CEH Module 3

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 Scanning Objectives

 Scan Types
 Scanning Tools

CONCEPTS  Packet Crafting

 IPv6 Scanning
 First step in active reconnaissance
 Search the network for potential targets
 Discover live hosts
 Discover services and listening ports
 Fingerprint OSes and services
 Identify targets for a vulnerability scan

Fingerprinting: identifying an OS or service version through actively engaging the target

The goal of scanning is to ultimately find vulnerable targets that you can exploit!
 Can be:
 Active (engage the target for information)
 Passive (sniff traffic for information)

 Discovery Scan
 Find potential targets

 Port Scan
 See what services hosts are running

 Vulnerability Scan
 See if those services are vulnerable to hacking

 Other Scans
 Map hostnames - IP addresses - MAC addresses
 Identify additional supported protocols
 Stealthy alternatives to port scans

Note: Vulnerability scans will be covered later in this course

Task Description
Check for live systems Ping or ARP to discover live hosts
Check for open ports Scan live IPs for listening ports
Evade IDS and Firewalls If necessary, evade detection using proxies,
spoofing, fragmented packets, etc.
Perform banner grabbing Grab from servers
Perform OS and service fingerprinting
Scan for vulnerabilities Test services and OSes for vulnerabilities
Draw network diagrams Show logical and physical pathways into networks
Pentest Report Document everything that you find
Identify next steps for exploiting vulnerabilities
 Used in more advanced scanning
 Doesn’t create packets from scratch
 You take a typical IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP packet and:
1. Specify what settings or values should be in the header fields or payload
2. Send the packet to the target
3. See how the target responds to “illegal” or unexpected packet settings

 Different OSes respond in different ways

 You can often identify the OS based on the response:
 IP - TTL, Don’t Fragment (DF) flag / Don’t Fragment ICMP (DFI)
 TCP - Starting window size, Explicit congestion notification (ECN) flag
 Sequence number generation
 ICMP - echo request / echo reply padding
 Nmap
 Hping3
 Colasoft
 NetScan Tools Pro
 Cat Karat
 Ostinato
 WAN Killer
 Packeth
 LANforge FIRE
 Bit-Twist
 WireEdit
 IPv6 addresses are 128 bits
 Traditional scanning techniques are not feasible because of the larger search
space (64 bits)
 Some scanning tools do not support scanning IPv6 networks
 Attackers may gather IPv6 addresses from:
 network traffic
 recorded logs
 header lines in archived emails
 Usenet news messages

 If an attacker does discover and compromise one host:

 They can probe the “all hosts” link local multicast address FF01::1
 Discover additional targets on the link


 Other Techniques
• A type of scan that discovers live IP addresses on a network
• A Ping Sweep is the simplest network scanning method
• It uses ICMP ECHO REQUEST packets to search for live hosts
• Many discovery scans use some form of ARP instead of ICMP to
bypass host-based firewalls
• Can also use specially crafted TCP or UDP packets
 Internet Control Messaging Protocol
 Layer 3 protocol
 Direct payload of IP
 Protocol ID 1
 Has message types
 Each message type in turn may have codes for further information

Note: You can view ICMP types and codes here:

ICMP Message Type Description and Codes
0: Echo Reply Answer to a Type 8 Echo Request
Error message followed by these codes:
0 - Destination network unreachable
1 - Destination host unreachable
6 - Network unknown
3: Destination Unreachable 7 - Host unknown
9 - Network administratively prohibited
10 - Host administratively prohibited
13 - Communication administratively
4: Source Quench A congestion control message
ICMP Message Type Description and Codes
Sent when there are two or more gateways
available for the sender to use. Followed by
5: Redirect these codes:
0 - Redirect datagram for the network
1 - Redirect datagram for the host
8: Echo (request) A ping message, requesting an echo reply
Packet took too long to be routed (code 0 is
11: Time Exceeded
TTL expired)
 The easiest protocol to use to scan for live systems
 Scanner sends ICMP ECHO requests to one or more IP addresses
 If live, hosts will return an ICMP ECHO REPLY

 Useful for locating local devices

 Often blocked by:
 Software firewall on the host
 Packet filtering router/firewall between the scanner and target network

 Useful for determining if a firewall is permitting ICMP

 Example:
 ICMP Echo returns Type 3 Code of 13 “Destination unreachable administratively prohibited”
 This type of message is typically returned from a device blocking a port
 Indicates a firewall that was poorly configured - the firewall should send no response at all
 Send ICMP ECHO requests to multiple hosts
 Traditionally used ICMP ECHO
 Now uses ARP, TCP, or other protocols
 Usually swiftly, in numerical order

 Only a live host will reply

 You can use the subnet mask to determine the range of addresses to scan
 You can record the live hosts in a list for further scanning
 Nmap  OpUtils
 hping3  PingInfoView
 Angry IP Scanner  Advanced IP Scanner
 SolarWinds Engineer Toolkit  Ping Sweep
 Colasoft Ping Tool  Network Ping
 SuperScan  Ping Monitor
 Visual Ping Tester  Pinkie
 Ping Scanner Pro
 Use ARP requests/replies to discover live hosts
 Cannot be blocked by a personal firewall
 ARP is required to discover MAC addresses and map them to IP addresses
 Used on an Ethernet or Wi-Fi LAN

 Tools include:
 Nmap
 Ettercap
 Metasploit
 Cain & Abel
 TCP SYN, ACK, FIN, etc. packets to common ports such as 80 or 443
 ICMP timestamp
 Used by network routers to synchronize their system clocks for time and date

 SCTP Init
 A newer Layer 4 protocol that can manage sessions
 Uses a heartbeat to immediately notify if a connection is down
 Available in some versions of Linux and Solaris

 You could also:

 Start port scanning a host without first checking if it is up or down
 Perform an IP protocol scan to see if the host responds to other Layer 3/4 protocols
 Ports Overview

3.3 PORT  Common Ports

 TCP Port Scanning
SCANS  UDP Port Scanning
 A number (0 - 65535) that represents a process on a network
 Well-known services use specific port numbers by convention
 There is no technical reason for a particular service to use a particular port number

 Both TCP and UDP use port numbers

 Source and destination each have a port
 Embedded in the header
 Indicates the payload

 A client and server will each have its own port in a conversation
 Usually not the same port

 Some services are only “loosely bound” to a port

 It is possible for another process to “get in front of” that service
 Take over the port
 This happens in hacking
 Example: netcat getting in front of IIS
 Intercepts and redirects web traffic
 Well-known
 0 - 1023
 0 is not used
 Reserved by convention for well-known services

 Registered
 1024 - 49151
 Services can additionally request the use of these ports from the operating system

 Dynamic
 49152 - 65535
 Operating system temporarily assigns a dynamic port to a client process
 The port is “returned” to the OS when the client process ends
 Client and server ports are usually not the same
 Server listens on well-known port for incoming connection attempts
 Client process, identified by its own port, attempts to make a connection
 The server can accept or reject the connection attempt
 Usually based on if there is a listening service on that port
 Can also have firewall filtering or other policies that block connections from specific clients

Client Server
Port Numbers (TCP, unless noted) Service
21 FTP commands
22 SSH
23 Telnet
53 (TCP or UDP) DNS
88 Kerberos
110 POP3
111 (TCP or UDP) *nix portmapper
Port Numbers (TCP, unless noted) Service
135 Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
139 SMB (legacy)
143 IMAP4
161 SNMP
(TCP or UDP; only UDP is used at this time)
162 SNMP traps
(TCP or UDP; only UDP is used at this time)
389 LDAP
445 Microsoft-ds (authentication used by SMB)
3389 RDP
 Look for open TCP or UDP ports
 An open port indicates a listening service
 Might have exploitable vulnerabilities

 TCP and UDP respond differently to scans

 The most common type of port scan
 Attacker sends TCP packets to the target
 Various TCP header flags are raised (bit set to 1)

 Response can indicate:

 Listening service
 OS version
 Firewall settings
Flag Name Function
Set during initial communication Negotiate
SYN Synchronize
parameters and sequence numbers
Set as an acknowledgement to the SYN flag.
ACK Acknowledgment
Always set after initial SYN
Forces the termination of a connection (in both
RST Reset
FIN Finish Part of the close session handshake
Forces the delivery of data without concern for
PSH Push
Data inside is being sent out of band. Example is
URG Urgent
cancelling a message
 Establish session
 Set starting sequence numbers
 Properly end a session
 Both sides FIN and ACK the other
 Most common type of port scan
 AKA Stealth Scan or Half-Open Scan
 Client sends SYN packet to server
 Server responds with SYN/ACK packet
 Server responds with RST packet and remote port is closed
 Client sends RST packet to close the initiation before connection is established

 Resets TCP connection between client and server in midstream

 Connection is only “half open”
 AKA TCP Full Scan, or TCP Open Scan
 Completes the TCP three-way handshake
 Establishes a full connection
 Then tears it down by sending a RST packet

 Does not require super user privileges on Linux

 Appears “normal” to intrusion detection
 Least likely to rouse suspicion
 Used to determine if the host is protected by filtering/firewall
 Since (nearly) every TCP segment contains a raised ACK flag, an ACK scan appears normal
 Can evade IDS in most cases
 Can be used against packet filtering routers to see what’s behind it

 Attacker sends ACK probe packet with a random sequence number to target
 No response = protected (filtered) by firewall
 RST = port is closed

 TTL-based
 Send 1000s of ACKs to different TCP ports
 Analyze TTL field in RST packets received
 If less than the boundary value of 64, then port is open
 If greater than 64, then port is closed

 Window-based
 Send 1000s of ACKS to different TCP ports
 If WINDOW value of RST received has non-zero value, then port is open
 Stealthier than a SYN scan
 Does not attempt to start a TCP connection
 Used to discover firewall rules / evade detection by IDS
 TCP flags are raised in an unusual / illegal pattern
 Types include:
 Null Scan
 FIN Scan
Note: We will examine TCP scans in greater detail when we study NMAP and Firewalls
 No handshake involved
 UDP is a stateless protocol

 You can send a UDP datagram

 You often won’t get a response
 UDP itself cannot determine if host is alive, dead or filtered

 Sometimes a UDP closed port will return an ICMP port unreachable message
 Headers
 Banner Grabbing

3.4 OTHER  List Scan

 Zombie Scan
 SSDP Scan
 Window Size
 0x7D78 (32120) = Linux
 Cisco & Microsoft constantly change

 64 = Linux / FreeBSD

 Don’t Fragment (DF) bit

 See if the DF (Don’t Fragment) bit is set
 SCO & OpenBSD do not use the DF flag

 Type of Service (ToS)

 Indicates the protocol (priority) more than the OS

 AKA OS fingerprinting
 A way to determine the operating system running on the remote target system
 Some services identify themselves when queried
 Error messages can reveal information about the service or OS
 You can use banner grabbing to identify the service and/or OS version

 Can also examine TCP and ICMP messages to identify OS

Active Banner Grabbing Passive Banner Grabbing
Specially constructed packets are sent to Error message provide information
the remote OS and responses are including type of server, type of OS, and
captured SSL tools used by target

Responses are compared with a database Sniffing network traffic on the target
to determine the OS allows attacker to determine OS

Response from different Oses vary Page extensions in a URL may assist the
because of differences in the TCP/IP attacker in determining versions
 Many tools can grab banners from various services
 FTP, SSH, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, DNS, Telnet, Microsoft-DS, Microsoft netbios-ssn, etc.
 Can help you focus your attacks on specific services

 ID Serve
 Identifies the make, model, and version of any web site’s server software
 Can also used to identify non-HTTP (non-web) Internet servers: FTP, SMTP, POP, NEWS, etc.

 Netcraft
 Reports a site’s operating system, web server, and netblock owner together with a graphical view at the
time of the last reboot for each computer in the site
 Netcat
 A command-line utility
 Reads and writes data across network connections using TCP/IP

 Telnet
 A command-line remote connection utility
 Will attempt to open a session to whatever port you specify
 Will display any response received from the server
telnet <target IP> <port number>

nc –vv <target IP> <port number>

echo -en "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n\n"|nc www.comptia.org 80|grep Server

nmap -sV <target IP> -p <port number>

nmap -sV --script=banner <target>
 You provide a list of IPs/Names to the scanner
 Does not actually ping
 Performs reverse DNS lookup
 AKA “blind” scan or “idle” scan
 Map open ports on a remote system without producing any evidence that you have
interacted with that system
 Force target to interact with a third machine (zombie)
 Check Zombie’s IPID to see if it incremented
 IP identification (IPID) identifies a packet in a communication session
 Its primary purpose is to recover from IP fragmentation
 Abuses the FTP PORT command and File Exchange Protocol (FXP)
 An attacker sends the PORT command to an FTP server to redirect the data connection to
a third (target) device
 Target device can be anything the FTP server is capable of reaching

 Used to anonymously scan ports of a target system

 User asks an FTP server to send files to another server
 The returned error message indicates whether the target port is open or not
 Used to bypass firewalls
 Organizational FTP servers are often:
 Accessible to the Internet
 Able to access otherwise protected internal hosts

 Most modern FTP servers now have the PORT command disabled
 TCP 1900
 Enables devices like personal computers, Wi-Fi, Mobile devices, printers etc. to
discover each other
 Establish connections for sharing services and data
 Also for entertainment purposes
 Intended to be used on residential networks

 Enabled by default on millions of systems

 UPnP-exposed systems connected to the Internet with exploitable vulnerabilities
result in a severe security impact
 These issues potentially expose millions of users to remote attacks
 Could result in theft of sensitive information or further assaults on connected machines
 Used to advertise and discover network services and presence information
 The basis for UPnP device discovery
 Accomplishes this without assistance of server-based configuration mechanisms
 Such as DHCP or DNS
 Without special static configuration of a network host

 Intended for use in residential or small office environments

 Used to discover plug and play devices on the network
 Can discover vulnerabilities you can use to launch Buffer overflow or DoS attacks
 Check if a machine can be exploited
 Usually works when machine is not firewalled
 Can be sent over IPv4 or IPv6
3.5 SCANNING  Tools

 A highly flexible open source tool for scanning networks
 Command-line based for Linux and Windows
 GUI version of NMAP
 Uses NMAP syntax
 Created for Windows users
 Command line network scanning
 Packet crafting
 Can perform various scan types
 Used for:
 Host discovery
 Network security auditing
 Firewall testing
 Manual path MTU discovery
 Advanced traceroute
 Remote OS fingerprinting
 Remote uptime estimating
 TCP/IP stack auditing
Packet Count
Source Port

Raise TCP FIN Flag Destination Port

Target responds with TCP RST and ACK

 ICMP Ping
 ACK scan on port 80
 UDP scan on port 80
 Collecting Initial Sequence Number
 Firewalls and Time Stamps
 SYN scan on port 80
 FIN, PUSH, and URG scan on port 80
 Scan entire subnet for live host
 Intercept all traffic containing HTTP signature
 SYN flooding a target
 Angry IP Scanner  IP-Tools
 SuperScan  Network Scanner
 PRTG  Global Network Inventory
 OmniPeek  Advanced Port Scanner
 MiTeC Network Scanner  CurrPorts
 NEWT Professional  Masscan
 MegaPing  DRACNMAP
 Slitheris Network Discovery  NEET
 TamoSoft’s CommView
 IP Scanner
 Fing
 Hackode
 cSploit
 FaceNiff
 PortDroid Network Analysis
 Pamn IP Scanner
 Features
3.6 NMAP  Syntax
 A highly flexible open source tool for scanning networks
 Command-line based for Linux and Windows
 Also a GUI version (Zenmap) for Windows
 Host discovery
 Port and service discovery
 Operating system and service fingerprinting
 Enumeration
 MAC address detection
 Vulnerability and exploit detection

Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}

nmap <scan options> <target>
You can combine certain switches: nmap -sUV
You can refer to a target by name, IP, range, subnet
nmap 192.168.1.*
nmap scanme.nmap.org
Scan Example Description
-h nmap -h Help on Nmap
-V nmap -V Nmap version
-d nmap -d Enable debugging to view all steps of output
Nmap Discovery Options Description
-PR • Send an ARP (address resolution protocol) request to a target for a
• ARPs are not usually blocked by firewalls
• Default discovery method for any nmap scan on an ethernet network
-sn No port scan
Discovery only
Use combination of:
• TCP SYN to port 443
• TCP ACK to port 80
• ICMP timestamp request
-PS <portlist> • Discover hosts by sending a TCP SYN to specified port/s
• Default is port 80
• Any response (SYN, ACK, RST) demonstrates the target is up
• Syntax indicates no space between –PS and the port list
• Will be followed by a port scan unless the –sn option is used
Scan Example Description
-sS nmap -sS TCP SYN Scan
Send TCP SYN to target for response to check
Check for TCP 3-way handshake
• If port is open, will respond with SYN ACK
• RST if port is closed
Requires root privilege
-sT nmap -sT TCP Connect Scan
• Complete a TCP 3-way handshake for non-root users
-sU nmap -sU UDP scan
• Can be very slow
• Ports that respond are open
• Ports that do not respond are displayed as open|filtered (unknown)
• A port might be open but not respond to an empty UDP probe packet
• Ports that send ICMP unreachable (type 3 code 3) are closed
Scan Example Description
-sL nmap -sL 4.2.2.* List scan
nmap -sL eccouncil.org • List the target(s) that will be scanned
• Attempts to return IP addresses and names for targets
• Good for passive reconnaissance
-sV nmap -sV Probe open ports for service version
• Can help disambiguate UDP scans
 So Verizon has six DNS servers after all...
Option Example Description
-p <port • nmap -p 80 Scan only specified port/s
range> • nmap -p 80,443 www.company.com • Port status can be OPEN, CLOSED (no service
• nmap -p1024-3000 on port), or FILTERED (perhaps a firewall)
• nmap -p U:53,111,137,T:21- • UDP ports: U
25,80,139,443 • TCP ports: T
• nmap -p- • ALL TCP ports: -p-
-r nmap -r Scan ports consecutively; not randomly
--top-ports nmap --top-ports 200 Scan top <indicated number> ports
-6 • nmap -6 2001:f0d0:1003:51::4 Scan IPv6 addresses
• nmap -6 scanme.company.com
• nmap -6 fe80::8d50:86ce:55ad:bc5c
Option Example Description
-iL <input file name> nmap -iL /tmp/test.txt Scan hosts listed in file
--exclude map Exclude certain hosts from scan
-n nmap -n Do not resolve names (time saver)
-R nmap -R Try to resolve all names with reserved DNS
-F (fast mode) nmap -F Scan fewer ports than default
-O nmap -O Enable OS detection, not always accurate
Option Example Description
-A nmap -A Enable OS detection, service version detection, script
scanning, and traceroute
--version-intensity nmap -sV --version- Use with –sV
<level> intensity 9 • Specified level of interrogation from 0 (light) to 9
(attempt all probes)
-- script=<scriptname> nmap -- Use NSE script
-sC nmap -sC Scan using all default scripts
-v nmap -A -v Increase verbosity of output
-vv nmap -vv Very verbose output
-oN/-oX/-oS/-oG/-oA nmap -oA Save output in normal, XML, script kiddie, Grepable, or all
<filename> results.txt
Stealth Example Description
-sS nmap -sS The original "stealth" scan Half-open scan
• Do not complete TCP handshake
• If target responds with a SYN ACK, send RST
• This is less likely to be logged by the target
• Might, however, be noticed by IDS
-Pn nmap -Pn -p- Skip discovery • Assume all hosts are online for port scan
• Useful if targets have their firewall up and only offer services on
unusual ports
Scan Example Description
-sA nmap -sA ACK Scan
www.company.com Find out if a host/network is protected by a firewall.
• "Filtered" results indicate firewall is on
• "Unfiltered" results indicate port is accessible, but might be open
or closed
• Run with -A option to determine if accessible ports are actually
open or closed (nmap -sA -A www.comptia.org)
Scan Example Description
-sF nmap -sF FIN scan
• Raises only a FIN flag
• Can be used to disambiguate results of other scans
-sN nmap -sN NULL Scan
• No flags raised
• Can sometimes penetrate firewalls and edge routers
• An open port will discard with no response
• A closed port will send a RST
-sX nmap -sX XMAS Scan
• Raises FIN, URG, PSH flags

These scans can be used to sneak through some stateless firewalls

Works against most UNIX-based systems, but not Microsoft and only some Cisco
Stealth Option Example Description
-sI <zombie nmap –sI Find a zombie
candidate> server.example.com • The target is the zombie candidate
-sI <zombie> nmap -sI -Pn -p- Conduct a blind TCP port scan (idle scan)
<target> zombie.example.com • Assume the target is “up”
www.company.com • Scan all TCP ports
• Use the "zombie" (middle man) host to obtain information
about open ports on the target
-b <FTP relay> nmap -Pn -b Conduct an FTP bounce scan
<FTP target> ftp.microsoft.com • Exploit FTP proxy connections (using the PORT command)
google.com • A user asks a "middle man" FTP server to send files to
another FTP server
• Because of widespread abuse, the FTP relay feature has
been disabled by most vendors
Stealth Option Example Description
-f nmap -f Split packets (include pings) into 8-byte fragments • Make it more difficult for packet filtering firewalls and intrusion
detection to detect the purpose of packets
• MTU is the maximum fragment size
-D [decoy1, nmap -D Used to mask a port scan by using decoys
decoy2, decoy3, • Creates bogus packets from the decoys so the actual attacker
etc.] <target> blends in with the crowd • Appears that both the decoys and the actual attackers are performing attacks
-e <interface> nmap -e eth0 Specify the interface Nmap should use
-S <spoofed nmap -e eth0 -S Spoof the source address
source www.google.co • Will not return useful reports to you
address> m • Can be used to confuse an IDS or the target administrator
Stealth Option Example Description
--spoof-mac [vendor • nmap -sT -Pn --spoof-mac Use a bogus source hardware address
type | MAC address] apple • You can specify a random MAC based on vendor, or
• nmap -sT -PN --spoof-mac explicitly specify the MAC address
B7:B1:F9:BC:D4:56 • Hides actual source of scan • Good with ARP ping scan (since ARP will broadcast
its response)
--source-port <port nmap --source-port 53 Use a specific source port number (spoof source port)
number> • Dupes packet filters configured to trust that port
• Same as -g <port number> option
--randomize-hosts nmap --randomize-hosts Randomize the order of the hosts being scanned
--proxies <proxy:port, nmap --proxies Relay TCP connections through a chain of HTTP or
proxy:port…>, SOCKS4 proxies • Especially useful on the Internet.
Stealth Option Example Description
-T <0-5> nmap -T 2 Use different timing templates to throttle the speed of your
• Slower = make scan less noticeable
• T0 is the slowest
• T5 is the fastest
• Nmap denotes these speeds as:
• paranoid, sneaky, polite, normal, aggressive, and
insane, respectively
• T4 is the recommended choice for a fast scan that is still
• T3 is the default
 NMAP Port States
 Packet Fragmentation
3.7 FIREWALL  Source Manipulation

AND IDS  Decoys

 Timing
EVASION  Packet Customization
 Firewalking
 Each firewall configuration presents its own challenges to scanning
 If you are scanning a network “black box” style you do not know which, if any,
firewall type you will encounter
 If you can infer which type you’re encountering, this will give you an advantage in a
 You’ll have a better idea of:
 Which techniques to not spend too much time on
 Other approaches you should consider to break into the network
Reported State Description

Open This port is actively accepting TCP, UDP or SCTP connections

Open ports are the ones that are directly vulnerable to attacks
They show available services on a network.
Closed Target responds (usually with RST) but there is no application
listening on that port
Useful for identifying that the host exists and for OS detection
Filtered Nmap can’t determine if the port is open because the probe is being
blocked by a firewall or router rules
Usually no response or “Destination unreachable”
Reported State Description

Unfiltered Port is accessible but Nmap doesn’t know if its open or closed.
Only used in ACK scan which is used to map firewall rulesets.
Other scan types can be used to identify whether the port is open.
Open/filtered Nmap is unable to determine between open and filtered.
The port is open but gives no response.
No response could mean that the probe was dropped by a packet
filter or any response is blocked.
Closed/filtered Nmap is unable to determine whether port is closed or filtered
Only used in the IP ID idle scan
 Usually routers dynamically choose the best route to send the packet to its
 The IP header OPTIONS field allows the sender to specify the route
 Admins often disable source routing support on routers for security reasons
 The sender can specify:
 EXACTLY which hops a packet must pass
through (Strict Source Routing)
 SOME of the hops a packet must pass
through (Loose Source Routing)
 Specified in the [options] field
 You can specify up to 9 hops
 Useful if you know there is an alternate Security
route you can use to go around a firewall Strict Source Routing
 Perhaps a dialup connection that would Loose Source Routing
ordinarily not be used Record Route
 This Wireshark capture shows that Strict Source Routing was set in the IP header of
the captured packet
 Two source routes were inserted into the header
 One was the sender’s outbound address
 A stateless firewall might be configured to allow packets through that appear to be
from a server
 E.g. set the TCP source port to 80 makes the packet appear to come from a webserver

nmap -A -T4 -Pn -g 80 -sS

 Generates “noise” you can hide in
 Multiple IP addresses appear to be scanning a target simultaneously
 This makes it very difficult for the IDS or sysadmin to determine who the real
attacker is
 You can explicitly specify source addresses or allow the scanner to randomly
generate addresses
 Which one is the real attacker?
 Used when you want an intermediate machine to “respond” to a victim
 You craft the packet so its source address is actually the victim’s address
 Common in Denial-of-Service attacks
 A very slow scan will just appear as random noise to the IDS
 It will fall below the threshold necessary to fire an alert
 Make sure addresses and ports are targeted in random order
 A SIEM might detect a very slow scan whereas an IDS might not
Try to determine:

 The firewall rule set (allowed and blocked ports)

 Firewall type (stateful or stateless)
 Weaknesses in the firewall’s configuration
 Devices behind the firewall
 The attacker splits the probe packets into several smaller fragments
 Then sends them to the target network
 The packet is then reassembled at the final destination

 The IDS/Firewall processes each packet separately

 Doesn’t recognize that the packet is malicious
 The payload fragments are each too short to match a known signature

 IDSes are often configured to skip fragmented packets during scanning

Technique Purpose
ACK Scan • Map out firewall rulesets
• Determine if firewall is stateful or stateless
SYN/FIN Scan • Sets both the SYN and FIN bits
• A good way to bypass a rule that drops packets with ONLY SYN raised
 A stateless firewall will be easier to get past than a stateful one
 A stateless firewall will block SYN packets based on port number
 However, it is far less likely to block ACK packets because those could be a response to
an outgoing connection
 Perform separate SYN and ACK scans against the same ports
 IF the SYN shows some ports open and some closed AND the ACK shows all ports
unfiltered, the firewall is likely stateless or disabled
 A stateful firewall will know from its state table if the ACK is legitimate or not
 If an ACK scan shows at least some ports as “filtered” then it is likely a stateful firewall
 Simple packet filter might have higher level ports open

Moo Dharma
31337 Pentester
 Scan against Windows 10 with Windows Defender firewall dropped

No firewall or stateless;
SYN scan returns 4
SYN open ports - no firewall

 Scan against Windows 10 with Windows Defender firewall turned on

Windows Defender =
stateful firewall


Stateful firewall

 Scan against CentOS 7 with firewall turned off

No firewall or stateless;
SYN SYN scan returns 3
open ports - no firewall

 Scan against CentOS 7 with firewall turned on
iptables = stateful firewall

SYN Stateful firewall

 Port scanning the firewall’s front-facing IP might show ports the firewall itself uses
 A firewall that NATs and port forwards will present the target ports as if they are its
own ports
 To distinguish between a permitted port and the firewall’s management port:
 Open a browser to that port
 Banner grab that port
 Use nmap –sV to interrogate that port
 These are little more stealthy than a SYN scan
 They can sneak past some stateless firewalls and packet filtering routers
 With SYN bit off, they can go past rules that look for SYN raised and ACK set to 0
 You’ll need to add -sV to disambiguate open | filtered ports

Technique Purpose
FIN Scan Sets only the FIN bit - breaks the rules of TCP; should be accompanied by ACK
NULL Scan Does not set any TCP bits - breaks the rules; every packet should have some bit set
XMAS Scan FIN, URG, PSH raised - illogical combination

Probe Response Assigned State

No response received (even after retransmissions) open|filtered
TCP RST packet closed
ICMP unreachable error (type 3, code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13) filtered
 UDP scan works by sending a UDP packet to every targeted port
 For most ports, this packet will be empty (no payload
 For a few of the more common ports a protocol-specific payload will be sent
 Based on the response, or lack thereof, the port is assigned to one of four states

Probe Response Assigned State

Any UDP response from target port (unusual) open
No response received (even after retransmissions) open|filtered
ICMP port unreachable error (type 3, code 3) closed
Other ICMP unreachable errors (type 3, code 1, 2, 9, 10, or 13) filtered

UDP scanning is very slow because nmap must wait for timeout on each port
A Linux kernel will also rate-limit ICMP destination unreachable messages to 1 / second
 The the biggest challenges with UDP scanning is that open ports rarely respond to
empty probes
 Those ports for which Nmap has a protocol-specific payload are more likely to get
a response and be marked open
 For the rest, the target TCP/IP stack simply passes the empty packet up to a
listening application
 which usually discards it immediately as invalid

 If ports in all other states would respond, then open ports could all be deduced by
 Unfortunately, firewalls and filtering devices also drop packets without responding
 If Nmap receives no response after several attempts, it cannot determine whether
the port is open or filtered or filtered by a firewall
 Adding service versioning to a UDP scan helps disambiguate the responses
 Used to determine exactly which device permits/blocks a port
 Good for probing past a firewall into an internal network
 Can be used to probe past multiple daisy-chained firewalls
 You can manipulate the IP TTL in a scan to distinguish between:
 A protected server that does not have that port open
 An intermediate firewall that blocks the port from being reached by the scanner

 A firewall will return ICMP Type 11, Code 0 (Time Exceeded) if:
 The port is allowed
 The probe TTL expires at the firewall
 Probe must be sent to a live final target
 Does not matter if the final target actually listens on that port
 Nmap itself will report the port status as filtered
 It’s looking for a TCP response, not an ICMP response
 A firewalker will notice the ICMP response and report the port as permitted
expires at

Nmap expects TCP

response - reports
false negative Firewall actually
returns ICMP
Type 11, Code 0
TTL Exceeded
packet as
 Linux tools such as firewalk and Nmap firewalk script attempt to automate the
firewalking process
 Steps:
1. Use a TCP-based traceroute to first establish the number of hops to the target firewall you are
probing (“ramp up” period)
2. Send a probe with the TTL that expires at the firewall to see if the firewall will:
 Return an ICMP TTL Exceeded error (port allowed)
 Send no response (port disallowed)
3. Send a probe with the TTL + 1 to see if there is another filtering router/firewall behind it
4. Continue incrementing the TTL by 1 until all firewalls in the path are tested and:
 Either the max hop count is reached
 Or a server actually responds to the probe

 Because the tool is searching for ICMP errors, it is not necessary to actually reach the
protected host server
 If there are multiple packet filtering routers/firewalls in the path, they are all tested

Note: These tools assume there are multiple hops between the attacker and the target firewall.
They may not work as expected in all scenarios.
• Scan TCP ports 8079 – 8080
• Send probes out eth0
• No name resolution
• Firewall (target) is
• Server (metric) is

• Port 8079 disallowed

• Port 8080 allowed
• Server does not use 8080
• Port 8081 disallowed
Do not specify a firewall. Just specify
the server that hosts the services

Simple nmap scan of the

server returns these results

The filtering firewall in

this case is the first hop
// Nmap does not require the target firewall to be destination
to the specified

nmap --script=firewalk --traceroute <host>

This firewall is doing

the filtering
 Hops 2, 6, and 7 are all filtered
 Proxies
 Anonymizers
 A proxy server is an intermediary between:
 Internal user and Internet resource
 Internet user and internal resource

 Use an online proxy to:

 Hide source IP address to avoid discovery
 Increase privacy
 Conduct anonymous hacking attacks
 Mask the source of an attack by impersonating a false source
 Remotely access intranets and website resources that are normally protected
 Interrupt all requests sent by a user and re-route them to a different destination, making
it see only the proxy server address
 Chain multiple proxy servers to avoid detection
 Edge Proxy
 Anonymizer
 Proxy Chaining
 Typically used by private organizations to protect their internal network
 Forward proxy:
 An edge firewall or separate proxy server fetches content from the Internet on behalf of
internal clients
 Reverse proxy:
 An edge firewall fetches content from the private network/DMZ on behalf of Internet
 A proxy server on the Internet
 Created specifically so people can hide their connection’s true origin
 May be free or a paid commercial service
1. The user connects across the Internet to the proxy server
2. The proxy puts the user “on hold”
3. The proxy starts a separate connection to fetch the desired content for the user
4. The proxy hands the content to the user
 Since the proxy is the one actually fetching the content:
 The requesting IP address is different
 No one knows that the request is actually coming from the user

• Because IP addresses are country/region specific, they can be blocked or tracked

• An anonymizer located in a different country, using its own IP, will not be blocked
• It can be tracked, but only to the proxy, not to the end user
 People use anonymizers to:
 Surf anonymously
 Hack anonymously
 Bypass censorship or regional firewalls
 Evade surveillance or restrictions based on their IP

 Anonymizers make it difficult for others to track you:

 Most anonymizers do not keep logs of their activity or client connections
 Anonymizers are typically in different legal jurisdictions
 They’re not compelled to cooperate with your country’s law enforcement
 The use of multiple proxies, in series, to fulfill a
1. The client connects to a proxy and makes a request
2. That proxy makes a connection to another proxy
making the same request
3. That proxy might connect to a third proxy, etc.
4. This is repeated through as many proxies as
5. At the end, the last proxy fetches the requested
6. The requested content is passed back through the
entire chain, ultimately given to the client
 You can use as many proxy servers as you want
 The more proxies you use, the harder it is to trace
the activity back to you
 Proxy Switcher
 Hides your IP address from the website you visit

 Proxy Workbench
 A proxy server that displays data passing through it in real time
 You can examine TCP/IP connections, view history, save to a file, view a socket connection
 Tor
 Routing through the deep web for privacy protection, defense against network
surveillance/traffic analysis
 CyberGhost
 Anonymous browsing and access to blocked/censored content
 Replaces the user’s original IP with an address of their choice
Test web apps by capturing and For Mobile Devices
manipulating your browser’s Online VPN/Proxy service:
interaction with the server: • Shadowsocks
 Burp Suite • CyberGhost VPN
These tools run on • Hotspot Shield
 Charles your own computer • NetShade
 Fiddler
Client app to manage your various
proxy/VPN connections:
Proxy clients: • Proxy Manager

 Proxifier
Create a proxy (and other services) on
 SocksChain your mobile device:
• Servers Ultimate
 Your original packets are encrypted and encapsulated (hidden) inside other packets

 A client app on your computer/phone starts the VPN

 Your traffic is encapsulated and encrypted from the very start

 You send your traffic to a VPN server on the Internet, in some other part of the world

 That server then:

 discards the outer packaging
 decrypts your original packets
 gives your packets a source IP address from its own network
 sends your unencrypted packets out on the Internet to their final destination

 Your traffic looks like it originated from where the VPN server is
 Not where you actually are
I’m in Africa. I need to connect to my bank in the USA.
Because of a high risk of fraud, my bank’s firewall
blocks IP addresses from Africa. So I make a VPN
connection to a server in Belgium. The firewall
doesn’t mind connections originating from Europe. USA


VPN Tunnel
 VPN client app running on your computer/phone
 VPN server of your choosing (somewhere on the Internet)
 VPN protocols to encapsulate and encrypt your data
 Common protocols today:
 Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
 OpenVPN
 TLS-encrypted payload over TCP or UDP

 Legacy protocols:
 L2TP
 Encapsulation + Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) + Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
 They functionally accomplish the same thing
 Both are used to hide your true origin

 The mechanisms however are quite different

 In both cases you secretly connect to a server on the Internet
 A proxy fetches content on your behalf while you “wait at home”
 The VPN server decrypts your original traffic and sends it unencrypted to its final destination

 Traditionally, proxies did not use encryption

 Your connection to the proxy, and the proxy’s connection on your behalf, were unencrypted

 Today, however, most anonymizers use VPNs

 VPN from you to the first proxy
 VPN between proxies
 Clear unencrypted connection from the last proxy to the web (resource) server
 UltraVPN  IPVanish
 TunnelBear  SaferVPN
 TotalVPN  PrivateVPN
 Hotspot Shield  Surfshark
 NordVPN  Norton
 ExpressVPN  ZenMate
 CyberGhost  ProtonVPN

Additional privacy recommendations:

• Increase privacy settings on your browser including private/incognito browsing
• Clear cookies and history on your browser
• Use a search engine such as DuckDuckGo that does not track your history
 AKA The Onion Router
 A free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication
 Directs Internet traffic through a worldwide overlay network
 Over 6000 relays
 Conceals a user’s location and usage from network surveillance and traffic analysis
 Your route changes every 10 minutes

 Makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity to the user

 Intended use is to protect personal privacy
 Unfortunately has also become home to “dark web” criminal activity

 A TOR browser aims to make all users look the same

 Making it difficult to fingerprint you based on your browser or device
 Easy to set up and use
 Download a TOR browser from https://www.torproject.org/download/
 Website addresses that end in “.onion”
 Not like normal domain names
 You can’t access them with a normal web browser
 Addresses that end with “.onion” point to Tor hidden services on the “deep web”
3.9 SCANNING  Scanning Countermeasures
 Spoofing Countermeasures
COUNTER-  Banner Grabbing Countermeasures

MEASURES  Firewall Bypass Countermeasures

 Implement a software firewall on all devices
 Limit the number of open ports
 Block ICMP
 Configure routers to disallow vulnerable features such as source routing and IP
 Use an IDS/IPS to monitor network traffic
 Patch hosts
 Conduct your own scans pre-emptively
 Ensure that the IDS, routers, and firewall firmware are updated to their latest
 Consider using a cloud-based SIEM to leverage more sophisticated/longer term
traffic analysis
 In a high-security environment, consider hard-coding MAC-to-IP address
mappings for each host
 Do not rely on IP-based authentication
 Digitally sign all transmissions
 Use stateful firewalls with deep packet inspection
 Disallow source routing
 Disallow incoming packets that appear to come from your own network
 Spoofed source IP
 Be cautious when allowing traffic based on source port
 Hard-code ARP entries where practical
 Hard-code IP addresses where practical
 Use switchport security
 Secure DNS server cache against pollution
 Disable or change the banner
 Display false/misleading banners
 Make sure banner does not advertise the service version
 Add an “authorized users only” warning to a banner to protect yourself legally
 Especially for services that require a user to log on

 Turn off unnecessary services

 Hide file extensions from web pages such as .asp or .htm
 IIS can use tools like PageXchanger to manage file extensions
 Apache can edit httpd.conf with mod_negotiation directives
 Use a multilayer defense strategy
 Implement multiple firewall solutions at different levels
 Implement strong change management
 Stay on top of security patches/updates
 Set strong password policies and multifactor authentication
 Look for “side doors” and “back doors” that can bypass the firewall
 Wi-Fi access points
 VPN / Remote Access servers
 Private WAN links / VPNs to other company sites
 “Sneakernet” (physically moving data in and out of the network on removeable media)
 Perform your own firewall tests to ensure rules behave as desired
 Regularly perform penetration tests

 Scanning is part of active reconnaissance

Scanning discovers possible targets on a network:
 Live hosts

 Open ports
 Protocols

 Service and operating system versions
 Can include banner grabbing

 Ping sweeps previously used ICMP echo requests to discover hosts

 Modern ping sweeps use ARP, TCP, or some other protocol for host
 ICMP has numerous message types, which in turn may have codes
 A port represents a process on the network

Both TCP and UDP use ports
Client and server processes each use their own port (typically not the same)
Server services listen on well-known ports 1-1023

Services may request additional registered ports (1024-49151) from their operating

 Clients borrow dynamic ports (41952-65535) from their operating

 A client port is returned to the OS when that client process is
 Common server ports include:

21 ETHICAL FTP commands 135 Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

22 SSH 139 SMB (legacy)
23 Telnet 143 IMAP4
53 (TCP or UDP)
161 (UDP)
162 (UDP)
SNMP traps
80 HTTP 389 LDAP
88 Kerberos 443 HTTPS
110 POP3 445 Microsoft-ds
111 (TCP or UDP) *nix portmapper 3389 RDP
 TCP uses a three-way handshake to establish sequence numbers and start a session


TCP uses a four-way handshake to end a session


A TCP SYN scan (aka stealth or half-open scan) does not complete the handshake
Connect scan (aka full or open scan) does complete the handshake

 You can also scan raising various TCP flags to test a firewall
 You can perform a UDP port scan, but no handshake is involved,
and you might not receive any response from the target
 Port scanning is the immediate prelude to vulnerability testing

 Some scanning tools perform discovery, port scanning, and vulnerability testing all in one
comprehensive scan

Packet crafting manipulates TCP/UDP/IP headers to:
 Probe open ports

 Test firewalls / IDS

 Anonymizers / proxies hide the source of a packet

 You can use a VPN to encrypt your connection to a proxy
 Creating a network diagram gives you an overview of the entire
target network
 Can be useful in planning your attack
 You can fingerprint an OS by examining its TCP or IP headers

You can banner grab to capture information about a network service and the OS it
resides on

A list scan only performs DNS lookups, and does not actually scan the target
A zombie (idle) scan uses an intermediary machine to interact with the target
 An FTP
bounce scan uses a vulnerable FTP server to perform a scan against the real

 You can perform SSDP scans to identify vulnerable home and small
office networks
 Nmap is the primary scanning tool used by hackers
 Zenmap is a GUI version of nmap for Windows
 Hping can also perform scans and packet crafting
 You can use a number of tactics to evade firewall and IDS detection when scanning:

 Source routing
 Fragmentation

 Source port manipulation
 Decoys

 Address spoofing
 Slow timing

 Raising various TCP flags such as ACK, NULL, FIN, and

 Firewalking is the process of identifying which ports network
firewalls will allow traffic through

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