Previous Page: TABLE 2.20 2.20 Physical Constants of Organic Compounds (Confznuea
Previous Page: TABLE 2.20 2.20 Physical Constants of Organic Compounds (Confznuea
Previous Page: TABLE 2.20 2.20 Physical Constants of Organic Compounds (Confznuea
nl 1-h'aphthaldehyde 156.18 7, 400 1.150:O 1.652020 1-2 161'5m >110 s alc, eth
n2 Naphthalene 128.17 5. 531 1.162iC 1.58211w 80 217.7 79 0.3 aq; 7 alc; 33 bz; 50
n3 l-h'aphthalene- 172.18 9, 647 160-162 300 sl s aq; v s h o t alc, eth
carboxylic acid
n4 1,5-Naphthalene- 158.20 13, 203 185- 187 s h o t aq, hot alc
n5 1,8-Naphthalene- 158.20 13. 204 1.1265p 1.682899 66.5 205!27~" sl s aq; s alc, eth
Formula Beilstein
Beilstein Density, Refractive
Refractive Melting Boiling Flash Solubility
Solubility in 100
No. Name Formula weight reference g/mL
g/mL index point, °C
"C point, °C
"C point, °C
"C parts solvent
p193 1,3-Propanediolhis- CH2(CHZCO,CC6H4NH,), 314.34 14,, 1034 1.140 124-127
p194 1,Z-Propanediol C,H,CO,CH,CH(CH,)- 284.31 9, 129 1.160 1.545020 -3 232L2m >110
dihenzoate O,CC,H,
p195 1,3-Propanedithiol HSCH,CH,CH,SH 108.23 1,476 1.0772;" 1.540520 ~ 79 172.9 58 misc alc, bz, eth, chl
p196 1-Propanesulfonyl CH,CH,CH,SO,CI 142.60 4,8 1.2864i5 1.4542," 668m 80 dec hot aq, hot alc
p197 1,3-Propane snltone 122.14 19,. 4 1.392 31-33 180,- >110
p198 1-Propanethiol CH,CH,CH,SH 76.16 1,359 0.836i5 1.43802" ~ 113 67-68 - 20 s alc, eth
p199 2-Propanethiol CH,CH(SH)CH, 76.16 1,367 0.809:5 1.425520 - 131 52.6 - 34 misc alc, eth, sl s aq
p200 1,2,3-Propanetriol H,CCO,CH(CH,O,CCH,), 218.21 2, 147 1.15802O 1.430Z2" ~ 78 259 138 7.2 aq; misc alc, bz,
tris(acetate) chl, eth
p201 1-Propanol CH,CH,CH,OH 60.10 1,350 0.803720 1.38402" - 127 97.2 23 misc aq, alc, eth
p202 2-Propanol (CH,),CHOH 60.10 1,360 0.7855t0 1.377Zz0 - 89.5 82.4 12 misc aq, alc, chl, eth
p203 2-Propenal H,C=CHCHO 56.07 1,725 0.841:O 1.401720 - 88 52.6 - 18 21 aq; s alc, eth
p204 Propene H,C=CHCH, 42.08 1, 196 0.610-,4* 1.3567-" - 185.2 - 47.7 - 108 vols in 100 vols
solvent: 45 aq; 1200
alc; 500 acet
p205 2-Propene-1-thiol H,C=CHCH,SH 74.15 1,440 0.925f 1.4765," 67-68 21 misc alc, eth
p206 irans-l,2,3-Propene- 174.11 2,849 190 dec 50 aqZ; 50 88% alcI2;
tricarhoxylic acid sl s eth
p207 1-Propen-2-yl acetate H,C=C(O,CCH,)CH, 100.12 0.909 1.40W0 97 18
p208 4-( 1-Propenyloxy- 158.16 1.100 1.461Ozo 251-252 >I10
methyl). 1,3-dioxo-
p209 2-Propenylphenol CH,CH=CHC,H,OH 134.18 6l, 279 1.044 1.578Ozo 230-231 90
p210 PPropiolactone 72.06 17l, 130 1.1460;O 1.413 lz0 ~ 33.4 162 70 37 aq(hyd); misc alc
(reacts);hz, eth,
p211 Propionaldehyde CH,CH,CHO 58.08 1,629 0.8071io 1.3636,O -81 48 - 30 30 aq; misc alc, eth
p212 Propionamide CH,CH,CONH, 73.10 2,243 0.9597:O 1.4160J'0 79 222.2 v s aq, alc, chl, eth
p213 Propionic acid CH,CH,CO,H 74.09 2,234 0.9934Zn 1.380920 - 20.5 141.1 52 misc aq; s alc, chl, eth
p214 Propionic anhydride [CH,CH,C( =0)120 130.14 2,242 1.011020 1.4037,O ~ 45 170 63 dec aq; s alc, chl, eth
9215 Propionitrile CH,CH,CN 55.08 2,245 0.7818:O 1,3658," - 92.8 97.2 2 10 aq; misc alc, eth
p216 Propionyl chloride CH,CH2COCI 92.53 2,243 1.065:" 1.4O5lz0 ~ 94 80 11 dec by aq, alc
p217 Propiophenone C,H,COCH,CH, 134.18 72, 231 l.0105$n 1.525820 21 218.0 87 misc hz, eth, ahs alc
p218 2-Propoxyethanol CH,CHZCH20CH2CH20H 104.15 1,468 0.913 1.413OZn - 75 150-153 48
p219 2-(2-Propoxyethyl)- C,H4NCH,CH,0CH,CH2CH, 165.24 0.954 1.48802" 95
p220 1-Ropoxy-2-propanol C5H,NCH2CH20CH2CH(OH)CH3 118.18 12, 536 0.885 1.41lPo 140-160 48
Ropoxytrimethylsilane CH,CH,CH,OSi(CHJ, 132.28 4,4, 3994 0.7682O 1.384PO 100735m.n -2
p222 Ropy1 acetate CH3CH2CH,02CCH3 102.13 2, 129 0.8878 1.3844'O - 93 101.6 13 2.3 aq; misc alc, eth
p223 Ropylamine CH3CH2CH2NH2 59.11 4, 136 0.717320 1.387220 - 83 42.2 - 31 misc aq, alc, eth
p224 2-(Propylamino)- C,HlNHCH2CH20H 103.17 4,282 0.900 1.441520 1827d6m 78
p225 Propylbenzene CH,CH,CH,C,H: 120.20 5, 390 0.8621:O I.4912,O - 99.2 159.2 47 s alc, eth
p226 Propyl benzoate C6H,C02CH,CH2CH3 164.20 9, 112 1.03220 1.501ff0 -51.6 230 98 i aq; s alc, eth
p227 Propyl butyrate CH3CH2CH2C02CH2CH2CH, 130.19 2, 271 0.879i5 1.40W0 - 95 143 38 sl s aq; misc alc, eth
p228 Propyl chloroformate C1C02CH,CH2CH, 122.55 3, 11 1.090 1.403420 105-106 28 misc bz, chl, eth
p229 Propylc yclohexane CH,CH,CH,C,H,, 126.24 5,, 23 0.7929:O 1.431ff0 - 94.9 156.7 35 s bz, eth
p230 Propylene carbonate 102.09 l9,, 1564 1.204120 1.421ff0 -48.8 242 135 v s aq, alc, bz, eth
p23 1 Propyleneimine CH,CH-CH, 57.09 20, 3 0.801725 1.4084" 66.0 - 15 misc aq, alc, PE
p232 1,2-Propyleneoxide CH,CH-CH, 58.08 17, 6 0.828720 1.36602O - 112 34 - 35 41 aq; misc alc, eth
\O/ (CC)
p233 Propylene sulfide CH,CH-CH, 74.15 172, 15 0.946 1.476ffo 72-75 10
p234 Propyl formate CH,CH2CH202CH 88.10 2, 21 0.905820 1.377920 - 92.9 80.9 -3 2 aq; misc alc, eth
p235 Propyl4-hydroxy- HOC,H,C02CH2CH2CH, 180.20 10. 160 95-98 0.05 aq; \ s alc, eth
p236 Propyl isocyanate CH,CH,CH,NCO 85.11 4', 366 0.908 1.394020 83-84 0
p237 Propyl lactate CH,CH(OH)C02CH2CH2CH, 132.16 3, 265 0.99620 1.416725 86401m s aq, alc. eth
p238 Propyl nitrate CH3CH,CH,0N0, 105.09 I, 355 1.0538Z0 1.397620 - loo 110.1 23 (may s alc. eth
p239 2-Propylpentanoic acid (CH3CH,CH2),CHC02H 144.21 2, 350 0.921 1.425ffO 220 111
p240 2-Propylphenol CH,CH2CH,C6H,0H 136.19 6,499 1.01520 1.527g20 224-226 93 s alc, eth
p241 Propylphosphonic CH3CH2CH2P(0)C12 160.97 4. 596 1.290 1.464320 9P- >I10
dichl oride
p242 Propyltrichlorosilane CH,CH,CH,SiCI, 177.53 4, 630 1.18512O 1.42920 123-124 2
p243 I-Propyl-4-piperidone 141.22 0.936 1. 4 6 W o 56'- 75
p244 Propyl propionate CH,CH,CO,CH,CH,CH, 116.16 2, 240 0.88320 1.393520 - 76 122.5 19 0.5 aq; 103 alc; 83 eth
P245 Ropy1 3,4,5-t1i- (HO),C,&IzCOzCH2CH2CH, 212.20 Muck 150 0.35 aq; 1 alc; 83 eth
hydroxybenzoate 12,8044
P246 Propyne CH,CECH 40.06 1, 246 0.691-j0 1.3725-" - 102.8 - 23.2 v s alc; 3000 mL eth
P247 2-Propynyl benzene- C6H,SO,CHzC=CH 196.23 113.37 1.243 1.52502O - 30 1421mm 100
P248 2-Propynoic acid HCECC0,H 70.05 2,477 1.138p 1.4320" 9 1022- 58 s aq, alc, eth
P249 2-Propyn-1-01 HCECH,OH 56.06 1,454 0.947820 1.432010 -51.8 114 36 misc aq, alc, bz, chl
p250 (+)-Pulegone 152.24 7, 87 0.93461, 1.4870" 224 85 misc alc, chl, eth
p251 Pyrazine 80.09 23.91 1.031i1 1.49536' 55 115 55 v s aq, alc, eth
p252 Pyrazinecarbonitrile 105.10 25,, 777 1.174 1.5340" 876m 96
p253 Pyrazinecarboxylic 124.10 25, 125 225 dec sl s hot aq; 0.008 abs
acid alc; i bz, chl, eth
p254 Pyrazole 68.08 23.39 1.4203 68 187 s aq, alc, bz, eth
p255 Pyrene 202.26 5,693 1.27lZ3 151 404 s org solvents
p256 Py ridazine 80.09 23.89 1.10351, 1.523OZ3 -8 208 85 misc aq, bz; v s alc,
p257 Pyridine 79.10 20, 181 0.98271, 1.5067= -41.6 115.2 20 misc aq, alc, eth
p258 Pyridine-d, 84.14 20,. 2305 1.050 1.5092" 114.4 20
p259 2-Pyridinealdoxime 122.13 211,288 110-112
p260 4-Py ri di n e al d o xi m e 122.13 130-133
p261 2-Pyridinecarbox- 107.11 211,287 1.126 1.537010 181 54
p262 3-Pyridinecarbox- 107.11 211,288 1.135 1.5493" 9715- 60
p263 CPyridinecarbox- 107.11 21,287 1.122 1.544020 7812- 54 s aq, eth
P264 3-Pyridinecarboxamide 122.13 22.40 1.400 1.466 130-133 100 aq; 66 alc
p265 2-Pyridinecarboxylic 123.11 22.33 134-136 sublimes s aq, alc, bz; v s
acid HOAc
p266 3-Pyridinecarboxylic 123.11 22.38 1.473 236.6 sublimes 1.4 aq; s alk; v s hot
acid aq, hot alc
p267 4-Pyridinecarboxylic 123.11 22,45 319 2601,"" 0.52 aq; i alc, bz, eth
p268 2.3-F'yridinedi- 167.12 22, 150 188-190 0.56 aq; s alk
carboxylic acid dec
p269 2,5-Pyridinedi- 167.12 22, 153 256 dec shot acid
carboxylic acid
p270 2.6-q.ridinedi- 167.12 22, 154 248-250 sl s aq; v sl s alc
carboxylic acid dec
p27 1 F'yridine-N-oxide C,H,NO 95.10 202, 131 61-65 270
p272 Pyridinium p-toluene- C,H,NH+ -O,SCJ.,CH, 251.31 202, 129 117-119
p273 2-F'yridylcarbinol (C,H,N)-Z-CHZOH 109.13 211, 203 1.131 1.54202'' >llO v s aq, alc, eth
p274 3-F'yridylcarbinol (C,H,N)-3-CH20H 109.13 21, 50 1.124 1.544520 >110 v s aq, eth
p275 3-(3-F'yridyl)-l- (CSH,N)-3-CH,CH,CH,0H 137.18 213, 549 1.063 1.530W0 >110
p276 3-(4-Pyridyl)-1- (C,H4N)-4-CHzCH,CH,0H 137.18 214, 550 1.061 35-39 289 >110
p277 Pyrimidine 80.09 23, 89 1.016 1.50402" 22 124 31 misc aq; s alc, eth
p278 2,4( 1H,3H)- 112.09 24, 312 335 0.3 aq; s alk
p279 Pyrrole 67.09 20, 159 0.9691:'' 1.5085'" -23.4 130 39 4.5 aq; v s alc, eth
p280 Pyrrolidine 71.12 20, 4 0.8586''' 1.4431'" -58 86.5 3 misc aq; s alc, chl, eth
p28 1 1-F'yrrolidinebutyro- 138.21 0.926 1.4605''' 1151smm 99
p282 1-F'yrrolidinecarbo- 164.29 153-155
dithioic acid, am-
monium salt
p283 1-Pyrrolidinecarho- 96.13 0.954 1.4690'" 771.8- 101
p284 1-Pyrrolidino-l- 151.25 0.940 1.522S2" 115's- 39
p285 2-Pyrro1idinone 85.11 21, 236 1.116:, 1.480625 25 25 1 129 misc aq, ale, hz, chl,
eth, EtOAc
p286 3-(N-Pymolidino)- 145.20 20', 4 46-48 15836"" >110
ql Quinhydrone 218.20 7, 617 1.401:" 171-173 shot aq, alc, eth
q2 Quinine 324.44 23,511 1.625 173-175 125 ale; 1.2 bz; 83 chl
q3 Quinoliine 129.16 20, 339 1.095f 1.6273''' -15 237 101 0.6 aq; misc alc, eth
q4 Quinoxaline 130.15 23, 176 1.334:8 1.623148 29-32 220-223 98 v s aq, ale, bz, eth
q5 2-Quinoxalinol 146.15 24, 147 271-272
rl D-Raflinose penta- 594.52 31, 462 80-82 dec 118 14 aq; 10 MeOH
r2 Resorcinol 110.11 6, 796 1.272 110-1 12 280 111 aq; 111 ale; v s
r3 Resorcinol 1,3- 194.19 6, 816 1.178 1.5030''' 14612""" >110
s8 Squalene 470.73 l', 130 0.8584z0 1.496P - 75 285zsm 200 v s eth, acef PE
TABLE 2.20
2.20 Physical
Physical Constants
Constants of
of Organic
Organic Compounds
Compounds (Continued)
Formula Beilstein
Beilstein Density, Refractive
Density, Refractive Melting
Melting Boiling
Boiling Flash
Flash Solubility in 100
Solubility in
No. Name
Name Formula weight
weight reference
reference €m-
g/mL index
index point. °C
point, OC point. °C
point, OC point. °C
point, OC parts
parts solvent
074 Trimethylhydro- 152.19 6,931 172-174 s aq; v s alc, bz, eth
075 1,3,3-Trimethyl-2- 154.25 6, 70 0.9641:'' 39-45 20 1 73 s alc, eth
t376 1,3,3-Trimethyl-2- 152.24 7, 96 0.94818 1.463518 5 192-194 52 v s alc, eth
t377 Trimethyl orthoacetate 120.15 Z2, 128 0.9428Z5 1.385925 107-109 16 v s alc, eth
t378 Trimethyl 106.12 2, 19 0.9676:'' 1.37902" 100.6 15
t379 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2- 113.16 0.887 1.421320 112-113 12
t380 2,2,3-Trimethylpentane 114.23 l', 62 0.7 160:' 1.4O3Oi0 - 112.3 110 <21 s eth, sl s alc
t381 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 114.23 12, 127 0.6919:'' 1.3915," - 107.4 99.2 - 12 s bz, chl, eth
t382 2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 114.23 13,500 0.7 190:" 1.4O4Z2O - 109.2 113-114 5 s alc, org solv
t383 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3- 146.22 13,2225 0.928:: 1.451315 52-56 232 113 1.8 aq; 75 alc; 22 bz;
pentanediol 25 acet
t384 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1- 112.22 13,849 0.7150:'' 1.411ZZo - 93 101-102 -6
t385 2,3,5-Trimethylphenol 136.19 6,518 92-95 230-231
t386 2,3,6-Trirnethylphenol 136.19 62-64
t387 2,4,6-Trimethylphenol 136.19 6,518 71-74 220
t388 2,4,6-Trimethyl-1,3- 152.23 13'. 190 88-91
t389 Trimethyl phosphate 140.08 1,286 1.1972n 1.39672n - 46 197 107 100 aq; s alc
t390 Trimethyl phosphite 124.08 1,285 1.046;" 1.40802n - 78 111-112 27 dec aq; misc alc, acet,
bz, PE
t391 Trimethyl phosphono- 182.11 1.125 1.437020 lls(J85- >110
t392 1,2,4-Trimethyl- 128.22 0.851:: 1.448025 - 50 1517&- s aq, alc, acet, bz
t393 2,4,6-Trimethylpyridine 121.18 20,250 0.9 166?2 1.495925 - 46 171 57 3.5 aq; misc eth; s alc,
bz, chl
t394 N-(Trimethylsily1)- 131.25 46-49 186 57
t395 Trimethylsilyl acetate CH,CO,Si(CH,), 132.24 43, 1857 0.882 1.38802" -32 108 4
t396 N-(Trimethylsily1)- 140.26 0.956 1.475120 9414mm 5
097 Trimetbylsily1 H2C=C(CH,)C0,Si(CH3)3 158.28 0.890 1.41502'' 512- 32
t398 Trimetbylsilyl hi- CF,SO,Si(CH,), 222.26 1.228 1.360P0 770- 25
fluoromethane sul-
t399 Trimethylsulfonium 204.07 2 15-220
iodide sublime
t400 Trimethylsulfoxonium 220.07 169 dec
t400a 1,7,7-Trimethylhi- 136.24 5, 164 0.86688" 1.42968'' 67.5 152.5
cyclo[2.2.1 . o q
t401 Trimethylvinylsilane 100.24 0.649 1.39202" 55 < -34
t402 2,4,6-Trinitroaniline 228.12 12, 763 1.76214 188-190 explodes s hot acet; sl s alc
t403 1,2,4-Trinitrobenzene 213.11 5, 271 1.7316 61-62 explodes 5.5 alc; 7.1 eth; i aq
t404 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 213.11 5, 271 1.6882" 122.5 explodes 0.035 aq; 1.9 alc; 1.5
eth; 6.2 bz
t405 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 227.13 5, 347 1.6542'' 80.1 explodes 1.5 alc; 4 eth, s bz,
acet; 0.01 aq
t406 Trioctylamine 353.68 4, 196 0.809 1.44852u 365-367 >110
t407 1,3,5-Trioxane 90.08 19, 381 1.17065 60.2 115 45 17.2 ad8; v s alc, bz,
eth, EtOAc
t408 4,7,1O-Trioxa-1,13- 220.31 4,4, 1625 1.005 1.46402" 14S4"" >110
t409 Tripentaerythritol 372.41 225 dec
TABLE 2.20 Physical
Formula Beilstein
Beilstein Density, Refractive
Density, Refractive Melting
Melting Boiling
Boiling Flash
Flash Solubilityinin100
Solubility 100
No. Name
Name Formula weight
weight reference
reference g/mL
g/mL index
index point,O°C
point. C point,O°C
point. C point,O°C
point. C partssolvent
parts solvent
t416 Triphenylmethanol 260.34 6,713 1.199: 160-163 360 v s alc, bz, eth; i aq
t417 Triphenylmethyl 323.24 5, 704 152-154 23015mm
t418 Triphenylmethyl 278.78 5,700 110-112 235,-
t419 Triphenyl phosphate 326.29 6, 179 50-52 2441- 223 misc alc; s bz, acet,
chl, eth; i aq
t420 Triphenylphosphine 262.29 16,759 1.075:' 79-81 377 181 v s eth, s bz, chl,
HOAc; sl s alc; i aq
t421 Triphenylphosphine 278.29 16,783 156-158
t422 Triphenyl phosphite 310.29 6, 177 1.184 1.5903" 22-24 360 218 s alc, bz, chl, eth
t423 Triphenylsilane 260.41 16,. 605 42-44 1522mm 76
t424 Triphenyltin acetate 409.06 1@, 1606 124-126 s eth, sl s alc, bz
t425 Triphenyltin chloride 385.46 16,914 108 dec 24013.5mm
Melting point
Number of carbon atoms °C °F
1 –182 –296
2 –183 –297
3 –188 –306
4 –138 –216
5 –130 –202
6 –95 –139
7 –91 –132
8 –57 –71
9 –54 –65
10 –30 –22
11 –26 –15
12 –10 14
13 –5 23
14 6 43
15 10 50
16 18 64
17 22 72
18 28 82
19 32 90
20 36 97
30 66 151
40 82 180
50 92 198
60 99 210
M.p., B.p., g/100 g
Name Formula °C °C H2O
Formic HCOOH 8 100.5 ∞
Acetic CH3COOH 16.6 118 ∞
Propionic CH3CH2COOH –22 141 ∞
Butyric CH3(CH2)2COOH –6 164 ∞
Valeric CH3(CH2)3COOH –34 187 3.7
Caproic CH3(CH2)4COOH –3 205 1.0
Caprylic CH3(CH2)6COOH 16 239 0.7
Capric CH3(CH2)8COOH 31 269 0.2
Lauric CH3(CH2)10COOH 44 225100 i.
Myristic CH3(CH2)12COOH 54 251100 i.
Palmitic CH3(CH2)14COOH 63 269100 i.
Stearic CH3(CH2)16COOH 70 287100 i.
Oleic cis-9-Octadecenoic 16 22310 i.
Linoleic cis,cis-9,12-Octadecadienoic –5 23016 i.
Linolenic cis,cis,cis-9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic –11 23217 i.
Cyclohexanecarboxylic cyclo-C6H11COOH 31 233 0.20
Phenylacetic C6H5CH2COOH 77 266 1.66
Benzoic C6H5COOH 122 250 0.34
o-Toluic o-CH3C6H4COOH 106 359 0.12
m-Toluic m-CH3C6H4COOH 112 263 0.10
p-Toluic p-CH3C6H4COOH 180 275 0.03
o-Chlorobenzoic o-ClC6H4COOH 141 0.22
m-Chlorobenzoic m-ClC6H4COOH 154 0.04
p-Chlorobenzoic p-ClC6H4COOH 242 0.009
o-Bromobenzoic o-BrC6H4COOH 148 0.18
m-Bromobenzoic m-BrC6H4COOH 156 0.04
M.p., B.p., g/100 g
Name Formula °C °C H2O
p-Bromobenzoic p-BrC6H4COOH 254 0.006
o-Nitrobenzoic o-O2NC6H4COOH 147 0.75
m-Nitrobenzoic m-O2NC6H4COOH 141 0.34
p-Nitrobenzoic p-O2NC6H4COOH 242 0.03
Phthalic o-C6H4(COOH)2 231 0.70
Isophthalic m-C6H4(COOH)2 348 0.01
Terephthalic p-C6H4(COOH)2 300 subl. 0.002
Salicylic o-HOC6H4COOH 159 0.22
p-Hydroxybenzoic p-HOC6H4COOH 213 0.65
Anthranilic o-H2NC6H4COOH 146 0.52
m-Aminobenzoic m-H2NC6H4COOH 179 0.77
p-Aminobenzoic p-H2NC6H4COOH 187 0.3
o-Methoxybenzoic o-CH3OC6H4COOH 101 0.5
m-Methoxybenzoic m-CH3OC6H4COOH 110
p-Methoxybenzoic (Anisic) p-CH3OC6H4COOH 184 0.04
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(Continued )
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
9-Methylfluorene 180.25 47
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
4-Methylfluorene 180.25
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
4-Methylphenanthrene 192.26
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Benzo[c]phenanthrene 238.30 68
6-Methylchrysene 242.32
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 276.34
TABLE 2.25 The Structure, Melting Point, and Boiling Points of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Anthanthrene 276.34
Dibenzo[def, mno]chrysene
Three- One-
letter letter Side chains (–R) Mol ∆Hion Volume ASAmc ASAnpl
sc ASApol
Name code code R-CH(NH2)COOH weight pKa kJ ⋅ mol–1 Å3 Å2 Å2 Å2
Alanine Ala A -CH3 71.08 88.6 46 67
Arginine Arg R -(CH2)3-CNH(˙NH)NH3 156.20 12 44.9 173.4 45 89 107
Asparagine Asn N -CH2-CONH2 114.11 117.7 45 44 69
Aspartic acid Asp D -CH2-COOH 115.09 4.5 4.6 111.1 45 48 58
Cystein Cys C -CH2-SH 103.14 9.1–9.5 36.0 108.5 36 35 69
Glutamine Gln Q -(CH2)2-CONH2 128.14 143.9 45 53 91
Glutamic acid Glu E -(CH2)2-COOH 129.12 4.6 1.6 138.4 45 61 77
Glycine Gly G -H 57.06 60.1 85
Histidine His H CH2 137.15 6.2 43.6 153.2 43 102 49
Isoleucine Ile I -CH(CH3)-C2H5 113.17 166.7 42 140
Leucine Leu L -CH(CH3)2-CH2 113.17 166.7 43 137
Lysine Lys K -(CH2)4-NH2 128.18 10.4 53.6 168.6 44 119 48
Methionine Met M -(CH2)2-S-CH3 131.21 162.9 44 117 43
Fi Fi
Group (1) (2) (3) Group (1) (2) (3)
[Br 340 258 300 [CæN 410 355 480
[Cl 250–270 205 230 O
[F … 41 80 [C[NH2 … … 600
[H 80–100 … … ;
[I 425 … … NH2[C[O[ … … 725
[NO2 440 … … —CO— 275 263 335
[ONO2 440 … … —COO— 310 327 250
[O[ 70 115 125 —COOH … … 319
[OH … 226 369 —CO3— … … 375
[PO4 500 … … —CæC— 222 … …
[S— 225 209 225 CHæC— 285 … …
[SH 315 … … O O
; ;
C –93 32 0 [C[O[C[ … 567 375
[CH˙ 19 84 40 [C˙C[C˙C[20–30 23 …
CH28 190 127 … 95–105 –23 …
The dynamic viscosity, or coefficient of viscosity, h of a Newtonian fluid is defined as the force per
unit area necessary to maintain a unit velocity gradient at right angles to the direction of flow
between two parallel planes a unit distance apart. The SI unit is pascal-second or netwon-second per
meter squared [N ⋅ s ⋅ m−2]. The c.g.s. unit of viscosity is the poise [P]; 1 cPæ1 mN ⋅ s ⋅ m−2.
Kinematic viscosity v is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity to the density of a fluid. The SI unit is
meter squared per second [m2 ⋅ s−1]. The c.g.s. units are called stokes [cm2 ⋅ s−1]; poises = stokes ×
The Reynolds number for flow in a tube is defined by dnr/h,− where d is the diameter of the tube,
n− is the average velocity of the fluid along the tube, r is the density of the fluid, and h is its dynamic
viscosity. At flow velocities corresponding with values of the Reynolds number of greater than 2000,
turbulence is encountered.
The surface tension of a liquid, g, is the force per unit length on the surface that opposes the
expansion of the surface area. In the literature the surface tensions are expressed in dyn ⋅ cm−1; 1 dyn ⋅
cm−1 = 1 mN ⋅ m−1 in the SI system. For the large majority of compounds the dependence of the
surface tension on the temperature can be given as
g = a − bt
where a and b are constants and t is the temperature in degrees Celsius. The values of a and b
given in Tables 2.30 can be used to calculate the values of surface tension for the particular com-
pound within its liquid range. For example, the least-squares constants for acetic anhydride
(liquid from −73 to 140°C) are 35.52 and 0.1436, respectively. At 20°C, g = 35.52 − 0.1436(20) =
32.64 dyn ⋅ cm−1.
TABLE 2.30
2.30 Viscosity and Surface
Surface Tension of Organic Compounds
gy == a -−bbt
Surface tension,
mN. m-I
TABLE 2.30 Viscosity
Viscosity and
OrganicCompounds (Continued)
Surface tension,
mN . m-'
TABLE 2.30
2.30 Viscosity and Surface Tension of Organic
O g a riic Compounds (Continued)
Surface tension,
mN. m-I
TABLE 2.30
2.30 Viscosity and Surface
Surface Tension of Organic Compounds (Continued)
Surface tension,
m N . m-