Butterfly Book

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Butterfly ORACIE CARDS fos Change Doreen Virtue CONTENTS How to Work withthe ‘uc Onale Cant fr Life Canes. “The Meanings of the Cards. Adult Chen, Be True to You Rody Changes ‘Changing Your Mind. Courage « Decisions Dietary Change Emotions... ‘dof an Era amily Changes. Finances Forgiveness... (Get Some Rest Gracefully Aging (rie Work Healing the Pst. Health Cate Change Heavenly Sigs, Hobbies Join in| Keep the Fath Leaving ‘Memories Motivation ‘Moving New Career, [New Exercise Program. Parental Care Realization and Epiphanies Relationship Dynamics Religion and Spistualty Retcement i Seeking and Finding seltcare. SeleEmployment Sesunevesaareeaneese ‘Sentimental Felings. 86 Sobriety oo 88 Spirual Growth 22200 0 Support... cg Take the Next step Now. 4 Volunteer 96 Welcome the New Joss... 98 Windia, 100 You Are Stonger Than You Know... 102 About the Cover Artist... seve 108 ‘About the Author. peeved How to Work with the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes (Change isa constant part of if, like 4 river that's always flowing and lke the ‘yee ofthe seasons. Getting insight into the forks you encounter in the oad can ‘make navigating them less stressful and ‘intimidating, You can actually get excited bout making changes when you have reassurance that you're onthe right path, That's why these Butterfly Oracle Cards were created for you. A butterfly is perfect symbol ofthe beauty that oecurs when you undergo Ife ‘changes. Te metamorphosts unfolds after 4 long period of darkness and isolation fn the cocoon—and life can similarly fel ‘dark and lonely at times. et, thes frght- ‘ening experiences are what lead you to sie ‘new strength. Change is what gives but: teres wings toy and itcan do the same for you! Butterfes are also signs from Heaven that our loved ones ae watching over us and sending their love. When you see a buttery and think of a deceased friend ‘or relative, trust this asa sign. The same 1s true if you glimpse butterflies ating in ‘unusual ways, of If you notice references te them (uch as words o images in mag: azine, on television, on clothing. and so forth) at atime when you're grieving & loved one's pasing. ‘Change can fel stressful, even when Ws the happy kind. There’ a part of us ‘that rests change, even if it improves our lives. Psychologists call this entree, simi- larto the stress et during holiday times. ‘My prayer is that these cards can lessen the stres of life change. You ean ‘use this deck to gain clay and insight sae bout anything your going through that Sscems to be instigated by forces outside yoursel Such a5 job loss, family issues, Inalth challenges, and the lke 28 wells any changes you are considering or con- sciously creating. ‘With the help of the batteries and ‘the support of the angels, your tansfor- _mations will always be carried bythe soft ‘breeze of God's love tothe place of your Ihghest good, How to Prepare and Work with ‘Your Butterfly Oracle Cards ‘Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck ‘Your cards are sensitive instruments, sothey'l need to be cleared of any energy they may have absorbed from the manu facturing proces. Steps 1 and 2only need soe tepeating afte another person touches your cards or if your readings lack clarity because the cards have become clogged with too much energy. “To clear your catds, frst hold the deck in your nondominant hand (the one you normally don't write with), as this is the hand that reeves energy. Then, say «prayer over the cad, asking that they be cleared of any energy they may have absorbed, sch as “Dear God, thank You for ifting ‘away fom these cards anything ‘that isnot of Divine love ‘This clears out the old energy 50 that the cards are now a blank late and ready to be imbued with your own vibration ‘Step 2: Consecrate the Cards Brey touch the cards to infuse them with your personal energy Youcan simply touch one ofthe comers af each 1 accom plish this. Then, fan the deck out with ‘the artwork facing you. Hold the fanned ‘ards to your heart and think about any prayers o Intentions you'd like to bestow ‘upon them. This decks attuned to your thoughts and felings, so any intentions or prayers you think or say wil be absorbed into the cad energies. Ask and pray for whatever help you'd like while working with the ‘deck, such a8 confidence, clarity, compar sion, and so forth. You cards now carry ‘your personal vibration and intentions. ose ‘Step 3: Ask a Question ‘Think ofa question you'd like to have answered. Ifyou pulling cards for some: tne else, ask him or her to either think of or verbalize a question. Heaven hears your thoughts, so you needn't say your Inguiry aloud. Step 4 Shuffle the Cards While Thinking of the Question ‘Think ofthe question as you shuffle, and ask Heaven to help you with answers {nd guldance.Loften say this prayer, sim sar tothe one in Step 1, while shuffling “Dear God, Lak that You watch ner ths experience, making certain ‘that ony true Divine guldance comes through. Pease help me release my ‘ego fears so that can cleuly se, heat, feel, and krow the messages ‘that You have for me. Lak that this ‘oracte-card reading bring Blessings to ‘everyone ime.” Hone or more cards “jump ou ofthe deck while you'e shutting, place ther to the side, They'l be pat of your reading. ‘As you'reshuffling, youl likely notice feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. This Divine guidance will help you further understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to these impeesions as they ‘ome to you When your cards begin t clump into ‘vo distinct sections, I's time to stop ‘shuffling. You may also receive a feeling, thought, oF vision to cease—or you may even hear the words Stop shuffling now. ‘Trust and honor these Divine messages ‘that ae helping you with the reading, You ‘ant make a mistake and stop shutting too soon, 3 the Divine aw of Attraction ‘ensures that youl always choose the cards meant fr you. Step 5: Choose a Card “There's no single “correct” way to ‘draw a card, as your inner guidance will lead yout the right one for you You may feel most comfortable pulling from the top ofthe deck, or looking for card that sticks ut of the pack. Whatever way you select the card is perfect for you and your treading. Again, you cant make a mistake and choose wrongly Ifyou set aside a card (or card) that “jumped out of the deck while you were stuffing, carefully examine it (or them) too. Jumping cards carry additional infor ‘mation for you, much like a footnote in {book that adds o your understanding. ‘Step 6: Consult This Guidebook ‘Turn tothe corresponding page within this guidebook foreach card. As you ead the words, notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you, a5 they're once again 2 personalized part of the answer. Heaven will give you specific guidance to help walk you through any Iie changes, or to encourage you to take appropriate action. ‘Three-Card Messages ter completing Steps 3 and 4, pick three cards from the top ofthe deck With the images and words facing up, lay the first card to your left, the second one in the middle, andthe third to the right. ‘The card to your lft speaks about the ‘event that triggered the situation you're {Inquiring about. The middle card reveals [your quetton’s current status and what soe you need to know or work on right now. And the card to the right shows your immediate future, i you continue on your present path and follow the guidance of the mide card. You can always improve your future path by holding a postive ot- look and listening to your inner wisdom. CIEE Because these cards are specific to ie changes you've just made, are curently ‘making, oF are considering making, you ‘may need 19 meditate upon them to dis cover the deeper meaning. You can also tse this deck with one of my otfers 0 _get more details about life changes. Fot 10° ‘example, you can shufBe the Magica! Mes- Sages from the Fares Cards together with the Buterfy Oracle Cards for Life Changes (Or you can lay out three cards from the ‘utterly Oracle Cart or Life Changes an then, rght below, ay out three additional ‘ards fom the Magical Mermatis and Dot- ‘hins Orc Cards “The cards wil “speak” to you through your thoughts, flings signs, and dreams, ‘ery often epocting changes before you're even consciously aware of them. Brery time, these changes olfer opportunities for blessings and impoctant ie lessons. Trust the ist impression you receive when look- Ing atthe cards. This message Is always loving and accurate ane In the next section ofthis guidebook, youll nd specific meanings foreach card ‘Always remember that you have frewill choices about life. You ca aso improve the outcome of any situation through prayer, visualization, and positive affi- ‘mations. Heaven can help alter your future forthe better i youl ak for, and be open to, Divine assistance. ‘The Meanings of the Cards This guidebook explains the mean- lings forall the cards in the Butterfly ‘nace Cand for Life Changes deck. The card ‘names are listed alphabetically according to the frst word ofeach, Every entry ists additional meanings for you to meditate ‘upon, a the particular answer can sift according tothe question ashe. ‘When youre ready to lok up a card's ‘meaning find the corresponding page and tread the interpretation and symbolism for the entry. Your intuition will offer you even more personalized guidance, $0 as you read, simultaneously pay attention to your thought and feeings. Your body will also react when youre reading about an Inner truth—recognizing i as such with physial signals such as shudders, sighs, chil, or goose bumps. oe ADULT CHILDREN This card comes to you because of changes involving your children who are ow grown. Usually, signals that an adult child has moved away from home, is getting martied, or is off at college or vet othe family members. Regardles of the circumstances, this change seliiting strong feelings of gre, as the parenting prt of you life now shifts. You drew this ‘ard because there's avoid that needs be filled with new meaningful projects and activites. In some cases, this card means that aware the once

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