).
other hand, CAT activity was decreased by NPX exposure. On the other hand, NSAID metabolites – particularly
This result indicates this enzyme is unable to offset ROS- NSAID acyl gluconic – may be involved in adduct formation
induced damage. with DNA. The acyl glucuronides of carboxylic acids are
The comet assay allows detecting single-stranded breaks in highly reactive molecules which attack the nucleophilic
DNA, adducting formation, and DNA-DNA and protein-DNA centers of biomolecules; this is the case of DNA.
bindings (Ali et al., 2008). To evaluate more specific the Asensio et al. (2007) state that NSAIDs induce inhibition
DNA damage we introduced two enzymes, ENDO that detect of G6PD due to formation of NSAID-aryl-CoA or NSAID-
the oxidation of pyrimidine bases and FPG which detects the CoA complexes, and as a result ribose-5-phosphate synthesis
majority product of the oxidation of purine bases, the 8 - is interrupted and therefore also nucleic acid synthesis.
oxoguanine, (8-oxodG) and other alterations purine (Collins, Reactive metabolites of DCF, IBP and NPX may interact
2008). Damage to the bases in DNA in the form of 8-oxodG directly with DNA through a covalent bond, eliciting single
is a prominent indicator of oxidative stress and has been and double-strand breaks evidenced in the comet assay. As
well characterized as premutagenic injury in mammalian well as, this damage may be indirectly produced since these
cells (Bruner et al., 2000, Miller et al., 2000; Shibutani compounds are not only capable of interacting with DNA,
et al., 1991). but can also attach to the proteins in charge of DNA synthesis
DNA damage may have serious consequences such as and repair.
mutations and carcinogenic changes, and may even produce The NSAIDs such as DCF and paracetamol may induce
cell mortality. In the present study, damage to genetic material ROS formation (Gómez-Oliván et al., 2012; Islas-Flores et al.,
was determined by the comet assay and DCF, IBP, NPX and 2013; Oviedo-Gómez et al., 2010). ROS and reactive nitrogen
H2O2 were found to increase the % DNA in the tail in cells of species (RNS) are involved in DNA damage processes not
D. magna. only because they are able to interact directly with it, but also
Akcha et al. (2008) mentioned that H2O2 is a typical DNA since they affect signal transduction, cellular proliferation and
damage-inducing agent, this is a good model system to study intracellular communication. For this motive, both enzymes
the effects of oxidative stress. In this study this agent was used ENDO and FPG, which permit detection of oxidized purines
as typical genotoxic, when D. magna were exposed to 10 mM and pyrimidines by the modified comet assay, were used to
of H2O2 was observed a significant increase over the control determine if DNA damage was due to oxidation of genetic
in all exposure times without adding enzyme and with ENDO material. FPG recognizes unsaturated rings of oxidized
and FPG enzymes, this increase was time dependent. purines including 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-(N-methyl) for-
Parolini et al. (2010), indicated that paracetamol induce mamidopyrimidine and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-20 deoxyguanosine
moderate genotoxicity in bivalves (Dreissena polymorpha) (8-oxodG), while ENDO removes saturated rings or frag-
exposed to environmental concentrations 1–10 nM. They ments of oxidized pyrimidines (Bruner et al., 2000; Collins,
mention that DNA damage was probably due both the 2008; Miller et al., 2000).
increase in oxidative stress and/or to a direct interaction During the biotransformation of NSAID, ROS were
between its metabolite NAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinonei- generated (Gómez-Lechón et al., 2003; Masubuchi et al.,
mine) with DNA. 2002) that may affect the deoxyribose backbone and produce
In another study by Rocco et al. (2010) observed that in ruptures chain due to abstraction of a hydrogen sugar and
zebrafish exposed to IBP at the concentration of 66.40 ng/L phosphodiester bond rupture (Gregus & Klassen, 2001).
had a statistically significant DNA loss after 5 and 28 days of Our results shown, that IBP induced an increase in
exposure in 28.1 and 34.3%, respectively. DNA oxidation in both bases, indicating the existence
DNA damage was significantly affected in marine mussel of damage to DNA by oxidation. Based on these results,
(Mytilus spp) by DCF exposure in concentrations of it may be supposed that some of the DNA damage
1000 mg/L at 96 h (Schmidt et al., 2011). They mention evidenced by the comet assay may also be due to oxidative
found also LPX induction by DCF exposure after 96 h. stress. ROS may therefore be responsible for the genotoxic
In other studies biomarkers of damage (LPX and DNA activity of IBP. DCF and NPX only indicate DNA damage
damage) were significantly affected in marine mussel by oxidation of purine bases, but not by pyrimidine bases
(Mytilus spp) by DCF exposure in concentrations of oxidation.
398 L. M. Gómez-Oliván et al. Drug Chem Toxicol, 2014; 37(4): 391–399