Vgabler, Fulltext
Vgabler, Fulltext
Vgabler, Fulltext
in the Nibelungenlied
the only brother named beside Hogni is called Gutthormr, but in the Siguroarkvioa
in 8kamma a fourth brother is mentioned, but not named (strophe 19). In the The
Gumiar's full brothers are called Gernoz and Gisler, while at one point a fourth one,
called Gutthormr, is mentioned. - References to the Edda are to- Edda, hrsg. v.
Gustav Neckel (Heidelberg, 1914); those to the Ths to Saga f)ioriks Konungs at
Bern, udgivet af C. R. Unger (Christiania, 1853.)
2 Lex. Burg. 3 (MOB, LL I, II, 1, 43).
102 Henry Kratz
The phrase von Tronege that so often appears with his name in the
NL has caused some scholars to postulate a historical character
from any of various localities in the Rhineland area that have names
reminiscent of Tronege, while others have sought to find the answer
in the legend (first mentioned by Fredegar3) that the Franks were
of Trojan origin.4 It is not even possible to say with any certainty
whether the character of Hagen had its origin in Franco-Burgundian
legendary history, or whether it was of mythological origin, an in-
herent part of the Siegfried legend at first.
Apart from the Nibelung sources,' Hagen also appears as a charac-
ter in the 10th-century Latin epic Waltharius (based on German
legend, and probably a translation of a German original). He
(named H agano here) is portrayed as a Frank, the son of Hagathie,
and is a hostage among the Huns, along with Gunther (Gundarius).
Hagen is also the name of the father of Hilde in the Hilde and Hetel
legend that appears in three works of the early 13th century: the
Middle High German' folk epic Kudrun, the Icelandic prose Edda
of Snorri Sturluson,5 and the Latin chronicle of the Dane Saxo
The name Hagen is as mysterious as the person who bore it in
the NL, and any number of attempts have been made to etymolo-
gize it, none of them very satisfactory. .
One group consists of endeavors to link the name with those of
various historical personages. Perhaps the best attempt along these
lines is the effort to identify Hagen with Aetius, the victor of the
Catalaunian Fields (whose name is attested also in the forms Age-
tius, Agitius, Aegidius) through Hagathie, the father of Hagano in
the W altharius, where the name occurs only in the accusative
3 Chronicarum quae dieuntur Fredegarii Seholastiei Libri IV eum eontinuationi-
bus, edidit Bruno Iuusch (MGB, Script. Rer. Merov. II, 1888), II, 4-8 and III, 2.
Cf. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations, trans. by
J. M. Wallace Hadrill (London, 1960), xi-xii.
4 Cf. Friedrich Panzer, Das Nibelungenlied: Entstehung und Gestalt (Stuttgart,
1955), 313-14, and M. Sonnenfeld, "An etymological explanation of the Hagen
.figure," N eophilologus 43 (1959), 300-30 I-
5 Edda Snorra Sturlusonar, udgivet af Finnur Jonsson (Kebenhavn, 1931),
Skaldskaparmal, chap. 62.
6 Baxonis Gesta Danorum primum a C. Knabe & P. Herrmann recensita, re-
cognoverunt et ediderunt J. Olrik & H. Raeder. Tomus I Textum continens (Hau-
niae, 1931), Liber V, VII, 8ff.
The Etymology of the Name Hagen in the Nibelungenlied 103
H agathien (v. 629).7 H. Gregoire,S retaining the equation Aetius
= Hagathie,identified Hagano with Echoar-Goar, leader of the
Alani, and sought to derive Hagen's name from the designation for
'ruler' (represented by Turkish han, English khan) in a form chagan.
The equation of Aetius and Hagen, apart from the forced phonetic
combinations that must be made, is unlikely by the very fact that
Aetius was historically an enemy of the Burgundians.9 F. R. Schro-
der points out that the presence of the name Hagen in the Hetel
and Hilde legend is against its provenience from an Oriental lan-
guage.10 Also, K. F. Stroheker11 maintains with justification that
a leader of the Alani, of Sarmatian- Iranian stock, would hardly
bear an Altaic designation.
Even more far-fetched is the derivation of Hagen from Eu:genius,
the name of the lover of the Roman princess Honoria.12
Another group of etymologies centers around the element of the
supernatural that is attached to Hagen's personality, especially in
the Ths. Lachmann13 considered Hagen as the assassin of Siegfried,
the counterpart of Hodr, the blind, unwitting assassin of Baldr
(equated to Siegfried) in the Edda.14 He thus connected the name
Hagen with OHG hag 'hedge, bush,' and looked upon this as a con-
necting link with the mistletoe with which Baldr was killed. He
further. notes that Hagano in the Waltharius is characterized as a
paliurus 'Christ's thorn (a thorny shrub)' (1351) and as being
spinosus (1421). However, engaging as the thought is at first, there
is really no reason for equating Siegfried with Baldr, except for the
motif of limited vulnerability associated with each of them. But the
fact that this motif with respect to Siegfried appears only in the
7 Richard Heinzel, "Uber die Nibelungensage," Sitzungsberichte der Wiener .Aka-
demie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse, 109 (2) (1885), 671-718. - Waltharius
references are to Waltharius, hrsg. v. Karl Strecker (Berlin, 1947).
8 "Ou en est la question des Nibelungen 1", Byzantion 10 (1935), 227ff., 241ff.
9 Cf. Otto L. Jiriczek, Die deutsche Heldensage4 (Sammlung GOschen, Bd. 33. Ber-
that he bears in KUdrun: der wilde, der kuene, der valant aller kunege, which likewise
point to a similar origin - see Gustav Ehrismann, Geschichte der deut8chen Literatur
bi8 zum AU8gang des Mittelalter8 (Miinchen, 1932-1935), 2. 2, 150.
M Miillenhoif, lococit. 35 Loc. cit.