IMPORTANT - MSecure Account QR Code - 4-27-24
IMPORTANT - MSecure Account QR Code - 4-27-24
IMPORTANT - MSecure Account QR Code - 4-27-24
Para: [email protected]
Welcome to mSecure!
We’re so glad you chose mSecure for your password and personal data management! We know what an
important choice this is, and we’re honored to help you care for your most sensitive and important pieces
of information.
We'd like to highlight a couple of the app’s more powerful features. First, you have multiple options for
keeping your information in sync on all of your devices. Choose our own mSecure Cloud feature for the
most simple and secure method of syncing and retrieving your data. Or, if you prefer to use a different
cloud system, choose Dropbox or iCloud syncing (iCloud syncing is only supported on Mac and iOS). For
those inclined to store their data only on their physical devices, you can also sync via Wi-Fi. Second, your
data is backed up securely and automatically at regular intervals. For iOS and Mac, the encrypted
backups are stored in your iCloud account, so you will have access to them on any device signed in to
your iCloud account. For Android and Windows, the encrypted backups are stored locally on each device.
Account Authentication
To keep your information safe, mSecure applies an additional layer of security to your mSecure account
by encrypting your data with a very long and random password, known as an Account Key. Your
encrypted Account Key is displayed below as a QR Code as well as in text form. Along with your
username and password, this information is used to authenticate you as the owner of your mSecure
account on all your devices.
QR Code
Encrypted Account Key
Save this email in a secure location where you can access it on all your devices when needed. Since the
QR Code / Encrypted Account Key is the only way for you to be authenticated as the owner of your
account, if you are not able to find it, you could be locked out of mSecure and lose all access to your
information. To keep your information as secure as possible, there is no way for mSeven Software to
regenerate this code, so it is imperative you save it for later use.
This is not promotional material, so email opt-out options are not provided.