AF304 Exam
AF304 Exam
AF304 Exam
Circle the BEST answer for each of the following multiple-choice items. Each
multiple-choice question is each worth one (1) mark.
1. Auditing plays a vital role in business, government and our economy. Which of
the following bodies does not require an annual audit?
a. all public and large proprietary companies.
b. small proprietary companies.
c. 'not-for-profit' organisations, including educational institutions.
d. commonwealth government departments and statutory authorities.
2. Recent corporate and audit failures have led to a wide-ranging reform agenda
attempting to have the profession refocus on basics - the public interest, redefining
audit relationships and fundamental audit methods. This refocus has been called
a. conformance role of auditing.
b. enhancing role of auditing.
c. convergence role of auditing.
d. none of the above.
6. Which case laid down the fundamental auditing principles of the ‘watchdog’ role
and the notion of taking reasonable skill and care?
a. Kingston Cotton Mill.
b. London and General Bank.
c. Pacific Acceptance.
d. AWA.
10. When the auditor concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s
ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time, and this fact
is adequately disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, the audit report
should express:
a. a qualified opinion due to the uncertainty.
b. the standard unqualified opinion.
c. an unqualified opinion, with an emphasis of matter paragraph.
d. an adverse opinion.
11. In the opinion paragraph of the standard audit report, the phrase “in our opinion,”
really expresses what about the financial statements being presented reasonably
and without bias or distortion:
a. “we certify...”
b. “we guarantee...”
c. “we are certain...”
d. “we are satisfied...”
12. Which of the following is not an ethical consideration for the auditor in deciding
to accept an audit engagement?
a. ensure their scheduling process allows completion on time.
b. evaluate circumstances that would compromise independence.
c. assessing competence to perform the audit.
d. determine their ability to use due care in performing the audit.
13. Setting materiality levels, assessing audit risk and its components and obtaining
an understanding of the internal control structure are all part of which audit stage?
a. client evaluation.
b. audit planning.
c. conducting the audit.
d. issuing the audit report.
15. For a given assertion, the relationship between the level of detection risk (DR)
and assessed control risk (CR) and inherent risk (IR) is shown correctly in which
of the following, where + means increase, - means decrease:
a. +DR if +CR and +IR.
b. +DR if -CR and -IR.
c. +DR if +CR and -IR.
d. +DR if -CR and +IR.
16. The auditor has determined that there is a preponderance of persuasive evidence
for each financial statement assertion that is material, and therefore a reasonable
basis for their opinion. Which of the following would not be a possible opinion
that the auditor could issue?
a. an unqualified opinion.
b. an ‘except for’ opinion.
c. an adverse opinion.
d. an inability to form an opinion.
18. After performing additional tests of controls, the auditor reassesses control risk
from the initial planning level of slightly below maximum to moderate. The
auditor should now:
a. decrease the level of detection risk, and decrease substantive testing.
b. increase the level of detection risk, and increase substantive testing.
c. increase planned substantive testing.
d. increase the level of detection risk, and decrease substantive testing.
20. Which of the following is an advantage of PPS sampling over variable sampling?
a. it is more suitable for detecting errors of understatement.
b. individually material items are automatically selected.
c. as expected error increases, sample size will be smaller than that required by
variable sampling.
d. all of the above.
21. Which of the following models expresses the general relationship of risks
associated with the auditor’s evaluation of control risk (CR), inherent risk (IR),
and audit risk (AR) that would lead the auditor to conclude that additional
substantive tests of details of an account balance are not necessary?
a. 20% 40% 10%
b. 20% 60% 5%
c. 10% 70% 4.5%
d. 30% 40% 5.5%
22. In obtaining evidence concerning the cash balance, the auditor performs the
following procedures: Scan client-prepared bank reconciliations and verify the
mathematical accuracy of the reconciliation. In this case, it is likely that:
a. detection risk is set at moderate to high.
b. detection risk is set at low to very low.
c. control risk is set at slightly below maximum to maximum.
d. control risk is set at moderate to high.
23. The performance of cash cut-off tests provides evidence primarily for which of
the following assertions?
24. An auditor observes inventory held by the client and notes that some of the
inventory appears to be old, but in good condition. Which of the following
conclusions is justified by the audit procedure?
a. I only.
b. II only.
c. I & III only.
d. None of the above
25. If the application of accounting policies in compliance with statutory and other
requirements does not result in a fair presentation in accordance with the
accounting standards the auditor should:
Question 2 Audit Planning/Testing _ [40 marks]____
(i) The audit risk standards outline the circumstances in which the auditor is required to
undertake testing of controls. Identify two of these circumstances? [5 marks]
(ii) Distinguish between the types of testing that the auditor would undertake in testing
the existence of internal control versus the effectiveness and continuity of internal
control. [5 marks]
Consider each of the following situations, which are independent of each other:
a) Your audit plan for sales places substantial reliance on the system of internal
control and the use of analytical review. Your testing of the internal control
system for sales has found a significant number of instances where clients’ credit
ratings have not been checked and abnormally large discounts have been given.
The sales manager states that these changes have been the result of difficulties in
maintaining past sales levels.
b) You are carrying out the annual audit of a tractor retailer. You are aware of
significant problems in the rural industry over the past six months and little
improvement is in sight.
c) Since the last audit your client has introduced a new management compensation
scheme with the result that top managers’ salaries are closely tied to the
company’s’ profitability.
d) Management informs you that during the year the internal auditors discovered that
a substantial amount of stock had disappeared from a small branch of your client.
A number of local managers have subsequently resigned although there were no
prosecutions. The loss equalled 1% of the company’s operating profit.
e) Since your last audit the client has introduced a new computer information system
for inventory to replace the manual system. Management has indicated that the
big advantage of the new system over the old one is that it provides information
on inventory levels and gross margins for both product line and geographical area.
f) A new competitor of your client entered the market two months before year end
and, since that time, selling prices have fallen significantly. Your inquiries have
revealed that the industry expects heavy discounting to continue for the whole of
next year.
h) There were neither major disposals nor additions to fixed assets during the period.
Fixed assets are not material and consist mainly of furniture and fittings
Assume you are responsible for constructing an audit plan in each of the
situations discussed above. In each case describe how the situation posed would
affect your audit plan. Include reference to the nature and /or extent of audit
evidence to be collected. [2 ½ marks each]
[Total = 20 marks]
Part C: Audit Testing [10 marks]
You are the audit manager in charge of the 31 December audit of Pacific-Chow Pty Ltd, a
large private company operating in the boutique food and beverages market. The
audit is now nearing completion and you are preparing a schedule of adjustments to
discuss with the client. The schedule of adjustments includes the following:
Adjustment Required
Dr Cr
Balances affected $000 $000 Explanation
3. Income tax expense 400 Underprovision for tax for year ending 30/6/X1.
Provision for tax 400 client disagrees with treatment of claimed
deductions for tax year ended 20X1.
a) Which of the above items, if any, do you believe require adjustment? Explain.
[5 marks]
b) Your partner had originally set a preliminary materiality level for the audit of
Pacific-Chow Pty Ltd at $3000000. After your review of inherent risk your
partner has lowered this materiality level to $1600000. Outline how the new
lower materiality level will affect the nature and extent of audit procedures
planned. [5 marks]
Question 3 Audit Sampling [15 marks]____
You are in the process of evaluating the internal control system of your client, Kris
Company, and you desire to perform a compliance test of controls that the client has
indicated are in effect in the accounts payable area. The specific control in which you are
interested relates to the matching of the purchase order, receiving report, and vendor
invoice, prior to approving the invoice for payment. You are told that the 3 documents are
compared, cancelled, and approved for payment by the accounts payable supervisor. After
performing this operation, the supervisor indicates that the invoice is approved for payment,
initials the invoice, staples the 3 documents together and forwards them for processing.
After processing the documents are filed together in voucher number order. Each year, the
voucher number begins at 0001. The last voucher number assigned during the current year is
8178. You define an error as being either (1) any approved invoice that does not agree in
amount with the other 2 documents, (2) cases in which any of the 3 documents is missing, or
(3) any paid invoice that does not bear the initials of the supervisor. In the past you have
found an error rate in this population of approximately 3% and you expect this condition in
the current year. If you found evidence that the error rate exceeded 6%, however, you would
conclude that this control feature was ineffective. Because of the importance you place on
this control, you decide to use a 90% reliability level.
a) Determine the sample size appropriate in this case if the auditor uses estimation
sampling for attributes. [3 marks]
b) Discuss the procedures you would use in selecting the sample. [3 marks]
c) What would you conclude if, in examining the items in the sample, 3 errors were
found? [4 marks]
d) If 5 errors were found in the sample, what would your conclusions be? What would
be the effect on your audit? [5 marks]
Question 4 Audit Review & Reporting [20 marks]
c) Rose Ltd’s manufacturing division, whose assets constituted 75% of Rose Ltd’s
total assets at 30 September 20X3, was sold on 1 November 20X3. The new owner
assumed the indebtedness associated with this property.
e) At its 5 October 20X3 meeting Rose Ltd’s board of directors voted to double the
advertising budget for the coming year and authorised a change in advertising
You are to indicate in each case the required disclosure of this event in the financial
report. Each of the 5 cases is independent and is to be considered separately. [2m/each]
[Total = 10 marks]
Part B: Audit Reporting [10 marks]
You are an audit manager for C.K. Chartered Accountants and are currently finalising
your 30 June 2010 audits.
Company A
Company A is a listed company with 3 subsidiaries, Company B, Company C and
Company D. Another firm D.K, Chartered Accountants act as the auditors of Company D
and have qualified their audit report on the basis that continued financial support from
Company A is required for Company D to continue as a going concern.
In auditing Company A and the economic entity, you are satisfied that the going concern
basis of preparing the financial report is appropriate. In addition, you are satisfied that the
carrying value in Company A’s financial report of the investment in Company D of $200
is not stated above its recoverable amount. The company and the economic entity made
profits for the year.
Company H
The audit of Company H was extremely difficult as the client did not maintain
appropriate books and records during the year. Although the statutory registers were
maintained, the accounting records were not updated for the first 9 months of the year as
the company was without an accountant during this period. An accountant was employed
in April 2010 and she tried to reconstruct records from the details of receipts and
payments available. The accountant has been unable to reconcile the bank account and
you are not satisfied that all transactions which occurred during the year are reflected in
the financial report. The operating loss recorded by Company H in the current year is
$22 190.
Company G
Company G, a property developer, holds freehold property purchased for development
and resale which is classified as inventories. This property, as disclosed in the financial
report at Note 10, has been valued at cost, which is $5 000 000. In your audit you found
that in the current market the net realisable value of the property is $3 500 000. Although
material, the client does not consider that the value of the property should be written
down as future development will result in the property being worth more than the current
book value. The write-down would have no tax effect. The financial report audited,
including the Directors’ Declaration, spans pages 5 to 38. The company made a profit for
the year. Company G has other assets of $25 000 000 and liabilities of $7 000 000.
Discuss the type of audit opinion that you intend to issue for each of the above companies
for the year ending 30 June 2010. [3 marks each]
[Total = 9 marks]
Question 1 Multiple Choice - General [25 marks]
Circle the BEST answer for each of the following multiple-choice items.
1. A B C D
2. A B C D
3. A B C D
4. A B C D
5. A B C D
6. A B C D
7. A B C D
8. A B C D
9. A B C D
10. A B C D
11. A B C D
12. A B C D
13. A B C D
14. A B C D
15. A B C D
16. A B C D
17. A B C D
18. A B C D
19. A B C D
20. A B C D
21. A B C D
22. A B C D
23. A B C D
24. A B C D
25. A B C D
0.00% 149(0) 99(0) 74(0) 59(0) 49(0) 42(0) 36(0) 32(0) 29(0) 19(0) 14(0)
0.25 236(1)
236(1) 157(1)
157(1 ) 117(1) 93(1) 78(1) 66(1) 58(1)
58(1 ) 51 (1) 46(1 )
46(1) 30(1) 22(1 )
T,~ 9,3
TItle i .J
3.75 185(7) 129(5) 100(4) 76(3) 40(2) 22(1)
22(1 )
Statis6cal SalT
(with numbel
6.00 - 179(11) 50(3) 30(2} expected em
7.00 68(5) 37(3) SoUfU.
Sourer. Aut!
s.m..... G
populallDn Tolerable rate
devIatIon -
deviation ~---.
--- --
'rate 2% 3% 4"f.
4o/G 50/0
!W. 6%
Ii% 10/0
1% 8%.
8% S%
Q% 111% 15% 2 ' j.
0.00% 114(0) 76(0) 57(0) 45(0) 38(0) 32(0) 28(0) 25(0) 22(0) 15(0) 15(0)
0.50 129(1 )
194(1) 129(1) 96(1) 77(1) 64(1) 55(1) 38(1 )
48(1) 42(1) 38(1) 25(1) 18(1 )
1.00 - 176(2) 96(1) 77(1) 64(1) 55(1) 48(1 ) 42(1) 38(1) 25(1 ) 18(1)
1.25 - 221 (3) 132(2) 77(1) 64(1) 55(1 ) 48(1) 42(1) 38(1
38(1 ) 25(1) 18(1)
350 - 194(7) 113(4) 82(3) 73(4) 52(2) 25(1) 18(1)
testino: 10"4
lestino: 10% nst
01 over-reliance
O\Ier-reliance 5.00 - 160(8) 115(6) 78(4) 34(2) 18(1
(with number 01
(WIth 01
expected elTors
e);pect!(l in
errors in 6.00 - 182(11 ) 116(7) 43(3) 25(2)
Sourn: Audit 7,00
7.00 - 199(14) 52(4) 25(2)
SimpM9 Gvide
No "t. AAAf,
AAAF, Note: This table assumes a large population. For
For a discussion 01 the effect of population on
1983. p 91. sample size, see Audit Sampling Guide, AICPA, 1983, Chapler
Chapter 2.
I"I" ..
oO. 4.61
4.61 3.00 2.31 1.90 1.61 1.39 1.21 1.00 .70
1 6.64 4.75 3.89
3.69 3.38
3.36 3.00 2.70 2.44 2.14 1.68
2 6.41
8.41 6.30 5.33 4.72 4.26
4.28 3.93 3.62 3.25 2.68
3 10.05
1005 7.76 6.69 6.02 5.52 5.11 4.77 4.37 3.66
4 11.61
11 .61 9.16 8.00
6.00 7.27 6.73 6.28
6.26 5.90 5.43 4.68
5 13.11 10.52 9.26
9.28 8.50
6.50 7.91 7.43 7.01 6.49 5.68
6 14.57 11 .65
11.85 10.54 9.71 9.08
9.06 6.56
8.56 8.12
6.12 7.56 6.67
7 16.00 13.15 11.78 10.90
11.76 10.24 9.69 9.21 6.63
8.63 7.67
86 17.41 14.44 13.00 12.08
12.06 11 .36
11.38 10.81 10.31 9.68 8.67
9 18.79 15.71 14.21 13.25 12.52 11 .92
11.92 11 .39
11.39 10.74 9.67
10 20.15 16.97 15.41 14.42 13.66 13.02 12.47 11 .79
11.79 10.67
11 21 .49
21.49 18.21
16.21 16.60 15.57 14.78 14.13
14 .13 13.55 12.84 1167
12 22.83 19.45 17.79 16.72 15.90 15.22 14.63 13.89
13.69 12.67
12 .67
13 24.14 20.67 18.96 17.86 17.02 16.32 15.70 14.93
1493 13.67
14 25.45 21.89
21 .69 20.13 19.00 18.13
16.13 17.40 16.77 15.97 14.67
15 26.75 23.10 21.30 '20.13 19.24 18.49 17.84 17.02 15.67
16 28.03 24.31 22.46 2t.26 20.34 19.58
19.56 18.90
16.90 18.06 16.67
17 29.31 25.50
25 .50 23.61 22.39 21.44 20.66 19.97 19.10 17.67
16 30.59 26.70 24.76 23.51 22.54 21.74 21.03 20.14 18.67
19 31.85
31 .85 27.88
27.66 25.91 24.63
24 .63 23.64 22.81
22 .61 22.09 21.18
21 .16 19.67
20 33.11 29.07 27.05 25.74
2705 24.73 23.89
23.69 23.15 22.22 20.67
Ta blt 9.13
Atllablhty factors Expansion factors
factors for expected errors
for errors of
ovtrsta!emenl , . R~1i of InCllm!ct acceptance "''''',:~
. ,
Source ' Audit
SiJmpling Guide,
Guide. t 'l'.
1'Y. :ffi
fil{, tll%
111% 11>%
15%. ZlI%
2l1% 25% 311% :Il%
31% SJWt\
No 1, AARF
1. AARF.
1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.0
pp 99-100.
PD 99-100.
, ft 111%
------------- - - ---------
Number of Incremental Incremental
oversfalemenl Rell2bilily changes In Rellablilly changes ill
elTOIS factor faclor laclor factor
0 3.00 2.31
Table 9. 15
1 4.75 1.75 3.89 1.58
2 6.30 1.55 5.33 1.44
tOf 5
factors lor
3 7.76 1.46 6.69 1.36
and 10% risk
4 9.16 1.40 8.00 1.31
of incorrect
5 10.52 1.36 9.28 1.28