2024 Year 10 Semester 1 CAT 2 10L and 10M
2024 Year 10 Semester 1 CAT 2 10L and 10M
2024 Year 10 Semester 1 CAT 2 10L and 10M
“What spatial variations exist in South Yarra land uses? How are
these patterns linked to levels of wellbeing? (Relationship between land use
and wellbeing, density changes, height changes. Commercial to residential and mixed. Residential to
house to flats. How does land use impact wellbeing, [wellbeing: pollution, litter, noise, congestion,
which comes from high density residential, retail])
South Yarra is a small part of Melbourne’s inner suburbs. Your teacher will allocate your group a part
of the South Yarra Study Area to investigate its main land uses and wellbeing conditions. Your results
need to be combined with other groups in your form to produce your own individual land use map
with wellbeing indicators covering ALL of the South Yarra Study Area.
The land use of each individual site [where there are multiple land uses, show the 2 most
prevalent]. Attachment 1 for categories colour + symbol
Location of wellbeing indicators. See Attachment 2
A range of images covering land use, wellbeing and overall environments. These will help
with your map analysis. See Attachment 3 title and boltss
Any notes and images relevant to your allocated area such as aesthetics, heights, quality,
Majority of the land was used for retail, commercial and residential purposes, they often had
the retail and commercial buildings
2. Are the major land uses associated with any features? Parking with high density residential,
commercial or mixed, residential with limited parking (permit) (Tivoli Rd), retailed areas have
limited parking, more retail/commercial along the major roads, eg Chapel/Toorak, Public
transport has retail around it, more foot traffic and people can visit there)
3. What variations in land uses exist in the wider Study Area, not just your allocated area?
(Tivoli Rd residential house – duplex -flats)
4. What variations in building heights exist? In the neighbourhood the houses are smaller, the
closer to mainroad there are apartments, height restrictions)
5. Where were the better wellbeing environments (think of noise or rubbish or open spaces)?
What made them better environments? better
6. The reverse of the above question. worse
7. Were any changes in land use happening: what and where in particular?
8. You decide on the likely future of Site X. Your teacher will have identified this site in the
fieldwork area. What do you think its future land use will be? What information do you need
to know before deciding? How will it fit in with the surrounding land uses? Will it encourage
other similar developments?
9. Now think about the Study Area in relation to the rest of South Yarra that you looked at in
class: Does any of your South Yarra Study Area fit with the Burgess Model of land use? Be
sure to say why or why not! Melbourne CBD distance to South yarra, transitional stage.
F – flat/apartment
O – other
V – vacant block
X – demolition stage
A/U - Attractive/Unpleasant
G/B - Green/Bare
L/C - Litter/Clean
Other specify
Open space