1. Given three lines that all cross at the same spot and a point Q below them, how many lines through Q intersect 1
the rest of the diagram in fewer than three points?
2. How many times larger than 5 × 1020 is 2 × 1050 ? Write your answer in 1 the form C × 10k where 1 ≤ C < 10 and k is an integer.
3. Sutton has received three different test scores in his math class. It turns
out that the average of his test scores is 6 more than his median (middle) test 2 score. Let A be the difference between his higher two test scores, and let B be the difference between his lower two test scores. Determine A − B.
4. Suppose that the graph of f (x) for x ≥ 0 consists of segments starting at
(0, 0), increasing up to (1, 10), dropping directly back down to (2, 1), rising 2 linearly up to (3, 11), decreasing down to (4, 2), and so on, alternating between segments with slope 10 and −9. For how many values of x does f (x) = 2013?
5. Draw a rectangle on a sheet of graph paper whose sides lie along the grid lines. We compute its “score” by awarding 7 points for each grid point enclosed and deducting 3 points for each unit segment inside. The rectangle shown encloses 6 grid 2
points and 17 unit segments, so its score is 6(7) − 17(3) = −9. Suppose that a certain rectangle has height and width both at least 8, and its score is 2013. What is its area?
6. Laura chooses a positive integer from 1 to 45 at random and lists all of its positive divisors. Then Ben selects one of these divisors, again at random. 3
Which positive integer from 1 to 45 is least likely to occur as Ben’s number?
7. A 2 × 3 rectangular sheet of paper is folded over a crease
through one corner so that the adjacent corner lands pre- 3 cisely on the opposite side, as shown. Let α be the measure of the angle marked in the diagram. Calculate tan α.