Final Train The Trainer Guide (Advanced Selling)

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Advanced Selling

Trainers Guide
MR Training
Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling


In today’s tough economic climate, winning and keeping customers takes the best
possible skillset. Organisations who can communicate in a persuasive and customer
friendly way through their sales force, will always have the advantage in a
competitive market.

As products become more alike, the real competitive edge lies in the skill of the MR
in developing deeper relationships and customer understanding to sell more

Advanced Selling skills builds on Foundation Selling skills and the Mundipharma
Selling Model, introducing the MR to a more advanced level of customer
communication, offering the best opportunity to increase sales, build partnerships
and grow market share.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Learning objectives

As a result of participating in this training, you will learn and practice:

 How to identify specific customer behaviour types

 Increased self-awareness of your own behaviours and the impact on


 How to flex your behaviours to communicate with and influence customers

more effectively

 New sales techniques and guiding principles to support you in increasing your

 How to ‘get closer’ to your customer and make every moment of every call
add value to your customer and business to Mundipharma

Target audience

 Medical Representatives

Training duration

 2 Days

Resource Required

 Flipcharts & Pens

 Sticky Notes
 LCD Projector & Screen
 Tac or Tape for Sticking to Walls
 Training Workbooks

Trainer Considerations

As the trainer for this programme it is your responsibility to manage time, engage the
group and bring to life some of the case studies and examples with your personal

As you know every group will be different and you will have to use your skills as a
trainer to maximise the group input and outputs to ensure the group achieves the
learning objectives listed above.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Training Programme Outline

This training programme has been developed to ensure all different styles of learning
are considered during the training. As such the training involves, interaction, group
participation, individual exercises, reflection time and lots of practice and

To help you as the trainer run an impactful training session there is a colour-coded
system in the slide notes to identify key exercises, workbook activities and questions
you may want to ask to stimulate the delegates thinking and session input.

The colour-coded system is:

RED = Exercises

GREEN = Workbook Time

PURPLE = Actions to stimulate group thinking

Also this symbol:

Is visible in the bottom right hand corner of a slide to indicate that the slide contains
an exercise for the group.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Training Agenda

Listed below are the sessions for Advanced Selling. It will be your responsibility as
the trainer for this workshop to develop your own programme in line with your timings
and objectives. It is appreciated that each one of your training groups may move at a
different pace through the content and also that different groups will want to discuss
training topics in differing depths. Therefore, flexibility may need to be given to some
of the session timings.

As a result you will have to use your skill as a trainer to guide the group to engage
and understand all the training information to ensure the learning objectives for each
training session are achieved.

Introductions and Training Programme Set-up

MR Workshop Development Focus (75 min)
- Outcomes of this session
 Identify & plan your selling skill development
 Understand why it is important to ‘engage’ with all customers
 Share best practice and learning’s with other MR’s

Understanding Self & Others (210 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the dominant
behaviours of customers
 Identify your personal dominant behaviours whilst selling
 Identify and plan how to influence customers for a positive

Pre-Call Planning (90 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Set SMART objectives in line with the different customer
behaviour types
 Identify and plan your sales call in line with your customers
position on the adoption ladder
 Share best practice and learning’s with other MR’s

Open & Engage (90 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Master the art of an impactful opening
 Ensure you can maintain rapport with customer throughout
the whole call
 Share best practice and learning’s with other MR’s

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Find The Need (120 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Understand the importance of matching your questions to a
customers type
 Develop specific questions to maximise their impact on your
 Use relevant questions whenever to positively influence the
sales call

Solve The Need (80 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Consider the different ways to present information to engage
 Confidently handle any customer objection
 Share best practice and learning’s with other MR’s

Agreement & Commitment to Action (30-60 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Identify effective ways of gaining commitment from different
customer types
 Review different calls and understand how to approach them
for a more positive outcome
 Identify verbal and non-verbal clues to understand customers
level of commitment to action

Post-Call Planning (10 min)

- Outcomes of this session
 Confidently use all the key learning’s from this workshop in
advancing your selling skills
 Identify and plan your selling skill development
 Share best practice and learning’s with other MR’s

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Welcome to the training programme

Advanced Selling

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Slide 1

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Slide 2

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Slide 3


>Going to start with a reminder…

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Slide 4

>To understand what MR’s can remember of the model

ASK: What is this? And then name the different sections of the model?

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Slide 5

ASK: Starting in Pre-Call Planning what are the behaviours that are listed
under each model section. The behaviours that define excellence in every call
for a Mundipharma MR.

>If required draw a model on a flip chart and add the behaviours as the group shout
them out.

>Check to see how many the group have got right by showing the following slide.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 6

>Check to see how many the group got right.

>Review the model and highlight any areas which were not clearly identified by the
group, focusing in on the behaviours in that section of the model.

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Slide 7

>Remind the group about in call excellence and why Mundipharma has a regional
selling model with identified behaviours, read slide.

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Slide 8

>Recognise there will be a depth of selling experience in the room at the Advanced
Selling workshop is about building on these knowledge and skills.

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Slide 9

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Slide 10

>Header slide

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Slide 11

>This slide can be used if required.

>The objective is to build a profile of the other delegates on the training programme,
based on the 5 key areas listed on the slide.

>Divide the group in pairs and ask each pair to interview each other using the
questions on the slide.

>The pairs then introduce their partner to the group. Rotate until all delegates have
introduced each other.

6 minutes to interview each other (3 min each) and 10 min for the total group to
feedback (approx. 1 min/person).

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 12

>Share training programme objectives on slide.

>These will be very valuable training days where learning and practising together will
develop your selling skills as a medical representative (MR).

>As with most training, the more you commit to this training the more you and your
colleagues will learn. This is essential as you are all experienced sales people and
although the workshop will guide us through the two days it will be the input from the
MR’s which will add the greatest value to developing knowledge, skills and attitudes.

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Slide 13

>Share 2-day training programme agenda.

>The 2 days will focus on the 5 key steps of the Mundipharma Selling Model,
however there will be significantly more focus on understanding behaviour of self
and others.

>Each step of the model will be reviewed over the 2 days with a number of different
exercises for large and small groups, as well as individuals.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 14

>Day 2 continues to develop an understanding of each section of the Mundipharma

selling model.

>Later in the day, we will bring all our learning and skills together in a number of role
plays and the sharing of best practice amongst the group.

>The training programme will end by planning how you will continually develop your
selling skills beyond this training programme and, importantly, on your next territory
visit with your DSM.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 15

>Introduce expectations for the day

Jelly sweets: Participate in all the exercises to maximise your challenge and

Baton: Share your current and past experiences to enhance learning for yourself
and others

Leaves: Look to learn something new and GROW as MRs

Workbook: Write key learning's and examples in the workbook to remind yourself at
a future time

Phones: Switch off and be mindful of others in your use of mobile phones

Face: Enjoy the training programme, which will help you to learn faster

ASK: Can we ‘sign up’ to these today?

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Slide 16

>Are you ready to start the training programme?

>Do you have any questions before we continue?

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Slide 17

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Slide 18

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 19

>The objective for showing this slide is to encourage the delegates to focus on supporting each other.
We have already mentioned this is a training environment and therefore it is safe to try new things.
However to ensure we hit a high performance over the two days we must be in a high support, high
challenge mindset.

>This slide describes a model that is popular for improving and accelerating learning experiences.

>The Support and Challenge model. Daloz (1986).

>Discuss with the group that throughout the rest of the day, they will be supporting and challenging
each other in the pursuit of developing their skills. This is highly important when looking to advance
selling skills as many of the answer, thoughts and discussions will already be present in the class
room and it will be important that these are shared, challenged and developed.

>Discuss the table. Focus on the fact that the table has 2 axes, one for support and one for challenge.

ASK: What behaviours could you expect to see if they were all operating in the high-support,
high-challenge quadrant?

Expect answers like:

>Hear challenging conversations around the room. Making people thinking hard about their answers,
feel and ‘air’ of doing something different and that it was ok to give it a go. There would be no wrong
or right answers; the environment would feel safe to experiment in.

>Capture the behaviours on a flip chart to refer back to in the next exercise or whenever you need to
remind the group that they need to support and challenge each other to maintain a high performance.

>Gain agreement from the group that they are prepared to engage in these behaviours to maximise
their effectiveness.

ASK: What is likely to happen if we challenge and support each other effectively today? MR’s
should emerge with lots of potential solutions!

>Write solutions on a flip chart to refer to at any point during the workshop.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 20

>Lets start with building high performance and get straight into selling role-play,
where you can share your skills and experiences and raise your self awareness of
your current selling skills in line with the Mundipharma Selling Model.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 21

Timing: 60 min (30 min/role play total = 15 min role play + 10 min assessment +
5 min feedback)
Objective: to allow the MR’s to observe each other selling and to gauge a
benchmark of the selling skill/capability in the room. Also to help the MR identify
along with their peers the key areas of focus for the Advanced Selling Workshop.

1. Split into small groups of three

2. Role-play the call stated on the slide
3. Observer to observe
4. After the call Dr. Jong and the observer are to complete the assessment grid in
the workbook of the MR who did the selling. It is a joint discussion and the scores
should be one to five:
1 – None of the behaviour demonstrated
2 – Some evidence of behaviour being demonstrated
3 – OK
4 – Well demonstrated behaviour
5 – Excellent behaviour and clearly demonstrated

5. Once completed the observer and Dr. Jong must summarise what they liked
about the call and what they would have liked to seen more of
6. Each group must also write down any ‘best practice’ they liked and would want to
share with the group
7. Repeat until all MR’s have played each role

>Collect the ‘best practice’ from each group and write on a flip chart for future

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Slide 22

>Remaining in their small groups ask each group to discuss the two questions on the
slide. The answers provided must be for each individual at not the group.

WORKBOOK: Add answers to questions

>As the facilitator, on a flip chart write down all delegates answers to the questions.

>Summarise any key ‘best practice’ and some of the scores around the training
room. The outcome will always be that MR’s will always want to develop different
skills and this workshop will support everyone of them to learn, practice and
implement something new in their identified area of the selling model.

>Ultimately, everyone in the workshop can develop their selling skills and increase
their business opportunities!

…link into the next slide, how would you like to increase opportunities by 23%?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 23

>Ask the question on the slide and gauge the responses!

>Hopefully the answer will be yes?

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Slide 24

>Read quote from slide about the benefits of a fully engaged customer.

>The benefits of owning the moment with customers and fully engaging them in a
persuasive customer experience are excellent, its about great selling.

>Of course the follow up question is “As sales people how do we fully engage our

>The answer….by making sure every customer interaction is excellent and

specifically tailored to that customer.

(Gallup, Inc., is a research-based, global performance-management consulting


Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 25

>Check with the group that the learning outcomes have been achieved.

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Slide 26

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

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Slide 27

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Slide 28

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

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Slide 29

>Every customer is different. Some we get on with well, some we find difficult to get
on with. Some will act on our every request, some will not act on any requests!

>Then of course there is us the MR’s, we are of course perfect! But of course our
customers see other MR’s as well and some they get on with well, some they find
difficult to get on with. Some MR’s will act on their every request, some will not act
on any requests!

>So it’s difficult to tailor every call to our customer, but is it?

>There are three steps required:

1. Understand ourselves
2. Understand our customers
3. Flex our behaviours to match the customers e.g. the right questions, the
right objectives, knowing what information to give and how to give it?

>If we can be like every one of our customers, just for the time we are with them,
think about how engaged they would be, think about the 23% increases we could

>It’s not easy to continually flex your style and consider every option a customer may
throw at you, but that’s why this is the advanced selling workshop and by the end of
it you will have new insight, techniques, skills and knowledge to engage and sell to
the majority of your customers.

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Slide 30

>At the centre of the Mundipharma Selling Model is our customer, the Doctor.

WORKBOOK: Think of four doctors, which match the descriptions on the slide
and add them to the workbook (Approx. 5 min), by drawing a picture of the
customer, one picture/box

>Once completed tell the delegates that they will return to these later in the
workshop and they may find some surprising answers!

>For now we are going to learn about behaviours, how we can spot them, what are
their groupings, what does this mean to the MR and the customer?

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Slide 31

>There are over 8 billion people on this planet and no two people are the same,
which means that no two customers are the same, as sales people this does not
make our life easy!

>However as we have already seen the more we can ‘engage’ with our customer the
greater our chances of increasing our business.

>There have been many great people who have studied people and we will touch on
a couple of them in a moment, however before we can truly understand and engage
with our customers we must also know who we are.

>Why? Because if we want to engage with our customers it is our responsibility to

change or flex, therefore before we can do that we must know what we need to flex
from. In other words, know yourself, know others, flex to influence…behavioural

>What is ‘behavioural versatility’?

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Slide 32

>Behavioural versatility is the ability of any person to be able to flex their

communication methods to maximise the outcome.

>Ask yourself the question on the slide, what answers do you have?

>Everybody is fascinated with others behaviours, our perceptions of others are

usually built on the behaviours they exhibit on a daily basis at work or home.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 33

>On a daily basis we see our customers behaviours, they are visible to all and we
will often make judgements and decisions about out customers based on what we
see. Of course they will do the same to us! We are in fact experts on each others
behaviours, but not on our own. Which is why whenever we see ourselves on video
we don’t believe we sound or act like that, but we do.

>What we are experts on as individuals is everything that is hidden below our

surface. Our beliefs, values, identity. Very rarely do we discuss them or want them to
be known.

>However, everything that is hidden under the surface has a direct impact on the
behaviours, which are clearly visible to all.

>So to understand and engage with our customers the more we understand their
behaviours and flex our behaviours to match the closer we will become at engaging
with them.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 34

ASK: Do you recognise anyone in these pictures?

>Answers: Hippocrates (top left), Wonder Woman (top right), Carl Jung (Middle),
William Marston (Bottom Right), Lie Detector Tester (Bottom Left)

ASK: What do they all have in common?

They are all related to the study of behaviours!

First person to classify behaviours: Red Blood, Phlegmatic, Black Bile, Yellow Bile
where the first four classifications, nice!

Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos (/hɪˈpɒkrəˌtiːz/; Greek: Ἱπποκράτης;

Hippokrátēs; c. 460 – c. 370 BC), was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of
Pericles (Classical Greece), and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in
the history of medicine. He is referred to as the father of western medicine[2][3][4] in
recognition of his lasting contributions to the field as the founder of the Hippocratic
School of Medicine. This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient
Greece, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields that it had traditionally
been associated with (notably theurgy and philosophy), thus establishing medicine
as a profession. He was one of the first people to classify the behaviours of people.

Carl Jung
Jung proposed and developed the concepts of extraversion and introversion, being
the foundation of most modern day behaviour assessment models.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Carl Gustav Jung (/jʊŋ/; German: [ˈkarl ˈɡʊstaf jʊŋ]; 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961),
often referred to as C. G. Jung, was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who
founded analytical psychology.[2] Jung proposed and developed the concepts of
extraversion and introversion; archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work
has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, philosophy, archeology,
anthropology, literature, and related fields. The central concept of analytical
psychology is individuation—the psychological process of integrating the opposites,
including the conscious with the unconscious, while still maintaining their relative
autonomy.[3] Jung considered individuation to be the central process of human
development.[4]Jung created some of the best known psychological concepts,
including the archetype, the collective unconscious, the complex, and synchronicity.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular psychometric instrument, has
been developed from Jung's theory of psychological types.

William Marston
Built on Jung's work to develop DISC model, which leads to Insights and Colours
models. He also invented the lie detector test and wrote Wonder Woman!

William Moulton Marston (May 9, 1893 – May 2, 1947), also known by the pen name
Charles Moulton, was an American psychologist, inventor and comic book writer who
created the character Wonder Woman

Marston was also a writer of essays in popular psychology. In 1928, he published

Emotions of Normal People, which elaborated the DISC Theory. Marston viewed
people behaving along two axes, with their attention being either passive or active;
depending on the individual's perception of his or her environment as either
favorable or antagonistic. By placing the axes at right angles, four quadrants form
with each describing a behavioral pattern: Dominance produces activity in an
antagonistic environment, Inducement produces activity in a favourable environment,
submission produces passivity in a favourable environment and Compliance
produces passivity in an antagonistic environment.

>Importantly each one of these people has built on one another's work in studying
behaviours leading us to today’s more modern tests which have names: Insights,
MBTI, Belbin, DISC Theory, Colours.

>As Carl Jung was the original father of behaviour theory and his work is used in all
current behaviour models, we will focus on his insight to help us understand and
engage with our customers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 35

>Before we go any further there are ‘Five’ Golden Rules for working with any of the
models and in particular the Jung model we will be working with.

>Read the five rules:

1. You can be successful in any quadrant!

2. You can show all the behaviours in different situations
3. It is up to you to ‘flex’ your style
4. Add the ‘evidence’ to make a decision
5. Beware of behaviours linked to a persons job e.g. just because someone
is a doctor does not mean they have behaviours associated with people

>Ultimately it is about the ‘dominance’ of the behaviours!...those behaviours that you

are most likely to see your doctor showing on a daily basis in a normal situation.

>Understanding someone's dominant type of behaviour allows us to flex our

behaviour to be more like them. It is difficult, will involve a conscious
effort by the MR and of course will take plenty of practice.

>Our focus will be on our work behaviours, as again in different situations for
example, at home, we will behave differently.

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Slide 36

>We will add notes during the train the trainer session.

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Slide 37

>We will add notes during the train the trainer session.

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Slide 38

>We will add notes during the train the trainer session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 39

>We will add notes during the train the trainer session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 40

>Jung's types can be co-ordinated into four quadrants and can be known as red,
yellow, greens and blues.

>This makes it an easier international language and does not give people a ‘name’
like Dominant (Red) or Amiable (Green).

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 41

>Each one of the behaviour types will exhibit different verbal and non-verbal clues.

EYE: What is the expected type of eye contact? E.g. fixed, none etc.
MOUTH: What is the speed/volume of speech? E.g. slow, fast, loud, quiet
HAND: Gestures? E.g. large, small, flowing
ENERGY: What type of energy do they bring to situations? E.g. full-on?
DESK: What do you expect to find on their desk? E.g. chaos, tidy
DRESS: How do you expect them to dress?
PICTURE: If they had a picture on their desk what would it be of? E.g.
Friends, Family, Pets

>On the next slide we will review each one of the quadrants and try to understand
the expected behaviours for each type.

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Slide 42


>Start in the red corner, ask the MR’s their thoughts on what to expect from the
different types.

>Discuss each picture and then rotate to the next colour quadrant.

WORKBOOK: Add the ‘clues’ to your workbook for future reference.

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Slide 43

WORKBOOK: Return to your workbook and consider the four customers you
identified earlier. Consider all the evidence/discussions and decide what
colour types do you think your four customers are?

>If required work in pairs to discuss your decisions and seek others input if they have
met your customer.

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Slide 44

Timing: 20 min (15 min rotations & 5 min top three list)
Objective: to identify and demonstrate that all the behaviour types have strengths
and weaknesses and that the MR should be aware of all of these when influencing a
customer in a sales call.

1. Using tape, mark on the floor four quadrants as in the model on the slide
2. Allow the group to position themselves into the quadrant they believe they
fit into
3. Remaining in that group encourage each group to think of the strengths
and weaknesses of that particular coloured quadrant; if a quadrant does
not have anybody in it as the facilitator, you will have to add information to
that flip chart
4. After a period of time rotate the groups to the next flip chart, again to think
of the strengths and weaknesses of the different coloured quadrants
5. Continue to rotate the groups until they have been to all flip charts
6. Returning to their original flip chart the group then decides on their top
three strengths and weaknesses
7. These are shared with the group
8. Display the flip charts clearly on the walls and refer to them during future

WORKBOOK: Add your thoughts and ideas.

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Slide 45

Timing: 20 min (15 min ways to influence + 5 min feedback)
Objective: to identify and demonstrate that all the behaviour types want to be
influenced in different ways and that the MR should be aware of all of these when
seeking to influence a customer in a sales call.

1. Keep the groups in their coloured quadrants

2. Each group should consider the things which are key to them when people
try to influence e.g. reds: get to the point, blues: be accurate, etc.
3. After each group has completed seek feedback from the group and reflect
on the differing ways the groups need to be approached and influenced in
a selling interaction…this is of course essential to understand as an MR
when selling to many different customer types
4. Display the flip charts clearly around the room and refer back to them
during all the following sessions

WORKBOOK: Add your thoughts and ideas.

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Slide 46

Timing: 20 min
Objective: to demonstrate to the MRs that flexing personal behaviour type
preferences requires a conscious effort and will therefore require a mindset change
to make sure it happens in every call.

1. Keep the coloured quadrant groups

2. As the facilitator think of a subject area where influence is required (you
can either make this sessions fun e.g. asking someone out on a date to a
restaurant, or business focused e.g. a very quick brand sell)
3. Encourage two of the groups to send one member of their team to the
centre of the cross e.g. a red and a blue
4. One of the colours is then to try and influence the other colour by flexing
their behaviour in line with the colour type e.g. if blue is influencing red
then they must get straight to the point, tell the red what the benefits are
and seek a confirmation close (Approx. 1 min/influence session)
5. At the end of each round seek feedback from the ‘influencer’ as to the
ease or difficulty in flexing style
6. Continue changing influencers until each person has had a turn or you
sense the group has practiced enough

>The overall learning from this exercise is that it is very difficult to flex style to
influence others. It takes a conscious effort, careful thought and planning and plenty
of practice. This is why all the following sessions focus on this model and how it
adapts itself to influencing our customers.

WORKBOOK: Add your thoughts and ideas.

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Slide 47

Timing: (20 min)
Objective: to test the MR’s understanding and ability to identify different behaviour
types of people.

>These are three videos of doctors talking about themselves, the videos are
approximately 30 seconds long.

1. Split the group into pairs or small groups

2. Watch video one
3. Ask the groups individually to identify what they think the dominant
behaviour style of the person in the video is, importantly ask them for the
‘evidence’ of why e.g. voice speed, tone, dress, hand gestures etc.
4. Repeat for the other videos, ensuring the group have seen the evidence
and are confident about making a guess of the persons style (Approx. 5


Video One: Dominant Green

Evidence for this: Casual/relaxed clothing, limited eye contact, quiet speech, focus
on patients/naming them.

Video Two: Dominant Red

Evidence for this: Formal wear (tie), fixed eye contact, strong statements “My names
Mark Jones”, pointed gestures.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Video Three: Dominant Blue

Evidence for this: Minimal eye contact, slow speech, considered thought, precise
details in descriptions e.g. 23,500 patients in the practice, no gestures.

Which behaviour types where easier to identify than others and why?
What difficulties do you think you will face when trying to assess the
behaviour types of your customers?
What happens if you get the customers behavior type wrong? (Answer:
probably nothing, but you wont have gained anything from the call, so try
something different next time)
How can you see this benefiting you when in your sales calls?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 48


Timing: 30 min (20 min opportunities & Challenges + 10 min group feedback)
Objective: to collate the discussed information on the different behaviour types and
make in specifically relevant to selling to the MR’s customers. Raising awareness
that customer types are different and the skills required to deal with them are
therefore also different.

1. Break the groups into four and give each group one colour type
2. Ask them to consider the ‘Opportunities and challenges’ for selling/working
with their given colour (20 min)
3. Ask each group to feedback their ideas and encourage other groups to
seek further understanding or add additional ideas (10 min)

>Consider what you have learnt so far, now think about your different types of

>On a flip chart in small groups capture the ‘Opportunities and Challenges’ for
selling/working with the different types of customers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 49

Timing: 20 min (15 min reflection + 5 min group feedback)
Objective: to help the MR identify the types of behaviours they will need to
demonstrate to work with the different customer types.

1. Individual exercise
2. Add to the workbook thoughts and ideas of how you will flex your style to
the different colour types (15 min) e.g. if you are a blue talking to a yellow
customer you will have to lift your energy, focus on the patients and
feeling, be excitable and prepared to go off in different direction. If you are
a red talking to a green how are you going to slow down, open up, be
friendly and use words like ‘together’ or ‘we’
3. After 15 min share your thoughts and ideas with the larger group and
add/edit your ideas to make sure you have everything you need to
influence all the different behaviour types (5 min)

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 50

WORKBOOK: Return to your workbook and consider the four customers you
identified earlier.

>Consider all the evidence and discussions and answer the questions shown
on the slide.

>Work in pairs to discuss your answers, add the answers to your workbook.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 51

>Check the learning outcomes for this session have been achieved

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 52

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 53

>Summarise the learning’s so far.

>We understand the behaviour types, but what does that exactly mean when it
comes to selling and the Mundipharma Selling model?

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Slide 54

>Back to the selling model…so in fact we have one model for four different types of
customer, so how do we maximise our new knowledge to add value and engage with
every different customer and in turn increase our sales?

>To do this we will take each step of the model and examine with the new knowledge
of customer types and look at how we can do things differently to maximise our call

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 55

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 56

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 57

Timing: 20 min
Objective: to focus the MR’s advanced selling skills on making a difference with a select number of
customers identified by the MR as potential customers for increasing customer engagement.

>Lets get focused on your customers

>Complete the workbook with the names of six customers who you would like to ‘get more’ from. E.g.
increased referrals, better sales, improved relationship, new insight to help you build better business
cases etc. Customers you wish to ‘engage’ to benefit from the 23% increase in customer share of
wallet, sales etc.

>Consider your last call with these customers write down in your workbook:

The customer behaviour type.

1. Objective for the call

2. Which step of the adoption ladder are they on?
3. Your opening statement
4. A few questions you asked
5. How you knew you were in rapport
6. What information and how did you present it in the call e.g. lots of data, no aid, but lots of
discussion, etc.
7. How the call ended.
Consider also your behaviour during the call; were you highly energetic?
Calm and confident? Or just your usual self?

>Throughout the rest of the workshop we will review an element of the selling model and then return
to these customers to see how you can advanced your selling skills and impact with each one of
these customers.

>We will start with pre-call planning

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 58

>A reminder of the behaviours for the Pre-Call Planning section of the selling model.

ASK: Where do you think the understanding of the colour types could
advanced your selling skills in this part of the selling model?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 59

>Read slide.

>This slide refers to a ‘focus’ for the different customer types e.g. should you flex
your SMART objective to meet the needs of the different customer types?

>The answer is YES, because as we remember people communicate easier with

people who are like themselves!

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 60

>Read the following text once only an clearly, asking the group to write down every
word you say in their workbook.

“The fox ran down a tunnel which never ended, it went on and on and eventually
appeared next to a road. There were cars on the road, yellow, blue, white, brown, all
colours and shapes. What to do the fox thought? Should I cross and risk my live or
shall I use the bridge and be safe? The story does not have an ending, but
sometimes you have to consider everyone's safety before your own. Families are
always important in life and you will often see them on a beach playing. They usually
spend the whole day there with food, drink, song and sometimes a swim in the sea,
where the fish live”.

>Ask the group how many words they were able to write? There will be a variety on
answers around the room. No one will be able to write all of them!

>Tell the group that there objective for the next task is to increase the number of
words they write this time by 20%.

>Using a clean piece of paper, so the MR’s cannot see their first attempt.

>Re-read the text.

>The majority of people will increase their word score by greater than 20%...its
amazing that if we have a focused objective how much more we can achieve it!

>So if you already have good SMART objectives, what do you need to do to make
them even smarter for the different customer types?

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Timing: 20 min (10 min customer types + 10 min group feedback)
Objective: to raise awareness that SMART objectives should focus the
interest/needs of the specific customer types.

1. Split into small groups

2. Consider all the behaviour types
3. What should your SMART objective focus on with the different types of
customers (10 min)
4. 10 min to discuss answers with the bigger group
5. Review the groups answers

>Show slide and discuss.

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Slide 62


>Adoption ladders provide a stepped guide as to how the customer is developing a

relationship with Mundipharma products.

>At each step of the adoption ladder the customer will have different views, ideas,
beliefs and behaviours.

>If you can identify on which step of the ladder the customer is then you can develop
better objectives.

>If for example the customer was at the bottom of the ladder (Unaware) your
objective may focus on increasing knowledge and understanding of your products. If
he/she was at the top (endorse with peers) your objective may focus on building a
stronger believe in your products and organising them to present at local meetings.

>Each step of the adoption ladder will be different and you need to think where you
are moving your customer from and to, whilst setting your SMART objectives.

>Remember customers can go up or down the adoption ladder depending on a

variety of things, new experiences, different information, change in prices, do not
always assume a customer is where you left them in the last call.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Timing: 30 min (20 min objective review + 10 min group feedback)
Objective: to increase understanding and planning of specific SMART objectives
related to a customers positioning on the Mundipharma Adoption ladder.

Work in small groups

1. Discuss and decide on what the objectives will be at each stage of the
Mundipharma adoption ladder
2. Start at the objective of moving a customer from ‘Unaware’ to ‘Aware’
3. Continue up the ladder until you have an objective for each step of the
4. Share your thinking with the group (10 min)

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 63

>As MR’s it is essential that we focus our objective setting using the Adoption Ladder
and structure our calls in line with the ladder. This is because our marketing teams
also use the same descriptions to structure their tactics for each step of the ladder.

>This slide shows different marketing tactics which could be employed at different
steps of the ladder to ensure our customers adopt our brands.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 64

>This is essential in remembering the ‘communication chain’ to customer and

patient, which is the focus of the Mundipharma Selling model.

>It is also essential that as MRs with experience that we help shape campaigns and
tactics by reversing the ‘communication chain’.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 65

>Expected behaviours of MR’s at different levels of selling excellence.

ASK: Are there any other ways MR’s could support marketing to ensure
excellent campaign development adds greater value to Mundipharma

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 66

>So bringing it all together, read slide.

>Keep the same groups.

ASK: How can this objective be improved to meet the different needs of the

>Groups should review the objective and then re-word to suit the different customer

>Encourage the group to share their examples.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 67

>Show slide for example answers (NOTE: these may not be perfect, but they
demonstrate that the same objective may need to have a different focus depending
on the customer in the call)

>Remember this is about focus! Focusing on the customer type and making sure
your objective focuses on what will interest that customer!

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 68

WORKBOOK: Review your listed six customers. Consider your new objectives
for these customers and their behaviour style, add notes to your workbook to
build a picture and support your next call with that customer.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 69

>Check the learning outcomes for the session have been achieved.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 70

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 71

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Slide 72

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 73

>Open and engage.

>Refresh the MR’s of the behaviours in the open & engage section of the model.

ASK: What are the benefits of achieving all these behaviours in a call?

>The main answer is that it is about constantly engaging with the customer from the
start to the end of the call.

>Lets focus on: ‘Engaging Call Opening and Develops/Maintains Rapport’.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 74

>Read these five engaging opening and ask the group to consider which ones would
be more appropriate to which behaviour type?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 75

>Here are the answers and the reasons why one statement might be more likely to
be appropriate for the different behaviour types.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 76

Timing: 20 min
Objective: to raise awareness and understanding of the flexibility required whilst
opening a call with different customer types.

1. Your turn!

2. Consider the types and how you might flex your opening engaging
statement to reflect the different types

3. Groups or group to write answers (10 min)

4. Once complete encourage different MR’s to use different statements e.g.

get an MR who is a blue to use an opening statement for a yellow
customer, get an MR who is red to open with an engaging statement for a

5. Encourage the group to feedback as to how close the MR was to

perfecting the style of the customer colour they were opening with

6. During these bursts of openings:

ASK: How easy/difficult is it to flex your style from your natural one?

>Mostly it will be difficult, but like any new skill practice will make perfect.

WORKBOOK: Openings for different customer types.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 77

>Maintaining rapport throughout a call is essential skill of any sales person. It takes
keen observation of verbal and non-verbal clues shown by the customer and then a
flex of style of the sales person to ensure rapport is continuously maintained.

>With an understanding the different customer styles, how will you now match your
style to that of your customer?

Timing: 60 min (10 min Call + 10 min Feedback x3 rotations)
Objective: to ensure MR’s can identify customers different styles during a call and
flex their behaviours in line with those of the customer to ensure a more positive
outcome to a call.

1. Split into groups of three: MR, Customer, Observer

2. MR tells the customer their dominant style
3. Customer then decides on which two styles they will play during the call
e.g. red & yellow or green & red etc.
4. Customer tells MR which style they will ‘act’ first in order that the MR
knows how to start the call with the engaging opening
5. Observer must watch and listen carefully to identify the customer’s
different type and at what point during the call did the customer change to
the new style. Observer must also write down all questions which are
asked by the MR (to be used in an exercise in ‘Find The Need’)
6. Call must continue to the end (10 min/call)
7. MR must observe the ‘change’ in the customer and adapt their behaviours
in line with the customers style
8. Groups of three review call and discuss from the MR’s viewpoint: ‘What
was difficult?’, ‘At what point did the customer change styles?’, ‘What did

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

the observer see/hear during the call that they could share with the group
to help other team members advance their selling skills?’ (10 min)
9. Observer to feedback to the group the groups key learning’s
10. Rotate roles until every team member has played each role

>Keep all written questions for use in next section.

>Facilitator to capture key learning’s from each group on a flip chart for all to see.

ASK: What have you learnt from these role-plays and what difference will it
make to your calls on territory?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 78

>Check the learning outcomes for the session have been achieved.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 79

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 80

WORKBOOK: Review your listed six customers. What engaging statement you
will use to open your calls and how you will maintain rapport with each of the

>If time allows, make pairs and discuss answers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 81

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 82

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 83

>Show the behaviours associated with ‘Find the Need’.

>Remind the delegates about the importance of finding the customers need by
showing the following two slides.

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Slide 84

>Read the slide to summarise.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 85

>Reinforce that questions are essential to unlocking the different needs of the
different doctors.

>The needs of the doctors are developed from their beliefs. As discussed earlier,
dominant behaviours are often indicators to those beliefs.

>To maximise the impact of our questions in uncovering our customer’s needs we
must ‘ask’ them correctly!

>Simply, if you know a customer is a dominant green or yellow, why ask them “what
do you think about the data?”, when you know they tend to be ‘feelers’ so, re-wording
the question, “what do you feel about the data?” will get you a better response. A
response with more content/insight and therefore an opportunity to get much deeper
than you have before.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 86

ASK: Review these four questions. Which ones could you change/adapt to suit
a customer with a more dominant ‘yellow style’?

>See following slide with a couple of the questions changed. The group may come
up with others and that is fine as long as they are focused on an extroverted/people
person (e.g. yellow style).

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 87

>You could change two questions to suit a yellow customer type. The other two are
ok, however the MR’s may have thought of different ways to ask them!

>Groups turn to focus on the questions they use.

Timing: 30 min (20 min matching question types + 10 min group discussion)
Objective: to broaden and develop the MR’s questioning skills to suit the different
styles of customers and to raise awareness that good questions asked slightly
differently will provide new additional, information and insight about the customers

1. Split the group into smaller groups (Approx. 3 people/group)

2. Each group lists on one piece of flip chart the typical questions they would ask
in call, these are from the previous exercise (e.g. similar to those listed on this
3. Ensure each groups has at least 10 questions listed on one piece of flip chart
(The previous exercise on 6 customers should help in providing a number of
questions for the MR) (10 min)
4. Swap the flip chart amongst the groups, checking no group has their original
question list


Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 88


5. Allow the groups to review their new questions

6. Split a separate flip chart into four quadrants to match the customer types
(e.g. red, yellow, green, blue)
7. Each group to review their list of questions and on the four quadrants now re-
write the questions to suit the different customer types (20 min)

>Remember not all questions will need re-writing. This exercise is about raising the
MR’s awareness that their typical questions will match some of their customers, but
not all and if they are to maximise the impact of their needs identification questions
then they should be re=phrased to match the style of the customer. Remember it is
the MR’s responsibility to flex their style to achieve the most positive outcome for the
call, it is not the responsibility of the customer to change their style!

ASK: What have you learnt about yourself as a sales person during that
exercise? What have you learnt about your customers?

>MR’s will also have to consider, as already mentioned, in that questions that feel
uncomfortable to ask to them may not be uncomfortable for their customers! Time to

WORKBOOK: Add questions

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 89

Timing: 60 min (10 min call + 10 min feedback x three rotations)
Objective: to ensure the MR’s can correctly structure and implement the first
sections of a typical call with Dr. Jong.

1. Split into small groups of three

2. Role-play the call stated on the slide
3. Observer to observe
4. Observer to provide feedback to the MR on how they were able to match the
style of Dr. Jong and the types of questions asked, use the questions from the
previous exercise
5. Dr. Jong can provide feedback to the MR on their call (IMPORTANT: DR Jong
is acting the role of a RED if the MR how is acting as Dr. Jong has a different
style then they need to be careful that the feedback they give is about how
they think Dr. Jong would react as a RED, not as they would see it)
6. MR to review how different the call was from day one of the workshop…was
there a different outcome?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 90

>Check the learning outcomes for the session have been achieved.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 91

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 92

WORKBOOK: Review your listed six customers. Consider now what types of
questions would be best suited to your customer in engaging them.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 93

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 94

>If you’ve worked hard building rapport, asking great questions, engaging the
customer throughout the call, then you will be at a position to now solve their need.

>Review the behaviours in ‘Solve the Need’.

ASK: Which elements of this section do you think can be most impacted on by
understanding the customer’s behaviour type?

>Our focus for this part of the workshop will be on ‘uses the relevant information’ and
‘effectively handles objections’.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 95

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 96

Timing: 15 min
Objective: to raise self awareness and develop the skill of the MR in solving the
customers needs.

1. Split the group into smaller groups to watch the video (approx. 4 min)

2. Each group to answer the following questions:

> What behaviour type is the MR? What behaviour type is the Doctor?
ANSWER: Yellow and yellow.

> How did the MR engage the doctor with their information?
ANSWER: It was more of a ‘tell’ than an ‘ask & explore’.

> What else might the MR have done when handling the customer’s
a. Could have handled it at the start of the call and closed
b. Could have used the 5 step process (covered later in this

> What elements of the call did you recognise that you sometimes do?
a. Do you ‘tell’?
b. Do you avoid handling objections?
c. Do you miss the opportunity to ‘probe’ the customer further?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 97

>Remain in the mixed groups.

>Consider all four different types of customer and answer the two questions on the
slide. Write answers on a flip chart.

>Encourage each group to share one of their answer sheets, until all colours have
been covered.

>Show next slide as a guide for a few of the answers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 98

>Show slide to guide learning and stimulate additional discussion.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 99

>Handling Objections.

>Read slide.

ASK: Why else might a customer bring an objection?

>Most objections are resistance to our SMART objectives.

>The great thing about objections is that they can be seen as a ‘buying signal’; the
customer has an interest in the product, but wants to know more. This is an
opportunity to prove your product in the customer’s mind and engage them in
identifying the one patient for your product.

>Sometimes when we hear them, we…link to next slide.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 100

>We make common mistakes such as these listed on the slide.

ASK: When have you found yourself doing these?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 101

>To effectively handle an objection, we should follow this 5-step approach.

>Read the slide.

>Demonstrate the stages of the model with a personal example.

Encourage: ‘OK, I see; let’s explore that further.’

Explore: ‘Can I ask you what you mean by that statement?’

Confirm: ‘OK, so what you are saying is…?’

Promote: ‘Let me show you why product X has a better efficacy than its key

Verify: ‘Does that answer your question? Great, let’s move forward to identifying a

ASK: At what step on this 5-step approach is it vital to ensure you consider the
customer’s type?

>All areas will be important, however the ‘promote’ step is where focus may need to
be given e.g. red: to the point answer, blue: need for detail.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 102

Timing: 45 min (25 min develop role-play & practice + 15 role-play
presentations + 5 min facilitator feedback)
Objective: to ensure the MR’s understand and are capable of demonstrating how to
handle a customers objection, by also using the write data/information in the right
way to maintain engagement throughout the call.

1. Split into small groups

2. Groups to discuss and develop a short (no more than 5 min) role-play with
focus on handling a customers objection e.g. using the five step process and
how depending on customer type in the role play the different ‘flex’ they would
have in their call. (the call does not have to go through to the end, as long as
the customer provides an objection and the MR correctly handles it)
3. Allow 20 min for discussion and role-play development
4. Each group to present back their role-plays (15 min for all groups)
5. Other groups observing the role-plays should write down best practice ideas
6. Facilitator to gather/discuss best practice at the end of each round of role-
plays (5 min)

ASK: (Questions to stimulate group discussion)

What have you learnt from this exercise?
What do you need to improve upon to answer customer’s objections more
Which part of the model do you sometime miss?
What was the best role-play you saw? What was it that you liked?
Which role-play do you think demonstrated the best objection handling?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 103

>Check the learning outcomes for the session have been achieved.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 104

>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 105

WORKBOOK: Review your listed six customers. Consider how you should flex
your presentation of information and data to your different customers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 106

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 107

>Agreement & Commitment to Action.

>Agreement and commitment to action should be a continuous process throughout

the call, not just an ending to a customer interaction.

>If as an MR you have asked good questions, listened carefully, overcome

objections and maintained rapport throughout then the end of a call should be quite

>However up until now you will probably have ended every call in the same way, so
knowing what you know now how do you think you could improve your agreements
and commitment to action?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 108

>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 109

**Select anyone or all of the following videos (slides 109-112), depending on

timing. Conclude the session with slide 113.

>Watch each of the following videos individually at the end of each one discuss what
could have been done differently to improve the end of the call and left the customer
fully engaged in wanting to support you, your brand and Mundipharma.

Timing: Approx. 15 min/video
Objective: to enhance the MR’s ability to gain commitment from any behaviour type
of customer.

>MR’s will have to understand their behaviour type and therefore their preference for
closing (e.g. yellow type of MR may forget to challenge the customer, because they
tend to avoid conflict, blue type of MR may find themselves lost in the data and not
considering the type of customer facing them is more interested in the outcome for
the patient).

>The focus for these videos should be on Question 3 and the facilitator should write
the answers on a flip chart for the delegates to refer back to at a later time.

>Do not tell the MR’s the behaviour types of the MR or customer!

Video One:

An MR with dominant YELLOW behaviours closing the call with a dominant

YELLOW customer.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling


 What type is this customer? Yellow…casual dress, ability to go off in different


 What type is the MR? Yellow…handkerchief in pocket, ability to go off in

different conversation directions, large gestures, high energy.

 How could the MR have improved the end of this call knowing the customers
type? The MR needed to ensure the customer made a very specific
commitment to doing something different.

 What additional questions could the MR have asked to ensure the customer
had a ‘clear picture’ in their mind as to the next steps? When would you see
yourself identifying the patient for Targin? At what point will you start using

 What were the verbal or non-verbal clues that the customer was going to take
action or no action? Probably no action from the customer as the MR led the
close of the call, with no real commitment required by the customer to change
their current behaviour.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Slide 110

>Do not tell the MR’s the behaviour types of the MR or customer!

Video Two:

An MR with dominant BLUE behaviours closing the call with a dominant GREEN customer.


• What type is the customer? Green…casual dress, calm and paced voice, talking a lot about

• What type is the MR? Blue…slow speech, limited eye contact with customer, focus on data,
detached with reference to the customers concerns for patients.

• How could the MR have improved the end of this call knowing the customers type? Changed
focus to the impact of data on patients quality of life. Focused on others usage of Targin to
demonstrate security for the customer.

• What additional questions could the MR have asked to ensure the customer had a ‘clear picture’
in their mind as to the next steps? How long will it take to have your discussions? Who will you
be speaking to?

• What were the verbal or non-verbal clues that the customer was going to take action or no
action? Customer had made their own mind up about speaking to patients and
peers/colleagues and had a confident voice tone in what they said.

Slide 111

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

>Do not tell the MR’s the behaviour types of the MR or customer!

Video Three:

An MR with dominant RED behaviours closing the call with a dominant GREEN


• What type is the customer? Green…looking for time to think, casual dress,
careful in what he was saying, mug on desk.

• What type is the MR? Red...taping the papers, pointed gestures, formal wear,
controlling the conversation, direct approach.

• How could the MR have improved the end of this call knowing the customers
type? Could have asked the customer “what does he feel (rather than think)
about Targin?” Could have slowed the pace of the call. Not been so pushy!

• What additional questions could the MR have asked to ensure the customer
had a ‘clear picture’ in their mind as to the next steps? Who do you think you
may need to talk to understand more about Targin?

• What were the verbal or non-verbal clues that the customer was going to take
action or no action? No action. Customer was pushed into making a decision
under a timeframe they did not agree with. The customer became submissive
and hand in front of the face probably indicated lack of believe in what they
were saying.

Slide 112

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

>Do not tell the MR’s the behaviour types of the MR or customer!

Video Four:

An MR with dominant YELLOW behaviours closing the call with a dominant RED customer.


• What type is the customer? Red…looking away from conversation, lack of focus,
pushing back on suggestions made, formal wear, clean desk.

• What type is the MR? Yellow…casual wear, shuffling papers, high energy, focus on
customers weekend.

• How could the MR have improved the end of this call knowing the customers type?
Looked to conclude with a good benefits summary of Targin, highlighting the benefits to
the customer and his practice.

• What additional questions could the MR have asked to ensure the customer had a
‘clear picture’ in their mind as to the next steps? What specific patient data would the
customer need to see to make a decision?

• What were the verbal or non-verbal clues that the customer was going to take action or
no action? Looking away to computer, having to rethink for the MR to bring something
additional data in, short/sharp sentences. At the end of this call the customer did not
and would not change any of their behaviours to start or increase their usage of Targin.

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Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

Timing: 10 min
Objective: to demonstrate that the different customer styles have differing
communication needs and that whatever the style of the MR this will need flexing to
maximise the opportunity for a positive commitment to action.

1. Individual workbook exercise

2. Consider your behaviour type
3. Answer question on slide
4. Add answers to workbook

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Check the learning outcomes for the session have been achieved.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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WORKBOOK: Review your listed six customers. Consider how you will engage
your customer with a positive agreement and commitment to action.

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Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Post-Call follow up is an essential part of the call, so we do not want to miss the
final part of the Mundipharma Selling Model.

>Ensuring correct information to support your next call objective should always be
updated to ensure you can move customers up the adoption ladder.

>Consider how you may capture information on your customers to reflect their
behaviour type and how you can use this to maximise their engagement throughout
the call.

>In a moment we will review your personal selling skill performance and you will plan
the next steps with customers and your DSM.

>Before that lets ‘bring everything together’ from our workshop and practice.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Read/position the learning outcomes for the next session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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Timing: 60 min (10 min call + 10 min feedback x three rotations)
Objective: to embed the workshop learning's and ensure the MR is capable and
confident to use the advanced selling skills.

Return to the original groups from day one, where you did the first selling exercise
and assessed each other.

1. Using one of the customers from your workbook that we have worked on
throughout today brief your partner to play the customer. Be challenging on
yourself and select a customer who is a different type to you
2. Role-play a call with that customer (15 min)
3. Customer provide feedback to MR using the questions on the slide (5 min)
4. Review the call using your original assessment sheet from the first call of the
workshop, take note of key changes/differences
5. Repeat process with reverse roles
6. REPEAT as many times as possible in the timeframe left for the day (you will
need 30 min to complete the day)

What have people learnt from that exercise?
How were some of the challenges overcome?
What was easy/hard about constantly flexing style?
What was the key learning's that people can share with the group?
What’s going to make the biggest difference when the MR is back on territory?

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Encourage discussion from the group and write on a key learning’s flip chart their
two key learning's from the session.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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Reflection Time: 30 min

>Time now to reflect on the whole meeting and consider how the advanced selling
techniques learnt and developed during the workshop can be continually developed
whilst back on territory, working with DSM and ensuring best practice can be shared
with other MR’s within their teams.

>Split the group into pairs and answer the questions on the slide.

>Seek feedback from the group about their answers.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Slide to be added at appropriate points within your training programme.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Slide to be added at appropriate points within your training programme.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Slide to be added at appropriate points within your training programme.

Mundipharma Selling Excellence: Advanced Selling

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>Slide to be added at appropriate points within your training programme.


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