XLR FamilyBro - A4 ENG

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The World’s Most Advanced Long‑Range Rotor.

For many applications, the ability to quickly and efficiently water large areas with just a
few long-range rotors can make a big impact on the bottom line. Saving water, time and
money—that’s what the Rain Bird® XLR Series is all about. Built to the highest quality
standards and loaded with industry‑leading water- and cost‑saving innovations, Rain Bird
XLR Series Water Jets outperform and outlast competing long-range impact rotors.

 Deflector Kit (standard) XLRDEFKIT

Intelligently Designed
for Smart Savings
• The intelligent design of the deflector,
barrel and nozzle require less water
pressure to operate.
• Durable, lightweight materials require
less force to initiate or change motion.

XLR Nozzles (Sold Separately)

Choose from nine different nozzle
sizes to get the throw range
your job site needs. Each nozzle
is manufactured with technical
polymers, with a unique shape
that minimizes pressure loss
while maximizing throw.
 Jet-Breaker Kit (optional) XLRJETKIT and Brake Kit (standard) XLRBRKKIT

Never Waste a Drop

With a powerful throw and a dedicated focus on even water distribution,
XLR Water Jets eliminate overwatering and runoff while maximizing your water
efficiency. A self‑adjusting automatic brake system ensures your rotors maintain a
constant rotation speed while a dynamic jet-breaker corrects uneven distribution
Application Rate
that’s common in low‑pressure settings. (mm)
Improved distribution uniformity with
Low pressure water Dynamic Jet-Breaker in low pressure
distribution profile condition and Solid-Set systems
Throw (m)
Application Rate Application Rate
(mm) (mm)

Throw (m) Throw (m)

Application Rate

Throw (m)
Build Your Perfect With three models and a variety of available nozzles that allow you
to modify throw range based on your water pressure and work site,

Water Jet. XLR Series Water Jets have the capacity to adapt to your exact needs.


• Fixed 24° Trajectory • Fixed 44° Trajectory • Adjustable trajectory
• Nine Available Nozzles • Nine Available Nozzles from 15° to 45°
• Throw Range of 28 m – 54 m • Throw Range of 26 m – 53 m • Nine Available Nozzles
• Full- and Part-Circle (20° – 340°) • Full- and Part-Circle • Full- and Part-Circle (20° – 340°)
in One Unit (20° – 340°) in One Unit in One Unit
• 2" Flange Inlet • 2" Flange Inlet • 2" Flange Inlet
• 1-Year Warranty • 1-Year Warranty • 1-Year Warranty

XLR 24 Nozzle Throw Range | Fixed 24° Trajectory

12 mm (0.47") 14 mm (0.55") 16 mm (0.63") 18 mm (0.71") 20 mm (0.79") 22 mm (0.87") 24 mm (0.94") 26 mm (1.02") 28 mm (1.10")
Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius Flow Radius
bar m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m m3/h m
2,0 7,8 24,2 10,6 26,5 13,8 28,9 17,5 29,1 21,7 29,4 26,1 29,8 31,1 30,2 36,7 30,6 42,3 30,9
2,5 8,7 26,8 11,9 29,0 15,4 31,3 19,5 32,5 24,2 33,8 29,2 34,4 34,7 35,1 41,0 35,8 47,3 36,5
3,0 9,6 29,4 13,0 31,6 16,9 33,7 21,4 35,9 26,5 38,2 31,9 39,1 38,0 39,9 44,9 41,0 51,8 42,1
3,5 10,3 31,2 14,1 33,3 18,2 35,5 23,1 37,9 28,7 40,4 34,5 41,6 41,1 42,9 48,5 44,4 56,0 45,9
4,0 11,1 32,9 15,1 35,1 19,5 37,3 24,7 39,9 30,7 42,5 36,9 44,2 43,9 45,8 51,8 47,8 59,8 49,7

4,5 11,7 33,9 16,0 36,2 20,7 38,6 26,2 41,2 32,5 43,9 39,1 45,7 46,6 47,6 55,0 49,8 63,5 52,0
5,0 12,4 34,8 16,8 37,3 21,8 39,8 27,6 42,5 34,3 45,2 41,2 47,3 49,1 49,3 58,0 51,8 66,9 54,3
5,5 13,0 35,7 17,7 38,4 22,9 41,1 29,0 43,8 35,9 46,5 43,2 48,7 51,5 50,9 60,8 53,5 70,2 56,2
6,0 13,5 36,6 18,4 39,5 23,9 42,4 30,3 45,0 37,5 47,7 45,2 50,1 53,8 52,5 63,5 55,3 73,3 58,1
6,5 14,1 37,4 19,2 40,4 24,9 43,3 31,5 46,0 39,1 48,7 47,0 51,2 56,0 53,7 66,1 56,5 76,3 59,3
7,0 14,6 38,2 19,9 41,2 25,8 44,2 32,7 46,9 40,6 49,7 48,8 52,3 58,1 54,9 68,6 57,7 79,2 60,6
The performance data were obtained under ideal testing conditions and may be adversely affected by wind and other factors. Pressure refers to pressure at nozzle.
A lowered trajectory angle improves the irrigation efficiency in windy conditions. For every 3° drop of the trajectory angle the throw is reduced by aprrox. 3 to 4%.

XLR 44 Nozzle Throw Range | Fixed 44° Trajectory

12mm (0.47") 14mm (0.55") 16mm (0.63") 18mm (0.71") 20mm (0.79") 22mm (0.87") 24mm (0.94") 26 mm (1.02") 28 mm (1.10")
Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height Flow Radius Height
bar m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m m3/h m m
3,0 9,6 26,1 11,9 13,0 28,5 12,1 16,9 31,0 12,3 21,4 33,5 12,5 26,5 35,9 12,7 31,9 37,2 12,9 38,0 38,5 13,1 44,9 39,7 13,3 51,8 41,0 13,4
3,5 10,3 27,7 13,1 14,1 30,3 13,4 18,2 33,0 13,7 23,1 35,6 14,0 28,7 38,2 14,4 34,5 39,7 14,6 41,1 41,1 14,9 48,5 42,6 15,1 56,0 44,0 15,3
4,0 11,1 29,3 14,3 15,1 32,1 14,7 19,5 34,9 15,1 24,7 37,8 15,6 30,7 40,6 16,0 36,9 42,2 16,3 43,9 43,8 16,6 51,8 45,5 17,0 59,8 47,1 17,3
4,5 11,7 30,4 15,1 16,0 33,4 15,6 20,7 36,3 16,1 26,2 39,3 16,7 32,5 42,2 17,2 39,1 43,9 17,6 46,6 45,6 18,1 55,0 47,3 18,5 63,5 49,0 18,9
5,0 12,4 31,5 15,9 16,8 34,6 16,5 21,8 37,7 17,1 27,6 40,8 17,8 34,3 43,9 18,4 41,2 45,7 19,0 49,1 47,4 19,5 58,0 49,2 20,0 66,9 51,0 20,5

5,5 13,0 32,4 16,4 17,7 35,6 17,2 22,9 38,7 17,9 29,0 41,9 18,6 35,9 45,1 19,4 43,2 46,9 20,0 51,5 48,7 20,6 60,8 50,5 21,2 70,2 52,3 21,8
6,0 13,5 33,3 17,0 18,4 36,5 17,8 23,9 39,8 18,7 30,3 43,0 19,5 37,5 46,3 20,3 45,2 48,1 21,0 53,8 50,0 21,7 63,5 51,8 22,3 73,3 53,6 23,0
6,5 14,1 33,9 17,4 19,2 37,2 18,3 24,9 40,5 19,2 31,5 43,8 20,1 39,1 47,1 21,0 47,0 49,0 21,8 56,0 50,9 22,5 66,1 52,7 23,3 76,3 54,6 24,1
7,0 14,6 34,5 17,9 19,9 37,8 18,8 25,8 41,2 19,8 32,7 44,6 20,7 40,6 48,0 21,7 48,8 49,9 22,5 58,1 51,8 23,4 68,6 53,7 24,2 79,2 55,6 25,1
7,5 15,1 34,8 18,1 20,6 38,2 19,1 26,7 41,7 20,2 33,8 45,1 21,2 42,0 48,5 22,2 50,5 50,4 23,1 60,1 52,4 24,0 71,0 54,3 24,9 82,0 56,3 25,8
8,0 15,6 35,2 18,4 21,3 38,7 19,5 27,6 42,1 20,6 34,9 45,5 21,6 43,4 49,0 22,7 52,2 51,0 23,6 62,1 53,0 24,6 73,3 55,0 25,5 84,6 57,0 26,4
The performance data were obtained under ideal testing conditions and may be adversely affected by wind and other factors. Pressure refers to pressure at nozzle.
Radius = radius of throw in meters. Nozzle at 1,5 meters above ground level. Height = maximum stream height in meters above nozzle.

XLR ADJ Nozzle Throw Range | Adjustable Trajectory

• For every 3° drop of the trajectory angle, the throw is reduced by approximately 3 to 4%.
• Use the XLR 24 Nozzle Throw Range Table for your pressure and nozzle diameter.
Highly Adaptable for
Any Environment.
Every work site is unique—from water pressure and topography to size,
shape and requirements. The XLR Series Water Jets were built for easy
customization. Regardless of your challenge, these rotors are always up
to the task.


Highly uniform distribution means Designed to quickly and evenly put
you can effectively irrigate large down water, you can tame dust in a
areas without flooding or pooling fraction of the time.
in overwatered zones.
• Feed Yards
• Synthetic Turf • Stables
• Natural Turf • Mining
• Agriculture • Equestrian
• Log Pile Irrigation

meter radius

Use multiple part-circles to cover large areas.

XLR 24 XLRJETKIT = Jet Breaker Kit

*Order Separately
The Intelligent Use of Water.™


At Rain Bird, we believe it is our responsibility

to develop products and technologies that
use water efficiently. Our commitment also
extends to education, training and services
for our industry and our communities.

The need to conserve water has never

been greater. We want to do even
more, and with your help, we can. Visit
www.rainbird.com for more information
about The Intelligent Use of Water.™

Rain Bird Europe SNC Rain Bird Ibérica, S.A. Rain Bird Turkey
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Le clamar Bât. A 23037 Madrid 34760 Ümraniye, İstanbul
Zac du Parc de la Duranne ESPAÑA TÜRKIYE
13290 Aix-en-Provence – FRANCE Tel: (34) 91 632 48 10 Tel: (90) 216 443 75 23
Tel : (33) 4 42 24 44 61 Fax: (34) 91 632 46 45 Fax: (90) 216 461 74 52
Fax : (33 4 42 24 24 72 [email protected] – www.rainbird.es [email protected] – www.rainbird.com.tr
[email protected] – www.rainbird.fr [email protected] – www.rainbird.pt
Rain Bird France SNC Rain Bird Deutschland GmbH
240 rue René Descartes Königstraße 10c
Le clamar Bât. A 71083 Stuttgart
Zac du Parc de la Duranne DEUTSCHLAND
13290 Aix-en-Provence – FRANCE Tel: +49 (0) 711 222 54 158
Tel : (33) 4 42 24 44 61 Fax: +49 (0) 711 222 54 200
Fax : (33 4 42 24 24 72 [email protected]
[email protected] – www.rainbird.fr

® Registered Trademark of Rain Bird Corporation

© 2018 Rain Bird Corporation 4 /18 RBE17TE37

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