Analysis of Gravity Quay Walls
Analysis of Gravity Quay Walls
Analysis of Gravity Quay Walls
The Gravity quay wall is the most common type of walls used for harbor berths. The trend of
ocean going deep draft vessels has made it difficult to satisfy equilibrium conditions for
quite deep quay walls. Thus, factors affecting the stability of that type of berth should be
looked at and investigated. This research focuses on the analysis of this type of retaining
wall to illustrate the importance of each factor. A computer program (QWD) has been
implemented (using visual and. Net framework technology) and developed for
analysis of the gravity quay wall. Charts are offered to relate the effect of each factor on the
final design.
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4 - . /$ # " 0! 1 2 3 # . ) * + " !
3 2 " & " 9 8 7 5 6$ # $ 2 2 & # 0 ."! "
. 1 . => " 2 2> ;<<; 2! : % 9 9 $
.%$ 2 0! "! " 4 - $ : @! 2 3 "A . .?9
Gravity quay walls are the most common Two vertical stability forces are: weight of
types of docks. That is because of their dura- soil over the projection part of the blocks and
bility; ease of construction and the possibility own weight of blocks.
to reach a deep seabed level. The gravity quay - Weight of soil = ∑W1; where:
wall has to be safe against the three design W1 = the weight of the soil resting on top of the
criteria, which are sliding, overturning and projection part of the block (in tons), acting at
over stressing. its central of gravity (c.g.) of each part.
The design steps of gravity quay wall seem - Weight of blocks = ∑W2; where:
to be reasonably clear. However, the deep W2= Own weight of block (in tons), acting at its
gravity walls are subjected to a great deal of center of gravity (c.g.).
external forces. In this case, the stability of - Total stability forces acting on the wall:
the wall may be quite sensitive to many Total stability forces acting on the wall per
factors; depth of the wall, pulling force, soil meter length (in tons).
characteristics; and base stratum characteris-
tics. The effect of different factors on the
∑ Fstability = = ∑W1+ = ∑W2+ vertical crane load
(if exists).
stability needs to be investigated.
The study focuses on the analysis of
2.2. Failure forces
gravity quay walls. Design steps are written in
the form of computer program taking into
There are four horizontal forces acting as
account all factors affecting the analysis. This
static failure forces; Lateral earth pressures,
makes it possible to alternate factors in order
the pull bollard, the live load effect (PLL) and
to come to an ideal design.
the horizontal crane load effect.
2. Analysis of gravity quay walls - Pull bollard:
Pull bollard (in tons), acting at 0.4 m above
Two types of forces act on the gravity the top of quay wall level.
retaining quay wall, namely: stability forces
and failure forces.
Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 43 (2004), No. 5, 663-669 663
© Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University, Egypt.
B. El-Sharnouby et al./ Gravity quay walls
PA( sub ) =
K AγsubH 2 2 . e=
∑ M stability − ∑ M failure ,
2 2
∑ Fstability
f1 =
− ∑ Fstability 1 + 6* e
A gravity quay wall model has been
analyzed. Parameters implemented are shown
blocklength blocklength
in table 1. Fig. 1 shows configuration of the
plain concrete gravity quay wall.
f2 =
− ∑ Fstability 1 − 6* e .
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between lat-
blocklengt h blocklengt h eral pressure force acting on the bottom block
and he angle of internal friction for static
For last block the following conditions cases, respectively.
should be satisfied: It is clear that the angle of internal friction
f 1 <= Bearing Capacity of the foundation soil, has a significant influence on the magnitude
f 1, f 2 (–ve sign) compression and 2 * f 2 > f 1. If of pressure acting on the wall. A coarse
the conditions are not satisfied, we have to material backfill should be instructed behind
adjust the dimension of the bottom block and the wall with width equal at least 0.5 of the
the one directly above the bottom block. If this wall height at H.W.L level with slope 1:1 all
is not enough, we may enlarge the third block the way down. Deep walls are subjected to
from the base. increasing lateral pressures. Thus, increasing
the width of the coarse backfill material to be
4. Analysis and parametric study similar to the wall height may be recom-
mended. This probably decreases the lateral
The computer program has been used ex- pressures by a percentage of 25%. The
tensively to analyze the plain concrete blocks improper construct of the backfill or failing to
gravity quay wall. Hundreds of runs have been do so, for any reason, may double the
done. Results have been studied, tabulated, horizontal forces.
and presented in the form of charts.
Table 1
parameters of the quay wall model
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