Man0614-905894C CNS6201 PS
Man0614-905894C CNS6201 PS
Man0614-905894C CNS6201 PS
Central Monitor
Bedside Monitor
BSM-3000 series
BSM-6000 series
Printed: 2020/08/06
Protocol Specifications
Central Monitor
Bedside Monitor
BSM-3000 series
BSM-6000 series
Copyright Notice
The entire contents of this manual are copyrighted by Nihon Kohden. All rights are reserved. No part of this document
may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded,
or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Nihon Kohden.
DANGER A danger alerts the user to a hazardous situation
which causes death or serious injury.
When several medical instruments are used When using the HL7 output data in a central
together, ground all instruments to the same monitor or bedside monitor, connect only the
one-point ground. Any potential difference between specified instrument to the central monitor or
instruments may cause electrical shock to the bedside monitor and follow the specified procedure.
patient and operator. Otherwise, the patient or operator may receive
electrical shock.
Do not use the HL7 output data as monitoring data
for diagnosis. For monitoring a patient, use
monitoring equipment such as a bedside monitor.
Nihon Kohden is not responsible for use and
application of output data.
Before connecting or disconnecting instruments, Do not pull the cables with too much force and
make sure that each instrument is turned off and keep the cables out of the way. Otherwise, people
the power cord is disconnected from the AC socket. may trip over them, the personal computer, central
Otherwise, it may cause electrical shock to the monitor or bedside monitor may fall and injure the
patient or operator, or it may cause data loss, patient or operator, and monitoring may be affected.
malfunction or instrument failure.
There are two or more network ports on the central Be careful to avoid computer viruses when
monitor. Connect the instrument to the port connecting instruments to the HL7 output port on
specified for HL7 output. Also, do not connect any the central monitor or bedside monitor.
unspecified instrument to other ports. Nihon
Kohden is not responsible for any damage on the
central monitor which is caused by incorrect
Using the same IP address on multiple instruments Nihon Kohden is not responsible for the following:
or making a loop connection on the network hub • Installation and management problems of an
may cause serious damage to the connected instrument or connector connected to the HL7
instruments. Network management must only be output port on the central monitor or bedside
done by qualified service personnel or a person monitor
with technical knowledge.
• Problems on the central monitor or bedside
monitor caused by the connected instruments or
The central monitor and bedside monitor are For customer convenience, Nihon Kohden provides
medical instruments and strict standards are information for outputting HL7 data as needed.
However, Nihon Kohden is not responsible for any
However, there is a possibility that connecting the use of output HL7 data directly involved with the
central monitor or bedside monitor to a personal patient life such as alarms or feedback system.
computer causes leakage current to flow to the
Also, be careful about effect from ECG artifact or
patient or operator and leads to a dangerous
data loss caused by noise from data transfer.
situation. It could be a legal matter if the HIS
supplier does not provide sufficient information or
training to the customer in regard to the above
The specifications in this Protocol Specification are This document contains confidential technical
correct as of March 2016. If the central monitor or information which is intended only for use of
bedside monitor software is updated, the authorized customers, and may not be shared with
specifications, especially messages, may change. any other third party. If you need to share this
information with a third party, contact Nihon
1. Overview
1.1. Behavior
1.2. Interfaces
2. Communication Protocol
2.1. Communication Acceptance
3. Data Structure
4. Data Items
5. Description of Abbreviations
6. Message Delimiters
7. HL7 Messages and Segments
7.1. Message List
7.2. Patient Information Query (Event A19)
7.2.1. Query of Patient Information: QRY^A19
7.2.2. Patient Basic Information Response Message: ADT Response (ADR^A19)
7.3. Unsolicited Transmission of Vital Data (Event R01)
7.3.1. Unsolicited Transmission of an Observation Message: ORU^R01
7.3.2. Observation Unsolicited Transmission Response Message: ACK^R01
7.4. Query for Results of Observation (Events R02, R04)
7.4.1. Vital Information Query Message: QRY^R02
7.4.2. Observation Result Query - Response Message: ORF^R04
8. Error Condition Table
8.1. HL7Table0357 – Message Error Condition Codes
Nihon Kohden Corporation is not responsible for any damage or harm caused by use of this product.
Nihon Kohden Corporation is not responsible for any damage or harm caused by use of data from
the HL7GW and the bedside monitor.
The user is responsible for any use of data from the HL7GW and the bedside monitor.
1.1. Behavior
The HL7 Gateway Server Program
The data output from HL7GW to an external system can not be used for the diagnosis.
The HL7 gateway server assumes cooperation with an external system (such as HIS) and
handles monitor information for the monitors that have been preconfigured to be connected.
Based on a patient ID entered from a monitor, the external system is queried about patient
information through the HL7 protocol and the information is returned to that monitor.1
The information retrieved from the monitors is sent to the external system actively on a regular
basis or as required by the system.
The information to send is the information retrieved from the monitors, including observation
information, and patient attribute information (retrieved from the external system).2
When Patient ID overlaps on the monitor system side, the output data from HL7 gateway
becomes irregular.
Continuous data output might fail because of a high load or temporary error in the network or
HL7 gateway server.
Be sure to confirm that there is nothing wrong with the patient information displayed on the monitor when a
patient ID is entered.
Information is not output in real time.
* The interface might be influenced by factors on the external system (such as HIS) side, including the setting
change, environmental change, and specification change.
* Any error occurring in the linkage including the network between the monitor and the HL7 gateway must be
recognizable by the external system as well.
*Supported parameters are different by the product. Please check the Appendix A for more information.
External system < [ QRY^A19 ] < HL7 GW (Central Monitor) < Bedside
External system > [ ADR^A19 ] > HL7 GW (Central Monitor) > Bedside
Input a Patient-ID
Query Send a Patient-ID
other system HL7GW
Patient Information
(HIS etc.)
(Central BED SIDE
(4) (5)
Answer Send
Patient Information Patient Information
(Name Birthday Sex
Height Weight Blood-Type)
Any query is limited to a query and response for only one patient at a time.
External system < [ ORU^R01 ] < HL7 GW (Central Monitor) < Monitor
External system > [ ACK^R01 ] > HL7 GW (Central Monitor)
numerical data
at a constant frequency (1)
HL7GW numerical data
other system
other system HL7GW
(Central Monitor)
((HIS Cyclic Monitor
This function returns the recent value received by the HL7 gateway from the monitor, but the value is not
real-time information.
The width of a single request with the period specified is 10 samplings or less. A one-minute interval
provides 10 minutes or less.
This function returns the numerical observation data corresponding to a specified patient ID and it is
stored by the central monitor. The data storage period depends on the central monitor.
An excessive request will cause an overload in the central monitor, network, or HL7 gateway, probably
leading to a problem such as an instable monitoring system or data output discontinuation. The problem
must be solved by the client (external system) side.
Input a Patient-ID
other system Bedside Monitor
Patient Information
(HIS etc.)
Patient Information
(Name Birthday Sex
Height Weight Blood-Type)
Any query is limited to a query and response for only one patient at a time.
numerical data
at a constant frequency
Bedside Monitor
other system
other system HL7GW
((HIS Cyclic
This function returns the recent value monitored by the bedside monitor, but the value is not real-time
The width of a single request with the period specified is 10 samplings or less. A one-minute interval
provides 10 minutes or less.
This function returns the numerical observation data corresponding to a specified patient ID and it is
stored by the bedside monitor. The data storage period depends on the bedside monitor.
An excessive request will cause an overload in the bedside monitor or network, probably leading to a
problem such as an instable monitoring system or data output discontinuation. The problem must be
solved by the client (external system) side.
Query and response of patient information The HL7 gateway and the
bedside monitor acts as a
Unsolicited transmission of observation values The HL7 gateway and the
bedside monitor acts as a
Query and response of observation values The HL7 gateway and the
bedside monitor acts as a
Once communication is established between the two systems, message exchanges start. The
sending system initiates message transmission. After transmitting a message, the sending
application must wait for an HL7 message-type response before transmitting the next message.
If the sending application does not receive an HL7 message-type response within a specified time,
it retransmits the message.
4. Data Items
The following two items are automatically generated from the above information.
Age: Calculated from the birth date.
Body surface area (BSA): Calculated from the height and weight.
HR, Resp, Temp, BP (SYS, DIAS, MEAN), SpO2, NIBP (SYS, DIAS, MEAN), etc.
Abbreviations used in each message or segment table are described below. (common to
all tables)
SEQ: Ordinal position of the data field within the segment. This number is used to refer to the data
field in the text comments that follow the segment definition table.
LEN: Maximum number of characters that one occurrence of the data field may occupy.
DT: Restrictions on the contents of the data field.
OPT: Whether the field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment.
R - required
O - optional
C - conditional on the trigger event or on some other field(s). The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should specify the algorithm
that defines the conditionality for this field.
X - not used with this trigger event
B - left in for backward compatibility with previous versions of HL7. The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should denote the optionality
of the field for prior versions.
HL7 G/W: A setup by this specification (this item defines the existence of segments in this system,
or element setup)
R - required
O - optional
C - conditional on the trigger event or on some other field(s). The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should specify the algorithm
that defines the conditionality for this field.
X - not used with this trigger event
B - left in for backward compatibility with previous versions of HL7. The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should denote the optionality
of the field for prior versions.
N - Usually not used (it is used only in Institution).
PVM: A setup by this specification (this item defines the existence of segments in this system, or
element setup) Bedside monitor
PVM-2700 Series.
R - required
O - optional
C - conditional on the trigger event or on some other field(s). The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should specify the algorithm
that defines the conditionality for this field.
X - not used with this trigger event
B - left in for backward compatibility with previous versions of HL7. The field
definitions following the segment attribute table should denote the optionality
of the field for prior versions.
N - Usually not used (it is used only in Institution).
Encoding Character
Delimiter Suggested Value Usage
Terminates a segment record. This value cannot
Segment Terminator <cr> (hex 0D) - be changed by implementers.
Separates two adjacent data fields within a
Field Separator | - segment. It also separates the segment ID from
the first data field in each segment.
Separates adjacent components of data fields
Component Separator ^ 1 where allowed.
Separates adjacent subcomponents of data fields
Subcomponent Separator & 4 where allowed. If there are no subcomponents,
this character may be omitted.
Separates multiple occurrences of a field where
Repetition Separator ~ 2 allowed.
Escape character for use with any field
represented by an ST, TX or FT data type, or
for use with the data (fourth) component of the
Escape Character \ 3 ED data type. If no escape characters are used
in a message, this character may be omitted.
However, it must be present if subcomponents
are used in the message.
Delimiter values
In the standard HL7 message protocol, these are no definition about the message start code. In this
system, we define the message start code as hex 0x0b in ASCII.
In the standard HL7 message protocol, these are no definition about the message terminator. In this
system, we define the message terminator as hex 0x1c 0x0d in ASCII.
HL7 Section
No. Function Message
MSG EVT Sending Receiving
Query and
HL7 Gateway
response of patient
Information Query, original mode QRY / Bedside Other system
1 A19 HL7
Gateway /
ADT response ADR Other system
Unsolicited HL7 Gateway
transmission of Unsolicited transmission of
observation values ORU / Bedside Other system
an observation message
2 R01 HL7
Braces {...} indicate one or more repetitions of the enclosed group of segments.
Brackets [...] indicate that the enclosed group of segments is optional.
If a group of segments is optional and may repeat it should be enclosed in brackets and braces
The MSH segment in a patient basic information query message consists of the following
G/W /
SEQ LEN DT RP/# Element Remarks
1 1 ST R R - Field Separator |
2 4 ST R R - Encoding Characters ^~\&
3 180 HD O O - Sending Application
4 180 HD O O - Sending Facility
5 180 HD O O - Receiving Application
6 180 HD O O - Receiving Facility
7 26 TS O O - Date/Time of Message
8 40 ST O N - Security
Message Type QRY^A19^QRY
9 13 CM R R -
10 20 ST R R - Message Control ID
11 3 PT R R - Processing ID P
12 60 VID R R - Version ID 2.4
13 15 NM O N - Sequence Number
14 180 ST O N - Continuation Pointer
N Accept Acknowledgement Type
15 2 ID O -
16 2 ID O R - Application Acknowledgement Type
17 3 ID O O - Country Code
18 16 ID O O Y Character Set
19 250 CE O N - Principal Language of Message
Alternate Character Set Handling
20 20 ID O O -
21 10 ID O N Y Conformance Statement ID
Table 3. Patient basic information query message: MSH Segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 protocol version 2.4
The QRD segment in a patient basic information query message consists of the following
G/W /
SEQ LEN DT OPT RP/# Element Remarks
1 26 TS R R - Query Date / Time
2 1 ID R R - Query Format Code R
3 1 ID R R - Query Priority I
4 10 ST R R - Query ID
5 1 ID O N - Deferred Response Type
6 26 TS O N - Deferred Response Date/Time
7 10 CQ R R - Quantity Limited Request RD^1
8 250 XCN R R Y Who Subject Filter
9 250 CE R R Y What Subject Filter
10 250 CE R R Y What Department Data Code
11 20 ST O N Y What Data Code Value Qual
12 1 ID O N - Query Results Level
Table 4. Patient basic information query message: QRD Segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in QRD segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
12 PV1 Patient Visit R
13 [PV2] Patient Visit Additional Info N
14 [{ROL}] Disability Information N
15 [{DB1}] Observation/Result N
16 [{OBX}] Allergy Information O
17 [{AL1}] Diagnosis Information N
18 [{DG1}] Diagnosis Related Group O
19 [DRG] Next of Kin/Associated Parties N
20 PR1 Procedures N
21 [{ROL}] Role N
22 [{GT1}] Guarantor N
23 IN1 Insurance N
24 [IN2] -
Insurance Additional Info N
25 [{IN3}] Insurance Additional Info – Cert N
26 [{ROL}] Role N
27 [ACC] Accident Information N
28 [UB1] Universal Bill Information N
29 [UB2] Universal Bill 2 Information N
30 [DSC] Continuation Pointer N
Table 5. Patient basic information response message (ADR)
Braces {...} indicate one or more repetitions of the enclosed group of segments.
Brackets [...] indicate that the enclosed group of segments is optional.
The MSH segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 protocol version 2.4
The MSA segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSA segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The QRD segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in QRD segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The PID segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
PID-8. Sex
Value Description
<Sex> Reference of HL7Table0001
F Female
M Male
O Other
U Unknown
The PV1 segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in PV1 segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The field definition of an indispensable setup in OBX segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
OBX-1. Set ID
Value Description
This field contains the sequence number.
Height: 2522^Height
Weight: 2523^Weight
Blood type: 520^Blood
OBX-6. Units
Value Description
The model specified by OBX-2 or OBX-5 is
Height and weight are in cm and kg.
The DG1 segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in DG1 segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
DG1-1. Set ID
Value Description
This field contains the sequence number.
It does not have any special purpose.
Braces {…} indicate one or more repetitions of the enclosed group of segments.
Brackets [...] indicate that the enclosed group of segments is optional.
If a group of segments is optional and may repeat it should be enclosed in brackets and
braces {[...]}.
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 protocol version 2.4
PID-8. Sex
Value Description
<Sex> Reference of HL7Table0001
F Female
M Male
O Other
U Unknown
The PV1 segment in a patient basic information response message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in PV1 segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
HL7GW uses Internet Protocol address to specify a pertinent monitor. HL7GW doesn't see the first Internet
Protocol address because the first Internet Protocol address on the monitor system side is the same of it. The one
that a wireless cordless handset such as ORG adheres is identified with Bed Index Number 1・・・8 of the
cordless handset.
2 22 EI C N - Placer Order Number
3 22 EI C N Filler Order Number
4 22 EI O N - Placer Group Number
5 2 ID O N N Order Status
6 1 ID O N - Response Flag
7 200 TQ O N Y Quantity/Timing
8 200 CM O N - Parent
9 26 TS O N Date/Time of Transaction
10 250 XCN O N Y Entered By
11 250 XCN O N Y Verified By
12 250 XCN O N Y Ordering Provider
13 80 PL O N - Enterer’s Location
14 250 XTM O N Y/2 Call Back Phone Number
15 26 TS O N - Order Effective Date/Time
16 250 CE O N - Order Control Code Reason
17 250 CE O N - Entering Organization
18 250 CE O N - Entering Device
19 250 XCN O N Y Action By
20 250 CE O N - Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code
21 250 XON O N Y Ordering Facility Name
22 250 XAD O N Y Ordering Facility Address
23 250 XTN O N Y Ordering Facility Phone Number
24 250 XAD O N Y Ordering Provider Address
25 250 CWE O N N Order Status Modifier
Table 17. Unsolicited transmission of an observation message: ORC segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in ORC segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The field definition of an indispensable setup in OBR segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
OBR-1. Set ID
Value Description
sequence number
The field definition of an indispensable setups in OBX segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
OBX-1. Set ID
Value Description
This field contains the sequence number.
OBX-6. Units
Value Description
The unit defined with the monitor system is set.
The HL7 Gateway closes the socket under the following conditions.
The MSH segment in a vital numerical information distribution message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 protocol version 2.4
The MSA segment in a vital numerical information distribution message consists of the following
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSA segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
Braces {...} indicate one or more repetitions of the enclosed group of segments.
Brackets [...] indicate that the enclosed group of segments is optional.
If a group of segments is optional and may repeat it should be enclosed in brackets and
braces {[...]}.
The MSH segment in a Vital Information Query Message consists of the following elements.
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 v2.4
The QRD segment in a Vital Information Query Message consists of the following elements.
G/W /
SEQ LEN DT OPT RP/# Element Remarks
1 26 TS R R - Query Date/Time
2 1 ID R R - Query Format Code R
3 1 ID R R - Query Priority I
4 10 ST R R - Query ID
5 1 ID O N - Deferred Response Type
6 26 TS O N - Deferred Response Date/Time
7 10 CQ R R - Quantity Limited Request RD^1
8 250 XCN R R Y Who Subject Filter
9 250 CE R R Y What Subject Filter
10 250 CE R R Y What Department Data Code
11 20 ST O N Y What Data Code Value Qual
12 1 ID O N - Query Results Level
Table 25. Observation Result Query - Query Message: QRD segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in QRD segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
G/W /
SEQ LEN DT OPT RP/# Element Remarks
1 20 ST R R Y Where Subject Filter
2 26 TS B N - When Data Start Date/Time
3 26 TS B N - When Data End Date/Time
4 60 ST O N Y What User Qualifier
5 60 ST O N Y Other QRY Subject Filter
6 12 ID O N Y Which Date/Time Qualifier
7 12 ID O N Y Which Date/Time Status Qualifier
8 12 ID O N Y Date/Time Selection Qualifier
9 60 TQ O O - When Quantity/Timing Qualifier
10 10 NM O N - Search Confidence Threshold
Table 26. Observation Result Query - Query Message: QRF segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in QRF segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
Braces {...} indicate one or more repetitions of the enclosed group of segments.
Brackets [...] indicate that the enclosed group of segments is optional.
If a group of segments is optional and may repeat it should be enclosed in brackets and
braces {[...]}.
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSH segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
MSH-11. Processing ID
Value Description
P (fixed) Production: Reference of HL7Table0103
MSH-12. Version ID
Value Description
2.4 (fixed) HL7 protocol version 2.4
The field definition of an indispensable setup in MSA segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The QRD segment in a Vital Information Query Message consists of the following elements.
Each value is the same as the QRD segment of the QRY message.
G/W /
SEQ LEN DT OPT RP/# Element Remarks
1 26 TS R R - Query Date/Time
2 1 ID R R - Query Format Code R
3 1 ID R R - Query Priority I
4 10 ST R R - Query ID
5 1 ID O N - Deferred Response Type
6 26 TS O N - Deferred Response Date/Time
7 10 CQ R R - Quantity Limited Request RD^1
8 250 XCN R R Y Who Subject Filter
9 250 CE R R Y What Subject Filter
10 250 CE R R Y What Department Data Code
11 20 ST O N Y What Data Code Value Qual
12 1 ID O N - Query Results Level
Table 30. Observation Result Query - Response Message: QRD segment
The field definition of an indispensable setup in QRD segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The PID segment in a Vital Information Response Message consists of the following elements.
PID-8. Sex
Value Description
<Sex> Reference of HL7Table0001
F Female
M Male
O Other
U Unknown
The ORC segment in a Vital Information Response Message consists of the following elements.
The field definition of an indispensable setup in ORC segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
The OBR segment in a Vital Information Response Message consists of the following elements.
12 250 CE O N - Danger Code
13 300 ST O N Relevant Clinical Info.
14 26 TS C N - Specimen Received Date/Time *
15 300 CM O O - Specimen Source *
16 250 XCN O N Y Ordering Provider
17 250 XTN O N Y/2 Order Callback Phone Number
18 60 ST O N - Placer Field 1
19 60 ST O N - Placer Field 2
20 60 ST O N - Filler Field 1 +
21 60 ST O N - Filler Field 2 +
22 26 TS C N - Results Rpt/Status Chng - Date/Time +
23 40 CM O N - Charge to Practice +
24 10 ID O N Diagnostic Serv Sect ID
25 1 ID C C - Result Status +
26 400 CM O N - Parent Result +
27 200 TQ O N Y Quantity/Timing
28 250 XCN O N Y/5 Result Copies To
29 200 CM O N Parent
30 20 ID O N - Transportation Mode
31 250 CE O N Y Reason for Study
32 200 CM O N - Principal Result Interpreter +
33 200 CM O N Y Assistant Result Interpreter +
34 200 CM O N Y Technician +
35 200 CM O N Y Transcriptionist +
36 26 TS O N - Scheduled Date/Time +
37 4 NM O N - Number of Sample Containers *
38 250 CE O N Y Transport Logistics of Collected Sample *
39 250 CE O N Y Collector's Comment *
40 250 CE O N - Transport Arrangement Responsibility
The field definition of an indispensable setup in OBR segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
OBR-1. Set ID
Value Description
sequence number
The OBX segment in a Vital Information Response Message consists of the following elements.
The field definition of an indispensable setup in OBX segment and an arbitrary setup is shown
OBX-1. Set ID
Value Description
This field contains the sequence number.
OBX-6. Units
Value Description
The unit defined with the monitor system is set.
【 】
1. Patient information query QRY^A19 ADR^A19 .......................................................... 9
2. Unsolicited observation - measurement value ORU^R01 ACK^R01 ....................... 10 】
【 】
3. Query for measurement value QRY^R02 ORF^R04 .................................................. 11
Appendix A ParameterList
2 Mean (mmHg) 050002 UA(M)||85|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 050003 PR(ua)||79|/min
51 UV 0 Systolic (mmHg) 051000 UV(S)||12|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 051001 UV(D)||6|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 051002 UV(M)||8|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 051003 PR(uv)||79|/min
52 PAP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 052000 PAP(S)||21|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 052001 PAP(D)||7|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 052002 PAP(M)||14|mmHg
53 CVP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 053000 CVP(S)||8|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 053001 CVP(D)||3|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 053002 CVP(M)||5|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 053003 PR(cvp)||6|/min
54 RAP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 054000 RAP(S)||135|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 054001 RAP(D)||80|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 054002 RAP(M)||102|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 054003 PR(rap)||79|/min
55 RVP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 055000 RVP(S)||9|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 055001 RVP(D)||4|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 055002 RVP(M)||6|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 055003 PR(rvp)||79|/min
56 LAP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 056000 LAP(S)||9|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 056001 LAP(D)||4|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 056002 LAP(M)||6|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 056003 PR(lap)||79|/min
57 LVP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 057000 LVP(S)||120|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 057001 LVP(D)||60|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 057002 LVP(M)||85|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 057003 PR(lvp)||79|/min
58 ICP 0 Maximum (mmHg) 058000 ICP(S)||8|mmHg
1 Minimum (mmHg) 058001 ICP(D)||3|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 058002 ICP(M)||5|mmHg
59 ICP-2 0 Maximum (mmHg) 059000 ICP_2(S)||8|mmHg *1
1 Minimum (mmHg) 059001 ICP_2(D)||3|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 059002 ICP_2(M)||5|mmHg *1
60 ICP-3 0 Maximum (mmHg) 060000 ICP_3(S)||8|mmHg *1
1 Minimum (mmHg) 060001 ICP_3(D)||3|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 060002 ICP_3(M)||5|mmHg *1
61 ICP-4 0 Maximum (mmHg) 061000 ICP_4(S)||8|mmHg *1
1 Minimum (mmHg) 061001 ICP_4(D)||3|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 061002 ICP_4(M)||5|mmHg *1
62 Press 0 Systolic (mmHg) 062000 PRESS(S)||135|mmHg
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 062001 PRESS(D)||80|mmHg
2 Mean (mmHg) 062002 PRESS(M)||102|mmHg
3 Average PR (/min) 062003 PR(p1)||79|/min
63 Press-2 0 Systolic (mmHg) 063000 PRESS_2(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 063001 PRESS_2(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 063002 PRESS_2(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 063003 PR(p2)||79|/min *1
64 Press-3 0 Systolic (mmHg) 064000 PRESS_3(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 064001 PRESS_3(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 064002 PRESS_3(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 064003 PR(p3)||79|/min *1
65 Press-4 0 Systolic (mmHg) 065000 PRESS_4(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 065001 PRESS_4(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 065002 PRESS_4(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 065003 PR(p4)||79|/min *1
66 Press-5 0 Systolic (mmHg) 066000 PRESS_5(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 066001 PRESS_5(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 066002 PRESS_5(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 066003 PR(p5)||79|/min *1
67 Press-6 0 Systolic (mmHg) 067000 PRESS_6(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 067001 PRESS_6(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 067002 PRESS_6(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 067003 PR(p6)||79|/min *1
68 Press-7 0 Systolic (mmHg) 068000 PRESS_7(S)||12|mmHg *1
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 068001 PRESS_7(D)||6|mmHg *1
2 Mean (mmHg) 068002 PRESS_7(M)||8|mmHg *1
3 Average PR (/min) 068003 PR(p7)||79|/min *1
69 Press-8 0 Systolic (mmHg) 069000 PRESS_8(S)||12|mmHg *1 *4 *5
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 069001 PRESS_8(D)||6|mmHg *1 *4 *5
2 Mean (mmHg) 069002 PRESS_8(M)||8|mmHg *1 *4 *5
3 Average PR (/min) 069003 PR(p8)||79|/min *1 *4 *5
72 PR 0 Average PR (/min) 072000 PR||79|/min
7 SpO2 Avg PR (/min) 072007 rPR(spo2)||80|/min
8 SpO2_2 Avg PR (/min) 072008 rPR(spo2_2)||80|/min *1
44 ART Avg PR (/min) 072044 rPR(art)||80|/min
45 ART-2 Avg PR (/min) 072045 rPR(art_2)||80|/min *1
46 RAD Avg PR (/min) 072046 rPR(rad)||80|/min
47 DORS Avg PR (/min) 072047 rPR(dors)||80|/min
48 AO Avg PR (/min) 072048 rPR(ao)||80|/min
49 FEM Avg PR (/min) 072049 rPR(fem)||80|/min
50 UA Avg PR (/min) 072050 rPR(ua)||80|/min
51 UV Avg PR (/min) 072051 rPR(uv)||80|/min
52 PAP Avg PR (/min) 072052 rRP(pap)||80|/min
53 CVP Avg PR (/min) 072053 rPR(cvp)||80|/min
54 RAP Avg PR (/min) 072054 rPR(rap)||80|/min
55 RVP Avg PR (/min) 072055 rPR(rvp)||80|/min
56 LAP Avg PR (/min) 072056 rPR(lap)||80|/min
57 LVP Avg PR (/min) 072057 rPR(lvp)||80|/min
62 Press Avg PR (/min) 072062 rPR(press)||80|/min
63 Press-2 Avg PR (/min) 072063 rPR(press2)||80|/min *1
64 Press-3 Avg PR (/min) 072064 rPR(press3)||80|/min *1
65 Press-4 Avg PR (/min) 072065 rPR(press4)||80|/min *1
66 Press-5 Avg PR (/min) 072066 rPR(press5)||80|/min *1
67 Press-6 Avg PR (/min) 072067 rPR(press6)||80|/min *1
68 Press-7 Avg PR (/min) 072068 rPR(press7)||80|/min *1
69 Press-8 Avg PR (/min) 072069 rPR(press8)||80|/min *1 *4 *5
73 CO2 0 Average Resp Rate 073000
1 Exp CO2 (EtCO2) 073001
2 Insp CO2 (FiCO2) 073002
3 Apnea (sec) 073003 APSEC(CO2)||0|sec
75 FiO2 0 Inspired O2 (FiO2) (%) 075000 FiO2||23.00|% *1 *5
1 Expired O2 (EtO2) (%) 075001 EtO2||50.00|% *1 *4 *5
76 CCO 0 CCO (L/min) 076000 CCO||5.12|L/min *1
1 Tb (C) 076001 CCOTb||37.2|C *1
2 CI (L/min/m2) 076002 CCI||2.93|L/(min*sq,m,) *1
83 SvO2 0 SvO2 (CCO) (%) 083000 *1
84 tcP (tcPO2 0 TcPO2 (mmHg) 084000 tcPO2||40|mmHg *1
+ tcPCO2) 1 TcPCO2 (mmHg) 084001 *1
85 Flow 0 Average Resp Rate 085000 *1
1 MV (L/min) 085001 MV(Flow)||5.3|L/min *1
2 Expired TV (mL) 085002 TV(Flow)||500|mL *1
12 Apnea Time (sec) 085012 APSEC(Flow)||6|sec *1
86 PAW 0 Maximum (Ppeak) 086000 *1
3 PEEP (cmH2O) 086003 PEEP||3.00|cmH2O *1
88 Ventilator 0 Compliance 088000 *1
1 Resistance 088001 *1
2 PAW Minimum 088002 *1
3 PAW Mean (cmH2O) 088003 EVITAPmean||1.00|cmH2O *1
5 PEEP (cmH2O) 088005 EVITAPEEP||1.00|cmH2O *1
6 PAW Peak (cmH2O) 088006 EVITAPpeak||1.00|cmH2O *1
7 TV (L) 088007 EVITATV||0.08|L *1
8 Spont Resp Rate 088008 *1
9 Spont MV (L/min) 088009 EVITAMVspo||1.0|L/min *1
10 MV (L/min) 088010 EVITAMV||1.1|L/min *1
11 Airway Temperature 088011 *1
12 Resp Rate (/min) 088012 EVITARR||13|/min *1
13 ExpCO2 (EtCO2) 088013 *1
14 InspO2 (FiO2) (%) 088014 EVITAFiO2||1.00|% *1
91 Anesthesia 0 ExpAgent CO2 091000 *1
(EtCO2) (mmHg)
1 InspAgent CO2 091001 *1
(FiCO2) (mmHg)
2 ExpAgent N2O 091002 *1
(EtN2O) (%)
3 InspAgent N2O 091003 *1
(FiN2O) (%)
4 ExpAgent O2 (EtO2) 091004 *1
5 InspAgent O2 (FiO2) 091005 *1
6 ExpHal (EtHAL) (%) 091006 ANESEtHal||1.00|% *1
7 InspHal (FiHAL) (%) 091007 ANESFiHal||1.00|% *1
8 ExpIso (EtISO) (%) 091008 ANESEtISO||2.50|% *1
9 InspIso (FiISO) (%) 091009 ANESFiISO||3.50|% *1
10 ExpEnf (EtENF) (%) 091010 ANESEtENF||3.50|% *1
11 InspEnf (FiENF) (%) 091011 ANESFiENF||4.00|% *1
12 ExpDes (EtDES) (%) 091012 ANESEtDES||10.00|% *1
13 InspDes (FiDES) (%) 091013 ANESFiDES||10.00|% *1
14 ExpSev (EtSEV) (%) 091014 ANESEtSEV||1.00|% *1
15 InspSev (FiSEV) (%) 091015 ANESFiSEV||1.00|% *1
18 Agent Resp Rate 091018 *1
19 Agent Apnea (sec) 091019 APSEC(ANES)||5|sec *1
103 BIS 0 BIS 103000 BIS||68.0| *1
108 Delta-SpO2 0 Delta-SpO2 (%) 108000 dSpO2||8|% *1 *5
111 EEG1 0 SEF (Spectral Edge 111000 *1 *4 *5
Frequency) (Hz)
3 TP (Total Power) (nW) 111003 TP1||9.99|nW *1 *4 *5
112 EEG2 0 SEF (Spectral Edge *1 *4 *5
112000 SEF2||5.9|Hz
Frequency) (Hz)
3 TP (Total Power) (nW) 112003 TP2||9.99|nW *1 *4 *5
113 CNIBP 0 Systolic (mmHg) 113000 SYS(cnibp)||200|mmHg *1 *3 *4 *5
1 Diastolic (mmHg) 113001 DIAS(cnibp)||100|mmHg *1 *3 *4 *5
2 Mean (mmHg) 113002 MEAN(cnibp)||155|mmHg *1 *3 *4 *5
119 PiCCO 0 PCCO (L/min) 119000 PCCO(EXT)||5.12|L/min *1
1 PCCI (L/min/m2) 119001 PCCI(EXT)||2.93|L/(min*sq,m,) *1
9 Tb(EXT) (C) 119009 Tb(EXT)||37.2|C *1
17 ScvO2 (%) 119017 ScvO2(EXT)||69|% *1
Appendix B samples
DG1|1|||Server overweight||||||||||||WhiteID-9800|||
2. Unsolicited observation - measurement value 【ORU^R01 ACK^R01 】
【 ORU R01 】HL7GW / Bedside monitor → Other system
3. Query for measurement value 【QRY^R02 ORF^R04 】
transmission interval : 5 minutes
1-31-4 Nishiochiai, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 161-8560, Japan Via Fratelli Bronzetti 28, 24124 Bergamo, Italy
Phone + 81 3- 5996 -8036 Phone + 39 035-219543
Fax + 81 3- 5996-8100 Fax + 39 035-232546
Contact information is accurate as of January 2016. Visit for the latest information.
The model and serial number of your instrument are identified on the rear or bottom of the unit.
Write the model and serial number in the spaces provided below. Whenever you call your representative concerning
this instrument, mention these two pieces of information for quick and accurate service.
Your Representative