Power System SC
Power System SC
Power System SC
3. Distribution System…………………………………………………..…. 16
S Smart Course Questions Q.7 The component inductance due to the internal
flux linkage of a non-magnetic straight solid
Q.1 The increase in resistance due to non-uniform circular conductor per meter length, has a
distribution of current in a conductor is known as constant value, and is independent of the
_______ effect. [GATE 1994-Kharagpur] conductor diameter, because [IES 2003]
Q.2 A 100 km long transmission line is loaded at 110 (A) all the internal flux due to current remains
kV. If the loss of line is 15 MW and the load is 150 concentrated on the peripheral region of the
MVA, the resistance of the line is [IES 2003] conductor
(A) 8.06 Ω /phase (B) 0.806 Ω /phase (B) the internal magnetic flux density along the
radial distance from the centre of the
(C) 0.0806 Ω /phase (D) 80.6 Ω /phase
conductor increases proportionately to the
Q.3 Hollow conductors are used in transmission lines
current enclosed
to [IES 1997]
(C) the entire current is assumed to flow along
(A) reduce weight of copper the conductor axis and the internal flux is
(B) improve stability distributed uniformly and concentrically
(D) (ln 4) x 1.2 mH/phase/km (C) Distance between the wires is increased as
square of original distance
Q.11 A stranded conductor having a radius of 1 cm
and hollow conductor also of radius 1 cm. Find (D) Radius of the wire is doubled
the inductance in both case at a distance of 2.5 m Q.17 A single phase, two wire transmission line, 15 km
from stranded and hollow conductor in micro long is made up of round conductors, each 0.8 cm
henry. in diameter, separated from each other by 40 cm.
(A) 0.5, 0.5 (B) 0.5, 1.1 The value of inductance is _____ mH.
Q.18 A single phase, 10 km, two wire transmission line
(C) 1.15, 1.1 (D) 1.15, 0.5
has 16.65 mH total inductance. If the distance
Q.12 A transmission line having a diameter of 2 cm
between the conductors is 1 m, the conductor
and μ r = 5 produces an internal inductance
diameter is _____ cm.
0.06 μH/m . If it is replaced by an ACSR
Q.19 An overhead line 50 kms in length is to be
conductor which has μ r = 8 with the same size
constructed of conductors 2.56 cm in diameter,
then the internal inductance will be _____ for 50 Hz single phase transmission. The line
μH/m . reactance must not exceed 31.4 Ω . The maximum
Q.13 Consider a long, two-wire line composed of solid permissible spacing is _____ m.
round conductors. The radius of both conductors Q.20 Two long parallel conductors carry currents of
is 0.25 cm and the distance between their centers +I and − I . Determine the magnetic field
is 1 m. If this distance is doubled, then the intensity at point P.
inductance per unit length a b
(A) doubles [GATE 2002-Bangalore] +I -I
(B) halves 2d d
length Dab = Dbc = Dca = 1 m as shown in figure Q.2 Statement (I) : The expression for the value of
below. The resistances of the conductors are inductance L per conductor of an un-
neglected. The geometric mean radius (GMR) of symmetrically spaced 3-phase overhead
each conductor is 0.01 m. Neglecting the effect of transmission line contains an imaginary term.
ground, the magnitude of positive sequence Statement (II) : The presence of the imaginary
reactance in Ω/km (rounded off to three decimal term is due to the mutual inductance between the
places) is _____ [GATE 2017-Roorkee] phase conductors and can be eliminated by
c symmetrically transposing the three line-
conductors along the length of the line.
Codes : [IES 2015]
Dca Dbc
(A) Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
individually true and Statement (II) is the
a Dab b correct explanation of Statement (I)
Q.24 A three phase transmission line has its (B) Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
conductors at the corners of an equilateral individually true but Statement (II) is not the
triangle with side 3 m. The diameter of each correct explanation of Statement (I)
conductor is 1.63 cm. The inductance of the line (C) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
per phase per km is (D) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
[IES 2002] Q.3 Power transmission lines are transposed to
(A) 1.232 mH (B) 1.182 mH reduce
(C) 1.093 mH (D) 1.043 mH (A) Skin effect [IES 2012]
Q.25 A single phase transmission line has two (B) Ferranti effect
conductors each of 10 mm radius. These are fixed (C) Transmission loss
at a center-to-center distance of 1 m in a (D) Interference with neighboring
horizontal plane. This is now converted to a communication lines.
three-phase transmission line by introducing a Q.4 Transmission lines are transposed to [IES 1996]
third conductor of the same radius. This
(A) reduce copper loss
conductor is fixed at an equal distance D from
(B) reduce skin effect
the two single phase conductors. The three phase
(C) prevent interface with neighboring telephone
line is fully transposed. The positive sequence
inductance per phase of three phase system is to
(D) prevent short circuit between any two line
be 5% more than that of the inductance per
Q.5 A three-phase 60 Hz line has flat horizontal
conductor of the single-phase system. The
spacing. The conductors have a GMR of 0.0133 m
distance D, in meters, is _____.
with 10 m between adjacent conductors. The
[GATE 2016-Bangalore]
value of inductive reactance per phase in ohms
S Self-Practice Questions per kilometer is _____.
Q.1 For equilateral spacing of conductors of an Q.6 The inductance of a 3 − φ line operating at 50 Hz
untransposed 3 − φ line, we have as shown in below figure and conductor diameter
[GATE 1996-Bangalore] 0.8 cm is _____ mH/km.
(A) balanced receiving end voltage and no
communication interference m
A − B = 3 m, B − C = 5 m, C − A = 3.6 m 2.5 m
a b
The inductive reactance per phase per km of the
1.8 m
line is _____ Ω .
c d
Q.8 A 3− φ line is designed with equilateral spacing
of 16 ft. It is decided to build the line with
Q.12 Calculate the mutual inductance between the
horizontal spacing D13 = 2 D12 = 2 D23 . The
power line and the telephone line.
conductors are transposed. The spacing between
(A) 2 ×10−7 H/m (B) 1.5 ×10−7 H/m
adjacent conductors in order to obtain the same
inductance as in the original design should be (C) 1×10−7 H/m (D) 0.5 ×10−7 H/m
_____ ft. Q.13 Find the 60 Hz voltage per km induced in the
Q.9 Inductance of transmission line for a length of 400 telephone line when the power line carries 150 A.
km in unsymmetrical configuration are : (A) 4.65 V/km (B) 5.65 V/km
LR = 30 mH, LY = 20 mH, LB = 25 mH
(C) 6.65 V/km (D) 7.65 V/km
What will be the inductance of each tansmission Q.14 If the power line and telephone line are in the
line after transposing? same horizontal plane, when 150 A flows in the
(A) LR = LY = LB = 30 mH power line, the 60 Hz voltage per km induced in
(B) LR = LY = LB = 20 mH the telephone line is _____ V.
(C) LR = LY = LB = 25 mH P1 P2 T1 T2
2.5 m 18 m 1m
(D) LR = LY = LB = 75 mH
Q.15 A single phase 50 Hz power line is supported on
Q.10 A single phase transmission line and a telephone
a horizontal cross arm. The spacing between
line are both symmetrically strung one below the
conductors is 2.5 m. A telephone line is also
other, in horizontal configurations, on a common
supported on a horizontal cross arm in the same
tower. The shortest and longest distances
horizontal plane as the power line. The
between the phase and telephone conductors are
conductors of the telephone line are of solid
2.5 m and 3 m respectively. The voltage (volt/km)
copper spaced 0.6 m between centres. The
induced in the telephone circuit, due to 50 Hz
distance between the nearest conductors of the
current of 100 amps in the power circuit is
two lines is 20 m. The voltage induced in the
[GATE 2006-Kharagpur]
telephone line for 150 A current flowing over the
(A) 4.81 (B) 3.56
power line is _____ V/km.
(C) 2.29 (D) 1.27
Q.16 A 50 Hz single phase transmission line and a
Q.11 The inductive interference between power and telephone line are parallel to each other. The
communication lines can be minimized by mutual inductance in mH/km is _____.
(A) transposition of communication lines P1 5m P2
(B) transposition of power lines
(C) increasing distance between the conductors 3m
(D) transposition of power lines or increasing the
distance between the conductors T1 T2
Statement For Linked Questions 12 & 13
Statement For Linked Questions 17 & 18
A single phase 60 Hz overhead power line is
A telephone line runs parallel to an untransposed
symmetrically supported on a horizontal cross
three phase transmission line. The power line
arm. A telephone line is also symmetrically
carries balanced current of 400 A per phase.
supported on a horizontal cross arm 1.8 m
a b c t1 t2
directly below the power line.
5m 5m 15 m 1m
GATE ACADEMY ® Parameters of Transmission Lines 5
Q.17 The mutual inductance between the circuits is (A) Load center
(A) 4.4 μH/km (B) 5.4 μH/km 132 kV, 300 km double circuit
A Answer Keys
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B
Q.11 For some given transmission line expression for (C) lag one of I A and I B
voltage regulation is given by × 100% . (D) be in phase with both I A and I B
Q.17 If in a short transmission line, resistance and
Hence, [IES 2002]
inductance are found to be equal and regulation
(A) this must be a short line
appears to be zero, then the load will [IES 1997]
(B) this may either be a medium line or short line
(A) have unity power factor
(C) this expression is true for any line
(B) have zero power factor
(D) this may either be a medium line or long line
(C) be 0.707 leading
Q.12 In a short transmission line, voltage regulation is
(D) be 0.707 lagging
zero when the power factor angle of the load at
Q.18 For a transmission line with resistance R
the receiving end side is equal to [IES 2001]
reactance X and negligible capacitance the
−1 R
(A) tan (B) tan generation constant A is [IES 1996]
(A) 0 (B) 1
−1 R
(C) tan (D) tan (C) R + jX (D) R + X
Q.13 The values of A, B, C and D constants for a short Q.19 A short transmission line, having its line
transmission line are respectively [IES 2000] impedance angle as θ , is delivering a given
power at the receiving end at a lagging power
(A) Z, 0, 1 and 1 (B) 0, 1, 1 and 1
factor angle of φ . Which one of the following is a
(C) 1, Z, 0 and 1 (D) 1, 1, Z and 0
set of conditions for which this line will have
Q.14 If a short transmission line is delivering to a
maximum and zero regulation? [IES 1996]
lagging p.f. load, the sending end p.f. would be
Maximum Regulation Zero Regulation
(notations have their usual meaning) [IES 2000]
(A) φ = θ φ−θ = π/ 2
V cos φ + IR sin φ V cos φ + IR
(A) R (B) R
VS VS (B) φ − θ = π / 2 φ=θ
VR sin φ + IR VR sin φ + IR cos φ (C) φ = θ φ+θ = π/ 2
(C) (D)
(D) φ + θ = π / 2 φ=θ
Q.15 A short transmission line has a total resistance of
Q.20 A single phase short transmission line is
2 pu, reactance of 3 pu, current of 125 A and p.f.
supplying a load of 12 kW at a 0.8 lagging power
of 0.8. Regulation in percentage is equal to
factor. The transmission line has a resistance of 5
(A) 1.9 (B) 0.38 [IES 1999] Ω and a reactance of 10 Ω respectively. If the
(C) 3.4 (D) 0.19 terminal voltage across the load is 440 V, then the
Q.16 Consider two parallel short transmission lines of sending end voltage would be
impedances Z A and Z B respectively as shown in (A) 800∠12.310 V (B) 726.18∠10.830 V
the figure, currents I A and I B are both lagging (C) 822∠36.860 V (D) 341∠ 63.4 0 V
and the sending-end voltage is V s , if the
Q.21 A 3-phase overhead short line has a resistance
reactance to resistance ratio of both the and reactance per phase of 5 Ω and 20 Ω
impedances Z A and Z B are equal, then the total respectively. The sending end voltage is 46.85 kV
current ‘ I ’ will [IES 1997] while the receiving end voltage is 33 kV at 0.8 pf
IA lagging. The sending end power factor is ____
VS ZA VR lag.
Q.22 A 10 km long, single phase short transmission
IB line has 0.5∠600 Ω/km impedance. The line
supplies a 316.8 kW load at 0.8 pf lagging at 3.3
(A) lag both I A and I B
kV. The sending end power _____ kW.
(B) lead both I A and I B
GATE ACADEMY ® Performance of Transmission Line, Voltage Control & Power Factor Improvement 9
Q.34 If a medium transmission line is represented by (1) the sending end voltage per phase.
nominal T , the value of B of ABCD constant is (2) the sending end current.
[IES 2016] (3) the efficiency of transmission.
1 Q.41 The sending end voltage, current and power
(A) Z (B) Y 1 + YZ
4 factor of the 3-φ line is 260 kV line to line, 300 A
1 1 and 0.9 lagging. The ABCD parameters are :
(C) Z 1 + YZ (D) 1 + YZ
4 2
A = D = 0.89∠1.340
Q.35 The charging reactance of 50 km length of the line
B = 186.82 ∠ 79.45 0 Ω
is 1500 Ω . What is the charging reactance for 100
C = 1.13 × 10 −3 ∠ 90.410 S
km length of the line? [IES 2005]
(A) 1500 Ω (B) 3000 Ω Calculate :
(C) 750 Ω (D) 600 Ω (1) the line to line receiving end voltage.
Q.36 The ABCD constants of a three phase (2) the receiving end current.
transmission (3) the receiving end power factor.
line are [IES 2001] Statement For Linked Questions 42 to 45
A = D = 0.8∠ 1 0
A 3− φ transmission line serves a load of 400
B = 170∠85 Ω MVA, 0.8 lagging p.f. at 345 kV. The ABCD
C = 0.002∠90.40 mho constants of the line are :
The sending end voltage is 400 kV. The receiving A = D = 0.818∠1.30
end voltage under no load condition is B = 172.2 ∠84.2 0 Ω
(A) 400 kV (B) 500 kV C = 0.001933∠90.40 S
(C) 320 kV (D) 417 kV Q.42 Determine the sending end line to neutral voltage
Q.37 A medium line with parameters A, B, C, D, and the sending end current.
extended by connecting a short line of impedance (A) 156.74 kV, 347.67 A (B) 256.74 kV, 447.67
Z in series. The overall ABCD parameters of the A
series combination will be (C) 356.74 kV, 547.67 A (D) None of these
(A) A, AZ, C+D/Z, D (B) A, AZ+B, C, CZ+D Q.43 Determine the % voltage drop for above case.
(C) A+BZ, B, C+DZ, D (D) AZ, B, C/Z, D
(A) 22.4% (B) 26.7%
Q.38 A 50 Hz, three phase transmission line of length
(C) 28.9% (D) None of these
100 km has a capacitance of (0.03/π) μF/km . It is
Q.44 Determine the receiving end line to neutral
represented as nominal π . The shunt admittance
voltage and the sending end current at no load.
at each end of transmission line will be
(A) 313.7 kV, 606.7 A
−6 0 −6 0
(A) 150 ×10 ∠90 S (B) 100 ×10 ∠90 S
(B) 256.74 kV, 496.28 A
−6 0 −6 0
(C) 50 ×10 ∠90 S (D) 10 ∠90 S (C) 213.42 kV, 368.13 A
Q.39 The ABCD constants of a 3− φ transmission line (D) None of these
are : A = D = 0.936∠0.98 Q.45 Determine the voltage regulation for above case.
B = 142∠ 76.4 0 Ω (A) 52.6% (B) 57.6%
C = 0.914 ∠90.3 mS (C) 62.6% (D) None of these
The load at the receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV Statement For Linked Answer Questions 46 to 50
with a pf of 0.9 lag. Find the voltage regulation A 40 MVA generating station is connected to a
assuming the magnitude of sending end voltage three phase line having
remains constant is _____%. Z = 300 ∠750 Ω , Y = 0.0025 ∠ 90 0 Ω −1
Q.40 A 3− φ , 132 kV, nominal T transmission line is
The power at the generating station is 40 MVA at
connected to a 50 MW load at a power factor of unity power factor at a voltage of 120 kV. There
0.85 lagging. The line constants of the 80 km long is load of 10 MW at upf at the mid point of the
line are Z = 96∠780 Ω are Y = 0.001∠900 S . line. Use nominal T-circuit for the line.
GATE ACADEMY ® Performance of Transmission Line, Voltage Control & Power Factor Improvement 11
Q.46 Calculate the current in the capacitor. per km. Then the percentage ratio of the line
(A) 0.19 kA (B) 0.15 kA length to wavelength will be given by
(C) 0.17 kA (D) None of these [GATE 2008-Bangalore]
Q.47 Calculate the current in midpoint upf load. (A) 24.24% (B) 12.12%
(C) 4.9 kA (D) None of these Q.55 The total reactance and total susceptance of a
lossless overhead EHV line, operating at 50 Hz,
Q.48 Calculate the current at the receiving end
are given by 0.045 pu and 1.2 pu respectively. If
(A) 0.156 kA (B) 0.356 kA
the velocity of wave propagation is 3 ×105 km/s,
(C) 0.556 kA (D) None of these
then the approximate length of the line is
Q.49 Calculate the receiving end voltage.
[GATE 2007-Kanpur]
(A) 69.72 kV (B) 79.72 kV
(A) 122 km (B) 172 km
(C) 89.72 kV (D) None of these
(C) 222 km (D) 272 km
Q.50 Calculate the receiving end load.
Q.56 A cable has the following characteristics
(A) 20 MW (B) 23 MW
L = 0.201 μH/m and C = 196.2 pF/m . The velocity
(C) 26 MW (D) None of these
of wave propagation through the cable is
Q.51 The nominal- π circuit of a transmission line is [GATE 1998-Delhi]
shown in the figure
(A) 32 m/s (B) 159.24 m/ μ s
(C) 0.0312 m/s (D) 159.24 m/s
Q.57 The surge impedance of a 400 km long overhead
transmission line is 400 ohms. For a 200 km length
of the same line, the surge impedance will be
[GATE 1995-Kanpur]
Impedance Z = 100∠800 Ω and reactance
(A) 200 Ω (B) 800 Ω
X = 3300 Ω . The magnitude of the characteristic
(C) 400 Ω (D) 100 Ω
impedance of the transmission line (in Ω ) is
Q.58 A long overhead lossless power transmission line
_____. (Give the answer up to one decimal place).
is terminated with its characteristic impedance.
[GATE 2017-Roorkee]
While the line is in operation [IES 2015]
Q.52 In a long transmission line with r, l, g and c are
(A) A resonance of reactive powers occurs in the
the resistance, inductance, shunt conductance
and capacitance per unit length, respectively, the
(B) The line becomes purely inductive
condition for distortionless transmission is
(C) The line becomes purely capacitive
[GATE 2014-Kharagpur]
(D) There is no reflected wave on the line
(A) rc = lg (B) r = l / c
Q.59 For a loss free long transmission line, the
(C) rg = lc (D) g = c/l conventional line equations become, [IES 2006]
Q.53 For a 400 km long transmission line, the series VS = (cos β l )VR + ( j Z c sin βl ) I R and
impedance is (0.0 + j 0.5) Ω /km and the shunt j sin βl
IS = VR + (cos βl ) I R
admittance is (0.0 + j 5.0) μmho/km. The
magnitude of the series impedance (in Ω ) of the
Which one of the following statements is correct?
equivalent π circuit of the transmission line
If the line is terminated at the receiving end by its
natural load impedance Z C , then
[GATE 2014-Kharagpur]
(A) The voltage is constant in magnitude at all
Q.54 The extra high voltage transmission line of length
points along the line and V S and V R always
300 km can be approximated by the lossless line
remain in phase.
having propagation constant β = 0.00127 radians
12 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
(B) – 1000 W, – 134 VAR resistance of line is negligible and series reactance
is 1 Ω per km. The approximate length of line is
(C) 276.9 W, – 56.7 VAR
_______ km.
(D) – 276.9 W, 56.7 VAR
Q.13 At an industrial substation with an 8 MW load, a
Q.7 A 3-phase, 11 kV generator feeds power to a
capacitor of 4 MVAR is installed to maintain load
constant power unity power factor load of 100
p.f. at 0.9 leading. If a compensating element is
MW through a 3-phase transmission line. The line
also connected so that the p.f. changes to 0.9
to line voltage at the terminals of the machine is
lagging, the compensating element is
maintained constant at 11 kV. The per unit
(A) Capacitor of 4.5 MVAR
positive sequence impedance of the line based on
100 MVA and 11 kV is j0.2. The line to line voltage (B) Inductor of 4.5 MVAR
at the load terminals is measured to be less than (C) Capacitor of 7.75 MVAR
11 kV. The total reactive power to be injected at (D) Inductor of 7.75 MVAR
the terminals of the load to increase the line to line Q.14 A short transmission line is having negligible
voltage at the load terminals to 11 kV is resistance and a reactance of 10 Ω. At receiving
[GATE 2003-Madras] end an over excited synchronous motor is
connected, the loss free synchronous motor at 10
(A) 100 MVAR (B) 10.1 MVAR
kV is supplying a mechanical load of 2 MW at 0.8
(C) – 100 MVAR (D) – 10.1 MVAR
power factor. The compensation required to be
Q.8 A shunt reactor of 100 MVAR is operated at 98% provided at receiving end to obtain zero voltage
of its rated voltage and at 96% of its rated regulation is
frequency. The reactive power absorbed by the
(A) Shunt reactor of 1.3 MVAR
reactor is : [GATE 1998-Delhi]
(B) Shunt reactor of 1.5 MVAR
(A) 98 MVAR (B) 104.02 MVAR
(C) Shunt capacitor of 1.3 MVAR
(C) 96.04 MVAR (D) 100.04 MVAR
(D) Shunt capacitor of 1.5 MVAR
Q.9 In a 400 kV network, 360 kV is recorded at a 400 Q.15 A 50 Hz, 3 − φ , 275 kV, 400 km transmission line
kV bus. The reactive power absorbed by a shunt
has the following per phase parameters R = 0.035
rated for 50 MVAR, 400 kV connected at the bus
Ω/km , L = 1 mH/km and C = 0.01 μ F/km . If the
is [GATE 1994-Kharagpur]
line is supplied at 275 kV, determine the MVA
(A) 61.73 MVAR (B) 55.56 MVAR
rating of a shunt reactor having negligible losses
(C) 45 MVAR (D) 40.5 MVAR that would be required to maintain 275 kV at the
Q.10 A shunt capacitor used in power system for VAR receiving end when the line is delivering no load.
compensation is operated at 98 % of its rated Use nominal π method.
frequency and 95 % of its rated voltage. The % (A) 42.5 MVA (B) 47.5 MVA
change in VAR supplied by shunt capacitor as (C) 52.5 MVA (D) None of these
compared to its rated capacity is _____. Common Data Question 16 & 17
Q.11 A shunt reactor at receiving end of a transmission A 3 − φ feeder having a resistance of 3 Ω and a
line is operated at 96% of its rated voltage and
reactance of 10 Ω supplies a load of 2 MW at 0.85
104% of its rated frequency. The % change in
lagging pf. The receiving end voltage is
active power consumed by it as compared to
maintained at 11 kV by means of a static
rated capacity is _____.
condenser drawing 2.1 MVAr from the line.
Q.12 The transmission line parameters of medium line
Q.16 Calculate the sending end voltage and power
are given as per π − model
A = D = 0.9∠ 0.50
(A) 10.96 kV, 0.976 lead
C = 0.9 ×10−4 ∠880 S (B) 10.96 kV, 0.982 lead
14 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
(A) 3600 W (B) 2880 W Q.30 A circuit consisting of a single resistor R and an
(C) 2400 W (D) 1200 W inductor L in series is driven by a 25 V rms, 50 Hz
Q.29 A 3-phase, 11 kV, 50 Hz, 200 kW load has a power sinusoidal voltage source. A capacitor is to be
factor of 0.8 lag. A delta connected 3-phase connected in parallel with the source to improve
the power factor. Given that the average power
capacitor is used to improve the power factor to
unity. The capacitance per-phase of the capacitor dissipated in the R is 100 W and that the reactive
A Answer Keys
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. -11.5
S Smart Course Questions feeding point. Each conductor has go and return
resistance of 0.004 Ω per 100 m. If voltage at
Q.1 The selection of size of conductors for a
feeding point is 250 V, the voltage at each load
distributor in a distribution system is governed
point are
(A) 236.4 V, 232.8 V, 228.8 V, 226.8 V
[GATE 1995-Kanpur, GATE 1992-Delhi]
(B) 239.4 V, 234.8 V, 230.8 V, 226.8 V
(A) corona loss (B) temperature rise
(C) 239.4 V, 232.8 V, 230.8 V, 224.8 V
(C) radio interference (D) voltage drop
(D) 236.4 V, 234.8 V, 228.8 V, 224.8 V
Q.2 Why is a ring main distribution system preferred
Q.6 Two tram cars A and B, 2 km and 6 km away from
to a radial system? [IES 2007]
a substation draws 40 A and 20 A respectively.
1. Voltage drop in the feeder is less The substation voltage is 600 V d.c. The resistance
2. Power factor is higher of trolley wire is 0.25 Ω/km and that of track is
3. Supply is more reliable 0.03 Ω /km . The voltage across each tram car are
Select the correct answer using the codes given
2 km 4 km
below :
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 600 V 40 A 20 A
Q.3 A distribution transformer usually is a
(A) Star star transformer
(A) 560.4 V, 544 V (B) 566.4 V, 544 V
(B) Delta delta transformer
(C) 566.4 V, 540 V (D) 560.4 V, 540 V
(C) Star delta transformer
Q.7 The distribution system shown has equi-spaced
(D) Delta star transformer
loads with equal resistance r in each section of the
Q.4 The fundamental difference between a feeder and
conductor. There is no current flow after H and
a transmission line is
the maximum voltage drop is 7 V.
(A) transmission line is shorter and operates at
lesser voltage than feeder
(B) transmission line is shorter and operates at
more voltage than feeder
The power loss in the distributor is _____ W.
(C) transmission line is longer and operates at
Q.8 A distribution feeder of 1 km length having
lower voltage than feeder
resistance, but negligible reactance, is fed from
(D) transmission line is longer and operates at
both the ends by 400 V, 50 Hz balanced sources.
more voltage than feeder
Both voltage sources S 1 and S 2 are in phase.
Q.5 A two wire dc distributor system is 3 km long and
The feeder supplies concentrated loads of unity
it supplies loads of 200 A, 100 A, 75 A and 50 A at
power factor as shown in the figure.
800 m, 1200 m, 2000 m and 3000 m from the
GATE ACADEMY ® Distribution System 17
400 m 200 m 200 m 200 m (C) 173.33 A, 73.33 A, 46.67 A
S1 S2
(D) 183.33 A, 83.33 A, 36.67 A
400 V 400 V Q.12 A two wire dc distributor fed at both ends ‘A’ and
50 Hz 200 A 100 A 200 A 50 Hz ‘B’ at 255 V and 250 V respectively. The loads and
The contributions of S 1 and S 2 in 100 A current resistances of distributor (both wires) are shown.
supplied at location P respectively, are 0.02 W 0.05W 0.03W
[GATE 2014-Kharagpur] A C D B
(A) 75 A and 25 A (B) 50 A and 50 A
(C) 25 A and 75 A (D) 0 A and 100 A 100 A 180 A
Q.9 A dc distribution system is shown in figure with Determine :
load currents as marked. The two ends of the (1) the currents fed at A and B.
feeder are fed by voltage sources such that (2) the voltages at points C and D.
VP − VQ = 3 V. The value of the voltage V p for a Q.13 A 2 wire dc distributer AB, 600 m long is loaded
minimum voltage of 220 V at any point along the as shown. Each conductor has a resistance of
feeder is [GATE 2003-Madras] 0.01 Ω per 100 m.
Calculate :
(1) the current supplied from A and B.
(A) 225.89 V (B) 222.89 V (2) the power dissipated in the distributor.
(C) 220.0 V (D) 228.58 V Q.14 A 2 wire dc distributor 300 m long is uniformly
Q.10 A two conductor cable 1 km long is loaded as loaded with a load of 1 A/m. The resistance of
shown. Both ends are supplied at 250 V. If the single wire is 0.4 Ω /km . The distributor is fed at
minimum allowable voltage to the consumer is one end. Calculate :
245 V, calculate the cross section of each (1) the voltage drop upto a distance of 225 m
conductor. The resistivity of the material is from the feeding point.
1.7 μΩ -cm (2) the maximum voltage drop.
(3) the voltages at a distance of 225 m and 300 m
from the feeding point if the distributor is fed
at 300 V.
(4) the power loss in the distributor.
(A) 0.17 cm2 (B) 1.7 cm 2
Q.15 A 250 m, 2 wire d.c. distributor fed from one end
(C) 0.085 cm 2 (D) 0.85 cm2 is loaded uniformly at the rate of 1.6 A/m. The
Q.11 A two wire distributor AB is fed at A and B at 250 resistance of each conductor is 0.0002 Ω per
V and 245 V respectively and is loaded as shown meter. Calculate :
in figure. The resistances given are those for both (1) the voltage necessary at feed point to
conductors. Find the value of current in each maintain 250 V at the far end.
section. (2) the voltage necessary at feed point to
A C D B maintain 250 V at the midpoint of the
0.02 W 0.04 W 0.03W distributor.
S Self-Practice Questions
100 A 120 A
Q.1 Calculate the voltage at a distance of 250 m of a
(A) 153.33 A, 53.33 A, 66.67 A
350 m long distributor uniformly loaded at the
(B) 163.33 A, 63.33 A, 56.67 A rate of 0.8 A/m. The distributor is fed at one end
18 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
at 250 V. The go and return resistance of the (A) 220.87 V, 253.67 V (B) 230.87 V, 243.67 V
distributor is 0.00016 Ω/m . Also find the power (C) 240.47 V, 233.67 V (D) None of these
loss in the distributor. Statement for Linked Questions 8 to 10
(A) 7.2 V, 1.46 kW (B) 242.8 V, 1.46 kW A distributor 500 m long has a total resistance of
(C) 3.2 V, 1.86 kW (D) 246.8 V, 1.86 kW 0.05 Ω both go and return path. The distributor is
Q.2 A 2 wire dc distributor AB 900 m long is fed at A loaded with concentrated loads of 80 A, 70 A, 50
400 V and load of 50 A, 100 A and 150 A are A and 100 A at a distance of 100 m, 200 m, 250 m,
tapped off from C, D and E which are at a 400 m, from feeding end A respectively. In
distance of 200 m, 500 m and 800 m from point A addition to this there is uniformly distributed
respectively. The distributor is also loaded load of 0.5 A/m on the distributor. Both ends A
uniformly at the rate of 0.5 A/m. If the resistance and B are maintained at 220 V.
of the distributor per meter is 0.000152, the Q.8 Calculate the point of minimum potential from
voltage at point B is ____ V. end A.
Q.3 A uniformly loaded distributor fed at one end
(A) 100 m (B) 200 m
only has power loss of x watts, if the distributor
(C) 250 m (D) 400 m
is now fed from both ends the power loss
Q.9 Calculate the current supplied by each end.
(A) 151 A, 149 A (B) 276 A, 274 A
(A) x / 2 (B) x / 4
(C) 401 A, 399 A (D) 451 A, 449 A
(C) x / 8 (D) x / 3
Q.10 Calculate the value of minimum potential.
Q.4 A uniformly distributed dc two wire distributor
(A) 212.2 V (B) 214.8 V
300 m long is loaded at 2 A/m. Go and return
(C) 216.2 V (D) 217.8 V
resistance of the loop is 0.05 Ω/km . If the
Q.11 Single line diagram of a four bus single source
distributor is fed at both ends at the same voltage,
distribution system is shown below. Branches
the maximum voltage drop is _____ V.
e1 , e2 , e3 and e 4 have equal impedances. The
Q.5 A distributor cable 800 m long is loaded with 0.4
load current values indicated in the figure are in
A/m. Resistance of each conductor is 0.04 Ω /km .
per unit. Distribution company’s policy required
Calculate the maximum voltage drop and the
radial system operation with minimum loss. This
minimum voltage if the distributor is fed from
can be achieved by operating of the branch
both ends with equal voltage of 220 V.
[GATE 2008-Bangalore]
(A) 1.28 V, 218.72 V (B) 1.92 V, 218.08 V
(C) 2.56 V, 217.44 V (D) 2.56 V, 218.08 V
Q.6 A two wire dc distributor AB is 600 m long and is
fed from both ends. It is uniformly distributed at
the rate 1 A/m. The feeding point A is maintained
at 260 V while the feeding point B is maintained
at 255 V. Resistance of each conductor is
0.1 Ω /km .
Calculate :
(A) e1 (B) e2
(1) the value of minimum potential.
(2) the currents supplied by A and B. (C) e3 (D) e4
Q.7 A 2 wire distributor is uniformly loaded at the Q.12 A single phase AC distributor supplies two single
rate 1.2 A/m and is fed at both the ends. The point phase loads as shown in figure. The voltage drop
of minimum potential occurs at 575 m from end from A to C is [GATE 1999-Bombay]
A and the minimum potential is 225 V. If the
length of the distributor is 1 km, calculate the
voltages at the feeding ends A and B. The
resistance of each conductor is 0.04 Ω /km .
GATE ACADEMY ® Distribution System 19
(A) 4.5 V (B) 31.5 V Q.16 Three loads ABC are connected to 240 V supply
(C) 30 V (D) 20 V through separate cables having resistance of 0.06,
Q.13 A single phase ac distributor XY 200 m long is fed 0.15 and 0.12 Ω respectively. A is joined with B
from end X and is loaded as under through 0.08 Ω connector and B is joined with C
(1) 50 A at 0.8 pf lagging 100 m from point X through a connector of resistance 0.05 Ω .
(2) 100 A at 0.707 pf lagging 200 m from point X Determine the voltage at point A, B and C if the
loads are 40 A, 60 A and 25 A at load points A, B
The total resistance and reactance of the
and C.
distribution is 0.3 Ω and 0.2 Ω per km.
Calculate the total voltage drop in the distributor.
(A) 6 V (B) 9 V
(C) 12 V (D) 18 V
I1 I3
Q.14 A single phase distributor AB has a total I2
impedance of (0.1 + j 0.2) Ω . At the far end B, a
current of 80 A at 0.8 pf lagging and at mid point A B C
C a current of 100 A at 0.6 pf lagging are tapped.
The voltage at the far end is maintained at 200 V.
The load pf are wrt the voltage at the far end. The 40 A 60 A 25 A
supply end voltage V A (A) 236.5 V, 234.1 V, 233.7 V
(B) 235.5 V, 234.1 V, 234.7 V
(A) 220.2∠3.50 V (B) 223.2∠2.50 V
(C) 236.5 V, 235.1 V, 235.7 V
(C) 225.2∠3.50 V (D) 227.2∠2.50 V
(D) 237.5 V, 236.1 V, 235.7 V
Q.15 A single phase ring distributor A B C is shown.
Both power factor expressed are referred to the
voltage at point A. The current in section BC is
A Answer Keys
Q.4 The insulation resistance of cable of length 10 km resistance, if the cables are connected in parallel.
is 1 MΩ , its resistance for 50 km length will be (A) 1.4 Ω, 1000 MΩ (B) 1.4 Ω, 240 MΩ
_____ MΩ . (C) 0.3428 Ω, 1000 MΩ (D) 0.3428 Ω, 240 MΩ
Q.5 A single core cable 5 km long has an insulation Q.10 Calculate the charging current of a single core
resistance of 0.4 MΩ . The core diameter is 20 mm cable used on a 3 − φ , 50 Hz, 66 kV system. The
and the diameter of the cable over the insulation cable is 1 km long having a core diameter of 10
is 50 mm. Calculate the resistivity of the cm and paper insulation of thickness 7 cm with
insulating material. relative permittivity 4.
9 9
(A) 11.7 × 10 Ω -m (B) 12.7 × 10 Ω -m (A) 2.04 A (B) 3.04 A
(C) 13.7 × 109 Ω -m (D) 14.7 × 109 Ω -m (C) 4.04 A (D) 5.04 A
Q.11 A 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3 phase underground cable, 4 km
Q.6 The insulation resistance of a single core cable is
long uses three single core cable. Each of the
500 MΩ /km . If the core diameter is 2.6 cm and
conductors has a diameter of 2.5 cm and the
resistivity of insulation is 5 ×1014 Ω-cm , the
radial thickness of insulation is 0.5 cm. The
insulation thickness is _____ cm. relative permittivity of insulation is 3. The
Q.7 A single core underground cable has a copper capacitance of the cable per phase, the charging
conductor of diameter 1.2 cm and resistivity current per phase and total charging kVAR
1.72 × 10 Ω-m , a sheath of internal diameter 2 respectively are :
cm, and a dielectric material of resistivity (A) 2.98 μF, 13.8 A, 658.4 kVAR
5.8 × 10 Ω -m and relative permittivity 4. The (B) 2.98 μF, 11.8 A, 678.4 kVAR
22 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
(C) 1.98 μF, 13.8 A, 658.4 kVAR (A) 3 cm, 54.2 kV (B) 2.1 cm, 180.6 kV
(D) 1.98 μF, 11.8 A, 678.4 kVAR (C) 3 cm, 180.6 kV (D) 2.1 cm, 54.2 kV
Q.12 A long wire composed of a smooth round Q.17 Determine the economical core diameter of a
single core cable working on 22 kV, single phase
conductor runs above and parallel to the ground
system. The maximum permissible stress in the
(assumed to be a large conducting plane). A high
voltage exists between the conductor and the dielectric is not to exceed 33 kV/cm.
ground. The maximum electric stress occurs at (A) 1.88 cm (B) 2.88 cm
(A) the upper surface of the conductor Q.18 Find the internal sheath diameter for the most
economical size of a single core cable working on
(B) the lower surface of the conductor
a 132 kV, three phase system, if a dielectric stress
(C) the ground surface
of 60 kV/cm can be allowed.
(D) midway between the conductor and ground
(A) 3.6 cm (B) 4.89 cm
Q.13 A 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, single core lead sheathed cable
(C) 9.78 cm (D) None of these
has the following data : [GATE 1999-Bombay]
Q.20 Three insulating materials with breakdown
Conductor diameter : 1.5 cm
strengths of 250 kV/cm, 200 kV/cm and 150
Length : 4 km kV/cm and permittivity of 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 are
Internal diameter of the sheath : 3 cm used in a single core cable. If the factor of safety
Resistivity of insulation : 1.3 × 1012 Ω-m for the materials is 5, the location of the materials
with respect to the core of the cable will be
Relative permittivity of insulation : 3.5
(A) 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 (B) 3.0, 2.5, 3.5
Calculate :
(C) 3.0, 2.5, 4.0 (D) 2.5, 3.5, 3.0
(1) the insulation resistance
Q.21 Three insulation materials with same maximum
(2) the capacitance working stress and permittivities 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 are
(3) the maximum electric stress in the insulation. used in single core cable. The location of the
Q.14 In underground cables, the electrostatic stress is materials with respect to the core of the cable will
(A) zero at the conductor as well as on the sheath be
(B) minimum at the conductor surface and (A) 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 (B) 4.0, 3.0, 2.5
maximum at the sheath (C) 3.0, 2.5, 4.0 (D) 4.0, 2.5, 3.0
(C) maximum at the conductor surface and Q.22 The maximum and minimum electric field
minimum at the sheath strengths respectively in the cable shown are
(D) same at the conductor surface and sheath.
Q.15 A 33 kV, single core cable has a conductor
diameter of 1 cm and a sheath of inside diameter
4 cm. Find the maximum and minimum stress in
the insulation.
(A) 47.6 kV/m, 11.9 kV/m
(B) 57.6 kV/cm, 15.9 kV/cm V V
(A) ,
(C) 47.6 kV/cm, 11.9 kV/cm R2 ln( R1 / R2 ) R1 ln( R1 / R2 )
Q.23 For a capacitance grading, let r2 = 2.5 cm, sheath. εr of porcelain is 5 and the peak voltage
r1 = 1.75 cm, r = 0.92 cm and the operating gradient in air must not exceed 32 kV/cm. The
voltage is 13.2 kV. Calculate : peak safe working voltage is __________ kV.
(A) 0.543 cm, 4.35 cm (B) 0.643 cm, 3.35 cm (A) 78.5 kV/cm, 73.6 kV/cm
(C) 0.743 cm, 2.35 cm (D) None of these (B) 73.6 kV/cm, 95.7 kV/cm
Q.2 A conductor of 1 cm diameter passes centrally (C) 78.5 kV/cm, 95.7 kV/cm
through a porcelain cylinder of 2 cm internal (D) 73.6 kV/cm, 78.5 kV/cm
diameter and 6 cm external diameter. The Q.6 A single core cable of conductor diameter 2 cm
cylinder is surrounded by a tightly fitting metal and sheath diameter 5.3 cm is to be used on a 66
24 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
kV rms, 3−φ system. The intersheaths of Q.10 The capacitance per km of a three wire cable are
diameter 3.1 cm and 4.2 cm are introduced 0.9 μF between the three bunched conductors
between the core and lead sheath. If the and the sheath, and 0.4 μF between one
maximum stress in each layer is same, find the conductor and the other two connected to the
peak voltage on each intersheath. sheath. Determine the line to ground capacitance
(A) 36.96 kV, 18.86 kV (B) 34.96 kV, 16.86 kV of a 20 km length of this cable.
(C) 32.96 kV, 14.86 kV (D) None of these (A) 0.45 μF (B) 0.9 μF
Q.7 Consider a three core, three phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV (C) 4.5 μF (D) 9 μF
cable whose conductors are denoted as R, Y and Q.11 The capacitance per km of a 3-phase belted cable
B in the figure. The inter phase capacitance is 0.18 μF between two cores with the third core
between each pair of conductors is 0.2 μF and the connected to sheath. The kVA taken by 20 km
capacitance between each line conductor and the long cable when connected to 3-phase, 50 Hz,
sheath is 0.4 μF . The per phase charging current 3300 V supply is _____.
is [GATE 2010-Guwahati] Q.12 A three-phase cable is supplying 800 kW and 600
kVAr to an inductive load. It is intended to
supply an additional resistive load of 100 kW
through the same cable without increasing the
heat dissipation in the cable, by providing a
three-phase bank of capacitors connected in star
across the load. Given the line voltage is 3.3 kV,
50 Hz the capacitance per phase of the bank
expressed in microfarads, is _______________.
[GATE 2016 - Bangalore]
(A) 2.0 A (B) 2.4 A Q.13 A lossy capacitor C x rated for operation at 5 kV,
(C) 2.7 A (D) 3.5 A 50 Hz is represented by an equivalent circuit with
Q.8 For the circuit shown in figure, the capacitance an ideal capacitor C p in parallel with a resistor
measured between terminals B and Y will be R p . The value of C p is found to be 0.102 μF and
[GATE 1999-Bombay] the value of RP = 1.25 MΩ . Then the power loss
and tan δ of the lossy capacitor operating at the
rated voltage, respectively, are
[GATE 2011-Madras]
(A) 10 W and 0.0002 (B) 10 W and 0.0025
(C) 20 W and 0.025 (D) 20 W and 0.44
Q.14 A 110 kV, single core coaxial XLPE insulated
power cable delivering power at 50 Hz, has a
capacitance of 125 nF/km. If the dielectric loss
(A) Cc + (Cs / 2) (B) Cs + (Cc / 2) −4
tangent of XLPE is 2 ×10 , then dielectric power
(C) (Cs + 3Cc ) / 2 (D) 3Cc + 2Cs loss in this cable in W/km is [GATE 2004-Delhi]
Q.9 The capacitance of the three core cable belted (A) 5.0 (B) 31.7
between three cores bunched together and the (C) 37.8 (D) 189.0
sheath is 10 μF and between conductor and other Q.15 A single core cable, consisting of a 1 cm diameter
two connected together to the sheath is 6 μF . The core inside a 2.5 cm diameter sheath is 10 km long
cable connected to a 11 kV, 50 Hz, three phase and operates at 13.2 kV and 60 Hz. εr = 5 and
Q.16 The undesirable property of an electrical Q.19 Each conductor of a 33 kV, three phase system is
insulating material is [GATE 2014-Kharagpur] suspended by a string of three similar insulators.
(A) high dielectric strength The ratio of shunt capacitance to mutual
(B) high relative permittivity capacitance is 0.1. Calculate the voltage across
each insulator and string efficiency.
(C) high thermal conductivity
[GATE 1998-Delhi]
(D) high insulation resistivity
Q.20 Two insulator discs of identical capacitance value
Q.17 Consider a three phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV distribution of C make up a string for a 22 kV, 50 Hz, single
system. Each of the conductors is suspended by phase overhead line insulation system. If the pin
an insulator string having two identical porcelain to earth capacitance is also C, then the string
insulators. The self capacitance of the insulator is efficiency is [ESE 2003]
5 times the shunt capacitance between the link (A) 50% (B) 75%
and the ground, as shown in the figure. The (C) 90% (D) 86%
voltage across the two insulators are Q.21 Determine the maximum voltage that the string
[GATE 2010-Guwahati] of the suspension insulators can withstand if the
maximum voltage per unit is 20 kV.
A Answer Keys
10 MVA 10 MVA
11 kV 11/3.3 kV
X = 5% X = 5%
The generator is supplying a load of 6 MW
(A) 0.66 pu, 0.66 pu at 0.6 lag p.f. at rated voltage. The steady
(B) 0.66 pu, 0.066 pu state stability limit of the system is
(C) 0.66 pu, 0.0066 pu _________MW.
(D) None of these
Q.9 For the system shown, the generator
voltage is _____ kV.
Resistive load
X L = 100 W /ph
75 MVA 50 MVA
15 kV 15/220 kV R = 500 W
0.75 pu 0.1 pu 210 kV
A Answer Keys
(1) The reactance of bus bar reactor X (in
pu) will be _______.
(2) Fault level of bus 2 (in MVA) will be
(3) MVA rating of circuit breaker C for Each generator has a reactance of 0.2 pu.
fault at load will be ______. The value of the reactor X to limit a
Q.3 Two power stations S1 and S2 are symmetrical short circuit (a-b-c) current
interconnected through a transmission line through the circuit breaker to 1500 MVA is
of per unit (pu) reactance of 0.4. Station S1 [ESE 2003]
has one generator of pu reactance of 0.2, (A) 0.05 pu (B) 0.10 pu
and station S2 has two generators of pu (C) 0.15 pu (D) 0.20 pu
reactance 0.4 each.
GATE ACADEMY ® Symmetrical Faults 31
Q.13 A power plant has two generating units and S Self-Practice Questions
the circuit breakers having breaking
capacity of 175 MVA. It is planned to Q.1 In a tie bar system shown, a three phase
extend the system by connecting it to the feeder is supplied from the bus bar of
grid through a transformer. Calculate the generator A at a line voltage of 6.6 kV. The
reactance needed in ohms for a reactor to be feeder has a resistance of 0.06 Ω /phase and
connected in the bus bar section to prevent an inductive reactance of 0.12 Ω /phase.
the circuit breaker from being overloaded if The reactors reactances are based upon the
a short circuit occurs on any outgoing rating of the machine to which it is
feeder connecting to it. The bus bar voltage connected. The maximum MVA that can be
is 3.3 kV. fed into a symmetrical short circuit at the
far end of the feeder is ___________.
0.15 0.15 0.15
F 200 MVA
Q.15 A power plant has three generating units
each rated at 7500 kVA unit 15% reactance.
The plant is protected by a tie bar system. Q.3 For the configuration shown in figure, the
Reactors are rated at 7500 kVA and 6% breaker connecting a large system to bus 2
reactance. is initially open. The system 3-phase fault
level at bus 3 under this condition is not
known. After closing the system breaker,
the 3-phase fault level at bus 1 was found to
be 5.0 pu. What will be the new 3-phase
fault level at system bus 3 after the
interconnection? All per unit values are on
common bases. Prefault load currents are
Determine the fault MVA
neglected and prefault voltages are
(1) when a short circuit occurs on one of
assumed to be 1.0 pu at all buses.
the sections of bus bars.
[GATE 2000-Kharagpur]
(2) at F when reactors are not present.
GATE ACADEMY ® Symmetrical Faults 33
connected to a bus. This motor is connected 200 km long double circuit line is
by a line having a reactance of 0.023 Ω to connected to load from bus B. A 3−φ fault
a bus of a power system with short circuit occurs at bus B. Select 75 MVA and 11 kV
9.6 MVA for a normal voltage of 480 V. on LV side and 132 kV on HV side as base
When the voltage at the motor bus is 440 V, values. Determine the total fault current and
neglect load current, the initial symmetrical the fault current supplied by generator 1.
rms current in a three phase fault at the 75 MVA
motor bus is ______ kAmp. 15% 11/132 kV
G1 A
200 km
75 MVA, 10% B
25 MVA, 8%
0.18 W /phase/km
Q.12 Two generators are connected in parallel to G2
the LV side of a 3 − φ, Δ − Y transformer. 25 MVA 11/132 kV
Before a fault occurred, the voltage on the 10%
HV side of the transformer is 63 kV. The (A) 1322 A, 10850 A
transformer is unloaded and there is no (B) 15872 A, 10850 A
circulating current between the generators. (C) 15872 A, 5022 A
A 3−φ short circuit occurs on the HV side
(D) None of these
of the transformer. Assume 90 MVA and 66
Q.15 In the power system network, each of the
kV base. Calculate :
alternator G1 and G2 is rated at 125 MVA,
11 kV and has a subtransient reactance of
j0.21 pu. Each of the transformer is rated at
125 MVA, 11/132 kV and has a leakage
reactance of 0.06 pu.
A Answer Keys
.Common Data For Questions 15 and 16. Q.18 Find the symmetrical component of delta
A delta connected balanced resistive load is line currents.
connected across an unbalanced three phase (A) 0, 27.87∠ − 300 , 13∠ − 44.90
supply as shown in figure with current in
(B) 0, 27.87 ∠30 0 , 13∠ − 44.9 0
line A and B specified.
A (C) 0, 27.87∠300 , 13∠ 44.90
I A = 10Ð300
(D) None of the above
Q.19 A 230 V (phase), 50 Hz, three phase, 4 wire,
I B = 15Ð - 60° system has a sequence ABC. A unity power
R factor load of 4 kW is connected between
IC phase A and neutral N. It is desired to
achieve zero neutral current through the use
Q.15 Calculate the symmetrical currents in line
of a pure inductor and a pure capacitor in
the other two phases. The value of inductor
(A) 0, 14∠420 , 4.64∠ − 111.40 and capacitor is [GATE 2007-Kanpur]
(B) 0, 14∠ − 780 , 4.64∠8.6 0 (A) 72.95 mH in phase C and 139.02 μF in
(C) 0, 4.64∠8.6 0 , 14∠ − 780 phase B
(B) 72.95 mH in phase B and 139.02 μF in
(D) 0, 4.64∠ − 111.40 , 14∠420
phase C
Q.16 Calculate the symmetrical currents I AB1 and
(C) 42.12 mH in phase C and 240.79 μF in
I AB 2 .
phase B
0 0
(A) 2.67∠ −141.4 , 8.08∠72 (D) 42.12 mH in phase B and 240.79 μF in
(B) 8.08∠ −141.4 , 2.67∠72
0 phase C
0 0 Q.20 A set of 3 equal resistor, each of value Rx ,
(C) 2.67∠72 , 8.08∠ −141.4
0 0
connected in star across RBY of given
(D) 8.08∠72 , 2.67∠ −141.4 figure consumes the same power as the
.Common Data For Questions 17 & 18 unbalanced delta connected load shown.
A delta connected resistive load is The value of Rx is
connected across a balanced three phase [GATE 1994-Kharagpur]
supply of 400 V.
a a
15W 20 W
Ic c
c b
250 W
b (A) 100 Ω (B) 50 Ω
(C) 33.3 Ω (D) 25 Ω
Q.17 Find the symmetrical components of delta
phase currents. Q.21 In a single phase ac circuit, the per unit
instantaneous voltage is given by
(A) 7.5∠74.9 0 , 16.1∠300 , 7.5∠ − 74.90
v = V sin (ω t + 30 0 ) and the per unit
(B) 7.5∠ − 74.90 , 16.1∠00 , 7.5∠74.90 instantaneous current is given by
0 0 0
(C) 7.5∠74.9 , 16.1∠0 , 7.5∠ − 74.9 0
i = I sin(ωt − 30 ) . Hence the per unit
(D) None of the above value of reactive power is [ESE 2002]
GATE ACADEMY ® Symmetrical Components 39
1 1 a ia a'
(A) (B) +
4 2 van ib
b b'
3 3 Source + Load
(C) (D) vbn
4 2 n– – n'
Q.22 The unbalanced set of line to neutral
voltages in kV at a fault point in power The total instantaneous power flowing from
system are given by the source to the load is
(A) 2200 W [GATE 2017-Roorkee]
Va = 7.5∠ − 300 Vb = 7.5∠ − 1500 Vc = 0
(B) 2200sin 2 (100πt ) W
Similarly, the currents in Amp are
(C) 4400 W
I a = 2500∠ − 900 I b = 2500∠900 Ic = 0
(D) 2200sin(100πt ) cos(100πt ) W
Determine the complex power.
S Self-Practice Questions
(A) 30476 kVA (B) 32476 kVA
Q.1 For a fully transposed transmission line
(C) 34476 kVA (D) 36476 kVA
[GATE 2014-Kharagpur]
Q.23 The voltages at the terminals of a balanced
(A) positive, negative and zero sequence
load consisting of three 20 Ω star
impedances are equal.
connected resistors are 200∠00 , (B) positive and negative sequence
100∠255.50 and 200∠1510 . Find the impedances are equal.
power expended in three 20 Ω resistors. (C) zero and positive sequence
(A) 750 W (B) 1000 W impedances are equal.
(C) 1250 W (D) 1500 W (D) negative and zero sequence
impedances are equal.
Q.24 The series impedance matrix of a short
three-phase transmission line in phase Q.2 A 3-phase transmission line is shown in the
figure. Voltage drop across the
Zs Zm Zm
transmission line is given by the following
coordinates is Z m Z s Z m . If the
Z m Z m Z s
[GATE 2008-Bangalore]
positive sequence impedance is ΔVa Z s Zm Zm Ia
(1 + j 10) Ω and the zero sequence is ΔV = Z
b m Zs Z m I b
(4 + j 31) Ω , then the imaginary part of Z m ΔVc Z m Zm Z s I c
(in Ω ) is _______. (up to 2 decimal places). DVa
[GATE 2018-Guwahati] Ia
Q.25 A source is supplying a load through a 2- DVb
phase, 3-wire transmission system as
shown in figure below. The instantaneous
voltage and current in phase-a are
Shunt capacitance of the line can be
van = 220sin(100πt ) V and ia = 10sin(100πt ) A ,
neglected. If the line has positive sequence
respectively. Similarly for phase-b, the impedance of 15 Ω and zero sequence
instantaneous voltage and current are impedance of 48 Ω , then the value of Zs
vbn = 220cos(100πt ) V and ib = 10cos(100πt ) A , and Z m will be
respectively. (A) Z s = 31.5 Ω, Zm = 16.5 Ω
(B) Z s = 26 Ω, Zm = 11 Ω
40 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
(C) Delta - Star (θ = 30 ) Reference Bus
(D) D and
j1.0 W j 2.0 W
~ ~
X g 0 = 0.1 X L 0 = 0.05 X g 0 = 0.2
X T 0 = 0.15
j 2.25 j 2.25
(C) (A) 0.12 (B) 0.30
j 0.10 1 3 2 j 0.10 (C) 0.10 (D) 0.20
j 2.25 j 2.25
j 0.25 1 3 2 j 0.10
A Answer Keys
Q.7 The zero sequence driving point reactance Q.11 The severity of line-to-ground and three
at the bus is phases faults at the terminals of an unloaded
(A) 2.2 Ω (B) 4.84 Ω synchronous generator is to be same. If the
terminal voltage is 1.0 pu and
(C) 18.18 Ω (D) 22.72 Ω
Z1 = Z 2 = j 0.1 pu, Z 0 = j 0.05 pu for the
Q.8 A 500 MVA, 50 Hz, 3-phase
alternator, then the required inductive
turbogenerator produces power at 22 kV.
reactance for neutral grounding is
Generator is Y-connected and its neutral is
solidly grounded. Its sequence reactances [GATE 2000-Kharagpur]
are X 1 = X 2 = 0.15 and X 0 = 0.05 pu . It is (A) 0.0166 p.u. (B) 0.05 p.u.
operating at rated voltage and disconnected (C) 0.1 p.u. (D) 0.15 p.u.
from the rest of the system (no load). The Q.12 For a fault at the terminals of a synchronous
magnitude of the subtransient line current generator, the fault current is maximum for
for single line to ground fault at the a
generator terminal in pu will be (A) 3 - phase fault [GATE 1997-Madras]
[GATE 2004-Delhi] (B) 3 - phase to ground fault
(A) 2.851 (B) 3.333 (C) line-to-ground fault
(C) 6.667 (D) 8.553 (D) line-to-line fault
Q.9 A 20 MVA, 6.6 kV, 3-phase alternator is Q.13 In case of single line to ground fault
connected to a 3-phase transmission line. [ESE 2015]
The per unit positive sequence, negative (A) All sequence networks are connected in
sequence and zero sequence impedances of parallel
the alternator are j0.1, j0.1 and j0.04
(B) All sequence networks are connected
respectively. The neutral of the alternator is
in series
connected to ground through an inductive
reactor of j0.05 p.u. The per unit positive, (C) Positive and negative sequence
negative and zero sequence impedances of networks are connected in parallel
the transmission line are j0.1, j0.1 and j0.3, (D) Zero and negative sequence networks
respectively. All per unit values are based are connected in series
on the machine ratings. A solid ground fault Q.14 The positive, negative and zero sequence
occurs at one phase of the far end of the per unit impedance of two generators
transmission line. The voltage of the connected in parallel are X 1 = 0.12,
alternator neutral with respect to ground X 2 = 0.096 and X 0 = 0.036 pu. For a LG
during the fault is [GATE 2003-Madras]
fault at generator terminals (with 1 pu
(A) 513.8 V (B) 889.9 V voltage) the positive sequence current will
(C) 1112.0 V (D) 642.2 V be) [ESE 2013]
Q.10 A single line to ground fault occurs on an (A) 7.936 pu (B) 11.936 pu
unloaded generator in phase a. Positive, (C) 10.936 pu (D) 8.936 pu
negative and zero sequence impedances of
Q.15 An unloaded generator with a prefault
the generator are j 0.25 pu, j 0.25 pu and
voltage 1 pu has the following sequence
j 0.15 pu respectively. The generator impedance :
neutral is grounded through a reactance of
Z 0 = j 0.15 pu, Z1 = Z 2 = j 0.25 pu
j 0.05 pu The prefault generator terminal
voltage is 1 pu. Determine the fault current The neutral is grounded with a reactance of
in pu. [GATE 2001-Kanpur] 0.05 pu. The fault current in pu for a single
line to ground fault is [ESE 2012]
GATE ACADEMY ® Unsymmetrical Faults 47
(A) 3.75 pu (B) 4.28 pu (A) The LG fault current would be more
(C) 6 pu (D) 7.25 pu than the three phase fault current.
Q.16 The zero sequence current of a generator for (B) Both LG fault current and three phase
line to ground fault is j 2.4 pu . Then the fault current are same.
current through the neutral during the fault (C) The three phase fault current is more
is [ESE 2003] than the LG fault current.
(A) j 2.4 pu (B) j 0.8 pu (D) None of the above
(C) j 7.2 pu (D) j 0.24 pu S Self-Practice Questions
Q.17 If the positive, negative and zero sequence
Q.1 A single line to ground fault occurs on an
reactances of an element of a power system
unloaded generator in phase ‘a’. Positive,
are 0.3, 0.3 and 0.8 respectively, then the
negative and zero sequence reactance of the
element would be a [ESE 2000]
generator are 0.25 pu, 0.25 pu and 0.15 pu.
(A) Synchronous Generator
The generator neutral is grounded through
(B) Synchronous Motor
a reactance of 0.05 pu. The prefault
(C) Static Load
generator terminal voltage is 1.0 pu. The
(D) Transmission Line positive sequence sub-transient current in
Q.18 A star connected 3-phase 11 kV, 25 MVA pu is __________.
alternator with its neutral grounded through
Q.2 The neutral of a three-phase Y-connected
a 0.033 pu reactance (based on the
alternator is solidly grounded as shown in
alternator rating) has positive, negative and
the figure. A single line-to-ground fault
zero-sequence reactance of 0.2 pu, 0.1 pu
occurs on the phase a and the current in this
and 0.1 pu respectively. A single line to
phase is found to be 100 A. The positive
ground fault on one of its terminals would
sequence component of current in phase b
result in a fault current of [ESE 1999]
(A) 150 MVA (B) 125 MVA
100 A
(C) 100 MVA (D) 50 MVA a
Q.19 When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the
current in a faulted phase is 100 A. The zero
sequence current in this case will be
[ESE 1997]
c b
(A) Zero (B) 33.3 A
(C) 66.6 A (D) 100 A
Q.20 The following figure shows a synchronous (A) 33.33∠120o A (B) 33.33∠240o A
generator whose neutral is solidly (C) 100∠120o A (D) 100∠240o A
grounded. The generator has balanced emfs Q.3 A 10 MVA, 13.8 kV alternator has positive,
and sequence reactances X 1 , X 2 and X 0 negative and zero sequence reactance of
such that X 1 = X 2 X 0 . Which of the 30%, 40%, and 5% respectively. What
following is true? reactance/resistance must be put in the
a generator neutral respectively so that the
fault current for a line to ground fault will
+ not exceed the rated current?
(A) 15.28 Ω, 18.43 Ω
+ + (B) 14.28 Ω, 18.43 Ω
Ec Eb
b (C) 14.28 Ω, 17.43 Ω
c (D) 15.28 Ω, 17.43 Ω
48 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
Q.4 Find the positive and negative sequence phase is 0.5 pu. The zero sequence
reactance of the transmission line for a fault reactance of load is 10% of the positive
at bus 3, if positive sequence fault reactance sequence reactance. The transmission line
is 0.3 pu and negative sequence fault reactance is 0.1 pu per phase.
reactance is 0.2 pu. X g 1 = X g 2 = j 0.5 pu , X g 0 = j 0.05 pu . An
X 1 = X 2 = 0.1 X 1 = X 2 = 0.1 LG fault occurs midway in the line. The
X 1 = 0.2 X 1 = 0.3
X 2 = 0.1 X 2 = 0.2
fault current, if the voltage at fault point is
1 2 3 4
1∠00 pu and zero sequence reactance of
line line is 0.3 pu, is _____ pu.
(A) X 1 = 0.4, X 2 = 0.4 Q.8 A 25 MVA, 11 kV, 3 − φ , 50 Hz generator
(B) X 1 = 0.4, X 2 = 0.9 has its neutral earthed through a 4% reactor.
It is in parallel with another identical
(C) X 1 = 0.9, X 2 = 0.9
generator having isolated neutral. Each
(D) X 1 = 0.9, X 2 = 0.4 generator has X 1 = 16 % , X 2 = 8% and
Q.5 The reactance diagram of a portion of a X 0 = 12 % . The fault current for a single
power system is shown. The line to ground
line to ground fault in kA is _____.
source voltage is 1 pu and a line to ground
Q.9 Three 6.6 kV, 12 MVA, 3 − φ alternators
fault occurs at the point shown. Determine
the per unit currents in the two portions of are connected to a common set of bus bars.
transmission line B. The positive sequence reactance is 15%,
negative sequence reactance is 75% of
positive sequence value and zero sequence
reactance is 30% of the positive sequence
value. An earth fault occurs on one bus bar.
Determine the fault current :
(1) when all alternators neutrals are solidly
(A) 3.07 pu, 0.77 pu (B) 2.07 pu, 1.77 pu grounded.
(C) 1.07 pu, 2.77 pu (D) None of these (2) when one alternator neutral is solidly
Q.6 A 3 − φ 10 MVA, 11 kV synchronous earthed and others are isolated.
generator with a solidly ground point (3) when one alternator neutral is
supply a feeder. The relevant impedance of grounded through a resistance of
generator and feeder are as follows : 0.25 Ω and others are isolated.
Generator Feeder .Common Data for Questions 10 to 13.
Z1 j1.2 Ω j1Ω Two 25 MVA, 11 kV synchronous
generators are connected to a common bus
Z2 j 0.9 Ω j1Ω
bar which supplies a feeder. The star point
Z0 j 0.4 Ω j3 Ω of one of the generators is grounded
A fault from one phase to ground occurs at through a resistance of 1 Ω , while that of
the far end of the feeder. Calculate the other generator is isolated. A line to
1. The fault current. ground fault occurs at the far end of the
2. The voltage to neutral of the faulty feeder.
phase at the terminals of the generator. Generator Feeder
Q.7 A 3 − φ , Y connected generator supplies a X1 j 0.2 pu j 0.4 Ω /ph
star connected inductive load. The neutral X2 j 0.15 pu j 0.4 Ω /ph
of load is solidly grounded and that of X0 j 0.08 pu j 0.8 Ω /ph
generator is isolated. The load reactance per
GATE ACADEMY ® Unsymmetrical Faults 49
Q.10 Calculate the fault current in phase a. transmission line. The power network
(A) 2.51 pu (B) 3.51 pu connected to bus bar 2 can be equivalently
(C) 4.51 pu (D) None of these represented by a star connected generator
Q.11 Determine the voltage to ground of the with equal positive and negative sequence
sound phases of the feeder at the fault point. reactance. All star points are solidly
(A) 0, 1.18 pu (B) 0, 1.67 pu connected to ground.
(C) 1.18 pu, 1.67 pu (D) None of these Generator :
Q.12 Calculate the voltage at the star point of the X 1 = 0.2 pu, X 2 = 0.15 pu, X 0 = 0.05 pu
grounded generator wrt ground. Transformer : X 1 = X 2 = X 0 = 0.12 pu
(A) 0.63 pu (B) 0.73 pu Transmission line :
(C) 0.83 pu (D) 0.93 pu
X 1 = X 2 = 0.3 pu, X 0 = 0.5 pu
.Common Data for Questions 13 to 15.
Power network :
Consider the power system shown in figure
X 1 = X 2 = X pu, X 0 = 0.1 pu
in which an SLG fault occurs at Bus-2 at the
far end of the line. The specifications are
given as following
Component X1 X2 X0
Under no load condition with 1 pu voltage
50 MVA, 3 − φ
0.2 pu 0.2 pu 0.1 pu at each bus bar, a current of 4 pu is fed to a
Generator three phase short circuit on bus bar 2.
33 kV Line 10 Ω 10 Ω 20 Ω Determine
(1) the positive sequence reactance X of the
power network.
(2) the fault current for LG fault on bus bar
Q.13 If the generator neutral is solidly grounded Q.17 The positive, negative and zero sequence
and fault impedance is zero then the value impedances of a three phase generator are
of fault current will be Z1 , Z 2 and Z 0 respectively. For a line-to-
(A) 1.28 kA (B) 1.56 kA line fault with fault impedance Z f , the fault
(C) 1.12 kA (D) 3.74 kA current is I f 1 = kI f , where I f is the fault
Q.14 If the generator neutral is solidly grounded
current with zero fault impedance. The
and fault impedance is 0.1 pu on 50 MVA,
relation between Z f and k is
33 kV base, then fault current is
(A) 1076.44 A (B) 994.83 A [GATE 2018-Guwahati]
(C) 1227.48 A (D) 1137.2 A ( Z + Z 2 )(1 − k )
(A) Z f = 1
Q.15 If the generator neutral is reactance k
grounded with X n = 0.1 pu on 50 MVA, 33 ( Z + Z 2 )(1 + k )
(B) Z f = 1
kV and fault impedance is 0.1 pu on 50
MVA, 33 kV, then fault current will be ( Z + Z 2 )k
(C) Z f = 1
1− k
(A) 893.25 A (B) 1035.25 A
( Z + Z 2 )k
(C) 1082.11 A (D) 956.40 A (D) Z f = 1
1+ k
Q.16 A star connected synchronous generator
feeds bus bar 1 of a power system. Bus bar Q.18 Determine the magnitudes of the
1 is connected to bus bar 2 through a star symmetrical components ( I R 0 , I R1 , I R 2 ) of
delta transformer in series with a the current in a three phase (RYB) three
50 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
A Answer Keys
Self-Practice Questions
6. (1) 2540 A (2) 4234 V
9. (1) 30.7 kA (2) 23.7 kA (3) 12.8 kA
16. (1) 0.42 pu (2) 9.26 pu
18. 0, 57.73, 57.73
9 Load Flow Studies
used to calculate the value of δ for (A) constant current drawn from the bus.
P = 0.8 pu . If the initial guess is 30 , then (B) constant impedance connected at the
its value (in degree) at the end of the first
(C) voltage and frequency dependent
iteration is
source at the bus.
[GATE 2018, IIT Guwahati] (D) constant real and reactive power drawn
(A) 150
(B) 28.480 from the bus.
Q.3 In load-flow analysis, a voltage controlled
(C) 28.740 (D) 31.200
bus is treated as a load bus in subsequent
Q.12 In a load flow problem solved by Newton- iteration when a reactive power limit is
Raphson method with polar coordinates, violated. (True/False)
the size of the Jacobian is 100 × 100 . If Q.4 If the reference bus is changed in two load
there are 20 PV buses in addition to PQ flow runs with same system data and power
Buses and a slack bus, the total number of obtained for reference bus taken as
specified P and Q in the later run
buses in the system is ______.
(A) the system loses will be unchanged but
[GATE 2017 Set – 02, IIT Roorkee] complex bus voltages will change.
Q.13 A power system has 100 buses including 10 (B) the system losses will change but
generator buses. For the load flow analysis complex bus voltages remain
using Newton-Raphson method in polar unchanged.
coordinates, the size of the Jacobian is (C) the system losses as well as complex
[GATE 2016 Set – 02, IISc Bangalore] bus voltage will change.
(D) the system losses as well as complex
(A) 189 × 189 (B) 100 × 100
bus voltage will be unchanged.
(C) 90 × 90 (D) 180 × 180 Q.5 For the Y-bus matrix given in per unit
Q.14 A power system consist of 300 buses out of values, where the first, second, third and
which 20 buses are generator bus, 25 buses fourth row refers to bus 1, 2, 3 and 4
are ones with reactive power support and 15 respectively, the reactance diagram is
buses are the ones with fixed shunt − 6 2 2.5 0
2 − 10 2.5 4
capacitors. All the other buses are load
Ybus = j
buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow 2.5 2.5 − 9 4
analysis in the system using Newton-
0 4 4 − 8
Raphson method. The size of the Newton (A)
Raphson Jacobian matrix is j 0.67
j 0.4 BUS2
S Self-Practice Questions BUS3
j 0.25
Q.1 In load flow studies of a power system, the j 0.25
quantities specified at a voltage controlled
bus are ______ and _____ respectively. - j 0.67
(A) active power and voltage magnitude BUS1
- j 0.4 - j 0.5
(B) active power and reactive power
(C) voltage magnitude and load angle - j 0.67
.Common Data For Questions 11 & 12. Q.13 For a power system network with n nodes,
In the following network, the voltage magnitudes Z 33 of its bus impedance matrix is j0.5 per
at all buses are equal to 1 pu, the voltage phase unit. The voltage at node 3 is 1.3 ∠ –100 per
angles are very small, and the line resistances are unit. If a capacitor having reactance of –j3.5
negligible. All the line reactances are equal to j1Ω per unit is now added to the network
Bus 1 (slack) between node 3 and the reference node, the
j1 W Bus 2
current drawn by the capacitor per unit as
(A) 0.325 ∠ − 1000 (B) 0.325 ∠800
P2 = 0.1 pu
(C) 0.371 ∠ − 1000 (D) 0.433 ∠800
j1 W j1 W
Q.14 A 183-bus power system has 150 PQ buses
Bus 3
P3 = 0.2 pu and 32 PV buses. In the general case, to
obtain the load flow solution using Newton-
Q.11 The voltage phase angles in rad at buses 2
Raphson method in polar co-ordinates, the
and 3 are
minimum number of simultaneous
(A) θ2 = − 0.1, θ3 = − 0.2 equations to be solved is ______
(B) θ2 = 0, θ3 = − 0.1
(C) θ2 = 0.1, θ3 = 0.1
(D) θ2 = 0.1, θ3 = 0.2
Q.12 If the base impedance and the line-to-line
base voltage are 100 Ω and 100 kV,
respectively, then the real power in MW
delivered by the generator connected at the
slack bus is
(A) – 10 (B) 0
(C) 10 (D) 20
A Answer Keys
(C) 200 MW, 100 MW (D) 175 MW, 125 MW The limits of generator are
Q.7 Incremental fuel costs (in some appropriate unit) 20 MW ≤ P1 ≤ 80 MW
for a power plant consisting of three generating 40 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 200 MW
units are [GATE 2003-Madras]
Find the economic operating schedule of
IC1 = 20 + 0.3P1 IC2 = 30 + 0.4 P2 IC3 = 30
generation, if the load demand is 130 MW,
Where P1 is the power in MW generated by unit neglecting transmission losses.
i, for i = 1, 2 and 3.
Q.11 The incremental cost characteristics of two
Assume that all the three units are operating all generators delivering 200 MW are as follows
the time. Minimum and maximum loads on each
dF1 dF2
unit are 50 MW and 300 MW respectively. If the = 2 + 0.01P1 = 1.6 + 0.02 P2
dP1 dP2
plant is operating on economic load dispatch to
For economic operation generation P1 and P2
supply the total power demand of 700 MW, the
power generated by each unit is should be [ESE 2013]
(A) P1 = 242.86 MW; P2 = 157.14 MW; P3 = 300 MW (A) 100 MW and 100 MW
(C) P1 = 300.00 MW; P2 = 300.00 MW; P3 = 100 MW (C) 200 MW and 100 MW
Q.8 A power system has two generators with the Q.12 The incremental fuel costs for two generating
following cost curves [GATE 2001-Kanpur] units G1 and G2 are given by IC1 = 25 + 0.2 PG1 and
Generator 1 : C1 ( PG1 ) = 0.006PG21 + 8PG1 + 350 IC2 = 32 + 0.2PG 2 where PG1 and PG 2 generated by
the units. The economic allocation for a total load
Generator 2 : C2 ( PG2 ) = 0.009PG22 + 7 PG 2 + 400
of 250 MW, neglecting transmission loss, is given
(Thousand rupees per hour)
by [ESE 2011]
The generator limits are
(A) PG1 = 142.5 MW and PG 2 = 107.5 MW
100 MW ≤ PG1 ≤ 650 MW
(B) PG1 = 109.75 MW and PG 2 = 140.25 MW
50 MW ≤ PG2 ≤ 500 MW
A load demand of 600 MW is supplied by the (C) PG1 = 125 MW and PG 2 = 125 MW
generators in an optimal manner. Neglecting (D) PG1 = 100 MW and PG 2 = 150 MW
losses in the transmission network, determine Q.13 Two generating stations connected to a load
the optimal generation of each generator. centre having capacity of 50 MVA and 75 MVA
Q.9 The incremental cost characteristics of two deliver 100 MW to the load. The incremental cost
generators delivering 200 MW are as follows of plant 1 is 15 + 0.15P1 and that of the plant 2 is
dF1 dF2 18 + 0.15P2 . What are the values of P1 and P2 ,
= 2 + 0.01P1 = 1.6 + 0.02 P2
dP1 dP2
respectively? [ESE 2008]
58 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
Q.15 The incremental generating costs of two The maximum and minimum loading on each
generating units are given by [ESE 1997] unit is 100 MW and 25 MW, the demand is 180
IC1 = 0.1 X + 20 Rs/MWhr MW and transmission losses are neglected.
IC2 = 0.15 Y + 18 Rs/MWhr Q.19 Determine the economic operating schedule.
where X and Y are power (in MW) generated by (A) P1 = 85.89 MW, P2 = 94.11 MW
the two units. (B) P1 = 93.11 MW, P2 = 87.89 MW
For a total demand of 300 MW, the value (in MW)
(C) P1 = 88.89 MW, P2 = 91.11 MW
of X and Y will be respectively
(D) None of the above
(A) 172 and 128 (B) 128 and 172
(C) 175 and 125 (D) 200 and 100 Q.20 Determine the total cost of generation.
Q.16 The incremental cost characteristics of two units (A) 10204.43 Rs/hr (B) 10214.43 Rs/hr
in a plant are [ESE 1996] (C) 10224.43 Rs/hr (D) None of these
IC1 = 0.1P1 + 8 Rs/MWh Q.21 If the load is equally shared by both the units
IC2 = 0.15P2 + 3 Rs/MWh determine the saving obtained by loading the
When the total load is 100 MW, the optimum units as per equal incremental production cost.
sharing of load P1 and P2 is (A) 0.57 Rs/hr (B) 1.57 Rs/hr
the units. The economic allocation for a total a demand of 600 MW.
load of 250 MW, neglecting transmission loss is (A) 138.125 MW, 201 MW, 260.736 MW
given by, [ESE 1995] (B) 148.125 MW, 201 MW, 250.763 MW
(A) PG1 = 142.25 MW , PG 2 = 107.75 MW (C) 138.125 MW, 211 MW, 250.763 MW
(B) PG1 = 109.75 MW , PG 2 = 140.25 MW (D) None of the above
(C) PG1 = PG 2 = 125 MW Q.23 The fuel cost of two units are :
(D) PG1 = 100 MW , PG 2 = 150 MW C1 = 0.024 P12 + 8P1 + 80
Q.18 The fuel cost of an alternator is expressed as C2 = 0.04 P22 + 6 P2 + 120
F = 0.1Pg2 + 20 Pg + 30
The maximum and minimum loads on the unit
The capacity of alternator is 100 MW. Find the are 100 MW and 10 MW. Determine the
fuel cost and increment fuel cost of alternator if minimum cost of generation when the following
it is delivering 50% of capacity. loads are supplied.
GATE ACADEMY ® Economic Load Dispatch 59
S Self-Practice Questions
Q.1 The figure shows a two-generator system
supplying a load of PD = 40 MW, connected at
bus 2. [GATE 2012-Delhi]
Bus 1 Bus 2
G1 G2
PG 2
(A) 26325 Rs (B) 39487.5 Rs
(C) 52650 Rs (D) None of these
Q.24 Consider the following incremental cost curve PD = 40 MW
in Rs/MWh for a plant having two units.
The fuel cost of generators G1 and G2 are :
dC1 dC2
= 0.2 PG1 + 40 = 0.25PG 2 + 30 C1 ( PG1 ) = 10,000 Rs/MWhr and
dPG1 dPG 2
C2 ( PG 2 ) = 12,500 Rs/MWhr
Calculate the extra cost incurred in Rs/hr, if a
and the loss in the line is Ploss ( pu ) = 0.5 PG21( pu ) , where
load of 220 MW is scheduled as PG1 = PG 2 = 110
the loss coefficient is specified in pu on a 100
MVA base. The most economic power generation
(A) 22.5 Rs/hr (B) 24.5 Rs/hr
schedule in MW is
(C) 26.5 Rs/hr (D) None of these
(A) PG1 = 20, PG 2 = 22 (B) PG1 = 22, PG 2 = 20
Q.25 The given figure shows the incremental fuel
(C) PG1 = 20, PG 2 = 20 (D) PG1 = 0, PG 2 = 40
cost curves of generator A and B. If both
Q.2 A load center of 120 MW derives power from two
generators A and B are running match List-I
stations connected by 220 kV transmission lines
(load) with List-II (load sharing) and select the
of 25 km and 75 km as shown in the figure below.
correct answer using the codes given below.
The three generators G1 , G2 and G3 are of 100
MW capacity each and have identical fuel cost
characteristics. The minimum loss generation
schedule for supplying the 120 MW load is
[GATE 2011-Madras]
P1 = 80 MW P1 = 60 MW
List – I (A) P2 = 20 MW + losses (B) P2 = 30 MW + losses
P. load more than 2PG P3 = 20 MW P3 = 30 MW
(A) 1 and 1.25 (B) 1.25 and 1 (C) A is true but R is false.
(C) 1 and zero (D) zero and 1 (D) A is false but R is true.
Q.4 In terms of power generation and Bmn Q.9 A power system is supplied by three plants P, Q
coefficients, the transmission loss for a two plant and R, all of which are operating on economic
system is (Notations have their usual meaning) dispatch. At the bus of plant P the incremental
[ESE 2000] cost is 10.0 Rs. Per MWh, at plant Q it is 9.0 Rs.
(A) P12 B11 + 2P1 P2 B12 + P22 B22 Per MWh and at plant R it is 11.0 Rs. Per MWh.
(B) P12 B11 − 2 P1 P2 B12 + P22 B22 The plants which have the highest and lowest
penalty factor are respectively?
(C) P22 B11 + 2P1 P2 B12 + P12 B22
(A) P and R (B) Q and R
(D) P12 B11 + P1 P2 B12 + P22 B22
(C) Q and P (D) R and P
Q.5 If for a given alternator in economic operation
mode, the incremental cost is given by Common Data Questions 10 & 11
(0.012 P + 8) Rs/MWh, ∂PL / ∂P = 0.2 and plant For a simple system connecting two generating
λ = 25 , then the power generation is[ESE 1999] plants to one load, the voltage at bus C is
(A) 1000 MW (B) 1250 MW VC = 1∠00 pu . The currents in lines AC and BC
(C) 750 MW (D) 1500 MW are 1.05 ∠00 pu and 0.9 ∠00 pu respectively. The
Q.6 The power generated by two plants are : line impedances are
P1 = 50 MW and P2 = 40 MW . [ESE 1997]
Z AC = (0.05 + j 0.2) pu, Z BC = (0.04 + j 0.16) pu,
If the loss coefficients are B11 = 0.001, B22 =
and ZCD = (0.03 + j 0.12) pu
0.0025 and B12 = − 0.0005 then power loss will be
(A) 5.5 MW (B) 6.5 MW
(C) 4.5 MW (D) 8.5 MW
Q.7 In the optimum generator scheduling of
different power plants, the minimum fuel cost
is obtained when [ESE 1994]
(A) only the incremental fuel cost of each plant
is same Q.10 Calculate the loss coefficients in pu.
(B) the penalty factor of each plant is the same (A) B11 = 0.0722, B12 = 0.0275, B22 = 0.0652
(C) the ratio of the incremental fuel cost to the
(B) B11 = 0.0625, B12 = 0.0275, B22 = 0.0722
penalty factor for each plants is the same
(D) the incremental fuel cost of each plant (C) B11 = 0.0275, B12 = 0.0652, B22 = 0.0722
multiplied by its penalty factor is the same (D) None of the above
Q.8 Assertion (A) : Optimum loading of the power Q.11 Calculate the transmission loss.
stations interconnected by transmission line is
(A) 0.1016 pu (B) 0.2016 pu
obtained when the incremental fuel cost of each
(C) 0.3016 pu (D) None of these
station multiplied by its penalty factor is the
same for all the stations in the system. Q.12 On the system consisting of two generating
Reason (R) : The total load demand and the plants the incremental costs with P1 and P2 are
transmission losses at any instant must be met dC1 dC2
= 0.15 P1 + 150 = 0.25 P2 + 175
by the total generation at that instant and the dP1 dP2
penalty factor is a function of the incremental
The system is operating on economical dispatch
transmission loss. [ESE 1993]
with P1 = P2 = 200 MW and ∂PL / ∂P2 = 0.2 . Find
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
the penalty factors.
explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT a correct (A) L1 = 1.5625, L2 = 1.25 (B) L1 = 1.25, L2 = 1.5
Common Data Questions 13 & 14 Q.18 A system consists of two plants connected by a
A power system has two generating plants and transmission line. The load is at plant 2. If a load
the power is being dispatched economically with of 125 MW is transmitted from plant 1 to the load,
P1 = 150 MW and P2 = 275 MW . Loss coefficients there is a loss of 12.5 MW. Determine the
generation schedule and the load demand if the
in MW −1 are
cost of the received power is Rs 70 per MWh. The
B11 = 0.10 ×10−2
incremental costs of the two plants are given by
B12 = − 0.01×10−2 dC1 dC2
= 0.25 P1 + 40 = 0.2 P2 + 50
B22 = 0.13 ×10−2 dP1 dP2
To raise the total load on the system by 1 MW will (A) P1 = 82.87 MW, P2 = 100 MW, PR = 177.37 MW
cost an additional Rs 200 per hour. (B) P1 = 125 MW, P2 = 100 MW, PR = 212.5 MW
Q.13 Find the penalty factors for plant 1 and 2. (C) P1 = 93.42 MW, P2 = 100 MW, PR = 183.46 MW
(A) 1.12, 1.26 (B) 1.22, 1.36 (D) None of the above
(C) 1.32, 1.46 (D) 1.32, 3.175 Statement for Linked Questions 19 & 20
Q.14 Find the additional cost per hour to increase the A two bus power system is shown in the figure.
output of plant 1 by 1 MW. Incremental fuel costs of the two generators are
(A) 151 Rs/MWh (B) 161 Rs/MWh given as
(C) 171 Rs/MWh (D) None of these IC1 = (0.35 PG1 + 41) Rs / MWhr
Q.15 In a two plant system the entire load is located at IC2 = (0.35 PG 2 + 41) Rs / MWhr
plant 2, which is connected to plant 1 by a 2
Loss expression is, PL = 0.001( PG 2 − 70) MW
transmission line. Plant 1 supplies 100 MW of
power with a corresponding transmission loss of The total incremental cost of the system is
5 MW. Calculate the penalty factor for the two 117.6 Rs / MWhr
plants. PG1 PG 2
(A) L1 = 1, L2 = 1 (B) L1 = 1.11, L2 = 1
(C) L1 = 1, L2 = 1.11 (D) None of these
Q.16 Determine the generation schedule. (D) PG1 = 318.56 MW, PG 2 = 281.44 MW
A Answer Keys
(A) 2 p.u. (B) 2.67 p.u that there is no internal reactance for
(C) 5 p.u. (D) 6 p.u. machines. The reactance of line per km
Q.8 The steady state stability limits for round length is _____ pu.
rotor and salient pole 3-phase synchronous Q.13 Find the steady state power limit of a
generator are attained at the values of power system consisting of a generator equivalent
angle δ. [ESE 2006] reactance 0.5 pu connected to an infinite
bus through a series reactance of 1 pu. The
(A) = π / 2, and = π / 2, respectively
terminal voltage of the generator is held at
(B) < π / 2, and < π / 2, respectively 1.2 pu and the voltage of the infinite bus is
(C) < π / 2, and < π / 2, respectively 1 pu.
(D) = π / 2, and < π / 2, respectively (A) 1.05 pu (B) 1.15 pu
(C) 1.25 pu (D) 1.35 pu
Q.9 If a 500 MVA, 11 kV three phase generator
Q.14 A 50 Hz synchronous generator is initially
at 50 Hz feeds, through a transfer
connected to a long lossless transmission
impedance of (0.0 + j 0.605) Ω per phase,
line which is open circuited at the receiving
an infinite bus also at 11 kV, then the end. With the field voltage held constant,
maximum steady state power transfer on the generator is disconnected from the
the base of 500 MVA and 11 kV is transmission line. Which of the following
[ESE 2001] may be said about the steady state terminal
(A) 1.0 pu (B) 0.8 pu voltage and field current of the generator?
(C) 0.5 pu (D) 0.4 pu [GATE EE 2010-Guwahati]
Q.10 An infinite bus of 1 pu is fed from a
synchronous machine having E=1.1 pu. If
(A) The magnitude of terminal voltage
the transfer reactance between them is 0.5
decreases, and the field current does
pu, the steady state power limit will be
not change
[ESE 1999]
(B) The magnitude of terminal voltage
(A) 1.1 pu (B) 0.5 pu increases, and the field current does
(C) 2.2 pu (D) 1 pu not change
Q.11 Which one of the following statement is (C) The magnitude of terminal voltage
true? [ESE 1995] increases, and the field current
(A) Steady-state stability limit is greater increases
than transient stability limit. (D) The magnitude of terminal voltage
(B) Steady-state stability limit is equal to does not change, and the field current
transient stability limit. decreases
(C) Steady-state stability limit is less than Q.15 Determine the steady state power limit for
the transient stability limit. the system shown in figure.
j 0.1pu j 0.4 pu j 0.4 pu
(D) No generalization can be made
G V = 1pu
regarding the equality or otherwise of E = 1.2 pu
the steady state stability limit and X dg = j 0.6 pu
- j 0.5 pu j 0.5 pu
transient stability limit.
Q.12 Two synchronous machines of equal rating (A) 1.0 pu (B) 1.2 pu
have internal voltages of (1.1 + j 0.5) and (C) 0.6 pu (D) 0.8 pu
(0.8 − j 0.4) pu respectively. The machines Q.16 The generator shown in figure is delivering
are connected by a line of 50 km length 1 pu power to the infinite bus, with the
having only reactance and the second generator terminal voltage of Vt = 1 pu .
machine receives power of 0.9 pu. Assume Find
GATE ACADEMY ® Power System Stability 65
j 0.5 pu 1Ð00 The p.u. values of inertia and reactance on
100 MVA common base, respectively, are
j 0.25 pu (A) 4, 0.4 (B) 100, 10
j 0.1 pu j 0.5 pu
(C) 4, 10 (D) 100, 0.4
(1) the generator emf behind transient
Q.20 A 100 MVA, 11 kV, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 8 pole
synchronous generator has an inertia
(2) the maximum power that can be
constant H equal to 4 seconds. The stored
transferred under healthy system
energy in the rotor of the generator at
(3) the maximum power that can be synchronous speed will be H =
transferred if one line is open. G
(4) the maximum power that can be [GATE EE 1997-Madras]
transferred if one line is shorted in the (A) 100 MJ (B) 400 MJ
middle. (C) 800 MJ (D) 12.5 MJ
Q.17 For the system shown in figure an inductor
S Self-Practice Questions
of reactance 0.6 pu per phase is connected
at the point of transmission line. Q.1 A 50 MVA, 11 kV, 3-phase generator has a
j 0.1 pu stored energy of 400 MJ. Its inertia constant
V = 1 pu is [ESE 2013]
j 0.3 pu j 0.3 pu Infinite (A) 4 (B) 8
E = 1.2 pu Bus
X dg = j 0.8 pu (C) 2 (D) 16
j 0.6 pu Q.2 If the inertia constant H = 8 MJ/MVA for
a 50 MVA generator, the stored energy is
Determine the steady state power limit with [ESE 2011]
(1) inductor switch open. (A) 50 MJ (B) 8 MJ
(2) inductor switch closed. (C) 400 MJ (D) 6.25 MJ
(3) inductor replaced by a capacitor of the
Q.3 For 800 MJ stored energy in the rotor at
same pu reactance.
synchronous speed, what is the inertia
(4) with a capacitor of the same pu
constant H for a 50 Hz, four pole turbo
reactance connected in series with the
generator rated 100 MVA, 11 kV?
line at the same point instead of shunt
[ESE 2005]
(5) the inductor replaced by a resistor of (A) 2.0 MJ/MVA (B) 4.0 MJ/MVA
resistance 1.5 pu. (C) 6.0 MJ/MVA (D) 8.0 MJ/MVA
Q.18 A 500 MW, 21 kV, 50 Hz, 3-phase, 2 pole Q.4 If a generator of 250 MVA rating has an
synchronous generator having a rated p.f. = inertia constant of 6 MJ/MVA, its inertia
0.9, has a moment of inertia of constant on 100 MVA base is [ESE 2000]
27.5 ×103 kg-m 2 . The inertia constant (H) (A) 15 MJ/MVA (B) 10.5 MJ/MVA
(C) 6 MJ/MVA (D) 2.4 MJ/MVA
will be [GATE EE 2009-Roorkee]
Q.5 A 3-phase, 2-pole, 50 Hz, synchronous
(A) 2.44 s (B) 2.71 s
generator has a rating 250 MVA, 0.8 pf
(C) 4.88 s (D) 5.42 s lagging. The kinetic energy of the machine
Q.19 The p.u. parameters for a 500 MVA at synchronous speed is 1000 MJ. The
machine on its own base are : machine is running steadily at synchronous
[GATE EE 2005-Bombay] speed and delivering 60 MW power at a
Inertia, M = 20 p.u., Reactance, X = 2 power angle of 10 electrical degrees. If the
p.u. load is suddenly removed, assuming the
66 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
acceleration is constant for 10 cycle, the Q.9 If the initial accelerating power is X pu, the
value of the power angle after 5 cycles is initial acceleration in elect deg/ sec 2 , and
________ electrical degrees. the inertia constant in MJ-sec/elect deg
[GATE EE 2017- Roorkee] respectively will be
Q.6 A 50 Hz generating unit has H-constant of
(A) 31.4 X , 18 (B) 1800 X , 0.056
2 MJ/MVA. The machine is initially
operating in steady state at synchronous (C) X /1800, 0.056 (D) X / 31.4, 18
speed, and producing 1 pu of real power. Q.10 A 50 Hz, 4 pole, 500 MVA, 22 kV turbo
The initial value of the rotor angle δ is 50 , generator is delivering rated megavolt-
when a bolted three phase to ground short amperes at 0.8 power factor. Suddenly a
circuit fault occurs at the terminal of the fault occurs reducing its electric power
generator. Assuming the input mechanical output by 40%. Neglect losses and assume
power to remain at 1 pu, the value of δ in constant power input to the shaft. The
degrees, 0.02 second after the fault is accelerating torque in the generator in
________. MNm at the time of the fault will be
[GATE EE 2015-Kanpur] [GATE EE 2004-Delhi]
Q.7 The angle δ in the swing equation of a (A) 1.528 (B) 1.018
synchronous generator is the
(C) 0.848 (D) 0.509
[GATE EE 2013-Bombay]
(A) angle between stator voltage and Q.11 A variable speed drive rated for 1500 rpm,
current 40 Nm is reversing under no load. Figure
(B) angular displacement of the rotor with shows the reversing torque and the speed
respect to the stator during the transient. The moment of inertia
(C) angular displacement of the stator mmf of the drive is [GATE EE 2004-Delhi]
with respect to a synchronously
+500 rpm
rotating axis
(D) angular displacement of an axis fixed t
to the rotor with respect to a
synchronously rotating axis
.Common Data For Questions 8 & 9. –1500 rpm
of one line, calculate the rotor angle at the (A) 100 (B) 200
end of first time step of 0.05 sec. Assume (C) 300 (D) 400
the voltage behind transient reactance for Q.18 The retardation calculated above is
the generator as 1.1 pu, infinite bus voltage maintained for 5 cycles. Find the change in
as 1 pu and inertia constant 1 MJ/MVA. rotor angle in mech rad/sec and rotor speed
[GATE EE 2000-Kharagpur] in rpm respectively at the end of this period.
Q.13 Inertia constant of a 100 MVA, 50 Hz, 4
(A) 0.2618, 1497.5 (B) 0.5236, 1497.5
pole generator is, 10 MJ/MVA. If the
mechanical input to the machine is (C) 0.2618, 1502.5 (D) 0.5236, 1502.5
suddenly raised from 50 MW to 75 MW, Q.19 A synchronous machine is connected to an
the rotor acceleration will be equal to infinite bus through a transformer and a
[ESE 1999] double circuit transmission line. The
infinite bus voltage V = 1 pu. The direct axis
(A) 225 electrical degree/ s 2
transient reactance of the machine is 0.20
(B) 22.5 electrical degree/ s 2
pu, the transformer reactance is 0.10 pu,
(C) 125 electrical degree/ s 2 and the reactance of each of the
(D) 12.5 electrical degree/ s 2 transmission line is 0.40 pu, all to a base of
Q.14 The K.E. stored in the rotor of a 20 MVA, the rating of the synchronous machine.
4 pole, 50 Hz alternator is 60 MJ. The input Initially the machine is delivering 0.8 pu
to the machine is 15 MW at a developed power with a terminal voltage of 1.05 pu.
power of 13.5 MW. Determine the value of The inertia constant H = 5 MJ/MVA at 60
δ at the end of 10 cycles. Hz. All resistances are neglected. The
(A) 0.0685 rad (B) 0.0785 rad equation of the motion of the machine rotor
(C) 0.0885 rad (D) 0.0985 rad in elec rad/sec 2 is :
Q.15 A 500 MVA, 22 kV, 60 Hz four-pole turbo- (A) 2160 [ 0.8 − 2.222sin δ]
generator has an inertia constant of H = 7.5
(B) 2160 [ 0.8 − 1.111sin δ]
MJ/MVA. If the mechanical power input is
552 MW and the electrical power output is (C) 37.7 [ 0.8 − 2.222sin δ]
400 MW and stator copper loss is assumed
(D) 37.7 [ 0.8 − 1.111sin δ]
to be negligible, then the angular
acceleration is _____ mech degree/sec 2 . Q.20 An electric motor, developing a starting
torque of 15 Nm, starts with a load torque
Q.16 The rotor of an alternator is subjected to an
of 7 Nm on its shaft. If the acceleration at
acceleration of 15 elect rad/ sec 2 . If the
start is 2 rad/ sec2 , the moment of inertia of
acceleration exists constantly, the speed is
the systems must be
_____ rpm at the end of 5 cycles. Frequency
= 50 Hz and poles = 2. Initially the machine (A) 0.25 kg-m 2 (B) 0.25 Nm 2
is running at normal speed without any (C) 4 kg-m 2 (D) 4 Nm 2
.Common Data For Questions 37 & 38.
A 200 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz, 4 pole
synchronous machine has an inertia
constant of 6 MJ/MVA.
Q.17 The machine is operating at a load of 120
MW. When the load suddenly increases to
160 MW, the rotor retardation in elect
degree/ sec 2 is :
68 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
A Answer Keys
Supply Supply F
Q.6 Fringing in a capacitive type transducer can (A) 100% of the first line, 50% of the
be minimized by providing a _____. second line and 20% of the third line.
Q.7 Resistance switching is normally employed (B) 80% of the first line, 50% of the second
in line and 20% of the third line.
(A) All breakers (C) 80% of the first line, 20% of second
(B) Bulk oil breakers line and 10% the third line.
(C) Minimum oil breakers (D) 50% of first line, 50% of second line
(D) Air blast circuit breakers and 20% of the third line
Q.8 Reactance relay is normally preferred for Q.13 In the protection of transformers, harmonic
protection against restraint is used to guard against
(A) Earth faults (A) magnetizing inrush current.
(B) Phase faults (B) unbalanced operation.
(C) Open-circuit faults (C) lightning.
(D) None of these (D) switching over-voltages.
Q.9 The use of high speed circuit breakers Q.14 Consider the problem of relay coordination
(A) reduces the short circuit current. for the distance relays R1 and R2 on
(B) improves system stability. adjacent lines of a transmission system
figure. The zone 1
(C) decreases system stability.
Zone 2 ( R2 )
(D) increases the short circuit current.
Zone1( R2 )
Q.10 Three sections of a feeder are provided with
circuit breakers CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5
and CB6. For a fault F as indicated in R1 R2
Zone1( R1 )
F Zone 2 ( R1 )
CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 and zone 2 settings for both the relays are
indicated on the diagram. Which of the
(A) CB5 must be set to trip after CB1 trips.
following indicates the correct time setting
for the zone 2 of relays R1 and R2 .
(B) CB5 must be set to trip after CB3 and
CB4 trip. (A) TZ 2 R1 = 0.6s, TZ 2 R2 = 0.3s
(C) CB5 must be set to trip after CB2 trips. (B) TZ 2 R1 = 0.3s, TZ 2 R2 = 0.6s
(D) CB5 must be set to trip before CB1,
(C) TZ 2 R1 = 0.3s, TZ 2 R2 = 0.3s
CB2, CB3 and CB4 trip.
Q.11 In an inverse definite minimum time, (D) TZ 2 R1 = 0.1s, TZ 2 R2 = 0.3s
electromagnetic type over-current relay, the Q.15 The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is
minimum time feature is achieved because the period between the instant of
(A) initiation of short circuit and the arc
(A) saturation of the magnetic circuit.
extinction on an opening operation
(B) proper mechanical design.
(B) energizing of the trip circuit and the arc
(C) appropriate time delay element.
extinction on an opening operation
(D) electromagnetic damping.
(C) initiation of short circuit and the parting
Q.12 In a 3 step distance protection, the reach of
of primary arc contacts
the 3 zones of the relay at the beginning of
(D) energizing of the trip circuit and the
the first line typically extends upto
parting of primary arc contacts.
72 Power System Analysis : Smart Course Workbook GATE ACADEMY ®
Q.16 A list of relays and the power system Q.20 Consider the protection system shown in
components protected by the relays are the figure below. The circuit breakers
given in List-I and List-II respectively. numbered from 1 to 7 are of identical type.
Choose the correct match from the four A single line to ground fault with zero fault
choices given below : impedance occurs at the midpoint of the
List-I line (at point F), but circuit breaker 4 fails
(i) Distance relay to operate ("Stuck breaker"), if the relays
are coordinated correctly, a valid sequence
(ii) Under frequency relay
of circuit breaker operation is
(iii)Differential relay
(iv) Buchholz relay 1 Transmission 3
List-II line
1. Transformers
2 4 Struck breaker 6
2. Turbines
Bus A
3. Bus bars F
4. Shunt capacitors 5 Transmission 7
5. Alternators
Bus B Bus C
6. Transmission lines
(A) 1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 5 (B) 1, 2, 5, 5, 7, 3
Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) 5, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2 (D) 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
(A) 6 5 3 1
Q.21 Voltage phasor at the two terminals of a
(B) 4 3 2 1
transmission line of length 70 km have a
(C) 5 2 1 6
magnitude of 1.0 per unit but are 180
(D) 6 4 5 3 degrees out of phase. Assuming that the
Q.17 The transmission line distance protection maximum load current in the line is 1/5th of
relay having the property of being minimum 3-phase fault current. Which one
inherently directional is of the following transmission line
(A) Impedance relay protection schemes will NOT pick up for
(B) MHO relay this condition?
(C) OHM relay (A) Distance protection using mho relays
(D) Reactance relay with zone-1 set to 80% of the
Q.18 Keeping in view the cost and overall impedance.
effectiveness, the following circuit breaker (B) Directional overcurrent protection set to
is best suited for capacitor bank switching pick up at 1.25 times the maximum load
(A) Vacuum (B) Air blast current
(C) SF6 (D) Oil (C) Pilot relaying system with directional
Q.19 In a biased differential relay the bias is comparison scheme
defined as a ratio of (D) Pilot relaying system with segregated
(A) Number of turns of restraining and phase comparison scheme.
operating coil Q.22 Match the items in List-I (Type of
(B) Operating coil current and restraining transmission line) with the items in List-II
coil current (Type of distance relay preferred) and
(C) Fault current and operating coil current select the correct answer using the codes
(D) Fault current and restraining coil given below the lists.
GATE ACADEMY ® Power System Protection 73
List-I List-II 1
(A) i1 = A, i2 = 0 A
A. Short Line 1. Ohm Relay 3
B. Medium Line 2. Reactance (B) i1 = 0 A, i2 = 0 A
C. Long Line 3. Mho Relay (C) i1 = 0 A, i2 = A
Codes : A B C
1 1
(A) 2 1 3 (D) i1 = A, i2 = A
3 3
(B) 3 2 1
(C) 1 2 3 Q.26 A power system with two generators is
shown in figure below. The system
(D) 1 3 2
(generators, buses and transmission lines) is
Q.23 A negative sequence relay is commonly
protected by six overcurrent relays R1 to
used to protect
(A) An alternator R6 . Assuming a mix of directional and non-
(B) A transformer directional relays at appropriate locations,
(C) A transmission line the remote backup relays for R4 are
(D) A bus bar
Q.24 The over current relays for the line R1 R2
S1 R5 R6 S2
protection and loads connected at the buses
R3 R4
are shown in the figure.
(A) R1 , R2 (B) R2 , R6
RA RB (C) R2 , R5 (D) R1 , R6
300 A 200 A 100 A
The relays are IDMT in nature having the
0.14 × Time multiplier setting
top =
(Plug setting multiplier)0.02 − 1
The maximum and minimum fault currents
at bus B are 2000 A and 500 A respectively.
Assuming the time multiplier setting and
plug setting for relay RB to be 0.1 and 5 A
respectively, the operating time of RB (in
seconds) is ______
Q.25 A 3-phase transformer rated for 33 kV/11
kV is connected in delta/star as shown in
figure. The current transformers (CTs) on
low and high voltage sides have a ratio of
500/5. Find the currents i1 and i2 , if the
fault current is 300 A as shown in figure.
c 300 A
i1 i2
74 Engineering Mechanics : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®
A Answer Keys