My Life at 6ft Below
My Life at 6ft Below
My Life at 6ft Below
1. Current (Good): The company's current ratio of 5.7 is significantly higher than the industry
average of 4. This indicates that the company has a strong ability to pay off its short-term debts
with its current assets.
2. Days Sales Outstanding (Not Good): The company's Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) of 37 days is
lower than the industry average of 42 days. This seems positive at first glance, but a lower DSO
could also indicate that the company is offering overly generous credit terms to its customers,
which could lead to bad debt expense in the future.
3. Total Debt to Total Capital (Not Good): The company's Total Debt to Total Capital ratio of
47.80% is significantly higher than the industry average of 32.60%. This indicates that the
company is relying more on debt financing than equity financing, which can be risky in the event
of an economic downturn.
4. Times-Interest Earned (Not Good): The company's Times-Interest Earned ratio of 2.2 is much
lower than the industry average of 6. This ratio indicates the company's ability to cover its
interest expense. A ratio lower than 1.0 means the company is not generating enough income to
cover its interest expenses. While the company here is above 1.0, a 2.2 ratio is still considered
low and suggests that the company may struggle to meet its interest obligations in the future.
5. Profit Margin (OK): The company's profit margin of 6.10% is slightly higher than the industry
average of 6.00%. This indicates that the company is able to generate a small profit on every
dollar of revenue.
6. Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) (OK): The company's ROIC of 10.03% is almost identical to the
industry average of 10.00%. This ratio measures how effectively a company is using its invested
capital to generate profits. An ROIC that is equal to the cost of capital indicates that the
company is just breaking even on its investments.
7. Enterprise Value to EBITDA (Undervalued): The company's Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio of
0.87 is lower than the industry average of 1.12. This ratio suggests that the company may be
undervalued by the market. However, it's important to consider other factors such as the
company's growth prospects and risk profile before making any investment decisions.