Replacement Tutorial Discussion
Replacement Tutorial Discussion
Replacement Tutorial Discussion
an inclusive education program as it will assist her learning progress to develop more as
time goes by. As educators, we play a major role in helping students with disabilities learn better.
The question is, as teachers, how do we make student’s like Ruby feel comfortable and being
acknowledged throughout the schooling years?
First and foremost, teachers should educate their students about students who have
disabilities. Educators should expose pupils about di erent forms of disabilities and increase
awareness about discriminating against people with disabilities in the classroom. For instance,
teachers should advocate students about accepting students with disabilities and instead of
bullying or discriminating them, students should help and guide those students with learning
disabilities instead. To add into that, teachers should teach their students to accept and welcome
students with disabilities with an open heart because this will help students like Ruby feel
comfortable and recognised throughout their schooling years, and they will be able to learn better
in a peaceful environment because all students are willing to make friends with them and accept
them for who they are.
Besides that, educators should include students like Ruby in all class activities. In
order to make them feel acknowledge and comfortable, teachers should not isolate them, instead,
treat them normally like other students and include them in all class activities. Including Ruby is
activities such as writing a brief essay and exhibiting her work in class help her grow and develop
better as she will obtain new skills as well as learned things through out her schooling years. For
instance, her speech development will improve when she is presenting her work in class and she
will feel acknowledged as the teacher encourages her to participate in all the class activities.
Other than that, Ruby will also feel accepted as she is able to cooperate with her other friends
despite her disabilities. It is safe to say that by including students with disability will make them
feel valued and comfortable as well as assist them in improving their academic performance.
Last but not least, teachers should pay more attention on students with learning
disabilities. Teachers should not only involve children like Ruby in all class activities, but they
should also pay greater attention to them when they are participating in activities. It is completely
obvious that children with disabilities face challenges in areas such as writing, reading, and
performing arts and crafts activities. As teachers, we should be available to support them by
directing them on what to do during the entire class activity; we may also enlist the help of other
students. For instance, teachers guide learners on how to compose a brief paragraph and
communicate their views by asking them to display their drawings in front of the class and
complimenting them on their e orts. Ruby will feel acknowledged as a result, and she will feel at
ease while studying because the tutors will be guiding her.
To sum up, students like Ruby should be recognised and treated equally regardless of their
circumstances since they are still human, and we should be the ones to safeguard them. Despite
having one additional chromosome, they, too, deserve an equal education, and as teachers, we
must always make them feel appreciated and comfortable in order to help them improve their
academic performance.