IE-assignment 1

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1. Following figure shows a ferromagnetic core whose mean path length is 40 cm.

There is a small gap of 0.05 cm in the structure of the otherwise whole core. The
cross-sectional area of the core is 12 cm2, the relative permeability of the core is
4000, and the coil of wire on the core has 400 turns. Assume that fringing in the air
gap increases the effective cross-sectional area of the air gap by 5 percent. Given this
intonation, find (a) the total reluctance of the flux path (iron plus air gap) and (b)
the current required to produce a flux density of 0.5 T in the air gap

2. What are eddy current losses? What can be done to minimize eddy current losses in
a core? Or Why are all cores exposed to ac flux variations laminated?
3. Write the expression for inducted emf (rms) in an ac excited coil wound in an iron
core. Use standard symbols. What is the phase angle between flux and induced emf
in an ac excited coil wound on an iron core?
4. For the magnetic circuit of following fig., find the flux density and flux in each of the
outer limbs and the central limbs. Assume the relative permeability of iron of the
core to be (a) infinite (b) 4500.
5. A wrought iron bar 30 cm long and 2 cm in diameter is bent into a circular shape as
shown in Fig. 2.6. It is then wound with 600 turns of wire. Calculate the current
required to produce a flux of 0.5 mWb in the magnetic circuit in the following cases:
(i) no air-gap; (ii) with an air-gap of 1 mm; mr (iron) = 4000 (assumed constant);
(iii) with an air-gap of 1 mm; assume the following data for the magnetization of
H in AT/m 2500 3000 3500 4000
B in T 1.55 1.59 1.6 1.615

6. What happens to the reluctance of a magnetic circuit when an air-gap is cut in it?
How does an air-gap affect the inductance of a magnetic circuit?
7. A long straight conductor situated in air is carrying current of 600 A, a return
conductor being far removed, find
a. The field straight in A/m at a radius of 60 mm.
b. Calculate the flux density (in mT) at a radius of 60 mm
8. In certain magnetic circuit having length of 500mm and cross section area of 300
mm2, at the mmf of 200 AT produces flux of 400 micro- weber. Calculate the
reluctance of magnetic circuit in AT/Wb

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