C 3

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This chapter covers the methodologies by which this study has begun. The

methodologies contains the research design, subject and reposndents of the study,

population and sample size, sampling techniques, data gathering instrument, validity

and reliability of research instruments, data gathering procedures and data analyses.


This study will use a descriptive survey design to determine the Impact of

Parental Involvement on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students. Through

this study, the researcher will collect data by conducting survey or giving


According to Creswell (2014) Descriptive research describes the

characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It is primarily used to

gain an understanding of a group or phenomenon. This involves collecting data

through surveys, interviews, or observation.

Sampling Techniques

In this study, cluster and stratified random sampling technique will be used.

Stratified sampling will be used to identify the number of respondents per strata or

section while cluster sampling technique will be used to identify those respondents in

each strata or section.

Stratified random sampling technique, is a probability sampling technique

used in sample survey. The elements of the targeted population are divided into
distinct groups or strata, with elements within each stratum being similar to one

another in terms of certain-survey relevant characteristics (Parsons, 2017). Where all

subjects in the target population have equal chances to be selected in the sample

Subsequently, we will use cluster sampling technique. It is used when creating

a sampling frame is nearly impossible due to the large size of the population. In this

method, the population is divided by geographic location into clusters. A list of all

clusters is made and investigators draw a random number of clusters to be included.

Then, they list all individuals within these clusters, and run another turn of random

selection to get a final random sample exactly as simple random sampling (M Elfil,


Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher will use a modified questionnaire, the questionnaire will be

designed to answer certain questions. Furthermore, modified questionnaire is based on

a more appropriate factor structure, which consist of different skills and knowledge

and is focused on measuring research competence in general. This structure is more

practically oriented and pays attention to ethical issues (F Hauser et al,. 2018). Our

revised version is slightly longer and contains several items to gather data about the

participants demographics.

This includes two parts; Part 1 focuses on the profile of the respondents in

terms of Sex, Parents Educational Attainment, Parental Time Engagement. While Part

2 focuses on what is the possible impact of parental involvement on the academic

performance of grade 12 students in Notre Dame of Bago City INC.

The following Likert scale interpretations are: either Yes or No. Yes simply

means that Parental Involvement has a positive impact on the Academic Performance
of Grade 12 students. While No indicates that it has Negative impact.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

The researchers are using a modified questionnaire, and a validity and

reliability test will be applied.

For the validity of the research instrument, the researchers will choose three

experts; Ms. Nyle Andrea D. Sapul a graduate of bachelor of secondary education

major in English.

Ms. Jean Lislie D. Lestimoso a grade 12 coordinator in Notre Dame of bago, a

graduate of bachelor of secondary education major in Filipino and with units in

master's degree. And lastly,

Ms. Cherrylyn S. Garcia a Grade 11 coordinator, a graduate of bachelor of

secondary education major in physical science and with units in master's degree To

validate the research instrument, the researcher prefer to use the survey questionnaire

set forth by Good and Scates.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the accomplishment of the study the following dealings will be observed:

Firstly, letter (- SDS, Principal, head teacher, TIC, OIC)

Secondly, validity and reliability test consolidate all the suggestions from the

validators for the improvement of the study.

Thirdly, the researcher will conduct the study among Grade 12 students of all strands

that is currently enrolled in Notre Dame of Bago City.

Lastly, data will be collected, tabulated, and analyzed using the appropriate

statistical tool.

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