Climate Change

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Climate Change

David Attenborough - “There is no question that climate change is happening; the only arguable point is what part humans
are playing in it.

Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer. Is a
long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates.

Climate Change can be due to natural processes like:

 Changes in the Sun’s radiation
 Volcanoes or internal variability in the climate system.
 or due to human influences such as changes in the composition of the atmosphere or land use.

Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities, especially emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases from
fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and land-use change, are primarily responsible for the climate changes observed in
the industrial era, especially over the last six decades.

Changes observed in Earth’s climate since the mid-20th century are driven by human activities, particularly fossil fuel
burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere, raising Earth’s average surface
temperature. Natural processes, which have been overwhelmed by human activities, can also contribute to climate change,
including internal variability (e.g., cyclical ocean patterns like El Niño, La Niña and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation) and
external forcings (e.g., volcanic activity, changes in the Sun’s energy output, variations in Earth’s orbit).


The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. It occurs when the sun’s energy reaches the
Earth’s atmosphere; some of it is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. These gases include water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

• Greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
The greenhouse gases in our atmosphere help keep our planet warm enough for us to survive.

To prevent the continues increase of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, here are some ways we can help:
 Reduce energy consumption
 Promote sustainable transportation
 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The problem we now face is that human activities are increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases. From the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) observation, the increase and too much concentration of these
greenhouse gases can cause Earth's atmosphere to trap more and more heat that warms up the planet leading to a
phenomenon called global warming.

Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere
and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate

Causes of Global Warming:

1. Burning Fossil Fuels: Machinery that relies on coal, natural gas, or oil to run releases carbon dioxide (a major
greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere.
2. Deforestation: Deforestation removes the trees that act as a natural GHG filter, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing
oxygen into our atmosphere.
3. Agricultural Practices: Modern farming accounts for more than 10% of all human-produced greenhouse gas emissions,
largely due to livestock and rice cultivation.
4. Consumer Goods: The energy used in the manufacturing and transportation of consumer goods leads to increased
greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Mining: Operations that rely on fossil fuels emit significant levels of GHGs.
6. Waste Disposal: When plastics and other non-biodegradable waste decompose, it releases toxic gasses into the
Effects of Global Warming
 Extreme Weather Events: Global warming has been linked to an increase in extreme weather events, such as floods,
tornadoes, and hurricanes, which can cause deaths, famine, and disease.
 Plant and Animal Extinction: Rising global temperatures can cause parts of the planet to become uninhabitable for
many native plant and animal species.
 Ocean Acidification: Because of escalating carbon dioxide emissions, oceans are becoming more acidic and harmful to
marine life.
 Dirtier Air: Hotter temperatures lead to more smog, which can trigger respiratory problems and aggravate existing
health conditions.
 Disappearing Polar Ice: When the water frozen in polar sea ice melts into the oceans, it can have a huge impact on
rising sea levels and speed up the heating of Earth’s atmosphere


Climate change affects human health and well-being through some;
 extreme weather events
 wildfires
 decreased air quality
 diseases transmitted by insects, food, and water
 Climate disruptions to agriculture have been increasing and become more severe over this century, a trend that would
diminish the security of the world’s food supply
 Droughts contribute to conditions that lead to larger wildfires and longer fire seasons.
 For coastal communities, sea level rise, combined with coastal storms has increased the risk of erosion.
 Extreme heat, sea level rise, and heavy downpours are affecting infrastructure like roads, rail lines, airports, and all
other infrastructures.
 The rising temperature and changing chemistry of ocean water is combining with other stresses, such as overfishing
and pollution, alter marine-based food production and harm fishing communities.

Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

Nations all over the world are now experiencing the impacts of climate change and are now making consensus efforts
through the creation of domestic and international treaties, policies, plans and actions to mitigate the effects and adapt to
the risks brought about by this world – wide environmental concern.
It is time for humans to make effort and find solution to the very problem they themselves created.

Priorities Outcomes
Food Security - The objective of the national strategic priority on food security is to ensure availability, stability,
accessibility, and affordability of safe and healthy food amidst climate change.
Water Sufficiency - In light of climate change, however, a comprehensive review and subsequent restructuring of the
entire water sector governance is required. It is important as we to assess the resilience of major water resources and
infrastructures, manage supplies and demand, manage water quality, and promote conservation.
Environmental and ecological stability - Ecosystem resilience and environmental stability during the plan period is focused
on achieving one immediate outcome: the protection and rehabilitation of critical ecosystems, and the restoration od
ecological services
Human Security - The objective of the human security agenda is to reduce the risks of women and men to climate change
and disasters.
Climate- friendly industries and services - NCCAP prioritize the creation of green and eco jobs and sustainable cities and
Sustainable Energy - NCCAP prioritizes the promotion and expansions of energy efficiency and conservating the
development of sustainable and renewable energy, environmentally sustainable transport, and climate- proofing and
rehabilitation of energy systems infrastructures.
Knowledge and Capacity development - The priorities of the NCCAP on knowledge and capacity development are:
Enhanced the knowledge on the science of climate change.
Enhanced capacity for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk reduction at the local and community level;
and established the gendered climate change knowledge management accessible to all sectors at the national and local

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